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Posted to by on 2014/02/11 09:07:04 UTC

[02/41] inital move to rebar compilation
diff --git a/src/couch_server.erl b/src/couch_server.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cee0f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_server.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-export([all_databases/0, all_databases/2]).
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3,sup_start_link/0]).
+    root_dir = [],
+    dbname_regexp,
+    max_dbs_open=100,
+    dbs_open=0,
+    start_time=""
+    }).
+dev_start() ->
+    couch:stop(),
+    up_to_date = make:all([load, debug_info]),
+    couch:start().
+get_version() ->
+    Apps = application:loaded_applications(),
+    case lists:keysearch(couch, 1, Apps) of
+    {value, {_, _, Vsn}} ->
+        Vsn;
+    false ->
+        "0.0.0"
+    end.
+get_version(short) ->
+  %% strip git hash from version string
+  [Version|_Rest] = string:tokens(get_version(), "+"),
+  Version.
+get_uuid() ->
+    case couch_config:get("couchdb", "uuid", nil) of
+        nil ->
+            UUID = couch_uuids:random(),
+            couch_config:set("couchdb", "uuid", ?b2l(UUID)),
+            UUID;
+        UUID -> ?l2b(UUID)
+    end.
+get_stats() ->
+    {ok, #server{start_time=Time,dbs_open=Open}} =
+            gen_server:call(couch_server, get_server),
+    [{start_time, ?l2b(Time)}, {dbs_open, Open}].
+sup_start_link() ->
+    gen_server:start_link({local, couch_server}, couch_server, [], []).
+open(DbName, Options0) ->
+    Options = maybe_add_sys_db_callbacks(DbName, Options0),
+    case gen_server:call(couch_server, {open, DbName, Options}, infinity) of
+    {ok, Db} ->
+        Ctx = couch_util:get_value(user_ctx, Options, #user_ctx{}),
+        {ok, Db#db{user_ctx=Ctx}};
+    Error ->
+        Error
+    end.
+create(DbName, Options0) ->
+    Options = maybe_add_sys_db_callbacks(DbName, Options0),
+    case gen_server:call(couch_server, {create, DbName, Options}, infinity) of
+    {ok, Db} ->
+        Ctx = couch_util:get_value(user_ctx, Options, #user_ctx{}),
+        {ok, Db#db{user_ctx=Ctx}};
+    Error ->
+        Error
+    end.
+delete(DbName, Options) ->
+    gen_server:call(couch_server, {delete, DbName, Options}, infinity).
+maybe_add_sys_db_callbacks(DbName, Options) when is_binary(DbName) ->
+    maybe_add_sys_db_callbacks(?b2l(DbName), Options);
+maybe_add_sys_db_callbacks(DbName, Options) ->
+    case couch_config:get("replicator", "db", "_replicator") of
+    DbName ->
+        [
+            {before_doc_update, fun couch_replicator_manager:before_doc_update/2},
+            {after_doc_read, fun couch_replicator_manager:after_doc_read/2},
+            sys_db | Options
+        ];
+    _ ->
+        case couch_config:get("couch_httpd_auth", "authentication_db", "_users") of
+        DbName ->
+        [
+            {before_doc_update, fun couch_users_db:before_doc_update/2},
+            {after_doc_read, fun couch_users_db:after_doc_read/2},
+            sys_db | Options
+        ];
+        _ ->
+            Options
+        end
+    end.
+check_dbname(#server{dbname_regexp=RegExp}, DbName) ->
+    case re:run(DbName, RegExp, [{capture, none}]) of
+    nomatch ->
+        case DbName of
+            "_users" -> ok;
+            "_replicator" -> ok;
+            _Else ->
+                {error, illegal_database_name, DbName}
+            end;
+    match ->
+        ok
+    end.
+is_admin(User, ClearPwd) ->
+    case couch_config:get("admins", User) of
+    "-hashed-" ++ HashedPwdAndSalt ->
+        [HashedPwd, Salt] = string:tokens(HashedPwdAndSalt, ","),
+        couch_util:to_hex(crypto:sha(ClearPwd ++ Salt)) == HashedPwd;
+    _Else ->
+        false
+    end.
+has_admins() ->
+    couch_config:get("admins") /= [].
+get_full_filename(Server, DbName) ->
+    filename:join([Server#server.root_dir, "./" ++ DbName ++ ".couch"]).
+hash_admin_passwords() ->
+    hash_admin_passwords(true).
+hash_admin_passwords(Persist) ->
+    lists:foreach(
+        fun({User, ClearPassword}) ->
+            HashedPassword = couch_passwords:hash_admin_password(ClearPassword),
+            couch_config:set("admins", User, ?b2l(HashedPassword), Persist)
+        end, couch_passwords:get_unhashed_admins()).
+init([]) ->
+    % read config and register for configuration changes
+    % just stop if one of the config settings change. couch_server_sup
+    % will restart us and then we will pick up the new settings.
+    RootDir = couch_config:get("couchdb", "database_dir", "."),
+    MaxDbsOpen = list_to_integer(
+            couch_config:get("couchdb", "max_dbs_open")),
+    Self = self(),
+    ok = couch_config:register(
+        fun("couchdb", "database_dir") ->
+            exit(Self, config_change)
+        end),
+    ok = couch_config:register(
+        fun("couchdb", "max_dbs_open", Max) ->
+            gen_server:call(couch_server,
+                    {set_max_dbs_open, list_to_integer(Max)})
+        end),
+    ok = couch_file:init_delete_dir(RootDir),
+    hash_admin_passwords(),
+    ok = couch_config:register(
+        fun("admins", _Key, _Value, Persist) ->
+            % spawn here so couch_config doesn't try to call itself
+            spawn(fun() -> hash_admin_passwords(Persist) end)
+        end, false),
+    {ok, RegExp} = re:compile("^[a-z][a-z0-9\\_\\$()\\+\\-\\/]*$"),
+    ets:new(couch_dbs_by_name, [set, private, named_table]),
+    ets:new(couch_dbs_by_pid, [set, private, named_table]),
+    ets:new(couch_dbs_by_lru, [ordered_set, private, named_table]),
+    ets:new(couch_sys_dbs, [set, private, named_table]),
+    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+    {ok, #server{root_dir=RootDir,
+                dbname_regexp=RegExp,
+                max_dbs_open=MaxDbsOpen,
+                start_time=couch_util:rfc1123_date()}}.
+terminate(_Reason, _Srv) ->
+    lists:foreach(
+        fun({_, {_, Pid, _}}) ->
+                couch_util:shutdown_sync(Pid)
+        end,
+        ets:tab2list(couch_dbs_by_name)).
+all_databases() ->
+    {ok, DbList} = all_databases(
+        fun(DbName, Acc) -> {ok, [DbName | Acc]} end, []),
+    {ok, lists:usort(DbList)}.
+all_databases(Fun, Acc0) ->
+    {ok, #server{root_dir=Root}} = gen_server:call(couch_server, get_server),
+    NormRoot = couch_util:normpath(Root),
+    FinalAcc = try
+        filelib:fold_files(Root, "^[a-z0-9\\_\\$()\\+\\-]*[\\.]couch$", true,
+            fun(Filename, AccIn) ->
+                NormFilename = couch_util:normpath(Filename),
+                case NormFilename -- NormRoot of
+                [$/ | RelativeFilename] -> ok;
+                RelativeFilename -> ok
+                end,
+                case Fun(?l2b(filename:rootname(RelativeFilename, ".couch")), AccIn) of
+                {ok, NewAcc} -> NewAcc;
+                {stop, NewAcc} -> throw({stop, Fun, NewAcc})
+                end
+            end, Acc0)
+    catch throw:{stop, Fun, Acc1} ->
+         Acc1
+    end,
+    {ok, FinalAcc}.
+maybe_close_lru_db(#server{dbs_open=NumOpen, max_dbs_open=MaxOpen}=Server)
+        when NumOpen < MaxOpen ->
+    {ok, Server};
+maybe_close_lru_db(#server{dbs_open=NumOpen}=Server) ->
+    % must free up the lru db.
+    case try_close_lru(now()) of
+    ok ->
+        {ok, Server#server{dbs_open=NumOpen - 1}};
+    Error -> Error
+    end.
+try_close_lru(StartTime) ->
+    LruTime = get_lru(),
+    if LruTime > StartTime ->
+        % this means we've looped through all our opened dbs and found them
+        % all in use.
+        {error, all_dbs_active};
+    true ->
+        [{_, DbName}] = ets:lookup(couch_dbs_by_lru, LruTime),
+        [{_, {opened, MainPid, LruTime}}] = ets:lookup(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName),
+        case couch_db:is_idle(MainPid) of
+        true ->
+            ok = shutdown_idle_db(DbName, MainPid, LruTime);
+        false ->
+            % this still has referrers. Go ahead and give it a current lru time
+            % and try the next one in the table.
+            NewLruTime = now(),
+            true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_name, {DbName, {opened, MainPid, NewLruTime}}),
+            true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_pid, {MainPid, DbName}),
+            true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_lru, LruTime),
+            true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_lru, {NewLruTime, DbName}),
+            try_close_lru(StartTime)
+        end
+    end.
+get_lru() ->
+    get_lru(ets:first(couch_dbs_by_lru)).
+get_lru(LruTime) ->
+    [{LruTime, DbName}] = ets:lookup(couch_dbs_by_lru, LruTime),
+    case ets:member(couch_sys_dbs, DbName) of
+    false ->
+        LruTime;
+    true ->
+        [{_, {opened, MainPid, _}}] = ets:lookup(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName),
+        case couch_db:is_idle(MainPid) of
+        true ->
+            NextLru = ets:next(couch_dbs_by_lru, LruTime),
+            ok = shutdown_idle_db(DbName, MainPid, LruTime),
+            get_lru(NextLru);
+        false ->
+            get_lru(ets:next(couch_dbs_by_lru, LruTime))
+        end
+    end.
+shutdown_idle_db(DbName, MainPid, LruTime) ->
+    couch_util:shutdown_sync(MainPid),
+    true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_lru, LruTime),
+    true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName),
+    true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_pid, MainPid),
+    true = ets:delete(couch_sys_dbs, DbName),
+    ok.
+open_async(Server, From, DbName, Filepath, Options) ->
+    Parent = self(),
+    Opener = spawn_link(fun() ->
+            Res = couch_db:start_link(DbName, Filepath, Options),
+            gen_server:call(
+                Parent, {open_result, DbName, Res, Options}, infinity
+            ),
+            unlink(Parent),
+            case Res of
+            {ok, DbReader} ->
+                unlink(DbReader);
+            _ ->
+                ok
+            end
+        end),
+    true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_name, {DbName, {opening, Opener, [From]}}),
+    true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_pid, {Opener, DbName}),
+    DbsOpen = case lists:member(sys_db, Options) of
+    true ->
+        true = ets:insert(couch_sys_dbs, {DbName, true}),
+        Server#server.dbs_open;
+    false ->
+        Server#server.dbs_open + 1
+    end,
+    Server#server{dbs_open = DbsOpen}.
+handle_call({set_max_dbs_open, Max}, _From, Server) ->
+    {reply, ok, Server#server{max_dbs_open=Max}};
+handle_call(get_server, _From, Server) ->
+    {reply, {ok, Server}, Server};
+handle_call({open_result, DbName, {ok, OpenedDbPid}, Options}, _From, Server) ->
+    link(OpenedDbPid),
+    [{DbName, {opening,Opener,Froms}}] = ets:lookup(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName),
+    lists:foreach(fun({FromPid,_}=From) ->
+        gen_server:reply(From,
+                catch couch_db:open_ref_counted(OpenedDbPid, FromPid))
+    end, Froms),
+    LruTime = now(),
+    true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_name,
+            {DbName, {opened, OpenedDbPid, LruTime}}),
+    true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_pid, Opener),
+    true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_pid, {OpenedDbPid, DbName}),
+    true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_lru, {LruTime, DbName}),
+    case lists:member(create, Options) of
+    true ->
+        couch_db_update_notifier:notify({created, DbName});
+    false ->
+        ok
+    end,
+    {reply, ok, Server};
+handle_call({open_result, DbName, {error, eexist}, Options}, From, Server) ->
+    handle_call({open_result, DbName, file_exists, Options}, From, Server);
+handle_call({open_result, DbName, Error, Options}, _From, Server) ->
+    [{DbName, {opening,Opener,Froms}}] = ets:lookup(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName),
+    lists:foreach(fun(From) ->
+        gen_server:reply(From, Error)
+    end, Froms),
+    true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName),
+    true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_pid, Opener),
+    DbsOpen = case lists:member(sys_db, Options) of
+    true ->
+        true = ets:delete(couch_sys_dbs, DbName),
+        Server#server.dbs_open;
+    false ->
+        Server#server.dbs_open - 1
+    end,
+    {reply, ok, Server#server{dbs_open = DbsOpen}};
+handle_call({open, DbName, Options}, {FromPid,_}=From, Server) ->
+    LruTime = now(),
+    case ets:lookup(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName) of
+    [] ->
+        open_db(DbName, Server, Options, From);
+    [{_, {opening, Opener, Froms}}] ->
+        true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_name, {DbName, {opening, Opener, [From|Froms]}}),
+        {noreply, Server};
+    [{_, {opened, MainPid, PrevLruTime}}] ->
+        true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_name, {DbName, {opened, MainPid, LruTime}}),
+        true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_lru, PrevLruTime),
+        true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_lru, {LruTime, DbName}),
+        {reply, couch_db:open_ref_counted(MainPid, FromPid), Server}
+    end;
+handle_call({create, DbName, Options}, From, Server) ->
+    case ets:lookup(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName) of
+    [] ->
+        open_db(DbName, Server, [create | Options], From);
+    [_AlreadyRunningDb] ->
+        {reply, file_exists, Server}
+    end;
+handle_call({delete, DbName, _Options}, _From, Server) ->
+    DbNameList = binary_to_list(DbName),
+    case check_dbname(Server, DbNameList) of
+    ok ->
+        FullFilepath = get_full_filename(Server, DbNameList),
+        UpdateState =
+        case ets:lookup(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName) of
+        [] -> false;
+        [{_, {opening, Pid, Froms}}] ->
+            couch_util:shutdown_sync(Pid),
+            true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName),
+            true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_pid, Pid),
+            [gen_server:reply(F, not_found) || F <- Froms],
+            true;
+        [{_, {opened, Pid, LruTime}}] ->
+            couch_util:shutdown_sync(Pid),
+            true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName),
+            true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_pid, Pid),
+            true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_lru, LruTime),
+            true
+        end,
+        Server2 = case UpdateState of
+        true ->
+            DbsOpen = case ets:member(couch_sys_dbs, DbName) of
+            true ->
+                true = ets:delete(couch_sys_dbs, DbName),
+                Server#server.dbs_open;
+            false ->
+                Server#server.dbs_open - 1
+            end,
+            Server#server{dbs_open = DbsOpen};
+        false ->
+            Server
+        end,
+        %% Delete any leftover .compact files.  If we don't do this a subsequent
+        %% request for this DB will try to open the .compact file and use it.
+        couch_file:delete(Server#server.root_dir, FullFilepath ++ ".compact"),
+        case couch_file:delete(Server#server.root_dir, FullFilepath) of
+        ok ->
+            couch_db_update_notifier:notify({deleted, DbName}),
+            {reply, ok, Server2};
+        {error, enoent} ->
+            {reply, not_found, Server2};
+        Else ->
+            {reply, Else, Server2}
+        end;
+    Error ->
+        {reply, Error, Server}
+    end.
+handle_cast(Msg, _Server) ->
+    exit({unknown_cast_message, Msg}).
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, State}.
+handle_info({'EXIT', _Pid, config_change}, Server) ->
+    {noreply, shutdown, Server};
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, Server) ->
+    Server2 = case ets:lookup(couch_dbs_by_pid, Pid) of
+    [{Pid, DbName}] ->
+        % If the Pid is known, the name should be as well.
+        % If not, that's an error, which is why there is no [] clause.
+        case ets:lookup(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName) of
+        [{_, {opening, Pid, Froms}}] ->
+            Msg = case Reason of
+            snappy_nif_not_loaded ->
+                io_lib:format(
+                    "To open the database `~s`, Apache CouchDB "
+                    "must be built with Erlang OTP R13B04 or higher.",
+                    [DbName]
+                );
+            true ->
+                io_lib:format("Error opening database ~p: ~p", [DbName, Reason])
+            end,
+            ?LOG_ERROR(Msg, []),
+            lists:foreach(
+              fun(F) -> gen_server:reply(F, {bad_otp_release, Msg}) end,
+              Froms
+            );
+        [{_, {opened, Pid, LruTime}}] ->
+            ?LOG_ERROR(
+                "Unexpected exit of database process ~p [~p]: ~p",
+                [Pid, DbName, Reason]
+            ),
+            true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_lru, LruTime)
+        end,
+        true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_pid, DbName),
+        true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName),
+        case ets:lookup(couch_sys_dbs, DbName) of
+        [{DbName, _}] ->
+            true = ets:delete(couch_sys_dbs, DbName),
+            Server;
+        [] ->
+            Server#server{dbs_open = Server#server.dbs_open - 1}
+        end
+    end,
+    {noreply, Server2};
+handle_info(Error, _Server) ->
+    ?LOG_ERROR("Unexpected message, restarting couch_server: ~p", [Error]),
+    exit(kill).
+open_db(DbName, Server, Options, From) ->
+    DbNameList = binary_to_list(DbName),
+    case check_dbname(Server, DbNameList) of
+    ok ->
+        Filepath = get_full_filename(Server, DbNameList),
+        case lists:member(sys_db, Options) of
+        true ->
+            {noreply, open_async(Server, From, DbName, Filepath, Options)};
+        false ->
+            case maybe_close_lru_db(Server) of
+            {ok, Server2} ->
+                {noreply, open_async(Server2, From, DbName, Filepath, Options)};
+            CloseError ->
+                {reply, CloseError, Server}
+            end
+        end;
+     Error ->
+        {reply, Error, Server}
+     end.
diff --git a/src/couch_server_sup.erl b/src/couch_server_sup.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be3c3a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_server_sup.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-export([start_link/1,stop/0, couch_config_start_link_wrapper/2,
+        restart_core_server/0, config_change/2]).
+%% supervisor callbacks
+start_link(IniFiles) ->
+    case whereis(couch_server_sup) of
+    undefined ->
+        start_server(IniFiles);
+    _Else ->
+        {error, already_started}
+    end.
+restart_core_server() ->
+    init:restart().
+couch_config_start_link_wrapper(IniFiles, FirstConfigPid) ->
+    case is_process_alive(FirstConfigPid) of
+        true ->
+            link(FirstConfigPid),
+            {ok, FirstConfigPid};
+        false -> couch_config:start_link(IniFiles)
+    end.
+start_server(IniFiles) ->
+    case init:get_argument(pidfile) of
+    {ok, [PidFile]} ->
+        case file:write_file(PidFile, os:getpid()) of
+        ok -> ok;
+        {error, Reason} ->
+            io:format("Failed to write PID file ~s: ~s",
+                [PidFile, file:format_error(Reason)])
+        end;
+    _ -> ok
+    end,
+    {ok, ConfigPid} = couch_config:start_link(IniFiles),
+    LogLevel = couch_config:get("log", "level", "info"),
+    % announce startup
+    io:format("Apache CouchDB ~s (LogLevel=~s) is starting.~n", [
+        couch_server:get_version(),
+        LogLevel
+    ]),
+    case LogLevel of
+    "debug" ->
+        io:format("Configuration Settings ~p:~n", [IniFiles]),
+        [io:format("  [~s] ~s=~p~n", [Module, Variable, Value])
+            || {{Module, Variable}, Value} <- couch_config:all()];
+    _ -> ok
+    end,
+    BaseChildSpecs =
+    {{one_for_all, 10, 3600},
+        [{couch_config,
+            {couch_server_sup, couch_config_start_link_wrapper, [IniFiles, ConfigPid]},
+            permanent,
+            brutal_kill,
+            worker,
+            [couch_config]},
+        {couch_primary_services,
+            {couch_primary_sup, start_link, []},
+            permanent,
+            infinity,
+            supervisor,
+            [couch_primary_sup]},
+        {couch_secondary_services,
+            {couch_secondary_sup, start_link, []},
+            permanent,
+            infinity,
+            supervisor,
+            [couch_secondary_sup]}
+        ]},
+    % ensure these applications are running
+    application:start(ibrowse),
+    application:start(crypto),
+    {ok, Pid} = supervisor:start_link(
+        {local, couch_server_sup}, couch_server_sup, BaseChildSpecs),
+    % launch the icu bridge
+    % just restart if one of the config settings change.
+    couch_config:register(fun ?MODULE:config_change/2, Pid),
+    unlink(ConfigPid),
+    Ip = couch_config:get("httpd", "bind_address"),
+    io:format("Apache CouchDB has started. Time to relax.~n"),
+    Uris = [get_uri(Name, Ip) || Name <- [couch_httpd, https]],
+    [begin
+        case Uri of
+            undefined -> ok;
+            Uri -> ?LOG_INFO("Apache CouchDB has started on ~s", [Uri])
+        end
+    end
+    || Uri <- Uris],
+    case couch_config:get("couchdb", "uri_file", null) of 
+    null -> ok;
+    UriFile ->
+        Lines = [begin case Uri of
+            undefined -> [];
+            Uri -> io_lib:format("~s~n", [Uri])
+            end end || Uri <- Uris],
+        case file:write_file(UriFile, Lines) of
+        ok -> ok;
+        {error, Reason2} = Error ->
+            ?LOG_ERROR("Failed to write to URI file ~s: ~s",
+                [UriFile, file:format_error(Reason2)]),
+            throw(Error)
+        end
+    end,
+    {ok, Pid}.
+stop() ->
+    catch exit(whereis(couch_server_sup), normal).
+config_change("daemons", _) ->
+    supervisor:terminate_child(couch_server_sup, couch_secondary_services),
+    supervisor:restart_child(couch_server_sup, couch_secondary_services);
+config_change("couchdb", "util_driver_dir") ->
+    init:restart().
+init(ChildSpecs) ->
+    {ok, ChildSpecs}.
+get_uri(Name, Ip) ->
+    case get_port(Name) of
+        undefined ->
+            undefined;
+        Port ->
+            io_lib:format("~s://~s:~w/", [get_scheme(Name), Ip, Port])
+    end.
+get_scheme(couch_httpd) -> "http";
+get_scheme(https) -> "https".
+get_port(Name) ->
+    try
+        mochiweb_socket_server:get(Name, port)
+    catch
+        exit:{noproc, _}->
+            undefined
+    end.
diff --git a/src/couch_stats_aggregator.erl b/src/couch_stats_aggregator.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6090355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_stats_aggregator.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-export([start/0, start/1, stop/0]).
+-export([all/0, all/1, get/1, get/2, get_json/1, get_json/2, collect_sample/0]).
+-export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
+-export([handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
+-record(aggregate, {
+    description = <<"">>,
+    seconds = 0,
+    count = 0,
+    current = null,
+    sum = null,
+    mean = null,
+    variance = null,
+    stddev = null,
+    min = null,
+    max = null,
+    samples = []
+start() ->
+    PrivDir = couch_util:priv_dir(),
+    start(filename:join(PrivDir, "stat_descriptions.cfg")).
+start(FileName) ->
+    gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [FileName], []).
+stop() ->
+    gen_server:cast(?MODULE, stop).
+all() ->
+    ?MODULE:all(0).
+all(Time) when is_binary(Time) ->
+    ?MODULE:all(list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Time)));
+all(Time) when is_atom(Time) ->
+    ?MODULE:all(list_to_integer(atom_to_list(Time)));
+all(Time) when is_integer(Time) ->
+    Aggs = ets:match(?MODULE, {{'$1', Time}, '$2'}),
+    Stats = lists:map(fun([Key, Agg]) -> {Key, Agg} end, Aggs),
+    case Stats of
+        [] ->
+            {[]};
+        _ ->
+            Ret = lists:foldl(fun({{Mod, Key}, Agg}, Acc) ->
+                CurrKeys = case proplists:lookup(Mod, Acc) of
+                    none -> [];
+                    {Mod, {Keys}} -> Keys
+                end,
+                NewMod = {[{Key, to_json_term(Agg)} | CurrKeys]},
+                [{Mod, NewMod} | proplists:delete(Mod, Acc)]
+            end, [], Stats),
+            {Ret}
+    end.
+get(Key) ->
+    ?MODULE:get(Key, 0).
+get(Key, Time) when is_binary(Time) ->
+    ?MODULE:get(Key, list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Time)));
+get(Key, Time) when is_atom(Time) ->
+    ?MODULE:get(Key, list_to_integer(atom_to_list(Time)));
+get(Key, Time) when is_integer(Time) ->
+    case ets:lookup(?MODULE, {make_key(Key), Time}) of
+        [] -> #aggregate{seconds=Time};
+        [{_, Agg}] -> Agg
+    end.
+get_json(Key) ->
+    get_json(Key, 0).
+get_json(Key, Time) ->
+    to_json_term(?MODULE:get(Key, Time)).
+collect_sample() ->
+    gen_server:call(?MODULE, collect_sample, infinity).
+init(StatDescsFileName) ->
+    % Create an aggregate entry for each {description, rate} pair.
+    ets:new(?MODULE, [named_table, set, protected]),
+    SampleStr = couch_config:get("stats", "samples", "[0]"),
+    {ok, Samples} = couch_util:parse_term(SampleStr),
+    {ok, Descs} = file:consult(StatDescsFileName),
+    lists:foreach(fun({Sect, Key, Value}) ->
+        lists:foreach(fun(Secs) ->
+            Agg = #aggregate{
+                description=list_to_binary(Value),
+                seconds=Secs
+            },
+            ets:insert(?MODULE, {{{Sect, Key}, Secs}, Agg})
+        end, Samples)
+    end, Descs),
+    Self = self(),
+    ok = couch_config:register(
+        fun("stats", _) -> exit(Self, config_change) end
+    ),
+    Rate = list_to_integer(couch_config:get("stats", "rate", "1000")),
+    % TODO: Add timer_start to kernel start options.
+    {ok, TRef} = timer:apply_after(Rate, ?MODULE, collect_sample, []),
+    {ok, {TRef, Rate}}.
+terminate(_Reason, {TRef, _Rate}) ->
+    timer:cancel(TRef),
+    ok.
+handle_call(collect_sample, _, {OldTRef, SampleInterval}) ->
+    timer:cancel(OldTRef),
+    {ok, TRef} = timer:apply_after(SampleInterval, ?MODULE, collect_sample, []),
+    % Gather new stats values to add.
+    Incs = lists:map(fun({Key, Value}) ->
+        {Key, {incremental, Value}}
+    end, couch_stats_collector:all(incremental)),
+    Abs = lists:map(fun({Key, Values}) ->
+        couch_stats_collector:clear(Key),
+        Values2 = case Values of
+            X when is_list(X) -> X;
+            Else -> [Else]
+        end,
+        {_, Mean} = lists:foldl(fun(Val, {Count, Curr}) ->
+            {Count+1, Curr + (Val - Curr) / (Count+1)}
+        end, {0, 0}, Values2),
+        {Key, {absolute, Mean}}
+    end, couch_stats_collector:all(absolute)),
+    Values = Incs ++ Abs,
+    Now = erlang:now(),
+    lists:foreach(fun({{Key, Rate}, Agg}) ->
+        NewAgg = case proplists:lookup(Key, Values) of
+            none ->
+                rem_values(Now, Agg);
+            {Key, {Type, Value}} ->
+                NewValue = new_value(Type, Value, Agg#aggregate.current),
+                Agg2 = add_value(Now, NewValue, Agg),
+                rem_values(Now, Agg2)
+        end,
+        ets:insert(?MODULE, {{Key, Rate}, NewAgg})
+    end, ets:tab2list(?MODULE)),
+    {reply, ok, {TRef, SampleInterval}}.
+handle_cast(stop, State) ->
+    {stop, normal, State}.
+handle_info(_Info, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
+code_change(_OldVersion, State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, State}.
+new_value(incremental, Value, null) ->
+    Value;
+new_value(incremental, Value, Current) ->
+    Value - Current;
+new_value(absolute, Value, _Current) ->
+    Value.
+add_value(Time, Value, #aggregate{count=Count, seconds=Secs}=Agg) when Count < 1 ->
+    Samples = case Secs of
+        0 -> [];
+        _ -> [{Time, Value}]
+    end,
+    Agg#aggregate{
+        count=1,
+        current=Value,
+        sum=Value,
+        mean=Value,
+        variance=0.0,
+        stddev=null,
+        min=Value,
+        max=Value,
+        samples=Samples
+    };
+add_value(Time, Value, Agg) ->
+    #aggregate{
+        count=Count,
+        current=Current,
+        sum=Sum,
+        mean=Mean,
+        variance=Variance,
+        samples=Samples
+    } = Agg,
+    NewCount = Count + 1,
+    NewMean = Mean + (Value - Mean) / NewCount,
+    NewVariance = Variance + (Value - Mean) * (Value - NewMean),
+    StdDev = case NewCount > 1 of
+        false -> null;
+        _ -> math:sqrt(NewVariance / (NewCount - 1))
+    end,
+    Agg2 = Agg#aggregate{
+        count=NewCount,
+        current=Current + Value,
+        sum=Sum + Value,
+        mean=NewMean,
+        variance=NewVariance,
+        stddev=StdDev,
+        min=lists:min([Agg#aggregate.min, Value]),
+        max=lists:max([Agg#aggregate.max, Value])
+    },
+    case Agg2#aggregate.seconds of
+        0 -> Agg2;
+        _ -> Agg2#aggregate{samples=[{Time, Value} | Samples]}
+    end.
+rem_values(Time, Agg) ->
+    Seconds = Agg#aggregate.seconds,
+    Samples = Agg#aggregate.samples,
+    Pred = fun({When, _Value}) ->
+        timer:now_diff(Time, When) =< (Seconds * 1000000)
+    end,
+    {Keep, Remove} = lists:splitwith(Pred, Samples),
+    Agg2 = lists:foldl(fun({_, Value}, Acc) ->
+        rem_value(Value, Acc)
+    end, Agg, Remove),
+    Agg2#aggregate{samples=Keep}.
+rem_value(_Value, #aggregate{count=Count, seconds=Secs}) when Count =< 1 ->
+    #aggregate{seconds=Secs};
+rem_value(Value, Agg) ->
+    #aggregate{
+        count=Count,
+        sum=Sum,
+        mean=Mean,
+        variance=Variance
+    } = Agg,
+    OldMean = (Mean * Count - Value) / (Count - 1),
+    OldVariance = Variance - (Value - OldMean) * (Value - Mean),
+    OldCount = Count - 1,
+    StdDev = case OldCount > 1 of
+        false -> null;
+        _ -> math:sqrt(clamp_value(OldVariance / (OldCount - 1)))
+    end,
+    Agg#aggregate{
+        count=OldCount,
+        sum=Sum-Value,
+        mean=clamp_value(OldMean),
+        variance=clamp_value(OldVariance),
+        stddev=StdDev
+    }.
+to_json_term(Agg) ->
+    {Min, Max} = case Agg#aggregate.seconds > 0 of
+        false ->
+            {Agg#aggregate.min, Agg#aggregate.max};
+        _ ->
+            case length(Agg#aggregate.samples) > 0 of
+                true ->
+                    Extract = fun({_Time, Value}) -> Value end,
+                    Samples = lists:map(Extract, Agg#aggregate.samples),
+                    {lists:min(Samples), lists:max(Samples)};
+                _ ->
+                    {null, null}
+            end
+    end,
+    {[
+        {description, Agg#aggregate.description},
+        {current, round_value(Agg#aggregate.sum)},
+        {sum, round_value(Agg#aggregate.sum)},
+        {mean, round_value(Agg#aggregate.mean)},
+        {stddev, round_value(Agg#aggregate.stddev)},
+        {min, Min},
+        {max, Max}
+    ]}.
+make_key({Mod, Val}) when is_integer(Val) ->
+    {Mod, list_to_atom(integer_to_list(Val))};
+make_key(Key) ->
+    Key.
+round_value(Val) when not is_number(Val) ->
+    Val;
+round_value(Val) when Val == 0 ->
+    Val;
+round_value(Val) ->
+    erlang:round(Val * 1000.0) / 1000.0.
+clamp_value(Val) when Val > 0.00000000000001 ->
+    Val;
+clamp_value(_) ->
+    0.0.
diff --git a/src/couch_stats_collector.erl b/src/couch_stats_collector.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7b9bb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_stats_collector.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+% todo
+% - remove existance check on increment(), decrement() and record(). have
+%   modules initialize counters on startup.
+-export([start/0, stop/0]).
+-export([all/0, all/1, get/1, increment/1, decrement/1, record/2, clear/1]).
+-export([track_process_count/1, track_process_count/2]).
+-export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
+-export([handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
+-define(HIT_TABLE, stats_hit_table).
+-define(ABS_TABLE, stats_abs_table).
+start() ->
+    gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+stop() ->
+    gen_server:call(?MODULE, stop).
+all() ->
+    ets:tab2list(?HIT_TABLE) ++ abs_to_list().
+all(Type) ->
+    case Type of
+        incremental -> ets:tab2list(?HIT_TABLE);
+        absolute -> abs_to_list()
+    end.
+get(Key) ->
+    case ets:lookup(?HIT_TABLE, Key) of
+        [] ->
+            case ets:lookup(?ABS_TABLE, Key) of
+                [] ->
+                    nil;
+                AbsVals ->
+                    lists:map(fun({_, Value}) -> Value end, AbsVals)
+            end;
+        [{_, Counter}] ->
+            Counter
+    end.
+increment(Key) ->
+    Key2 = make_key(Key),
+    case catch ets:update_counter(?HIT_TABLE, Key2, 1) of
+        {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} ->
+            catch ets:insert(?HIT_TABLE, {Key2, 1}),
+            ok;
+        _ ->
+            ok
+    end.
+decrement(Key) ->
+    Key2 = make_key(Key),
+    case catch ets:update_counter(?HIT_TABLE, Key2, -1) of
+        {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} ->
+            catch ets:insert(?HIT_TABLE, {Key2, -1}),
+            ok;
+        _ -> ok
+    end.
+record(Key, Value) ->
+    catch ets:insert(?ABS_TABLE, {make_key(Key), Value}).
+clear(Key) ->
+    catch ets:delete(?ABS_TABLE, make_key(Key)).
+track_process_count(Stat) ->
+    track_process_count(self(), Stat).
+track_process_count(Pid, Stat) ->
+    MonitorFun = fun() ->
+        Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+        receive {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, _} -> ok end,
+        couch_stats_collector:decrement(Stat)
+    end,
+    case (catch couch_stats_collector:increment(Stat)) of
+        ok -> spawn(MonitorFun);
+        _ -> ok
+    end.
+init(_) ->
+    ets:new(?HIT_TABLE, [named_table, set, public]),
+    ets:new(?ABS_TABLE, [named_table, duplicate_bag, public]),
+    {ok, nil}.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+    ok.
+handle_call(stop, _, State) ->
+    {stop, normal, stopped, State}.
+handle_cast(foo, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
+handle_info(_Info, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
+code_change(_OldVersion, State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, State}.
+make_key({Module, Key}) when is_integer(Key) ->
+    {Module, list_to_atom(integer_to_list(Key))};
+make_key(Key) ->
+    Key.
+abs_to_list() ->
+    SortedKVs = lists:sort(ets:tab2list(?ABS_TABLE)),
+    lists:foldl(fun({Key, Val}, Acc) ->
+        case Acc of
+            [] ->
+                [{Key, [Val]}];
+            [{Key, Prev} | Rest] ->
+                [{Key, [Val | Prev]} | Rest];
+            Others ->
+                [{Key, [Val]} | Others]
+        end
+    end, [], SortedKVs).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/couch_stream.erl b/src/couch_stream.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..959feef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_stream.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+% public API
+-export([open/1, open/2, close/1]).
+-export([foldl/4, foldl/5, foldl_decode/6, range_foldl/6]).
+-export([copy_to_new_stream/3, write/2]).
+% gen_server callbacks
+-export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
+-export([handle_cast/2, handle_call/3, handle_info/2]).
+-define(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, 4096).
+    {fd = 0,
+    written_pointers=[],
+    buffer_list = [],
+    buffer_len = 0,
+    max_buffer,
+    written_len = 0,
+    md5,
+    % md5 of the content without any transformation applied (e.g. compression)
+    % needed for the attachment upload integrity check (ticket 558)
+    identity_md5,
+    identity_len = 0,
+    encoding_fun,
+    end_encoding_fun
+    }).
+%%% Interface functions %%%
+open(Fd) ->
+    open(Fd, []).
+open(Fd, Options) ->
+    gen_server:start_link(couch_stream, {Fd, Options}, []).
+close(Pid) ->
+    gen_server:call(Pid, close, infinity).
+copy_to_new_stream(Fd, PosList, DestFd) ->
+    {ok, Dest} = open(DestFd),
+    foldl(Fd, PosList,
+        fun(Bin, _) ->
+            ok = write(Dest, Bin)
+        end, ok),
+    close(Dest).
+foldl(_Fd, [], _Fun, Acc) ->
+    Acc;
+foldl(Fd, [Pos|Rest], Fun, Acc) ->
+    {ok, Bin} = couch_file:pread_iolist(Fd, Pos),
+    foldl(Fd, Rest, Fun, Fun(Bin, Acc)).
+foldl(Fd, PosList, <<>>, Fun, Acc) ->
+    foldl(Fd, PosList, Fun, Acc);
+foldl(Fd, PosList, Md5, Fun, Acc) ->
+    foldl(Fd, PosList, Md5, couch_util:md5_init(), Fun, Acc).
+foldl_decode(Fd, PosList, Md5, Enc, Fun, Acc) ->
+    {DecDataFun, DecEndFun} = case Enc of
+    gzip ->
+        ungzip_init();
+    identity ->
+        identity_enc_dec_funs()
+    end,
+    Result = foldl_decode(
+        DecDataFun, Fd, PosList, Md5, couch_util:md5_init(), Fun, Acc
+    ),
+    DecEndFun(),
+    Result.
+foldl(_Fd, [], Md5, Md5Acc, _Fun, Acc) ->
+    Md5 = couch_util:md5_final(Md5Acc),
+    Acc;
+foldl(Fd, [{Pos, _Size}], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc) -> % 0110 UPGRADE CODE
+    foldl(Fd, [Pos], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc);
+foldl(Fd, [Pos], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc) ->
+    {ok, Bin} = couch_file:pread_iolist(Fd, Pos),
+    Md5 = couch_util:md5_final(couch_util:md5_update(Md5Acc, Bin)),
+    Fun(Bin, Acc);
+foldl(Fd, [{Pos, _Size}|Rest], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc) ->
+    foldl(Fd, [Pos|Rest], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc);
+foldl(Fd, [Pos|Rest], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc) ->
+    {ok, Bin} = couch_file:pread_iolist(Fd, Pos),
+    foldl(Fd, Rest, Md5, couch_util:md5_update(Md5Acc, Bin), Fun, Fun(Bin, Acc)).
+range_foldl(Fd, PosList, From, To, Fun, Acc) ->
+    range_foldl(Fd, PosList, From, To, 0, Fun, Acc).
+range_foldl(_Fd, _PosList, _From, To, Off, _Fun, Acc) when Off >= To ->
+    Acc;
+range_foldl(Fd, [Pos|Rest], From, To, Off, Fun, Acc) when is_integer(Pos) -> % old-style attachment
+    {ok, Bin} = couch_file:pread_iolist(Fd, Pos),
+    range_foldl(Fd, [{Pos, iolist_size(Bin)}] ++ Rest, From, To, Off, Fun, Acc);
+range_foldl(Fd, [{_Pos, Size}|Rest], From, To, Off, Fun, Acc) when From > Off + Size ->
+    range_foldl(Fd, Rest, From, To, Off + Size, Fun, Acc);
+range_foldl(Fd, [{Pos, Size}|Rest], From, To, Off, Fun, Acc) ->
+    {ok, Bin} = couch_file:pread_iolist(Fd, Pos),
+    Bin1 = if
+        From =< Off andalso To >= Off + Size -> Bin; %% the whole block is covered
+        true ->
+            PrefixLen = clip(From - Off, 0, Size),
+            PostfixLen = clip(Off + Size - To, 0, Size),
+            MatchLen = Size - PrefixLen - PostfixLen,
+            <<_Prefix:PrefixLen/binary,Match:MatchLen/binary,_Postfix:PostfixLen/binary>> = iolist_to_binary(Bin),
+            Match
+    end,
+    range_foldl(Fd, Rest, From, To, Off + Size, Fun, Fun(Bin1, Acc)).
+clip(Value, Lo, Hi) ->
+    if
+        Value < Lo -> Lo;
+        Value > Hi -> Hi;
+        true -> Value
+    end.
+foldl_decode(_DecFun, _Fd, [], Md5, Md5Acc, _Fun, Acc) ->
+    Md5 = couch_util:md5_final(Md5Acc),
+    Acc;
+foldl_decode(DecFun, Fd, [{Pos, _Size}], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc) ->
+    foldl_decode(DecFun, Fd, [Pos], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc);
+foldl_decode(DecFun, Fd, [Pos], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc) ->
+    {ok, EncBin} = couch_file:pread_iolist(Fd, Pos),
+    Md5 = couch_util:md5_final(couch_util:md5_update(Md5Acc, EncBin)),
+    Bin = DecFun(EncBin),
+    Fun(Bin, Acc);
+foldl_decode(DecFun, Fd, [{Pos, _Size}|Rest], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc) ->
+    foldl_decode(DecFun, Fd, [Pos|Rest], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc);
+foldl_decode(DecFun, Fd, [Pos|Rest], Md5, Md5Acc, Fun, Acc) ->
+    {ok, EncBin} = couch_file:pread_iolist(Fd, Pos),
+    Bin = DecFun(EncBin),
+    Md5Acc2 = couch_util:md5_update(Md5Acc, EncBin),
+    foldl_decode(DecFun, Fd, Rest, Md5, Md5Acc2, Fun, Fun(Bin, Acc)).
+gzip_init(Options) ->
+    case couch_util:get_value(compression_level, Options, 0) of
+    Lvl when Lvl >= 1 andalso Lvl =< 9 ->
+        Z = zlib:open(),
+        % 15 = ?MAX_WBITS (defined in the zlib module)
+        % the 16 + ?MAX_WBITS formula was obtained by inspecting zlib:gzip/1
+        ok = zlib:deflateInit(Z, Lvl, deflated, 16 + 15, 8, default),
+        {
+            fun(Data) ->
+                zlib:deflate(Z, Data)
+            end,
+            fun() ->
+                Last = zlib:deflate(Z, [], finish),
+                ok = zlib:deflateEnd(Z),
+                ok = zlib:close(Z),
+                Last
+            end
+        };
+    _ ->
+        identity_enc_dec_funs()
+    end.
+ungzip_init() ->
+    Z = zlib:open(),
+    zlib:inflateInit(Z, 16 + 15),
+    {
+        fun(Data) ->
+            zlib:inflate(Z, Data)
+        end,
+        fun() ->
+            ok = zlib:inflateEnd(Z),
+            ok = zlib:close(Z)
+        end
+    }.
+identity_enc_dec_funs() ->
+    {
+        fun(Data) -> Data end,
+        fun() -> [] end
+    }.
+write(_Pid, <<>>) ->
+    ok;
+write(Pid, Bin) ->
+    gen_server:call(Pid, {write, Bin}, infinity).
+init({Fd, Options}) ->
+    {EncodingFun, EndEncodingFun} =
+    case couch_util:get_value(encoding, Options, identity) of
+    identity ->
+        identity_enc_dec_funs();
+    gzip ->
+        gzip_init(Options)
+    end,
+    {ok, #stream{
+            fd=Fd,
+            md5=couch_util:md5_init(),
+            identity_md5=couch_util:md5_init(),
+            encoding_fun=EncodingFun,
+            end_encoding_fun=EndEncodingFun,
+            max_buffer=couch_util:get_value(
+                buffer_size, Options, ?DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
+        }
+    }.
+terminate(_Reason, _Stream) ->
+    ok.
+handle_call({write, Bin}, _From, Stream) ->
+    BinSize = iolist_size(Bin),
+    #stream{
+        fd = Fd,
+        written_len = WrittenLen,
+        written_pointers = Written,
+        buffer_len = BufferLen,
+        buffer_list = Buffer,
+        max_buffer = Max,
+        md5 = Md5,
+        identity_md5 = IdenMd5,
+        identity_len = IdenLen,
+        encoding_fun = EncodingFun} = Stream,
+    if BinSize + BufferLen > Max ->
+        WriteBin = lists:reverse(Buffer, [Bin]),
+        IdenMd5_2 = couch_util:md5_update(IdenMd5, WriteBin),
+        case EncodingFun(WriteBin) of
+        [] ->
+            % case where the encoder did some internal buffering
+            % (zlib does it for example)
+            WrittenLen2 = WrittenLen,
+            Md5_2 = Md5,
+            Written2 = Written;
+        WriteBin2 ->
+            {ok, Pos, _} = couch_file:append_binary(Fd, WriteBin2),
+            WrittenLen2 = WrittenLen + iolist_size(WriteBin2),
+            Md5_2 = couch_util:md5_update(Md5, WriteBin2),
+            Written2 = [{Pos, iolist_size(WriteBin2)}|Written]
+        end,
+        {reply, ok, Stream#stream{
+                        written_len=WrittenLen2,
+                        written_pointers=Written2,
+                        buffer_list=[],
+                        buffer_len=0,
+                        md5=Md5_2,
+                        identity_md5=IdenMd5_2,
+                        identity_len=IdenLen + BinSize}};
+    true ->
+        {reply, ok, Stream#stream{
+                        buffer_list=[Bin|Buffer],
+                        buffer_len=BufferLen + BinSize,
+                        identity_len=IdenLen + BinSize}}
+    end;
+handle_call(close, _From, Stream) ->
+    #stream{
+        fd = Fd,
+        written_len = WrittenLen,
+        written_pointers = Written,
+        buffer_list = Buffer,
+        md5 = Md5,
+        identity_md5 = IdenMd5,
+        identity_len = IdenLen,
+        encoding_fun = EncodingFun,
+        end_encoding_fun = EndEncodingFun} = Stream,
+    WriteBin = lists:reverse(Buffer),
+    IdenMd5Final = couch_util:md5_final(couch_util:md5_update(IdenMd5, WriteBin)),
+    WriteBin2 = EncodingFun(WriteBin) ++ EndEncodingFun(),
+    Md5Final = couch_util:md5_final(couch_util:md5_update(Md5, WriteBin2)),
+    Result = case WriteBin2 of
+    [] ->
+        {lists:reverse(Written), WrittenLen, IdenLen, Md5Final, IdenMd5Final};
+    _ ->
+        {ok, Pos, _} = couch_file:append_binary(Fd, WriteBin2),
+        StreamInfo = lists:reverse(Written, [{Pos, iolist_size(WriteBin2)}]),
+        StreamLen = WrittenLen + iolist_size(WriteBin2),
+        {StreamInfo, StreamLen, IdenLen, Md5Final, IdenMd5Final}
+    end,
+    {stop, normal, Result, Stream}.
+handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
+    {noreply,State}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, State}.
+handle_info(_Info, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
diff --git a/src/couch_task_status.erl b/src/couch_task_status.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e23b560
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_task_status.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+% This module is used to track the status of long running tasks.
+% Long running tasks register themselves, via a call to add_task/1, and then
+% update their status properties via update/1. The status of a task is a
+% list of properties. Each property is a tuple, with the first element being
+% either an atom or a binary and the second element must be an EJSON value. When
+% a task updates its status, it can override some or all of its properties.
+% The properties {started_on, UnitTimestamp}, {updated_on, UnixTimestamp} and
+% {pid, ErlangPid} are automatically added by this module.
+% When a tracked task dies, its status will be automatically removed from
+% memory. To get the tasks list, call the all/0 function.
+-export([start_link/0, stop/0]).
+-export([all/0, add_task/1, update/1, get/1, set_update_frequency/1]).
+-export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
+-export([handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
+-define(set(L, K, V), lists:keystore(K, 1, L, {K, V})).
+start_link() ->
+    gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+stop() ->
+    gen_server:cast(?MODULE, stop).
+all() ->
+    gen_server:call(?MODULE, all).
+add_task(Props) ->
+    put(task_status_update, {{0, 0, 0}, 0}),
+    Ts = timestamp(),
+    TaskProps = lists:ukeysort(
+        1, [{started_on, Ts}, {updated_on, Ts} | Props]),
+    put(task_status_props, TaskProps),
+    gen_server:call(?MODULE, {add_task, TaskProps}).
+is_task_added() ->
+    is_list(erlang:get(task_status_props)).
+set_update_frequency(Msecs) ->
+    put(task_status_update, {{0, 0, 0}, Msecs * 1000}).
+update(Props) ->
+    MergeProps = lists:ukeysort(1, Props),
+    TaskProps = lists:ukeymerge(1, MergeProps, erlang:get(task_status_props)),
+    put(task_status_props, TaskProps),
+    maybe_persist(TaskProps).
+get(Props) when is_list(Props) ->
+    TaskProps = erlang:get(task_status_props),
+    [couch_util:get_value(P, TaskProps) || P <- Props];
+get(Prop) ->
+    TaskProps = erlang:get(task_status_props),
+    couch_util:get_value(Prop, TaskProps).
+maybe_persist(TaskProps0) ->
+    {LastUpdateTime, Frequency} = erlang:get(task_status_update),
+    case timer:now_diff(Now = now(), LastUpdateTime) >= Frequency of
+    true ->
+        put(task_status_update, {Now, Frequency}),
+        TaskProps = ?set(TaskProps0, updated_on, timestamp(Now)),
+        gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {update_status, self(), TaskProps});
+    false ->
+        ok
+    end.
+init([]) ->
+    % read configuration settings and register for configuration changes
+    ets:new(?MODULE, [ordered_set, protected, named_table]),
+    {ok, nil}.
+terminate(_Reason,_State) ->
+    ok.
+handle_call({add_task, TaskProps}, {From, _}, Server) ->
+    case ets:lookup(?MODULE, From) of
+    [] ->
+        true = ets:insert(?MODULE, {From, TaskProps}),
+        erlang:monitor(process, From),
+        {reply, ok, Server};
+    [_] ->
+        {reply, {add_task_error, already_registered}, Server}
+    end;
+handle_call(all, _, Server) ->
+    All = [
+        [{pid, ?l2b(pid_to_list(Pid))} | TaskProps]
+        ||
+        {Pid, TaskProps} <- ets:tab2list(?MODULE)
+    ],
+    {reply, All, Server}.
+handle_cast({update_status, Pid, NewProps}, Server) ->
+    case ets:lookup(?MODULE, Pid) of
+    [{Pid, _CurProps}] ->
+        ?LOG_DEBUG("New task status for ~p: ~p", [Pid, NewProps]),
+        true = ets:insert(?MODULE, {Pid, NewProps});
+    _ ->
+        % Task finished/died in the meanwhile and we must have received
+        % a monitor message before this call - ignore.
+        ok
+    end,
+    {noreply, Server};
+handle_cast(stop, State) ->
+    {stop, normal, State}.
+handle_info({'DOWN', _MonitorRef, _Type, Pid, _Info}, Server) ->
+    %% should we also erlang:demonitor(_MonitorRef), ?
+    ets:delete(?MODULE, Pid),
+    {noreply, Server}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, State}.
+timestamp() ->
+    timestamp(now()).
+timestamp({Mega, Secs, _}) ->
+    Mega * 1000000 + Secs.
diff --git a/src/couch_users_db.erl b/src/couch_users_db.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b875ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_users_db.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-export([before_doc_update/2, after_doc_read/2, strip_non_public_fields/1]).
+-define(NAME, <<"name">>).
+-define(PASSWORD, <<"password">>).
+-define(DERIVED_KEY, <<"derived_key">>).
+-define(PASSWORD_SCHEME, <<"password_scheme">>).
+-define(PBKDF2, <<"pbkdf2">>).
+-define(ITERATIONS, <<"iterations">>).
+-define(SALT, <<"salt">>).
+-define(replace(L, K, V), lists:keystore(K, 1, L, {K, V})).
+% If the request's userCtx identifies an admin
+%   -> save_doc (see below)
+% If the request's is null:
+%   -> save_doc
+%   // this is an anonymous user registering a new document
+%   // in case a user doc with the same id already exists, the anonymous
+%   // user will get a regular doc update conflict.
+% If the request's doesn't match the doc's name
+%   -> 404 // Not Found
+% Else
+%   -> save_doc
+before_doc_update(Doc, #db{user_ctx = UserCtx} = Db) ->
+    #user_ctx{name=Name} = UserCtx,
+    DocName = get_doc_name(Doc),
+    case (catch couch_db:check_is_admin(Db)) of
+    ok ->
+        save_doc(Doc);
+    _ when Name =:= DocName orelse Name =:= null ->
+        save_doc(Doc);
+    _ ->
+        throw(not_found)
+    end.
+% If newDoc.password == null || newDoc.password == undefined:
+%   ->
+%   noop
+% Else -> // calculate password hash server side
+%    newDoc.password_sha = hash_pw(newDoc.password + salt)
+%    newDoc.salt = salt
+%    newDoc.password = null
+save_doc(#doc{body={Body}} = Doc) ->
+    case couch_util:get_value(?PASSWORD, Body) of
+    null -> % server admins don't have a user-db password entry
+        Doc;
+    undefined ->
+        Doc;
+    ClearPassword ->
+        Iterations = list_to_integer(couch_config:get("couch_httpd_auth", "iterations", "1000")),
+        Salt = couch_uuids:random(),
+        DerivedKey = couch_passwords:pbkdf2(ClearPassword, Salt, Iterations),
+        Body0 = [{?PASSWORD_SCHEME, ?PBKDF2}, {?ITERATIONS, Iterations}|Body],
+        Body1 = ?replace(Body0, ?DERIVED_KEY, DerivedKey),
+        Body2 = ?replace(Body1, ?SALT, Salt),
+        Body3 = proplists:delete(?PASSWORD, Body2),
+        Doc#doc{body={Body3}}
+    end.
+% If the doc is a design doc
+%   If the request's userCtx identifies an admin
+%     -> return doc
+%   Else
+%     -> 403 // Forbidden
+% If the request's userCtx identifies an admin
+%   -> return doc
+% If the request's doesn't match the doc's name
+%   -> 404 // Not Found
+% Else
+%   -> return doc
+after_doc_read(#doc{id = <<?DESIGN_DOC_PREFIX, _/binary>>} = Doc, Db) ->
+    case (catch couch_db:check_is_admin(Db)) of
+    ok ->
+        Doc;
+    _ ->
+        throw({forbidden,
+        <<"Only administrators can view design docs in the users database.">>})
+    end;
+after_doc_read(Doc, #db{user_ctx = UserCtx} = Db) ->
+    #user_ctx{name=Name} = UserCtx,
+    DocName = get_doc_name(Doc),
+    case (catch couch_db:check_is_admin(Db)) of
+    ok ->
+        Doc;
+    _ when Name =:= DocName ->
+        Doc;
+    _ ->
+        Doc1 = strip_non_public_fields(Doc),
+        case Doc1 of
+          #doc{body={[]}} ->
+              throw(not_found);
+          _ ->
+              Doc1
+        end
+    end.
+get_doc_name(#doc{id= <<"org.couchdb.user:", Name/binary>>}) ->
+    Name;
+get_doc_name(_) ->
+    undefined.
+strip_non_public_fields(#doc{body={Props}}=Doc) ->
+    Public = re:split(couch_config:get("couch_httpd_auth", "public_fields", ""),
+                      "\\s*,\\s*", [{return, binary}]),
+    Doc#doc{body={[{K, V} || {K, V} <- Props, lists:member(K, Public)]}}.
diff --git a/src/couch_util.erl b/src/couch_util.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76a9293
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_util.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-export([start_app_deps/1, ensure_started/1]).
+-export([priv_dir/0, normpath/1]).
+-export([should_flush/0, should_flush/1, to_existing_atom/1]).
+-export([rand32/0, implode/2]).
+-export([abs_pathname/1,abs_pathname/2, trim/1]).
+-export([encodeBase64Url/1, decodeBase64Url/1]).
+-export([validate_utf8/1, to_hex/1, parse_term/1, dict_find/3]).
+-export([get_nested_json_value/2, json_user_ctx/1]).
+-export([proplist_apply_field/2, json_apply_field/2]).
+-export([to_binary/1, to_integer/1, to_list/1, url_encode/1]).
+-export([get_value/2, get_value/3]).
+-export([md5/1, md5_init/0, md5_update/2, md5_final/1]).
+-export([rfc1123_date/0, rfc1123_date/1]).
+% arbitrarily chosen amount of memory to use before flushing to disk
+-define(FLUSH_MAX_MEM, 10000000).
+%% @spec start_app_deps(App :: atom()) -> ok
+%% @doc Start depedent applications of App.
+start_app_deps(App) ->
+    {ok, DepApps} = application:get_key(App, applications),
+    [ensure_started(A) || A <- DepApps],
+    ok.
+%% @spec ensure_started(Application :: atom()) -> ok
+%% @doc Start the named application if not already started.
+ensure_started(App) ->
+    case application:start(App) of
+	ok ->
+	    ok;
+	{error, {already_started, App}} ->
+	    ok
+    end.
+priv_dir() ->
+    case code:priv_dir(couch) of
+        {error, _} ->
+            %% try to get relative priv dir. useful for tests.
+            EbinDir = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
+            AppPath = filename:dirname(EbinDir),
+            filename:join(AppPath, "priv");
+        Dir -> Dir
+    end.
+% Normalize a pathname by removing .. and . components.
+normpath(Path) ->
+    normparts(filename:split(Path), []).
+normparts([], Acc) ->
+    filename:join(lists:reverse(Acc));
+normparts([".." | RestParts], [_Drop | RestAcc]) ->
+    normparts(RestParts, RestAcc);
+normparts(["." | RestParts], Acc) ->
+    normparts(RestParts, Acc);
+normparts([Part | RestParts], Acc) ->
+    normparts(RestParts, [Part | Acc]).
+% works like list_to_existing_atom, except can be list or binary and it
+% gives you the original value instead of an error if no existing atom.
+to_existing_atom(V) when is_list(V) ->
+    try list_to_existing_atom(V) catch _:_ -> V end;
+to_existing_atom(V) when is_binary(V) ->
+    try list_to_existing_atom(?b2l(V)) catch _:_ -> V end;
+to_existing_atom(V) when is_atom(V) ->
+    V.
+shutdown_sync(Pid) when not is_pid(Pid)->
+    ok;
+shutdown_sync(Pid) ->
+    MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+    try
+        catch unlink(Pid),
+        catch exit(Pid, shutdown),
+        receive
+        {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, _} ->
+            ok
+        end
+    after
+        erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush])
+    end.
+simple_call(Pid, Message) ->
+    MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+    try
+        Pid ! {self(), Message},
+        receive
+        {Pid, Result} ->
+            Result;
+        {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, Reason} ->
+            exit(Reason)
+        end
+    after
+        erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush])
+    end.
+validate_utf8(Data) when is_list(Data) ->
+    validate_utf8(?l2b(Data));
+validate_utf8(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
+    validate_utf8_fast(Bin, 0).
+validate_utf8_fast(B, O) ->
+    case B of
+        <<_:O/binary>> ->
+            true;
+        <<_:O/binary, C1, _/binary>> when
+                C1 < 128 ->
+            validate_utf8_fast(B, 1 + O);
+        <<_:O/binary, C1, C2, _/binary>> when
+                C1 >= 194, C1 =< 223,
+                C2 >= 128, C2 =< 191 ->
+            validate_utf8_fast(B, 2 + O);
+        <<_:O/binary, C1, C2, C3, _/binary>> when
+                C1 >= 224, C1 =< 239,
+                C2 >= 128, C2 =< 191,
+                C3 >= 128, C3 =< 191 ->
+            validate_utf8_fast(B, 3 + O);
+        <<_:O/binary, C1, C2, C3, C4, _/binary>> when
+                C1 >= 240, C1 =< 244,
+                C2 >= 128, C2 =< 191,
+                C3 >= 128, C3 =< 191,
+                C4 >= 128, C4 =< 191 ->
+            validate_utf8_fast(B, 4 + O);
+        _ ->
+            false
+    end.
+to_hex([]) ->
+    [];
+to_hex(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
+    to_hex(binary_to_list(Bin));
+to_hex([H|T]) ->
+    [to_digit(H div 16), to_digit(H rem 16) | to_hex(T)].
+to_digit(N) when N < 10 -> $0 + N;
+to_digit(N)             -> $a + N-10.
+parse_term(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
+    parse_term(binary_to_list(Bin));
+parse_term(List) ->
+    {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(List ++ "."),
+    erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens).
+get_value(Key, List) ->
+    get_value(Key, List, undefined).
+get_value(Key, List, Default) ->
+    case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, List) of
+    {value, {Key,Value}} ->
+        Value;
+    false ->
+        Default
+    end.
+get_nested_json_value({Props}, [Key|Keys]) ->
+    case couch_util:get_value(Key, Props, nil) of
+    nil -> throw({not_found, <<"missing json key: ", Key/binary>>});
+    Value -> get_nested_json_value(Value, Keys)
+    end;
+get_nested_json_value(Value, []) ->
+    Value;
+get_nested_json_value(_NotJSONObj, _) ->
+    throw({not_found, json_mismatch}).
+proplist_apply_field(H, L) ->
+    {R} = json_apply_field(H, {L}),
+    R.
+json_apply_field(H, {L}) ->
+    json_apply_field(H, L, []).
+json_apply_field({Key, NewValue}, [{Key, _OldVal} | Headers], Acc) ->
+    json_apply_field({Key, NewValue}, Headers, Acc);
+json_apply_field({Key, NewValue}, [{OtherKey, OtherVal} | Headers], Acc) ->
+    json_apply_field({Key, NewValue}, Headers, [{OtherKey, OtherVal} | Acc]);
+json_apply_field({Key, NewValue}, [], Acc) ->
+    {[{Key, NewValue}|Acc]}.
+json_user_ctx(#db{name=DbName, user_ctx=Ctx}) ->
+    {[{<<"db">>, DbName},
+            {<<"name">>,},
+            {<<"roles">>,Ctx#user_ctx.roles}]}.
+json_decode(D) ->
+    try
+        jiffy:decode(D)
+    catch
+        throw:Error ->
+            throw({invalid_json, Error})
+    end.
+% returns a random integer
+rand32() ->
+    crypto:rand_uniform(0, 16#100000000).
+% given a pathname "../foo/bar/" it gives back the fully qualified
+% absolute pathname.
+abs_pathname(" " ++ Filename) ->
+    % strip leading whitspace
+    abs_pathname(Filename);
+abs_pathname([$/ |_]=Filename) ->
+    Filename;
+abs_pathname(Filename) ->
+    {ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
+    {Filename2, Args} = separate_cmd_args(Filename, ""),
+    abs_pathname(Filename2, Cwd) ++ Args.
+abs_pathname(Filename, Dir) ->
+    Name = filename:absname(Filename, Dir ++ "/"),
+    OutFilename = filename:join(fix_path_list(filename:split(Name), [])),
+    % If the filename is a dir (last char slash, put back end slash
+    case string:right(Filename,1) of
+    "/" ->
+        OutFilename ++ "/";
+    "\\" ->
+        OutFilename ++ "/";
+    _Else->
+        OutFilename
+    end.
+% if this as an executable with arguments, seperate out the arguments
+% ""./foo\ -baz=blah" -> {"./foo\", " -baz=blah"}
+separate_cmd_args("", CmdAcc) ->
+    {lists:reverse(CmdAcc), ""};
+separate_cmd_args("\\ " ++ Rest, CmdAcc) -> % handle skipped value
+    separate_cmd_args(Rest, " \\" ++ CmdAcc);
+separate_cmd_args(" " ++ Rest, CmdAcc) ->
+    {lists:reverse(CmdAcc), " " ++ Rest};
+separate_cmd_args([Char|Rest], CmdAcc) ->
+    separate_cmd_args(Rest, [Char | CmdAcc]).
+% Is a character whitespace?
+is_whitespace($\s) -> true;
+is_whitespace($\t) -> true;
+is_whitespace($\n) -> true;
+is_whitespace($\r) -> true;
+is_whitespace(_Else) -> false.
+% removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string
+trim(String) ->
+    String2 = lists:dropwhile(fun is_whitespace/1, String),
+    lists:reverse(lists:dropwhile(fun is_whitespace/1, lists:reverse(String2))).
+% takes a heirarchical list of dirs and removes the dots ".", double dots
+% ".." and the corresponding parent dirs.
+fix_path_list([], Acc) ->
+    lists:reverse(Acc);
+fix_path_list([".."|Rest], [_PrevAcc|RestAcc]) ->
+    fix_path_list(Rest, RestAcc);
+fix_path_list(["."|Rest], Acc) ->
+    fix_path_list(Rest, Acc);
+fix_path_list([Dir | Rest], Acc) ->
+    fix_path_list(Rest, [Dir | Acc]).
+implode(List, Sep) ->
+    implode(List, Sep, []).
+implode([], _Sep, Acc) ->
+    lists:flatten(lists:reverse(Acc));
+implode([H], Sep, Acc) ->
+    implode([], Sep, [H|Acc]);
+implode([H|T], Sep, Acc) ->
+    implode(T, Sep, [Sep,H|Acc]).
+should_flush() ->
+    should_flush(?FLUSH_MAX_MEM).
+should_flush(MemThreshHold) ->
+    {memory, ProcMem} = process_info(self(), memory),
+    BinMem = lists:foldl(fun({_Id, Size, _NRefs}, Acc) -> Size+Acc end,
+        0, element(2,process_info(self(), binary))),
+    if ProcMem+BinMem > 2*MemThreshHold ->
+        garbage_collect(),
+        {memory, ProcMem2} = process_info(self(), memory),
+        BinMem2 = lists:foldl(fun({_Id, Size, _NRefs}, Acc) -> Size+Acc end,
+            0, element(2,process_info(self(), binary))),
+        ProcMem2+BinMem2 > MemThreshHold;
+    true -> false end.
+encodeBase64Url(Url) ->
+    Url1 = re:replace(base64:encode(Url), ["=+", $$], ""),
+    Url2 = re:replace(Url1, "/", "_", [global]),
+    re:replace(Url2, "\\+", "-", [global, {return, binary}]).
+decodeBase64Url(Url64) ->
+    Url1 = re:replace(Url64, "-", "+", [global]),
+    Url2 = re:replace(Url1, "_", "/", [global]),
+    Padding = lists:duplicate((4 - iolist_size(Url2) rem 4) rem 4, $=),
+    base64:decode(iolist_to_binary([Url2, Padding])).
+dict_find(Key, Dict, DefaultValue) ->
+    case dict:find(Key, Dict) of
+    {ok, Value} ->
+        Value;
+    error ->
+        DefaultValue
+    end.
+to_binary(V) when is_binary(V) ->
+    V;
+to_binary(V) when is_list(V) ->
+    try
+        list_to_binary(V)
+    catch
+        _:_ ->
+            list_to_binary(io_lib:format("~p", [V]))
+    end;
+to_binary(V) when is_atom(V) ->
+    list_to_binary(atom_to_list(V));
+to_binary(V) ->
+    list_to_binary(io_lib:format("~p", [V])).
+to_integer(V) when is_integer(V) ->
+    V;
+to_integer(V) when is_list(V) ->
+    erlang:list_to_integer(V);
+to_integer(V) when is_binary(V) ->
+    erlang:list_to_integer(binary_to_list(V)).
+to_list(V) when is_list(V) ->
+    V;
+to_list(V) when is_binary(V) ->
+    binary_to_list(V);
+to_list(V) when is_atom(V) ->
+    atom_to_list(V);
+to_list(V) ->
+    lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [V])).
+url_encode(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
+    url_encode(binary_to_list(Bin));
+url_encode([H|T]) ->
+    if
+    H >= $a, $z >= H ->
+        [H|url_encode(T)];
+    H >= $A, $Z >= H ->
+        [H|url_encode(T)];
+    H >= $0, $9 >= H ->
+        [H|url_encode(T)];
+    H == $_; H == $.; H == $-; H == $: ->
+        [H|url_encode(T)];
+    true ->
+        case lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~.16.0B", [H])) of
+        [X, Y] ->
+            [$%, X, Y | url_encode(T)];
+        [X] ->
+            [$%, $0, X | url_encode(T)]
+        end
+    end;
+url_encode([]) ->
+    [].
+verify([X|RestX], [Y|RestY], Result) ->
+    verify(RestX, RestY, (X bxor Y) bor Result);
+verify([], [], Result) ->
+    Result == 0.
+verify(<<X/binary>>, <<Y/binary>>) ->
+    verify(?b2l(X), ?b2l(Y));
+verify(X, Y) when is_list(X) and is_list(Y) ->
+    case length(X) == length(Y) of
+        true ->
+            verify(X, Y, 0);
+        false ->
+            false
+    end;
+verify(_X, _Y) -> false.
+-spec md5(Data::(iolist() | binary())) -> Digest::binary().
+md5(Data) ->
+    try crypto:md5(Data) catch error:_ -> erlang:md5(Data) end.
+-spec md5_init() -> Context::binary().
+md5_init() ->
+    try crypto:md5_init() catch error:_ -> erlang:md5_init() end.
+-spec md5_update(Context::binary(), Data::(iolist() | binary())) ->
+    NewContext::binary().
+md5_update(Ctx, D) ->
+    try crypto:md5_update(Ctx,D) catch error:_ -> erlang:md5_update(Ctx,D) end.
+-spec md5_final(Context::binary()) -> Digest::binary().
+md5_final(Ctx) ->
+    try crypto:md5_final(Ctx) catch error:_ -> erlang:md5_final(Ctx) end.
+% linear search is faster for small lists, length() is 0.5 ms for 100k list
+reorder_results(Keys, SortedResults) when length(Keys) < 100 ->
+    [couch_util:get_value(Key, SortedResults) || Key <- Keys];
+reorder_results(Keys, SortedResults) ->
+    KeyDict = dict:from_list(SortedResults),
+    [dict:fetch(Key, KeyDict) || Key <- Keys].
+url_strip_password(Url) ->
+    re:replace(Url,
+        "http(s)?://([^:]+):[^@]+@(.*)$",
+        "http\\1://\\2:*****@\\3",
+        [{return, list}]).
+encode_doc_id(#doc{id = Id}) ->
+    encode_doc_id(Id);
+encode_doc_id(Id) when is_list(Id) ->
+    encode_doc_id(?l2b(Id));
+encode_doc_id(<<"_design/", Rest/binary>>) ->
+    "_design/" ++ url_encode(Rest);
+encode_doc_id(<<"_local/", Rest/binary>>) ->
+    "_local/" ++ url_encode(Rest);
+encode_doc_id(Id) ->
+    url_encode(Id).
+with_db(Db, Fun) when is_record(Db, db) ->
+    Fun(Db);
+with_db(DbName, Fun) ->
+    case couch_db:open_int(DbName, [{user_ctx, #user_ctx{roles=[<<"_admin">>]}}]) of
+        {ok, Db} ->
+            try
+                Fun(Db)
+            after
+                catch couch_db:close(Db)
+            end;
+        Else ->
+            throw(Else)
+    end.
+rfc1123_date() ->
+    {{YYYY,MM,DD},{Hour,Min,Sec}} = calendar:universal_time(),
+    DayNumber = calendar:day_of_the_week({YYYY,MM,DD}),
+    lists:flatten(
+      io_lib:format("~s, ~2.2.0w ~3.s ~4.4.0w ~2.2.0w:~2.2.0w:~2.2.0w GMT",
+            [day(DayNumber),DD,month(MM),YYYY,Hour,Min,Sec])).
+rfc1123_date(undefined) ->
+    undefined;
+rfc1123_date(UniversalTime) ->
+    {{YYYY,MM,DD},{Hour,Min,Sec}} = UniversalTime,
+    DayNumber = calendar:day_of_the_week({YYYY,MM,DD}),
+    lists:flatten(
+      io_lib:format("~s, ~2.2.0w ~3.s ~4.4.0w ~2.2.0w:~2.2.0w:~2.2.0w GMT",
+            [day(DayNumber),DD,month(MM),YYYY,Hour,Min,Sec])).
+%% day
+day(1) -> "Mon";
+day(2) -> "Tue";
+day(3) -> "Wed";
+day(4) -> "Thu";
+day(5) -> "Fri";
+day(6) -> "Sat";
+day(7) -> "Sun".
+%% month
+month(1) -> "Jan";
+month(2) -> "Feb";
+month(3) -> "Mar";
+month(4) -> "Apr";
+month(5) -> "May";
+month(6) -> "Jun";
+month(7) -> "Jul";
+month(8) -> "Aug";
+month(9) -> "Sep";
+month(10) -> "Oct";
+month(11) -> "Nov";
+month(12) -> "Dec".
diff --git a/src/couch_uuids.erl b/src/couch_uuids.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ed75a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_uuids.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-export([start/0, stop/0]).
+-export([new/0, random/0, utc_random/0]).
+-export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
+-export([handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
+start() ->
+    gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+stop() ->
+    gen_server:cast(?MODULE, stop).
+new() ->
+    gen_server:call(?MODULE, create).
+random() ->
+    list_to_binary(couch_util:to_hex(crypto:rand_bytes(16))).
+utc_random() ->
+    utc_suffix(couch_util:to_hex(crypto:rand_bytes(9))).
+utc_suffix(Suffix) ->
+    Now = {_, _, Micro} = now(),
+    Nowish = calendar:now_to_universal_time(Now),
+    Nowsecs = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Nowish),
+    Then = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({{1970, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0}}),
+    Prefix = io_lib:format("~14.16.0b", [(Nowsecs - Then) * 1000000 + Micro]),
+    list_to_binary(Prefix ++ Suffix).
+init([]) ->
+    ok = couch_config:register(
+        fun("uuids", _) -> gen_server:cast(?MODULE, change) end
+    ),
+    {ok, state()}.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+    ok.
+handle_call(create, _From, random) ->
+    {reply, random(), random};
+handle_call(create, _From, utc_random) ->
+    {reply, utc_random(), utc_random};
+handle_call(create, _From, {utc_id, UtcIdSuffix}) ->
+    {reply, utc_suffix(UtcIdSuffix), {utc_id, UtcIdSuffix}};
+handle_call(create, _From, {sequential, Pref, Seq}) ->
+    Result = ?l2b(Pref ++ io_lib:format("~6.16.0b", [Seq])),
+    case Seq >= 16#fff000 of
+        true ->
+            {reply, Result, {sequential, new_prefix(), inc()}};
+        _ ->
+            {reply, Result, {sequential, Pref, Seq + inc()}}
+    end.
+handle_cast(change, _State) ->
+    {noreply, state()};
+handle_cast(stop, State) ->
+    {stop, normal, State};
+handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
+handle_info(_Info, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, State}.
+new_prefix() ->
+    couch_util:to_hex((crypto:rand_bytes(13))).
+inc() ->
+    crypto:rand_uniform(1, 16#ffe).
+state() ->
+    AlgoStr = couch_config:get("uuids", "algorithm", "random"),
+    case couch_util:to_existing_atom(AlgoStr) of
+        random ->
+            random;
+        utc_random ->
+            utc_random;
+        utc_id ->
+            UtcIdSuffix = couch_config:get("uuids", "utc_id_suffix", ""),
+            {utc_id, UtcIdSuffix};
+        sequential ->
+            {sequential, new_prefix(), inc()};
+        Unknown ->
+            throw({unknown_uuid_algorithm, Unknown})
+    end.
diff --git a/src/couch_work_queue.erl b/src/couch_work_queue.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22968d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_work_queue.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+% public API
+-export([new/1, queue/2, dequeue/1, dequeue/2, close/1, item_count/1, size/1]).
+% gen_server callbacks
+-export([init/1, terminate/2]).
+-export([handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, code_change/3, handle_info/2]).
+-record(q, {
+    queue = queue:new(),
+    blocked = [],
+    max_size,
+    max_items,
+    items = 0,
+    size = 0,
+    work_waiters = [],
+    close_on_dequeue = false,
+    multi_workers = false
+new(Options) ->
+    gen_server:start_link(couch_work_queue, Options, []).
+queue(Wq, Item) when is_binary(Item) ->
+    gen_server:call(Wq, {queue, Item, byte_size(Item)}, infinity);
+queue(Wq, Item) ->
+    gen_server:call(Wq, {queue, Item, ?term_size(Item)}, infinity).
+dequeue(Wq) ->
+    dequeue(Wq, all).
+dequeue(Wq, MaxItems) ->
+    try
+        gen_server:call(Wq, {dequeue, MaxItems}, infinity)
+    catch
+        _:_ -> closed
+    end.
+item_count(Wq) ->
+    try
+        gen_server:call(Wq, item_count, infinity)
+    catch
+        _:_ -> closed
+    end.
+size(Wq) ->
+    try
+        gen_server:call(Wq, size, infinity)
+    catch
+        _:_ -> closed
+    end.
+close(Wq) ->
+    gen_server:cast(Wq, close).
+init(Options) ->
+    Q = #q{
+        max_size = couch_util:get_value(max_size, Options, nil),
+        max_items = couch_util:get_value(max_items, Options, nil),
+        multi_workers = couch_util:get_value(multi_workers, Options, false)
+    },
+    {ok, Q}.
+terminate(_Reason, #q{work_waiters=Workers}) ->
+    lists:foreach(fun({W, _}) -> gen_server:reply(W, closed) end, Workers).
+handle_call({queue, Item, Size}, From, #q{work_waiters = []} = Q0) ->
+    Q = Q0#q{size = Q0#q.size + Size,
+                items = Q0#q.items + 1,
+                queue = queue:in({Item, Size}, Q0#q.queue)},
+    case (Q#q.size >= Q#q.max_size) orelse
+            (Q#q.items >= Q#q.max_items) of
+    true ->
+        {noreply, Q#q{blocked = [From | Q#q.blocked]}};
+    false ->
+        {reply, ok, Q}
+    end;
+handle_call({queue, Item, _}, _From, #q{work_waiters = [{W, _Max} | Rest]} = Q) ->
+    gen_server:reply(W, {ok, [Item]}),
+    {reply, ok, Q#q{work_waiters = Rest}};
+handle_call({dequeue, Max}, From, Q) ->
+    #q{work_waiters = Workers, multi_workers = Multi, items = Count} = Q,
+    case {Workers, Multi} of
+    {[_ | _], false} ->
+        exit("Only one caller allowed to wait for this work at a time");
+    {[_ | _], true} ->
+        {noreply, Q#q{work_waiters=Workers ++ [{From, Max}]}};
+    _ ->
+        case Count of
+        0 ->
+            {noreply, Q#q{work_waiters=Workers ++ [{From, Max}]}};
+        C when C > 0 ->
+            deliver_queue_items(Max, Q)
+        end
+    end;
+handle_call(item_count, _From, Q) ->
+    {reply, Q#q.items, Q};
+handle_call(size, _From, Q) ->
+    {reply, Q#q.size, Q}.
+deliver_queue_items(Max, Q) ->
+    #q{
+        queue = Queue,
+        items = Count,
+        size = Size,
+        close_on_dequeue = Close,
+        blocked = Blocked
+    } = Q,
+    case (Max =:= all) orelse (Max >= Count) of
+    false ->
+        {Items, Size2, Queue2, Blocked2} = dequeue_items(
+            Max, Size, Queue, Blocked, []),
+        Q2 = Q#q{
+            items = Count - Max, size = Size2, blocked = Blocked2, queue = Queue2
+        },
+        {reply, {ok, Items}, Q2};
+    true ->
+        lists:foreach(fun(F) -> gen_server:reply(F, ok) end, Blocked),
+        Q2 = Q#q{items = 0, size = 0, blocked = [], queue = queue:new()},
+        Items = [Item || {Item, _} <- queue:to_list(Queue)],
+        case Close of
+        false ->
+            {reply, {ok, Items}, Q2};
+        true ->
+            {stop, normal, {ok, Items}, Q2}
+        end
+    end.
+dequeue_items(0, Size, Queue, Blocked, DequeuedAcc) ->
+    {lists:reverse(DequeuedAcc), Size, Queue, Blocked};
+dequeue_items(NumItems, Size, Queue, Blocked, DequeuedAcc) ->
+    {{value, {Item, ItemSize}}, Queue2} = queue:out(Queue),
+    case Blocked of
+    [] ->
+        Blocked2 = Blocked;
+    [From | Blocked2] ->
+        gen_server:reply(From, ok)
+    end,
+    dequeue_items(
+        NumItems - 1, Size - ItemSize, Queue2, Blocked2, [Item | DequeuedAcc]).
+handle_cast(close, #q{items = 0} = Q) ->
+    {stop, normal, Q};
+handle_cast(close, Q) ->
+    {noreply, Q#q{close_on_dequeue = true}}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, State}.
+handle_info(X, Q) ->
+    {stop, X, Q}.