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Posted to by Julian Reschke <> on 2019/07/29 06:40:45 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.16.0 released

The Apache Jackrabbit community is pleased to announce the release of
Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.16.0. The release is available for download at:

See the full release notes below for details about this release:

Release Notes -- Apache Jackrabbit Oak -- Version 1.16.0


Jackrabbit Oak is a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content
repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class
web sites and other demanding content applications.

Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.16.0 is an incremental feature release based
on and compatible with earlier stable Jackrabbit Oak 1.x
releases. This release is considered stable and targeted for
production use.

The Oak effort is a part of the Apache Jackrabbit project.
Apache Jackrabbit is a project of the Apache Software Foundation.

Changes in Oak 1.16.0


     [OAK-8271] - Lucene path transformed result doesn't accomodate 
wildcards in relative path
     [OAK-8351] - Long running RGC remove and getmore operations
     [OAK-8364] - LastRevRecoveryAgent may log warn message for bundled node
     [OAK-8383] - AccessControlValidator: check for duplicate ACE 
ignores allow/deny status
     [OAK-8388] - AccessControlManagerImpl.getEffectivePolicies(Set): 
Insufficient validation of query results
     [OAK-8389] - AccessControlValidator prone to NPE
     [OAK-8394] - Fix BinaryAccessDSGCIT failing intermittently for Mongo
     [OAK-8406] - AzurePersistence issues requests without timeout
     [OAK-8410] - AzurePersistence throws an NPE when reacting to 
     [OAK-8418] - User query fails if root tree is the search root
     [OAK-8437] - direct children, exact, and parent path restrictions 
don't work when path transformation takes place
     [OAK-8439] - Broken links to JSR Specification/Javadoc
     [OAK-8442] - AbstractCredentials.setAttributes sychronizes the 
wrong map
     [OAK-8448] - VersionGC may get stuck at 60s scope
     [OAK-8454] - SegmentNodeStoreRegistrar doesn't correctly set 
statistics provider for the FileStore
     [OAK-8455] - Memory Node store implementation of PropertyState 
throws Exception that is not in line with the API documentation
     [OAK-8457] - Constructor allows creating invalid path
     [OAK-8459] - Intermittent issue with MongoStatusTest
     [OAK-8463] - Fix merge in consistency check to allow paths suffixed 
to blob ids
     [OAK-8467] - broken version numbers for oak-doc and 
     [OAK-8472] - Typo in oak-run console refresh command help
     [OAK-8473] - oak-run recovery fails with custom blob store
     [OAK-8474] - oak-run revisions fails with custom blob store
     [OAK-8476] - RDBVersionGCSupport returns incorrect value for 
"oldest deleted document"
     [OAK-8482] - Remove false positives of SNFE on azure execution time out
     [OAK-8490] - FilterProviderImpl.getFilter may fail if principal 
cache enabled
     [OAK-8492] - PrincipalAccessControlList: misleading notnull 
annotation with effective path param

New Feature

     [OAK-7981] - Implement elastic search support based off of oak-search
     [OAK-8155] - CompositePermissionProvider: add possibility to abort 
     [OAK-8190] - Dedicated authorization for system users
     [OAK-8366] - Add remote store monitoring for Azure


     [OAK-7254] - Indexes with excludedPaths, or includedPaths should 
not be picked for queries without path
     [OAK-7998] - [DirectBinaryAccess] Verify that binary exists in 
cloud before creating signed download URI
     [OAK-8321] - Use format specifier for log output
     [OAK-8384] - Improve tests for
     [OAK-8385] - Get rid of duplicated AcEntry/Entry in 
PermissionStoreEditor and AccessControlValidator
     [OAK-8386] - AccessControlValidator.checkValidAccessControlEntry: 
redundant test for tree existence
     [OAK-8390] - : improve readability
     [OAK-8392] - AcListComparator only compares path
     [OAK-8401] - Expand security topic in side bar
     [OAK-8403] - Improve tests for
     [OAK-8408] - UserImporter must not trigger creation of rep:pwd node 
unless included in xml (initial-pw-change)
     [OAK-8419] - Improve tests for
     [OAK-8420] - GroupPredicate: missing notnull annotations with 
     [OAK-8423] - QueryUtil.getCollation should not throw 
     [OAK-8425] - Add QueryUtil.getID to extract ID from user/group
     [OAK-8429] - oak-run check should expose repository statistics for 
the last good revision
     [OAK-8434] - LoginContextProviderImpl: missing tests for login with 
configured provider name
     [OAK-8441] - Improve tests for
     [OAK-8446] - Enable datastore consistency check after completion of 
garbage collection
     [OAK-8447] - Handle all available references in the DataStore when 
doing consistency check
     [OAK-8451] - GCMonitor: fix compiler warnings and Javadoc
     [OAK-8453] - Refactor VersionGarbageCollector to extract 
Recommendations class
     [OAK-8462] - Adding / changing "useIfExists" should not cause reindex
     [OAK-8466] - Old inactive clusterIds may trigger expensive recovery
     [OAK-8489] - Reduce memory usage of in-memory commit


     [OAK-8458] - 
AsyncIndexUpdateCorruptMarkingTest#testLuceneIndexSegmentStats is flaky 
due to race condition


     [OAK-7680] - oak-commons: upgrade to project default mockito version
     [OAK-8213] - BlobStore instantiated from ReadOnly DocumentNodeStore 
should never modify persistence
     [OAK-8339] - Move jackrabbit-api project into Oak
     [OAK-8344] - Expose local index directory size as a metric
     [OAK-8405] - remove baseline comparisonVersion from POM
     [OAK-8414] - Update jar-plugin dependency to 3.1.2
     [OAK-8424] - Update jar-plugin dependency to version 3.1.1
     [OAK-8427] - reactor pom: let assembly-plugin version default to 
what parent specifies
     [OAK-8428] - Update checkstyle-plugin dependency to version 3.1.0
     [OAK-8430] - Update compiler-plugin dependency to version 3.8.1
     [OAK-8431] - Update shade-plugin dependency to version 3.2.1
     [OAK-8432] - Update war-plugin dependency to version 3.2.3
     [OAK-8438] - Allow not to create blob container in AzureDataStore
     [OAK-8449] - LastRev check/fix in DocumentNodeStore MBean
     [OAK-8456] - Update httpclient/mime dependencies to 4.5.9
     [OAK-8464] - Update javadoc-plugin to 3.1.1
     [OAK-8478] - remove unneeded javadoc plugin version number from 
reactor pom
     [OAK-8479] - update rat plugin to 0.13
     [OAK-8486] - update jackson-databind dependency to
     [OAK-8501] - oak-examples/webapp: update htmlunit dependency to 2.35.0
     [OAK-8502] - oak-examples/standalone: update spring boot dependency 
to 1.5.21
     [OAK-8503] - oak-benchmarks: update commons-compress dependency to 1.18
     [OAK-8504] - oak-run: update groovy dependency to 2.4.17

Technical task

     [OAK-8150] - RDB*Store: add Oracle specific documentation
     [OAK-8226] - Documentation for principal-based authorization and 
     [OAK-8227] - Performance benchmarks
     [OAK-8252] - MongoBlobStore instantiated from ReadOnly 
DocumentNodeStore should never modify persistence
     [OAK-8391] - Create AggregationFilter implementation
     [OAK-8396] - documentation steps missing to run sweep on 
     [OAK-8397] - maven-bundle-plugin: add export instructions with 
baseline 1.14
     [OAK-8411] - RDBConnectionHandler: add minimal open connection 
stats in TRACE log level
     [OAK-8433] - Effective path must be an absolute path
     [OAK-8435] - FilterProviderImpl must have ConfigurationPolicy set
     [OAK-8445] - RDB documentation: minor fixes to documentation of 
"revisions" command
     [OAK-8468] - document RDB specific log messages
     [OAK-8481] - RDB*Store: update postgresql jdbc driver reference to 
     [OAK-8483] - RDB*Store: update mysql jdbc driver reference to 8.0.16
     [OAK-8485] - RDB*Store: update mssql jdbc driver reference to 7.2.2

In addition to the above-mentioned changes, this release contains all
changes up to the previous release.

For more detailed information about all the changes in this and other
Oak releases, please see the Oak issue tracker at

Release Contents

This release consists of a single source archive packaged as a zip file.
The archive can be unpacked with the jar tool from your JDK installation.
See the file for instructions on how to build this release.

The source archive is accompanied by SHA512 checksums and a
PGP signature that you can use to verify the authenticity of your
download. The public key used for the PGP signature can be found at

About Apache Jackrabbit Oak

Jackrabbit Oak is a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content
repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class
web sites and other demanding content applications.

The Oak effort is a part of the Apache Jackrabbit project.
Apache Jackrabbit is a project of the Apache Software Foundation.

For more information, visit

About The Apache Software Foundation

Established in 1999, The Apache Software Foundation provides organizational,
legal, and financial support for more than 140 freely-available,
collaboratively-developed Open Source projects. The pragmatic Apache License
enables individual and commercial users to easily deploy Apache software;
the Foundation's intellectual property framework limits the legal exposure
of its 3,800+ contributors.

For more information, visit