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Posted to by on 2016/01/26 02:12:50 UTC

[26/55] [partial] incubator-systemml git commit: [SYSTEMML-482] [SYSTEMML-480] Adding a Git attributes file to enfore Unix-styled line endings, and normalizing all of the line endings.
diff --git a/src/test/scripts/applications/id3/id3.R b/src/test/scripts/applications/id3/id3.R
index 8528b52..b838607 100644
--- a/src/test/scripts/applications/id3/id3.R
+++ b/src/test/scripts/applications/id3/id3.R
@@ -1,242 +1,242 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
-id3_learn = function(X, y, X_subset, attributes, minsplit)
-	#try the two base cases first
-	#of the remaining samples, compute a histogram for labels
-	hist_labels_helper = as.matrix(aggregate(as.vector(X_subset), by=list(as.vector(y)), FUN=sum))
-	hist_labels = as.matrix(hist_labels_helper[,2])
-	#go through the histogram to compute the number of labels
-	#with non-zero samples
-	#and to pull out the most popular label
-	num_non_zero_labels = sum(hist_labels > 0);
-	most_popular_label = which.max(t(hist_labels));
-	num_remaining_attrs = sum(attributes)
-	num_samples = sum(X_subset)
-	mpl = as.numeric(most_popular_label)
-	nodes = matrix(0, 1, 1)
-	edges = matrix(0, 1, 1)
-	#if all samples have the same label then return a leaf node
-	#if no attributes remain then return a leaf node with the most popular label	
-	if(num_non_zero_labels == 1 | num_remaining_attrs == 0 | num_samples < minsplit){
-		nodes = matrix(0, 1, 2)
-		nodes[1,1] = -1
-		nodes[1,2] = most_popular_label
-		edges = matrix(-1, 1, 1)
-	}else{
-		#computing gains for all available attributes using parfor
-		hist_labels2_helper = as.matrix(aggregate(as.vector(X_subset), by=list(as.vector(y)), FUN=sum))
-		hist_labels2 = as.matrix(hist_labels2_helper[,2])
-		num_samples2 = sum(X_subset)
-		zero_entries_in_hist1 = (hist_labels2 == 0)
-		pi1 = hist_labels2/num_samples2
-		log_term1 = zero_entries_in_hist1*1 + (1-zero_entries_in_hist1)*pi1
-		entropy_vector1 = -pi1*log(log_term1)
-		ht = sum(entropy_vector1)
-		sz = nrow(attributes)
-		gains = matrix(0, sz, 1)
-		for(i in 1:nrow(attributes)){
-			if(as.numeric(attributes[i,1]) == 1){
-				attr_vals = X[,i]
-				attr_domain_helper = as.matrix(aggregate(as.vector(X_subset), by=list(as.vector(attr_vals)), FUN=sum))
-				attr_domain = as.matrix(attr_domain_helper[,2])
-				hxt_vector = matrix(0, nrow(attr_domain), 1)
-				for(j in 1:nrow(attr_domain)){
-					if(as.numeric(attr_domain[j,1]) != 0){
-						val = j
-						Tj = X_subset * (X[,i] == val)
-						#entropy = compute_entropy(Tj, y)
-						hist_labels1_helper = as.matrix(aggregate(as.vector(Tj), by=list(as.vector(y)), FUN=sum))
-						hist_labels1 = as.matrix(hist_labels1_helper[,2])
-						num_samples1 = sum(Tj)
-						zero_entries_in_hist = (hist_labels1 == 0)
-						pi = hist_labels1/num_samples1
-						log_term = zero_entries_in_hist*1 + (1-zero_entries_in_hist)*pi
-						entropy_vector = -pi*log(log_term)
-						entropy = sum(entropy_vector)
-						hxt_vector[j,1] = sum(Tj)/sum(X_subset)*entropy
-					}
-				}
-				hxt = sum(hxt_vector)
-				gains[i,1] = (ht - hxt)
-			}
-		}
-		#pick out attr with highest gain
-		best_attr = -1
-		max_gain = 0
-		for(i4 in 1:nrow(gains)){
-			if(as.numeric(attributes[i4,1]) == 1){
-				g = as.numeric(gains[i4,1])
-				if(best_attr == -1 | max_gain <= g){
-					max_gain = g
-					best_attr = i4
-				}
-			}
-		}		
-		attr_vals = X[,best_attr]
-		attr_domain_helper = as.matrix(aggregate(as.vector(X_subset), by=list(as.vector(attr_vals)), FUN=sum))
-		attr_domain = as.matrix(attr_domain_helper[,2])
-		new_attributes = attributes
-		new_attributes[best_attr, 1] = 0
-		max_sz_subtree = 2*sum(X_subset)
-		sz2 = nrow(attr_domain)
-		sz1 = sz2*max_sz_subtree
-		tempNodeStore = matrix(0, 2, sz1)
-		tempEdgeStore = matrix(0, 3, sz1)
-		numSubtreeNodes = matrix(0, sz2, 1)
-		numSubtreeEdges = matrix(0, sz2, 1)
-		for(i1 in 1:nrow(attr_domain)){
-			Ti = X_subset * (X[,best_attr] == i1)
-			num_nodes_Ti = sum(Ti)
-			if(num_nodes_Ti > 0){
-				tmpRet <- id3_learn(X, y, Ti, new_attributes, minsplit)
-			  nodesi = as.matrix(tmpRet$a);
-        edgesi = as.matrix(tmpRet$b);
-				start_pt = 1+(i1-1)*max_sz_subtree
-        tempNodeStore[,start_pt:(start_pt+nrow(nodesi)-1)] = t(nodesi)
-        numSubtreeNodes[i1,1] = nrow(nodesi)
-				if(nrow(edgesi)!=1 | ncol(edgesi)!=1 | as.numeric(edgesi[1,1])!=-1){
-					tempEdgeStore[,start_pt:(start_pt+nrow(edgesi)-1)] = t(edgesi)
-					numSubtreeEdges[i1,1] = nrow(edgesi)
-				}else{
-					numSubtreeEdges[i1,1] = 0
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		num_nodes_in_subtrees = sum(numSubtreeNodes)
-		num_edges_in_subtrees = sum(numSubtreeEdges)
-		#creating root node
-		sz = 1+num_nodes_in_subtrees
-		nodes = matrix(0, sz, 2)
-		nodes[1,1] = best_attr
-		numNodes = 1
-		#edges from root to children
-		sz = sum(numSubtreeNodes > 0) + num_edges_in_subtrees
-		edges = matrix(1, sz, 3)
-		numEdges = 0
-		for(i6 in 1:nrow(attr_domain)){
-			num_nodesi = as.numeric(numSubtreeNodes[i6,1])
-			if(num_nodesi > 0){
-				edges[numEdges+1,2] = i6
-				numEdges = numEdges + 1
-			}
-		}
-		nonEmptyAttri = 0
-		for(i7 in 1:nrow(attr_domain)){
-			numNodesInSubtree = as.numeric(numSubtreeNodes[i7,1])
-			if(numNodesInSubtree > 0){
-				start_pt1 = 1 + (i7-1)*max_sz_subtree
-				nodes[(numNodes+1):(numNodes+numNodesInSubtree),] = t(tempNodeStore[,start_pt1:(start_pt1+numNodesInSubtree-1)])
-				numEdgesInSubtree = as.numeric(numSubtreeEdges[i7,1])
-				if(numEdgesInSubtree!=0){
-					edgesi1 = t(tempEdgeStore[,start_pt1:(start_pt1+numEdgesInSubtree-1)])
-					edgesi1[,1] = edgesi1[,1] + numNodes
-					edgesi1[,3] = edgesi1[,3] + numNodes
-					edges[(numEdges+1):(numEdges+numEdgesInSubtree),] = edgesi1
-					numEdges = numEdges + numEdgesInSubtree
-				}
-				edges[nonEmptyAttri+1,3] = numNodes + 1
-				nonEmptyAttri = nonEmptyAttri + 1
-				numNodes = numNodes + numNodesInSubtree
-			}
-		}
-	}
-  return ( list(a=nodes, b=edges) );
-X = readMM(paste(args[1], "X.mtx", sep=""));
-y = readMM(paste(args[1], "y.mtx", sep=""));
-n = nrow(X)
-m = ncol(X)
-minsplit = 2
-X_subset = matrix(1, n, 1)
-attributes = matrix(1, m, 1)
-# recoding inputs
-featureCorrections = as.vector(1 - colMins(as.matrix(X)))
-onesMat = matrix(1, n, m)
-X = onesMat %*% diag(featureCorrections) + X
-labelCorrection = 1 - min(y)
-y = y + labelCorrection + 0
-tmpRet <- id3_learn(X, y, X_subset, attributes, minsplit)
-nodes = as.matrix(tmpRet$a)
-edges = as.matrix(tmpRet$b)
-# decoding outputs
-nodes[,2] = nodes[,2] - labelCorrection * (nodes[,1] == -1)
-for(i3 in 1:nrow(edges)){
-	e_parent = as.numeric(edges[i3,1])
-	parent_feature = as.numeric(nodes[e_parent,1])
-	correction = as.numeric(featureCorrections[parent_feature])
-	edges[i3,2] = edges[i3,2] - correction
-writeMM(as(nodes,"CsparseMatrix"), paste(args[2],"nodes", sep=""), format = "text")
-writeMM(as(edges,"CsparseMatrix"), paste(args[2],"edges", sep=""), format = "text")
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
+id3_learn = function(X, y, X_subset, attributes, minsplit)
+	#try the two base cases first
+	#of the remaining samples, compute a histogram for labels
+	hist_labels_helper = as.matrix(aggregate(as.vector(X_subset), by=list(as.vector(y)), FUN=sum))
+	hist_labels = as.matrix(hist_labels_helper[,2])
+	#go through the histogram to compute the number of labels
+	#with non-zero samples
+	#and to pull out the most popular label
+	num_non_zero_labels = sum(hist_labels > 0);
+	most_popular_label = which.max(t(hist_labels));
+	num_remaining_attrs = sum(attributes)
+	num_samples = sum(X_subset)
+	mpl = as.numeric(most_popular_label)
+	nodes = matrix(0, 1, 1)
+	edges = matrix(0, 1, 1)
+	#if all samples have the same label then return a leaf node
+	#if no attributes remain then return a leaf node with the most popular label	
+	if(num_non_zero_labels == 1 | num_remaining_attrs == 0 | num_samples < minsplit){
+		nodes = matrix(0, 1, 2)
+		nodes[1,1] = -1
+		nodes[1,2] = most_popular_label
+		edges = matrix(-1, 1, 1)
+	}else{
+		#computing gains for all available attributes using parfor
+		hist_labels2_helper = as.matrix(aggregate(as.vector(X_subset), by=list(as.vector(y)), FUN=sum))
+		hist_labels2 = as.matrix(hist_labels2_helper[,2])
+		num_samples2 = sum(X_subset)
+		zero_entries_in_hist1 = (hist_labels2 == 0)
+		pi1 = hist_labels2/num_samples2
+		log_term1 = zero_entries_in_hist1*1 + (1-zero_entries_in_hist1)*pi1
+		entropy_vector1 = -pi1*log(log_term1)
+		ht = sum(entropy_vector1)
+		sz = nrow(attributes)
+		gains = matrix(0, sz, 1)
+		for(i in 1:nrow(attributes)){
+			if(as.numeric(attributes[i,1]) == 1){
+				attr_vals = X[,i]
+				attr_domain_helper = as.matrix(aggregate(as.vector(X_subset), by=list(as.vector(attr_vals)), FUN=sum))
+				attr_domain = as.matrix(attr_domain_helper[,2])
+				hxt_vector = matrix(0, nrow(attr_domain), 1)
+				for(j in 1:nrow(attr_domain)){
+					if(as.numeric(attr_domain[j,1]) != 0){
+						val = j
+						Tj = X_subset * (X[,i] == val)
+						#entropy = compute_entropy(Tj, y)
+						hist_labels1_helper = as.matrix(aggregate(as.vector(Tj), by=list(as.vector(y)), FUN=sum))
+						hist_labels1 = as.matrix(hist_labels1_helper[,2])
+						num_samples1 = sum(Tj)
+						zero_entries_in_hist = (hist_labels1 == 0)
+						pi = hist_labels1/num_samples1
+						log_term = zero_entries_in_hist*1 + (1-zero_entries_in_hist)*pi
+						entropy_vector = -pi*log(log_term)
+						entropy = sum(entropy_vector)
+						hxt_vector[j,1] = sum(Tj)/sum(X_subset)*entropy
+					}
+				}
+				hxt = sum(hxt_vector)
+				gains[i,1] = (ht - hxt)
+			}
+		}
+		#pick out attr with highest gain
+		best_attr = -1
+		max_gain = 0
+		for(i4 in 1:nrow(gains)){
+			if(as.numeric(attributes[i4,1]) == 1){
+				g = as.numeric(gains[i4,1])
+				if(best_attr == -1 | max_gain <= g){
+					max_gain = g
+					best_attr = i4
+				}
+			}
+		}		
+		attr_vals = X[,best_attr]
+		attr_domain_helper = as.matrix(aggregate(as.vector(X_subset), by=list(as.vector(attr_vals)), FUN=sum))
+		attr_domain = as.matrix(attr_domain_helper[,2])
+		new_attributes = attributes
+		new_attributes[best_attr, 1] = 0
+		max_sz_subtree = 2*sum(X_subset)
+		sz2 = nrow(attr_domain)
+		sz1 = sz2*max_sz_subtree
+		tempNodeStore = matrix(0, 2, sz1)
+		tempEdgeStore = matrix(0, 3, sz1)
+		numSubtreeNodes = matrix(0, sz2, 1)
+		numSubtreeEdges = matrix(0, sz2, 1)
+		for(i1 in 1:nrow(attr_domain)){
+			Ti = X_subset * (X[,best_attr] == i1)
+			num_nodes_Ti = sum(Ti)
+			if(num_nodes_Ti > 0){
+				tmpRet <- id3_learn(X, y, Ti, new_attributes, minsplit)
+			  nodesi = as.matrix(tmpRet$a);
+        edgesi = as.matrix(tmpRet$b);
+				start_pt = 1+(i1-1)*max_sz_subtree
+        tempNodeStore[,start_pt:(start_pt+nrow(nodesi)-1)] = t(nodesi)
+        numSubtreeNodes[i1,1] = nrow(nodesi)
+				if(nrow(edgesi)!=1 | ncol(edgesi)!=1 | as.numeric(edgesi[1,1])!=-1){
+					tempEdgeStore[,start_pt:(start_pt+nrow(edgesi)-1)] = t(edgesi)
+					numSubtreeEdges[i1,1] = nrow(edgesi)
+				}else{
+					numSubtreeEdges[i1,1] = 0
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		num_nodes_in_subtrees = sum(numSubtreeNodes)
+		num_edges_in_subtrees = sum(numSubtreeEdges)
+		#creating root node
+		sz = 1+num_nodes_in_subtrees
+		nodes = matrix(0, sz, 2)
+		nodes[1,1] = best_attr
+		numNodes = 1
+		#edges from root to children
+		sz = sum(numSubtreeNodes > 0) + num_edges_in_subtrees
+		edges = matrix(1, sz, 3)
+		numEdges = 0
+		for(i6 in 1:nrow(attr_domain)){
+			num_nodesi = as.numeric(numSubtreeNodes[i6,1])
+			if(num_nodesi > 0){
+				edges[numEdges+1,2] = i6
+				numEdges = numEdges + 1
+			}
+		}
+		nonEmptyAttri = 0
+		for(i7 in 1:nrow(attr_domain)){
+			numNodesInSubtree = as.numeric(numSubtreeNodes[i7,1])
+			if(numNodesInSubtree > 0){
+				start_pt1 = 1 + (i7-1)*max_sz_subtree
+				nodes[(numNodes+1):(numNodes+numNodesInSubtree),] = t(tempNodeStore[,start_pt1:(start_pt1+numNodesInSubtree-1)])
+				numEdgesInSubtree = as.numeric(numSubtreeEdges[i7,1])
+				if(numEdgesInSubtree!=0){
+					edgesi1 = t(tempEdgeStore[,start_pt1:(start_pt1+numEdgesInSubtree-1)])
+					edgesi1[,1] = edgesi1[,1] + numNodes
+					edgesi1[,3] = edgesi1[,3] + numNodes
+					edges[(numEdges+1):(numEdges+numEdgesInSubtree),] = edgesi1
+					numEdges = numEdges + numEdgesInSubtree
+				}
+				edges[nonEmptyAttri+1,3] = numNodes + 1
+				nonEmptyAttri = nonEmptyAttri + 1
+				numNodes = numNodes + numNodesInSubtree
+			}
+		}
+	}
+  return ( list(a=nodes, b=edges) );
+X = readMM(paste(args[1], "X.mtx", sep=""));
+y = readMM(paste(args[1], "y.mtx", sep=""));
+n = nrow(X)
+m = ncol(X)
+minsplit = 2
+X_subset = matrix(1, n, 1)
+attributes = matrix(1, m, 1)
+# recoding inputs
+featureCorrections = as.vector(1 - colMins(as.matrix(X)))
+onesMat = matrix(1, n, m)
+X = onesMat %*% diag(featureCorrections) + X
+labelCorrection = 1 - min(y)
+y = y + labelCorrection + 0
+tmpRet <- id3_learn(X, y, X_subset, attributes, minsplit)
+nodes = as.matrix(tmpRet$a)
+edges = as.matrix(tmpRet$b)
+# decoding outputs
+nodes[,2] = nodes[,2] - labelCorrection * (nodes[,1] == -1)
+for(i3 in 1:nrow(edges)){
+	e_parent = as.numeric(edges[i3,1])
+	parent_feature = as.numeric(nodes[e_parent,1])
+	correction = as.numeric(featureCorrections[parent_feature])
+	edges[i3,2] = edges[i3,2] - correction
+writeMM(as(nodes,"CsparseMatrix"), paste(args[2],"nodes", sep=""), format = "text")
+writeMM(as(edges,"CsparseMatrix"), paste(args[2],"edges", sep=""), format = "text")
diff --git a/src/test/scripts/applications/impute/imputeGaussMCMC.dml b/src/test/scripts/applications/impute/imputeGaussMCMC.dml
index 1ebe5a0..21ecaee 100644
--- a/src/test/scripts/applications/impute/imputeGaussMCMC.dml
+++ b/src/test/scripts/applications/impute/imputeGaussMCMC.dml
@@ -1,687 +1,687 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# Implements the MCMC algorithm for imputation of missing data into a time-series of "reports".
-# Each report is a fixed-size vector of attribute values; reports come out each year/quarter/month ("term").
-# Hard linear equality constraints restrict values in/across the reports, e.g. total cost = sum of all costs.
-# Soft linear regression constraints define dependencies between values in/across the reports.
-# Linear regression parameters are unknown and sampled together with the missing values in the reports.
-# INPUT 1: Initial reports matrix [1 : num_attrs, 1 : num_terms] with missing values usually set to zero,
-#          but it MUST BE CONSISTENT with hard constraints! Set some missing values to nonzero if needed.
-#          There are "num_terms" reports in the matrix, each having "num_attrs" attribute values.
-# INPUT 2: Sparse matrix [1 : (num_terms * num_attrs), 1 : num_frees] that defines a linear map from
-#          "free" variables to the reports matrix. A tensor of size (num_terms * num_attrs * num_frees)
-#          where the reports matrix is stretched into a column-vector [1 : (num_terms * num_attrs)].
-#          Term = t, attribute = i  -->  index = (t-1) * num_attrs + i
-# INPUT 3: Sparse matrix [1 : (num_reg_eqs * num_factors), 1 : (num_terms * num_attrs)] that defines
-#          a linear map from the stretched matrix of reports to the stretched matrix of regression factors.
-# INPUT 4: Sparse vector [1 : (num_reg_eqs * num_factors), 1] that defines "default regression factors"
-#          (if nonzero) to be added to the regression factors before they are multiplied by parameters.
-# INPUT 5: Sparse matrix [1 : (num_reg_eqs * num_factors), 1 : num_params] that defines a linear map
-#          from the vector of parameters to the stretched matrix of regression factors.
-# INPUT 6: Sparse vector [1 : (num_reg_eqs * num_factors), 1] that defines default regression coefficients
-#          (if nonzero) to be added to the parameters (if any) before being multiplied by regression factors.
-# INPUT 7: A vector [1 : num_reg_eqs, 1] of scale multipliers, one per regression
-# INPUT 8 : Number of factors in a regression equation, including the estimated value
-# INPUT 9 : Maximum number of burn-in full iterations (that sample each variable and each parameter once)
-#           BUT the actual number of burn-in iterations may be smaller if "free fall" ends sooner
-# INPUT 10: Maximum number of observed full iterations (that sample each variable and each parameter once)
-# INPUT 11: Output file name and path for the average MCMC reports table
-# INPUT 12: Output file for debugging (currently: the average parameters vector)
-# Example:
-# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f test/scripts/applications/impute/imputeGaussMCMC.dml -exec singlenode -args
-#    test/scripts/applications/impute/initial_reports
-#    test/scripts/applications/impute/CReps
-#    test/scripts/applications/impute/RegresValueMap
-#    test/scripts/applications/impute/RegresFactorDefault
-#    test/scripts/applications/impute/RegresParamMap
-#    test/scripts/applications/impute/RegresCoeffDefault
-#    test/scripts/applications/impute/RegresScaleMult
-#    4 1000 100
-#    test/scripts/applications/impute/output_reports
-#    test/scripts/applications/impute/debug_info
-print ("START ImputeGaussMCMC");
-print ("Reading the input files...");
-initial_reports = read ($1);
-CReps = read ($2);
-num_terms = ncol (initial_reports);   # Number of periods for which reports are produced
-num_attrs = nrow (initial_reports);   # Number of attribute values per each term report
-num_frees = ncol (CReps);   # Number of free variables used to describe all consistent reports
-dReps_size = num_terms * num_attrs;
-dReps = matrix (initial_reports, rows = dReps_size, cols = 1, byrow = FALSE);
-# We assume that all report-series consistent with hard constraints form an affine set:
-#     reports = CReps %*% freeVars + dReps
-# Here "freeVars" is a vector of "free variables" (degrees of freedom), "CReps" is a linear mapping,
-# and "dReps" are the default values for the reports that correspond to the initial reports matrix.
-RegresValueMap = read ($3);
-RegresFactorDefault = read ($4);
-RegresParamMap = read ($5); 
-RegresCoeffDefault = read ($6); 
-RegresScaleMult = read ($7);
-num_factors = $8;   # Number of factors in each regression equation, including the estimated value
-num_reg_eqs = nrow (RegresParamMap) / num_factors;   # Number of regression equations
-num_params  = ncol (RegresParamMap);   # Number of parameters used in all regressions
-max_num_burnin_iterations = $9;
-max_num_observed_iterations = $10;
-ones_fv = matrix (1.0, rows = 1, cols = num_frees);
-ones_pm = matrix (1.0, rows = 1, cols = num_params);
-twos_re = matrix (2.0, rows = 1, cols = num_reg_eqs);
-# Create a summation operator (matrix) that adds the factors in each regression:
-ncols_SumFactor = num_reg_eqs * num_factors;
-SumFactor = matrix (0.0, rows = num_reg_eqs, cols = ncols_SumFactor);
-ones_f = matrix (1.0, rows = 1, cols = num_factors);
-SumFactor [1, 1:num_factors] = ones_f;
-nSumFactor = 1;
-while (nSumFactor < num_reg_eqs) {
-    incSumFactor = nSumFactor;
-    if (incSumFactor > num_reg_eqs - nSumFactor) {
-        incSumFactor = num_reg_eqs - nSumFactor;
-    }
-    SumFactor [(nSumFactor + 1) : (nSumFactor + incSumFactor), 
-        (nSumFactor * num_factors + 1) : ((nSumFactor + incSumFactor) * num_factors)] = 
-            SumFactor [1 : incSumFactor, 1 : (incSumFactor * num_factors)];
-    nSumFactor = nSumFactor + incSumFactor;
-freeVars = matrix (0.0, rows = num_frees, cols = 1);
-params = matrix (1.0, rows = num_params, cols = 1);
-num_opt_iter = 20;
-print ("Performing initial optimization (" + num_opt_iter + " alternating CG steps)...");
-reports = CReps %*% freeVars + dReps;
-regresValues = RegresValueMap %*% reports + RegresFactorDefault;
-regresParams = RegresParamMap %*% params  + RegresCoeffDefault;
-bilinear_sums = SumFactor %*% (regresValues * regresParams);
-w_bilinear_sums = RegresScaleMult * bilinear_sums;
-bilinear_form_value = sum (w_bilinear_sums * bilinear_sums);
-opt_iter = 1;
-is_step_params = 1;
-is_opt_converged = 0;
-print ("Before optimization:    Initial bilinear form value = " + bilinear_form_value);
-while (is_opt_converged == 0)
-    deg = is_step_params * num_params + (1 - is_step_params) * num_frees;
-    shift_vector = matrix (0.0, rows = deg, cols = 1);
-    # Compute gradient
-    if (is_step_params == 1) {
-        gradient = twos_re %*% ((w_bilinear_sums %*% ones_pm) * (SumFactor %*% ((regresValues %*% ones_pm) *  RegresParamMap)));
-    } else {
-        gradient = twos_re %*% ((w_bilinear_sums %*% ones_fv) * (SumFactor %*% ((regresParams %*% ones_fv) * (RegresValueMap %*% CReps))));
-    }
-    # Make a few conjugate gradient steps
-    residual = t(gradient);
-    p = - residual;
-    norm_r2 = sum (residual * residual);
-    cg_iter = 1;
-    cg_terminate = 0;
-    while (cg_terminate == 0)
-    {
-        # Want: q = A %*% p;
-        # Compute gradient change from 0 to p
-        if (is_step_params == 1) {
-            w_bilinear_p = RegresScaleMult * (SumFactor %*% (regresValues * (RegresParamMap %*% p)));
-            gradient_change_p = twos_re %*% ((w_bilinear_p %*% ones_pm) * (SumFactor %*% ((regresValues %*% ones_pm) * RegresParamMap)));
-        } else {
-            w_bilinear_p = RegresScaleMult * (SumFactor %*% ((RegresValueMap %*% CReps %*% p) * regresParams));
-            gradient_change_p = twos_re %*% ((w_bilinear_p %*% ones_fv) * (SumFactor %*% ((regresParams %*% ones_fv) * (RegresValueMap %*% CReps))));
-        }
-        q = t(gradient_change_p);
-        alpha = norm_r2 / castAsScalar (t(p) %*% q);
-        shift_vector_change = alpha * p;
-        shift_vector = shift_vector + shift_vector_change;
-        old_norm_r2 = norm_r2;
-        residual = residual + alpha * q;
-        norm_r2 = sum (residual * residual);
-        p = - residual + (norm_r2 / old_norm_r2) * p;
-        cg_iter = cg_iter + 1;
-        if (cg_iter > min (deg, 2 + opt_iter / 3)) {
-            cg_terminate = 1;
-        }
-    }
-    if (is_step_params == 1) {
-        params = params + shift_vector;
-        regresParams = RegresParamMap %*% params + RegresCoeffDefault;
-    } else {
-        freeVars = freeVars + shift_vector;
-        reports = CReps %*% freeVars + dReps;
-        regresValues = RegresValueMap %*% reports + RegresFactorDefault;
-    }
-    # Update the bilinear form and check convergence
-    if (is_step_params == 1) {
-        old_bilinear_form_value = bilinear_form_value;
-    }
-    bilinear_sums = SumFactor %*% (regresValues * regresParams);
-    w_bilinear_sums = RegresScaleMult * bilinear_sums;
-    bilinear_form_value = sum (w_bilinear_sums * bilinear_sums);
-    if (is_step_params == 1) {
-        print ("Optimization step " + opt_iter + " (params) :  bilinear form value = " + bilinear_form_value);
-    } else {
-        print ("Optimization step " + opt_iter + " (reports):  bilinear form value = " + bilinear_form_value);
-    }
-    is_step_params = 1 - is_step_params;
-    opt_iter = opt_iter + 1;
-    if (is_step_params == 1 & opt_iter > num_opt_iter) {
-        is_opt_converged = 1;
-    }
-print ("Starting Gradient Descent...");
-# num_past_dirVs  = 3;
-# past_dirVFrees  = matrix (0.0, rows = num_frees,  cols = num_past_dirVs);
-# past_dirVParams = matrix (0.0, rows = num_params, cols = num_past_dirVs);
-shift_T = -1000.0;
-is_enough_gradient_descent = 0;
-gd_iter = 0;
-while (is_enough_gradient_descent == 0)
-    reports = CReps %*% freeVars + dReps;
-    regresValues = RegresValueMap %*% reports + RegresFactorDefault;
-    regresParams = RegresParamMap %*% params  + RegresCoeffDefault;
-    bilinear_sums = SumFactor %*% (regresValues * regresParams);
-    w_bilinear_sums = RegresScaleMult * bilinear_sums;
-    gradientInFrees  = twos_re %*% ((w_bilinear_sums %*% ones_fv) * (SumFactor %*% ((regresParams %*% ones_fv) * (RegresValueMap %*% CReps))));
-    gradientInParams = twos_re %*% ((w_bilinear_sums %*% ones_pm) * (SumFactor %*% ((regresValues %*% ones_pm) *  RegresParamMap)));
-    shift_frees  = matrix (0.0, rows = num_frees,  cols = 1);
-    shift_params = matrix (0.0, rows = num_params, cols = 1);
-    residual_frees  = t(gradientInFrees);
-    residual_params = t(gradientInParams);
-    p_frees  = - residual_frees;
-    p_params = - residual_params;
-    norm_r2 = sum (residual_frees * residual_frees) + sum (residual_params * residual_params);
-    cg_iter = 1;
-    cg_terminate = 0;
-    cg_eps = 0.000001;
-    while (cg_terminate == 0)
-    {
-        regresValues_eps_p = regresValues + cg_eps * (RegresValueMap %*% CReps %*% p_frees);
-        regresParams_eps_p = regresParams + cg_eps * (RegresParamMap %*% p_params);
-        bilinear_sums_eps_p   = SumFactor %*% (regresValues_eps_p * regresParams_eps_p);
-        w_bilinear_sums_eps_p = RegresScaleMult * bilinear_sums_eps_p;
-        gradientInFrees_eps_p  = twos_re %*% ((w_bilinear_sums_eps_p %*% ones_fv) * (SumFactor %*% ((regresParams_eps_p %*% ones_fv) * (RegresValueMap %*% CReps))));
-        gradientInParams_eps_p = twos_re %*% ((w_bilinear_sums_eps_p %*% ones_pm) * (SumFactor %*% ((regresValues_eps_p %*% ones_pm) *  RegresParamMap)));
-        q_frees  = t(gradientInFrees_eps_p  - gradientInFrees)  / cg_eps;
-        q_params = t(gradientInParams_eps_p - gradientInParams) / cg_eps;
-        alpha = norm_r2 / castAsScalar (t(p_frees) %*% q_frees + t(p_params) %*% q_params);
-        shift_frees  = shift_frees  + alpha * p_frees;
-        shift_params = shift_params + alpha * p_params;
-        old_norm_r2 = norm_r2;
-        residual_frees  = residual_frees  + alpha * q_frees;
-        residual_params = residual_params + alpha * q_params;
-        norm_r2 = sum (residual_frees * residual_frees) + sum (residual_params * residual_params);
-        p_frees  = - residual_frees  + (norm_r2 / old_norm_r2) * p_frees;
-        p_params = - residual_params + (norm_r2 / old_norm_r2) * p_params;
-        cg_iter = cg_iter + 1;
-        if (cg_iter > 4) {
-            cg_terminate = 1;
-        }
-    }
-    dirVFrees_candidate  = shift_frees;
-    dirVParams_candidate = shift_params;
-#        random_frees  = Rand (rows = num_frees,  cols = 1, min = 0.9, max = 1.1, sparsity = 1.0);
-#        random_params = Rand (rows = num_params, cols = 1, min = 0.9, max = 1.1, sparsity = 1.0);
-#        dirVFrees_candidate  = dirVFrees_candidate  * random_frees;
-#        dirVParams_candidate = dirVParams_candidate * random_params;
-    dirVFrees  = dirVFrees_candidate;
-    dirVParams = dirVParams_candidate;
-#   dirV_proj_factors =  t(past_dirVFrees) %*% dirVFrees_candidate + t(past_dirVParams) %*% dirVParams_candidate;
-#   dirVFrees  = dirVFrees_candidate  - past_dirVFrees  %*% dirV_proj_factors;
-#   dirVParams = dirVParams_candidate - past_dirVParams %*% dirV_proj_factors;
-    dirV_denom = sqrt (sum (dirVFrees * dirVFrees) + sum (dirVParams * dirVParams));
-    dirVFrees  = dirVFrees  / dirV_denom;
-    dirVParams = dirVParams / dirV_denom;
-#   past_dirVFrees  [, 2:num_past_dirVs] = past_dirVFrees  [, 1:(num_past_dirVs-1)];
-#   past_dirVParams [, 2:num_past_dirVs] = past_dirVParams [, 1:(num_past_dirVs-1)];
-#   past_dirVFrees  [, 1] = dirVFrees;
-#   past_dirVParams [, 1] = dirVParams;
-### GD-STEP 4: COMPUTE THE POLYNOMIAL FOR  d loss(t) / dt
-    dirVRegresValues = RegresValueMap %*% CReps %*% dirVFrees;
-    dirVRegresParams = RegresParamMap %*% dirVParams;
-    dirVdirV_bilinear_sums = SumFactor %*% (dirVRegresValues * dirVRegresParams);
-    dirV_bilinear_sums = SumFactor %*% (dirVRegresValues * regresParams + regresValues * dirVRegresParams);
-    L_0 = sum (w_bilinear_sums * bilinear_sums);
-    L_prime_0 = 2.0 * sum (w_bilinear_sums * dirV_bilinear_sums);
-    freeVars_T = freeVars + shift_T * dirVFrees;
-    params_T   = params   + shift_T * dirVParams;
-    reports_T = CReps %*% freeVars_T + dReps;
-    regresValues_T = RegresValueMap %*% reports_T + RegresFactorDefault;
-    regresParams_T = RegresParamMap %*% params_T  + RegresCoeffDefault;
-    bilinear_sums_T = SumFactor %*% (regresValues_T * regresParams_T);
-    w_bilinear_sums_T = RegresScaleMult * bilinear_sums_T;
-    dirV_bilinear_sums_T = SumFactor %*% (dirVRegresValues * regresParams_T + regresValues_T * dirVRegresParams);
-    L_T = sum (w_bilinear_sums_T * bilinear_sums_T);
-    L_prime_T = 2.0 * sum (w_bilinear_sums_T * dirV_bilinear_sums_T);
-    coeff_a = 4.0 * sum (RegresScaleMult * dirVdirV_bilinear_sums * dirVdirV_bilinear_sums);
-    coeff_b = -1.5 * coeff_a * shift_T + 3.0 * (L_prime_0 + L_prime_T + 2.0 * (L_0 - L_T) / shift_T) / (shift_T * shift_T);
-    coeff_c = 0.5 * coeff_a * shift_T * shift_T - 2.0 * (2.0 * L_prime_0 + L_prime_T + 3.0 * (L_0 - L_T) / shift_T) / shift_T;
-    coeff_d = L_prime_0;
-    coeff_aa = coeff_b / coeff_a;
-    coeff_bb = coeff_c / coeff_a;
-    coeff_cc = coeff_d / coeff_a;
-    coeff_Q = (coeff_aa * coeff_aa - 3.0 * coeff_bb) / 9.0;
-    coeff_R = (2.0 * coeff_aa * coeff_aa * coeff_aa - 9.0 * coeff_aa * coeff_bb + 27.0 * coeff_cc) / 54.0;
-    root_choice = 0.0;
-    if (coeff_R * coeff_R < coeff_Q * coeff_Q * coeff_Q)
-    {
-        two_pi_third = 2.0943951023931954923084289221863;
-        acos_argument = coeff_R / sqrt (coeff_Q * coeff_Q * coeff_Q);
-        x = abs (acos_argument);
-        acos_x = sqrt (1.0 - x) * (1.5707963050 + x * (-0.2145988016
-            + x * ( 0.0889789874 + x * (-0.0501743046
-            + x * ( 0.0308918810 + x * (-0.0170881256
-            + x * ( 0.0066700901 + x * (-0.0012624911))))))));
-        if (acos_argument >= 0.0) {
-            coeff_theta = acos_x;
-        } else {
-            coeff_theta = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 - acos_x;
-        }
-        root_1 = - coeff_aa / 3.0 - 2.0 * sqrt (coeff_Q) * cos (coeff_theta / 3.0);
-        root_2 = - coeff_aa / 3.0 - 2.0 * sqrt (coeff_Q) * cos (coeff_theta / 3.0 + two_pi_third);
-        root_3 = - coeff_aa / 3.0 - 2.0 * sqrt (coeff_Q) * cos (coeff_theta / 3.0 - two_pi_third);
-        root_min = min (min (root_1, root_2), root_3);
-        root_max = max (max (root_1, root_2), root_3);        
-        root_int_diff = (((root_max * coeff_a / 4.0 + coeff_b / 3.0) * root_max + coeff_c / 2.0) * root_max + coeff_d) * root_max
-                      - (((root_min * coeff_a / 4.0 + coeff_b / 3.0) * root_min + coeff_c / 2.0) * root_min + coeff_d) * root_min;
-        if (root_int_diff >= 0.0) {
-            root_choice = root_min;
-        } else {
-            root_choice = root_max;
-        }
-    } else {
-        if (coeff_R >= 0.0) {
-            sgn_coeff_R = 1.0;
-        } else {
-            sgn_coeff_R = -1.0;
-        }
-        coeff_bigA = - sgn_coeff_R * (abs (coeff_R) + sqrt (coeff_R * coeff_R - coeff_Q * coeff_Q * coeff_Q)) ^ (1.0 / 3.0);
-        if (coeff_bigA != 0.0) {
-            root_choice = coeff_bigA + coeff_Q / coeff_bigA - coeff_aa / 3.0;
-        } else {
-            root_choice = - coeff_aa / 3.0;
-        }
-    }
-    root_choice = root_choice - 
-        (((coeff_a * root_choice + coeff_b) * root_choice + coeff_c) * root_choice + coeff_d) 
-            / ((3 * coeff_a * root_choice + 2 * coeff_b) * root_choice + coeff_c);
-    root_choice = root_choice - 
-        (((coeff_a * root_choice + coeff_b) * root_choice + coeff_c) * root_choice + coeff_d) 
-            / ((3 * coeff_a * root_choice + 2 * coeff_b) * root_choice + coeff_c);
-    freeVars = freeVars + root_choice * dirVFrees;
-    params   = params   + root_choice * dirVParams;
-    root_int_diff = (((root_choice * coeff_a / 4.0 + coeff_b / 3.0) * root_choice + coeff_c / 2.0) * root_choice + coeff_d) * root_choice;
-    if (- root_int_diff < 0.00000001 * L_0) {
-        is_enough_gradient_descent = 1;
-    }
-    gd_iter = gd_iter + 1;
-    print ("Grad Descent Iter " + gd_iter + ":  L = " + (L_0 + root_int_diff) + ";  shift = " + root_choice);
-    shift_T = - 100.0 * sqrt (abs(root_choice) * abs(shift_T));
-print ("Gradient Descent finished.  Starting MCMC...");
-print ("Performing MCMC initialization...");
-reports = CReps %*% freeVars + dReps;
-regresValues = RegresValueMap %*% reports + RegresFactorDefault;
-regresParams = RegresParamMap %*% params  + RegresCoeffDefault;
-bilinear_vector = regresValues * regresParams;
-bilinear_form = matrix (bilinear_vector, rows = num_reg_eqs, cols = num_factors, byrow = TRUE);
-bilinear_form_value = sum (RegresScaleMult * rowSums (bilinear_form) * rowSums (bilinear_form));
-max_num_iter = max_num_burnin_iterations + max_num_observed_iterations;
-dim_sample = num_frees + num_params;
-sample_ones = matrix (1.0, rows = dim_sample, cols = 1);
-# Generate a random permutation matrix for the sampling order of freeVars and params
-SampleOrder = diag (sample_ones);
-num_swaps = 10 * dim_sample;
-rnd = Rand (rows = num_swaps, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 1.0);
-left_swap  = round (0.5 + dim_sample * rnd);
-rnd = Rand (rows = num_swaps, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 1.0);
-right_swap = round (0.5 + dim_sample * rnd);
-for (swap_i in 1:num_swaps) {
-    l = castAsScalar (left_swap  [swap_i, 1]);
-    r = castAsScalar (right_swap [swap_i, 1]);
-    if (l != r) {
-        tmp_row = SampleOrder [l, ];
-        SampleOrder [l, ] = SampleOrder [r, ];
-        SampleOrder [r, ] = tmp_row;
-    }
-pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
-zero = matrix (0.0, rows = 1, cols = 1);
-isVar = colSums (SampleOrder [1 : num_frees, ]);
-sum_of_observed_reports = matrix (0.0, rows = num_attrs, cols = num_terms);
-sum_of_observed_params = matrix (0.0, rows = num_params, cols = 1);
-num_of_observed_reports = 0;
-sum_of_observed_losses = 0.0;
-is_observed = 0;
-is_calculating_loss_change = 0;
-is_monitoring_loss_change = 0;
-avg_prob_of_loss_increase = 0;
-update_factor_for_avg_loss_change = 0.02;
-avg_loss_change = -50.0 * update_factor_for_avg_loss_change;
-old_bilinear_form_value = bilinear_form_value;
-# Starting MCMC iterations
-iter = 0;
-while ((iter < max_num_iter) & (num_of_observed_reports < max_num_observed_iterations))
-    iter = iter + 1;
-    # Initialize (bi-)linear forms
-    regresValues = RegresValueMap %*% reports + RegresFactorDefault;
-    regresParams = RegresParamMap %*% params + RegresCoeffDefault;
-    bilinear_form_vector = regresValues * regresParams;
-    bilinear_form = matrix (bilinear_form_vector, rows = num_reg_eqs, cols = num_factors, byrow = TRUE);
-    bilinear_form_value = sum (RegresScaleMult * rowSums (bilinear_form) * rowSums (bilinear_form));
-    if (bilinear_form_value > old_bilinear_form_value) {
-        avg_prob_of_loss_increase = avg_prob_of_loss_increase * (1 - update_factor_for_avg_loss_change) + 1 * update_factor_for_avg_loss_change;
-    } else {
-        avg_prob_of_loss_increase = avg_prob_of_loss_increase * (1 - update_factor_for_avg_loss_change);
-    }
-    if (is_calculating_loss_change == 0 & avg_prob_of_loss_increase > 0.4) {
-        is_calculating_loss_change = 1;
-    }
-    if (is_monitoring_loss_change == 0 & avg_prob_of_loss_increase > 0.5) {
-        is_calculating_loss_change = 1;
-        is_monitoring_loss_change = 1;
-        print ("Monitoring the average loss change is ON.        ");
-    }
-    if (is_calculating_loss_change == 1) {
-        avg_loss_change = avg_loss_change * (1 - update_factor_for_avg_loss_change) 
-            + (bilinear_form_value - old_bilinear_form_value) * update_factor_for_avg_loss_change;
-    }
-    if (is_observed == 0 & ((is_monitoring_loss_change == 1 & avg_loss_change > 0) | iter > max_num_burnin_iterations)) {
-        print ("Burn-in ENDS, observation STARTS.        ");
-        is_observed = 1;
-    }
-    old_bilinear_form_value = bilinear_form_value;
-    bilinear_form_value_to_print = bilinear_form_value;
-    if (bilinear_form_value < 100000) {
-        bilinear_form_value_to_print = round (10000 * bilinear_form_value) / 10000;
-    } else {
-    if (bilinear_form_value < 1000000000) {
-        bilinear_form_value_to_print = round (bilinear_form_value);
-    }}
-    if (is_monitoring_loss_change == 0) {
-        print ("MCMC iteration " + iter + ":  Prob [loss_increase] = " + (round (10000 * avg_prob_of_loss_increase) / 10000)
-            + ",  bilinear form value = " + bilinear_form_value_to_print);
-    } else {
-        print ("MCMC iteration " + iter + ":  Prob [loss_increase] = " + (round (10000 * avg_prob_of_loss_increase) / 10000) 
-            + ",  bilinear form value = " + bilinear_form_value_to_print + ",  avg_loss_change = " + (round (10000 * avg_loss_change) / 10000));
-    }
-    # Create a normally distributed random sample
-    dim_half_sample = castAsScalar (round (dim_sample / 2 + 0.1 + zero));
-    rnd1 = Rand (rows = dim_half_sample, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 1.0);
-    rnd2 = Rand (rows = dim_half_sample, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 1.0);
-    rnd_normal_1 = sqrt (- 2.0 * log (rnd1)) * sin (2 * pi * rnd2);
-    rnd_normal_2 = sqrt (- 2.0 * log (rnd1)) * cos (2 * pi * rnd2);
-    rnd_normal = matrix (0.0, rows = dim_sample, cols = 1);
-    rnd_normal [1 : dim_half_sample, ] = rnd_normal_1;
-    rnd_normal [(dim_sample - dim_half_sample + 1) : dim_sample, ] = rnd_normal_2;
-    # Initialize updaters
-    freeVars_updater = freeVars * 0.0;
-    params_updater = params * 0.0;
-    regresValues_updater = regresValues * 0.0;
-    regresParams_updater = regresParams * 0.0;
-    bilinear_updater_vector = bilinear_form_vector * 0.0;
-    # Perform the sampling
-    for (idx in 1:dim_sample)
-    {
-        # Generate the sample unit-vector and updaters
-        if (castAsScalar (isVar [1, idx]) > 0.5) {
-            freeVars_updater = SampleOrder [1 : num_frees, idx];
-            regresValues_updater = RegresValueMap %*% CReps %*% freeVars_updater;
-            bilinear_updater_vector = regresValues_updater * regresParams;
-        } else {
-            params_updater = SampleOrder [(num_frees + 1) : dim_sample, idx];
-            regresParams_updater = RegresParamMap %*% params_updater;
-            bilinear_updater_vector = regresValues * regresParams_updater;
-        }
-        bilinear_updater = matrix (bilinear_updater_vector, rows = num_reg_eqs, cols = num_factors, byrow = TRUE);
-        # Compute the quadratic by three shift-points: -1, 0, +1
-        bilinear_form_value = sum (RegresScaleMult * rowSums (bilinear_form) * rowSums (bilinear_form));
-        q_minus_1 = sum (RegresScaleMult * rowSums (bilinear_form - bilinear_updater) * rowSums (bilinear_form - bilinear_updater));
-        q_plus_1  = sum (RegresScaleMult * rowSums (bilinear_form + bilinear_updater) * rowSums (bilinear_form + bilinear_updater));
-        coeff_b = (q_plus_1 - q_minus_1) / 2.0;
-        coeff_a = (q_plus_1 + q_minus_1) / 2.0 - bilinear_form_value;
-        # Find the mean and the sigma for f(x) ~ exp (- (ax^2 + bx + c)),
-        # then compute the shift to get the new sample
-        mean_shift  = - coeff_b / (2.0 * coeff_a);
-        sigma_shift = 1.0 / sqrt (2.0 * coeff_a);
-        shift = mean_shift + sigma_shift * castAsScalar (rnd_normal [idx, 1]);
-# mmm = 1;
-# if (castAsScalar (isVar [1, idx]) > 0.5 &          # IT IS A FREE VARIABLE, NOT A PARAMETER
-#     castAsScalar (freeVars_updater [mmm, 1]) > 0)  # IT IS mmm-TH FREE VARIABLE
-# {
-# #   print ("freeVars[" + mmm + "]:  q_minus_1 = " + q_minus_1 + ",   q_plus_1 = " + q_plus_1 + ",   coeff_a = " + coeff_a + ",   coeff_b = " + coeff_b);
-#     print ("freeVars[" + mmm + "]:  q_minus_1 = " + q_minus_1 + ",   q_plus_1 = " + q_plus_1 + ",   mean_shift = " + mean_shift + ",   sigma_shift = " + sigma_shift + ",   shift = " + shift);
-# }
-# if (castAsScalar (isVar [1, idx]) <= 0.5 &       # IT IS A PARAMETER, NOT A FREE VARIABLE
-#     castAsScalar (params_updater [mmm, 1]) > 0)  # IT IS mmm-TH PARAMETER
-# {
-# #   print ("  params[" + mmm + "]:  q_minus_1 = " + q_minus_1 + ",   q_plus_1 = " + q_plus_1 + ",   coeff_a = " + coeff_a + ",   coeff_b = " + coeff_b);
-#     print ("  params[" + mmm + "]:  q_minus_1 = " + q_minus_1 + ",   q_plus_1 = " + q_plus_1 + ",   mean_shift = " + mean_shift + ",   sigma_shift = " + sigma_shift + ",   shift = " + shift);
-# }
-        # Perform the updates
-        bilinear_form = bilinear_form + shift * bilinear_updater;
-        if (castAsScalar (isVar [1, idx]) > 0.5) {
-            freeVars = freeVars + shift * freeVars_updater;
-            regresValues = regresValues + shift * regresValues_updater;
-        } else {
-            params = params + shift * params_updater;
-            regresParams = regresParams + shift * regresParams_updater;
-        }
-    }
-    # Update / adjust the reports and the parameters
-    reports = CReps %*% freeVars + dReps;
-    reports_matrix = matrix (reports, rows = num_attrs, cols = num_terms, byrow = FALSE);
-    # Make an observation of the reports and/or the parameters
-    if (is_observed > 0)
-    {
-        sum_of_observed_reports = sum_of_observed_reports + reports_matrix;
-        num_of_observed_reports = num_of_observed_reports + 1;
-        sum_of_observed_params = sum_of_observed_params + params;
-        sum_of_observed_losses = sum_of_observed_losses + bilinear_form_value;
-    }
-# v1 =castAsScalar(round(10000*reports[1 + (num_terms - 1) * num_attrs, 1])/10000);
-# v2 =castAsScalar(round(10000*reports[2 + (num_terms - 1) * num_attrs, 1])/10000);
-# v3 =castAsScalar(round(10000*reports[3 + (num_terms - 1) * num_attrs, 1])/10000);
-# v4 =castAsScalar(round(10000*reports[4 + (num_terms - 1) * num_attrs, 1])/10000);
-# w1 =castAsScalar(round(10000*reports_matrix[ 1,num_terms])/10000);
-# w2 =castAsScalar(round(10000*reports_matrix[ 2,num_terms])/10000);
-# w3 =castAsScalar(round(10000*reports_matrix[ 3,num_terms])/10000);
-# w4 =castAsScalar(round(10000*reports_matrix[ 4,num_terms])/10000);
-# v5 =castAsScalar(round(reports_matrix[ 5,num_terms]));
-# v8 =castAsScalar(round(reports_matrix[ 8,num_terms]));
-# v9 =castAsScalar(round(reports_matrix[ 9,num_terms]));
-# v10=castAsScalar(round(reports_matrix[10,num_terms]));
-# v16=castAsScalar(round(reports_matrix[16,num_terms]));
-# v19=castAsScalar(round(reports_matrix[19,num_terms]));
-#print (" Sample = 1:" + v1 + ", 2:" + v2 + ", 3:" + v3 + ", 4:" + v4);
-## + ", 5:" + v5 + ", 8:" + v8 + ", 9:" + v9 + ", 10:" + v10 + ", 16:" + v16 + ", 19:" + v19);
-#print (" Sample = 1:" + w1 + ", 2:" + w2 + ", 3:" + w3 + ", 4:" + w4);
-## + ", 5:" + w5 + ", 8:" + w8 + ", 9:" + w9 + ", 10:" + w10 + ", 16:" + w16 + ", 19:" + w19);
-print ("Average observed loss = " + (sum_of_observed_losses / num_of_observed_reports));
-print ("Writing out the results...");
-avg_reports_matrix = sum_of_observed_reports / num_of_observed_reports;
-avg_params = sum_of_observed_params / num_of_observed_reports;
-write (avg_reports_matrix, $11, format="text");
-write (avg_params, $12, format="text");
-print ("END ImputeGaussMCMC");
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# Implements the MCMC algorithm for imputation of missing data into a time-series of "reports".
+# Each report is a fixed-size vector of attribute values; reports come out each year/quarter/month ("term").
+# Hard linear equality constraints restrict values in/across the reports, e.g. total cost = sum of all costs.
+# Soft linear regression constraints define dependencies between values in/across the reports.
+# Linear regression parameters are unknown and sampled together with the missing values in the reports.
+# INPUT 1: Initial reports matrix [1 : num_attrs, 1 : num_terms] with missing values usually set to zero,
+#          but it MUST BE CONSISTENT with hard constraints! Set some missing values to nonzero if needed.
+#          There are "num_terms" reports in the matrix, each having "num_attrs" attribute values.
+# INPUT 2: Sparse matrix [1 : (num_terms * num_attrs), 1 : num_frees] that defines a linear map from
+#          "free" variables to the reports matrix. A tensor of size (num_terms * num_attrs * num_frees)
+#          where the reports matrix is stretched into a column-vector [1 : (num_terms * num_attrs)].
+#          Term = t, attribute = i  -->  index = (t-1) * num_attrs + i
+# INPUT 3: Sparse matrix [1 : (num_reg_eqs * num_factors), 1 : (num_terms * num_attrs)] that defines
+#          a linear map from the stretched matrix of reports to the stretched matrix of regression factors.
+# INPUT 4: Sparse vector [1 : (num_reg_eqs * num_factors), 1] that defines "default regression factors"
+#          (if nonzero) to be added to the regression factors before they are multiplied by parameters.
+# INPUT 5: Sparse matrix [1 : (num_reg_eqs * num_factors), 1 : num_params] that defines a linear map
+#          from the vector of parameters to the stretched matrix of regression factors.
+# INPUT 6: Sparse vector [1 : (num_reg_eqs * num_factors), 1] that defines default regression coefficients
+#          (if nonzero) to be added to the parameters (if any) before being multiplied by regression factors.
+# INPUT 7: A vector [1 : num_reg_eqs, 1] of scale multipliers, one per regression
+# INPUT 8 : Number of factors in a regression equation, including the estimated value
+# INPUT 9 : Maximum number of burn-in full iterations (that sample each variable and each parameter once)
+#           BUT the actual number of burn-in iterations may be smaller if "free fall" ends sooner
+# INPUT 10: Maximum number of observed full iterations (that sample each variable and each parameter once)
+# INPUT 11: Output file name and path for the average MCMC reports table
+# INPUT 12: Output file for debugging (currently: the average parameters vector)
+# Example:
+# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f test/scripts/applications/impute/imputeGaussMCMC.dml -exec singlenode -args
+#    test/scripts/applications/impute/initial_reports
+#    test/scripts/applications/impute/CReps
+#    test/scripts/applications/impute/RegresValueMap
+#    test/scripts/applications/impute/RegresFactorDefault
+#    test/scripts/applications/impute/RegresParamMap
+#    test/scripts/applications/impute/RegresCoeffDefault
+#    test/scripts/applications/impute/RegresScaleMult
+#    4 1000 100
+#    test/scripts/applications/impute/output_reports
+#    test/scripts/applications/impute/debug_info
+print ("START ImputeGaussMCMC");
+print ("Reading the input files...");
+initial_reports = read ($1);
+CReps = read ($2);
+num_terms = ncol (initial_reports);   # Number of periods for which reports are produced
+num_attrs = nrow (initial_reports);   # Number of attribute values per each term report
+num_frees = ncol (CReps);   # Number of free variables used to describe all consistent reports
+dReps_size = num_terms * num_attrs;
+dReps = matrix (initial_reports, rows = dReps_size, cols = 1, byrow = FALSE);
+# We assume that all report-series consistent with hard constraints form an affine set:
+#     reports = CReps %*% freeVars + dReps
+# Here "freeVars" is a vector of "free variables" (degrees of freedom), "CReps" is a linear mapping,
+# and "dReps" are the default values for the reports that correspond to the initial reports matrix.
+RegresValueMap = read ($3);
+RegresFactorDefault = read ($4);
+RegresParamMap = read ($5); 
+RegresCoeffDefault = read ($6); 
+RegresScaleMult = read ($7);
+num_factors = $8;   # Number of factors in each regression equation, including the estimated value
+num_reg_eqs = nrow (RegresParamMap) / num_factors;   # Number of regression equations
+num_params  = ncol (RegresParamMap);   # Number of parameters used in all regressions
+max_num_burnin_iterations = $9;
+max_num_observed_iterations = $10;
+ones_fv = matrix (1.0, rows = 1, cols = num_frees);
+ones_pm = matrix (1.0, rows = 1, cols = num_params);
+twos_re = matrix (2.0, rows = 1, cols = num_reg_eqs);
+# Create a summation operator (matrix) that adds the factors in each regression:
+ncols_SumFactor = num_reg_eqs * num_factors;
+SumFactor = matrix (0.0, rows = num_reg_eqs, cols = ncols_SumFactor);
+ones_f = matrix (1.0, rows = 1, cols = num_factors);
+SumFactor [1, 1:num_factors] = ones_f;
+nSumFactor = 1;
+while (nSumFactor < num_reg_eqs) {
+    incSumFactor = nSumFactor;
+    if (incSumFactor > num_reg_eqs - nSumFactor) {
+        incSumFactor = num_reg_eqs - nSumFactor;
+    }
+    SumFactor [(nSumFactor + 1) : (nSumFactor + incSumFactor), 
+        (nSumFactor * num_factors + 1) : ((nSumFactor + incSumFactor) * num_factors)] = 
+            SumFactor [1 : incSumFactor, 1 : (incSumFactor * num_factors)];
+    nSumFactor = nSumFactor + incSumFactor;
+freeVars = matrix (0.0, rows = num_frees, cols = 1);
+params = matrix (1.0, rows = num_params, cols = 1);
+num_opt_iter = 20;
+print ("Performing initial optimization (" + num_opt_iter + " alternating CG steps)...");
+reports = CReps %*% freeVars + dReps;
+regresValues = RegresValueMap %*% reports + RegresFactorDefault;
+regresParams = RegresParamMap %*% params  + RegresCoeffDefault;
+bilinear_sums = SumFactor %*% (regresValues * regresParams);
+w_bilinear_sums = RegresScaleMult * bilinear_sums;
+bilinear_form_value = sum (w_bilinear_sums * bilinear_sums);
+opt_iter = 1;
+is_step_params = 1;
+is_opt_converged = 0;
+print ("Before optimization:    Initial bilinear form value = " + bilinear_form_value);
+while (is_opt_converged == 0)
+    deg = is_step_params * num_params + (1 - is_step_params) * num_frees;
+    shift_vector = matrix (0.0, rows = deg, cols = 1);
+    # Compute gradient
+    if (is_step_params == 1) {
+        gradient = twos_re %*% ((w_bilinear_sums %*% ones_pm) * (SumFactor %*% ((regresValues %*% ones_pm) *  RegresParamMap)));
+    } else {
+        gradient = twos_re %*% ((w_bilinear_sums %*% ones_fv) * (SumFactor %*% ((regresParams %*% ones_fv) * (RegresValueMap %*% CReps))));
+    }
+    # Make a few conjugate gradient steps
+    residual = t(gradient);
+    p = - residual;
+    norm_r2 = sum (residual * residual);
+    cg_iter = 1;
+    cg_terminate = 0;
+    while (cg_terminate == 0)
+    {
+        # Want: q = A %*% p;
+        # Compute gradient change from 0 to p
+        if (is_step_params == 1) {
+            w_bilinear_p = RegresScaleMult * (SumFactor %*% (regresValues * (RegresParamMap %*% p)));
+            gradient_change_p = twos_re %*% ((w_bilinear_p %*% ones_pm) * (SumFactor %*% ((regresValues %*% ones_pm) * RegresParamMap)));
+        } else {
+            w_bilinear_p = RegresScaleMult * (SumFactor %*% ((RegresValueMap %*% CReps %*% p) * regresParams));
+            gradient_change_p = twos_re %*% ((w_bilinear_p %*% ones_fv) * (SumFactor %*% ((regresParams %*% ones_fv) * (RegresValueMap %*% CReps))));
+        }
+        q = t(gradient_change_p);
+        alpha = norm_r2 / castAsScalar (t(p) %*% q);
+        shift_vector_change = alpha * p;
+        shift_vector = shift_vector + shift_vector_change;
+        old_norm_r2 = norm_r2;
+        residual = residual + alpha * q;
+        norm_r2 = sum (residual * residual);
+        p = - residual + (norm_r2 / old_norm_r2) * p;
+        cg_iter = cg_iter + 1;
+        if (cg_iter > min (deg, 2 + opt_iter / 3)) {
+            cg_terminate = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    if (is_step_params == 1) {
+        params = params + shift_vector;
+        regresParams = RegresParamMap %*% params + RegresCoeffDefault;
+    } else {
+        freeVars = freeVars + shift_vector;
+        reports = CReps %*% freeVars + dReps;
+        regresValues = RegresValueMap %*% reports + RegresFactorDefault;
+    }
+    # Update the bilinear form and check convergence
+    if (is_step_params == 1) {
+        old_bilinear_form_value = bilinear_form_value;
+    }
+    bilinear_sums = SumFactor %*% (regresValues * regresParams);
+    w_bilinear_sums = RegresScaleMult * bilinear_sums;
+    bilinear_form_value = sum (w_bilinear_sums * bilinear_sums);
+    if (is_step_params == 1) {
+        print ("Optimization step " + opt_iter + " (params) :  bilinear form value = " + bilinear_form_value);
+    } else {
+        print ("Optimization step " + opt_iter + " (reports):  bilinear form value = " + bilinear_form_value);
+    }
+    is_step_params = 1 - is_step_params;
+    opt_iter = opt_iter + 1;
+    if (is_step_params == 1 & opt_iter > num_opt_iter) {
+        is_opt_converged = 1;
+    }
+print ("Starting Gradient Descent...");
+# num_past_dirVs  = 3;
+# past_dirVFrees  = matrix (0.0, rows = num_frees,  cols = num_past_dirVs);
+# past_dirVParams = matrix (0.0, rows = num_params, cols = num_past_dirVs);
+shift_T = -1000.0;
+is_enough_gradient_descent = 0;
+gd_iter = 0;
+while (is_enough_gradient_descent == 0)
+    reports = CReps %*% freeVars + dReps;
+    regresValues = RegresValueMap %*% reports + RegresFactorDefault;
+    regresParams = RegresParamMap %*% params  + RegresCoeffDefault;
+    bilinear_sums = SumFactor %*% (regresValues * regresParams);
+    w_bilinear_sums = RegresScaleMult * bilinear_sums;
+    gradientInFrees  = twos_re %*% ((w_bilinear_sums %*% ones_fv) * (SumFactor %*% ((regresParams %*% ones_fv) * (RegresValueMap %*% CReps))));
+    gradientInParams = twos_re %*% ((w_bilinear_sums %*% ones_pm) * (SumFactor %*% ((regresValues %*% ones_pm) *  RegresParamMap)));
+    shift_frees  = matrix (0.0, rows = num_frees,  cols = 1);
+    shift_params = matrix (0.0, rows = num_params, cols = 1);
+    residual_frees  = t(gradientInFrees);
+    residual_params = t(gradientInParams);
+    p_frees  = - residual_frees;
+    p_params = - residual_params;
+    norm_r2 = sum (residual_frees * residual_frees) + sum (residual_params * residual_params);
+    cg_iter = 1;
+    cg_terminate = 0;
+    cg_eps = 0.000001;
+    while (cg_terminate == 0)
+    {
+        regresValues_eps_p = regresValues + cg_eps * (RegresValueMap %*% CReps %*% p_frees);
+        regresParams_eps_p = regresParams + cg_eps * (RegresParamMap %*% p_params);
+        bilinear_sums_eps_p   = SumFactor %*% (regresValues_eps_p * regresParams_eps_p);
+        w_bilinear_sums_eps_p = RegresScaleMult * bilinear_sums_eps_p;
+        gradientInFrees_eps_p  = twos_re %*% ((w_bilinear_sums_eps_p %*% ones_fv) * (SumFactor %*% ((regresParams_eps_p %*% ones_fv) * (RegresValueMap %*% CReps))));
+        gradientInParams_eps_p = twos_re %*% ((w_bilinear_sums_eps_p %*% ones_pm) * (SumFactor %*% ((regresValues_eps_p %*% ones_pm) *  RegresParamMap)));
+        q_frees  = t(gradientInFrees_eps_p  - gradientInFrees)  / cg_eps;
+        q_params = t(gradientInParams_eps_p - gradientInParams) / cg_eps;
+        alpha = norm_r2 / castAsScalar (t(p_frees) %*% q_frees + t(p_params) %*% q_params);
+        shift_frees  = shift_frees  + alpha * p_frees;
+        shift_params = shift_params + alpha * p_params;
+        old_norm_r2 = norm_r2;
+        residual_frees  = residual_frees  + alpha * q_frees;
+        residual_params = residual_params + alpha * q_params;
+        norm_r2 = sum (residual_frees * residual_frees) + sum (residual_params * residual_params);
+        p_frees  = - residual_frees  + (norm_r2 / old_norm_r2) * p_frees;
+        p_params = - residual_params + (norm_r2 / old_norm_r2) * p_params;
+        cg_iter = cg_iter + 1;
+        if (cg_iter > 4) {
+            cg_terminate = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    dirVFrees_candidate  = shift_frees;
+    dirVParams_candidate = shift_params;
+#        random_frees  = Rand (rows = num_frees,  cols = 1, min = 0.9, max = 1.1, sparsity = 1.0);
+#        random_params = Rand (rows = num_params, cols = 1, min = 0.9, max = 1.1, sparsity = 1.0);
+#        dirVFrees_candidate  = dirVFrees_candidate  * random_frees;
+#        dirVParams_candidate = dirVParams_candidate * random_params;
+    dirVFrees  = dirVFrees_candidate;
+    dirVParams = dirVParams_candidate;
+#   dirV_proj_factors =  t(past_dirVFrees) %*% dirVFrees_candidate + t(past_dirVParams) %*% dirVParams_candidate;
+#   dirVFrees  = dirVFrees_candidate  - past_dirVFrees  %*% dirV_proj_factors;
+#   dirVParams = dirVParams_candidate - past_dirVParams %*% dirV_proj_factors;
+    dirV_denom = sqrt (sum (dirVFrees * dirVFrees) + sum (dirVParams * dirVParams));
+    dirVFrees  = dirVFrees  / dirV_denom;
+    dirVParams = dirVParams / dirV_denom;
+#   past_dirVFrees  [, 2:num_past_dirVs] = past_dirVFrees  [, 1:(num_past_dirVs-1)];
+#   past_dirVParams [, 2:num_past_dirVs] = past_dirVParams [, 1:(num_past_dirVs-1)];
+#   past_dirVFrees  [, 1] = dirVFrees;
+#   past_dirVParams [, 1] = dirVParams;
+### GD-STEP 4: COMPUTE THE POLYNOMIAL FOR  d loss(t) / dt
+    dirVRegresValues = RegresValueMap %*% CReps %*% dirVFrees;
+    dirVRegresParams = RegresParamMap %*% dirVParams;
+    dirVdirV_bilinear_sums = SumFactor %*% (dirVRegresValues * dirVRegresParams);
+    dirV_bilinear_sums = SumFactor %*% (dirVRegresValues * regresParams + regresValues * dirVRegresParams);
+    L_0 = sum (w_bilinear_sums * bilinear_sums);
+    L_prime_0 = 2.0 * sum (w_bilinear_sums * dirV_bilinear_sums);
+    freeVars_T = freeVars + shift_T * dirVFrees;
+    params_T   = params   + shift_T * dirVParams;
+    reports_T = CReps %*% freeVars_T + dReps;
+    regresValues_T = RegresValueMap %*% reports_T + RegresFactorDefault;
+    regresParams_T = RegresParamMap %*% params_T  + RegresCoeffDefault;
+    bilinear_sums_T = SumFactor %*% (regresValues_T * regresParams_T);
+    w_bilinear_sums_T = RegresScaleMult * bilinear_sums_T;
+    dirV_bilinear_sums_T = SumFactor %*% (dirVRegresValues * regresParams_T + regresValues_T * dirVRegresParams);
+    L_T = sum (w_bilinear_sums_T * bilinear_sums_T);
+    L_prime_T = 2.0 * sum (w_bilinear_sums_T * dirV_bilinear_sums_T);
+    coeff_a = 4.0 * sum (RegresScaleMult * dirVdirV_bilinear_sums * dirVdirV_bilinear_sums);
+    coeff_b = -1.5 * coeff_a * shift_T + 3.0 * (L_prime_0 + L_prime_T + 2.0 * (L_0 - L_T) / shift_T) / (shift_T * shift_T);
+    coeff_c = 0.5 * coeff_a * shift_T * shift_T - 2.0 * (2.0 * L_prime_0 + L_prime_T + 3.0 * (L_0 - L_T) / shift_T) / shift_T;
+    coeff_d = L_prime_0;
+    coeff_aa = coeff_b / coeff_a;
+    coeff_bb = coeff_c / coeff_a;
+    coeff_cc = coeff_d / coeff_a;
+    coeff_Q = (coeff_aa * coeff_aa - 3.0 * coeff_bb) / 9.0;
+    coeff_R = (2.0 * coeff_aa * coeff_aa * coeff_aa - 9.0 * coeff_aa * coeff_bb + 27.0 * coeff_cc) / 54.0;
+    root_choice = 0.0;
+    if (coeff_R * coeff_R < coeff_Q * coeff_Q * coeff_Q)
+    {
+        two_pi_third = 2.0943951023931954923084289221863;
+        acos_argument = coeff_R / sqrt (coeff_Q * coeff_Q * coeff_Q);
+        x = abs (acos_argument);
+        acos_x = sqrt (1.0 - x) * (1.5707963050 + x * (-0.2145988016
+            + x * ( 0.0889789874 + x * (-0.0501743046
+            + x * ( 0.0308918810 + x * (-0.0170881256
+            + x * ( 0.0066700901 + x * (-0.0012624911))))))));
+        if (acos_argument >= 0.0) {
+            coeff_theta = acos_x;
+        } else {
+            coeff_theta = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 - acos_x;
+        }
+        root_1 = - coeff_aa / 3.0 - 2.0 * sqrt (coeff_Q) * cos (coeff_theta / 3.0);
+        root_2 = - coeff_aa / 3.0 - 2.0 * sqrt (coeff_Q) * cos (coeff_theta / 3.0 + two_pi_third);
+        root_3 = - coeff_aa / 3.0 - 2.0 * sqrt (coeff_Q) * cos (coeff_theta / 3.0 - two_pi_third);
+        root_min = min (min (root_1, root_2), root_3);
+        root_max = max (max (root_1, root_2), root_3);        
+        root_int_diff = (((root_max * coeff_a / 4.0 + coeff_b / 3.0) * root_max + coeff_c / 2.0) * root_max + coeff_d) * root_max
+                      - (((root_min * coeff_a / 4.0 + coeff_b / 3.0) * root_min + coeff_c / 2.0) * root_min + coeff_d) * root_min;
+        if (root_int_diff >= 0.0) {
+            root_choice = root_min;
+        } else {
+            root_choice = root_max;
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (coeff_R >= 0.0) {
+            sgn_coeff_R = 1.0;
+        } else {
+            sgn_coeff_R = -1.0;
+        }
+        coeff_bigA = - sgn_coeff_R * (abs (coeff_R) + sqrt (coeff_R * coeff_R - coeff_Q * coeff_Q * coeff_Q)) ^ (1.0 / 3.0);
+        if (coeff_bigA != 0.0) {
+            root_choice = coeff_bigA + coeff_Q / coeff_bigA - coeff_aa / 3.0;
+        } else {
+            root_choice = - coeff_aa / 3.0;
+        }
+    }
+    root_choice = root_choice - 
+        (((coeff_a * root_choice + coeff_b) * root_choice + coeff_c) * root_choice + coeff_d) 
+            / ((3 * coeff_a * root_choice + 2 * coeff_b) * root_choice + coeff_c);
+    root_choice = root_choice - 
+        (((coeff_a * root_choice + coeff_b) * root_choice + coeff_c) * root_choice + coeff_d) 
+            / ((3 * coeff_a * root_choice + 2 * coeff_b) * root_choice + coeff_c);
+    freeVars = freeVars + root_choice * dirVFrees;
+    params   = params   + root_choice * dirVParams;
+    root_int_diff = (((root_choice * coeff_a / 4.0 + coeff_b / 3.0) * root_choice + coeff_c / 2.0) * root_choice + coeff_d) * root_choice;
+    if (- root_int_diff < 0.00000001 * L_0) {
+        is_enough_gradient_descent = 1;
+    }
+    gd_iter = gd_iter + 1;
+    print ("Grad Descent Iter " + gd_iter + ":  L = " + (L_0 + root_int_diff) + ";  shift = " + root_choice);
+    shift_T = - 100.0 * sqrt (abs(root_choice) * abs(shift_T));
+print ("Gradient Descent finished.  Starting MCMC...");
+print ("Performing MCMC initialization...");
+reports = CReps %*% freeVars + dReps;
+regresValues = RegresValueMap %*% reports + RegresFactorDefault;
+regresParams = RegresParamMap %*% params  + RegresCoeffDefault;
+bilinear_vector = regresValues * regresParams;
+bilinear_form = matrix (bilinear_vector, rows = num_reg_eqs, cols = num_factors, byrow = TRUE);
+bilinear_form_value = sum (RegresScaleMult * rowSums (bilinear_form) * rowSums (bilinear_form));
+max_num_iter = max_num_burnin_iterations + max_num_observed_iterations;
+dim_sample = num_frees + num_params;
+sample_ones = matrix (1.0, rows = dim_sample, cols = 1);
+# Generate a random permutation matrix for the sampling order of freeVars and params
+SampleOrder = diag (sample_ones);
+num_swaps = 10 * dim_sample;
+rnd = Rand (rows = num_swaps, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 1.0);
+left_swap  = round (0.5 + dim_sample * rnd);
+rnd = Rand (rows = num_swaps, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 1.0);
+right_swap = round (0.5 + dim_sample * rnd);
+for (swap_i in 1:num_swaps) {
+    l = castAsScalar (left_swap  [swap_i, 1]);
+    r = castAsScalar (right_swap [swap_i, 1]);
+    if (l != r) {
+        tmp_row = SampleOrder [l, ];
+        SampleOrder [l, ] = SampleOrder [r, ];
+        SampleOrder [r, ] = tmp_row;
+    }
+pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
+zero = matrix (0.0, rows = 1, cols = 1);
+isVar = colSums (SampleOrder [1 : num_frees, ]);
+sum_of_observed_reports = matrix (0.0, rows = num_attrs, cols = num_terms);
+sum_of_observed_params = matrix (0.0, rows = num_params, cols = 1);
+num_of_observed_reports = 0;
+sum_of_observed_losses = 0.0;
+is_observed = 0;
+is_calculating_loss_change = 0;
+is_monitoring_loss_change = 0;
+avg_prob_of_loss_increase = 0;
+update_factor_for_avg_loss_change = 0.02;
+avg_loss_change = -50.0 * update_factor_for_avg_loss_change;
+old_bilinear_form_value = bilinear_form_value;
+# Starting MCMC iterations
+iter = 0;
+while ((iter < max_num_iter) & (num_of_observed_reports < max_num_observed_iterations))
+    iter = iter + 1;
+    # Initialize (bi-)linear forms
+    regresValues = RegresValueMap %*% reports + RegresFactorDefault;
+    regresParams = RegresParamMap %*% params + RegresCoeffDefault;
+    bilinear_form_vector = regresValues * regresParams;
+    bilinear_form = matrix (bilinear_form_vector, rows = num_reg_eqs, cols = num_factors, byrow = TRUE);
+    bilinear_form_value = sum (RegresScaleMult * rowSums (bilinear_form) * rowSums (bilinear_form));
+    if (bilinear_form_value > old_bilinear_form_value) {
+        avg_prob_of_loss_increase = avg_prob_of_loss_increase * (1 - update_factor_for_avg_loss_change) + 1 * update_factor_for_avg_loss_change;
+    } else {
+        avg_prob_of_loss_increase = avg_prob_of_loss_increase * (1 - update_factor_for_avg_loss_change);
+    }
+    if (is_calculating_loss_change == 0 & avg_prob_of_loss_increase > 0.4) {
+        is_calculating_loss_change = 1;
+    }
+    if (is_monitoring_loss_change == 0 & avg_prob_of_loss_increase > 0.5) {
+        is_calculating_loss_change = 1;
+        is_monitoring_loss_change = 1;
+        print ("Monitoring the average loss change is ON.        ");
+    }
+    if (is_calculating_loss_change == 1) {
+        avg_loss_change = avg_loss_change * (1 - update_factor_for_avg_loss_change) 
+            + (bilinear_form_value - old_bilinear_form_value) * update_factor_for_avg_loss_change;
+    }
+    if (is_observed == 0 & ((is_monitoring_loss_change == 1 & avg_loss_change > 0) | iter > max_num_burnin_iterations)) {
+        print ("Burn-in ENDS, observation STARTS.        ");
+        is_observed = 1;
+    }
+    old_bilinear_form_value = bilinear_form_value;
+    bilinear_form_value_to_print = bilinear_form_value;
+    if (bilinear_form_value < 100000) {
+        bilinear_form_value_to_print = round (10000 * bilinear_form_value) / 10000;
+    } else {
+    if (bilinear_form_value < 1000000000) {
+        bilinear_form_value_to_print = round (bilinear_form_value);
+    }}
+    if (is_monitoring_loss_change == 0) {
+        print ("MCMC iteration " + iter + ":  Prob [loss_increase] = " + (round (10000 * avg_prob_of_loss_increase) / 10000)
+            + ",  bilinear form value = " + bilinear_form_value_to_print);
+    } else {
+        print ("MCMC iteration " + iter + ":  Prob [loss_increase] = " + (round (10000 * avg_prob_of_loss_increase) / 10000) 
+            + ",  bilinear form value = " + bilinear_form_value_to_print + ",  avg_loss_change = " + (round (10000 * avg_loss_change) / 10000));
+    }
+    # Create a normally distributed random sample
+    dim_half_sample = castAsScalar (round (dim_sample / 2 + 0.1 + zero));
+    rnd1 = Rand (rows = dim_half_sample, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 1.0);
+    rnd2 = Rand (rows = dim_half_sample, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 1.0);
+    rnd_normal_1 = sqrt (- 2.0 * log (rnd1)) * sin (2 * pi * rnd2);
+    rnd_normal_2 = sqrt (- 2.0 * log (rnd1)) * cos (2 * pi * rnd2);
+    rnd_normal = matrix (0.0, rows = dim_sample, cols = 1);
+    rnd_normal [1 : dim_half_sample, ] = rnd_normal_1;
+    rnd_normal [(dim_sample - dim_half_sample + 1) : dim_sample, ] = rnd_normal_2;
+    # Initialize updaters
+    freeVars_updater = freeVars * 0.0;
+    params_updater = params * 0.0;
+    regresValues_updater = regresValues * 0.0;
+    regresParams_updater = regresParams * 0.0;
+    bilinear_updater_vector = bilinear_form_vector * 0.0;
+    # Perform the sampling
+    for (idx in 1:dim_sample)
+    {
+        # Generate the sample unit-vector and updaters
+        if (castAsScalar (isVar [1, idx]) > 0.5) {
+            freeVars_updater = SampleOrder [1 : num_frees, idx];
+            regresValues_updater = RegresValueMap %*% CReps %*% freeVars_updater;
+            bilinear_updater_vector = regresValues_updater * regresParams;
+        } else {
+            params_updater = SampleOrder [(num_frees + 1) : dim_sample, idx];
+            regresParams_updater = RegresParamMap %*% params_updater;
+            bilinear_updater_vector = regresValues * regresParams_updater;
+        }
+        bilinear_updater = matrix (bilinear_updater_vector, rows = num_reg_eqs, cols = num_factors, byrow = TRUE);
+        # Compute the quadratic by three shift-points: -1, 0, +1
+        bilinear_form_value = sum (RegresScaleMult * rowSums (bilinear_form) * rowSums (bilinear_form));
+        q_minus_1 = sum (RegresScaleMult * rowSums (bilinear_form - bilinear_updater) * rowSums (bilinear_form - bilinear_updater));
+        q_plus_1  = sum (RegresScaleMult * rowSums (bilinear_form + bilinear_updater) * rowSums (bilinear_form + bilinear_updater));
+        coeff_b = (q_plus_1 - q_minus_1) / 2.0;
+        coeff_a = (q_plus_1 + q_minus_1) / 2.0 - bilinear_form_value;
+        # Find the mean and the sigma for f(x) ~ exp (- (ax^2 + bx + c)),
+        # then compute the shift to get the new sample
+        mean_shift  = - coeff_b / (2.0 * coeff_a);
+        sigma_shift = 1.0 / sqrt (2.0 * coeff_a);
+        shift = mean_shift + sigma_shift * castAsScalar (rnd_normal [idx, 1]);
+# mmm = 1;
+# if (castAsScalar (isVar [1, idx]) > 0.5 &          # IT IS A FREE VARIABLE, NOT A PARAMETER
+#     castAsScalar (freeVars_updater [mmm, 1]) > 0)  # IT IS mmm-TH FREE VARIABLE
+# {
+# #   print ("freeVars[" + mmm + "]:  q_minus_1 = " + q_minus_1 + ",   q_plus_1 = " + q_plus_1 + ",   coeff_a = " + coeff_a + ",   coeff_b = " + coeff_b);
+#     print ("freeVars[" + mmm + "]:  q_minus_1 = " + q_minus_1 + ",   q_plus_1 = " + q_plus_1 + ",   mean_shift = " + mean_shift + ",   sigma_shift = " + sigma_shift + ",   shift = " + shift);
+# }
+# if (castAsScalar (isVar [1, idx]) <= 0.5 &       # IT IS A PARAMETER, NOT A FREE VARIABLE
+#     castAsScalar (params_updater [mmm, 1]) > 0)  # IT IS mmm-TH PARAMETER
+# {
+# #   print ("  params[" + mmm + "]:  q_minus_1 = " + q_minus_1 + ",   q_plus_1 = " + q_plus_1 + ",   coeff_a = " + coeff_a + ",   coeff_b = " + coeff_b);
+#     print ("  params[" + mmm + "]:  q_minus_1 = " + q_minus_1 + ",   q_plus_1 = " + q_plus_1 + ",   mean_shift = " + mean_shift + ",   sigma_shift = " + sigma_shift + ",   shift = " + shift);
+# }
+        # Perform the updates
+        bilinear_form = bilinear_form + shift * bilinear_updater;
+        if (castAsScalar (isVar [1, idx]) > 0.5) {
+            freeVars = freeVars + shift * freeVars_updater;
+            regresValues = regresValues + shift * regresValues_updater;
+        } else {
+            params = params + shift * params_updater;
+            regresParams = regresParams + shift * regresParams_updater;
+        }
+    }
+    # Update / adjust the reports and the parameters
+    reports = CReps %*% freeVars + dReps;
+    reports_matrix = matrix (reports, rows = num_attrs, cols = num_terms, byrow = FALSE);
+    # Make an observation of the reports and/or the parameters
+    if (is_observed > 0)
+    {
+        sum_of_observed_reports = sum_of_observed_reports + reports_matrix;
+        num_of_observed_reports = num_of_observed_reports + 1;
+        sum_of_observed_params = sum_of_observed_params + params;
+        sum_of_observed_losses = sum_of_observed_losses + bilinear_form_value;
+    }
+# v1 =castAsScalar(round(10000*reports[1 + (num_terms - 1) * num_attrs, 1])/10000);
+# v2 =castAsScalar(round(10000*reports[2 + (num_terms - 1) * num_attrs, 1])/10000);
+# v3 =castAsScalar(round(10000*reports[3 + (num_terms - 1) * num_attrs, 1])/10000);
+# v4 =castAsScalar(round(10000*reports[4 + (num_terms - 1) * num_attrs, 1])/10000);
+# w1 =castAsScalar(round(10000*reports_matrix[ 1,num_terms])/10000);
+# w2 =castAsScalar(round(10000*reports_matrix[ 2,num_terms])/10000);
+# w3 =castAsScalar(round(10000*reports_matrix[ 3,num_terms])/10000);
+# w4 =castAsScalar(round(10000*reports_matrix[ 4,num_terms])/10000);
+# v5 =castAsScalar(round(reports_matrix[ 5,num_terms]));
+# v8 =castAsScalar(round(reports_matrix[ 8,num_terms]));
+# v9 =castAsScalar(round(reports_matrix[ 9,num_terms]));
+# v10=castAsScalar(round(reports_matrix[10,num_terms]));
+# v16=castAsScalar(round(reports_matrix[16,num_terms]));
+# v19=castAsScalar(round(reports_matrix[19,num_terms]));
+#print (" Sample = 1:" + v1 + ", 2:" + v2 + ", 3:" + v3 + ", 4:" + v4);
+## + ", 5:" + v5 + ", 8:" + v8 + ", 9:" + v9 + ", 10:" + v10 + ", 16:" + v16 + ", 19:" + v19);
+#print (" Sample = 1:" + w1 + ", 2:" + w2 + ", 3:" + w3 + ", 4:" + w4);
+## + ", 5:" + w5 + ", 8:" + w8 + ", 9:" + w9 + ", 10:" + w10 + ", 16:" + w16 + ", 19:" + w19);
+print ("Average observed loss = " + (sum_of_observed_losses / num_of_observed_reports));
+print ("Writing out the results...");
+avg_reports_matrix = sum_of_observed_reports / num_of_observed_reports;
+avg_params = sum_of_observed_params / num_of_observed_reports;
+write (avg_reports_matrix, $11, format="text");
+write (avg_params, $12, format="text");
+print ("END ImputeGaussMCMC");