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Posted to by Andriy Redko <> on 2022/01/01 00:29:31 UTC

Re: Apache Felix OSGI servlet bridge failing after 3.3.5 version upgrade

Hi Sandeep,

There were minor changes in the CXFNonSpringJaxrsServlet (between 3.3.4 and 3.3.5) to use 
provided DestinationRegistry but it seems like it should not trigger in your particular 
case. Could you please share a reproducer for the problem? Also, it is not clear how the 
deployment environment (container(s) / version(s)) looks like, thank you.

Best Regards,
    Andriy Redko

SA> Hi Team,

SA> I have upgraded CXF version in our working application from 3.3.4 to 3.3.5
SA> but after upgrading not able to access any URL.

SA> we have OsgiCxfNonSpringJaxrsServlet which extends CXFNonSpringJaxrsServlet
SA> and override below method

SA> protected void createServerFromApplication(String cName, ServletConfig
SA> servletConfig) throws ServletException {

SA> JAXRSServerFactoryBean bean =
SA> ResourceUtils.createApplication(odataApplication,
SA> MessageUtils.isTrue(ignoreParam),
SA> getStaticSubResolutionValue(servletConfig), false,null);

SA> String splitChar = getParameterSplitChar(servletConfig);
SA> setAllInterceptors(bean, servletConfig, splitChar);
SA> setInvoker(bean, servletConfig);
SA> setExtensions(bean, servletConfig);
SA> setDocLocation(bean, servletConfig);
SA> setSchemasLocations(bean, servletConfig);

SA> bean.setBus(getBus());

SA> bean.create();
SA> }

SA> in 3.3.4 it was working fine but in 3.3.5 servlet init failed and giving
SA> below error
SA> used by: org.apache.felix.log.LogException:
SA> org.apache.cxf.service.factory.ServiceConstructionException: There is an
SA> endpoint already running on /.

SA> solved above issue by providing diffrent address like below
SA> bean.setAddress(address);

SA> Not all the servlet showing registered but not able to access any of the
SA> URL getting 404

SA> Please find proxy servlet snippet from web.xml

SA> <listener>

SA> <listener-class>org.apache.felix.http.proxy.ProxyListener</listener-class>
SA>     </listener>

SA>     <filter>
SA> <filter-name>WebConsoleFilter</filter-name>
SA> <filter-class></filter-class>
SA> </filter>

SA> <filter-mapping>
SA> <filter-name>WebConsoleFilter</filter-name>
SA> <url-pattern>/system/console/*</url-pattern>
SA> <url-pattern>/system/console</url-pattern>
SA> </filter-mapping>

SA>     <servlet>
SA>         <servlet-name>proxy</servlet-name>

SA> <servlet-class>org.apache.felix.http.proxy.ProxyServlet</servlet-class>
SA>         <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>
SA>     </servlet>

SA>     <servlet-mapping>
SA>         <servlet-name>proxy</servlet-name>
SA>         <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
SA>     </servlet-mapping>

SA> application is working fine with cxf 3.3.4 but in 3.3.5 it's breaking, is
SA> there any changes related to proxy servlet or whiteboarding in 3.3.5?

SA> also observed org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.CXFNonSpringServlet with
SA> path '/cxf' get registred by default in  Servlet Context
SA> 'org.osgi.service.http' Registered Servlet Services
SA> which might causing this issue.

SA> Please help me with this upgrade.

SA> Thanks & Regards,
SA> Sandeep Ambule