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Posted to by Will Glass-Husain <> on 2003/07/08 19:58:47 UTC

dev status?


A few weeks ago we had a discussion about getting the dev process moving
again.  This was followed by an energetic discussion on floating point
numbers.  Geir suggested:

1) Release CVS HEAD as 1.4-rc1 (release candidate 1)
2) Map support
3) The Dammed Numbers Patch (or -ish)  [renamed to floating point patch-

First, I suggest we reverse the order of Geir's list.  Get the map support
and floating point patch in, then release a new version.  That way 1.4 has
something exciting to offer new users.  (otherwise, the new feature list is
pretty small).
-- Floating Point patch
-- Map patch
-- RELEASE 1.4 rc1
-- look at the wide variety of proposed new patches sitting in Bugzilla
-- RELEASE 1.5

I believe the status of the floating point patch is In-Progress (proposed,
reviewed, most of it coded), with Peter assembling the final patch.   When
it's ready, I suggest you do an official bugzilla.

Any comments on the map patch?   James-- is this ready for prime time?  Any
other comments on it?    (Suggest you respond in a new thread: Velocity Map
Patch).   James has a great web page about it here.

Finally, a question to Geir.  How are you doing re: availability for
patching?  When the map and floating point patch are ready (which I believe
will be soon) can we get them into CVS?  This will let a wide variety of
Velocity users try out the new syntax.  A realistic assessment of your
availability would be a morale booster for the list.  (probably even a
negative would be helpful, as we could then talk about other options).

Best, WILL

Forio Business Simulations
Will Glass-Husain

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