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Posted to by on 2004/05/13 19:00:09 UTC

[WIKI-UPDATE] LenyaUserMeetingSpain2004Comments LenyaUserMeetingSpain2004 LenyaUserMeetingSpain2004VoteLocation LenyaFAQ XUL Limpy Thu May 13 19:00:09 2004

Page: , version: 23 on Wed May 13 16:36:55 2004 by Scherler

- Nice, seems that more or less we have everything together! Please vote which 2 days you want! Please add more topics to the agenda! ...I am looking forward to meet you guys! 
+ Nice, seems that more or less we have everything together! Please vote which 2 days you want! Please add more topics to the agenda! ...I am looking forward to meet you guys! \\
?                                                                                                                                                                               ++

Page: , version: 47 on Wed May 13 16:30:48 2004 by Scherler

+ !!How long
+ 2 days
- ! Cocoon / Lenya practical Experiences 
+ ! Cocoon / Lenya practical Experiences (Day 1)
?                                        +++++++

- !Lenya Workshop 
+ !Lenya Workshop (Day 2)
?                 +++++++

Page: , version: 16 on Wed May 13 16:21:06 2004 by Scherler

+ -----------------
+ !!Please vote for a time range you want the meeting! All dates are for June!
+ !21-22
+ +1 thorsten
+ !22-23
+ !23-24
+ !24-25
+ +1 thorsten

Page: , version: 80 on Wed May 13 16:50:00 2004 by AntonioGallardo

- Yes you can. You need[ webdesign][ webdesign] to make sure to change the hdsqldb port in Lenya's so
+ Yes you can. You need to make sure to change the hdsqldb port in Lenya's so

Page: , version: 12 on Wed May 13 16:48:51 2004 by AntonioGallardo

- !!Communities, Link pages, News et al.[ webdesign][ webdesign]
+ !!Communities, Link pages, News et al.

Page: , version: 4 on Wed May 13 16:26:45 2004 by JonasEkstedt

- There is a lot of cool stuff one can do with DOM. After having read a bit about it I started building a widget framework based on DOM. The advantages are several. Using a DOM to model all widgets we get the benefits of DOM Event handling, DOM Traversal and XML schema all for free with hardly any effort on the programmer. 
?                                                                                                                                                                                                     ^

+ There is a lot of cool stuff one can do with DOM. After having read a bit about it I started building a widget framework based on DOM. The advantages are several. Using a DOM to model all widgets one gets the benefits of DOM Event handling, DOM Traversal and XML schema all for free with hardly any effort on the programmer. 
?                                                                                                                                                                                                     ^^     +

- The WidgetTree class is simply a Wrapper for the {{WidgetDOM}} class that does all the work. The filename supplied to the WidgetTree is a widget definition file. An example is:
?                                  ^

+ The WidgetTree class is simply a wrapper for the {{WidgetDOM}} class that does all the work. The filename supplied to the WidgetTree is a widget definition file. An example is:
?                                  ^

- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
- The transformer simply replace all <li:widget name="..."/> with the corresponding element from the widget definition. Note that you can adress widgets both by its id as in {{<li:widget id="app/form"/>}} or by its name {{<li:widget name="new"/>}}. In the latter case the transformer will look for the new widget in the parent widgets context. 
?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ----

+ The transformer simply replace all <li:widget name="..."/> with the corresponding element from the widget definition. Note that you can adress widgets both by its id as in {{<li:widget id="app/form"/>}} or by its name {{<li:widget name="new"/>}}. In the latter case the transformer will look for the widget in the parent widgets context. 
+ TODO: event handling