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Posted to by Paolo Castagna <> on 2012/03/07 13:58:08 UTC

An alternative for TDBMaker.clearDatasetCache() ?

at one point, if TDBMaker we had a method called clearDatasetCache().

I have been using that method in a @Before setup method of a test [1]:

    @Before public void setup() {
        if ( FileOps.exists(output) ) {
            FileOps.clearDirectory(output) ;
        } else {
        // I don't understand why this is necessary... :-/

Notice the silly comment.

The test loads some data into a TDB store on disk:

        Location location = new Location(output);
        DatasetGraphTDB dsgDisk =
        TDBLoader.load(dsgDisk, urls);

It loads the same data in memory:

        DatasetGraphTDB dsgMem = (DatasetGraphTDB)TDBFactory.createDatasetGraph();
        TDBLoader.load(dsgMem, urls);

It deletes and regenerate the node2id.idn and node2id.dat files on disk:

        NodeTableRewriter.fixNodeTable2(location, log, null);

Finally, it asserts the memory and disk TDB datasets are isomorphic:

        assertTrue ( tdbloader4.dump(dsgMem, dsgDisk), tdbloader4.isomorphic (
dsgMem, dsgDisk ) );

Everything is fine, datasets are isomorphic.

Now, I am trying to update to TDB 0.9.0-incubating in staging at the moment.

The method TDBMaker.clearDatasetCache() is not there anymore.

I tried to replace it:
-        TDBMaker.clearDatasetCache();
+        ((CachingTDBMaker)TDBMaker.cachedFactory).flush();

But, it did not work, I now have 3 failures.

So, I tried to use TDBMaker.uncachedFactory.createDatasetGraph(location):

-        DatasetGraphTDB dsgDisk =
+        DatasetGraphTDB dsgDisk =
         TDBLoader.load(dsgDisk, urls);
-        DatasetGraphTDB dsgMem = (DatasetGraphTDB)TDBFactory.createDatasetGraph();
-        TDBLoader.load(dsgMem, urls);
+        DatasetGraphTransaction dsgMem =
+        TDBLoader.load(dsgMem.getBaseDatasetGraph(), urls);

This worked.

What's the best way to interact with TDBMaker and clean/reset/flush caches?



Re: An alternative for TDBMaker.clearDatasetCache() ?

Posted by Andy Seaborne <>.
On 07/03/12 12:58, Paolo Castagna wrote:
> Hi,
> at one point, if TDBMaker we had a method called clearDatasetCache().

 > TDB 0.9.0-incubating

Be careful - this is no longer the current build of trunk which is 

> What's the best way to interact with TDBMaker and clean/reset/flush caches?

The best way is not to :-)  TDBMaker isn't used any more by the API.

Warning - TDBMaker will be deleted unless there is a strong reason not 
to, because it is in parallel and separate from the StoreConnection 
management of transactional datasets.

To get the raw storage DatasetGraph,


If you are using TDBMaker directly:



To clear the cache of managed datasets things in the new transaction world:


This does not abort active transactions (you can't).

There is


but since TDBMakerTxn is just a hop to move implementation foo out of 
(public) TDBFactory,


> Thanks,
> Paolo
>   [1]