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Posted to by on 2004/03/20 05:56:54 UTC

cvs commit: xml-commons relicense-tree.txt

crossley    2004/03/19 20:56:54

  Added:       .        relicense-tree.txt
  Commence the re-licensing job.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  xml-commons/relicense-tree.txt
  Index: relicense-tree.txt
  See the re-license procedure at cvs://committers/relicense/src/perl/
  Mark sections which have had the licence applied,
  using a code in the left-hand column:
  L = The AL-2.0 license is applied
  N = Do not apply any license here - foreign stuff or not needed
  * = There are issues to be addressed
       |   |-- docs
       |   |-- etc
       |   |-- external
       |   |   |-- src
       |   |   |   |-- javax
       |   |   |   |   `-- xml
       |   |   |   |       |-- parsers
       |   |   |   |       `-- transform
       |   |   |   |           |-- dom
       |   |   |   |           |-- sax
       |   |   |   |           `-- stream
       |   |   |   `-- org
       |   |   |       |-- apache
       |   |   |       |   `-- xmlcommons
       |   |   |       |-- w3c
       |   |   |       |   `-- dom
       |   |   |       |       |-- css
       |   |   |       |       |-- events
       |   |   |       |       |-- html
       |   |   |       |       |-- ranges
       |   |   |       |       |-- stylesheets
       |   |   |       |       |-- traversal
       |   |   |       |       `-- views
       |   |   |       `-- xml
       |   |   |           `-- sax
       |   |   |               |-- ext
       |   |   |               `-- helpers
       |   |   `-- xdocs
       |   |       |-- dom
       |   |       |   |-- core
       |   |       |   |   |-- idl
       |   |       |   |   `-- images
       |   |       |   |-- events
       |   |       |   |   |-- idl
       |   |       |   |   `-- images
       |   |       |   |-- style
       |   |       |   |   |-- idl
       |   |       |   |   `-- images
       |   |       |   |-- traversal-range
       |   |       |   |   |-- idl
       |   |       |   |   `-- images
       |   |       |   |-- views
       |   |       |   |   |-- idl
       |   |       |   |   `-- images
       |   |       |   `-- xml
       |   |       |       |-- core
       |   |       |       |   `-- definitions
       |   |       |       |-- events
       |   |       |       |   `-- definitions
       |   |       |       |-- style
       |   |       |       |   `-- definitions
       |   |       |       |-- traversal-range
       |   |       |       `-- views
       |   |       `-- sax
       |   |-- src
       |   |   `-- org
       |   |       `-- apache
       |   |           |-- env
       |   |           `-- xml
       |   |               `-- resolver
       |   |                   |-- apps
       |   |                   |-- helpers
       |   |                   |-- readers
       |   |                   `-- tools
       |   `-- tests
       |       `-- resolver
       |           |-- catalogs
       |           |-- dtds
       |           `-- src
  L    `-- src
  L        `-- documentation
  L            |-- content
  L            |   |-- components
  L            |   |   `-- resolver
  L            |   `-- xdocs
  L            |       `-- components
  L            |           |-- external
  *L           |           |-- resolver    # does it need Ack Sun ?
  L            |           `-- which
  L            `-- resources
  L                `-- images