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Posted to by Royce Fessenden <> on 2005/07/08 22:18:31 UTC

Fixing Visual Build script and junk in Tag.

I have been trying to get a Visual Build script to automatically create a
new tag from the trunk.  Something went wrong and I discovered that while it
created the new tag, with everything in it, it also created a second copy of
the trunk inside the tag.  (It I create a working folder from the tag it is
twice the size and everything is doubled as well.)


While I have been able to delete it via the Repro-browser, I've still got a
couple of nagging questions:


First, does the size of the hidden .svn folder give a clue as to how much
space is actually used by the repository for the adding and deleting of the
trunk copies?


Second, and I realize this is some what of a Visual Build question, as I
have messed this up more than once, anybody have a Visual Build script I
could use as a sample to copy the source from my working copy of the Trunk
to the proper tag subfolder (File tree structure is: ..
/repositories/projectname/tags/version/yyyy-mm-dd/ )  I am especially
interested in the subversion copy step that actually copies from my working
directory to the tag.)


