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Posted to by on 2020/12/29 13:27:32 UTC

[buildstream] branch chandan/test created (now 4a86e5d)

This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

root pushed a change to branch chandan/test
in repository

      at 4a86e5d  TEST

This branch includes the following new commits:

     new 4a86e5d  TEST

The 1 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

[buildstream] 01/01: TEST

Posted by
This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

root pushed a commit to branch chandan/test
in repository

commit 4a86e5d9011b5f2b911cc77c3e905ab0d7a8969d
Author: Chandan Singh <>
AuthorDate: Tue Sep 3 01:07:24 2019 +0100

 .gitlab-ci.yml | 390 ---------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 390 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 9b7db92..18c28d8 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,401 +1,11 @@
-  - template: Code-Quality.gitlab-ci.yml
-  key: "$CI_JOB_NAME-"
-  paths:
-    - cache/
   - test
-  - post
-  - publish
-  PYTEST_ADDOPTS: "--color=yes"
-  INTEGRATION_CACHE: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/cache/integration-cache"
-  PYTEST_ARGS: "--color=yes --integration -n 2"
-  EXTERNAL_TESTS_COMMAND: "tox -e py{35,36,37}-external -- ${PYTEST_ARGS}"
-#                    Test stage                     #
-# Run premerge commits
-.tests-template: &tests
-  stage: test
-  before_script:
-  # Diagnostics
-  - mount
-  - df -h
-  - tox --version
-  script:
-  - mkdir -p "${INTEGRATION_CACHE}"
-  - useradd -Um buildstream
-  - chown -R buildstream:buildstream .
-  # Run the tests as a simple user to test for permission issues
-  - su buildstream -c "${TEST_COMMAND}"
-  - su buildstream -c "${EXTERNAL_TESTS_COMMAND}"
-  after_script:
-  except:
-  - schedules
-  artifacts:
-    paths:
-    - .coverage-reports
-  image:
-  <<: *tests
-  image:
-  <<: *tests
-  image:
-  <<: *tests
-  image:
-  <<: *tests
-  <<: *tests
-  image:
-  image:
-  tags:
-    - aarch64
-  <<: *tests
-  # We need to override the exclusion from the template
-  # in order to run on schedules
-  except: []
-  only:
-  - schedules
-  # Use fedora here, to a) run a test on fedora and b) ensure that we
-  # can get rid of ostree - this is not possible with debian-8
-  image:
-  <<: *tests
-  variables:
-    BST_FORCE_SANDBOX: "chroot"
-  script:
-    # We remove the Bubblewrap and OSTree packages here so that we catch any
-    # codepaths that try to use them. Removing OSTree causes fuse-libs to
-    # disappear unless we mark it as user-installed.
-    - dnf mark install fuse-libs systemd-udev
-    - dnf erase -y bubblewrap ostree
-    # Since the unix platform is required to run as root, no user change required
-    - ${TEST_COMMAND}
-  image:
-  <<: *tests
-  variables:
-    BST_FORCE_SANDBOX: "buildbox"
-  script:
-    - dnf install -y fuse3
-    # Before buildbox is a first class citizen we need a good install story for users and this test
-    # should mirror that story, for now we build in the test as it is quick and easy.
-    # Build and install buildbox
-    - dnf install -y fuse3-devel glibc-static grpc-plugins grpc-devel protobuf-devel cmake gcc gcc-c++ libuuid-devel 
-    - git clone
-    - cd buildbox-fuse
-    # Pin a specific commit so that any changes to buildbox do not result in unexpected/unannounced buildstream failures
-    - git checkout cdd2b00842c39a8f7162c2ae55bf2cefb925e339
-    - cmake -B build
-    - cmake --build build
-    - cmake --build build --target install
-    - cd ..
-    - useradd -Um buildstream
-    - chown -R buildstream:buildstream .
-    - su buildstream -c "${TEST_COMMAND}"
-  # Ensure that tests behave nicely while missing bwrap and ostree
-  image:
-  <<: *tests
-  script:
-    # We remove the Bubblewrap and OSTree packages here so that we catch any
-    # codepaths that try to use them. Removing OSTree causes fuse-libs to
-    # disappear unless we mark it as user-installed.
-    - dnf mark install fuse-libs systemd-udev
-    - dnf erase -y bubblewrap ostree
-    - useradd -Um buildstream
-    - chown -R buildstream:buildstream .
-    - ${TEST_COMMAND}
-  # Check if the tests pass after updating requirements to their latest
-  # allowed version.
-  allow_failure: true
-  image:
-  <<: *tests
-  script:
-    - useradd -Um buildstream
-    - chown -R buildstream:buildstream .
-    - make --always-make --directory requirements
-    - cat requirements/*.txt
-    - su buildstream -c "${TEST_COMMAND}"
-  allow_failure: true
-  image:
-  <<: *tests
-  before_script:
-    - dnf install -y docker docker-compose
-    - docker-compose --file ${COMPOSE_MANIFEST} up --detach
-  after_script:
-    - docker-compose --file ${COMPOSE_MANIFEST} stop
-    - docker-compose --file ${COMPOSE_MANIFEST} logs
-    - docker-compose --file ${COMPOSE_MANIFEST} down
-  services:
-    - docker:stable-dind
-  variables:
-    DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375
-    DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
-    # Required to be able to connect to the docker daemon. See
-    COMPOSE_MANIFEST: .gitlab-ci/buildgrid-compose.yml
-    ARTIFACT_CACHE_SERVICE: http://docker:50052
-    REMOTE_EXECUTION_SERVICE: http://docker:50051
-    SOURCE_CACHE_SERVICE: http://docker:50052
-    PYTEST_ARGS: "--color=yes --remote-execution"
-  image:
-  <<: *tests
-  variables:
-# Lint separately from testing
-  stage: test
-  before_script:
-  # Diagnostics
-  - python3 --version
-  script:
-  - tox -e lint
-  except:
-  - schedules
-  stage: test
-  variables:
-    LC_ALL: C.UTF-8
-    LANG: C.UTF-8
-  tags:
-  - wsl
-  before_script:
-  - mount
-  - df -h
-  - PATH=/root/.local/bin:$PATH tox --version
-  script:
-  # Install static buildbox-casd binary
-  - wget
-  - tar -C /root/.local/bin -xf buildbox-casd-x86_64-linux-20190813-20d41af4.tar.xz
-  - PATH=/root/.local/bin:$PATH ${TEST_COMMAND}
-  only:
-  - master
-  stage: test
-  variables:
-    LC_ALL: C.UTF-8
-    LANG: C.UTF-8
-  tags:
-  - wsl
-  before_script:
-  - mount
-  - df -h
-  - PATH=/root/.local/bin:$PATH tox --version
-  script:
-  # Install static buildbox-casd binary
-  - wget
-  - tar -C /root/.local/bin -xf buildbox-casd-x86_64-linux-20190813-20d41af4.tar.xz
-  - PATH=/root/.local/bin:$PATH ${TEST_COMMAND}
-  when: manual
-  except:
-  - master
-# Automatically build documentation for every commit, we want to know
-# if building documentation fails even if we're not deploying it.
   stage: test
-  variables:
   - env BST_SOURCE_CACHE="$(pwd)/cache/integration-cache/sources" tox -e docs
   - mv doc/build/html public
-  except:
-  - schedules
-  artifacts:
-    paths:
-    - public/
-.overnight-tests: &overnight-tests-template
-  stage: test
-  image:
-  variables:
-    BST_EXT_URL: git+
-    BST_EXT_REF: 0.12.0-40-g7aa1423377629281decc455d1090964417c38f2e
-    FD_SDK_REF: freedesktop-sdk-18.08.34-0-g9282304d0d932032b8297fb049f44d6a079dc2ea
-  before_script:
-  - |
-    mkdir -p "${HOME}/.config"
-    cat <<EOF >"${HOME}/.config/buildstream.conf"
-    scheduler:
-      fetchers: 2
-    EOF
-  - dnf install -y ostree python3-gobject-base
-  - pip3 install -r requirements/requirements.txt -r requirements/plugin-requirements.txt
-  - pip3 wheel --wheel-dir wheels/ --no-deps .
-  - pip3 install --no-index wheels/*
-  - pip3 install --user -e ${BST_EXT_URL}@${BST_EXT_REF}#egg=bst_ext
-  - git clone
-  - git -C freedesktop-sdk checkout ${FD_SDK_REF}
-  artifacts:
-    paths:
-    - "${HOME}/.cache/buildstream/logs"
-  only:
-  - schedules
-  <<: *overnight-tests-template
-  script:
-  - make -C freedesktop-sdk
-  tags:
-  - overnight-tests
-  <<: *overnight-tests-template
-  script:
-  - sed -i '/artifacts:/,+1 d' freedesktop-sdk/project.conf
-  - make -C freedesktop-sdk
-  tags:
-  - overnight-tests
-#                    Post stage                     #
-  stage: post
-  script:
-  - |
-    pip3 install radon
-    mkdir analysis
-  - |
-    echo "Calculating Maintainability Index"
-    radon mi -s -j src/buildstream > analysis/mi.json
-    radon mi -s src/buildstream
-  - |
-    echo "Calculating Cyclomatic Complexity"
-    radon cc -a -s -j src/buildstream > analysis/cc.json
-    radon cc -a -s src/buildstream
-  - |
-    echo "Calculating Raw Metrics"
-    radon raw -s -j src/buildstream > analysis/raw.json
-    radon raw -s src/buildstream
-  except:
-  - schedules
-  artifacts:
-    paths:
-    - analysis/
-# Collate coverage reports
-  stage: post
-  coverage: '/TOTAL +\d+ +\d+ +(\d+\.\d+)%/'
-  script:
-    - cp -a .coverage-reports/ ./coverage-sources
-    - tox -e coverage
-    - cp -a .coverage-reports/ ./coverage-report
-  dependencies:
-  - tests-centos-7.6
-  - tests-debian-9
-  - tests-fedora-29
-  - tests-fedora-30
-  - tests-fedora-missing-deps
-  - tests-fedora-update-deps
-  - tests-remote-execution
-  - tests-ubuntu-18.04
-  - tests-unix
-  except:
-  - schedules
-  artifacts:
-    paths:
-    - coverage-sources/
-    - coverage-report/
-# Deploy, only for merges which land on master branch.
-  stage: publish
-  dependencies:
-  - coverage
-  - docs
-  variables:
-    ACME_DIR: public/.well-known/acme-challenge
-    COVERAGE_DIR: public/coverage
-  script:
-  - mkdir -p ${ACME_DIR}
-    # Required to finish the creation of the Let's Encrypt certificate,
-    # which allows using for accessing
-    # the documentation.
-  - echo ${ACME_CHALLENGE} > ${ACME_DIR}/$(echo ${ACME_CHALLENGE} | cut -c1-43)
-  - mkdir -p ${COVERAGE_DIR}
-  - cp -a ./coverage-report/ ${COVERAGE_DIR}
     - public/
-  only:
-  #
-  # FIXME:
-  #
-  # Ideally we want to publish to a different subdir of
-  # pages depending on which stable branch we are building here,
-  # not currently automatically supported but can be worked around.
-  #
-  # See
-  #
-  - master
-  except:
-  - schedules