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Posted to by Stas Bekman <> on 2000/04/09 16:27:00 UTC

ANNOUNCE: mod_perl Guide ver 1.22

The mod_perl Guide version 1.22 is out. Read it online at or grab the POD sources from CPAN:

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/S/ST/STAS/Apache-mod_perl_guide-1.22.tar.gz
  size: 423613 bytes
   md5: 05fe69c80269e561490ad41a72b6a412

Please allow up to six hours for your favorite mirror to get the new


* intro: updated the long due credits section

* snippets: new: "Authentication Snippets" (Michael Finke, Eric

* debug: new: "Apache::DumpHeaders" (Ask Bjoern Hansen)

* debug: new: "Apache::DebugInfo" (Geoffrey Young)

* config: updated: "PerlFreshRestart" with DSO notes (Doug, Vivek

* troubleshooting: new: "Can't upgrade that kind of scalar ..." (Doug)

* performance: new: "Bloatware" (Tom Christiansen)

* performance: new: " versus Apache::Request" (Doug)

* performance: new: "Apache::Registry versus pure PerlHandler" (Doug)

* performance: new: "TMTOWTDI: Convenience and Performance"

* install: "Is it possible to run mod_perl enabled Apache as suExec?"
  (Randal L. Schwartz, Matt Sergeant)

* performance: updated: "Benchmarking PerlHandlers"

* performance: new: "Keeping the Shared Memory Limit"

* porting: new: "File tests operators"

* performance: updated "PerlSetupEnv Off" with a test script

* snippets: new: "Getting the Front-end Server's Name in the Back-end
  Server" (Sean Dague)

* porting: extended "Taint mode" -- a suggestion for services that
  move to mod_perl and have part of the scripts that won't run under
  enabled Taint mode (Gunther Birznieks, Ken Williams)

* modules: new: "Apache::OutputChain -- Chain Stacked Perl Handlers"
  (Honza Pazdziora, Eric Cholet)

* snippets: new: "SSI and Embperl -- Doing Both" (Michael Schout)

* performance: new: "-Dusemymalloc Perl Build Option" (Doug, Jeffrey
  W. Baker)

* strategy: added unedited answer for the question "Multithreading or
  not Multithreading" (Shane

* install: updated "Automating installation" (James G Smith)

* performance: added a workaround for limiting memory usage under
  Linux to "Limiting the Resources Used by httpd Children" (Kevin

* debug: added clarification fd leakage in "Safe Resource Locking"
  (Bill Moseley)

* multiuser: extended the scenario for multi-user/multi-webserver on
  one machine option, how to enforce port and similar settings without
  forbidding user to modify his httpd.conf. (inspired by Greg Cope)

* scenario: new: "Caching in mod_proxy" (Ilya Obshadko)

* porting: new: "Accessing Request Object in non-Perl*Handler Modules"

* config: new: "Adding Custom Configuration Directives" (Doug)

* snippets: new: "Convert a POST Request into a GET Request" (Doug)

* scenario: extended the "Getting the Remote Server IP in the Back-end
  server in the Proxy Setup" section with notes about the modules
  configuration precedence problem and its solution. (Ilya Obshadko,
  Ewan Edwards)

* strategy: new "Pros and Cons of Building mod_perl as DSO" (based on by Ralf S. Engelschall)

* strategy: new: "mod_perl and mod_ssl" (Tom Mornini, Vivek Khera, Mads

* snippets: added a "PerlTransHandler example" (Randal L. Schwartz,
  Ajay Shah)

* config: extended examples for "<Perl> sections", added the package
  declaration caveat, Apache::ReadConfig namespace and more.

* performance: extended the "Reducing the Number of stat() Calls"
  section, with examples of PerlTransHandler and reducing stat()s for
  .htaccess look-ups

* help: added the and Gerald Richter's article reference

* porting: updated the "Right headers generation": OS with EBCDIC as
  character set and sending proper headers. (Doug)

* porting: added: "Apache::print() and CORE::print()" (Doug)

* debug: updated: Sys::Signal, SIGALRM and perl5.6 issue (Doug and Bill

* config: $Apache::Server::StrictPerlSections (Doug)

* scenario: more practical mod_rewrite examples by Geoffrey Young.

* minor corrections: download.pod by Ron Pool, scenario.pod by Terry
  West and Eric Cholet, config.pod by Richard More, performance.pod by
  Stephen Judd and Steve Reppucci, frequent.pod by Andreas Piesk.

* review: Mark Summerfield has joined the group of the kind people who
  review and correct the Guide. He has reviewed these chapters:
  advocacy, config, control, databases, dbm, debug, download,
  frequent, hardware, help, install.

* review: Ged W. Haywood was very kind to review and correct the
  debug chapter.


Stas Bekman             | JAm_pH    --    Just Another mod_perl Hacker      | mod_perl Guide  ||