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Posted to by Andreas Hartmann <> on 2004/02/04 15:12:56 UTC

[RT] More thoughts about the publication API

Hi Lenya developers,

currently I'm implementing a kind of "advanced publication
API" in a publication. I'd like to tell you some of my
thoughts and experiences. Maybe it makes sense to push
down some of those things into the Lenya core.

A short summary of the intention:

| Workflow of my publication            |
| API of my publication                 |
| Lenya API                             |
| Repository                            |

(At the moment, publication-independent classes which
should come from the core are still in my publication.)

I want to push as much functionality as possible down
the layer stack. From the bottom this looks like:


The Lenya API provides easy-to-use access to the complete
flexibility of Lenya.


The API of my publication covers the publication-specific
resources and their capabilities.

This level provides easy-to-use access to the complete
flexibility of my publication. It reduces the complexity
of Lenya to the requirements of the publication-specific
workflow operations.

The workflow functions operate mainly on the objects
of this layer. For simple publications, it won't be
necessary to implement this layer.


At the top level (workflow operations), I want to deal
with quite abstract, "big" things. I don't want to care
about storage details, versioning etc. This makes it
easier to add / change functionality.

The top layer should be as lean as possible to avoid
code duplication in different workflow operations.


Some examples:

Lenya API

public interface Resource {
     ResourceVersion getVersion(...);
     void triggerWorkflow(Situation situation, String event);
     ResourceType getType();

API of my publication

public class Section extends CollectionResource {
     public void addArticle(Article article) {...}

public class Article extends ResourceImpl {
     public String linkToComment(Comment comment} {...}

Workflow layer

public class DeleteArticle {
     public void delete() {


In the publication I refer to, there's a mapping from
document IDs to resource classes. I'm using a ResourceFactory
to build Resource objects for document IDs. This is
kind of knowledge duplication (parameter-doctype.xmap).

We would have to generalize DocumentType to ResourceType and
establish a single way to obtain the ResourceType for a
resource. This could be a component, e.g. with a sitemap
lookup implementation (SourceTypeAction) and a Java
implementation (custom mapping).

OK, this were just some random thoughts.
Feel free to add your opinion, I'll do so later.

-- Andreas

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