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[18/51] [partial] hive git commit: Revert "HIVE-12442: Refactor/repackage HiveServer2's Thrift code so that it can be used in the tasks (Rohit Dholakia reviewed by Vaibhav Gumashta)"
diff --git a/service/if/TCLIService.thrift b/service/if/TCLIService.thrift
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..baf583f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/service/if/TCLIService.thrift
@@ -0,0 +1,1174 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Coding Conventions for this file:
+// Structs/Enums/Unions
+// * Struct, Enum, and Union names begin with a "T",
+//   and use a capital letter for each new word, with no underscores.
+// * All fields should be declared as either optional or required.
+// Functions
+// * Function names start with a capital letter and have a capital letter for
+//   each new word, with no underscores.
+// * Each function should take exactly one parameter, named TFunctionNameReq,
+//   and should return either void or TFunctionNameResp. This convention allows
+//   incremental updates.
+// Services
+// * Service names begin with the letter "T", use a capital letter for each
+//   new word (with no underscores), and end with the word "Service".
+namespace java org.apache.hive.service.cli.thrift
+namespace cpp apache.hive.service.cli.thrift
+// List of protocol versions. A new token should be
+// added to the end of this list every time a change is made.
+enum TProtocolVersion {
+  // V2 adds support for asynchronous execution
+  // V3 add varchar type, primitive type qualifiers
+  // V4 add decimal precision/scale, char type
+  // V5 adds error details when GetOperationStatus returns in error state
+  // V6 uses binary type for binary payload (was string) and uses columnar result set
+  // V7 adds support for delegation token based connection
+  // V8 adds support for interval types
+enum TTypeId {
+const set<TTypeId> PRIMITIVE_TYPES = [
+  TTypeId.INT_TYPE,
+const set<TTypeId> COMPLEX_TYPES = [
+const set<TTypeId> COLLECTION_TYPES = [
+const map<TTypeId,string> TYPE_NAMES = {
+  TTypeId.INT_TYPE: "INT",
+  TTypeId.MAP_TYPE: "MAP",
+// Thrift does not support recursively defined types or forward declarations,
+// which makes it difficult to represent Hive's nested types.
+// To get around these limitations TTypeDesc employs a type list that maps
+// integer "pointers" to TTypeEntry objects. The following examples show
+// how different types are represented using this scheme:
+// "INT":
+// TTypeDesc {
+//   types = [
+//     TTypeEntry.primitive_entry {
+//       type = INT_TYPE
+//     }
+//   ]
+// }
+// "ARRAY<INT>":
+// TTypeDesc {
+//   types = [
+//     TTypeEntry.array_entry {
+//       object_type_ptr = 1
+//     },
+//     TTypeEntry.primitive_entry {
+//       type = INT_TYPE
+//     }
+//   ]
+// }
+// TTypeDesc {
+//   types = [
+//     TTypeEntry.map_entry {
+//       key_type_ptr = 1
+//       value_type_ptr = 2
+//     },
+//     TTypeEntry.primitive_entry {
+//       type = INT_TYPE
+//     },
+//     TTypeEntry.primitive_entry {
+//       type = STRING_TYPE
+//     }
+//   ]
+// }
+typedef i32 TTypeEntryPtr
+// Valid TTypeQualifiers key names
+const string CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = "characterMaximumLength"
+// Type qualifier key name for decimal
+const string PRECISION = "precision"
+const string SCALE = "scale"
+union TTypeQualifierValue {
+  1: optional i32 i32Value
+  2: optional string stringValue
+// Type qualifiers for primitive type.
+struct TTypeQualifiers {
+  1: required map <string, TTypeQualifierValue> qualifiers
+// Type entry for a primitive type.
+struct TPrimitiveTypeEntry {
+  // The primitive type token. This must satisfy the condition
+  // that type is in the PRIMITIVE_TYPES set.
+  1: required TTypeId type
+  2: optional TTypeQualifiers typeQualifiers
+// Type entry for an ARRAY type.
+struct TArrayTypeEntry {
+  1: required TTypeEntryPtr objectTypePtr
+// Type entry for a MAP type.
+struct TMapTypeEntry {
+  1: required TTypeEntryPtr keyTypePtr
+  2: required TTypeEntryPtr valueTypePtr
+// Type entry for a STRUCT type.
+struct TStructTypeEntry {
+  1: required map<string, TTypeEntryPtr> nameToTypePtr
+// Type entry for a UNIONTYPE type.
+struct TUnionTypeEntry {
+  1: required map<string, TTypeEntryPtr> nameToTypePtr
+struct TUserDefinedTypeEntry {
+  // The fully qualified name of the class implementing this type.
+  1: required string typeClassName
+// We use a union here since Thrift does not support inheritance.
+union TTypeEntry {
+  1: TPrimitiveTypeEntry primitiveEntry
+  2: TArrayTypeEntry arrayEntry
+  3: TMapTypeEntry mapEntry
+  4: TStructTypeEntry structEntry
+  5: TUnionTypeEntry unionEntry
+  6: TUserDefinedTypeEntry userDefinedTypeEntry
+// Type descriptor for columns.
+struct TTypeDesc {
+  // The "top" type is always the first element of the list.
+  // If the top type is an ARRAY, MAP, STRUCT, or UNIONTYPE
+  // type, then subsequent elements represent nested types.
+  1: required list<TTypeEntry> types
+// A result set column descriptor.
+struct TColumnDesc {
+  // The name of the column
+  1: required string columnName
+  // The type descriptor for this column
+  2: required TTypeDesc typeDesc
+  // The ordinal position of this column in the schema
+  3: required i32 position
+  4: optional string comment
+// Metadata used to describe the schema (column names, types, comments)
+// of result sets.
+struct TTableSchema {
+  1: required list<TColumnDesc> columns
+// A Boolean column value.
+struct TBoolValue {
+  // NULL if value is unset.
+  1: optional bool value
+// A Byte column value.
+struct TByteValue {
+  // NULL if value is unset.
+  1: optional byte value
+// A signed, 16 bit column value.
+struct TI16Value {
+  // NULL if value is unset
+  1: optional i16 value
+// A signed, 32 bit column value
+struct TI32Value {
+  // NULL if value is unset
+  1: optional i32 value
+// A signed 64 bit column value
+struct TI64Value {
+  // NULL if value is unset
+  1: optional i64 value
+// A floating point 64 bit column value
+struct TDoubleValue {
+  // NULL if value is unset
+  1: optional double value
+struct TStringValue {
+  // NULL if value is unset
+  1: optional string value
+// A single column value in a result set.
+// Note that Hive's type system is richer than Thrift's,
+// so in some cases we have to map multiple Hive types
+// to the same Thrift type. On the client-side this is
+// disambiguated by looking at the Schema of the
+// result set.
+union TColumnValue {
+  1: TBoolValue   boolVal      // BOOLEAN
+  2: TByteValue   byteVal      // TINYINT
+  3: TI16Value    i16Val       // SMALLINT
+  4: TI32Value    i32Val       // INT
+  5: TI64Value    i64Val       // BIGINT, TIMESTAMP
+  6: TDoubleValue doubleVal    // FLOAT, DOUBLE
+// Represents a row in a rowset.
+struct TRow {
+  1: required list<TColumnValue> colVals
+struct TBoolColumn {
+  1: required list<bool> values
+  2: required binary nulls
+struct TByteColumn {
+  1: required list<byte> values
+  2: required binary nulls
+struct TI16Column {
+  1: required list<i16> values
+  2: required binary nulls
+struct TI32Column {
+  1: required list<i32> values
+  2: required binary nulls
+struct TI64Column {
+  1: required list<i64> values
+  2: required binary nulls
+struct TDoubleColumn {
+  1: required list<double> values
+  2: required binary nulls
+struct TStringColumn {
+  1: required list<string> values
+  2: required binary nulls
+struct TBinaryColumn {
+  1: required list<binary> values
+  2: required binary nulls
+// Note that Hive's type system is richer than Thrift's,
+// so in some cases we have to map multiple Hive types
+// to the same Thrift type. On the client-side this is
+// disambiguated by looking at the Schema of the
+// result set.
+union TColumn {
+  1: TBoolColumn   boolVal      // BOOLEAN
+  2: TByteColumn   byteVal      // TINYINT
+  3: TI16Column    i16Val       // SMALLINT
+  4: TI32Column    i32Val       // INT
+  5: TI64Column    i64Val       // BIGINT, TIMESTAMP
+  6: TDoubleColumn doubleVal    // FLOAT, DOUBLE
+  7: TStringColumn stringVal    // STRING, LIST, MAP, STRUCT, UNIONTYPE, DECIMAL, NULL
+  8: TBinaryColumn binaryVal    // BINARY
+// Represents a rowset
+struct TRowSet {
+  // The starting row offset of this rowset.
+  1: required i64 startRowOffset
+  2: required list<TRow> rows
+  3: optional list<TColumn> columns
+// The return status code contained in each response.
+enum TStatusCode {
+// The return status of a remote request
+struct TStatus {
+  1: required TStatusCode statusCode
+  // If status is SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, info_msgs may be populated with
+  // additional diagnostic information.
+  2: optional list<string> infoMessages
+  // If status is ERROR, then the following fields may be set
+  3: optional string sqlState  // as defined in the ISO/IEF CLI specification
+  4: optional i32 errorCode    // internal error code
+  5: optional string errorMessage
+// The state of an operation (i.e. a query or other
+// asynchronous operation that generates a result set)
+// on the server.
+enum TOperationState {
+  // The operation has been initialized
+  // The operation is running. In this state the result
+  // set is not available.
+  // The operation has completed. When an operation is in
+  // this state its result set may be fetched.
+  // The operation was canceled by a client
+  // The operation was closed by a client
+  // The operation failed due to an error
+  // The operation is in an unrecognized state
+  // The operation is in an pending state
+// A string identifier. This is interpreted literally.
+typedef string TIdentifier
+// A search pattern.
+// Valid search pattern characters:
+// '_': Any single character.
+// '%': Any sequence of zero or more characters.
+// '\': Escape character used to include special characters,
+//      e.g. '_', '%', '\'. If a '\' precedes a non-special
+//      character it has no special meaning and is interpreted
+//      literally.
+typedef string TPattern
+// A search pattern or identifier. Used as input
+// parameter for many of the catalog functions.
+typedef string TPatternOrIdentifier
+struct THandleIdentifier {
+  // 16 byte globally unique identifier
+  // This is the public ID of the handle and
+  // can be used for reporting.
+  1: required binary guid,
+  // 16 byte secret generated by the server
+  // and used to verify that the handle is not
+  // being hijacked by another user.
+  2: required binary secret,
+// Client-side handle to persistent
+// session information on the server-side.
+struct TSessionHandle {
+  1: required THandleIdentifier sessionId
+// The subtype of an OperationHandle.
+enum TOperationType {
+// Client-side reference to a task running
+// asynchronously on the server.
+struct TOperationHandle {
+  1: required THandleIdentifier operationId
+  2: required TOperationType operationType
+  // If hasResultSet = TRUE, then this operation
+  // generates a result set that can be fetched.
+  // Note that the result set may be empty.
+  //
+  // If hasResultSet = FALSE, then this operation
+  // does not generate a result set, and calling
+  // GetResultSetMetadata or FetchResults against
+  // this OperationHandle will generate an error.
+  3: required bool hasResultSet
+  // For operations that don't generate result sets,
+  // modifiedRowCount is either:
+  //
+  // 1) The number of rows that were modified by
+  //    the DML operation (e.g. number of rows inserted,
+  //    number of rows deleted, etc).
+  //
+  // 2) 0 for operations that don't modify or add rows.
+  //
+  // 3) < 0 if the operation is capable of modifiying rows,
+  //    but Hive is unable to determine how many rows were
+  //    modified. For example, Hive's LOAD DATA command
+  //    doesn't generate row count information because
+  //    Hive doesn't inspect the data as it is loaded.
+  //
+  // modifiedRowCount is unset if the operation generates
+  // a result set.
+  4: optional double modifiedRowCount
+// OpenSession()
+// Open a session (connection) on the server against
+// which operations may be executed.
+struct TOpenSessionReq {
+  // The version of the HiveServer2 protocol that the client is using.
+  1: required TProtocolVersion client_protocol = TProtocolVersion.HIVE_CLI_SERVICE_PROTOCOL_V8
+  // Username and password for authentication.
+  // Depending on the authentication scheme being used,
+  // this information may instead be provided by a lower
+  // protocol layer, in which case these fields may be
+  // left unset.
+  2: optional string username
+  3: optional string password
+  // Configuration overlay which is applied when the session is
+  // first created.
+  4: optional map<string, string> configuration
+struct TOpenSessionResp {
+  1: required TStatus status
+  // The protocol version that the server is using.
+  2: required TProtocolVersion serverProtocolVersion = TProtocolVersion.HIVE_CLI_SERVICE_PROTOCOL_V8
+  // Session Handle
+  3: optional TSessionHandle sessionHandle
+  // The configuration settings for this session.
+  4: optional map<string, string> configuration
+// CloseSession()
+// Closes the specified session and frees any resources
+// currently allocated to that session. Any open
+// operations in that session will be canceled.
+struct TCloseSessionReq {
+  1: required TSessionHandle sessionHandle
+struct TCloseSessionResp {
+  1: required TStatus status
+enum TGetInfoType {
+  CLI_DATA_SOURCE_NAME =                 2,
+  CLI_FETCH_DIRECTION =                  8,
+  CLI_SERVER_NAME =                      13,
+  CLI_SEARCH_PATTERN_ESCAPE =            14,
+  CLI_DBMS_NAME =                        17,
+  CLI_DBMS_VER =                         18,
+  CLI_ACCESSIBLE_TABLES =                19,
+  CLI_DATA_SOURCE_READ_ONLY =            25,
+  CLI_DEFAULT_TXN_ISOLATION =            26,
+  CLI_IDENTIFIER_CASE =                  28,
+  CLI_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR =            29,
+  CLI_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN =              30,
+  CLI_MAX_CURSOR_NAME_LEN =              31,
+  CLI_MAX_SCHEMA_NAME_LEN =              32,
+  CLI_MAX_CATALOG_NAME_LEN =             34,
+  CLI_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN =               35,
+  CLI_SCROLL_CONCURRENCY =               43,
+  CLI_TXN_CAPABLE =                      46,
+  CLI_USER_NAME =                        47,
+  CLI_TXN_ISOLATION_OPTION =             72,
+  CLI_INTEGRITY =                        73,
+  CLI_GETDATA_EXTENSIONS =               81,
+  CLI_NULL_COLLATION =                   85,
+  CLI_ALTER_TABLE =                      86,
+  CLI_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS =               94,
+  CLI_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_GROUP_BY =          97,
+  CLI_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_INDEX =             98,
+  CLI_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_ORDER_BY =          99,
+  CLI_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT =            100,
+  CLI_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_TABLE =             101,
+  CLI_MAX_INDEX_SIZE =                   102,
+  CLI_MAX_ROW_SIZE =                     104,
+  CLI_MAX_STATEMENT_LEN =                105,
+  CLI_MAX_TABLES_IN_SELECT =             106,
+  CLI_MAX_USER_NAME_LEN =                107,
+  CLI_OJ_CAPABILITIES =                  115,
+  CLI_XOPEN_CLI_YEAR =                   10000,
+  CLI_CURSOR_SENSITIVITY =               10001,
+  CLI_DESCRIBE_PARAMETER =               10002,
+  CLI_CATALOG_NAME =                     10003,
+  CLI_COLLATION_SEQ =                    10004,
+  CLI_MAX_IDENTIFIER_LEN =               10005,
+union TGetInfoValue {
+  1: string stringValue
+  2: i16 smallIntValue
+  3: i32 integerBitmask
+  4: i32 integerFlag
+  5: i32 binaryValue
+  6: i64 lenValue
+// GetInfo()
+// This function is based on ODBC's CLIGetInfo() function.
+// The function returns general information about the data source
+// using the same keys as ODBC.
+struct TGetInfoReq {
+  // The sesssion to run this request against
+  1: required TSessionHandle sessionHandle
+  2: required TGetInfoType infoType
+struct TGetInfoResp {
+  1: required TStatus status
+  2: required TGetInfoValue infoValue
+// ExecuteStatement()
+// Execute a statement.
+// The returned OperationHandle can be used to check on the
+// status of the statement, and to fetch results once the
+// statement has finished executing.
+struct TExecuteStatementReq {
+  // The session to execute the statement against
+  1: required TSessionHandle sessionHandle
+  // The statement to be executed (DML, DDL, SET, etc)
+  2: required string statement
+  // Configuration properties that are overlayed on top of the
+  // the existing session configuration before this statement
+  // is executed. These properties apply to this statement
+  // only and will not affect the subsequent state of the Session.
+  3: optional map<string, string> confOverlay
+  // Execute asynchronously when runAsync is true
+  4: optional bool runAsync = false
+struct TExecuteStatementResp {
+  1: required TStatus status
+  2: optional TOperationHandle operationHandle
+// GetTypeInfo()
+// Get information about types supported by the HiveServer instance.
+// The information is returned as a result set which can be fetched
+// using the OperationHandle provided in the response.
+// Refer to the documentation for ODBC's CLIGetTypeInfo function for
+// the format of the result set.
+struct TGetTypeInfoReq {
+  // The session to run this request against.
+  1: required TSessionHandle sessionHandle
+struct TGetTypeInfoResp {
+  1: required TStatus status
+  2: optional TOperationHandle operationHandle
+// GetCatalogs()
+// Returns the list of catalogs (databases) 
+// Results are ordered by TABLE_CATALOG 
+// Resultset columns :
+// col1
+// name: TABLE_CAT
+// type: STRING
+// desc: Catalog name. NULL if not applicable.
+struct TGetCatalogsReq {
+  // Session to run this request against
+  1: required TSessionHandle sessionHandle
+struct TGetCatalogsResp {
+  1: required TStatus status
+  2: optional TOperationHandle operationHandle
+// GetSchemas()
+// Retrieves the schema names available in this database. 
+// The results are ordered by TABLE_CATALOG and TABLE_SCHEM.
+// col1
+// name: TABLE_SCHEM
+// type: STRING
+// desc: schema name
+// col2
+// type: STRING
+// desc: catalog name
+struct TGetSchemasReq {
+  // Session to run this request against
+  1: required TSessionHandle sessionHandle
+  // Name of the catalog. Must not contain a search pattern.
+  2: optional TIdentifier catalogName
+  // schema name or pattern
+  3: optional TPatternOrIdentifier schemaName
+struct TGetSchemasResp {
+  1: required TStatus status
+  2: optional TOperationHandle operationHandle
+// GetTables()
+// Returns a list of tables with catalog, schema, and table
+// type information. The information is returned as a result
+// set which can be fetched using the OperationHandle
+// provided in the response.
+// Results are ordered by TABLE_TYPE, TABLE_CAT, TABLE_SCHEM, and TABLE_NAME
+// Result Set Columns:
+// col1
+// name: TABLE_CAT
+// type: STRING
+// desc: Catalog name. NULL if not applicable.
+// col2
+// name: TABLE_SCHEM
+// type: STRING
+// desc: Schema name.
+// col3
+// name: TABLE_NAME
+// type: STRING
+// desc: Table name.
+// col4
+// name: TABLE_TYPE
+// type: STRING
+// desc: The table type, e.g. "TABLE", "VIEW", etc.
+// col5
+// name: REMARKS
+// type: STRING
+// desc: Comments about the table
+struct TGetTablesReq {
+  // Session to run this request against
+  1: required TSessionHandle sessionHandle
+  // Name of the catalog or a search pattern.
+  2: optional TPatternOrIdentifier catalogName
+  // Name of the schema or a search pattern.
+  3: optional TPatternOrIdentifier schemaName
+  // Name of the table or a search pattern.
+  4: optional TPatternOrIdentifier tableName
+  // List of table types to match
+  5: optional list<string> tableTypes
+struct TGetTablesResp {
+  1: required TStatus status
+  2: optional TOperationHandle operationHandle
+// GetTableTypes()
+// Returns the table types available in this database. 
+// The results are ordered by table type. 
+// col1
+// name: TABLE_TYPE
+// type: STRING
+// desc: Table type name.
+struct TGetTableTypesReq {
+  // Session to run this request against
+  1: required TSessionHandle sessionHandle
+struct TGetTableTypesResp {
+  1: required TStatus status
+  2: optional TOperationHandle operationHandle
+// GetColumns()
+// Returns a list of columns in the specified tables.
+// The information is returned as a result set which can be fetched
+// using the OperationHandle provided in the response.
+// Results are ordered by TABLE_CAT, TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME, 
+// Result Set Columns are the same as those for the ODBC CLIColumns
+// function.
+struct TGetColumnsReq {
+  // Session to run this request against
+  1: required TSessionHandle sessionHandle
+  // Name of the catalog. Must not contain a search pattern.
+  2: optional TIdentifier catalogName
+  // Schema name or search pattern
+  3: optional TPatternOrIdentifier schemaName
+  // Table name or search pattern
+  4: optional TPatternOrIdentifier tableName
+  // Column name or search pattern
+  5: optional TPatternOrIdentifier columnName
+struct TGetColumnsResp {
+  1: required TStatus status
+  2: optional TOperationHandle operationHandle
+// GetFunctions()
+// Returns a list of functions supported by the data source. The
+// behavior of this function matches
+// java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.getFunctions() both in terms of
+// inputs and outputs.
+// Result Set Columns:
+// col1
+// name: FUNCTION_CAT
+// type: STRING
+// desc: Function catalog (may be null)
+// col2
+// type: STRING
+// desc: Function schema (may be null)
+// col3
+// type: STRING
+// desc: Function name. This is the name used to invoke the function.
+// col4
+// name: REMARKS
+// type: STRING
+// desc: Explanatory comment on the function.
+// col5
+// type: SMALLINT
+// desc: Kind of function. One of:
+//       * functionResultUnknown - Cannot determine if a return value or a table
+//                                 will be returned.
+//       * functionNoTable       - Does not a return a table.
+//       * functionReturnsTable  - Returns a table.
+// col6
+// type: STRING
+// desc: The name which uniquely identifies this function within its schema.
+//       In this case this is the fully qualified class name of the class
+//       that implements this function.
+struct TGetFunctionsReq {
+  // Session to run this request against
+  1: required TSessionHandle sessionHandle
+  // A catalog name; must match the catalog name as it is stored in the
+  // database; "" retrieves those without a catalog; null means
+  // that the catalog name should not be used to narrow the search.
+  2: optional TIdentifier catalogName
+  // A schema name pattern; must match the schema name as it is stored
+  // in the database; "" retrieves those without a schema; null means
+  // that the schema name should not be used to narrow the search.
+  3: optional TPatternOrIdentifier schemaName
+  // A function name pattern; must match the function name as it is stored
+  // in the database.
+  4: required TPatternOrIdentifier functionName
+struct TGetFunctionsResp {
+  1: required TStatus status
+  2: optional TOperationHandle operationHandle
+// GetOperationStatus()
+// Get the status of an operation running on the server.
+struct TGetOperationStatusReq {
+  // Session to run this request against
+  1: required TOperationHandle operationHandle
+struct TGetOperationStatusResp {
+  1: required TStatus status
+  2: optional TOperationState operationState
+  // If operationState is ERROR_STATE, then the following fields may be set
+  // sqlState as defined in the ISO/IEF CLI specification
+  3: optional string sqlState
+  // Internal error code
+  4: optional i32 errorCode
+  // Error message
+  5: optional string errorMessage
+// CancelOperation()
+// Cancels processing on the specified operation handle and
+// frees any resources which were allocated.
+struct TCancelOperationReq {
+  // Operation to cancel
+  1: required TOperationHandle operationHandle
+struct TCancelOperationResp {
+  1: required TStatus status
+// CloseOperation()
+// Given an operation in the FINISHED, CANCELED,
+// or ERROR states, CloseOperation() will free
+// all of the resources which were allocated on
+// the server to service the operation.
+struct TCloseOperationReq {
+  1: required TOperationHandle operationHandle
+struct TCloseOperationResp {
+  1: required TStatus status
+// GetResultSetMetadata()
+// Retrieves schema information for the specified operation
+struct TGetResultSetMetadataReq {
+  // Operation for which to fetch result set schema information
+  1: required TOperationHandle operationHandle
+struct TGetResultSetMetadataResp {
+  1: required TStatus status
+  2: optional TTableSchema schema
+enum TFetchOrientation {
+  // Get the next rowset. The fetch offset is ignored.
+  // Get the previous rowset. The fetch offset is ignored.
+  // Return the rowset at the given fetch offset relative
+  // to the curren rowset.
+  // Return the rowset at the specified fetch offset.
+  // Get the first rowset in the result set.
+  // Get the last rowset in the result set.
+// FetchResults()
+// Fetch rows from the server corresponding to
+// a particular OperationHandle.
+struct TFetchResultsReq {
+  // Operation from which to fetch results.
+  1: required TOperationHandle operationHandle
+  // The fetch orientation. For V1 this must be either
+  2: required TFetchOrientation orientation = TFetchOrientation.FETCH_NEXT
+  // Max number of rows that should be returned in
+  // the rowset.
+  3: required i64 maxRows
+  // The type of a fetch results request. 0 represents Query output. 1 represents Log
+  4: optional i16 fetchType = 0
+struct TFetchResultsResp {
+  1: required TStatus status
+  // TRUE if there are more rows left to fetch from the server.
+  2: optional bool hasMoreRows
+  // The rowset. This is optional so that we have the
+  // option in the future of adding alternate formats for
+  // representing result set data, e.g. delimited strings,
+  // binary encoded, etc.
+  3: optional TRowSet results
+// GetDelegationToken()
+// Retrieve delegation token for the current user
+struct  TGetDelegationTokenReq {
+  // session handle
+  1: required TSessionHandle sessionHandle
+  // userid for the proxy user
+  2: required string owner
+  // designated renewer userid
+  3: required string renewer
+struct TGetDelegationTokenResp {
+  // status of the request
+  1: required TStatus status
+  // delegation token string
+  2: optional string delegationToken
+// CancelDelegationToken()
+// Cancel the given delegation token
+struct TCancelDelegationTokenReq {
+  // session handle
+  1: required TSessionHandle sessionHandle
+  // delegation token to cancel
+  2: required string delegationToken
+struct TCancelDelegationTokenResp {
+  // status of the request
+  1: required TStatus status
+// RenewDelegationToken()
+// Renew the given delegation token
+struct TRenewDelegationTokenReq {
+  // session handle
+  1: required TSessionHandle sessionHandle
+  // delegation token to renew
+  2: required string delegationToken
+struct TRenewDelegationTokenResp {
+  // status of the request
+  1: required TStatus status
+service TCLIService {
+  TOpenSessionResp OpenSession(1:TOpenSessionReq req);
+  TCloseSessionResp CloseSession(1:TCloseSessionReq req);
+  TGetInfoResp GetInfo(1:TGetInfoReq req);
+  TExecuteStatementResp ExecuteStatement(1:TExecuteStatementReq req);
+  TGetTypeInfoResp GetTypeInfo(1:TGetTypeInfoReq req);
+  TGetCatalogsResp GetCatalogs(1:TGetCatalogsReq req);
+  TGetSchemasResp GetSchemas(1:TGetSchemasReq req);
+  TGetTablesResp GetTables(1:TGetTablesReq req);
+  TGetTableTypesResp GetTableTypes(1:TGetTableTypesReq req);
+  TGetColumnsResp GetColumns(1:TGetColumnsReq req);
+  TGetFunctionsResp GetFunctions(1:TGetFunctionsReq req);
+  TGetOperationStatusResp GetOperationStatus(1:TGetOperationStatusReq req);
+  TCancelOperationResp CancelOperation(1:TCancelOperationReq req);
+  TCloseOperationResp CloseOperation(1:TCloseOperationReq req);
+  TGetResultSetMetadataResp GetResultSetMetadata(1:TGetResultSetMetadataReq req);
+  TFetchResultsResp FetchResults(1:TFetchResultsReq req);
+  TGetDelegationTokenResp GetDelegationToken(1:TGetDelegationTokenReq req);
+  TCancelDelegationTokenResp CancelDelegationToken(1:TCancelDelegationTokenReq req);
+  TRenewDelegationTokenResp RenewDelegationToken(1:TRenewDelegationTokenReq req);
diff --git a/service/pom.xml b/service/pom.xml
index 8760966..c3bb836 100644
--- a/service/pom.xml
+++ b/service/pom.xml
@@ -44,11 +44,6 @@
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>org.apache.hive</groupId>
-      <artifactId>hive-service-rpc</artifactId>
-      <version>${project.version}</version>
-    </dependency>
     <!-- inter-project -->
@@ -136,13 +131,13 @@
-      <dependency>
-        <groupId>org.apache.hive</groupId>
-        <artifactId>hive-common</artifactId>
-        <version>${project.version}</version>
-        <scope>test</scope>
-        <type>test-jar</type>
-      </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.apache.hive</groupId>
+      <artifactId>hive-common</artifactId>
+      <version>${project.version}</version>
+      <scope>test</scope>
+      <type>test-jar</type>
+    </dependency>
     <!-- test inter-project -->
@@ -165,6 +160,26 @@
+        <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
+        <artifactId>build-helper-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+        <executions>
+          <execution>
+            <id>add-source</id>
+            <phase>generate-sources</phase>
+            <goals>
+              <goal>add-source</goal>
+            </goals>
+            <configuration>
+              <sources>
+                <source>src/model</source>
+                <source>src/gen/thrift/gen-javabean</source>
+                <source>${}/generated-sources/java</source>
+              </sources>
+            </configuration>
+          </execution>
+        </executions>
+      </plugin>
+      <plugin>
           <!-- Generate web app sources -->