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[GitHub] [james-project] Arsnael commented on a change in pull request #736: JAMES-3539 JMAP webpush integration test

Arsnael commented on a change in pull request #736:

File path: server/protocols/jmap-rfc-8621-integration-tests/jmap-rfc-8621-integration-tests-common/src/main/scala/org/apache/james/jmap/rfc8621/contract/WebPushContract.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one   *
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *
+ * distributed with this work for additional information        *
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file   *
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the            *
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance   *
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at   *
+ *                                                              *
+ *                 *
+ *                                                              *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,   *
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the    *
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations      *
+ * under the License.                                           *
+ ****************************************************************/
+package org.apache.james.jmap.rfc8621.contract
+import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT
+import io.restassured.RestAssured.{`given`, requestSpecification}
+import io.restassured.http.ContentType.JSON
+import net.javacrumbs.jsonunit.assertj.JsonAssertions.assertThatJson
+import org.apache.http.HttpStatus
+import org.apache.http.HttpStatus.SC_OK
+import org.apache.james.GuiceJamesServer
+import org.apache.james.jmap.api.model.PushSubscriptionId
+import org.apache.james.jmap.core.ResponseObject.SESSION_STATE
+import org.apache.james.jmap.http.UserCredential
+import org.apache.james.jmap.rfc8621.contract.Fixture.{ACCEPT_RFC8621_VERSION_HEADER, ACCOUNT_ID, ANDRE, ANDRE_PASSWORD, BOB, BOB_PASSWORD, DOMAIN, authScheme, baseRequestSpecBuilder}
+import org.apache.james.mailbox.model.MailboxPath
+import org.apache.james.modules.MailboxProbeImpl
+import org.apache.james.modules.protocols.SmtpGuiceProbe
+import org.apache.james.utils.{DataProbeImpl, SMTPMessageSender, SpoolerProbe, UpdatableTickingClock}
+import org.awaitility.Awaitility
+import org.awaitility.Durations.ONE_HUNDRED_MILLISECONDS
+import org.awaitility.core.ConditionFactory
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.{BeforeEach, Test}
+import org.mockserver.integration.ClientAndServer
+import org.mockserver.mock.action.ExpectationResponseCallback
+import org.mockserver.model.HttpRequest.request
+import org.mockserver.model.HttpResponse.response
+import org.mockserver.model.JsonBody.json
+import org.mockserver.model.Not.not
+import org.mockserver.model.{HttpRequest, HttpResponse}
+import org.mockserver.verify.VerificationTimes
+import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, JsString, Json}
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
+import{ECPrivateKey, ECPublicKey}
+import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
+import java.util.{Base64, UUID}
+trait WebPushContract {
+  private lazy val awaitAtMostTenSeconds: ConditionFactory = Awaitility.`with`
+    .and.`with`.pollDelay(ONE_HUNDRED_MILLISECONDS)
+    .await
+    .atMost(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
+  private lazy val PUSH_URL_PATH: String = "/push2"
+  @BeforeEach
+  def setUp(server: GuiceJamesServer): Unit = {
+    server.getProbe(classOf[DataProbeImpl])
+      .fluent()
+      .addDomain(DOMAIN.asString())
+      .addUser(BOB.asString(), BOB_PASSWORD)
+      .addUser(ANDRE.asString(), ANDRE_PASSWORD)
+    server.getProbe(classOf[MailboxProbeImpl])
+      .createMailbox(MailboxPath.inbox(BOB))
+    requestSpecification = baseRequestSpecBuilder(server)
+      .setAuth(authScheme(UserCredential(BOB, BOB_PASSWORD)))
+      .addHeader(ACCEPT.toString, ACCEPT_RFC8621_VERSION_HEADER)
+      .build()
+  }
+  private def getPushServerUrl(pushServer: ClientAndServer): String =
+    s"${pushServer.getLocalPort}$PUSH_URL_PATH"
+  // return pushSubscriptionId
+  private def createPushSubscription(pushServer: ClientAndServer): String =
+    `given`
+      .body(
+        s"""{
+           |    "using": ["urn:ietf:params:jmap:core"],
+           |    "methodCalls": [
+           |      [
+           |        "PushSubscription/set",
+           |        {
+           |            "create": {
+           |                "4f29": {
+           |                  "deviceClientId": "a889-ffea-910",
+           |                  "url": "${getPushServerUrl(pushServer)}",
+           |                  "types": ["Mailbox"]
+           |                }
+           |              }
+           |        },
+           |        "c1"
+           |      ]
+           |    ]
+           |  }""".stripMargin)
+    .when
+      .post
+    .`then`
+      .statusCode(SC_OK)
+      .extract()
+      .jsonPath()
+      .get("methodResponses[0][1]")
+  private def updateValidateVerificationCode(pushSubscriptionId: String, verificationCode: String): String =
+    `given`()
+      .body(
+        s"""{
+           |    "using": ["urn:ietf:params:jmap:core"],
+           |    "methodCalls": [
+           |      [
+           |        "PushSubscription/set",
+           |        {
+           |            "update": {
+           |                "$pushSubscriptionId": {
+           |                  "verificationCode": "$verificationCode"
+           |                }
+           |              }
+           |        },
+           |        "c1"
+           |      ]
+           |    ]
+           |  }""".stripMargin)
+    .when
+      .post
+    .`then`
+      .statusCode(SC_OK)
+      .contentType(JSON)
+      .extract()
+      .body()
+      .asString()
+  private def sendEmailToBob(server: GuiceJamesServer): Unit = {
+    val smtpMessageSender: SMTPMessageSender = new SMTPMessageSender(DOMAIN.asString())
+    smtpMessageSender.connect("", server.getProbe(classOf[SmtpGuiceProbe]).getSmtpPort)
+      .authenticate(ANDRE.asString, ANDRE_PASSWORD)
+      .sendMessage(ANDRE.asString, BOB.asString())
+    smtpMessageSender.close()
+    awaitAtMostTenSeconds.until(() => server.getProbe(classOf[SpoolerProbe]).processingFinished())
+  }
+  private def setupPushServerCallback(pushServer: ClientAndServer): AtomicReference[String] = {
+    val bodyRequestOnPushServer: AtomicReference[String] = new AtomicReference("")
+    pushServer
+      .when(request
+        .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+        .withMethod("POST"))
+      .respond(new ExpectationResponseCallback() {
+        override def handle(httpRequest: HttpRequest): HttpResponse = {
+          bodyRequestOnPushServer.set(httpRequest.getBodyAsString)
+          response()
+            .withStatusCode(HttpStatus.SC_CREATED)
+        }
+      })
+    bodyRequestOnPushServer
+  }
+  @Test
+  def correctBehaviourShouldSuccess(server: GuiceJamesServer, pushServer: ClientAndServer): Unit = {
+    // Setup mock-server for callback
+    val bodyRequestOnPushServer: AtomicReference[String] = setupPushServerCallback(pushServer)
+    // WHEN bob creates a push subscription
+    val pushSubscriptionId: String = createPushSubscription(pushServer)
+    // THEN a validation code is sent
+    awaitAtMostTenSeconds.untilAsserted { () =>
+      pushServer.verify(HttpRequest.request()
+        .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+        .withBody(json(
+          s"""{
+             |    "@type": "PushVerification",
+             |    "pushSubscriptionId": "$pushSubscriptionId",
+             |    "verificationCode": "$${json-unit.any-string}"
+             |}""".stripMargin)),
+        VerificationTimes.atLeast(1))
+    }
+    // GIVEN bob retrieves the validation code from the mock server
+    val verificationCode: String = Json.parse(bodyRequestOnPushServer.get()).asInstanceOf[JsObject]
+      .value("verificationCode")
+      .asInstanceOf[JsString]
+      .value
+    // WHEN bob updates the validation code via JMAP
+    val updateVerificationCodeResponse: String = updateValidateVerificationCode(pushSubscriptionId, verificationCode)
+    // THEN  it succeed
+    assertThatJson(updateVerificationCodeResponse)
+      .isEqualTo(
+        s"""{
+           |    "sessionState": "${SESSION_STATE.value}",
+           |    "methodResponses": [
+           |        [
+           |            "PushSubscription/set",
+           |            {
+           |                "updated": {
+           |                    "$pushSubscriptionId": {}
+           |                }
+           |            },
+           |            "c1"
+           |        ]
+           |    ]
+           |}""".stripMargin)
+    // WHEN bob receives a mail
+    sendEmailToBob(server)
+    // THEN bob has a stateChange on the push gateway
+    awaitAtMostTenSeconds.untilAsserted { () =>
+      pushServer.verify(HttpRequest.request()
+        .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+        .withBody(json(
+          s"""{
+             |    "@type": "StateChange",
+             |    "changed": {
+             |        "$ACCOUNT_ID": "$${json-unit.ignore-element}"
+             |    }
+             |}""".stripMargin)),
+        VerificationTimes.atLeast(1))
+    }
+  }
+  @Test
+  def webPushShouldNotPushToPushServerWhenExpiredSubscription(server: GuiceJamesServer, pushServer: ClientAndServer, clock: UpdatableTickingClock): Unit = {
+    // Setup mock-server for callback
+    val bodyRequestOnPushServer: AtomicReference[String] = setupPushServerCallback(pushServer)
+    // WHEN bob creates a push subscription
+    val pushSubscriptionId: String = createPushSubscription(pushServer)
+    // THEN a validation code is sent
+    awaitAtMostTenSeconds.untilAsserted { () =>
+      pushServer.verify(HttpRequest.request()
+        .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+        .withBody(json(
+          s"""{
+             |    "@type": "PushVerification",
+             |    "pushSubscriptionId": "$pushSubscriptionId",
+             |    "verificationCode": "$${json-unit.any-string}"
+             |}""".stripMargin)),
+        VerificationTimes.atLeast(1))
+    }
+    // GIVEN bob retrieves the validation code from the mock server
+    val verificationCode: String = Json.parse(bodyRequestOnPushServer.get()).asInstanceOf[JsObject]
+      .value("verificationCode")
+      .asInstanceOf[JsString]
+      .value
+    // WHEN bob updates the validation code via JMAP
+    val updateVerificationCodeResponse: String = updateValidateVerificationCode(pushSubscriptionId, verificationCode)
+    // THEN  it succeed
+    assertThatJson(updateVerificationCodeResponse)
+      .isEqualTo(
+        s"""{
+           |    "sessionState": "${SESSION_STATE.value}",
+           |    "methodResponses": [
+           |        [
+           |            "PushSubscription/set",
+           |            {
+           |                "updated": {
+           |                    "$pushSubscriptionId": {}
+           |                }
+           |            },
+           |            "c1"
+           |        ]
+           |    ]
+           |}""".stripMargin)
+    // GIVEN 8 days passes
+    clock.setInstant(clock.instant().plus(8, ChronoUnit.DAYS))
+    // WHEN bob receives a mail
+    sendEmailToBob(server)
+    // THEN bob has a stateChange on the push gateway
+    TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(200)
+    pushServer.verify(HttpRequest.request()
+      .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+      .withBody(json(
+        s"""{
+           |    "@type": "StateChange",
+           |    "changed": {
+           |        "$ACCOUNT_ID": "$${json-unit.ignore-element}"
+           |    }
+           |}""".stripMargin)),
+      VerificationTimes.exactly(0))
+  }
+  @Test
+  def webPushShouldNotPushToPushServerWhenDeletedSubscription(server: GuiceJamesServer, pushServer: ClientAndServer): Unit = {
+    // Setup mock-server for callback
+    val bodyRequestOnPushServer: AtomicReference[String] = setupPushServerCallback(pushServer)
+    // WHEN bob creates a push subscription
+    val pushSubscriptionId: String = createPushSubscription(pushServer)
+    // THEN a validation code is sent
+    awaitAtMostTenSeconds.untilAsserted { () =>
+      pushServer.verify(HttpRequest.request()
+        .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+        .withBody(json(
+          s"""{
+             |    "@type": "PushVerification",
+             |    "pushSubscriptionId": "$pushSubscriptionId",
+             |    "verificationCode": "$${json-unit.any-string}"
+             |}""".stripMargin)),
+        VerificationTimes.atLeast(1))
+    }
+    // GIVEN bob retrieves the validation code from the mock server
+    val verificationCode: String = Json.parse(bodyRequestOnPushServer.get()).asInstanceOf[JsObject]
+      .value("verificationCode")
+      .asInstanceOf[JsString]
+      .value
+    // WHEN bob updates the validation code via JMAP
+    val updateVerificationCodeResponse: String = updateValidateVerificationCode(pushSubscriptionId, verificationCode)
+    // THEN  it succeed
+    assertThatJson(updateVerificationCodeResponse)
+      .isEqualTo(
+        s"""{
+           |    "sessionState": "${SESSION_STATE.value}",
+           |    "methodResponses": [
+           |        [
+           |            "PushSubscription/set",
+           |            {
+           |                "updated": {
+           |                    "$pushSubscriptionId": {}
+           |                }
+           |            },
+           |            "c1"
+           |        ]
+           |    ]
+           |}""".stripMargin)
+    // GIVEN bob deletes the push subscription
+    val pushSubscriptionProbe: PushSubscriptionProbe = server.getProbe(classOf[PushSubscriptionProbe])

Review comment:
       Don't forget to use the revoke method instead of the probe (and to remove the revoke method you created on the probe) when it's merged :
   It's stable and approved, just need a green build now to merge it...

File path: server/protocols/jmap-rfc-8621-integration-tests/jmap-rfc-8621-integration-tests-common/src/main/scala/org/apache/james/jmap/rfc8621/contract/WebPushContract.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one   *
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *
+ * distributed with this work for additional information        *
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file   *
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the            *
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance   *
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at   *
+ *                                                              *
+ *                 *
+ *                                                              *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,   *
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the    *
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations      *
+ * under the License.                                           *
+ ****************************************************************/
+package org.apache.james.jmap.rfc8621.contract
+import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT
+import io.restassured.RestAssured.{`given`, requestSpecification}
+import io.restassured.http.ContentType.JSON
+import net.javacrumbs.jsonunit.assertj.JsonAssertions.assertThatJson
+import org.apache.http.HttpStatus
+import org.apache.http.HttpStatus.SC_OK
+import org.apache.james.GuiceJamesServer
+import org.apache.james.jmap.api.model.PushSubscriptionId
+import org.apache.james.jmap.core.ResponseObject.SESSION_STATE
+import org.apache.james.jmap.http.UserCredential
+import org.apache.james.jmap.rfc8621.contract.Fixture.{ACCEPT_RFC8621_VERSION_HEADER, ACCOUNT_ID, ANDRE, ANDRE_PASSWORD, BOB, BOB_PASSWORD, DOMAIN, authScheme, baseRequestSpecBuilder}
+import org.apache.james.mailbox.model.MailboxPath
+import org.apache.james.modules.MailboxProbeImpl
+import org.apache.james.modules.protocols.SmtpGuiceProbe
+import org.apache.james.utils.{DataProbeImpl, SMTPMessageSender, SpoolerProbe, UpdatableTickingClock}
+import org.awaitility.Awaitility
+import org.awaitility.Durations.ONE_HUNDRED_MILLISECONDS
+import org.awaitility.core.ConditionFactory
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.{BeforeEach, Test}
+import org.mockserver.integration.ClientAndServer
+import org.mockserver.mock.action.ExpectationResponseCallback
+import org.mockserver.model.HttpRequest.request
+import org.mockserver.model.HttpResponse.response
+import org.mockserver.model.JsonBody.json
+import org.mockserver.model.Not.not
+import org.mockserver.model.{HttpRequest, HttpResponse}
+import org.mockserver.verify.VerificationTimes
+import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, JsString, Json}
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
+import{ECPrivateKey, ECPublicKey}
+import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
+import java.util.{Base64, UUID}
+trait WebPushContract {
+  private lazy val awaitAtMostTenSeconds: ConditionFactory = Awaitility.`with`
+    .and.`with`.pollDelay(ONE_HUNDRED_MILLISECONDS)
+    .await
+    .atMost(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
+  private lazy val PUSH_URL_PATH: String = "/push2"
+  @BeforeEach
+  def setUp(server: GuiceJamesServer): Unit = {
+    server.getProbe(classOf[DataProbeImpl])
+      .fluent()
+      .addDomain(DOMAIN.asString())
+      .addUser(BOB.asString(), BOB_PASSWORD)
+      .addUser(ANDRE.asString(), ANDRE_PASSWORD)
+    server.getProbe(classOf[MailboxProbeImpl])
+      .createMailbox(MailboxPath.inbox(BOB))
+    requestSpecification = baseRequestSpecBuilder(server)
+      .setAuth(authScheme(UserCredential(BOB, BOB_PASSWORD)))
+      .addHeader(ACCEPT.toString, ACCEPT_RFC8621_VERSION_HEADER)
+      .build()
+  }
+  private def getPushServerUrl(pushServer: ClientAndServer): String =
+    s"${pushServer.getLocalPort}$PUSH_URL_PATH"
+  // return pushSubscriptionId
+  private def createPushSubscription(pushServer: ClientAndServer): String =
+    `given`
+      .body(
+        s"""{
+           |    "using": ["urn:ietf:params:jmap:core"],
+           |    "methodCalls": [
+           |      [
+           |        "PushSubscription/set",
+           |        {
+           |            "create": {
+           |                "4f29": {
+           |                  "deviceClientId": "a889-ffea-910",
+           |                  "url": "${getPushServerUrl(pushServer)}",
+           |                  "types": ["Mailbox"]
+           |                }
+           |              }
+           |        },
+           |        "c1"
+           |      ]
+           |    ]
+           |  }""".stripMargin)
+    .when
+      .post
+    .`then`
+      .statusCode(SC_OK)
+      .extract()
+      .jsonPath()
+      .get("methodResponses[0][1]")
+  private def updateValidateVerificationCode(pushSubscriptionId: String, verificationCode: String): String =
+    `given`()
+      .body(
+        s"""{
+           |    "using": ["urn:ietf:params:jmap:core"],
+           |    "methodCalls": [
+           |      [
+           |        "PushSubscription/set",
+           |        {
+           |            "update": {
+           |                "$pushSubscriptionId": {
+           |                  "verificationCode": "$verificationCode"
+           |                }
+           |              }
+           |        },
+           |        "c1"
+           |      ]
+           |    ]
+           |  }""".stripMargin)
+    .when
+      .post
+    .`then`
+      .statusCode(SC_OK)
+      .contentType(JSON)
+      .extract()
+      .body()
+      .asString()
+  private def sendEmailToBob(server: GuiceJamesServer): Unit = {
+    val smtpMessageSender: SMTPMessageSender = new SMTPMessageSender(DOMAIN.asString())
+    smtpMessageSender.connect("", server.getProbe(classOf[SmtpGuiceProbe]).getSmtpPort)
+      .authenticate(ANDRE.asString, ANDRE_PASSWORD)
+      .sendMessage(ANDRE.asString, BOB.asString())
+    smtpMessageSender.close()
+    awaitAtMostTenSeconds.until(() => server.getProbe(classOf[SpoolerProbe]).processingFinished())
+  }
+  private def setupPushServerCallback(pushServer: ClientAndServer): AtomicReference[String] = {
+    val bodyRequestOnPushServer: AtomicReference[String] = new AtomicReference("")
+    pushServer
+      .when(request
+        .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+        .withMethod("POST"))
+      .respond(new ExpectationResponseCallback() {
+        override def handle(httpRequest: HttpRequest): HttpResponse = {
+          bodyRequestOnPushServer.set(httpRequest.getBodyAsString)
+          response()
+            .withStatusCode(HttpStatus.SC_CREATED)
+        }
+      })
+    bodyRequestOnPushServer
+  }
+  @Test
+  def correctBehaviourShouldSuccess(server: GuiceJamesServer, pushServer: ClientAndServer): Unit = {
+    // Setup mock-server for callback
+    val bodyRequestOnPushServer: AtomicReference[String] = setupPushServerCallback(pushServer)
+    // WHEN bob creates a push subscription
+    val pushSubscriptionId: String = createPushSubscription(pushServer)
+    // THEN a validation code is sent
+    awaitAtMostTenSeconds.untilAsserted { () =>
+      pushServer.verify(HttpRequest.request()
+        .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+        .withBody(json(
+          s"""{
+             |    "@type": "PushVerification",
+             |    "pushSubscriptionId": "$pushSubscriptionId",
+             |    "verificationCode": "$${json-unit.any-string}"
+             |}""".stripMargin)),
+        VerificationTimes.atLeast(1))
+    }
+    // GIVEN bob retrieves the validation code from the mock server
+    val verificationCode: String = Json.parse(bodyRequestOnPushServer.get()).asInstanceOf[JsObject]
+      .value("verificationCode")
+      .asInstanceOf[JsString]
+      .value
+    // WHEN bob updates the validation code via JMAP
+    val updateVerificationCodeResponse: String = updateValidateVerificationCode(pushSubscriptionId, verificationCode)
+    // THEN  it succeed
+    assertThatJson(updateVerificationCodeResponse)
+      .isEqualTo(
+        s"""{
+           |    "sessionState": "${SESSION_STATE.value}",
+           |    "methodResponses": [
+           |        [
+           |            "PushSubscription/set",
+           |            {
+           |                "updated": {
+           |                    "$pushSubscriptionId": {}
+           |                }
+           |            },
+           |            "c1"
+           |        ]
+           |    ]
+           |}""".stripMargin)
+    // WHEN bob receives a mail
+    sendEmailToBob(server)
+    // THEN bob has a stateChange on the push gateway
+    awaitAtMostTenSeconds.untilAsserted { () =>
+      pushServer.verify(HttpRequest.request()
+        .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+        .withBody(json(
+          s"""{
+             |    "@type": "StateChange",
+             |    "changed": {
+             |        "$ACCOUNT_ID": "$${json-unit.ignore-element}"
+             |    }
+             |}""".stripMargin)),
+        VerificationTimes.atLeast(1))
+    }
+  }
+  @Test
+  def webPushShouldNotPushToPushServerWhenExpiredSubscription(server: GuiceJamesServer, pushServer: ClientAndServer, clock: UpdatableTickingClock): Unit = {
+    // Setup mock-server for callback
+    val bodyRequestOnPushServer: AtomicReference[String] = setupPushServerCallback(pushServer)
+    // WHEN bob creates a push subscription
+    val pushSubscriptionId: String = createPushSubscription(pushServer)
+    // THEN a validation code is sent
+    awaitAtMostTenSeconds.untilAsserted { () =>
+      pushServer.verify(HttpRequest.request()
+        .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+        .withBody(json(
+          s"""{
+             |    "@type": "PushVerification",
+             |    "pushSubscriptionId": "$pushSubscriptionId",
+             |    "verificationCode": "$${json-unit.any-string}"
+             |}""".stripMargin)),
+        VerificationTimes.atLeast(1))
+    }
+    // GIVEN bob retrieves the validation code from the mock server
+    val verificationCode: String = Json.parse(bodyRequestOnPushServer.get()).asInstanceOf[JsObject]
+      .value("verificationCode")
+      .asInstanceOf[JsString]
+      .value
+    // WHEN bob updates the validation code via JMAP
+    val updateVerificationCodeResponse: String = updateValidateVerificationCode(pushSubscriptionId, verificationCode)
+    // THEN  it succeed
+    assertThatJson(updateVerificationCodeResponse)
+      .isEqualTo(
+        s"""{
+           |    "sessionState": "${SESSION_STATE.value}",
+           |    "methodResponses": [
+           |        [
+           |            "PushSubscription/set",
+           |            {
+           |                "updated": {
+           |                    "$pushSubscriptionId": {}
+           |                }
+           |            },
+           |            "c1"
+           |        ]
+           |    ]
+           |}""".stripMargin)
+    // GIVEN 8 days passes
+    clock.setInstant(clock.instant().plus(8, ChronoUnit.DAYS))
+    // WHEN bob receives a mail
+    sendEmailToBob(server)
+    // THEN bob has a stateChange on the push gateway
+    TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(200)
+    pushServer.verify(HttpRequest.request()
+      .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+      .withBody(json(
+        s"""{
+           |    "@type": "StateChange",
+           |    "changed": {
+           |        "$ACCOUNT_ID": "$${json-unit.ignore-element}"
+           |    }
+           |}""".stripMargin)),
+      VerificationTimes.exactly(0))
+  }
+  @Test
+  def webPushShouldNotPushToPushServerWhenDeletedSubscription(server: GuiceJamesServer, pushServer: ClientAndServer): Unit = {
+    // Setup mock-server for callback
+    val bodyRequestOnPushServer: AtomicReference[String] = setupPushServerCallback(pushServer)
+    // WHEN bob creates a push subscription
+    val pushSubscriptionId: String = createPushSubscription(pushServer)
+    // THEN a validation code is sent
+    awaitAtMostTenSeconds.untilAsserted { () =>
+      pushServer.verify(HttpRequest.request()
+        .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+        .withBody(json(
+          s"""{
+             |    "@type": "PushVerification",
+             |    "pushSubscriptionId": "$pushSubscriptionId",
+             |    "verificationCode": "$${json-unit.any-string}"
+             |}""".stripMargin)),
+        VerificationTimes.atLeast(1))
+    }
+    // GIVEN bob retrieves the validation code from the mock server
+    val verificationCode: String = Json.parse(bodyRequestOnPushServer.get()).asInstanceOf[JsObject]
+      .value("verificationCode")
+      .asInstanceOf[JsString]
+      .value
+    // WHEN bob updates the validation code via JMAP
+    val updateVerificationCodeResponse: String = updateValidateVerificationCode(pushSubscriptionId, verificationCode)
+    // THEN  it succeed
+    assertThatJson(updateVerificationCodeResponse)
+      .isEqualTo(
+        s"""{
+           |    "sessionState": "${SESSION_STATE.value}",
+           |    "methodResponses": [
+           |        [
+           |            "PushSubscription/set",
+           |            {
+           |                "updated": {
+           |                    "$pushSubscriptionId": {}
+           |                }
+           |            },
+           |            "c1"
+           |        ]
+           |    ]
+           |}""".stripMargin)
+    // GIVEN bob deletes the push subscription
+    val pushSubscriptionProbe: PushSubscriptionProbe = server.getProbe(classOf[PushSubscriptionProbe])
+    pushSubscriptionProbe.revoke(BOB, PushSubscriptionId(UUID.fromString(pushSubscriptionId)))
+    // WHEN bob receives a mail
+    sendEmailToBob(server)
+    // THEN bob has no stateChange on the push gateway
+    TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(200)
+    pushServer.verify(HttpRequest.request()
+      .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+      .withBody(json(
+        s"""{
+           |    "@type": "StateChange",
+           |    "changed": {
+           |        "$ACCOUNT_ID": "$${json-unit.ignore-element}"
+           |    }
+           |}""".stripMargin)),
+      VerificationTimes.exactly(0))
+  }
+  @Test
+  def webPushShouldNotPushToPushServerWhenNotValidatedCode(server: GuiceJamesServer, pushServer: ClientAndServer): Unit = {
+    // Setup mock-server for callback
+    setupPushServerCallback(pushServer)
+    // WHEN bob creates a push subscription [no code validation]
+    createPushSubscription(pushServer)
+    // GIVEN bob receives a mail
+    sendEmailToBob(server)
+    // THEN bob has no stateChange on the push gateway
+    TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(200)
+    pushServer.verify(HttpRequest.request()
+      .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+      .withBody(json(
+        s"""{
+           |    "@type": "StateChange",
+           |    "changed": {
+           |        "$ACCOUNT_ID": "$${json-unit.ignore-element}"
+           |    }
+           |}""".stripMargin)),
+      VerificationTimes.exactly(0))
+  }
+  @Test
+  def correctBehaviourShouldSuccessWhenEncryptionKeys(server: GuiceJamesServer, pushServer: ClientAndServer): Unit = {
+    // Setup mock-server for callback
+    val bodyRequestOnPushServer: AtomicReference[Array[Byte]] = new AtomicReference()
+    pushServer
+      .when(request
+        .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+        .withMethod("POST"))
+      .respond(new ExpectationResponseCallback() {
+        override def handle(httpRequest: HttpRequest): HttpResponse = {
+          bodyRequestOnPushServer.set(httpRequest.getBodyAsRawBytes)
+          response()
+            .withStatusCode(HttpStatus.SC_CREATED)
+        }
+      })
+    val uaKeyPair: KeyPair = EllipticCurves.generateKeyPair(CurveType.NIST_P256)
+    val uaPublicKey: ECPublicKey = uaKeyPair.getPublic.asInstanceOf[ECPublicKey]
+    val uaPrivateKey: ECPrivateKey = uaKeyPair.getPrivate.asInstanceOf[ECPrivateKey]
+    val authSecret: Array[Byte] = "secret123secret1".getBytes
+    val p256dh: String = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(uaPublicKey.getEncoded)
+    val auth: String = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(authSecret)
+    val pushSubscriptionId: String = `given`
+      .body(
+        s"""{
+           |    "using": ["urn:ietf:params:jmap:core"],
+           |    "methodCalls": [
+           |      [
+           |        "PushSubscription/set",
+           |        {
+           |            "create": {
+           |                "4f29": {
+           |                  "deviceClientId": "a889-ffea-910",
+           |                  "url": "${getPushServerUrl(pushServer)}",
+           |                  "types": ["Mailbox"],
+           |                  "keys": {
+           |                    "p256dh": "$p256dh",
+           |                    "auth": "$auth"
+           |                  }
+           |                }
+           |              }
+           |        },
+           |        "c1"
+           |      ]
+           |    ]
+           |  }""".stripMargin)
+      .when

Review comment:

File path: server/protocols/jmap-rfc-8621-integration-tests/jmap-rfc-8621-integration-tests-common/src/main/scala/org/apache/james/jmap/rfc8621/contract/WebPushContract.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one   *
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *
+ * distributed with this work for additional information        *
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file   *
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the            *
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance   *
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at   *
+ *                                                              *
+ *                 *
+ *                                                              *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,   *
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the    *
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations      *
+ * under the License.                                           *
+ ****************************************************************/
+package org.apache.james.jmap.rfc8621.contract
+import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT
+import io.restassured.RestAssured.{`given`, requestSpecification}
+import io.restassured.http.ContentType.JSON
+import net.javacrumbs.jsonunit.assertj.JsonAssertions.assertThatJson
+import org.apache.http.HttpStatus
+import org.apache.http.HttpStatus.SC_OK
+import org.apache.james.GuiceJamesServer
+import org.apache.james.jmap.api.model.PushSubscriptionId
+import org.apache.james.jmap.core.ResponseObject.SESSION_STATE
+import org.apache.james.jmap.http.UserCredential
+import org.apache.james.jmap.rfc8621.contract.Fixture.{ACCEPT_RFC8621_VERSION_HEADER, ACCOUNT_ID, ANDRE, ANDRE_PASSWORD, BOB, BOB_PASSWORD, DOMAIN, authScheme, baseRequestSpecBuilder}
+import org.apache.james.mailbox.model.MailboxPath
+import org.apache.james.modules.MailboxProbeImpl
+import org.apache.james.modules.protocols.SmtpGuiceProbe
+import org.apache.james.utils.{DataProbeImpl, SMTPMessageSender, SpoolerProbe, UpdatableTickingClock}
+import org.awaitility.Awaitility
+import org.awaitility.Durations.ONE_HUNDRED_MILLISECONDS
+import org.awaitility.core.ConditionFactory
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.{BeforeEach, Test}
+import org.mockserver.integration.ClientAndServer
+import org.mockserver.mock.action.ExpectationResponseCallback
+import org.mockserver.model.HttpRequest.request
+import org.mockserver.model.HttpResponse.response
+import org.mockserver.model.JsonBody.json
+import org.mockserver.model.Not.not
+import org.mockserver.model.{HttpRequest, HttpResponse}
+import org.mockserver.verify.VerificationTimes
+import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, JsString, Json}
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
+import{ECPrivateKey, ECPublicKey}
+import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
+import java.util.{Base64, UUID}
+trait WebPushContract {
+  private lazy val awaitAtMostTenSeconds: ConditionFactory = Awaitility.`with`
+    .and.`with`.pollDelay(ONE_HUNDRED_MILLISECONDS)
+    .await
+    .atMost(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
+  private lazy val PUSH_URL_PATH: String = "/push2"
+  @BeforeEach
+  def setUp(server: GuiceJamesServer): Unit = {
+    server.getProbe(classOf[DataProbeImpl])
+      .fluent()
+      .addDomain(DOMAIN.asString())
+      .addUser(BOB.asString(), BOB_PASSWORD)
+      .addUser(ANDRE.asString(), ANDRE_PASSWORD)
+    server.getProbe(classOf[MailboxProbeImpl])
+      .createMailbox(MailboxPath.inbox(BOB))
+    requestSpecification = baseRequestSpecBuilder(server)
+      .setAuth(authScheme(UserCredential(BOB, BOB_PASSWORD)))
+      .addHeader(ACCEPT.toString, ACCEPT_RFC8621_VERSION_HEADER)
+      .build()
+  }
+  private def getPushServerUrl(pushServer: ClientAndServer): String =
+    s"${pushServer.getLocalPort}$PUSH_URL_PATH"
+  // return pushSubscriptionId
+  private def createPushSubscription(pushServer: ClientAndServer): String =
+    `given`
+      .body(
+        s"""{
+           |    "using": ["urn:ietf:params:jmap:core"],
+           |    "methodCalls": [
+           |      [
+           |        "PushSubscription/set",
+           |        {
+           |            "create": {
+           |                "4f29": {
+           |                  "deviceClientId": "a889-ffea-910",
+           |                  "url": "${getPushServerUrl(pushServer)}",
+           |                  "types": ["Mailbox"]
+           |                }
+           |              }
+           |        },
+           |        "c1"
+           |      ]
+           |    ]
+           |  }""".stripMargin)
+    .when
+      .post
+    .`then`
+      .statusCode(SC_OK)
+      .extract()
+      .jsonPath()
+      .get("methodResponses[0][1]")
+  private def updateValidateVerificationCode(pushSubscriptionId: String, verificationCode: String): String =
+    `given`()
+      .body(
+        s"""{
+           |    "using": ["urn:ietf:params:jmap:core"],
+           |    "methodCalls": [
+           |      [
+           |        "PushSubscription/set",
+           |        {
+           |            "update": {
+           |                "$pushSubscriptionId": {
+           |                  "verificationCode": "$verificationCode"
+           |                }
+           |              }
+           |        },
+           |        "c1"
+           |      ]
+           |    ]
+           |  }""".stripMargin)
+    .when
+      .post
+    .`then`
+      .statusCode(SC_OK)
+      .contentType(JSON)
+      .extract()
+      .body()
+      .asString()
+  private def sendEmailToBob(server: GuiceJamesServer): Unit = {
+    val smtpMessageSender: SMTPMessageSender = new SMTPMessageSender(DOMAIN.asString())
+    smtpMessageSender.connect("", server.getProbe(classOf[SmtpGuiceProbe]).getSmtpPort)
+      .authenticate(ANDRE.asString, ANDRE_PASSWORD)
+      .sendMessage(ANDRE.asString, BOB.asString())
+    smtpMessageSender.close()
+    awaitAtMostTenSeconds.until(() => server.getProbe(classOf[SpoolerProbe]).processingFinished())
+  }
+  private def setupPushServerCallback(pushServer: ClientAndServer): AtomicReference[String] = {
+    val bodyRequestOnPushServer: AtomicReference[String] = new AtomicReference("")
+    pushServer
+      .when(request
+        .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+        .withMethod("POST"))
+      .respond(new ExpectationResponseCallback() {
+        override def handle(httpRequest: HttpRequest): HttpResponse = {
+          bodyRequestOnPushServer.set(httpRequest.getBodyAsString)
+          response()
+            .withStatusCode(HttpStatus.SC_CREATED)
+        }
+      })
+    bodyRequestOnPushServer
+  }
+  @Test
+  def correctBehaviourShouldSuccess(server: GuiceJamesServer, pushServer: ClientAndServer): Unit = {
+    // Setup mock-server for callback
+    val bodyRequestOnPushServer: AtomicReference[String] = setupPushServerCallback(pushServer)
+    // WHEN bob creates a push subscription
+    val pushSubscriptionId: String = createPushSubscription(pushServer)
+    // THEN a validation code is sent
+    awaitAtMostTenSeconds.untilAsserted { () =>
+      pushServer.verify(HttpRequest.request()
+        .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+        .withBody(json(
+          s"""{
+             |    "@type": "PushVerification",
+             |    "pushSubscriptionId": "$pushSubscriptionId",
+             |    "verificationCode": "$${json-unit.any-string}"
+             |}""".stripMargin)),
+        VerificationTimes.atLeast(1))
+    }
+    // GIVEN bob retrieves the validation code from the mock server
+    val verificationCode: String = Json.parse(bodyRequestOnPushServer.get()).asInstanceOf[JsObject]
+      .value("verificationCode")
+      .asInstanceOf[JsString]
+      .value
+    // WHEN bob updates the validation code via JMAP
+    val updateVerificationCodeResponse: String = updateValidateVerificationCode(pushSubscriptionId, verificationCode)
+    // THEN  it succeed
+    assertThatJson(updateVerificationCodeResponse)
+      .isEqualTo(
+        s"""{
+           |    "sessionState": "${SESSION_STATE.value}",
+           |    "methodResponses": [
+           |        [
+           |            "PushSubscription/set",
+           |            {
+           |                "updated": {
+           |                    "$pushSubscriptionId": {}
+           |                }
+           |            },
+           |            "c1"
+           |        ]
+           |    ]
+           |}""".stripMargin)
+    // WHEN bob receives a mail
+    sendEmailToBob(server)
+    // THEN bob has a stateChange on the push gateway
+    awaitAtMostTenSeconds.untilAsserted { () =>
+      pushServer.verify(HttpRequest.request()
+        .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+        .withBody(json(
+          s"""{
+             |    "@type": "StateChange",
+             |    "changed": {
+             |        "$ACCOUNT_ID": "$${json-unit.ignore-element}"
+             |    }
+             |}""".stripMargin)),
+        VerificationTimes.atLeast(1))
+    }
+  }
+  @Test
+  def webPushShouldNotPushToPushServerWhenExpiredSubscription(server: GuiceJamesServer, pushServer: ClientAndServer, clock: UpdatableTickingClock): Unit = {
+    // Setup mock-server for callback
+    val bodyRequestOnPushServer: AtomicReference[String] = setupPushServerCallback(pushServer)
+    // WHEN bob creates a push subscription
+    val pushSubscriptionId: String = createPushSubscription(pushServer)
+    // THEN a validation code is sent
+    awaitAtMostTenSeconds.untilAsserted { () =>
+      pushServer.verify(HttpRequest.request()
+        .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+        .withBody(json(
+          s"""{
+             |    "@type": "PushVerification",
+             |    "pushSubscriptionId": "$pushSubscriptionId",
+             |    "verificationCode": "$${json-unit.any-string}"
+             |}""".stripMargin)),
+        VerificationTimes.atLeast(1))
+    }
+    // GIVEN bob retrieves the validation code from the mock server
+    val verificationCode: String = Json.parse(bodyRequestOnPushServer.get()).asInstanceOf[JsObject]
+      .value("verificationCode")
+      .asInstanceOf[JsString]
+      .value
+    // WHEN bob updates the validation code via JMAP
+    val updateVerificationCodeResponse: String = updateValidateVerificationCode(pushSubscriptionId, verificationCode)
+    // THEN  it succeed
+    assertThatJson(updateVerificationCodeResponse)
+      .isEqualTo(
+        s"""{
+           |    "sessionState": "${SESSION_STATE.value}",
+           |    "methodResponses": [
+           |        [
+           |            "PushSubscription/set",
+           |            {
+           |                "updated": {
+           |                    "$pushSubscriptionId": {}
+           |                }
+           |            },
+           |            "c1"
+           |        ]
+           |    ]
+           |}""".stripMargin)
+    // GIVEN 8 days passes
+    clock.setInstant(clock.instant().plus(8, ChronoUnit.DAYS))
+    // WHEN bob receives a mail
+    sendEmailToBob(server)
+    // THEN bob has a stateChange on the push gateway
+    TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(200)
+    pushServer.verify(HttpRequest.request()
+      .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+      .withBody(json(
+        s"""{
+           |    "@type": "StateChange",
+           |    "changed": {
+           |        "$ACCOUNT_ID": "$${json-unit.ignore-element}"
+           |    }
+           |}""".stripMargin)),
+      VerificationTimes.exactly(0))
+  }
+  @Test
+  def webPushShouldNotPushToPushServerWhenDeletedSubscription(server: GuiceJamesServer, pushServer: ClientAndServer): Unit = {
+    // Setup mock-server for callback
+    val bodyRequestOnPushServer: AtomicReference[String] = setupPushServerCallback(pushServer)
+    // WHEN bob creates a push subscription
+    val pushSubscriptionId: String = createPushSubscription(pushServer)
+    // THEN a validation code is sent
+    awaitAtMostTenSeconds.untilAsserted { () =>
+      pushServer.verify(HttpRequest.request()
+        .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+        .withBody(json(
+          s"""{
+             |    "@type": "PushVerification",
+             |    "pushSubscriptionId": "$pushSubscriptionId",
+             |    "verificationCode": "$${json-unit.any-string}"
+             |}""".stripMargin)),
+        VerificationTimes.atLeast(1))
+    }
+    // GIVEN bob retrieves the validation code from the mock server
+    val verificationCode: String = Json.parse(bodyRequestOnPushServer.get()).asInstanceOf[JsObject]
+      .value("verificationCode")
+      .asInstanceOf[JsString]
+      .value
+    // WHEN bob updates the validation code via JMAP
+    val updateVerificationCodeResponse: String = updateValidateVerificationCode(pushSubscriptionId, verificationCode)
+    // THEN  it succeed
+    assertThatJson(updateVerificationCodeResponse)
+      .isEqualTo(
+        s"""{
+           |    "sessionState": "${SESSION_STATE.value}",
+           |    "methodResponses": [
+           |        [
+           |            "PushSubscription/set",
+           |            {
+           |                "updated": {
+           |                    "$pushSubscriptionId": {}
+           |                }
+           |            },
+           |            "c1"
+           |        ]
+           |    ]
+           |}""".stripMargin)
+    // GIVEN bob deletes the push subscription
+    val pushSubscriptionProbe: PushSubscriptionProbe = server.getProbe(classOf[PushSubscriptionProbe])
+    pushSubscriptionProbe.revoke(BOB, PushSubscriptionId(UUID.fromString(pushSubscriptionId)))
+    // WHEN bob receives a mail
+    sendEmailToBob(server)
+    // THEN bob has no stateChange on the push gateway
+    TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(200)
+    pushServer.verify(HttpRequest.request()
+      .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+      .withBody(json(
+        s"""{
+           |    "@type": "StateChange",
+           |    "changed": {
+           |        "$ACCOUNT_ID": "$${json-unit.ignore-element}"
+           |    }
+           |}""".stripMargin)),
+      VerificationTimes.exactly(0))
+  }
+  @Test
+  def webPushShouldNotPushToPushServerWhenNotValidatedCode(server: GuiceJamesServer, pushServer: ClientAndServer): Unit = {
+    // Setup mock-server for callback
+    setupPushServerCallback(pushServer)
+    // WHEN bob creates a push subscription [no code validation]
+    createPushSubscription(pushServer)
+    // GIVEN bob receives a mail
+    sendEmailToBob(server)
+    // THEN bob has no stateChange on the push gateway
+    TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(200)
+    pushServer.verify(HttpRequest.request()
+      .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+      .withBody(json(
+        s"""{
+           |    "@type": "StateChange",
+           |    "changed": {
+           |        "$ACCOUNT_ID": "$${json-unit.ignore-element}"
+           |    }
+           |}""".stripMargin)),
+      VerificationTimes.exactly(0))
+  }
+  @Test
+  def correctBehaviourShouldSuccessWhenEncryptionKeys(server: GuiceJamesServer, pushServer: ClientAndServer): Unit = {
+    // Setup mock-server for callback
+    val bodyRequestOnPushServer: AtomicReference[Array[Byte]] = new AtomicReference()
+    pushServer
+      .when(request
+        .withPath(PUSH_URL_PATH)
+        .withMethod("POST"))
+      .respond(new ExpectationResponseCallback() {
+        override def handle(httpRequest: HttpRequest): HttpResponse = {
+          bodyRequestOnPushServer.set(httpRequest.getBodyAsRawBytes)
+          response()
+            .withStatusCode(HttpStatus.SC_CREATED)
+        }
+      })
+    val uaKeyPair: KeyPair = EllipticCurves.generateKeyPair(CurveType.NIST_P256)
+    val uaPublicKey: ECPublicKey = uaKeyPair.getPublic.asInstanceOf[ECPublicKey]
+    val uaPrivateKey: ECPrivateKey = uaKeyPair.getPrivate.asInstanceOf[ECPrivateKey]
+    val authSecret: Array[Byte] = "secret123secret1".getBytes
+    val p256dh: String = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(uaPublicKey.getEncoded)
+    val auth: String = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(authSecret)
+    val pushSubscriptionId: String = `given`
+      .body(
+        s"""{
+           |    "using": ["urn:ietf:params:jmap:core"],
+           |    "methodCalls": [
+           |      [
+           |        "PushSubscription/set",
+           |        {
+           |            "create": {
+           |                "4f29": {
+           |                  "deviceClientId": "a889-ffea-910",
+           |                  "url": "${getPushServerUrl(pushServer)}",
+           |                  "types": ["Mailbox"],
+           |                  "keys": {
+           |                    "p256dh": "$p256dh",
+           |                    "auth": "$auth"
+           |                  }
+           |                }
+           |              }
+           |        },
+           |        "c1"
+           |      ]
+           |    ]
+           |  }""".stripMargin)
+      .when
+      .post
+      .`then`

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