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Posted to by Your Vision <> on 2021/02/28 19:00:34 UTC

#1 Veggie To Restore 20/20 Vision (Which one is it?)

If you crush and swallow these 2 flower petals before bed you can cure damaged
Rob Porter, aged 68, from Burley, Idaho used this to repair his far-distance-
vision and keep his driver's license.  
Sarah Clawson, aged 54, from Mobile, Alabama uses this to keep her near-
distance-vision healthy and avoid reading glasses.  
And another good friend used this repair macular degeneration and recover from
almost going blind!  
It all comes down to crushing up and swallowing [these certain flower
before you go to bed.  
**= > [Eat this flower's petals to reverse vision
Helps keep vision 20/20 no matter your age.  

* * *

If you does't like this update, no problem please [Click
8578 Alderwood Drive North Augusta, SC 29841  


**I think I will buy the red car, or I will lease the blue one. Erin
accidentally created a new universe The golden retriever loved the fireworks
each Fourth of July. approaches at high velocity. We should play with legos at
. The sudden rainstorm washed crocodiles into the ocean. The trick to getting
kids to eat anything is to put catchup on it. He found the end of the rainbow
and was surprised at what he found there. The bullet pierced the window
shattering it before missing Danny 's head by mere millimeters. The lake is a
long way from here. If eating three-egg omelets causes weight-gain, budgie
eggs are a good substitute. Warm beer on a cold day isn't my idea of fun. It
didn't make sense unless you had the power to eat colors. The hummingbird's
wings blurred while it eagerly sipped the sugar water from the feeder. The
tortoise jumped into the lake with dreams of becoming a sea turtle. Today I
dressed my unicorn in preparation for the race. The beauty of the sunset was
obscured by the industrial cranes. Two more days and all his problems would be
solved. The light in his life was actually a fire burning all around him. Some
bathing suits just shouldn't be worn by some people. The truth is that you pay
for your lifestyle in hours. It was at that moment that he learned there are
certain parts of the body that you should never Nair The gloves my feet from
excess work. A dead duck doesn't fly backward He kept telling himself that one
day it would all somehow make sense. She wanted a pet platypus but ended up
getting a duck and a instead. Abstraction is often one floor above you. It
caught him off guard that space smelled of seared steak. A glittering gem is
not enough. He decided water-skiing on a frozen lake wasn't a good idea. Love
is not like pizza. Please tell me you don't work in a morgue. He picked up
trash in his spare time to dump in his neighbor's yard. I am my aunt's
sister's daughter. Having no hair made him look even hairier. He waited for
the stop sign to turn to a go sign. Nudist colonies shun fig-leaf couture. She
wore green lipstick like a fashion icon. I'm a great listener, really good
with empathy vs sympathy and all that, but I people. There should have been a
time and a place, but this wasn't it. The clock within this blog and the clock
on my laptop are 1 hour different from each other. There were white out
conditions in the town; subsequently, the roads were impassable. After
fighting off the alligator, Brian still had to face the anaconda.**

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