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Posted to by Łukasz Budnik <> on 2008/04/04 12:04:21 UTC

pre-compiled JSPs throw exceptions

Hi All!

I'm trying to run a web application that has pre-compiled JSP pages.

I'm doing so because Geronimo's on the fly JSP compilation takes ages
compared to building and deploying whole JEE application from the
scratch :(

For example a JSP page (with JSF: MyFaces + Tomahawk + Tomahawk
Sandbox) takes up to 15-20 seconds to compile!

You must admit that this is insane...

I've integrated Jasper's JSPC tool with my Ant project to pre-compile
JSP to servlets and later on to compile generated servlets classes to
byte codes.

OK this is what I'm doing:

1. run JSPC tool:

<target name="jspc" depends="web-compile">
		<taskdef classname="org.apache.jasper.JspC" name="jasper2" >
			<classpath refid="jspc-classpath"/>
		<jasper2 verbose="0"
			outputDir="${web-build}/classes/WEB-INF/src" />


2. compile generated servlets from the 1st step

	<target name="jspc-compile" depends="jspc">
		<javac srcdir="${web-build}/classes/WEB-INF/src"
classpathref="jspc-classpath" encoding="UTF-8" />

3. merge generated_web.xml with original web.xml

4. copy compiled jsp-servlets to WEB-INF/classes

I can deploy my application successfully, but when I access any JSP page I get:

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: separate instantiation and
injection is not supported
	org.xh.nuntius.web.jsps.main.contact_jsp._jspService(Unknown Source)
	org.xh.nuntius.web.filters.SecurityAbuseDetectorFilter.doFilter(Unknown Source)
	org.xh.nuntius.web.filters.CharsetFilter.doFilter(Unknown Source)
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: separate instantiation and
injection is not supported
Or is there some other way (geronimo-web.xml descriptor?) I can force
Geronimo to pre-compile my JSP pages?

thanks in advance for any hints

best regards

Re: pre-compiled JSPs throw exceptions

Posted by David Jencks <>.
On Aug 4, 2008, at 4:25 AM, Roman Puchkovskiy wrote:

> Hi.
> I've faced the problem which is described here: when a tag which  
> extends
> SimpleTagSupport (2.0 spec) is used on a JSP, jasper compiler  
> included in
> Geronimo 2.1.1 generates code which throws  
> UnsupportedOperationException.
> But such code is generated only when JSP is compiled with default  
> settings
> (obviously, this is the case when precompilation is made using some  
> tool,
> for instance Ant).
> And when JSPs are compiled on the fly by Geronimo, it compiles them
> correctly.
> There's a global property called
> org.apache.jasper.Constants.USE_INSTANCE_MANAGER_FOR_TAGS. When it's  
> false
> (or missing) during JSP compilation, incorrect code is generated.  
> When it's
> true (possibly, this is the case for on-the-fly generation), the  
> generated
> code works fine.
> Here's the example of code which throws exception (it's a fragment  
> of code
> generated for one of JSPs):
>    com.blandware.atleap.webapp.taglib.core.ConstantsTag
> _jspx_th_atleap_005fconstants_005f0 = (new
> com.blandware.atleap.webapp.taglib.core.ConstantsTag());
> _jsp_instancemanager.newInstance(_jspx_th_atleap_005fconstants_005f0);
> Call to newInstance() throws the following:
> java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: separate instantiation and
> injection is not supported
> org.apache.geronimo.jasper.JasperServletContextCustomizer 
> $ 
> JasperInstanceManager 
> .newInstance(
> com 
> .blandware 
> .atleap 
> .jsp.error_jsp._jspx_meth_atleap_005fconstants_005f0( 
> 99)
> 	com.blandware.atleap.jsp.error_jsp._jspService(
> 	org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
> 	javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
> com 
> .blandware 
> .atleap 
> .webapp 
> .filter 
> .StatisticsCollectionFilter.doFilter( 
> 75)
> org.acegisecurity.util.FilterChainProxy 
> $VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(
> org 
> .acegisecurity 
> .intercept 
> .web.FilterSecurityInterceptor.invoke( 
> 107)
> org 
> .acegisecurity 
> .intercept 
> .web 
> .FilterSecurityInterceptor.doFilter(
> org.acegisecurity.util.FilterChainProxy 
> $VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(
> org 
> .acegisecurity 
> .ui 
> .ExceptionTranslationFilter.doFilter( 
> 124)
> org.acegisecurity.util.FilterChainProxy 
> $VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(
> org 
> .acegisecurity 
> .providers 
> .anonymous 
> .AnonymousProcessingFilter.doFilter( 
> 125)
> org.acegisecurity.util.FilterChainProxy 
> $VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(
> org 
> .acegisecurity 
> .wrapper 
> .SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter 
> .doFilter(
> org.acegisecurity.util.FilterChainProxy 
> $VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(
> org 
> .acegisecurity 
> .context 
> .HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter 
> .doFilter(
> org.acegisecurity.util.FilterChainProxy 
> $VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(
> org 
> .acegisecurity.util.FilterChainProxy.doFilter( 
> 149)
> org 
> .acegisecurity 
> .util.FilterToBeanProxy.doFilter(
> org.springframework.web.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter.doFilterInternal 
> (
> org 
> .springframework 
> .web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( 
> 76)
> To work this around, one may set system property called
> org.apache.jasper.Constants.USE_INSTANCE_MANAGER_FOR_TAGS to true  
> before
> calling to JspC.
> So, here's a little question: is it really intended to work how it  
> works? I
> mean it's not very intiutive to set some system properties to  
> compile JSPs
> successfully. Or, possibly, I've just misunderstood something?

How jsps work is no longer independent of the web container they are  
run in.  Annotation support requires that the objects for tags get  
configured by the annotation support/injection system in the  
container. Jasper supports two styles depending on the flag:

1. InstanceManager creates and configures the object in one call.  I  
like this because it's a really clean separation of concerns and can  
support constructor dependency injection etc with no user/jsp code  
2. the calling code creates the object and uses the InstanceManager to  
inject stuff.  Some tomcat people wanted this option IIRC because  
calling a hardcoded constructor is slightly faster than using  

Hope this clears things up a bit
david jencks

> -- 
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the Apache Geronimo - Users mailing list archive at  

Re: pre-compiled JSPs throw exceptions

Posted by Roman Puchkovskiy <>.

I've faced the problem which is described here: when a tag which extends
SimpleTagSupport (2.0 spec) is used on a JSP, jasper compiler included in
Geronimo 2.1.1 generates code which throws UnsupportedOperationException.
But such code is generated only when JSP is compiled with default settings
(obviously, this is the case when precompilation is made using some tool,
for instance Ant).
And when JSPs are compiled on the fly by Geronimo, it compiles them

There's a global property called
org.apache.jasper.Constants.USE_INSTANCE_MANAGER_FOR_TAGS. When it's false
(or missing) during JSP compilation, incorrect code is generated. When it's
true (possibly, this is the case for on-the-fly generation), the generated
code works fine.

Here's the example of code which throws exception (it's a fragment of code
generated for one of JSPs):
_jspx_th_atleap_005fconstants_005f0 = (new

Call to newInstance() throws the following:

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: separate instantiation and
injection is not supported



















To work this around, one may set system property called
org.apache.jasper.Constants.USE_INSTANCE_MANAGER_FOR_TAGS to true before
calling to JspC.

So, here's a little question: is it really intended to work how it works? I
mean it's not very intiutive to set some system properties to compile JSPs
successfully. Or, possibly, I've just misunderstood something?
View this message in context:
Sent from the Apache Geronimo - Users mailing list archive at

Re: pre-compiled JSPs throw exceptions

Posted by Kevan Miller <>.
On Apr 5, 2008, at 6:30 AM, Łukasz Budnik wrote:

> Hi Kevan,
> On 04/04/2008, Kevan Miller <> wrote:
>> I have some fuzzy memory of somebody reporting the same slow JSP  
>> compilation
>> performance problem, trying it myself, and not seeing the problem. I
>> couldn't find anything searching back through email, though (as i  
>> say it's a
>> fuzzy memory :).
>> You'll need to use the JspC class from
>> repository/org/apache/tomcat/jasper/6.0.14-G614585/jasper-6.0.14- 
>> G614585.jar
>> in your Geronimo install. Our pom.xml shows how to do this in  
>> maven. I've
>> never done it, but as an Ant task, think you'll just need to set your
>> jspc-classpath.
> Yes, I'm using my own jspc-classpath, and of course I'm using  
> Geronimo's Jasper.
>> Lukasz possible that you could suggest some documentation after you  
>> fix your
>> problem?
> sure, wish me luck ;)

Sorry. I misunderstood your problem (guess I didn't look closely  

Nice work!


Re: pre-compiled JSPs throw exceptions

Posted by Łukasz Budnik <>.
Hi Kevan,

On 04/04/2008, Kevan Miller <> wrote:
> I have some fuzzy memory of somebody reporting the same slow JSP compilation
> performance problem, trying it myself, and not seeing the problem. I
> couldn't find anything searching back through email, though (as i say it's a
> fuzzy memory :).
> You'll need to use the JspC class from
> repository/org/apache/tomcat/jasper/6.0.14-G614585/jasper-6.0.14-G614585.jar
> in your Geronimo install. Our pom.xml shows how to do this in maven. I've
> never done it, but as an Ant task, think you'll just need to set your
> jspc-classpath.

Yes, I'm using my own jspc-classpath, and of course I'm using Geronimo's Jasper.

This is my full jspc-classpath (as you can see, every pathelement
starts with ${GERONIMO_HOME}):

<path id="jspc-classpath">
	  <!-- taglib jsp core -->
location="${GERONIMO_HOME}\repository\jstl\jstl\1.2\jstl-1.2.jar" />
	  <!-- taglib jsf core and html -->
	  <!-- taglib tomahawk -->
	  <!-- taglib tomahawk sandbox -->
	  <!-- Geronimo's jasper -->
	  <!-- required by Jasper -->
	  <path refid="web-classpath" />

> Lukasz possible that you could suggest some documentation after you fix your
> problem?

sure, wish me luck ;)

best regards

Re: pre-compiled JSPs throw exceptions

Posted by Kevan Miller <>.
I have some fuzzy memory of somebody reporting the same slow JSP  
compilation performance problem, trying it myself, and not seeing the  
problem. I couldn't find anything searching back through email, though  
(as i say it's a fuzzy memory :).

You'll need to use the JspC class from repository/org/apache/tomcat/ 
jasper/6.0.14-G614585/jasper-6.0.14-G614585.jar in your Geronimo  
install. Our pom.xml shows how to do this in maven. I've never done  
it, but as an Ant task, think you'll just need to set your jspc- 

Lukasz possible that you could suggest some documentation after you  
fix your problem?


On Apr 4, 2008, at 11:01 AM, David Jencks wrote:

> I'm not sure what the solution is going to be, but we use a custom  
> version of tomcat and jasper that in particular is incompatible with  
> jsps compiled with earlier versions of jasper (such as all the  
> tomcat 6.0 published ones).
> Our console plugins precompile all the jsps using a maven plugin.  
> Can you point the ant jsp compiler stuff at a different jasper  
> version (the one in geronimo)?  Maybe you can look at our build for  
> some ideas?
> And I guess we desperately need a bit of documentation on how to do  
> this....
> Many thanks
> david ejncks
> On Apr 4, 2008, at 3:04 AM, Łukasz Budnik wrote:
>> Hi All!
>> I'm trying to run a web application that has pre-compiled JSP pages.
>> I'm doing so because Geronimo's on the fly JSP compilation takes ages
>> compared to building and deploying whole JEE application from the
>> scratch :(
>> For example a JSP page (with JSF: MyFaces + Tomahawk + Tomahawk
>> Sandbox) takes up to 15-20 seconds to compile!
>> You must admit that this is insane...
>> I've integrated Jasper's JSPC tool with my Ant project to pre-compile
>> JSP to servlets and later on to compile generated servlets classes to
>> byte codes.
>> OK this is what I'm doing:
>> 1. run JSPC tool:
>> <target name="jspc" depends="web-compile">
>> 		<taskdef classname="org.apache.jasper.JspC" name="jasper2" >
>> 			<classpath refid="jspc-classpath"/>
>> 		</taskdef>
>> 		<jasper2 verbose="0"
>> 			package="org.xh.nuntius.web.jsps"
>> 			uriroot="${web-build}/classes"
>> 			webXmlFragment="${web-build}/classes/WEB-INF/generated_web.xml"
>> 			outputDir="${web-build}/classes/WEB-INF/src" />
>> 	</target>
>> 2. compile generated servlets from the 1st step
>> 	<target name="jspc-compile" depends="jspc">
>> 		<javac srcdir="${web-build}/classes/WEB-INF/src"
>> destdir="${web-build}/classes/WEB-INF/classes"
>> classpathref="jspc-classpath" encoding="UTF-8" />
>> 	</target>
>> 3. merge generated_web.xml with original web.xml
>> 4. copy compiled jsp-servlets to WEB-INF/classes
>> I can deploy my application successfully, but when I access any JSP  
>> page I get:
>> java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: separate instantiation and
>> injection is not supported
>> 	org.apache.geronimo.jasper.JasperServletContextCustomizer 
>> $ 
>> JasperInstanceManager 
>> .newInstance(
>> org 
>> .xh 
>> .nuntius 
>> .web.jsps.main.contact_jsp._jspx_meth_f_005fview_005f0(Unknown
>> Source)
>> 	org.xh.nuntius.web.jsps.main.contact_jsp._jspService(Unknown Source)
>> 	org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
>> 	javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>> org 
>> .xh 
>> .nuntius.web.filters.SecurityAbuseDetectorFilter.doFilter(Unknown  
>> Source)
>> 	org.xh.nuntius.web.filters.CharsetFilter.doFilter(Unknown Source)
>> java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: separate instantiation and
>> injection is not supported
>> Or is there some other way (geronimo-web.xml descriptor?) I can force
>> Geronimo to pre-compile my JSP pages?
>> thanks in advance for any hints
>> best regards
>> Łukasz

Re: pre-compiled JSPs throw exceptions

Posted by David Jencks <>.
I'm not sure what the solution is going to be, but we use a custom  
version of tomcat and jasper that in particular is incompatible with  
jsps compiled with earlier versions of jasper (such as all the tomcat  
6.0 published ones).

Our console plugins precompile all the jsps using a maven plugin. Can  
you point the ant jsp compiler stuff at a different jasper version  
(the one in geronimo)?  Maybe you can look at our build for some ideas?

And I guess we desperately need a bit of documentation on how to do  

Many thanks
david ejncks

On Apr 4, 2008, at 3:04 AM, Łukasz Budnik wrote:

> Hi All!
> I'm trying to run a web application that has pre-compiled JSP pages.
> I'm doing so because Geronimo's on the fly JSP compilation takes ages
> compared to building and deploying whole JEE application from the
> scratch :(
> For example a JSP page (with JSF: MyFaces + Tomahawk + Tomahawk
> Sandbox) takes up to 15-20 seconds to compile!
> You must admit that this is insane...
> I've integrated Jasper's JSPC tool with my Ant project to pre-compile
> JSP to servlets and later on to compile generated servlets classes to
> byte codes.
> OK this is what I'm doing:
> 1. run JSPC tool:
> <target name="jspc" depends="web-compile">
> 		<taskdef classname="org.apache.jasper.JspC" name="jasper2" >
> 			<classpath refid="jspc-classpath"/>
> 		</taskdef>
> 		<jasper2 verbose="0"
> 			package="org.xh.nuntius.web.jsps"
> 			uriroot="${web-build}/classes"
> 			webXmlFragment="${web-build}/classes/WEB-INF/generated_web.xml"
> 			outputDir="${web-build}/classes/WEB-INF/src" />
> 	</target>
> 2. compile generated servlets from the 1st step
> 	<target name="jspc-compile" depends="jspc">
> 		<javac srcdir="${web-build}/classes/WEB-INF/src"
> destdir="${web-build}/classes/WEB-INF/classes"
> classpathref="jspc-classpath" encoding="UTF-8" />
> 	</target>
> 3. merge generated_web.xml with original web.xml
> 4. copy compiled jsp-servlets to WEB-INF/classes
> I can deploy my application successfully, but when I access any JSP  
> page I get:
> java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: separate instantiation and
> injection is not supported
> 	org.apache.geronimo.jasper.JasperServletContextCustomizer 
> $JasperInstanceManager.newInstance 
> (
> org.xh.nuntius.web.jsps.main.contact_jsp._jspx_meth_f_005fview_005f0 
> (Unknown
> Source)
> 	org.xh.nuntius.web.jsps.main.contact_jsp._jspService(Unknown Source)
> 	org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
> 	javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
> 	org.xh.nuntius.web.filters.SecurityAbuseDetectorFilter.doFilter 
> (Unknown Source)
> 	org.xh.nuntius.web.filters.CharsetFilter.doFilter(Unknown Source)
> java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: separate instantiation and
> injection is not supported
> Or is there some other way (geronimo-web.xml descriptor?) I can force
> Geronimo to pre-compile my JSP pages?
> thanks in advance for any hints
> best regards
> Łukasz