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Posted to by Mark Steyn <> on 2007/11/09 12:23:02 UTC

Creating and setting properties of collections

Forgive me is this is a very obvious question, but I'm new to struts 2,
and despite googling around, I'm still not sure as to how to do

I'm trying to accomplish the following:

1. Create a form which is used upload a zip file containing a number of
2. Upload and process those images, creating java objects and database
records for each.
3. Display a second form allowing the user to associate additional
metadata with the images 

I'm currently stumped on step 3.

I can upload the images and create objects representing them, and create
a form in a jsp allowing additional data to be associated with these
objects, but once that form is submitted, I'm not sure how to map the
posted data back to my image objects.  

>From what I gather, the image objects that were created in step 2 need
to be recreated in step 3, but I can't see an easy means of doing this.
Are type converters the best way forward, or is there a better

Any assistance will be gratefully appreciated.


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Re: Creating and setting properties of collections

Posted by Dave Newton <>.
Pardon the disheveled nature of this response :/

Whether or not the image object need to be "recreated"
is more an issue w/ your persistence mechanism, but
you'll at least need some sort of UID for each.

On the S2 side you can create a map keyed on the UID
and expose whatever properties you want (like an
object.metadata field or just a string or whatever)
and use map notation on your form.

Check out the wiki page on type conversion to see a
bit more about how maps can be used:

It's down towards the bottom. In a nutshell you can do
something like (pseudotag):

<s:hidden name="theMap[aUid].id/> // To recover the
UID on form submission
<s:textfield name="theMap[aUid].metadata"/>

where the map is:

Map<UidClass, ImageClass> _theMap;

with an appropriate getter.

On submission your map will be filled in w/ the form's
values, the next step depends a bit on your
persistence mechanism.


--- Mark Steyn <> wrote:

> Forgive me is this is a very obvious question, but
> I'm new to struts 2,
> and despite googling around, I'm still not sure as
> to how to do
> something.
> I'm trying to accomplish the following:
> 1. Create a form which is used upload a zip file
> containing a number of
> images
> 2. Upload and process those images, creating java
> objects and database
> records for each.
> 3. Display a second form allowing the user to
> associate additional
> metadata with the images 
> I'm currently stumped on step 3.
> I can upload the images and create objects
> representing them, and create
> a form in a jsp allowing additional data to be
> associated with these
> objects, but once that form is submitted, I'm not
> sure how to map the
> posted data back to my image objects.  
> From what I gather, the image objects that were
> created in step 2 need
> to be recreated in step 3, but I can't see an easy
> means of doing this.
> Are type converters the best way forward, or is
> there a better
> alternative?
> Any assistance will be gratefully appreciated.
> Mark 
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