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[08/46] incubator-metron git commit: METRON-237 Remove metron-ui from the code base. (mmiklavcic via cestella) closes apache/incubator-metron#159
diff --git a/metron-ui/lib/public/vendor/jquery/jquery.flot.pie.js b/metron-ui/lib/public/vendor/jquery/jquery.flot.pie.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 9915863..0000000
--- a/metron-ui/lib/public/vendor/jquery/jquery.flot.pie.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,817 +0,0 @@
-/* Flot plugin for rendering pie charts.
-Copyright (c) 2007-2013 IOLA and Ole Laursen.
-Licensed under the MIT license.
-The plugin assumes that each series has a single data value, and that each
-value is a positive integer or zero.  Negative numbers don't make sense for a
-pie chart, and have unpredictable results.  The values do NOT need to be
-passed in as percentages; the plugin will calculate the total and per-slice
-percentages internally.
-* Created by Brian Medendorp
-* Updated with contributions from btburnett3, Anthony Aragues and Xavi Ivars
-The plugin supports these options:
-	series: {
-		pie: {
-			show: true/false
-			radius: 0-1 for percentage of fullsize, or a specified pixel length, or 'auto'
-			innerRadius: 0-1 for percentage of fullsize or a specified pixel length, for creating a donut effect
-			startAngle: 0-2 factor of PI used for starting angle (in radians) i.e 3/2 starts at the top, 0 and 2 have the same result
-			tilt: 0-1 for percentage to tilt the pie, where 1 is no tilt, and 0 is completely flat (nothing will show)
-			offset: {
-				top: integer value to move the pie up or down
-				left: integer value to move the pie left or right, or 'auto'
-			},
-			stroke: {
-				color: any hexidecimal color value (other formats may or may not work, so best to stick with something like '#FFF')
-				width: integer pixel width of the stroke
-			},
-			label: {
-				show: true/false, or 'auto'
-				formatter:  a user-defined function that modifies the text/style of the label text
-				radius: 0-1 for percentage of fullsize, or a specified pixel length
-				background: {
-					color: any hexidecimal color value (other formats may or may not work, so best to stick with something like '#000')
-					opacity: 0-1
-				},
-				threshold: 0-1 for the percentage value at which to hide labels (if they're too small)
-			},
-			combine: {
-				threshold: 0-1 for the percentage value at which to combine slices (if they're too small)
-				color: any hexidecimal color value (other formats may or may not work, so best to stick with something like '#CCC'), if null, the plugin will automatically use the color of the first slice to be combined
-				label: any text value of what the combined slice should be labeled
-			}
-			highlight: {
-				opacity: 0-1
-			}
-		}
-	}
-More detail and specific examples can be found in the included HTML file.
-(function($) {
-	// Maximum redraw attempts when fitting labels within the plot
-	// Factor by which to shrink the pie when fitting labels within the plot
-	var REDRAW_SHRINK = 0.95;
-	function init(plot) {
-		var canvas = null,
-			target = null,
-			options = null,
-			maxRadius = null,
-			centerLeft = null,
-			centerTop = null,
-			processed = false,
-			ctx = null;
-		// interactive variables
-		var highlights = [];
-		// add hook to determine if pie plugin in enabled, and then perform necessary operations
-		plot.hooks.processOptions.push(function(plot, options) {
-			if ( {
- = false;
-				// set
-				if ( == "auto") {
-					if ( {
- = false;
-					} else {
- = true;
-					}
-				}
-				// set radius
-				if (options.series.pie.radius == "auto") {
-					if ( {
-						options.series.pie.radius = 3/4;
-					} else {
-						options.series.pie.radius = 1;
-					}
-				}
-				// ensure sane tilt
-				if (options.series.pie.tilt > 1) {
-					options.series.pie.tilt = 1;
-				} else if (options.series.pie.tilt < 0) {
-					options.series.pie.tilt = 0;
-				}
-			}
-		});
-		plot.hooks.bindEvents.push(function(plot, eventHolder) {
-			var options = plot.getOptions();
-			if ( {
-				if (options.grid.hoverable) {
-					eventHolder.unbind("mousemove").mousemove(onMouseMove);
-				}
-				if (options.grid.clickable) {
-					eventHolder.unbind("click").click(onClick);
-				}
-			}
-		});
-		plot.hooks.processDatapoints.push(function(plot, series, data, datapoints) {
-			var options = plot.getOptions();
-			if ( {
-				processDatapoints(plot, series, data, datapoints);
-			}
-		});
-		plot.hooks.drawOverlay.push(function(plot, octx) {
-			var options = plot.getOptions();
-			if ( {
-				drawOverlay(plot, octx);
-			}
-		});
-		plot.hooks.draw.push(function(plot, newCtx) {
-			var options = plot.getOptions();
-			if ( {
-				draw(plot, newCtx);
-			}
-		});
-		function processDatapoints(plot, series, datapoints) {
-			if (!processed)	{
-				processed = true;
-				canvas = plot.getCanvas();
-				target = $(canvas).parent();
-				options = plot.getOptions();
-				plot.setData(combine(plot.getData()));
-			}
-		}
-		function combine(data) {
-			var total = 0,
-				combined = 0,
-				numCombined = 0,
-				color = options.series.pie.combine.color,
-				newdata = [];
-			// Fix up the raw data from Flot, ensuring the data is numeric
-			for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
-				var value = data[i].data;
-				// If the data is an array, we'll assume that it's a standard
-				// Flot x-y pair, and are concerned only with the second value.
-				// Note how we use the original array, rather than creating a
-				// new one; this is more efficient and preserves any extra data
-				// that the user may have stored in higher indexes.
-				if ($.isArray(value) && value.length == 1) {
-    				value = value[0];
-				}
-				if ($.isArray(value)) {
-					// Equivalent to $.isNumeric() but compatible with jQuery < 1.7
-					if (!isNaN(parseFloat(value[1])) && isFinite(value[1])) {
-						value[1] = +value[1];
-					} else {
-						value[1] = 0;
-					}
-				} else if (!isNaN(parseFloat(value)) && isFinite(value)) {
-					value = [1, +value];
-				} else {
-					value = [1, 0];
-				}
-				data[i].data = [value];
-			}
-			// Sum up all the slices, so we can calculate percentages for each
-			for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
-				total += data[i].data[0][1];
-			}
-			// Count the number of slices with percentages below the combine
-			// threshold; if it turns out to be just one, we won't combine.
-			for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
-				var value = data[i].data[0][1];
-				if (value / total <= options.series.pie.combine.threshold) {
-					combined += value;
-					numCombined++;
-					if (!color) {
-						color = data[i].color;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
-				var value = data[i].data[0][1];
-				if (numCombined < 2 || value / total > options.series.pie.combine.threshold) {
-					newdata.push({
-						data: [[1, value]],
-						color: data[i].color,
-						label: data[i].label,
-						angle: value * Math.PI * 2 / total,
-						percent: value / (total / 100)
-					});
-				}
-			}
-			if (numCombined > 1) {
-				newdata.push({
-					data: [[1, combined]],
-					color: color,
-					label: options.series.pie.combine.label,
-					angle: combined * Math.PI * 2 / total,
-					percent: combined / (total / 100)
-				});
-			}
-			return newdata;
-		}
-		function draw(plot, newCtx) {
-			if (!target) {
-				return; // if no series were passed
-			}
-			var canvasWidth = plot.getPlaceholder().width(),
-				canvasHeight = plot.getPlaceholder().height(),
-				legendWidth = target.children().filter(".legend").children().width() || 0;
-			ctx = newCtx;
-			// When combining smaller slices into an 'other' slice, we need to
-			// add a new series.  Since Flot gives plugins no way to modify the
-			// list of series, the pie plugin uses a hack where the first call
-			// to processDatapoints results in a call to setData with the new
-			// list of series, then subsequent processDatapoints do nothing.
-			// The plugin-global 'processed' flag is used to control this hack;
-			// it starts out false, and is set to true after the first call to
-			// processDatapoints.
-			// Unfortunately this turns future setData calls into no-ops; they
-			// call processDatapoints, the flag is true, and nothing happens.
-			// To fix this we'll set the flag back to false here in draw, when
-			// all series have been processed, so the next sequence of calls to
-			// processDatapoints once again starts out with a slice-combine.
-			// This is really a hack; in 0.9 we need to give plugins a proper
-			// way to modify series before any processing begins.
-			processed = false;
-			// calculate maximum radius and center point
-			maxRadius =  Math.min(canvasWidth, canvasHeight / options.series.pie.tilt) / 2;
-			centerTop = canvasHeight / 2 +;
-			centerLeft = canvasWidth / 2;
-			if (options.series.pie.offset.left == "auto") {
-				if (options.legend.position.match("w")) {
-					centerLeft += legendWidth / 2;
-				} else {
-					centerLeft -= legendWidth / 2;
-				}
-				if (centerLeft < maxRadius) {
-					centerLeft = maxRadius;
-				} else if (centerLeft > canvasWidth - maxRadius) {
-					centerLeft = canvasWidth - maxRadius;
-				}
-			} else {
-				centerLeft += options.series.pie.offset.left;
-			}
-			var slices = plot.getData(),
-				attempts = 0;
-			// Keep shrinking the pie's radius until drawPie returns true,
-			// indicating that all the labels fit, or we try too many times.
-			do {
-				if (attempts > 0) {
-					maxRadius *= REDRAW_SHRINK;
-				}
-				attempts += 1;
-				clear();
-				if (options.series.pie.tilt <= 0.8) {
-					drawShadow();
-				}
-			} while (!drawPie() && attempts < REDRAW_ATTEMPTS)
-			if (attempts >= REDRAW_ATTEMPTS) {
-				clear();
-				target.prepend("<div class='error'>Could not draw pie with labels contained inside canvas</div>");
-			}
-			if (plot.setSeries && plot.insertLegend) {
-				plot.setSeries(slices);
-				plot.insertLegend();
-			}
-			// we're actually done at this point, just defining internal functions at this point
-			function clear() {
-				ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
-				target.children().filter(".pieLabel, .pieLabelBackground").remove();
-			}
-			function drawShadow() {
-				var shadowLeft = options.series.pie.shadow.left;
-				var shadowTop =;
-				var edge = 10;
-				var alpha = options.series.pie.shadow.alpha;
-				var radius = options.series.pie.radius > 1 ? options.series.pie.radius : maxRadius * options.series.pie.radius;
-				if (radius >= canvasWidth / 2 - shadowLeft || radius * options.series.pie.tilt >= canvasHeight / 2 - shadowTop || radius <= edge) {
-					return;	// shadow would be outside canvas, so don't draw it
-				}
-				ctx.translate(shadowLeft,shadowTop);
-				ctx.globalAlpha = alpha;
-				ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
-				// center and rotate to starting position
-				ctx.translate(centerLeft,centerTop);
-				ctx.scale(1, options.series.pie.tilt);
-				//radius -= edge;
-				for (var i = 1; i <= edge; i++) {
-					ctx.beginPath();
-					ctx.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
-					ctx.fill();
-					radius -= i;
-				}
-				ctx.restore();
-			}
-			function drawPie() {
-				var startAngle = Math.PI * options.series.pie.startAngle;
-				var radius = options.series.pie.radius > 1 ? options.series.pie.radius : maxRadius * options.series.pie.radius;
-				// center and rotate to starting position
-				ctx.translate(centerLeft,centerTop);
-				ctx.scale(1, options.series.pie.tilt);
-				//ctx.rotate(startAngle); // start at top; -- This doesn't work properly in Opera
-				// draw slices
-				var currentAngle = startAngle;
-				for (var i = 0; i < slices.length; ++i) {
-					slices[i].startAngle = currentAngle;
-					drawSlice(slices[i].angle, slices[i].color, true);
-				}
-				ctx.restore();
-				// draw slice outlines
-				if (options.series.pie.stroke.width > 0) {
-					ctx.lineWidth = options.series.pie.stroke.width;
-					currentAngle = startAngle;
-					for (var i = 0; i < slices.length; ++i) {
-						drawSlice(slices[i].angle, options.series.pie.stroke.color, false);
-					}
-					ctx.restore();
-				}
-				// draw donut hole
-				drawDonutHole(ctx);
-				ctx.restore();
-				// Draw the labels, returning true if they fit within the plot
-				if ( {
-					return drawLabels();
-				} else return true;
-				function drawSlice(angle, color, fill) {
-					if (angle <= 0 || isNaN(angle)) {
-						return;
-					}
-					if (fill) {
-						ctx.fillStyle = color;
-					} else {
-						ctx.strokeStyle = color;
-						ctx.lineJoin = "round";
-					}
-					ctx.beginPath();
-					if (Math.abs(angle - Math.PI * 2) > 0.000000001) {
-						ctx.moveTo(0, 0); // Center of the pie
-					}
-					//ctx.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, angle, false); // This doesn't work properly in Opera
-					ctx.arc(0, 0, radius,currentAngle, currentAngle + angle / 2, false);
-					ctx.arc(0, 0, radius,currentAngle + angle / 2, currentAngle + angle, false);
-					ctx.closePath();
-					//ctx.rotate(angle); // This doesn't work properly in Opera
-					currentAngle += angle;
-					if (fill) {
-						ctx.fill();
-					} else {
-						ctx.stroke();
-					}
-				}
-				function drawLabels() {
-					var currentAngle = startAngle;
-					var radius = options.series.pie.label.radius > 1 ? options.series.pie.label.radius : maxRadius * options.series.pie.label.radius;
-					for (var i = 0; i < slices.length; ++i) {
-						if (slices[i].percent >= options.series.pie.label.threshold * 100) {
-							if (!drawLabel(slices[i], currentAngle, i)) {
-								return false;
-							}
-						}
-						currentAngle += slices[i].angle;
-					}
-					return true;
-					function drawLabel(slice, startAngle, index) {
-						if ([0][1] == 0) {
-							return true;
-						}
-						// format label text
-						var lf = options.legend.labelFormatter, text, plf = options.series.pie.label.formatter;
-						if (lf) {
-							text = lf(slice.label, slice);
-						} else {
-							text = slice.label;
-						}
-						if (plf) {
-							text = plf(text, slice);
-						}
-						var halfAngle = ((startAngle + slice.angle) + startAngle) / 2;
-						var x = centerLeft + Math.round(Math.cos(halfAngle) * radius);
-						var y = centerTop + Math.round(Math.sin(halfAngle) * radius) * options.series.pie.tilt;
-						var html = "<span class='pieLabel' id='pieLabel" + index + "' style='position:absolute;top:" + y + "px;left:" + x + "px;'>" + text + "</span>";
-						target.append(html);
-						var label = target.children("#pieLabel" + index);
-						var labelTop = (y - label.height() / 2);
-						var labelLeft = (x - label.width() / 2);
-						label.css("top", labelTop);
-						label.css("left", labelLeft);
-						// check to make sure that the label is not outside the canvas
-						if (0 - labelTop > 0 || 0 - labelLeft > 0 || canvasHeight - (labelTop + label.height()) < 0 || canvasWidth - (labelLeft + label.width()) < 0) {
-							return false;
-						}
-						if (options.series.pie.label.background.opacity != 0) {
-							// put in the transparent background separately to avoid blended labels and label boxes
-							var c = options.series.pie.label.background.color;
-							if (c == null) {
-								c = slice.color;
-							}
-							var pos = "top:" + labelTop + "px;left:" + labelLeft + "px;";
-							$("<div class='pieLabelBackground' style='position:absolute;width:" + label.width() + "px;height:" + label.height() + "px;" + pos + "background-color:" + c + ";'></div>")
-								.css("opacity", options.series.pie.label.background.opacity)
-								.insertBefore(label);
-						}
-						return true;
-					} // end individual label function
-				} // end drawLabels function
-			} // end drawPie function
-		} // end draw function
-		// Placed here because it needs to be accessed from multiple locations
-		function drawDonutHole(layer) {
-			if (options.series.pie.innerRadius > 0) {
-				// subtract the center
-				var innerRadius = options.series.pie.innerRadius > 1 ? options.series.pie.innerRadius : maxRadius * options.series.pie.innerRadius;
-				layer.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out"; // this does not work with excanvas, but it will fall back to using the stroke color
-				layer.beginPath();
-				layer.fillStyle = options.series.pie.stroke.color;
-				layer.arc(0, 0, innerRadius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
-				layer.fill();
-				layer.closePath();
-				layer.restore();
-				// add inner stroke
-				layer.beginPath();
-				layer.strokeStyle = options.series.pie.stroke.color;
-				layer.arc(0, 0, innerRadius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
-				layer.stroke();
-				layer.closePath();
-				layer.restore();
-				// TODO: add extra shadow inside hole (with a mask) if the pie is tilted.
-			}
-		}
-		//-- Additional Interactive related functions --
-		function isPointInPoly(poly, pt) {
-			for(var c = false, i = -1, l = poly.length, j = l - 1; ++i < l; j = i)
-				((poly[i][1] <= pt[1] && pt[1] < poly[j][1]) || (poly[j][1] <= pt[1] && pt[1]< poly[i][1]))
-				&& (pt[0] < (poly[j][0] - poly[i][0]) * (pt[1] - poly[i][1]) / (poly[j][1] - poly[i][1]) + poly[i][0])
-				&& (c = !c);
-			return c;
-		}
-		function findNearbySlice(mouseX, mouseY) {
-			var slices = plot.getData(),
-				options = plot.getOptions(),
-				radius = options.series.pie.radius > 1 ? options.series.pie.radius : maxRadius * options.series.pie.radius,
-				x, y;
-			for (var i = 0; i < slices.length; ++i) {
-				var s = slices[i];
-				if ( {
-					ctx.beginPath();
-					ctx.moveTo(0, 0); // Center of the pie
-					//ctx.scale(1, options.series.pie.tilt);	// this actually seems to break everything when here.
-					ctx.arc(0, 0, radius, s.startAngle, s.startAngle + s.angle / 2, false);
-					ctx.arc(0, 0, radius, s.startAngle + s.angle / 2, s.startAngle + s.angle, false);
-					ctx.closePath();
-					x = mouseX - centerLeft;
-					y = mouseY - centerTop;
-					if (ctx.isPointInPath) {
-						if (ctx.isPointInPath(mouseX - centerLeft, mouseY - centerTop)) {
-							ctx.restore();
-							return {
-								datapoint: [s.percent,],
-								dataIndex: 0,
-								series: s,
-								seriesIndex: i
-							};
-						}
-					} else {
-						// excanvas for IE doesn;t support isPointInPath, this is a workaround.
-						var p1X = radius * Math.cos(s.startAngle),
-							p1Y = radius * Math.sin(s.startAngle),
-							p2X = radius * Math.cos(s.startAngle + s.angle / 4),
-							p2Y = radius * Math.sin(s.startAngle + s.angle / 4),
-							p3X = radius * Math.cos(s.startAngle + s.angle / 2),
-							p3Y = radius * Math.sin(s.startAngle + s.angle / 2),
-							p4X = radius * Math.cos(s.startAngle + s.angle / 1.5),
-							p4Y = radius * Math.sin(s.startAngle + s.angle / 1.5),
-							p5X = radius * Math.cos(s.startAngle + s.angle),
-							p5Y = radius * Math.sin(s.startAngle + s.angle),
-							arrPoly = [[0, 0], [p1X, p1Y], [p2X, p2Y], [p3X, p3Y], [p4X, p4Y], [p5X, p5Y]],
-							arrPoint = [x, y];
-						// TODO: perhaps do some mathmatical trickery here with the Y-coordinate to compensate for pie tilt?
-						if (isPointInPoly(arrPoly, arrPoint)) {
-							ctx.restore();
-							return {
-								datapoint: [s.percent,],
-								dataIndex: 0,
-								series: s,
-								seriesIndex: i
-							};
-						}
-					}
-					ctx.restore();
-				}
-			}
-			return null;
-		}
-		function onMouseMove(e) {
-			triggerClickHoverEvent("plothover", e);
-		}
-		function onClick(e) {
-			triggerClickHoverEvent("plotclick", e);
-		}
-		// trigger click or hover event (they send the same parameters so we share their code)
-		function triggerClickHoverEvent(eventname, e) {
-			var offset = plot.offset();
-			var canvasX = parseInt(e.pageX - offset.left);
-			var canvasY =  parseInt(e.pageY -;
-			var item = findNearbySlice(canvasX, canvasY);
-			if (options.grid.autoHighlight) {
-				// clear auto-highlights
-				for (var i = 0; i < highlights.length; ++i) {
-					var h = highlights[i];
-					if ( == eventname && !(item && h.series == item.series)) {
-						unhighlight(h.series);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			// highlight the slice
-			if (item) {
-				highlight(item.series, eventname);
-			}
-			// trigger any hover bind events
-			var pos = { pageX: e.pageX, pageY: e.pageY };
-			target.trigger(eventname, [pos, item]);
-		}
-		function highlight(s, auto) {
-			//if (typeof s == "number") {
-			//	s = series[s];
-			//}
-			var i = indexOfHighlight(s);
-			if (i == -1) {
-				highlights.push({ series: s, auto: auto });
-				plot.triggerRedrawOverlay();
-			} else if (!auto) {
-				highlights[i].auto = false;
-			}
-		}
-		function unhighlight(s) {
-			if (s == null) {
-				highlights = [];
-				plot.triggerRedrawOverlay();
-			}
-			//if (typeof s == "number") {
-			//	s = series[s];
-			//}
-			var i = indexOfHighlight(s);
-			if (i != -1) {
-				highlights.splice(i, 1);
-				plot.triggerRedrawOverlay();
-			}
-		}
-		function indexOfHighlight(s) {
-			for (var i = 0; i < highlights.length; ++i) {
-				var h = highlights[i];
-				if (h.series == s)
-					return i;
-			}
-			return -1;
-		}
-		function drawOverlay(plot, octx) {
-			var options = plot.getOptions();
-			var radius = options.series.pie.radius > 1 ? options.series.pie.radius : maxRadius * options.series.pie.radius;
-			octx.translate(centerLeft, centerTop);
-			octx.scale(1, options.series.pie.tilt);
-			for (var i = 0; i < highlights.length; ++i) {
-				drawHighlight(highlights[i].series);
-			}
-			drawDonutHole(octx);
-			octx.restore();
-			function drawHighlight(series) {
-				if (series.angle <= 0 || isNaN(series.angle)) {
-					return;
-				}
-				//octx.fillStyle = parseColor(options.series.pie.highlight.color).scale(null, null, null, options.series.pie.highlight.opacity).toString();
-				octx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, " + options.series.pie.highlight.opacity + ")"; // this is temporary until we have access to parseColor
-				octx.beginPath();
-				if (Math.abs(series.angle - Math.PI * 2) > 0.000000001) {
-					octx.moveTo(0, 0); // Center of the pie
-				}
-				octx.arc(0, 0, radius, series.startAngle, series.startAngle + series.angle / 2, false);
-				octx.arc(0, 0, radius, series.startAngle + series.angle / 2, series.startAngle + series.angle, false);
-				octx.closePath();
-				octx.fill();
-			}
-		}
-	} // end init (plugin body)
-	// define pie specific options and their default values
-	var options = {
-		series: {
-			pie: {
-				show: false,
-				radius: "auto",	// actual radius of the visible pie (based on full calculated radius if <=1, or hard pixel value)
-				innerRadius: 0, /* for donut */
-				startAngle: 3/2,
-				tilt: 1,
-				shadow: {
-					left: 5,	// shadow left offset
-					top: 15,	// shadow top offset
-					alpha: 0.02	// shadow alpha
-				},
-				offset: {
-					top: 0,
-					left: "auto"
-				},
-				stroke: {
-					color: "#fff",
-					width: 1
-				},
-				label: {
-					show: "auto",
-					formatter: function(label, slice) {
-						return "<div style='font-size:x-small;text-align:center;padding:2px;color:" + slice.color + ";'>" + label + "<br/>" + Math.round(slice.percent) + "%</div>";
-					},	// formatter function
-					radius: 1,	// radius at which to place the labels (based on full calculated radius if <=1, or hard pixel value)
-					background: {
-						color: null,
-						opacity: 0
-					},
-					threshold: 0	// percentage at which to hide the label (i.e. the slice is too narrow)
-				},
-				combine: {
-					threshold: -1,	// percentage at which to combine little slices into one larger slice
-					color: null,	// color to give the new slice (auto-generated if null)
-					label: "Other"	// label to give the new slice
-				},
-				highlight: {
-					//color: "#fff",		// will add this functionality once parseColor is available
-					opacity: 0.5
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	};
-	$.plot.plugins.push({
-		init: init,
-		options: options,
-		name: "pie",
-		version: "1.1"
-	});
diff --git a/metron-ui/lib/public/vendor/jquery/jquery.flot.selection.js b/metron-ui/lib/public/vendor/jquery/jquery.flot.selection.js
deleted file mode 100755
index f8fa668..0000000
--- a/metron-ui/lib/public/vendor/jquery/jquery.flot.selection.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-/* Flot plugin for selecting regions of a plot.
-Copyright (c) 2007-2013 IOLA and Ole Laursen.
-Licensed under the MIT license.
-The plugin supports these options:
-selection: {
-	mode: null or "x" or "y" or "xy",
-	color: color,
-	shape: "round" or "miter" or "bevel",
-	minSize: number of pixels
-Selection support is enabled by setting the mode to one of "x", "y" or "xy".
-In "x" mode, the user will only be able to specify the x range, similarly for
-"y" mode. For "xy", the selection becomes a rectangle where both ranges can be
-specified. "color" is color of the selection (if you need to change the color
-later on, you can get to it with plot.getOptions().selection.color). "shape"
-is the shape of the corners of the selection.
-"minSize" is the minimum size a selection can be in pixels. This value can
-be customized to determine the smallest size a selection can be and still
-have the selection rectangle be displayed. When customizing this value, the
-fact that it refers to pixels, not axis units must be taken into account.
-Thus, for example, if there is a bar graph in time mode with BarWidth set to 1
-minute, setting "minSize" to 1 will not make the minimum selection size 1
-minute, but rather 1 pixel. Note also that setting "minSize" to 0 will prevent
-"plotunselected" events from being fired when the user clicks the mouse without
-When selection support is enabled, a "plotselected" event will be emitted on
-the DOM element you passed into the plot function. The event handler gets a
-parameter with the ranges selected on the axes, like this:
-	placeholder.bind( "plotselected", function( event, ranges ) {
-		alert("You selected " + ranges.xaxis.from + " to " +
-		// similar for yaxis - with multiple axes, the extra ones are in
-		// x2axis, x3axis, ...
-	});
-The "plotselected" event is only fired when the user has finished making the
-selection. A "plotselecting" event is fired during the process with the same
-parameters as the "plotselected" event, in case you want to know what's
-happening while it's happening,
-A "plotunselected" event with no arguments is emitted when the user clicks the
-mouse to remove the selection. As stated above, setting "minSize" to 0 will
-destroy this behavior.
-The plugin allso adds the following methods to the plot object:
-- setSelection( ranges, preventEvent )
-  Set the selection rectangle. The passed in ranges is on the same form as
-  returned in the "plotselected" event. If the selection mode is "x", you
-  should put in either an xaxis range, if the mode is "y" you need to put in
-  an yaxis range and both xaxis and yaxis if the selection mode is "xy", like
-  this:
-	setSelection({ xaxis: { from: 0, to: 10 }, yaxis: { from: 40, to: 60 } });
-  setSelection will trigger the "plotselected" event when called. If you don't
-  want that to happen, e.g. if you're inside a "plotselected" handler, pass
-  true as the second parameter. If you are using multiple axes, you can
-  specify the ranges on any of those, e.g. as x2axis/x3axis/... instead of
-  xaxis, the plugin picks the first one it sees.
-- clearSelection( preventEvent )
-  Clear the selection rectangle. Pass in true to avoid getting a
-  "plotunselected" event.
-- getSelection()
-  Returns the current selection in the same format as the "plotselected"
-  event. If there's currently no selection, the function returns null.
-(function ($) {
-    function init(plot) {
-        var selection = {
-                first: { x: -1, y: -1}, second: { x: -1, y: -1},
-                show: false,
-                active: false
-            };
-        // FIXME: The drag handling implemented here should be
-        // abstracted out, there's some similar code from a library in
-        // the navigation plugin, this should be massaged a bit to fit
-        // the Flot cases here better and reused. Doing this would
-        // make this plugin much slimmer.
-        var savedhandlers = {};
-        var mouseUpHandler = null;
-        function onMouseMove(e) {
-            if ( {
-                updateSelection(e);
-                plot.getPlaceholder().trigger("plotselecting", [ getSelection() ]);
-            }
-        }
-        function onMouseDown(e) {
-            if (e.which != 1)  // only accept left-click
-                return;
-            // cancel out any text selections
-            document.body.focus();
-            // prevent text selection and drag in old-school browsers
-            if (document.onselectstart !== undefined && savedhandlers.onselectstart == null) {
-                savedhandlers.onselectstart = document.onselectstart;
-                document.onselectstart = function () { return false; };
-            }
-            if (document.ondrag !== undefined && savedhandlers.ondrag == null) {
-                savedhandlers.ondrag = document.ondrag;
-                document.ondrag = function () { return false; };
-            }
-            setSelectionPos(selection.first, e);
-   = true;
-            // this is a bit silly, but we have to use a closure to be
-            // able to whack the same handler again
-            mouseUpHandler = function (e) { onMouseUp(e); };
-            $(document).one("mouseup", mouseUpHandler);
-        }
-        function onMouseUp(e) {
-            mouseUpHandler = null;
-            // revert drag stuff for old-school browsers
-            if (document.onselectstart !== undefined)
-                document.onselectstart = savedhandlers.onselectstart;
-            if (document.ondrag !== undefined)
-                document.ondrag = savedhandlers.ondrag;
-            // no more dragging
-   = false;
-            updateSelection(e);
-            if (selectionIsSane())
-                triggerSelectedEvent();
-            else {
-                // this counts as a clear
-                plot.getPlaceholder().trigger("plotunselected", [ ]);
-                plot.getPlaceholder().trigger("plotselecting", [ null ]);
-            }
-            return false;
-        }
-        function getSelection() {
-            if (!selectionIsSane())
-                return null;
-            if (! return null;
-            var r = {}, c1 = selection.first, c2 = selection.second;
-            $.each(plot.getAxes(), function (name, axis) {
-                if (axis.used) {
-                    var p1 = axis.c2p(c1[axis.direction]), p2 = axis.c2p(c2[axis.direction]); 
-                    r[name] = { from: Math.min(p1, p2), to: Math.max(p1, p2) };
-                }
-            });
-            return r;
-        }
-        function triggerSelectedEvent() {
-            var r = getSelection();
-            plot.getPlaceholder().trigger("plotselected", [ r ]);
-            // backwards-compat stuff, to be removed in future
-            if (r.xaxis && r.yaxis)
-                plot.getPlaceholder().trigger("selected", [ { x1: r.xaxis.from, y1: r.yaxis.from, x2:, y2: } ]);
-        }
-        function clamp(min, value, max) {
-            return value < min ? min: (value > max ? max: value);
-        }
-        function setSelectionPos(pos, e) {
-            var o = plot.getOptions();
-            var offset = plot.getPlaceholder().offset();
-            var plotOffset = plot.getPlotOffset();
-            pos.x = clamp(0, e.pageX - offset.left - plotOffset.left, plot.width());
-            pos.y = clamp(0, e.pageY - -, plot.height());
-            if (o.selection.mode == "y")
-                pos.x = pos == selection.first ? 0 : plot.width();
-            if (o.selection.mode == "x")
-                pos.y = pos == selection.first ? 0 : plot.height();
-        }
-        function updateSelection(pos) {
-            if (pos.pageX == null)
-                return;
-            setSelectionPos(selection.second, pos);
-            if (selectionIsSane()) {
-       = true;
-                plot.triggerRedrawOverlay();
-            }
-            else
-                clearSelection(true);
-        }
-        function clearSelection(preventEvent) {
-            if ( {
-       = false;
-                plot.triggerRedrawOverlay();
-                if (!preventEvent)
-                    plot.getPlaceholder().trigger("plotunselected", [ ]);
-            }
-        }
-        // function taken from markings support in Flot
-        function extractRange(ranges, coord) {
-            var axis, from, to, key, axes = plot.getAxes();
-            for (var k in axes) {
-                axis = axes[k];
-                if (axis.direction == coord) {
-                    key = coord + axis.n + "axis";
-                    if (!ranges[key] && axis.n == 1)
-                        key = coord + "axis"; // support x1axis as xaxis
-                    if (ranges[key]) {
-                        from = ranges[key].from;
-                        to = ranges[key].to;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            // backwards-compat stuff - to be removed in future
-            if (!ranges[key]) {
-                axis = coord == "x" ? plot.getXAxes()[0] : plot.getYAxes()[0];
-                from = ranges[coord + "1"];
-                to = ranges[coord + "2"];
-            }
-            // auto-reverse as an added bonus
-            if (from != null && to != null && from > to) {
-                var tmp = from;
-                from = to;
-                to = tmp;
-            }
-            return { from: from, to: to, axis: axis };
-        }
-        function setSelection(ranges, preventEvent) {
-            var axis, range, o = plot.getOptions();
-            if (o.selection.mode == "y") {
-                selection.first.x = 0;
-                selection.second.x = plot.width();
-            }
-            else {
-                range = extractRange(ranges, "x");
-                selection.first.x = range.axis.p2c(range.from);
-                selection.second.x = range.axis.p2c(;
-            }
-            if (o.selection.mode == "x") {
-                selection.first.y = 0;
-                selection.second.y = plot.height();
-            }
-            else {
-                range = extractRange(ranges, "y");
-                selection.first.y = range.axis.p2c(range.from);
-                selection.second.y = range.axis.p2c(;
-            }
-   = true;
-            plot.triggerRedrawOverlay();
-            if (!preventEvent && selectionIsSane())
-                triggerSelectedEvent();
-        }
-        function selectionIsSane() {
-            var minSize = plot.getOptions().selection.minSize;
-            return Math.abs(selection.second.x - selection.first.x) >= minSize &&
-                Math.abs(selection.second.y - selection.first.y) >= minSize;
-        }
-        plot.clearSelection = clearSelection;
-        plot.setSelection = setSelection;
-        plot.getSelection = getSelection;
-        plot.hooks.bindEvents.push(function(plot, eventHolder) {
-            var o = plot.getOptions();
-            if (o.selection.mode != null) {
-                eventHolder.mousemove(onMouseMove);
-                eventHolder.mousedown(onMouseDown);
-            }
-        });
-        plot.hooks.drawOverlay.push(function (plot, ctx) {
-            // draw selection
-            if ( && selectionIsSane()) {
-                var plotOffset = plot.getPlotOffset();
-                var o = plot.getOptions();
-      ;
-                ctx.translate(plotOffset.left,;
-                var c = $.color.parse(o.selection.color);
-                ctx.strokeStyle = c.scale('a', 0.8).toString();
-                ctx.lineWidth = 1;
-                ctx.lineJoin = o.selection.shape;
-                ctx.fillStyle = c.scale('a', 0.4).toString();
-                var x = Math.min(selection.first.x, selection.second.x) + 0.5,
-                    y = Math.min(selection.first.y, selection.second.y) + 0.5,
-                    w = Math.abs(selection.second.x - selection.first.x) - 1,
-                    h = Math.abs(selection.second.y - selection.first.y) - 1;
-                ctx.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
-                ctx.strokeRect(x, y, w, h);
-                ctx.restore();
-            }
-        });
-        plot.hooks.shutdown.push(function (plot, eventHolder) {
-            eventHolder.unbind("mousemove", onMouseMove);
-            eventHolder.unbind("mousedown", onMouseDown);
-            if (mouseUpHandler)
-                $(document).unbind("mouseup", mouseUpHandler);
-        });
-    }
-    $.plot.plugins.push({
-        init: init,
-        options: {
-            selection: {
-                mode: null, // one of null, "x", "y" or "xy"
-                color: "#e8cfac",
-                shape: "round", // one of "round", "miter", or "bevel"
-                minSize: 5 // minimum number of pixels
-            }
-        },
-        name: 'selection',
-        version: '1.1'
-    });
diff --git a/metron-ui/lib/public/vendor/jquery/jquery.flot.stack.js b/metron-ui/lib/public/vendor/jquery/jquery.flot.stack.js
deleted file mode 100755
index c01de67..0000000
--- a/metron-ui/lib/public/vendor/jquery/jquery.flot.stack.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-/* Flot plugin for stacking data sets rather than overlyaing them.
-Copyright (c) 2007-2013 IOLA and Ole Laursen.
-Licensed under the MIT license.
-The plugin assumes the data is sorted on x (or y if stacking horizontally).
-For line charts, it is assumed that if a line has an undefined gap (from a
-null point), then the line above it should have the same gap - insert zeros
-instead of "null" if you want another behaviour. This also holds for the start
-and end of the chart. Note that stacking a mix of positive and negative values
-in most instances doesn't make sense (so it looks weird).
-Two or more series are stacked when their "stack" attribute is set to the same
-key (which can be any number or string or just "true"). To specify the default
-stack, you can set the stack option like this:
-	series: {
-		stack: null/false, true, or a key (number/string)
-	}
-You can also specify it for a single series, like this:
-	$.plot( $("#placeholder"), [{
-		data: [ ... ],
-		stack: true
-	}])
-The stacking order is determined by the order of the data series in the array
-(later series end up on top of the previous).
-Internally, the plugin modifies the datapoints in each series, adding an
-offset to the y value. For line series, extra data points are inserted through
-interpolation. If there's a second y value, it's also adjusted (e.g for bar
-charts or filled areas).
-(function ($) {
-    var options = {
-        series: { stack: null } // or number/string
-    };
-    function init(plot) {
-        function findMatchingSeries(s, allseries) {
-            var res = null;
-            for (var i = 0; i < allseries.length; ++i) {
-                if (s == allseries[i])
-                    break;
-                if (allseries[i].stack == s.stack)
-                    res = allseries[i];
-            }
-            return res;
-        }
-        function stackData(plot, s, datapoints) {
-            if (s.stack == null || s.stack === false)
-                return;
-            var other = findMatchingSeries(s, plot.getData());
-            if (!other)
-                return;
-            var ps = datapoints.pointsize,
-                points = datapoints.points,
-                otherps = other.datapoints.pointsize,
-                otherpoints = other.datapoints.points,
-                newpoints = [],
-                px, py, intery, qx, qy, bottom,
-                withlines =,
-                horizontal = s.bars.horizontal,
-                withbottom = ps > 2 && (horizontal ? datapoints.format[2].x : datapoints.format[2].y),
-                withsteps = withlines && s.lines.steps,
-                fromgap = true,
-                keyOffset = horizontal ? 1 : 0,
-                accumulateOffset = horizontal ? 0 : 1,
-                i = 0, j = 0, l, m;
-            while (true) {
-                if (i >= points.length)
-                    break;
-                l = newpoints.length;
-                if (points[i] == null) {
-                    // copy gaps
-                    for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m)
-                        newpoints.push(points[i + m]);
-                    i += ps;
-                }
-                else if (j >= otherpoints.length) {
-                    // for lines, we can't use the rest of the points
-                    if (!withlines) {
-                        for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m)
-                            newpoints.push(points[i + m]);
-                    }
-                    i += ps;
-                }
-                else if (otherpoints[j] == null) {
-                    // oops, got a gap
-                    for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m)
-                        newpoints.push(null);
-                    fromgap = true;
-                    j += otherps;
-                }
-                else {
-                    // cases where we actually got two points
-                    px = points[i + keyOffset];
-                    py = points[i + accumulateOffset];
-                    qx = otherpoints[j + keyOffset];
-                    qy = otherpoints[j + accumulateOffset];
-                    bottom = 0;
-                    if (px == qx) {
-                        for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m)
-                            newpoints.push(points[i + m]);
-                        newpoints[l + accumulateOffset] += qy;
-                        bottom = qy;
-                        i += ps;
-                        j += otherps;
-                    }
-                    else if (px > qx) {
-                        // we got past point below, might need to
-                        // insert interpolated extra point
-                        if (withlines && i > 0 && points[i - ps] != null) {
-                            intery = py + (points[i - ps + accumulateOffset] - py) * (qx - px) / (points[i - ps + keyOffset] - px);
-                            newpoints.push(qx);
-                            newpoints.push(intery + qy);
-                            for (m = 2; m < ps; ++m)
-                                newpoints.push(points[i + m]);
-                            bottom = qy; 
-                        }
-                        j += otherps;
-                    }
-                    else { // px < qx
-                        if (fromgap && withlines) {
-                            // if we come from a gap, we just skip this point
-                            i += ps;
-                            continue;
-                        }
-                        for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m)
-                            newpoints.push(points[i + m]);
-                        // we might be able to interpolate a point below,
-                        // this can give us a better y
-                        if (withlines && j > 0 && otherpoints[j - otherps] != null)
-                            bottom = qy + (otherpoints[j - otherps + accumulateOffset] - qy) * (px - qx) / (otherpoints[j - otherps + keyOffset] - qx);
-                        newpoints[l + accumulateOffset] += bottom;
-                        i += ps;
-                    }
-                    fromgap = false;
-                    if (l != newpoints.length && withbottom)
-                        newpoints[l + 2] += bottom;
-                }
-                // maintain the line steps invariant
-                if (withsteps && l != newpoints.length && l > 0
-                    && newpoints[l] != null
-                    && newpoints[l] != newpoints[l - ps]
-                    && newpoints[l + 1] != newpoints[l - ps + 1]) {
-                    for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m)
-                        newpoints[l + ps + m] = newpoints[l + m];
-                    newpoints[l + 1] = newpoints[l - ps + 1];
-                }
-            }
-            datapoints.points = newpoints;
-        }
-        plot.hooks.processDatapoints.push(stackData);
-    }
-    $.plot.plugins.push({
-        init: init,
-        options: options,
-        name: 'stack',
-        version: '1.2'
-    });
diff --git a/metron-ui/lib/public/vendor/jquery/jquery.flot.stackpercent.js b/metron-ui/lib/public/vendor/jquery/jquery.flot.stackpercent.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 3280eef..0000000
--- a/metron-ui/lib/public/vendor/jquery/jquery.flot.stackpercent.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-(function ($) {
-    var options = {
-        series: {
-            stackpercent: null
-        } // or number/string
-    };
-    function init(plot) {
-        // will be built up dynamically as a hash from x-value, or y-value if horizontal
-        var stackBases = {};
-        var processed = false;
-        var stackSums = {};
-        //set percentage for stacked chart
-        function processRawData(plot, series, data, datapoints) {
-            if (!processed) {
-                processed = true;
-                stackSums = getStackSums(plot.getData());
-            }
-			if (series.stackpercent == true) {
-				var num = data.length;
-				series.percents = [];
-				var key_idx = 0;
-				var value_idx = 1;
-				if (series.bars && series.bars.horizontal && series.bars.horizontal === true) {
-					key_idx = 1;
-					value_idx = 0;
-				}
-				for (var j = 0; j < num; j++) {
-					var sum = stackSums[data[j][key_idx] + ""];
-					if (sum > 0) {
-						series.percents.push(data[j][value_idx] * 100 / sum);
-					} else {
-						series.percents.push(0);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-        }
-        //calculate summary
-        function getStackSums(_data) {
-            var data_len = _data.length;
-            var sums = {};
-            if (data_len > 0) {
-                //caculate summary
-                for (var i = 0; i < data_len; i++) {
-                    if (_data[i].stackpercent) {
-						var key_idx = 0;
-						var value_idx = 1;
-						if (_data[i].bars && _data[i].bars.horizontal && _data[i].bars.horizontal === true) {
-							key_idx = 1;
-							value_idx = 0;
-						}
-                        var num = _data[i].data.length;
-                        for (var j = 0; j < num; j++) {
-                            var value = 0;
-                            if (_data[i].data[j][1] != null) {
-                                value = _data[i].data[j][value_idx];
-                            }
-                            if (sums[_data[i].data[j][key_idx] + ""]) {
-                                sums[_data[i].data[j][key_idx] + ""] += value;
-                            } else {
-                                sums[_data[i].data[j][key_idx] + ""] = value;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return sums;
-        }
-        function stackData(plot, s, datapoints) {
-            if (!s.stackpercent) return;
-            if (!processed) {
-                stackSums = getStackSums(plot.getData());
-            }
-            var newPoints = [];
-			var key_idx = 0;
-			var value_idx = 1;
-			if (s.bars && s.bars.horizontal && s.bars.horizontal === true) {
-				key_idx = 1;
-				value_idx = 0;
-			}
-			for (var i = 0; i < datapoints.points.length; i += 3) {
-				// note that the values need to be turned into absolute y-values.
-				// in other words, if you were to stack (x, y1), (x, y2), and (x, y3),
-				// (each from different series, which is where stackBases comes in),
-				// you'd want the new points to be (x, y1, 0), (x, y1+y2, y1), (x, y1+y2+y3, y1+y2)
-				// generally, (x, thisValue + (base up to this point), + (base up to this point))
-				if (!stackBases[datapoints.points[i + key_idx]]) {
-					stackBases[datapoints.points[i + key_idx]] = 0;
-				}
-				newPoints[i + key_idx] = datapoints.points[i + key_idx];
-				newPoints[i + value_idx] = datapoints.points[i + value_idx] + stackBases[datapoints.points[i + key_idx]];
-				newPoints[i + 2] = stackBases[datapoints.points[i + key_idx]];
-				stackBases[datapoints.points[i + key_idx]] += datapoints.points[i + value_idx];
-				// change points to percentage values
-				// you may need to set yaxis:{ max = 100 }
-				if ( stackSums[newPoints[i+key_idx]+""] > 0 ){
-					newPoints[i + value_idx] = newPoints[i + value_idx] * 100 / stackSums[newPoints[i + key_idx] + ""];
-					newPoints[i + 2] = newPoints[i + 2] * 100 / stackSums[newPoints[i + key_idx] + ""];
-				} else {
-					newPoints[i + value_idx] = 0;
-					newPoints[i + 2] = 0;
-				}
-			}
-            datapoints.points = newPoints;
-        }
-		plot.hooks.processRawData.push(processRawData);
-        plot.hooks.processDatapoints.push(stackData);
-    }
-    $.plot.plugins.push({
-        init: init,
-        options: options,
-        name: 'stackpercent',
-        version: '0.1'
-    });
diff --git a/metron-ui/lib/public/vendor/jquery/jquery.flot.time.js b/metron-ui/lib/public/vendor/jquery/jquery.flot.time.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 15f5281..0000000
--- a/metron-ui/lib/public/vendor/jquery/jquery.flot.time.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
-/* Pretty handling of time axes.
-Copyright (c) 2007-2013 IOLA and Ole Laursen.
-Licensed under the MIT license.
-Set axis.mode to "time" to enable. See the section "Time series data" in
-API.txt for details.
-(function($) {
-	var options = {
-		xaxis: {
-			timezone: null,		// "browser" for local to the client or timezone for timezone-js
-			timeformat: null,	// format string to use
-			twelveHourClock: false,	// 12 or 24 time in time mode
-			monthNames: null	// list of names of months
-		}
-	};
-	// round to nearby lower multiple of base
-	function floorInBase(n, base) {
-		return base * Math.floor(n / base);
-	}
-	// Returns a string with the date d formatted according to fmt.
-	// A subset of the Open Group's strftime format is supported.
-	function formatDate(d, fmt, monthNames, dayNames) {
-		if (typeof d.strftime == "function") {
-			return d.strftime(fmt);
-		}
-		var leftPad = function(n, pad) {
-			n = "" + n;
-			pad = "" + (pad == null ? "0" : pad);
-			return n.length == 1 ? pad + n : n;
-		};
-		var r = [];
-		var escape = false;
-		var hours = d.getHours();
-		var isAM = hours < 12;
-		if (monthNames == null) {
-			monthNames = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
-		}
-		if (dayNames == null) {
-			dayNames = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"];
-		}
-		var hours12;
-		if (hours > 12) {
-			hours12 = hours - 12;
-		} else if (hours == 0) {
-			hours12 = 12;
-		} else {
-			hours12 = hours;
-		}
-		for (var i = 0; i < fmt.length; ++i) {
-			var c = fmt.charAt(i);
-			if (escape) {
-				switch (c) {
-					case 'a': c = "" + dayNames[d.getDay()]; break;
-					case 'b': c = "" + monthNames[d.getMonth()]; break;
-					case 'd': c = leftPad(d.getDate()); break;
-					case 'e': c = leftPad(d.getDate(), " "); break;
-					case 'h':	// For back-compat with 0.7; remove in 1.0
-					case 'H': c = leftPad(hours); break;
-					case 'I': c = leftPad(hours12); break;
-					case 'l': c = leftPad(hours12, " "); break;
-					case 'm': c = leftPad(d.getMonth() + 1); break;
-					case 'M': c = leftPad(d.getMinutes()); break;
-					// quarters not in Open Group's strftime specification
-					case 'q':
-						c = "" + (Math.floor(d.getMonth() / 3) + 1); break;
-					case 'S': c = leftPad(d.getSeconds()); break;
-					case 'y': c = leftPad(d.getFullYear() % 100); break;
-					case 'Y': c = "" + d.getFullYear(); break;
-					case 'p': c = (isAM) ? ("" + "am") : ("" + "pm"); break;
-					case 'P': c = (isAM) ? ("" + "AM") : ("" + "PM"); break;
-					case 'w': c = "" + d.getDay(); break;
-				}
-				r.push(c);
-				escape = false;
-			} else {
-				if (c == "%") {
-					escape = true;
-				} else {
-					r.push(c);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return r.join("");
-	}
-	// To have a consistent view of time-based data independent of which time
-	// zone the client happens to be in we need a date-like object independent
-	// of time zones.  This is done through a wrapper that only calls the UTC
-	// versions of the accessor methods.
-	function makeUtcWrapper(d) {
-		function addProxyMethod(sourceObj, sourceMethod, targetObj, targetMethod) {
-			sourceObj[sourceMethod] = function() {
-				return targetObj[targetMethod].apply(targetObj, arguments);
-			};
-		};
-		var utc = {
-			date: d
-		};
-		// support strftime, if found
-		if (d.strftime != undefined) {
-			addProxyMethod(utc, "strftime", d, "strftime");
-		}
-		addProxyMethod(utc, "getTime", d, "getTime");
-		addProxyMethod(utc, "setTime", d, "setTime");
-		var props = ["Date", "Day", "FullYear", "Hours", "Milliseconds", "Minutes", "Month", "Seconds"];
-		for (var p = 0; p < props.length; p++) {
-			addProxyMethod(utc, "get" + props[p], d, "getUTC" + props[p]);
-			addProxyMethod(utc, "set" + props[p], d, "setUTC" + props[p]);
-		}
-		return utc;
-	};
-	// select time zone strategy.  This returns a date-like object tied to the
-	// desired timezone
-	function dateGenerator(ts, opts) {
-		if (opts.timezone == "browser") {
-			return new Date(ts);
-		} else if (!opts.timezone || opts.timezone == "utc") {
-			return makeUtcWrapper(new Date(ts));
-		} else if (typeof timezoneJS != "undefined" && typeof timezoneJS.Date != "undefined") {
-			var d = new timezoneJS.Date();
-			// timezone-js is fickle, so be sure to set the time zone before
-			// setting the time.
-			d.setTimezone(opts.timezone);
-			d.setTime(ts);
-			return d;
-		} else {
-			return makeUtcWrapper(new Date(ts));
-		}
-	}
-	// map of app. size of time units in milliseconds
-	var timeUnitSize = {
-		"second": 1000,
-		"minute": 60 * 1000,
-		"hour": 60 * 60 * 1000,
-		"day": 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
-		"month": 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
-		"quarter": 3 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
-		"year": 365.2425 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
-	};
-	// the allowed tick sizes, after 1 year we use
-	// an integer algorithm
-	var baseSpec = [
-		[1, "second"], [2, "second"], [5, "second"], [10, "second"],
-		[30, "second"], 
-		[1, "minute"], [2, "minute"], [5, "minute"], [10, "minute"],
-		[30, "minute"], 
-		[1, "hour"], [2, "hour"], [4, "hour"],
-		[8, "hour"], [12, "hour"],
-		[1, "day"], [2, "day"], [3, "day"],
-		[0.25, "month"], [0.5, "month"], [1, "month"],
-		[2, "month"]
-	];
-	// we don't know which variant(s) we'll need yet, but generating both is
-	// cheap
-	var specMonths = baseSpec.concat([[3, "month"], [6, "month"],
-		[1, "year"]]);
-	var specQuarters = baseSpec.concat([[1, "quarter"], [2, "quarter"],
-		[1, "year"]]);
-	function init(plot) {
-		plot.hooks.processOptions.push(function (plot, options) {
-			$.each(plot.getAxes(), function(axisName, axis) {
-				var opts = axis.options;
-				if (opts.mode == "time") {
-					axis.tickGenerator = function(axis) {
-						var ticks = [];
-						var d = dateGenerator(axis.min, opts);
-						var minSize = 0;
-						// make quarter use a possibility if quarters are
-						// mentioned in either of these options
-						var spec = (opts.tickSize && opts.tickSize[1] ===
-							"quarter") ||
-							(opts.minTickSize && opts.minTickSize[1] ===
-							"quarter") ? specQuarters : specMonths;
-						if (opts.minTickSize != null) {
-							if (typeof opts.tickSize == "number") {
-								minSize = opts.tickSize;
-							} else {
-								minSize = opts.minTickSize[0] * timeUnitSize[opts.minTickSize[1]];
-							}
-						}
-						for (var i = 0; i < spec.length - 1; ++i) {
-							if ( < (spec[i][0] * timeUnitSize[spec[i][1]]
-											  + spec[i + 1][0] * timeUnitSize[spec[i + 1][1]]) / 2
-								&& spec[i][0] * timeUnitSize[spec[i][1]] >= minSize) {
-								break;
-							}
-						}
-						var size = spec[i][0];
-						var unit = spec[i][1];
-						// special-case the possibility of several years
-						if (unit == "year") {
-							// if given a minTickSize in years, just use it,
-							// ensuring that it's an integer
-							if (opts.minTickSize != null && opts.minTickSize[1] == "year") {
-								size = Math.floor(opts.minTickSize[0]);
-							} else {
-								var magn = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log( / timeUnitSize.year) / Math.LN10));
-								var norm = ( / timeUnitSize.year) / magn;
-								if (norm < 1.5) {
-									size = 1;
-								} else if (norm < 3) {
-									size = 2;
-								} else if (norm < 7.5) {
-									size = 5;
-								} else {
-									size = 10;
-								}
-								size *= magn;
-							}
-							// minimum size for years is 1
-							if (size < 1) {
-								size = 1;
-							}
-						}
-						axis.tickSize = opts.tickSize || [size, unit];
-						var tickSize = axis.tickSize[0];
-						unit = axis.tickSize[1];
-						var step = tickSize * timeUnitSize[unit];
-						if (unit == "second") {
-							d.setSeconds(floorInBase(d.getSeconds(), tickSize));
-						} else if (unit == "minute") {
-							d.setMinutes(floorInBase(d.getMinutes(), tickSize));
-						} else if (unit == "hour") {
-							d.setHours(floorInBase(d.getHours(), tickSize));
-						} else if (unit == "month") {
-							d.setMonth(floorInBase(d.getMonth(), tickSize));
-						} else if (unit == "quarter") {
-							d.setMonth(3 * floorInBase(d.getMonth() / 3,
-								tickSize));
-						} else if (unit == "year") {
-							d.setFullYear(floorInBase(d.getFullYear(), tickSize));
-						}
-						// reset smaller components
-						d.setMilliseconds(0);
-						if (step >= timeUnitSize.minute) {
-							d.setSeconds(0);
-						}
-						if (step >= timeUnitSize.hour) {
-							d.setMinutes(0);
-						}
-						if (step >= {
-							d.setHours(0);
-						}
-						if (step >= * 4) {
-							d.setDate(1);
-						}
-						if (step >= timeUnitSize.month * 2) {
-							d.setMonth(floorInBase(d.getMonth(), 3));
-						}
-						if (step >= timeUnitSize.quarter * 2) {
-							d.setMonth(floorInBase(d.getMonth(), 6));
-						}
-						if (step >= timeUnitSize.year) {
-							d.setMonth(0);
-						}
-						var carry = 0;
-						var v = Number.NaN;
-						var prev;
-						do {
-							prev = v;
-							v = d.getTime();
-							ticks.push(v);
-							if (unit == "month" || unit == "quarter") {
-								if (tickSize < 1) {
-									// a bit complicated - we'll divide the
-									// month/quarter up but we need to take
-									// care of fractions so we don't end up in
-									// the middle of a day
-									d.setDate(1);
-									var start = d.getTime();
-									d.setMonth(d.getMonth() +
-										(unit == "quarter" ? 3 : 1));
-									var end = d.getTime();
-									d.setTime(v + carry * timeUnitSize.hour + (end - start) * tickSize);
-									carry = d.getHours();
-									d.setHours(0);
-								} else {
-									d.setMonth(d.getMonth() +
-										tickSize * (unit == "quarter" ? 3 : 1));
-								}
-							} else if (unit == "year") {
-								d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() + tickSize);
-							} else {
-								d.setTime(v + step);
-							}
-						} while (v < axis.max && v != prev);
-						return ticks;
-					};
-					axis.tickFormatter = function (v, axis) {
-						var d = dateGenerator(v, axis.options);
-						// first check global format
-						if (opts.timeformat != null) {
-							return formatDate(d, opts.timeformat, opts.monthNames, opts.dayNames);
-						}
-						// possibly use quarters if quarters are mentioned in
-						// any of these places
-						var useQuarters = (axis.options.tickSize &&
-								axis.options.tickSize[1] == "quarter") ||
-							(axis.options.minTickSize &&
-								axis.options.minTickSize[1] == "quarter");
-						var t = axis.tickSize[0] * timeUnitSize[axis.tickSize[1]];
-						var span = axis.max - axis.min;
-						var suffix = (opts.twelveHourClock) ? " %p" : "";
-						var hourCode = (opts.twelveHourClock) ? "%I" : "%H";
-						var fmt;
-						if (t < timeUnitSize.minute) {
-							fmt = hourCode + ":%M:%S" + suffix;
-						} else if (t < {
-							if (span < 2 * {
-								fmt = hourCode + ":%M" + suffix;
-							} else {
-								fmt = "%b %d " + hourCode + ":%M" + suffix;
-							}
-						} else if (t < timeUnitSize.month) {
-							fmt = "%b %d";
-						} else if ((useQuarters && t < timeUnitSize.quarter) ||
-							(!useQuarters && t < timeUnitSize.year)) {
-							if (span < timeUnitSize.year) {
-								fmt = "%b";
-							} else {
-								fmt = "%b %Y";
-							}
-						} else if (useQuarters && t < timeUnitSize.year) {
-							if (span < timeUnitSize.year) {
-								fmt = "Q%q";
-							} else {
-								fmt = "Q%q %Y";
-							}
-						} else {
-							fmt = "%Y";
-						}
-						var rt = formatDate(d, fmt, opts.monthNames, opts.dayNames);
-						return rt;
-					};
-				}
-			});
-		});
-	}
-	$.plot.plugins.push({
-		init: init,
-		options: options,
-		name: 'time',
-		version: '1.0'
-	});
-	// Time-axis support used to be in Flot core, which exposed the
-	// formatDate function on the plot object.  Various plugins depend
-	// on the function, so we need to re-expose it here.
-	$.plot.formatDate = formatDate;