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Posted to by Brad O'Hearne <> on 2008/11/08 06:11:38 UTC

Need Maven dependencies for CXF 2.2 using Jax-rs


If anyone knows the required dependencies (and versions), and any  
required repositories to build CXF 2.2 with Jax-RS (RESTful services)  
using Maven, I'd greatly appreciate it.

A kind suggestion: I've been using CXF and Jax-RS stuff for around a  
year now, and every time there's been a mild breeze blow which has in  
any way affected CXF configuration or building in Maven, simple  
upgrading to the latest version has resulted in a several day plunge  
down the rabbit hole to figure out how to build / configure again. It  
would be a great improvement to the release process if at the very  
least the build / configuration documentation was updated with the  
latest release. Restated, don't release the code without the build /  
configuration doc updated. When confronted with this yet again today,  
despite the fact I have no need or desire to move away from CXF, I  
spent several hours researching alternatives so that I could avoid  
having to go through this again.

Thanks -- any help you can give with the question above would be  
greatly appreciated.



Brad O'Hearne
Owner / Developer
Big Hill Software

Re: Need Maven dependencies for CXF 2.2 using Jax-rs

Posted by Daniel Kulp <>.
On Monday 10 November 2008 1:15:54 pm Brad O'Hearne wrote:
> Well, I guess throw the idea around with the other developers. If I'm
> not an intrusion, I'd be happy to pitch in when I can.

Patches to problems are never an intrusion.  New ideas and discussions are 
also great.   That's how a project moves forward.

Seriously, we have commiters here that commit almost everyday (like myself).   
I'm paid to work on CXF (if I don't get sidetracked with other things like 
going to ApacheCon) so I'm  definitely a busier one here.    However,  there 
are also commiters that commit a change very infrequently.    Many of them 
are/were users that found enough bugs and submitted fixes that they were 
granted committership because fixing bugs is important.   They've also helped 
answer questions on the lists (which you also do) and in general, have helped 
out CXF.   We definitely don't demand a 40 hour work week.   :-)

One "problem" a larger project like CXF does have is "tracking" who supplied 
useful patches.   Maybe I applied 2 of your patches, Benson applied a couple, 
Sergey a couple, Eoghan a couple,  etc....    We may have collectively not 
realized how much has been submitted.   If that does happen, I apologize, but 
definitely suggest pinging one of us and just mention it and ask what else do 
folks suggest to help you get more involve.    Such a ping usually can 
trigger a review and possibly a vote.

Anyway, I definitely want to encourage you to log any issues and attach 
patches.   Heck, even samples and documentation are a HUGE help.


> Brad
> Brad O'Hearne
> Owner / Developer
> Big Hill Software
> ph.480.280.1468
> fx.888.600.8806

Daniel Kulp

Re: Need Maven dependencies for CXF 2.2 using Jax-rs

Posted by Brad O'Hearne <>.
Well, I guess throw the idea around with the other developers. If I'm  
not an intrusion, I'd be happy to pitch in when I can.


Brad O'Hearne
Owner / Developer
Big Hill Software

Re: Need Maven dependencies for CXF 2.2 using Jax-rs

Posted by Benson Margulies <>.

You may have an unrealistically high expectation of the workload of
committers :-) Many of us committers have constrained bandwidth.
However, there's a very broad middle ground between being 'just a
user' and being a committer. 'co' a tree, do analysis, post patches to
JIRAs. That's (part of) what we'd ask you to do if you wanted to be
come a committer, anyway. If JAX-RS is important enough to you to put
in some time improving the code or doc of CXF, you can do that on as
small of a scale as appeals to you.


On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 12:15 PM, Brad O'Hearne
<> wrote:
> Sergey,
>> Do you suggest us keeping the history of all changes which have been done
>> to the configuration ? So that you can look at the page and locate the
>> description of your
> That's up to you -- in general it would help to have config doc per version.
> But if unable to do that, or if it creates too much documentation overhead
> in getting releases out, just make sure that the doc is accurate for the
> current release (and I suppose if it is, then there is no overhead for past
> versions, just keep the old version of the doc with the old release each
> time it is updated for a new version).
>>> - I'm not completely sure about the standards here, so if I'm  mistaken,
>>> please correct me. I was of the understanding that the
>>> jax- rs 1.0 standard specifies the @Produces and @Consumes annotations.
>>> CXF  does not support these, even in the 2.2 version --
>>> using them results  in compile errors. It instead supports @ProducesMime
>>> and @ConsumesMime.
>> I'm wondering how CXF tests using @Produces and @Consumes compile ? Check
>> your classpath please, I bet you still have an older jaxrs api hanging
>> around...
> I'm absolutely positive that these don't compile on my machine, and I do not
> have older jaxrs API's in my classpath -- this compilation was on a new
> project which never referenced anything but the newer version. I've never
> referenced the older version in this project -- ever -- though I am building
> with maven, perhaps there's some funny business in the pom's or something.
>> it does, Honestly - I regret people like yourself who submitted a bunch of
>> good patches are not CXF committers yet, as Dan mentioned in his recent
>> email, otherwise we'd have more hands and much better docs :-).
> I don't know if this is due to something on your end, or on mine -- I've
> certainly never requested to be a committer, and that was probably due to
> courtesy -- I didn't want to communicate an unrealistic expectation of
> development time available on my end. If you are saying that you want me to
> be a committer, then let me know, and what would be expected in doing so,
> and perhaps it is something which would be useful. I'm pretty much jax-rs
> bound in my projects right now, so I can give good feedback in that portion
> of the project.
> Btw, I am also an author, currently writing articles, and one thing which
> would be HUGE would be some good articles on using CXF. Myself, I'd actually
> like to know more what is going on underneath the hood of CXF.
> Let me know -- back in ancient times I actually did a little work with
> Xerces...
> Brad
> On Nov 10, 2008, at 9:52 AM, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
>>> On documentation:
>>> - There is literally one line in the RESTFul Services / Jax-rs section
>>>  which references the existence of a 2.2 version and the
>>> extent jax-rs  compatibility / support.
>> There's no 2.2 version yet - it's still SNAPSHOT and it's been updated to
>> support 1.0 only a couple of weeks ago.
>>> - Nowhere does it list specific dependencies for jax-rs.
>>> - Even in the How-to build your cxf project with maven section, where  it
>>> supposedly shows all dependencies possible, there is no
>>> listing of  the jax-rs dependency in there.
>>> - The maven repository you mentioned below is not listed in the  pom.xml
>>> in the How-to / build / maven mentioned previously.
>> sure, I'll fix it
>>> - The beans.xml file in the Configuring jax-rs services for Spring
>>>  section has a bug in it. There are conficting ID's used by the
>>> jaxrs:server and customerService bean.
>> thanks for pointing it out
>>> - Nowhere is there mentioned any progress on dependency SNAPSHOTS or
>>>  current repositories for locating these.
>>> - In the past, there have been jax-rs configuration / usage changes in
>>>  newer versions -- these were not documented.
>> Do you suggest us keeping the history of all changes which have been done
>> to the configuration ? So that you can look at the page and locate the
>> description of your currently outdated configuration syntax ? At one point
>> of time we had <jaxrs:entityProviders> (introduced thanks to your patch as
>> far as I remember). Then I was absolutely certain that when starting to work
>> on supporting different types of JAXRS providers I mentioned in the docs
>> that soon <jaxrs:entityProviders> would be replaced by <jaxrs:providers> -
>> perhaps there's a history of changes there.
>>> - I'm not completely sure about the standards here, so if I'm  mistaken,
>>> please correct me. I was of the understanding that the
>>> jax- rs 1.0 standard specifies the @Produces and @Consumes annotations.
>>> CXF  does not support these, even in the 2.2 version --
>>> using them results  in compile errors. It instead supports @ProducesMime
>>> and @ConsumesMime.
>> I'm wondering how CXF tests using @Produces and @Consumes compile ? Check
>> your classpath please, I bet you still have an older jaxrs api hanging
>> around...
>>> - Not that this cannot be deducted, but in all web services / REST
>>>  documentation in general, both with CXF and other frameworks
>>> I've  used, it would be a great help to pair with configuration /
>>> annotation  documentation a concise explanation of what the
>>> final URL your  services resides at, depending upon your configuration,
>>> i.e.:
>>> <webapp-context-root (web.xml)> / <jaxrs:server address (beans.xml
>>>  address attr)> / <service class path (class file @Path)> /
>>> <service  method path (method @Path in class file)
>> ok - makes sense.
>>> Different configurations vary, of course, but documenting the  convention
>>> would be helpful. It would also be helpful to have some
>>> discussion of the use of the address in the jaxrs:server configuration
>>>  vs. the service class @Path, and why these would be used
>>> as something  other than "/" or not. I know that starts entering the
>>> domain of REST  a bit, but when examples merely show "/", the
>>> user is left wondering  why it exists at all, or under what circumstances
>>> would it be changed,  if "/" is the recommended value.
>> ok
>>> - A list of changes from one version to another would be helpful.
>>>  Perhaps this exists somewhere and I don't know where.
>> agreed
>>> Hope that helps.
>> it does, Honestly - I regret people like yourself who submitted a bunch of
>> good patches are not CXF committers yet, as Dan mentioned in his recent
>> email, otherwise we'd have more hands and much better docs :-).
>> Thanks for your suggestions abyway - I think I see how the documentation
>> needs to be improved - will try to do it asap
>> Cheers, Sergey
>>> Brad
>>> On Nov 10, 2008, at 5:09 AM, Willem Jiang wrote:
>>>> Hi Sergey,
>>>> Can you add this document into the CXF wiki page ? Maybe you can also
>>>> add a section of CXF 2.1.x release note :)
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Willem
>>>> Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> All,
>>>>>> If anyone knows the required dependencies (and versions), and any
>>>>>> required repositories to build CXF 2.2 with Jax-RS (RESTful  services)
>>>>>> using Maven, I'd greatly appreciate it.
>>>>> As far as CXF is concerned, in 2.2-SNAPSHOT, compared to versions
>>>>> starting from 2.1.2, the following dependencies have changed :
>>>>> 1. ->
>>>>> it's available from
>>>>> <repository>
>>>>>         <id></id>
>>>>>         <name>Java Net 2 Repository</name>
>>>>>         <url></url>
>>>>> </repository>
>>>>> AFAIK, JAXRS team have changed the maven repo starting from 0.8, so  if
>>>>> you're migrating from CXF with versions earlier than 2.1.2 you  might
>>>>> see
>>>>> artifact download problems.
>>>>> 2. org.apache.cxf/cxf-rt-databinding-aegis/2.2-SNAPSHOT added -
>>>>>  compile
>>>>> Some other changes across CXF
>>>>> (
>>>>> - Spring dependencies have changed from 2.0.8 in 2.1.x to 2.5.6
>>>>> - javax.xml.bind/jaxb-api/2.1
>>>>> - com.sun.xml.bind/jaxb-impl/2.1.7
>>>>> I'm not aware of any other significant changes which might affect
>>>>>  JAXRS
>>>>> implementation.
>>>>> Does it help ? Any specific problems you're still seeing ?
>>>>>> A kind suggestion: I've been using CXF and Jax-RS stuff for around a
>>>>>> year now
>>>>> thanks :-) !
>>>>> . and every time there's been a mild breeze blow which has in
>>>>>> any way affected CXF configuration or building in Maven, simple
>>>>>> upgrading to the latest version has resulted in a several day plunge
>>>>>> down the rabbit hole to figure out how to build / configure again.  It
>>>>>> would be a great improvement to the release process if at the very
>>>>>> least the build / configuration documentation was updated with the
>>>>>> latest release. Restated, don't release the code without the build /
>>>>>> configuration doc updated.
>>>>> Your suggestions are welcome and we'll try do do it right for 2.2  once
>>>>> it's released. I think Dan is doing a lot of work in this regard but
>>>>> capturing version and repository changes would be good indeed.
>>>>> In meantime please send a message to a user list whenever you have  any
>>>>> issues and we'll try our best to help.
>>>>>> When confronted with this yet again today,
>>>>>> despite the fact I have no need or desire to move away from CXF, I
>>>>>> spent several hours researching alternatives so that I could avoid
>>>>>> having to go through this again.
>>>>> I'd really hate to see users like yourself who've helped us to push
>>>>>  CXF
>>>>> JAX-RS implementation to its current level go (still not rock-solid
>>>>>  but
>>>>> in a much better shape than it used to be), same way as I hate seeing
>>>>> users who've just quickly tried it and decided to look elsewhere.  From
>>>>> our perspective we know though that users are totally free to  choose
>>>>> so
>>>>> we have really one option - just keep working and make it work well
>>>>>  and
>>>>> I know we'll get there. It's important for users to understand that
>>>>> we're committed to seeing CXF as a platform capable of  accommodating
>>>>> and
>>>>> mixing different styles of services. Likewise we'll think hard on  how
>>>>> to
>>>>> make CXF JAXRS 'shine' on its own. There's only one problem - lack of
>>>>> resources - for ex I'm not able to allocate 100% of my time to JAXRS
>>>>> work so that's why users have to struggle with figuring out  themselves
>>>>> how to update dependencies/etc.
>>>>> But as I said, your comments are helpful and we'll take them on  board.
>>>>> Thanks, Sergey
>>>>>> Thanks -- any help you can give with the question above would be
>>>>>> greatly appreciated.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Brad
>>>>>> Brad O'Hearne
>>>>>> Owner / Developer
>>>>>> Big Hill Software
>>>>>> ph.480.280.1468
>>>>>> fx.888.600.8806
>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Re: Need Maven dependencies for CXF 2.2 using Jax-rs

Posted by Sergey Beryozkin <>.

> Sergey,
>> Do you suggest us keeping the history of all changes which have been  done to the configuration ? So that you can look at the 
>> page and  locate the description of your
> That's up to you -- in general it would help to have config doc per  version. But if unable to do that, or if it creates too much 
> documentation overhead in getting releases out, just make sure that  the doc is accurate for the current release (and I suppose if 
> it is,  then there is no overhead for past versions, just keep the old version  of the doc with the old release each time it is 
> updated for a new  version).

At the moment we don't do it with the apache cxf, it's only wiki which reflects the current configuration. Users of (CXF) Fuse can 
expect what you suggested. I think we can just keep an explicit history of changes - it might help.

>> I'm wondering how CXF tests using @Produces and @Consumes compile ?  Check your classpath please, I bet you still have an older 
>> jaxrs api  hanging around...
> I'm absolutely positive that these don't compile on my machine, and I  do not have older jaxrs API's in my classpath -- this 
> compilation was  on a new project which never referenced anything but the newer  version. I've never referenced the older version 
> in this project --  ever -- though I am building with maven, perhaps there's some funny  business in the pom's or something.

I'm sorry - not sure what's happening - there's only a dependency on 1.0 in 2.2-SNAPSHOT

>> it does, Honestly - I regret people like yourself who submitted a  bunch of good patches are not CXF committers yet, as Dan 
>> mentioned  in his recent email, otherwise we'd have more hands and much better  docs :-).
> I don't know if this is due to something on your end, or on mine --  I've certainly never requested to be a committer, and that 
> was  probably due to courtesy -- I didn't want to communicate an  unrealistic expectation of development time available on my end. 
> If  you are saying that you want me to be a committer, then let me know,  and what would be expected in doing so, and perhaps it 
> is something  which would be useful. I'm pretty much jax-rs bound in my projects  right now, so I can give good feedback in that 
> portion of the project.

At a time you were supplying patches I was not a commiter myself :-).
Here's what I think. Yourself, like few other CXF JAXRS users have everything to become commiters as you have a clear idea of how 
the documentation should look like, you submitted a bunch of patches and you know a lot about JAXRS. But then you disappeared from a 
radar :-)
Dan can say more about it all but I think there's no expectation that most commiters will have to meet some targets. Dan and I guess 
myself and other commiters can nominate CXF users as long as we can see they're involved at a regular basis, one way or the other 
(say answering to user requests or doing some doc suggestions, or supplying patches).

So I do hope to see yourself (and indeed others who supplied patches) a bit more often on a CXF user list now that you started 
looking at CXF 2.2-SNAPSHOT :-)

> Btw, I am also an author, currently writing articles, and one thing  which would be HUGE would be some good articles on using CXF. 
> Myself,  I'd actually like to know more what is going on underneath the hood of  CXF.

Articles would be welcome indeed. That would be good indeed. I'd be happy to provide you with feedback/reviews. Let me know if you 
need any help. I can think of a number of topics but starting with CXF JAXRS+Spring which show how to use all the JAXRS providers 
and CXF filters or CXF JAXRS+JAXWS would be super.

Thanks, Sergey

> Let me know -- back in ancient times I actually did a little work with  Xerces...
> Brad
> On Nov 10, 2008, at 9:52 AM, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
>>> On documentation:
>>> - There is literally one line in the RESTFul Services / Jax-rs  section  which references the existence of a 2.2 version and the
>>> extent jax-rs  compatibility / support.
>> There's no 2.2 version yet - it's still SNAPSHOT and it's been  updated to support 1.0 only a couple of weeks ago.
>>> - Nowhere does it list specific dependencies for jax-rs.
>>> - Even in the How-to build your cxf project with maven section,  where  it supposedly shows all dependencies possible, there is 
>>> no
>>> listing of  the jax-rs dependency in there.
>>> - The maven repository you mentioned below is not listed in the   pom.xml in the How-to / build / maven mentioned previously.
>> sure, I'll fix it
>>> - The beans.xml file in the Configuring jax-rs services for Spring   section has a bug in it. There are conficting ID's used by 
>>> the
>>> jaxrs:server and customerService bean.
>> thanks for pointing it out
>>> - Nowhere is there mentioned any progress on dependency SNAPSHOTS  or  current repositories for locating these.
>>> - In the past, there have been jax-rs configuration / usage changes  in  newer versions -- these were not documented.
>> Do you suggest us keeping the history of all changes which have been  done to the configuration ? So that you can look at the 
>> page and  locate the description of your currently outdated configuration  syntax ? At one point of time we had 
>> <jaxrs:entityProviders>  (introduced thanks to your patch as far as I remember). Then I was  absolutely certain that when 
>> starting to work on supporting  different types of JAXRS providers I mentioned in the docs that soon  <jaxrs:entityProviders> 
>> would be replaced by <jaxrs:providers> -  perhaps there's a history of changes there.
>>> - I'm not completely sure about the standards here, so if I'm   mistaken, please correct me. I was of the understanding that the
>>> jax- rs 1.0 standard specifies the @Produces and @Consumes  annotations. CXF  does not support these, even in the 2.2 version --
>>> using them results  in compile errors. It instead supports  @ProducesMime and @ConsumesMime.
>> I'm wondering how CXF tests using @Produces and @Consumes compile ?  Check your classpath please, I bet you still have an older 
>> jaxrs api  hanging around...
>>> - Not that this cannot be deducted, but in all web services / REST   documentation in general, both with CXF and other 
>>> frameworks
>>> I've  used, it would be a great help to pair with configuration /  annotation  documentation a concise explanation of what the
>>> final URL your  services resides at, depending upon your  configuration, i.e.:
>>> <webapp-context-root (web.xml)> / <jaxrs:server address (beans.xml   address attr)> / <service class path (class file @Path)> /
>>> <service  method path (method @Path in class file)
>> ok - makes sense.
>>> Different configurations vary, of course, but documenting the   convention would be helpful. It would also be helpful to have 
>>> some
>>> discussion of the use of the address in the jaxrs:server  configuration  vs. the service class @Path, and why these would be 
>>> used
>>> as something  other than "/" or not. I know that starts entering  the domain of REST  a bit, but when examples merely show "/", 
>>> the
>>> user is left wondering  why it exists at all, or under what  circumstances would it be changed,  if "/" is the recommended 
>>> value.
>> ok
>>> - A list of changes from one version to another would be helpful.   Perhaps this exists somewhere and I don't know where.
>> agreed
>>> Hope that helps.
>> it does, Honestly - I regret people like yourself who submitted a  bunch of good patches are not CXF committers yet, as Dan 
>> mentioned  in his recent email, otherwise we'd have more hands and much better  docs :-).
>> Thanks for your suggestions abyway - I think I see how the  documentation needs to be improved - will try to do it asap
>> Cheers, Sergey
>>> Brad
>>> On Nov 10, 2008, at 5:09 AM, Willem Jiang wrote:
>>>> Hi Sergey,
>>>> Can you add this document into the CXF wiki page ? Maybe you can  also
>>>> add a section of CXF 2.1.x release note :)
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Willem
>>>> Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> All,
>>>>>> If anyone knows the required dependencies (and versions), and any
>>>>>> required repositories to build CXF 2.2 with Jax-RS (RESTful   services)
>>>>>> using Maven, I'd greatly appreciate it.
>>>>> As far as CXF is concerned, in 2.2-SNAPSHOT, compared to versions
>>>>> starting from 2.1.2, the following dependencies have changed :
>>>>> 1. ->
>>>>> it's available from
>>>>> <repository>
>>>>>          <id></id>
>>>>>          <name>Java Net 2 Repository</name>
>>>>>          <url></url>
>>>>> </repository>
>>>>> AFAIK, JAXRS team have changed the maven repo starting from 0.8,  so  if
>>>>> you're migrating from CXF with versions earlier than 2.1.2 you   might see
>>>>> artifact download problems.
>>>>> 2. org.apache.cxf/cxf-rt-databinding-aegis/2.2-SNAPSHOT added -   compile
>>>>> Some other changes across CXF
>>>>> (
>>>>> - Spring dependencies have changed from 2.0.8 in 2.1.x to 2.5.6
>>>>> - javax.xml.bind/jaxb-api/2.1
>>>>> - com.sun.xml.bind/jaxb-impl/2.1.7
>>>>> I'm not aware of any other significant changes which might  affect  JAXRS
>>>>> implementation.
>>>>> Does it help ? Any specific problems you're still seeing ?
>>>>>> A kind suggestion: I've been using CXF and Jax-RS stuff for  around a
>>>>>> year now
>>>>> thanks :-) !
>>>>> . and every time there's been a mild breeze blow which has in
>>>>>> any way affected CXF configuration or building in Maven, simple
>>>>>> upgrading to the latest version has resulted in a several day  plunge
>>>>>> down the rabbit hole to figure out how to build / configure  again.  It
>>>>>> would be a great improvement to the release process if at the very
>>>>>> least the build / configuration documentation was updated with the
>>>>>> latest release. Restated, don't release the code without the  build /
>>>>>> configuration doc updated.
>>>>> Your suggestions are welcome and we'll try do do it right for  2.2  once
>>>>> it's released. I think Dan is doing a lot of work in this regard  but
>>>>> capturing version and repository changes would be good indeed.
>>>>> In meantime please send a message to a user list whenever you  have  any
>>>>> issues and we'll try our best to help.
>>>>>> When confronted with this yet again today,
>>>>>> despite the fact I have no need or desire to move away from CXF, I
>>>>>> spent several hours researching alternatives so that I could avoid
>>>>>> having to go through this again.
>>>>> I'd really hate to see users like yourself who've helped us to  push  CXF
>>>>> JAX-RS implementation to its current level go (still not rock- solid  but
>>>>> in a much better shape than it used to be), same way as I hate  seeing
>>>>> users who've just quickly tried it and decided to look  elsewhere.  From
>>>>> our perspective we know though that users are totally free to   choose so
>>>>> we have really one option - just keep working and make it work  well  and
>>>>> I know we'll get there. It's important for users to understand that
>>>>> we're committed to seeing CXF as a platform capable of   accommodating and
>>>>> mixing different styles of services. Likewise we'll think hard  on  how to
>>>>> make CXF JAXRS 'shine' on its own. There's only one problem -  lack of
>>>>> resources - for ex I'm not able to allocate 100% of my time to  JAXRS
>>>>> work so that's why users have to struggle with figuring out   themselves
>>>>> how to update dependencies/etc.
>>>>> But as I said, your comments are helpful and we'll take them on   board.
>>>>> Thanks, Sergey
>>>>>> Thanks -- any help you can give with the question above would be
>>>>>> greatly appreciated.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Brad
>>>>>> Brad O'Hearne
>>>>>> Owner / Developer
>>>>>> Big Hill Software
>>>>>> ph.480.280.1468
>>>>>> fx.888.600.8806
>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Re: Need Maven dependencies for CXF 2.2 using Jax-rs

Posted by Brad O'Hearne <>.

> Do you suggest us keeping the history of all changes which have been  
> done to the configuration ? So that you can look at the page and  
> locate the description of your

That's up to you -- in general it would help to have config doc per  
version. But if unable to do that, or if it creates too much  
documentation overhead in getting releases out, just make sure that  
the doc is accurate for the current release (and I suppose if it is,  
then there is no overhead for past versions, just keep the old version  
of the doc with the old release each time it is updated for a new  

>> - I'm not completely sure about the standards here, so if I'm   
>> mistaken, please correct me. I was of the understanding that the
>> jax- rs 1.0 standard specifies the @Produces and @Consumes  
>> annotations. CXF  does not support these, even in the 2.2 version --
>> using them results  in compile errors. It instead supports  
>> @ProducesMime and @ConsumesMime.
> I'm wondering how CXF tests using @Produces and @Consumes compile ?  
> Check your classpath please, I bet you still have an older jaxrs api  
> hanging around...

I'm absolutely positive that these don't compile on my machine, and I  
do not have older jaxrs API's in my classpath -- this compilation was  
on a new project which never referenced anything but the newer  
version. I've never referenced the older version in this project --  
ever -- though I am building with maven, perhaps there's some funny  
business in the pom's or something.

> it does, Honestly - I regret people like yourself who submitted a  
> bunch of good patches are not CXF committers yet, as Dan mentioned  
> in his recent email, otherwise we'd have more hands and much better  
> docs :-).

I don't know if this is due to something on your end, or on mine --  
I've certainly never requested to be a committer, and that was  
probably due to courtesy -- I didn't want to communicate an  
unrealistic expectation of development time available on my end. If  
you are saying that you want me to be a committer, then let me know,  
and what would be expected in doing so, and perhaps it is something  
which would be useful. I'm pretty much jax-rs bound in my projects  
right now, so I can give good feedback in that portion of the project.

Btw, I am also an author, currently writing articles, and one thing  
which would be HUGE would be some good articles on using CXF. Myself,  
I'd actually like to know more what is going on underneath the hood of  

Let me know -- back in ancient times I actually did a little work with  


On Nov 10, 2008, at 9:52 AM, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:

>> On documentation:
>> - There is literally one line in the RESTFul Services / Jax-rs  
>> section  which references the existence of a 2.2 version and the
>> extent jax-rs  compatibility / support.
> There's no 2.2 version yet - it's still SNAPSHOT and it's been  
> updated to support 1.0 only a couple of weeks ago.
>> - Nowhere does it list specific dependencies for jax-rs.
>> - Even in the How-to build your cxf project with maven section,  
>> where  it supposedly shows all dependencies possible, there is no
>> listing of  the jax-rs dependency in there.
>> - The maven repository you mentioned below is not listed in the   
>> pom.xml in the How-to / build / maven mentioned previously.
> sure, I'll fix it
>> - The beans.xml file in the Configuring jax-rs services for Spring   
>> section has a bug in it. There are conficting ID's used by the
>> jaxrs:server and customerService bean.
> thanks for pointing it out
>> - Nowhere is there mentioned any progress on dependency SNAPSHOTS  
>> or  current repositories for locating these.
>> - In the past, there have been jax-rs configuration / usage changes  
>> in  newer versions -- these were not documented.
> Do you suggest us keeping the history of all changes which have been  
> done to the configuration ? So that you can look at the page and  
> locate the description of your currently outdated configuration  
> syntax ? At one point of time we had <jaxrs:entityProviders>  
> (introduced thanks to your patch as far as I remember). Then I was  
> absolutely certain that when starting to work on supporting  
> different types of JAXRS providers I mentioned in the docs that soon  
> <jaxrs:entityProviders> would be replaced by <jaxrs:providers> -  
> perhaps there's a history of changes there.
>> - I'm not completely sure about the standards here, so if I'm   
>> mistaken, please correct me. I was of the understanding that the
>> jax- rs 1.0 standard specifies the @Produces and @Consumes  
>> annotations. CXF  does not support these, even in the 2.2 version --
>> using them results  in compile errors. It instead supports  
>> @ProducesMime and @ConsumesMime.
> I'm wondering how CXF tests using @Produces and @Consumes compile ?  
> Check your classpath please, I bet you still have an older jaxrs api  
> hanging around...
>> - Not that this cannot be deducted, but in all web services / REST   
>> documentation in general, both with CXF and other frameworks
>> I've  used, it would be a great help to pair with configuration /  
>> annotation  documentation a concise explanation of what the
>> final URL your  services resides at, depending upon your  
>> configuration, i.e.:
>> <webapp-context-root (web.xml)> / <jaxrs:server address (beans.xml   
>> address attr)> / <service class path (class file @Path)> /
>> <service  method path (method @Path in class file)
> ok - makes sense.
>> Different configurations vary, of course, but documenting the   
>> convention would be helpful. It would also be helpful to have some
>> discussion of the use of the address in the jaxrs:server  
>> configuration  vs. the service class @Path, and why these would be  
>> used
>> as something  other than "/" or not. I know that starts entering  
>> the domain of REST  a bit, but when examples merely show "/", the
>> user is left wondering  why it exists at all, or under what  
>> circumstances would it be changed,  if "/" is the recommended value.
> ok
>> - A list of changes from one version to another would be helpful.   
>> Perhaps this exists somewhere and I don't know where.
> agreed
>> Hope that helps.
> it does, Honestly - I regret people like yourself who submitted a  
> bunch of good patches are not CXF committers yet, as Dan mentioned  
> in his recent email, otherwise we'd have more hands and much better  
> docs :-).
> Thanks for your suggestions abyway - I think I see how the  
> documentation needs to be improved - will try to do it asap
> Cheers, Sergey
>> Brad
>> On Nov 10, 2008, at 5:09 AM, Willem Jiang wrote:
>>> Hi Sergey,
>>> Can you add this document into the CXF wiki page ? Maybe you can  
>>> also
>>> add a section of CXF 2.1.x release note :)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Willem
>>> Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>>> All,
>>>>> If anyone knows the required dependencies (and versions), and any
>>>>> required repositories to build CXF 2.2 with Jax-RS (RESTful   
>>>>> services)
>>>>> using Maven, I'd greatly appreciate it.
>>>> As far as CXF is concerned, in 2.2-SNAPSHOT, compared to versions
>>>> starting from 2.1.2, the following dependencies have changed :
>>>> 1. ->
>>>> it's available from
>>>> <repository>
>>>>          <id></id>
>>>>          <name>Java Net 2 Repository</name>
>>>>          <url></url>
>>>> </repository>
>>>> AFAIK, JAXRS team have changed the maven repo starting from 0.8,  
>>>> so  if
>>>> you're migrating from CXF with versions earlier than 2.1.2 you   
>>>> might see
>>>> artifact download problems.
>>>> 2. org.apache.cxf/cxf-rt-databinding-aegis/2.2-SNAPSHOT added -   
>>>> compile
>>>> Some other changes across CXF
>>>> (
>>>> - Spring dependencies have changed from 2.0.8 in 2.1.x to 2.5.6
>>>> - javax.xml.bind/jaxb-api/2.1
>>>> - com.sun.xml.bind/jaxb-impl/2.1.7
>>>> I'm not aware of any other significant changes which might  
>>>> affect  JAXRS
>>>> implementation.
>>>> Does it help ? Any specific problems you're still seeing ?
>>>>> A kind suggestion: I've been using CXF and Jax-RS stuff for  
>>>>> around a
>>>>> year now
>>>> thanks :-) !
>>>> . and every time there's been a mild breeze blow which has in
>>>>> any way affected CXF configuration or building in Maven, simple
>>>>> upgrading to the latest version has resulted in a several day  
>>>>> plunge
>>>>> down the rabbit hole to figure out how to build / configure  
>>>>> again.  It
>>>>> would be a great improvement to the release process if at the very
>>>>> least the build / configuration documentation was updated with the
>>>>> latest release. Restated, don't release the code without the  
>>>>> build /
>>>>> configuration doc updated.
>>>> Your suggestions are welcome and we'll try do do it right for  
>>>> 2.2  once
>>>> it's released. I think Dan is doing a lot of work in this regard  
>>>> but
>>>> capturing version and repository changes would be good indeed.
>>>> In meantime please send a message to a user list whenever you  
>>>> have  any
>>>> issues and we'll try our best to help.
>>>>> When confronted with this yet again today,
>>>>> despite the fact I have no need or desire to move away from CXF, I
>>>>> spent several hours researching alternatives so that I could avoid
>>>>> having to go through this again.
>>>> I'd really hate to see users like yourself who've helped us to  
>>>> push  CXF
>>>> JAX-RS implementation to its current level go (still not rock- 
>>>> solid  but
>>>> in a much better shape than it used to be), same way as I hate  
>>>> seeing
>>>> users who've just quickly tried it and decided to look  
>>>> elsewhere.  From
>>>> our perspective we know though that users are totally free to   
>>>> choose so
>>>> we have really one option - just keep working and make it work  
>>>> well  and
>>>> I know we'll get there. It's important for users to understand that
>>>> we're committed to seeing CXF as a platform capable of   
>>>> accommodating and
>>>> mixing different styles of services. Likewise we'll think hard  
>>>> on  how to
>>>> make CXF JAXRS 'shine' on its own. There's only one problem -  
>>>> lack of
>>>> resources - for ex I'm not able to allocate 100% of my time to  
>>>> JAXRS
>>>> work so that's why users have to struggle with figuring out   
>>>> themselves
>>>> how to update dependencies/etc.
>>>> But as I said, your comments are helpful and we'll take them on   
>>>> board.
>>>> Thanks, Sergey
>>>>> Thanks -- any help you can give with the question above would be
>>>>> greatly appreciated.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Brad
>>>>> Brad O'Hearne
>>>>> Owner / Developer
>>>>> Big Hill Software
>>>>> ph.480.280.1468
>>>>> fx.888.600.8806
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Re: Need Maven dependencies for CXF 2.2 using Jax-rs

Posted by Sergey Beryozkin <>.

> On documentation:
> - There is literally one line in the RESTFul Services / Jax-rs section  which references the existence of a 2.2 version and the
> extent jax-rs  compatibility / support.

There's no 2.2 version yet - it's still SNAPSHOT and it's been updated to support 1.0 only a couple of weeks ago.

> - Nowhere does it list specific dependencies for jax-rs.
> - Even in the How-to build your cxf project with maven section, where  it supposedly shows all dependencies possible, there is no
> listing of  the jax-rs dependency in there.
> - The maven repository you mentioned below is not listed in the  pom.xml in the How-to / build / maven mentioned previously.

sure, I'll fix it

> - The beans.xml file in the Configuring jax-rs services for Spring  section has a bug in it. There are conficting ID's used by the
> jaxrs:server and customerService bean.

thanks for pointing it out

> - Nowhere is there mentioned any progress on dependency SNAPSHOTS or  current repositories for locating these.
> - In the past, there have been jax-rs configuration / usage changes in  newer versions -- these were not documented.

Do you suggest us keeping the history of all changes which have been done to the configuration ? So that you can look at the page 
and locate the description of your currently outdated configuration syntax ? At one point of time we had <jaxrs:entityProviders> 
(introduced thanks to your patch as far as I remember). Then I was absolutely certain that when starting to work on supporting 
different types of JAXRS providers I mentioned in the docs that soon <jaxrs:entityProviders> would be replaced by 
<jaxrs:providers> - perhaps there's a history of changes there.

> - I'm not completely sure about the standards here, so if I'm  mistaken, please correct me. I was of the understanding that the
> jax- rs 1.0 standard specifies the @Produces and @Consumes annotations. CXF  does not support these, even in the 2.2 version --
> using them results  in compile errors. It instead supports @ProducesMime and @ConsumesMime.

I'm wondering how CXF tests using @Produces and @Consumes compile ? Check your classpath please, I bet you still have an older jaxrs 
api hanging around...

> - Not that this cannot be deducted, but in all web services / REST  documentation in general, both with CXF and other frameworks
> I've  used, it would be a great help to pair with configuration / annotation  documentation a concise explanation of what the
> final URL your  services resides at, depending upon your configuration, i.e.:
> <webapp-context-root (web.xml)> / <jaxrs:server address (beans.xml  address attr)> / <service class path (class file @Path)> /
> <service  method path (method @Path in class file)

ok - makes sense.

> Different configurations vary, of course, but documenting the  convention would be helpful. It would also be helpful to have some
> discussion of the use of the address in the jaxrs:server configuration  vs. the service class @Path, and why these would be used
> as something  other than "/" or not. I know that starts entering the domain of REST  a bit, but when examples merely show "/", the
> user is left wondering  why it exists at all, or under what circumstances would it be changed,  if "/" is the recommended value.


> - A list of changes from one version to another would be helpful.  Perhaps this exists somewhere and I don't know where.


> Hope that helps.

it does, Honestly - I regret people like yourself who submitted a bunch of good patches are not CXF committers yet, as Dan mentioned 
in his recent email, otherwise we'd have more hands and much better docs :-).

Thanks for your suggestions abyway - I think I see how the documentation needs to be improved - will try to do it asap

Cheers, Sergey

> Brad
> On Nov 10, 2008, at 5:09 AM, Willem Jiang wrote:
>> Hi Sergey,
>> Can you add this document into the CXF wiki page ? Maybe you can also
>> add a section of CXF 2.1.x release note :)
>> Cheers,
>> Willem
>> Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
>>> Hi
>>>> All,
>>>> If anyone knows the required dependencies (and versions), and any
>>>> required repositories to build CXF 2.2 with Jax-RS (RESTful  services)
>>>> using Maven, I'd greatly appreciate it.
>>> As far as CXF is concerned, in 2.2-SNAPSHOT, compared to versions
>>> starting from 2.1.2, the following dependencies have changed :
>>> 1. ->
>>> it's available from
>>> <repository>
>>>           <id></id>
>>>           <name>Java Net 2 Repository</name>
>>>           <url></url>
>>> </repository>
>>> AFAIK, JAXRS team have changed the maven repo starting from 0.8, so  if
>>> you're migrating from CXF with versions earlier than 2.1.2 you  might see
>>> artifact download problems.
>>> 2. org.apache.cxf/cxf-rt-databinding-aegis/2.2-SNAPSHOT added -  compile
>>> Some other changes across CXF
>>> (
>>> - Spring dependencies have changed from 2.0.8 in 2.1.x to 2.5.6
>>> - javax.xml.bind/jaxb-api/2.1
>>> - com.sun.xml.bind/jaxb-impl/2.1.7
>>> I'm not aware of any other significant changes which might affect  JAXRS
>>> implementation.
>>> Does it help ? Any specific problems you're still seeing ?
>>>> A kind suggestion: I've been using CXF and Jax-RS stuff for around a
>>>> year now
>>> thanks :-) !
>>> . and every time there's been a mild breeze blow which has in
>>>> any way affected CXF configuration or building in Maven, simple
>>>> upgrading to the latest version has resulted in a several day plunge
>>>> down the rabbit hole to figure out how to build / configure again.  It
>>>> would be a great improvement to the release process if at the very
>>>> least the build / configuration documentation was updated with the
>>>> latest release. Restated, don't release the code without the build /
>>>> configuration doc updated.
>>> Your suggestions are welcome and we'll try do do it right for 2.2  once
>>> it's released. I think Dan is doing a lot of work in this regard but
>>> capturing version and repository changes would be good indeed.
>>> In meantime please send a message to a user list whenever you have  any
>>> issues and we'll try our best to help.
>>>> When confronted with this yet again today,
>>>> despite the fact I have no need or desire to move away from CXF, I
>>>> spent several hours researching alternatives so that I could avoid
>>>> having to go through this again.
>>> I'd really hate to see users like yourself who've helped us to push  CXF
>>> JAX-RS implementation to its current level go (still not rock-solid  but
>>> in a much better shape than it used to be), same way as I hate seeing
>>> users who've just quickly tried it and decided to look elsewhere.  From
>>> our perspective we know though that users are totally free to  choose so
>>> we have really one option - just keep working and make it work well  and
>>> I know we'll get there. It's important for users to understand that
>>> we're committed to seeing CXF as a platform capable of  accommodating and
>>> mixing different styles of services. Likewise we'll think hard on  how to
>>> make CXF JAXRS 'shine' on its own. There's only one problem - lack of
>>> resources - for ex I'm not able to allocate 100% of my time to JAXRS
>>> work so that's why users have to struggle with figuring out  themselves
>>> how to update dependencies/etc.
>>> But as I said, your comments are helpful and we'll take them on  board.
>>> Thanks, Sergey
>>>> Thanks -- any help you can give with the question above would be
>>>> greatly appreciated.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Brad
>>>> Brad O'Hearne
>>>> Owner / Developer
>>>> Big Hill Software
>>>> ph.480.280.1468
>>>> fx.888.600.8806
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Re: Need Maven dependencies for CXF 2.2 using Jax-rs

Posted by Sergey Beryozkin <>.
Hi Brad

I've started updating the documentation to start addressing some of your

The typo in the configuration example has been fixed, added Maven
Dependencies (your input will be welcome there) and Migrating from 0.8 to
1.0. With more to come

Thanks, Sergey

Brad O'Hearne-2 wrote:
> On documentation:
> - There is literally one line in the RESTFul Services / Jax-rs section  
> which references the existence of a 2.2 version and the extent jax-rs  
> compatibility / support.
> - Nowhere does it list specific dependencies for jax-rs.
> - Even in the How-to build your cxf project with maven section, where  
> it supposedly shows all dependencies possible, there is no listing of  
> the jax-rs dependency in there.
> - The maven repository you mentioned below is not listed in the  
> pom.xml in the How-to / build / maven mentioned previously.
> - The beans.xml file in the Configuring jax-rs services for Spring  
> section has a bug in it. There are conficting ID's used by the  
> jaxrs:server and customerService bean.
> - Nowhere is there mentioned any progress on dependency SNAPSHOTS or  
> current repositories for locating these.
> - In the past, there have been jax-rs configuration / usage changes in  
> newer versions -- these were not documented.
> - I'm not completely sure about the standards here, so if I'm  
> mistaken, please correct me. I was of the understanding that the jax- 
> rs 1.0 standard specifies the @Produces and @Consumes annotations. CXF  
> does not support these, even in the 2.2 version -- using them results  
> in compile errors. It instead supports @ProducesMime and @ConsumesMime.
> - Not that this cannot be deducted, but in all web services / REST  
> documentation in general, both with CXF and other frameworks I've  
> used, it would be a great help to pair with configuration / annotation  
> documentation a concise explanation of what the final URL your  
> services resides at, depending upon your configuration, i.e.:
> <webapp-context-root (web.xml)> / <jaxrs:server address (beans.xml  
> address attr)> / <service class path (class file @Path)> / <service  
> method path (method @Path in class file)
> Different configurations vary, of course, but documenting the  
> convention would be helpful. It would also be helpful to have some  
> discussion of the use of the address in the jaxrs:server configuration  
> vs. the service class @Path, and why these would be used as something  
> other than "/" or not. I know that starts entering the domain of REST  
> a bit, but when examples merely show "/", the user is left wondering  
> why it exists at all, or under what circumstances would it be changed,  
> if "/" is the recommended value.
> - A list of changes from one version to another would be helpful.  
> Perhaps this exists somewhere and I don't know where.
> Hope that helps.
> Brad
> On Nov 10, 2008, at 5:09 AM, Willem Jiang wrote:
>> Hi Sergey,
>> Can you add this document into the CXF wiki page ? Maybe you can also
>> add a section of CXF 2.1.x release note :)
>> Cheers,
>> Willem
>> Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
>>> Hi
>>>> All,
>>>> If anyone knows the required dependencies (and versions), and any
>>>> required repositories to build CXF 2.2 with Jax-RS (RESTful  
>>>> services)
>>>> using Maven, I'd greatly appreciate it.
>>> As far as CXF is concerned, in 2.2-SNAPSHOT, compared to versions
>>> starting from 2.1.2, the following dependencies have changed :
>>> 1. ->
>>> it's available from
>>> <repository>
>>>           <id></id>
>>>           <name>Java Net 2 Repository</name>
>>>           <url></url>
>>> </repository>
>>> AFAIK, JAXRS team have changed the maven repo starting from 0.8, so  
>>> if
>>> you're migrating from CXF with versions earlier than 2.1.2 you  
>>> might see
>>> artifact download problems.
>>> 2. org.apache.cxf/cxf-rt-databinding-aegis/2.2-SNAPSHOT added -  
>>> compile
>>> Some other changes across CXF
>>> (
>>> - Spring dependencies have changed from 2.0.8 in 2.1.x to 2.5.6
>>> - javax.xml.bind/jaxb-api/2.1
>>> - com.sun.xml.bind/jaxb-impl/2.1.7
>>> I'm not aware of any other significant changes which might affect  
>>> implementation.
>>> Does it help ? Any specific problems you're still seeing ?
>>>> A kind suggestion: I've been using CXF and Jax-RS stuff for around a
>>>> year now
>>> thanks :-) !
>>> . and every time there's been a mild breeze blow which has in
>>>> any way affected CXF configuration or building in Maven, simple
>>>> upgrading to the latest version has resulted in a several day plunge
>>>> down the rabbit hole to figure out how to build / configure again.  
>>>> It
>>>> would be a great improvement to the release process if at the very
>>>> least the build / configuration documentation was updated with the
>>>> latest release. Restated, don't release the code without the build /
>>>> configuration doc updated.
>>> Your suggestions are welcome and we'll try do do it right for 2.2  
>>> once
>>> it's released. I think Dan is doing a lot of work in this regard but
>>> capturing version and repository changes would be good indeed.
>>> In meantime please send a message to a user list whenever you have  
>>> any
>>> issues and we'll try our best to help.
>>>> When confronted with this yet again today,
>>>> despite the fact I have no need or desire to move away from CXF, I
>>>> spent several hours researching alternatives so that I could avoid
>>>> having to go through this again.
>>> I'd really hate to see users like yourself who've helped us to push  
>>> CXF
>>> JAX-RS implementation to its current level go (still not rock-solid  
>>> but
>>> in a much better shape than it used to be), same way as I hate seeing
>>> users who've just quickly tried it and decided to look elsewhere.  
>>> From
>>> our perspective we know though that users are totally free to  
>>> choose so
>>> we have really one option - just keep working and make it work well  
>>> and
>>> I know we'll get there. It's important for users to understand that
>>> we're committed to seeing CXF as a platform capable of  
>>> accommodating and
>>> mixing different styles of services. Likewise we'll think hard on  
>>> how to
>>> make CXF JAXRS 'shine' on its own. There's only one problem - lack of
>>> resources - for ex I'm not able to allocate 100% of my time to JAXRS
>>> work so that's why users have to struggle with figuring out  
>>> themselves
>>> how to update dependencies/etc.
>>> But as I said, your comments are helpful and we'll take them on  
>>> board.
>>> Thanks, Sergey
>>>> Thanks -- any help you can give with the question above would be
>>>> greatly appreciated.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Brad
>>>> Brad O'Hearne
>>>> Owner / Developer
>>>> Big Hill Software
>>>> ph.480.280.1468
>>>> fx.888.600.8806
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

View this message in context:
Sent from the cxf-user mailing list archive at

Re: Need Maven dependencies for CXF 2.2 using Jax-rs

Posted by Brad O'Hearne <>.
On documentation:

- There is literally one line in the RESTFul Services / Jax-rs section  
which references the existence of a 2.2 version and the extent jax-rs  
compatibility / support.

- Nowhere does it list specific dependencies for jax-rs.

- Even in the How-to build your cxf project with maven section, where  
it supposedly shows all dependencies possible, there is no listing of  
the jax-rs dependency in there.

- The maven repository you mentioned below is not listed in the  
pom.xml in the How-to / build / maven mentioned previously.

- The beans.xml file in the Configuring jax-rs services for Spring  
section has a bug in it. There are conficting ID's used by the  
jaxrs:server and customerService bean.

- Nowhere is there mentioned any progress on dependency SNAPSHOTS or  
current repositories for locating these.

- In the past, there have been jax-rs configuration / usage changes in  
newer versions -- these were not documented.

- I'm not completely sure about the standards here, so if I'm  
mistaken, please correct me. I was of the understanding that the jax- 
rs 1.0 standard specifies the @Produces and @Consumes annotations. CXF  
does not support these, even in the 2.2 version -- using them results  
in compile errors. It instead supports @ProducesMime and @ConsumesMime.

- Not that this cannot be deducted, but in all web services / REST  
documentation in general, both with CXF and other frameworks I've  
used, it would be a great help to pair with configuration / annotation  
documentation a concise explanation of what the final URL your  
services resides at, depending upon your configuration, i.e.:

<webapp-context-root (web.xml)> / <jaxrs:server address (beans.xml  
address attr)> / <service class path (class file @Path)> / <service  
method path (method @Path in class file)

Different configurations vary, of course, but documenting the  
convention would be helpful. It would also be helpful to have some  
discussion of the use of the address in the jaxrs:server configuration  
vs. the service class @Path, and why these would be used as something  
other than "/" or not. I know that starts entering the domain of REST  
a bit, but when examples merely show "/", the user is left wondering  
why it exists at all, or under what circumstances would it be changed,  
if "/" is the recommended value.

- A list of changes from one version to another would be helpful.  
Perhaps this exists somewhere and I don't know where.

Hope that helps.


On Nov 10, 2008, at 5:09 AM, Willem Jiang wrote:

> Hi Sergey,
> Can you add this document into the CXF wiki page ? Maybe you can also
> add a section of CXF 2.1.x release note :)
> Cheers,
> Willem
> Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
>> Hi
>>> All,
>>> If anyone knows the required dependencies (and versions), and any
>>> required repositories to build CXF 2.2 with Jax-RS (RESTful  
>>> services)
>>> using Maven, I'd greatly appreciate it.
>> As far as CXF is concerned, in 2.2-SNAPSHOT, compared to versions
>> starting from 2.1.2, the following dependencies have changed :
>> 1. ->
>> it's available from
>> <repository>
>>           <id></id>
>>           <name>Java Net 2 Repository</name>
>>           <url></url>
>> </repository>
>> AFAIK, JAXRS team have changed the maven repo starting from 0.8, so  
>> if
>> you're migrating from CXF with versions earlier than 2.1.2 you  
>> might see
>> artifact download problems.
>> 2. org.apache.cxf/cxf-rt-databinding-aegis/2.2-SNAPSHOT added -  
>> compile
>> Some other changes across CXF
>> (
>> - Spring dependencies have changed from 2.0.8 in 2.1.x to 2.5.6
>> - javax.xml.bind/jaxb-api/2.1
>> - com.sun.xml.bind/jaxb-impl/2.1.7
>> I'm not aware of any other significant changes which might affect  
>> implementation.
>> Does it help ? Any specific problems you're still seeing ?
>>> A kind suggestion: I've been using CXF and Jax-RS stuff for around a
>>> year now
>> thanks :-) !
>> . and every time there's been a mild breeze blow which has in
>>> any way affected CXF configuration or building in Maven, simple
>>> upgrading to the latest version has resulted in a several day plunge
>>> down the rabbit hole to figure out how to build / configure again.  
>>> It
>>> would be a great improvement to the release process if at the very
>>> least the build / configuration documentation was updated with the
>>> latest release. Restated, don't release the code without the build /
>>> configuration doc updated.
>> Your suggestions are welcome and we'll try do do it right for 2.2  
>> once
>> it's released. I think Dan is doing a lot of work in this regard but
>> capturing version and repository changes would be good indeed.
>> In meantime please send a message to a user list whenever you have  
>> any
>> issues and we'll try our best to help.
>>> When confronted with this yet again today,
>>> despite the fact I have no need or desire to move away from CXF, I
>>> spent several hours researching alternatives so that I could avoid
>>> having to go through this again.
>> I'd really hate to see users like yourself who've helped us to push  
>> CXF
>> JAX-RS implementation to its current level go (still not rock-solid  
>> but
>> in a much better shape than it used to be), same way as I hate seeing
>> users who've just quickly tried it and decided to look elsewhere.  
>> From
>> our perspective we know though that users are totally free to  
>> choose so
>> we have really one option - just keep working and make it work well  
>> and
>> I know we'll get there. It's important for users to understand that
>> we're committed to seeing CXF as a platform capable of  
>> accommodating and
>> mixing different styles of services. Likewise we'll think hard on  
>> how to
>> make CXF JAXRS 'shine' on its own. There's only one problem - lack of
>> resources - for ex I'm not able to allocate 100% of my time to JAXRS
>> work so that's why users have to struggle with figuring out  
>> themselves
>> how to update dependencies/etc.
>> But as I said, your comments are helpful and we'll take them on  
>> board.
>> Thanks, Sergey
>>> Thanks -- any help you can give with the question above would be
>>> greatly appreciated.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Brad
>>> Brad O'Hearne
>>> Owner / Developer
>>> Big Hill Software
>>> ph.480.280.1468
>>> fx.888.600.8806
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Re: Need Maven dependencies for CXF 2.2 using Jax-rs

Posted by Willem Jiang <>.
Hi Sergey,

Can you add this document into the CXF wiki page ? Maybe you can also
add a section of CXF 2.1.x release note :)


Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
> Hi
>> All,
>> If anyone knows the required dependencies (and versions), and any
>> required repositories to build CXF 2.2 with Jax-RS (RESTful services)
>> using Maven, I'd greatly appreciate it.
> As far as CXF is concerned, in 2.2-SNAPSHOT, compared to versions
> starting from 2.1.2, the following dependencies have changed :
> 1. ->
> it's available from
> <repository>
>            <id></id>
>            <name>Java Net 2 Repository</name>
>            <url></url>
> </repository>
> AFAIK, JAXRS team have changed the maven repo starting from 0.8, so if
> you're migrating from CXF with versions earlier than 2.1.2 you might see
> artifact download problems.
> 2. org.apache.cxf/cxf-rt-databinding-aegis/2.2-SNAPSHOT added - compile
> Some other changes across CXF
> (
> - Spring dependencies have changed from 2.0.8 in 2.1.x to 2.5.6
> - javax.xml.bind/jaxb-api/2.1
> - com.sun.xml.bind/jaxb-impl/2.1.7
> I'm not aware of any other significant changes which might affect JAXRS
> implementation.
> Does it help ? Any specific problems you're still seeing ?
>> A kind suggestion: I've been using CXF and Jax-RS stuff for around a
>> year now
> thanks :-) !
> . and every time there's been a mild breeze blow which has in
>> any way affected CXF configuration or building in Maven, simple
>> upgrading to the latest version has resulted in a several day plunge
>> down the rabbit hole to figure out how to build / configure again. It
>> would be a great improvement to the release process if at the very
>> least the build / configuration documentation was updated with the
>> latest release. Restated, don't release the code without the build /
>> configuration doc updated.
> Your suggestions are welcome and we'll try do do it right for 2.2 once
> it's released. I think Dan is doing a lot of work in this regard but
> capturing version and repository changes would be good indeed.
> In meantime please send a message to a user list whenever you have any
> issues and we'll try our best to help.
>> When confronted with this yet again today,
>> despite the fact I have no need or desire to move away from CXF, I
>> spent several hours researching alternatives so that I could avoid
>> having to go through this again.
> I'd really hate to see users like yourself who've helped us to push CXF
> JAX-RS implementation to its current level go (still not rock-solid but
> in a much better shape than it used to be), same way as I hate seeing
> users who've just quickly tried it and decided to look elsewhere. From
> our perspective we know though that users are totally free to choose so
> we have really one option - just keep working and make it work well and
> I know we'll get there. It's important for users to understand that
> we're committed to seeing CXF as a platform capable of accommodating and
> mixing different styles of services. Likewise we'll think hard on how to
> make CXF JAXRS 'shine' on its own. There's only one problem - lack of
> resources - for ex I'm not able to allocate 100% of my time to JAXRS
> work so that's why users have to struggle with figuring out themselves
> how to update dependencies/etc.
> But as I said, your comments are helpful and we'll take them on board.
> Thanks, Sergey
>> Thanks -- any help you can give with the question above would be
>> greatly appreciated.
>> Cheers,
>> Brad
>> Brad O'Hearne
>> Owner / Developer
>> Big Hill Software
>> ph.480.280.1468
>> fx.888.600.8806
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Re: Need Maven dependencies for CXF 2.2 using Jax-rs

Posted by Daniel Kulp <>.
On Monday 10 November 2008 6:57:17 am Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
> Hi
> > All,
> >
> > If anyone knows the required dependencies (and versions), and any
> > required repositories to build CXF 2.2 with Jax-RS (RESTful services)
> > using Maven, I'd greatly appreciate it.
> As far as CXF is concerned, in 2.2-SNAPSHOT, compared to versions starting
> from 2.1.2, the following dependencies have changed :
> 1. ->
> it's available from
> <repository>
>             <id></id>
>             <name>Java Net 2 Repository</name>
>             <url></url>
> </repository>
> AFAIK, JAXRS team have changed the maven repo starting from 0.8, so if
> you're migrating from CXF with versions earlier than 2.1.2 you might see
> artifact download problems.

Actually, I've copied this to central.   There should be no need for 
repo for CXF anymore.   If you see anything at that is needed, let 
me know and I'll get it copied to central.    I don't trust anymore 
(they tend to change released jars, which is a big no-no) and would prefer to 
push things to central and grab from there.


> 2. org.apache.cxf/cxf-rt-databinding-aegis/2.2-SNAPSHOT added - compile
> Some other changes across CXF
> (
> - Spring dependencies have changed from 2.0.8 in 2.1.x to 2.5.6
> - javax.xml.bind/jaxb-api/2.1
> - com.sun.xml.bind/jaxb-impl/2.1.7
> I'm not aware of any other significant changes which might affect JAXRS
> implementation. Does it help ? Any specific problems you're still seeing ?
> > A kind suggestion: I've been using CXF and Jax-RS stuff for around a
> > year now
> thanks :-) !
> . and every time there's been a mild breeze blow which has in
> > any way affected CXF configuration or building in Maven, simple
> > upgrading to the latest version has resulted in a several day plunge
> > down the rabbit hole to figure out how to build / configure again. It
> > would be a great improvement to the release process if at the very
> > least the build / configuration documentation was updated with the
> > latest release. Restated, don't release the code without the build /
> > configuration doc updated.
> Your suggestions are welcome and we'll try do do it right for 2.2 once it's
> released. I think Dan is doing a lot of work in this regard but capturing
> version and repository changes would be good indeed. In meantime please
> send a message to a user list whenever you have any issues and we'll try
> our best to help.
> > When confronted with this yet again today,
> > despite the fact I have no need or desire to move away from CXF, I
> > spent several hours researching alternatives so that I could avoid
> > having to go through this again.
> I'd really hate to see users like yourself who've helped us to push CXF
> JAX-RS implementation to its current level go (still not rock-solid but in
> a much better shape than it used to be), same way as I hate seeing users
> who've just quickly tried it and decided to look elsewhere. From our
> perspective we know though that users are totally free to choose so we have
> really one option - just keep working and make it work well and I know
> we'll get there. It's important for users to understand that we're
> committed to seeing CXF as a platform capable of accommodating and mixing
> different styles of services. Likewise we'll think hard on how to make CXF
> JAXRS 'shine' on its own. There's only one problem - lack of resources -
> for ex I'm not able to allocate 100% of my time to JAXRS work so that's why
> users have to struggle with figuring out themselves how to update
> dependencies/etc.
> But as I said, your comments are helpful and we'll take them on board.
> Thanks, Sergey
> > Thanks -- any help you can give with the question above would be
> > greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Brad
> >
> > Brad O'Hearne
> > Owner / Developer
> > Big Hill Software
> > ph.480.280.1468
> > fx.888.600.8806
> >
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Daniel Kulp

Re: Need Maven dependencies for CXF 2.2 using Jax-rs

Posted by Sergey Beryozkin <>.

> All,
> If anyone knows the required dependencies (and versions), and any
> required repositories to build CXF 2.2 with Jax-RS (RESTful services)
> using Maven, I'd greatly appreciate it.

As far as CXF is concerned, in 2.2-SNAPSHOT, compared to versions starting from 2.1.2, the following dependencies have changed :

1. ->

it's available from

            <name>Java Net 2 Repository</name>

AFAIK, JAXRS team have changed the maven repo starting from 0.8, so if you're migrating from CXF with versions earlier than 2.1.2 
you might see artifact download problems.

2. org.apache.cxf/cxf-rt-databinding-aegis/2.2-SNAPSHOT added - compile

Some other changes across CXF (

- Spring dependencies have changed from 2.0.8 in 2.1.x to 2.5.6
- javax.xml.bind/jaxb-api/2.1
- com.sun.xml.bind/jaxb-impl/2.1.7

I'm not aware of any other significant changes which might affect JAXRS implementation.
Does it help ? Any specific problems you're still seeing ?

> A kind suggestion: I've been using CXF and Jax-RS stuff for around a
> year now

thanks :-) !

. and every time there's been a mild breeze blow which has in
> any way affected CXF configuration or building in Maven, simple
> upgrading to the latest version has resulted in a several day plunge
> down the rabbit hole to figure out how to build / configure again. It
> would be a great improvement to the release process if at the very
> least the build / configuration documentation was updated with the
> latest release. Restated, don't release the code without the build /
> configuration doc updated.

Your suggestions are welcome and we'll try do do it right for 2.2 once it's released. I think Dan is doing a lot of work in this 
regard but capturing version and repository changes would be good indeed.
In meantime please send a message to a user list whenever you have any issues and we'll try our best to help.

> When confronted with this yet again today,
> despite the fact I have no need or desire to move away from CXF, I
> spent several hours researching alternatives so that I could avoid
> having to go through this again.

I'd really hate to see users like yourself who've helped us to push CXF JAX-RS implementation to its current level go (still not 
rock-solid but in a much better shape than it used to be), same way as I hate seeing users who've just quickly tried it and decided 
to look elsewhere. From our perspective we know though that users are totally free to choose so we have really one option - just 
keep working and make it work well and I know we'll get there. It's important for users to understand that we're committed to seeing 
CXF as a platform capable of accommodating and mixing different styles of services. Likewise we'll think hard on how to make CXF 
JAXRS 'shine' on its own. There's only one problem - lack of resources - for ex I'm not able to allocate 100% of my time to JAXRS 
work so that's why users have to struggle with figuring out themselves how to update dependencies/etc.

But as I said, your comments are helpful and we'll take them on board.

Thanks, Sergey

> Thanks -- any help you can give with the question above would be
> greatly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Brad
> Brad O'Hearne
> Owner / Developer
> Big Hill Software
> ph.480.280.1468
> fx.888.600.8806

