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Posted to by Wei Zhao <> on 2018/08/09 18:36:25 UTC

Change Solr scorer for version 4.10, cloud mode


I have been trying to change Solr scorer for version 4.10, cloud mode. I
have managed to change the schema.xml in the zookeeper to add the following

 <!-- <similarity class="solr.BM25SimilarityFactory"/> -->
  <similarity class="

The commented line was also tried. So I have tried different syntax, using
factory without identifying additional parameters or using default,
BM25 or LMDirichlet
similarity. However, no matter how I did that, the final matching score
never changed.

I'm using standard query with lots of boosting such as title:apple^4.

Please let me know what I missed to change the scorer. Thank you.

