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Posted to by "Raymond Hooker (rhooker)" <> on 2010/05/24 16:26:25 UTC

HttpClient 4.0.1 and Timeout

I am having trouble getting my client to timeout with a non-responsive host.  I should say up front that I am doing authentication discovery to setup valid auth credentials for hosts that I am managing.  

The other big deal is that I am using https and the hosts have self-signed certificates.  The reason I mention this it that I had to use a sample for custom protocol handler.  This has been deprecated but works nicely:

Protocol myhttps = new Protocol("https", (SecureProtocolSocketFactory) new EasySSLProtocolSocketFactory(), 443);

Here is my code:
***********************Begin Code Snippet*********
(I am importing apache.commons.httpclient version 3.1)
HttpClient CTMclient = new HttpClient();
Protocol myhttps = new Protocol("https", (SecureProtocolSocketFactory) new EasySSLProtocolSocketFactory(), 443);
Protocol.registerProtocol("https", myhttps);
CTMclient.getState().setCredentials(new AuthScope(AuthScope.ANY_HOST, 443, AuthScope.ANY_REALM), defaultcreds);
CTMclient.setConnectionTimeout(15000);  ****  Note I am setting the timeout.
GetMethod methodget = new GetMethod("https://"+CTMurl+"/cgi-bin?tbAction=TB_CONFIG_CALL_STATISTICS");

try {
	statusCode = CTMclient.executeMethod(methodget);
**********************End Code Snippet **************

This works beautifully so long as the host is responsive.  I am able to handle the unsigned certificate transparently and successfully authenticate.  The only problem is that with non-responsive hosts, it never times out.  I saw some code snippets setting the timeout using httpparms, but I then have to switch to BasicHttpClient and away from httpcommons libraries.  I was not able to get the authentication to work.

Does anyone have a way to set the timeout other than the above?.. or a pointer to working code examples that include authentication and the use of custom protocol for the self-signed cert?
