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Posted to by Cameron Childress <> on 2005/07/21 00:27:24 UTC

Occasional auth fail on svn+ssh

Occasionally, but not always, I will get the following error when
connecting to SVN using svn+ssh "com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth
fail".  I looked at my RH security log and found a corresponding error
message on the logs as follows:

Jul 15 12:55:48 dev2 sshd[6015]: Accepted password for cameronc from port 1446 ssh2
Jul 15 12:55:48 dev2 sshd[6017]: Received disconnect from
3: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth fail

This usually happens when I am connecting tot he server over a VPN
link from home, and even while my svn+ssh connection is failing I can
still ssh to the box fine.  I think that the problem has to do with
some permissions and/or svn/ssh ip specific config issue, but I'm not
a linux wiz and am not entirely sure where to look.

I'm using Eclipse+Subclipse+JavaSVN as the client, but I'm not sure
that's relevant.

Any advice or suggestions?


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc
cell:  678.637.5072
aim:   cameroncf

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