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[15/51] [partial] incubator-juneau-website git commit: Support for passing in more class types to REST methods.
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+<pre><span class="sourceLineNo">001</span>// ***************************************************************************************************************************<a name="line.1"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">002</span>// * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *<a name="line.2"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">003</span>// * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file        *<a name="line.3"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">004</span>// * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance            *<a name="line.4"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">005</span>// * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                                              *<a name="line.5"></a>
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+<span class="sourceLineNo">007</span>// *                                                                             *<a name="line.7"></a>
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+<span class="sourceLineNo">009</span>// * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *<a name="line.9"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">010</span>// * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the        *<a name="line.10"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">011</span>// * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.                                              *<a name="line.11"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">012</span>// ***************************************************************************************************************************<a name="line.12"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">013</span>package org.apache.juneau.http;<a name="line.13"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">014</span><a name="line.14"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">015</span>/**<a name="line.15"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">016</span> * Represents a parsed &lt;l&gt;Transfer-Encoding&lt;/l&gt; HTTP response header.<a name="line.16"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">017</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.17"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">018</span> * The form of encoding used to safely transfer the entity to the user.<a name="line.18"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">019</span> * Currently defined methods are: chunked, compress, deflate, gzip, identity.<a name="line.19"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">020</span> *<a name="line.20"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">021</span> * &lt;h6 class='figure'&gt;Example&lt;/h6&gt;<a name="line.21"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">022</span> * &lt;p class='bcode'&gt;<a name="line.22"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">023</span> *    Transfer-Encoding: chunked<a name="line.23"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">024</span> * &lt;/p&gt;<a name="line.24"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">025</span> *<a name="line.25"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">026</span> * &lt;h6 class='topic'&gt;RFC2616 Specification&lt;/h6&gt;<a name="line.26"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">027</span> *<a name="line.27"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">028</span> * The Transfer-Encoding general-header field indicates what (if any) type of transformation has been applied to the<a name="line.28"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">029</span> * message body in order to safely transfer it between the sender and the recipient.<a name="line.29"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">030</span> * This differs from the content-coding in that the transfer-coding is a property of the message, not of the entity.<a name="line.30"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">031</span> * &lt;p class='bcode'&gt;<a name="line.31"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">032</span> *    Transfer-Encoding       = "Transfer-Encoding" ":" 1#transfer-coding<a name="line.32"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">033</span> * &lt;/p&gt;<a name="line.33"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">034</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.34"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">035</span> * Transfer-codings are defined in section 3.6. An example is:<a name="line.35"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">036</span> * &lt;p class='bcode'&gt;<a name="line.36"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">037</span> *    Transfer-Encoding: chunked<a name="line.37"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">038</span> * &lt;/p&gt;<a name="line.38"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">039</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.39"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">040</span> * If multiple encodings have been applied to an entity, the transfer-codings MUST be listed in the order in which<a name="line.40"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">041</span> * they were applied.<a name="line.41"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">042</span> * Additional information about the encoding parameters MAY be provided by other entity-header fields not defined by<a name="line.42"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">043</span> * this specification.<a name="line.43"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">044</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.44"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">045</span> * Many older HTTP/1.0 applications do not understand the Transfer-Encoding header.<a name="line.45"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">046</span> */<a name="line.46"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">047</span>public final class TransferEncoding extends HeaderString {<a name="line.47"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">048</span><a name="line.48"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">049</span>   /**<a name="line.49"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">050</span>    * Returns a parsed &lt;code&gt;Transfer-Encoding&lt;/code&gt; header.<a name="line.50"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">051</span>    *<a name="line.51"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">052</span>    * @param value The &lt;code&gt;Transfer-Encoding&lt;/code&gt; header string.<a name="line.52"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">053</span>    * @return The parsed &lt;code&gt;Transfer-Encoding&lt;/code&gt; header, or &lt;jk&gt;null&lt;/jk&gt; if the string was null.<a name="line.53"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">054</span>    */<a name="line.54"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">055</span>   public static TransferEncoding forString(String value) {<a name="line.55"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">056</span>      if (value == null)<a name="line.56"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">057</span>         return null;<a name="line.57"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">058</span>      return new TransferEncoding(value);<a name="line.58"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">059</span>   }<a name="line.59"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">060</span><a name="line.60"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">061</span>   private TransferEncoding(String value) {<a name="line.61"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">062</span>      super(value);<a name="line.62"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">063</span>   }<a name="line.63"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">064</span>}<a name="line.64"></a>
diff --git a/content/site/apidocs/src-html/org/apache/juneau/http/Upgrade.html b/content/site/apidocs/src-html/org/apache/juneau/http/Upgrade.html
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+<pre><span class="sourceLineNo">001</span>// ***************************************************************************************************************************<a name="line.1"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">002</span>// * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *<a name="line.2"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">003</span>// * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file        *<a name="line.3"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">004</span>// * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance            *<a name="line.4"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">005</span>// * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                                              *<a name="line.5"></a>
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+<span class="sourceLineNo">007</span>// *                                                                             *<a name="line.7"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">008</span>// *                                                                                                                         *<a name="line.8"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">009</span>// * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *<a name="line.9"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">010</span>// * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the        *<a name="line.10"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">011</span>// * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.                                              *<a name="line.11"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">012</span>// ***************************************************************************************************************************<a name="line.12"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">013</span>package org.apache.juneau.http;<a name="line.13"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">014</span><a name="line.14"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">015</span>/**<a name="line.15"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">016</span> * Represents a parsed &lt;l&gt;Upgrade&lt;/l&gt; HTTP request header.<a name="line.16"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">017</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.17"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">018</span> * Ask the client to upgrade to another protocol.<a name="line.18"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">019</span> *<a name="line.19"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">020</span> * &lt;h6 class='figure'&gt;Example&lt;/h6&gt;<a name="line.20"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">021</span> * &lt;p class='bcode'&gt;<a name="line.21"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">022</span> *    Upgrade: HTTP/2.0, HTTPS/1.3, IRC/6.9, RTA/x11, websocket<a name="line.22"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">023</span> * &lt;/p&gt;<a name="line.23"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">024</span> *<a name="line.24"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">025</span> * &lt;h6 class='topic'&gt;RFC2616 Specification&lt;/h6&gt;<a name="line.25"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">026</span> * The Upgrade general-header allows the client to specify what additional communication protocols it supports and<a name="line.26"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">027</span> * would like to use if the server finds it appropriate to switch protocols.<a name="line.27"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">028</span> * The server MUST use the Upgrade header field within a 101 (Switching Protocols) response to indicate which<a name="line.28"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">029</span> * protocol(s) are being switched.<a name="line.29"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">030</span> * &lt;p class='bcode'&gt;<a name="line.30"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">031</span> *    Upgrade        = "Upgrade" ":" 1#product<a name="line.31"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">032</span> * &lt;/p&gt;<a name="line.32"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">033</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.33"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">034</span> * For example,<a name="line.34"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">035</span> * &lt;p class='bcode'&gt;<a name="line.35"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">036</span> *    Upgrade: HTTP/2.0, SHTTP/1.3, IRC/6.9, RTA/x11<a name="line.36"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">037</span> * &lt;/p&gt;<a name="line.37"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">038</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.38"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">039</span> * The Upgrade header field is intended to provide a simple mechanism for transition from HTTP/1.1 to some other,<a name="line.39"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">040</span> * incompatible protocol.<a name="line.40"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">041</span> * It does so by allowing the client to advertise its desire to use another protocol, such as a later version of HTTP<a name="line.41"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">042</span> * with a higher major version number, even though the current request has been made using HTTP/1.1.<a name="line.42"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">043</span> * This eases the difficult transition between incompatible protocols by allowing the client to initiate a request in<a name="line.43"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">044</span> * the more commonly supported protocol while indicating to the server that it would like to use a "better" protocol if<a name="line.44"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">045</span> * available (where "better" is determined by the server, possibly according to the nature of the method and/or resource<a name="line.45"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">046</span> * being requested).<a name="line.46"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">047</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.47"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">048</span> * The Upgrade header field only applies to switching application-layer protocols upon the existing transport-layer<a name="line.48"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">049</span> * connection.<a name="line.49"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">050</span> * Upgrade cannot be used to insist on a protocol change; its acceptance and use by the server is optional.<a name="line.50"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">051</span> * The capabilities and nature of the application-layer communication after the protocol change is entirely dependent<a name="line.51"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">052</span> * upon the new protocol chosen, although the first action after changing the protocol MUST be a response to the initial<a name="line.52"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">053</span> * HTTP request containing the Upgrade header field.<a name="line.53"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">054</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.54"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">055</span> * The Upgrade header field only applies to the immediate connection.<a name="line.55"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">056</span> * Therefore, the upgrade keyword MUST be supplied within a Connection header field (section 14.10) whenever Upgrade is<a name="line.56"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">057</span> * present in an HTTP/1.1 message.<a name="line.57"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">058</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.58"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">059</span> * The Upgrade header field cannot be used to indicate a switch to a protocol on a different connection.<a name="line.59"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">060</span> * For that purpose, it is more appropriate to use a 301, 302, 303, or 305 redirection response.<a name="line.60"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">061</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.61"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">062</span> * This specification only defines the protocol name "HTTP" for use by the family of Hypertext Transfer Protocols, as<a name="line.62"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">063</span> * defined by the HTTP version rules of section 3.1 and future updates to this specification.<a name="line.63"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">064</span> * Any token can be used as a protocol name; however, it will only be useful if both the client and server associate<a name="line.64"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">065</span> * the name with the same protocol.<a name="line.65"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">066</span> */<a name="line.66"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">067</span>public final class Upgrade extends HeaderStringArray {<a name="line.67"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">068</span><a name="line.68"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">069</span>   /**<a name="line.69"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">070</span>    * Returns a parsed &lt;code&gt;Upgrade&lt;/code&gt; header.<a name="line.70"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">071</span>    *<a name="line.71"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">072</span>    * @param value The &lt;code&gt;Upgrade&lt;/code&gt; header string.<a name="line.72"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">073</span>    * @return The parsed &lt;code&gt;Upgrade&lt;/code&gt; header, or &lt;jk&gt;null&lt;/jk&gt; if the string was null.<a name="line.73"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">074</span>    */<a name="line.74"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">075</span>   public static Upgrade forString(String value) {<a name="line.75"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">076</span>      if (value == null)<a name="line.76"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">077</span>         return null;<a name="line.77"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">078</span>      return new Upgrade(value);<a name="line.78"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">079</span>   }<a name="line.79"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">080</span><a name="line.80"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">081</span>   private Upgrade(String value) {<a name="line.81"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">082</span>      super(value);<a name="line.82"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">083</span>   }<a name="line.83"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">084</span>}<a name="line.84"></a>
diff --git a/content/site/apidocs/src-html/org/apache/juneau/http/UserAgent.html b/content/site/apidocs/src-html/org/apache/juneau/http/UserAgent.html
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+<pre><span class="sourceLineNo">001</span>// ***************************************************************************************************************************<a name="line.1"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">002</span>// * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *<a name="line.2"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">003</span>// * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file        *<a name="line.3"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">004</span>// * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance            *<a name="line.4"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">005</span>// * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                                              *<a name="line.5"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">006</span>// *                                                                                                                         *<a name="line.6"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">007</span>// *                                                                             *<a name="line.7"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">008</span>// *                                                                                                                         *<a name="line.8"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">009</span>// * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *<a name="line.9"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">010</span>// * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the        *<a name="line.10"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">011</span>// * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.                                              *<a name="line.11"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">012</span>// ***************************************************************************************************************************<a name="line.12"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">013</span>package org.apache.juneau.http;<a name="line.13"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">014</span><a name="line.14"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">015</span>/**<a name="line.15"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">016</span> * Represents a parsed &lt;l&gt;User-Agent&lt;/l&gt; HTTP request header.<a name="line.16"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">017</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.17"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">018</span> * The user agent string of the user agent.<a name="line.18"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">019</span> *<a name="line.19"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">020</span> * &lt;h6 class='figure'&gt;Example&lt;/h6&gt;<a name="line.20"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">021</span> * &lt;p class='bcode'&gt;<a name="line.21"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">022</span> *    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/21.0<a name="line.22"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">023</span> * &lt;/p&gt;<a name="line.23"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">024</span> *<a name="line.24"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">025</span> * &lt;h6 class='topic'&gt;RFC2616 Specification&lt;/h6&gt;<a name="line.25"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">026</span> *<a name="line.26"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">027</span> * The User-Agent request-header field contains information about the user agent originating the request.<a name="line.27"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">028</span> * This is for statistical purposes, the tracing of protocol violations, and automated recognition of user agents for<a name="line.28"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">029</span> * the sake of tailoring responses to avoid particular user agent limitations.<a name="line.29"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">030</span> * User agents SHOULD include this field with requests.<a name="line.30"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">031</span> * The field can contain multiple product tokens (section 3.8) and comments identifying the agent and any subproducts<a name="line.31"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">032</span> * which form a significant part of the user agent.<a name="line.32"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">033</span> * By convention, the product tokens are listed in order of their significance for identifying the application.<a name="line.33"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">034</span> * &lt;p class='bcode'&gt;<a name="line.34"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">035</span> *    User-Agent     = "User-Agent" ":" 1*( product | comment )<a name="line.35"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">036</span> * &lt;/p&gt;<a name="line.36"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">037</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.37"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">038</span> * Example:<a name="line.38"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">039</span> * &lt;p class='bcode'&gt;<a name="line.39"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">040</span> *    User-Agent: CERN-LineMode/2.15 libwww/2.17b3<a name="line.40"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">041</span> * &lt;/p&gt;<a name="line.41"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">042</span> */<a name="line.42"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">043</span>public final class UserAgent extends HeaderString {<a name="line.43"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">044</span><a name="line.44"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">045</span>   /**<a name="line.45"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">046</span>    * Returns a parsed &lt;code&gt;User-Agent&lt;/code&gt; header.<a name="line.46"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">047</span>    *<a name="line.47"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">048</span>    * @param value The &lt;code&gt;User-Agent&lt;/code&gt; header string.<a name="line.48"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">049</span>    * @return The parsed &lt;code&gt;User-Agent&lt;/code&gt; header, or &lt;jk&gt;null&lt;/jk&gt; if the string was null.<a name="line.49"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">050</span>    */<a name="line.50"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">051</span>   public static UserAgent forString(String value) {<a name="line.51"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">052</span>      if (value == null)<a name="line.52"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">053</span>         return null;<a name="line.53"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">054</span>      return new UserAgent(value);<a name="line.54"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">055</span>   }<a name="line.55"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">056</span><a name="line.56"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">057</span>   private UserAgent(String value) {<a name="line.57"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">058</span>      super(value);<a name="line.58"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">059</span>   }<a name="line.59"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">060</span>}<a name="line.60"></a>
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+<pre><span class="sourceLineNo">001</span>// ***************************************************************************************************************************<a name="line.1"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">002</span>// * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *<a name="line.2"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">003</span>// * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file        *<a name="line.3"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">004</span>// * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance            *<a name="line.4"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">005</span>// * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                                              *<a name="line.5"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">006</span>// *                                                                                                                         *<a name="line.6"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">007</span>// *                                                                             *<a name="line.7"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">008</span>// *                                                                                                                         *<a name="line.8"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">009</span>// * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *<a name="line.9"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">010</span>// * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the        *<a name="line.10"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">011</span>// * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.                                              *<a name="line.11"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">012</span>// ***************************************************************************************************************************<a name="line.12"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">013</span>package org.apache.juneau.http;<a name="line.13"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">014</span><a name="line.14"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">015</span>/**<a name="line.15"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">016</span> * Represents a parsed &lt;l&gt;Vary&lt;/l&gt; HTTP response header.<a name="line.16"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">017</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.17"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">018</span> * Tells downstream proxies how to match future request headers to decide whether the cached response can be used rather<a name="line.18"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">019</span> * than requesting a fresh one from the origin server.<a name="line.19"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">020</span><a name="line.20"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">021</span> *<a name="line.21"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">022</span> * &lt;h6 class='figure'&gt;Example&lt;/h6&gt;<a name="line.22"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">023</span> * &lt;p class='bcode'&gt;<a name="line.23"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">024</span> *    Vary: *<a name="line.24"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">025</span> *    Vary: Accept-Language<a name="line.25"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">026</span> * &lt;/p&gt;<a name="line.26"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">027</span> *<a name="line.27"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">028</span> * &lt;h6 class='topic'&gt;RFC2616 Specification&lt;/h6&gt;<a name="line.28"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">029</span> *<a name="line.29"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">030</span> * The Vary field value indicates the set of request-header fields that fully determines, while the response is fresh,<a name="line.30"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">031</span> * whether a cache is permitted to use the response to reply to a subsequent request without revalidation.<a name="line.31"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">032</span> * For uncacheable or stale responses, the Vary field value advises the user agent about the criteria that were used to<a name="line.32"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">033</span> * select the representation.<a name="line.33"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">034</span> * A Vary field value of "*" implies that a cache cannot determine from the request headers of a subsequent request<a name="line.34"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">035</span> * whether this response is the appropriate representation.<a name="line.35"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">036</span> * See section 13.6 for use of the Vary header field by caches.<a name="line.36"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">037</span> * &lt;p class='bcode'&gt;<a name="line.37"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">038</span> *    Vary  = "Vary" ":" ( "*" | 1#field-name )<a name="line.38"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">039</span> * &lt;/p&gt;<a name="line.39"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">040</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.40"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">041</span> * An HTTP/1.1 server SHOULD include a Vary header field with any cacheable response that is subject to server-driven<a name="line.41"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">042</span> * negotiation.<a name="line.42"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">043</span> * Doing so allows a cache to properly interpret future requests on that resource and informs the user agent about the<a name="line.43"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">044</span> * presence of negotiation on that resource.<a name="line.44"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">045</span> * A server MAY include a Vary header field with a non-cacheable response that is subject to server-driven negotiation,<a name="line.45"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">046</span> * since this might provide the user agent with useful information about the dimensions over which the response varies<a name="line.46"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">047</span> * at the time of the response.<a name="line.47"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">048</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.48"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">049</span> * A Vary field value consisting of a list of field-names signals that the representation selected for the response is<a name="line.49"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">050</span> * based on a selection algorithm which considers ONLY the listed request-header field values in selecting the most appropriate representation.<a name="line.50"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">051</span> * A cache MAY assume that the same selection will be made for future requests with the same values for the listed<a name="line.51"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">052</span> * field names, for the duration of time for which the response is fresh.<a name="line.52"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">053</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.53"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">054</span> * The field-names given are not limited to the set of standard request-header fields defined by this specification.<a name="line.54"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">055</span> * Field names are case-insensitive.<a name="line.55"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">056</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.56"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">057</span> * A Vary field value of "*" signals that unspecified parameters not limited to the request-headers (e.g., the network<a name="line.57"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">058</span> * address of the client), play a role in the selection of the response representation.<a name="line.58"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">059</span> * The "*" value MUST NOT be generated by a proxy server; it may only be generated by an origin server.<a name="line.59"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">060</span> */<a name="line.60"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">061</span>public final class Vary extends HeaderString {<a name="line.61"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">062</span><a name="line.62"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">063</span>   /**<a name="line.63"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">064</span>    * Returns a parsed &lt;code&gt;Vary&lt;/code&gt; header.<a name="line.64"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">065</span>    *<a name="line.65"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">066</span>    * @param value The &lt;code&gt;Vary&lt;/code&gt; header string.<a name="line.66"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">067</span>    * @return The parsed &lt;code&gt;Vary&lt;/code&gt; header, or &lt;jk&gt;null&lt;/jk&gt; if the string was null.<a name="line.67"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">068</span>    */<a name="line.68"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">069</span>   public static Vary forString(String value) {<a name="line.69"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">070</span>      if (value == null)<a name="line.70"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">071</span>         return null;<a name="line.71"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">072</span>      return new Vary(value);<a name="line.72"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">073</span>   }<a name="line.73"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">074</span><a name="line.74"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">075</span>   private Vary(String value) {<a name="line.75"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">076</span>      super(value);<a name="line.76"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">077</span>   }<a name="line.77"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">078</span>}<a name="line.78"></a>
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+<pre><span class="sourceLineNo">001</span>// ***************************************************************************************************************************<a name="line.1"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">002</span>// * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *<a name="line.2"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">003</span>// * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file        *<a name="line.3"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">004</span>// * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance            *<a name="line.4"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">005</span>// * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                                              *<a name="line.5"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">006</span>// *                                                                                                                         *<a name="line.6"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">007</span>// *                                                                             *<a name="line.7"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">008</span>// *                                                                                                                         *<a name="line.8"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">009</span>// * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *<a name="line.9"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">010</span>// * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the        *<a name="line.10"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">011</span>// * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.                                              *<a name="line.11"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">012</span>// ***************************************************************************************************************************<a name="line.12"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">013</span>package org.apache.juneau.http;<a name="line.13"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">014</span><a name="line.14"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">015</span>/**<a name="line.15"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">016</span> * Represents a parsed &lt;l&gt;Via&lt;/l&gt; HTTP response header.<a name="line.16"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">017</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.17"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">018</span> * Informs the client of proxies through which the response was sent.<a name="line.18"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">019</span> *<a name="line.19"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">020</span> * &lt;h6 class='figure'&gt;Example&lt;/h6&gt;<a name="line.20"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">021</span> * &lt;p class='bcode'&gt;<a name="line.21"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">022</span> *    Via: 1.0 fred, 1.1 (Apache/1.1)<a name="line.22"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">023</span> * &lt;/p&gt;<a name="line.23"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">024</span> *<a name="line.24"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">025</span> * Informs the client of proxies through which the response was sent.<a name="line.25"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">026</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.26"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">027</span> * &lt;h6 class='figure'&gt;Example&lt;/h6&gt;<a name="line.27"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">028</span> * &lt;p class='bcode'&gt;<a name="line.28"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">029</span> *    Via: 1.0 fred, 1.1 (Apache/1.1)<a name="line.29"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">030</span> * &lt;/p&gt;<a name="line.30"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">031</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.31"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">032</span> * &lt;h6 class='topic'&gt;RFC2616 Specification&lt;/h6&gt;<a name="line.32"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">033</span> *<a name="line.33"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">034</span> * The Via general-header field MUST be used by gateways and proxies to indicate the intermediate protocols and<a name="line.34"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">035</span> * recipients between the user agent and the server on requests, and between the origin server and the client on<a name="line.35"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">036</span> * responses.<a name="line.36"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">037</span> * It is analogous to the "Received" field of RFC 822 and is intended to be used for tracking message forwards,<a name="line.37"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">038</span> * avoiding request loops, and identifying the protocol capabilities of all senders along the request/response chain.<a name="line.38"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">039</span> * &lt;p class='bcode'&gt;<a name="line.39"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">040</span> *    Via =  "Via" ":" 1#( received-protocol received-by [ comment ] )<a name="line.40"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">041</span> *    received-protocol = [ protocol-name "/" ] protocol-version<a name="line.41"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">042</span> *    protocol-name     = token<a name="line.42"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">043</span> *    protocol-version  = token<a name="line.43"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">044</span> *    received-by       = ( host [ ":" port ] ) | pseudonym<a name="line.44"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">045</span> *    pseudonym         = token<a name="line.45"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">046</span> * &lt;/p&gt;<a name="line.46"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">047</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.47"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">048</span> * The received-protocol indicates the protocol version of the message received by the server or client along each<a name="line.48"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">049</span> * segment of the request/response chain.<a name="line.49"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">050</span> * The received-protocol version is appended to the Via field value when the message is forwarded so that information<a name="line.50"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">051</span> * about the protocol capabilities of upstream applications remains visible to all recipients.<a name="line.51"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">052</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.52"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">053</span> * The protocol-name is optional if and only if it would be "HTTP".<a name="line.53"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">054</span> * The received-by field is normally the host and optional port number of a recipient server or client that subsequently<a name="line.54"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">055</span> * forwarded the message.<a name="line.55"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">056</span> * However, if the real host is considered to be sensitive information, it MAY be replaced by a pseudonym.<a name="line.56"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">057</span> * If the port is not given, it MAY be assumed to be the default port of the received-protocol.<a name="line.57"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">058</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.58"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">059</span> * Multiple Via field values represents each proxy or gateway that has forwarded the message.<a name="line.59"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">060</span> * Each recipient MUST append its information such that the end result is ordered according to the sequence of<a name="line.60"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">061</span> * forwarding applications.<a name="line.61"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">062</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.62"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">063</span> * Comments MAY be used in the Via header field to identify the software of the recipient proxy or gateway, analogous<a name="line.63"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">064</span> * to the User-Agent and Server header fields.<a name="line.64"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">065</span> * However, all comments in the Via field are optional and MAY be removed by any recipient prior to forwarding the<a name="line.65"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">066</span> * message.<a name="line.66"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">067</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.67"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">068</span> * For example, a request message could be sent from an HTTP/1.0 user agent to an internal proxy code-named "fred",<a name="line.68"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">069</span> * which uses HTTP/1.1 to forward the request to a public proxy at, which completes the request by<a name="line.69"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">070</span> * forwarding it to the origin server at<a name="line.70"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">071</span> * The request received by would then have the following Via header field:<a name="line.71"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">072</span> * &lt;p class='bcode'&gt;<a name="line.72"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">073</span> *    Via: 1.0 fred, 1.1 (Apache/1.1)<a name="line.73"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">074</span> * &lt;/p&gt;<a name="line.74"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">075</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.75"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">076</span> * Proxies and gateways used as a portal through a network firewall SHOULD NOT, by default, forward the names and ports<a name="line.76"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">077</span> * of hosts within the firewall region.<a name="line.77"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">078</span> * This information SHOULD only be propagated if explicitly enabled.<a name="line.78"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">079</span> * If not enabled, the received-by host of any host behind the firewall SHOULD be replaced by an appropriate pseudonym<a name="line.79"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">080</span> * for that host.<a name="line.80"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">081</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.81"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">082</span> * For organizations that have strong privacy requirements for hiding internal structures, a proxy MAY combine an<a name="line.82"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">083</span> * ordered subsequence of Via header field entries with identical received-protocol values into a single such entry.<a name="line.83"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">084</span> * For example...<a name="line.84"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">085</span> * &lt;p class='bcode'&gt;<a name="line.85"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">086</span> *    Via: 1.0 ricky, 1.1 ethel, 1.1 fred, 1.0 lucy<a name="line.86"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">087</span> * &lt;/p&gt;<a name="line.87"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">088</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.88"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">089</span> * ...could be collapsed to...<a name="line.89"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">090</span> * &lt;p class='bcode'&gt;<a name="line.90"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">091</span> *    Via: 1.0 ricky, 1.1 mertz, 1.0 lucy<a name="line.91"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">092</span> * &lt;/p&gt;<a name="line.92"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">093</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.93"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">094</span> * Applications SHOULD NOT combine multiple entries unless they are all under the same organizational control and the<a name="line.94"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">095</span> * hosts have already been replaced by pseudonyms.<a name="line.95"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">096</span> * Applications MUST NOT combine entries which have different received-protocol values.<a name="line.96"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">097</span> */<a name="line.97"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">098</span>public final class Via extends HeaderStringArray {<a name="line.98"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">099</span><a name="line.99"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">100</span>   /**<a name="line.100"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">101</span>    * Returns a parsed &lt;code&gt;Via&lt;/code&gt; header.<a name="line.101"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">102</span>    *<a name="line.102"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">103</span>    * @param value The &lt;code&gt;Via&lt;/code&gt; header string.<a name="line.103"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">104</span>    * @return The parsed &lt;code&gt;Via&lt;/code&gt; header, or &lt;jk&gt;null&lt;/jk&gt; if the string was null.<a name="line.104"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">105</span>    */<a name="line.105"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">106</span>   public static Via forString(String value) {<a name="line.106"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">107</span>      if (value == null)<a name="line.107"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">108</span>         return null;<a name="line.108"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">109</span>      return new Via(value);<a name="line.109"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">110</span>   }<a name="line.110"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">111</span><a name="line.111"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">112</span>   private Via(String value) {<a name="line.112"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">113</span>      super(value);<a name="line.113"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">114</span>   }<a name="line.114"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">115</span>}<a name="line.115"></a>
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+<pre><span class="sourceLineNo">001</span>// ***************************************************************************************************************************<a name="line.1"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">002</span>// * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *<a name="line.2"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">003</span>// * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file        *<a name="line.3"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">004</span>// * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance            *<a name="line.4"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">005</span>// * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                                              *<a name="line.5"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">006</span>// *                                                                                                                         *<a name="line.6"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">007</span>// *                                                                             *<a name="line.7"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">008</span>// *                                                                                                                         *<a name="line.8"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">009</span>// * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *<a name="line.9"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">010</span>// * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the        *<a name="line.10"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">011</span>// * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.                                              *<a name="line.11"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">012</span>// ***************************************************************************************************************************<a name="line.12"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">013</span>package org.apache.juneau.http;<a name="line.13"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">014</span><a name="line.14"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">015</span>/**<a name="line.15"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">016</span> * Represents a parsed &lt;l&gt;Warning&lt;/l&gt; HTTP request/response header.<a name="line.16"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">017</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.17"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">018</span> * A general warning about possible problems with the entity body.<a name="line.18"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">019</span> *<a name="line.19"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">020</span> * &lt;h6 class='figure'&gt;Example&lt;/h6&gt;<a name="line.20"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">021</span> * &lt;p class='bcode'&gt;<a name="line.21"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">022</span> *    Warning: 199 Miscellaneous warning<a name="line.22"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">023</span> * &lt;/p&gt;<a name="line.23"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">024</span> *<a name="line.24"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">025</span> * &lt;h6 class='topic'&gt;RFC2616 Specification&lt;/h6&gt;<a name="line.25"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">026</span> *<a name="line.26"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">027</span> * The Warning general-header field is used to carry additional information about the status or transformation of a<a name="line.27"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">028</span> * message which might not be reflected in the message.<a name="line.28"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">029</span> * This information is typically used to warn about a possible lack of semantic transparency from caching operations<a name="line.29"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">030</span> * or transformations applied to the entity body of the message.<a name="line.30"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">031</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.31"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">032</span> * Warning headers are sent with responses using:<a name="line.32"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">033</span> * &lt;p class='bcode'&gt;<a name="line.33"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">034</span> *    Warning    = "Warning" ":" 1#warning-value<a name="line.34"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">035</span> *    warning-value = warn-code SP warn-agent SP warn-text<a name="line.35"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">036</span> *                                          [SP warn-date]<a name="line.36"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">037</span> *    warn-code  = 3DIGIT<a name="line.37"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">038</span> *    warn-agent = ( host [ ":" port ] ) | pseudonym<a name="line.38"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">039</span> *                    ; the name or pseudonym of the server adding<a name="line.39"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">040</span> *                    ; the Warning header, for use in debugging<a name="line.40"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">041</span> *    warn-text  = quoted-string<a name="line.41"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">042</span> *    warn-date  = &lt;"&gt; HTTP-date &lt;"&gt;<a name="line.42"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">043</span> * &lt;/p&gt;<a name="line.43"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">044</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.44"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">045</span> * A response MAY carry more than one Warning header.<a name="line.45"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">046</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.46"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">047</span> * The warn-text SHOULD be in a natural language and character set that is most likely to be intelligible to the human<a name="line.47"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">048</span> * user receiving the response.<a name="line.48"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">049</span> * This decision MAY be based on any available knowledge, such as the location of the cache or user, the<a name="line.49"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">050</span> * Accept-Language field in a request, the Content-Language field in a response, etc.<a name="line.50"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">051</span> * The default language is English and the default character set is ISO-8859-1.<a name="line.51"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">052</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.52"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">053</span> * If a character set other than ISO-8859-1 is used, it MUST be encoded in the warn-text using the method described in<a name="line.53"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">054</span> * RFC 2047.<a name="line.54"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">055</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.55"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">056</span> * Warning headers can in general be applied to any message, however some specific warn-codes are specific to caches<a name="line.56"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">057</span> * and can only be applied to response messages.<a name="line.57"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">058</span> * New Warning headers SHOULD be added after any existing Warning headers.<a name="line.58"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">059</span> * A cache MUST NOT delete any Warning header that it received with a message.<a name="line.59"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">060</span> * However, if a cache successfully validates a cache entry, it SHOULD remove any Warning headers previously attached<a name="line.60"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">061</span> * to that entry except as specified for specific Warning codes.<a name="line.61"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">062</span> * It MUST then add any Warning headers received in the validating response.<a name="line.62"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">063</span> * In other words, Warning headers are those that would be attached to the most recent relevant response.<a name="line.63"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">064</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.64"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">065</span> * When multiple Warning headers are attached to a response, the user agent ought to inform the user of as many of them<a name="line.65"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">066</span> * as possible, in the order that they appear in the response.<a name="line.66"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">067</span> * If it is not possible to inform the user of all of the warnings, the user agent SHOULD follow these heuristics:<a name="line.67"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">068</span> * &lt;ul&gt;<a name="line.68"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">069</span> *    &lt;li&gt;Warnings that appear early in the response take priority over those appearing later in the response.<a name="line.69"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">070</span> *    &lt;li&gt;Warnings in the user's preferred character set take priority over warnings in other character sets but with<a name="line.70"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">071</span> * identical warn-codes and warn-agents.<a name="line.71"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">072</span> * &lt;/ul&gt;<a name="line.72"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">073</span> * Systems that generate multiple Warning headers SHOULD order them with this user agent behavior in mind.<a name="line.73"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">074</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.74"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">075</span> * Requirements for the behavior of caches with respect to Warnings are stated in section 13.1.2.<a name="line.75"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">076</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.76"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">077</span> * This is a list of the currently-defined warn-codes, each with a recommended warn-text in English, and a description<a name="line.77"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">078</span> * of its meaning.<a name="line.78"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">079</span> * &lt;ul&gt;<a name="line.79"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">080</span> *    &lt;li&gt;110 Response is stale MUST be included whenever the returned response is stale.<a name="line.80"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">081</span> *    &lt;li&gt;111 Revalidation failed MUST be included if a cache returns a stale response because an attempt to revalidate<a name="line.81"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">082</span> *       the response failed, due to an inability to reach the server.<a name="line.82"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">083</span> *    &lt;li&gt;112 Disconnected operation SHOULD be included if the cache is intentionally disconnected from the rest of the<a name="line.83"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">084</span> *       network for a period of time.<a name="line.84"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">085</span> *    &lt;li&gt;113 Heuristic expiration MUST be included if the cache heuristically chose a freshness lifetime greater than<a name="line.85"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">086</span> *       24 hours and the response's age is greater than 24 hours.<a name="line.86"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">087</span> *    &lt;li&gt;199 Miscellaneous warning The warning text MAY include arbitrary information to be presented to a human user,<a name="line.87"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">088</span> *       or logged. A system receiving this warning MUST NOT take any automated action, besides presenting the warning<a name="line.88"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">089</span> *       to the user.<a name="line.89"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">090</span> *    &lt;li&gt;214 Transformation applied MUST be added by an intermediate cache or proxy if it applies any transformation<a name="line.90"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">091</span> *       changing the content-coding (as specified in the Content-Encoding header) or media-type (as specified in the<a name="line.91"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">092</span> *       Content-Type header) of the response, or the entity-body of the response, unless this Warning code already<a name="line.92"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">093</span> *       appears in the response.<a name="line.93"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">094</span> *    &lt;li&gt;299 Miscellaneous persistent warning The warning text MAY include arbitrary information to be presented to a<a name="line.94"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">095</span> *       human user, or logged. A system receiving this warning MUST NOT take any automated action.<a name="line.95"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">096</span> * &lt;/ul&gt;<a name="line.96"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">097</span> * If an implementation sends a message with one or more Warning headers whose version is HTTP/1.0 or lower, then the<a name="line.97"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">098</span> * sender MUST include in each warning-value a warn-date that matches the date in the response.<a name="line.98"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">099</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.99"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">100</span> * If an implementation receives a message with a warning-value that includes a warn-date, and that warn-date is<a name="line.100"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">101</span> * different from the Date value in the response, then that warning-value MUST be deleted from the message before<a name="line.101"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">102</span> * storing, forwarding, or using it.<a name="line.102"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">103</span> * (This prevents bad consequences of naive caching of Warning header fields.)<a name="line.103"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">104</span> * If all of the warning-values are deleted for this reason, the Warning header MUST be deleted as well.<a name="line.104"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">105</span> */<a name="line.105"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">106</span>public final class Warning extends HeaderString {<a name="line.106"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">107</span><a name="line.107"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">108</span>   /**<a name="line.108"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">109</span>    * Returns a parsed &lt;code&gt;Warning&lt;/code&gt; header.<a name="line.109"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">110</span>    *<a name="line.110"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">111</span>    * @param value The &lt;code&gt;Warning&lt;/code&gt; header string.<a name="line.111"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">112</span>    * @return The parsed &lt;code&gt;Warning&lt;/code&gt; header, or &lt;jk&gt;null&lt;/jk&gt; if the string was null.<a name="line.112"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">113</span>    */<a name="line.113"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">114</span>   public static Warning forString(String value) {<a name="line.114"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">115</span>      if (value == null)<a name="line.115"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">116</span>         return null;<a name="line.116"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">117</span>      return new Warning(value);<a name="line.117"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">118</span>   }<a name="line.118"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">119</span><a name="line.119"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">120</span>   private Warning(String value) {<a name="line.120"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">121</span>      super(value);<a name="line.121"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">122</span>   }<a name="line.122"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">123</span>}<a name="line.123"></a>
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+<pre><span class="sourceLineNo">001</span>// ***************************************************************************************************************************<a name="line.1"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">002</span>// * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *<a name="line.2"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">003</span>// * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file        *<a name="line.3"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">004</span>// * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance            *<a name="line.4"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">005</span>// * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                                              *<a name="line.5"></a>
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+<span class="sourceLineNo">007</span>// *                                                                             *<a name="line.7"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">008</span>// *                                                                                                                         *<a name="line.8"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">009</span>// * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *<a name="line.9"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">010</span>// * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the        *<a name="line.10"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">011</span>// * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.                                              *<a name="line.11"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">012</span>// ***************************************************************************************************************************<a name="line.12"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">013</span>package org.apache.juneau.http;<a name="line.13"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">014</span><a name="line.14"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">015</span>/**<a name="line.15"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">016</span> * Represents a parsed &lt;l&gt;WWW-Authenticate &lt;/l&gt; HTTP response header.<a name="line.16"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">017</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.17"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">018</span> * Indicates the authentication scheme that should be used to access the requested entity.<a name="line.18"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">019</span> *<a name="line.19"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">020</span> * &lt;h6 class='figure'&gt;Example&lt;/h6&gt;<a name="line.20"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">021</span> * &lt;p class='bcode'&gt;<a name="line.21"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">022</span> *    WWW-Authenticate: Basic<a name="line.22"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">023</span> * &lt;/p&gt;<a name="line.23"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">024</span> *<a name="line.24"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">025</span> * &lt;h6 class='topic'&gt;RFC2616 Specification&lt;/h6&gt;<a name="line.25"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">026</span> *<a name="line.26"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">027</span> * The WWW-Authenticate response-header field MUST be included in 401 (Unauthorized) response messages.<a name="line.27"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">028</span> * The field value consists of at least one challenge that indicates the authentication scheme(s) and parameters<a name="line.28"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">029</span> * applicable to the Request-URI.<a name="line.29"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">030</span> * &lt;p class='bcode'&gt;<a name="line.30"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">031</span> *    WWW-Authenticate  = "WWW-Authenticate" ":" 1#challenge<a name="line.31"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">032</span> * &lt;/p&gt;<a name="line.32"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">033</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.33"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">034</span> * The HTTP access authentication process is described in "HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication".<a name="line.34"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">035</span> * User agents are advised to take special care in parsing the WWW-Authenticate field value as it might contain more<a name="line.35"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">036</span> * than one challenge, or if more than one WWW-Authenticate header field is provided, the contents of a challenge<a name="line.36"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">037</span> * itself can contain a comma-separated list of authentication parameters.<a name="line.37"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">038</span> */<a name="line.38"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">039</span>public final class WwwAuthenticate extends HeaderString {<a name="line.39"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">040</span><a name="line.40"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">041</span>   /**<a name="line.41"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">042</span>    * Returns a parsed &lt;code&gt;WWW-Authenticate&lt;/code&gt; header.<a name="line.42"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">043</span>    *<a name="line.43"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">044</span>    * @param value The &lt;code&gt;WWW-Authenticate&lt;/code&gt; header string.<a name="line.44"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">045</span>    * @return The parsed &lt;code&gt;WWW-Authenticate&lt;/code&gt; header, or &lt;jk&gt;null&lt;/jk&gt; if the string was null.<a name="line.45"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">046</span>    */<a name="line.46"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">047</span>   public static WwwAuthenticate forString(String value) {<a name="line.47"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">048</span>      if (value == null)<a name="line.48"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">049</span>         return null;<a name="line.49"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">050</span>      return new WwwAuthenticate(value);<a name="line.50"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">051</span>   }<a name="line.51"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">052</span><a name="line.52"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">053</span>   private WwwAuthenticate(String value) {<a name="line.53"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">054</span>      super(value);<a name="line.54"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">055</span>   }<a name="line.55"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">056</span>}<a name="line.56"></a>
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+<pre><span class="sourceLineNo">001</span>// ***************************************************************************************************************************<a name="line.1"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">002</span>// * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *<a name="line.2"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">003</span>// * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file        *<a name="line.3"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">004</span>// * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance            *<a name="line.4"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">005</span>// * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                                              *<a name="line.5"></a>
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+<span class="sourceLineNo">007</span>// *                                                                             *<a name="line.7"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">008</span>// *                                                                                                                         *<a name="line.8"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">009</span>// * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *<a name="line.9"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">010</span>// * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the        *<a name="line.10"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">011</span>// * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.                                              *<a name="line.11"></a>
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+<span class="sourceLineNo">013</span>package org.apache.juneau.internal;<a name="line.13"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">014</span><a name="line.14"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">015</span>import java.util.concurrent.*;<a name="line.15"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">016</span><a name="line.16"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">017</span>/**<a name="line.17"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">018</span> * Simple in-memory cache of objects.<a name="line.18"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">019</span> * &lt;p&gt;<a name="line.19"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">020</span> * Essentially just a wrapper around a ConcurrentHashMap.<a name="line.20"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">021</span> *<a name="line.21"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">022</span> * @param &lt;K&gt; The key type.<a name="line.22"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">023</span> * @param &lt;V&gt; The value type.<a name="line.23"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">024</span> */<a name="line.24"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">025</span>public class Cache&lt;K,V&gt; {<a name="line.25"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">026</span>   private final boolean nocache;<a name="line.26"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">027</span>   private final int maxSize;<a name="line.27"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">028</span>   private final ConcurrentHashMap&lt;K,V&gt; cache;<a name="line.28"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">029</span><a name="line.29"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">030</span>   /**<a name="line.30"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">031</span>    * Constructor.<a name="line.31"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">032</span>    *<a name="line.32"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">033</span>    * @param disabled If &lt;jk&gt;true&lt;/jk&gt; then the cache is disabled.<a name="line.33"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">034</span>    * @param maxSize The maximum size of the cache.  If this threshold is reached, the cache is flushed.<a name="line.34"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">035</span>    */<a name="line.35"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">036</span>   public Cache(boolean disabled, int maxSize) {<a name="line.36"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">037</span>      this.nocache = disabled;<a name="line.37"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">038</span>      this.maxSize = maxSize;<a name="line.38"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">039</span>      if (! nocache)<a name="line.39"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">040</span>         cache = new ConcurrentHashMap&lt;K,V&gt;();<a name="line.40"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">041</span>      else<a name="line.41"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">042</span>         cache = null;<a name="line.42"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">043</span>   }<a name="line.43"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">044</span><a name="line.44"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">045</span>   /**<a name="line.45"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">046</span>    * Retrieves the value with the specified key from this cache.<a name="line.46"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">047</span>    *<a name="line.47"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">048</span>    * @param key The key.<a name="line.48"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">049</span>    * @return The value, or &lt;jk&gt;null&lt;/jk&gt; if the value is not in the cache, or the cache is disabled.<a name="line.49"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">050</span>    */<a name="line.50"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">051</span>   public V get(K key) {<a name="line.51"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">052</span>      if (nocache)<a name="line.52"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">053</span>         return null;<a name="line.53"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">054</span>      return cache.get(key);<a name="line.54"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">055</span>   }<a name="line.55"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">056</span><a name="line.56"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">057</span>   /**<a name="line.57"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">058</span>    * Adds the value with the specified key to this cache.<a name="line.58"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">059</span>    *<a name="line.59"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">060</span>    * @param key The key.<a name="line.60"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">061</span>    * @param value The value.<a name="line.61"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">062</span>    * @return Either the value already in the cache if it already exists, or the same value passed in.<a name="line.62"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">063</span>    * Always returns the same value if the cache is disabled.<a name="line.63"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">064</span>    */<a name="line.64"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">065</span>   public V put(K key, V value) {<a name="line.65"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">066</span>      if (nocache)<a name="line.66"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">067</span>         return value;<a name="line.67"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">068</span><a name="line.68"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">069</span>      // Prevent OOM in case of DDOS<a name="line.69"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">070</span>      if (cache.size() &gt; maxSize)<a name="line.70"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">071</span>         cache.clear();<a name="line.71"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">072</span><a name="line.72"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">073</span>      while (true) {<a name="line.73"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">074</span>         V v = cache.get(key);<a name="line.74"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">075</span>         if (v != null)<a name="line.75"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">076</span>            return v;<a name="line.76"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">077</span>         cache.putIfAbsent(key, value);<a name="line.77"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">078</span>         return value;<a name="line.78"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">079</span>      }<a name="line.79"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">080</span>   }<a name="line.80"></a>
+<span class="sourceLineNo">081</span>}<a name="line.81"></a>