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diff --git a/odata-core/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/edm/parser/ b/odata-core/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/edm/parser/
index 4ef463d..9860fef 100644
--- a/odata-core/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/edm/parser/
+++ b/odata-core/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/edm/parser/
@@ -77,160 +77,17 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
   private static final String ASSOCIATION = "ManagerEmployees";
   private static final int MAX_LENGTH = 4;
-  private final String[] propertyNames = { "EmployeeId", "EmployeeName",
-      "Location" };
+  private final String[] propertyNames = { "EmployeeId", "EmployeeName", "Location" };
-  private final String xml = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-      + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">"
-      + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\""
-      + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\""
-      + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">"
-      + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-      + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-      + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0]
-      + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-      + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[1]
-      + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" m:FC_TargetPath=\"SyndicationTitle\"/>"
-      + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[2]
-      + "\" Type=\"RefScenario.c_Location\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-      + "</EntityType>" + "<ComplexType Name=\"c_Location\">"
-      + "<Property Name=\"Country\" Type=\"Edm.String\"/>"
-      + "</ComplexType>" + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices>"
-      + "</edmx:Edmx>";
+  private final String xml = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[1] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" m:FC_TargetPath=\"SyndicationTitle\"/>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[2] + "\" Type=\"RefScenario.c_Location\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "</EntityType>" + "<ComplexType Name=\"c_Location\">" + "<Property Name=\"Country\" Type=\"Edm.String\"/>" + "</ComplexType>" + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
-  private final String xmlWithBaseType = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-      + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06
-      + "\">"
-      + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\""
-      + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08
-      + "\">"
-      + "<Schema Namespace=\""
-      + NAMESPACE
-      + "\" xmlns=\""
-      + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09
-      + "\">"
-      + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">"
-      + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-      + "<Property Name=\""
-      + propertyNames[0]
-      + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-      + "<Property Name=\""
-      + propertyNames[1]
-      + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" m:FC_TargetPath=\"SyndicationTitle\"/>"
-      + "<Property Name=\""
-      + propertyNames[2]
-      + "\" Type=\"RefScenario.c_Location\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-      + "</EntityType>"
-      + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-      + "</EntityType>"
-      + "<ComplexType Name=\"c_Location\">"
-      + "<Property Name=\"Country\" Type=\"Edm.String\"/>"
-      + "</ComplexType>"
-      + "</Schema>"
-      + "</edmx:DataServices>"
-      + "</edmx:Edmx>";
+  private final String xmlWithBaseType = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[1] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" m:FC_TargetPath=\"SyndicationTitle\"/>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[2] + "\" Type=\"RefScenario.c_Location\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "</EntityType>" + "<ComplexType Name=\"c_Location\">" + "<Property Name=\"Country\" Type=\"Edm.String\"/>" + "</ComplexType>" + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
-  private final String xmlWithAssociation = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-      + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06
-      + "\">"
-      + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\""
-      + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08
-      + "\">"
-      + "<Schema Namespace=\""
-      + NAMESPACE
-      + "\" xmlns=\""
-      + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09
-      + "\">"
-      + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">"
-      + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-      + "<Property Name=\""
-      + propertyNames[0]
-      + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-      + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Employees\" ToRole=\"r_Manager\" />"
-      + "</EntityType>"
-      + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-      + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"nm_Employees\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Manager\" ToRole=\"r_Employees\" />"
-      + "</EntityType>"
-      + "<Association Name=\""
-      + "\">"
-      + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"r_Employees\">"
-      + "<OnDelete Action=\"Cascade\"/>"
-      + "</End>"
-      + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>"
-      + "</Association>"
-      + "</Schema>"
-      + "<Schema Namespace=\""
-      + NAMESPACE2
-      + "\" xmlns=\""
-      + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09
-      + "\">"
-      + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">"
-      + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Employee\"/>"
-      + "<EntitySet Name=\"Managers\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Manager\"/>"
-      + "<AssociationSet Name=\""
-      + "\" Association=\"RefScenario."
-      + "\">"
-      + "<End EntitySet=\"Managers\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>"
-      + "<End EntitySet=\"Employees\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>"
-      + "</AssociationSet>"
-      + "</EntityContainer>"
-      + "</Schema>"
-      + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
+  private final String xmlWithAssociation = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Employees\" ToRole=\"r_Manager\" />" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"nm_Employees\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Manager\" ToRole=\"r_Employees\" />" + "</EntityType>" + "<Association Name=\"" + ASSOCIATION + "\">"
+      + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"r_Employees\">" + "<OnDelete Action=\"Cascade\"/>" + "</End>" + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>" + "</Association>" + "</Schema>" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE2 + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">" + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Employee\"/>" + "<EntitySet Name=\"Managers\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Manager\"/>" + "<AssociationSet Name=\"" + ASSOCIATION + "\" Association=\"RefScenario." + ASSOCIATION + "\">" + "<End EntitySet=\"Managers\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>" + "<End EntitySet=\"Employees\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>" + "</AssociationSet>" + "</EntityContainer>" + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
-  private final String xmlWithTwoSchemas = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-      + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06
-      + "\">"
-      + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\""
-      + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08
-      + "\">"
-      + "<Schema Namespace=\""
-      + NAMESPACE
-      + "\" xmlns=\""
-      + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09
-      + "\">"
-      + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">"
-      + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-      + "<Property Name=\""
-      + propertyNames[0]
-      + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-      + "<Property Name=\""
-      + propertyNames[1]
-      + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\"/>"
-      + "</EntityType>"
-      + "</Schema>"
-      + "<Schema Namespace=\""
-      + NAMESPACE2
-      + "\" xmlns=\""
-      + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09
-      + "\">"
-      + "<EntityType Name= \"Photo\">"
-      + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"Id\"/></Key>"
-      + "<Property Name=\"Id\" Type=\"Edm.Int32\" Nullable=\"false\" ConcurrencyMode=\"Fixed\" MaxLength=\""
-      + MAX_LENGTH
-      + "\"/>"
-      + "<Property Name=\"Name\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Unicode=\"true\" DefaultValue=\""
-      + "\" FixedLength=\"false\"/>"
-      + "<Property Name=\"BinaryData\" Type=\"Edm.Binary\" m:MimeType=\""
-      + MIME_TYPE
-      + "\"/>"
-      + "<Property Name=\"Содержание\" Type=\"Edm.String\" m:FC_TargetPath=\""
-      + "\" m:FC_NsUri=\""
-      + FC_NS_URI
-      + "\""
-      + " m:FC_NsPrefix=\""
-      + FC_NS_PREFIX
-      + "\" m:FC_KeepInContent=\""
-      + "\" m:FC_ContentKind=\"text\" >"
-      + "</Property>"
-      + "</EntityType>"
-      + "</Schema>"
-      + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
+  private final String xmlWithTwoSchemas = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[1] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\"/>" + "</EntityType>" + "</Schema>" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE2 + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Photo\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"Id\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"Id\" Type=\"Edm.Int32\" Nullable=\"false\" ConcurrencyMode=\"Fixed\" MaxLength=\"" + MAX_LENGTH + "\"/>" + "<Property Name=\"Name\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Unicode=\"true\" DefaultValue=\"" + DEFAULT_VALUE
+      + "\" FixedLength=\"false\"/>" + "<Property Name=\"BinaryData\" Type=\"Edm.Binary\" m:MimeType=\"" + MIME_TYPE + "\"/>" + "<Property Name=\"Содержание\" Type=\"Edm.String\" m:FC_TargetPath=\"" + FC_TARGET_PATH + "\" m:FC_NsUri=\"" + FC_NS_URI + "\"" + " m:FC_NsPrefix=\"" + FC_NS_PREFIX + "\" m:FC_KeepInContent=\"" + FC_KEEP_IN_CONTENT + "\" m:FC_ContentKind=\"text\" >" + "</Property>" + "</EntityType>" + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
   public void test() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
@@ -244,12 +101,10 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
       assertEquals(1, schema.getEntityTypes().size());
       assertEquals("Employee", schema.getEntityTypes().get(0).getName());
       assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, schema.getEntityTypes().get(0).isHasStream());
-      for (PropertyRef propertyRef : schema.getEntityTypes().get(0)
-          .getKey().getKeys()) {
+      for (PropertyRef propertyRef : schema.getEntityTypes().get(0).getKey().getKeys()) {
         assertEquals("EmployeeId", propertyRef.getName());
-      for (Property property : schema.getEntityTypes().get(0)
-          .getProperties()) {
+      for (Property property : schema.getEntityTypes().get(0).getProperties()) {
         assertEquals(propertyNames[i], property.getName());
         if ("Location".equals(property.getName())) {
           ComplexProperty cProperty = (ComplexProperty) property;
@@ -263,14 +118,12 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
       assertEquals(1, schema.getComplexTypes().size());
-      assertEquals("c_Location", schema.getComplexTypes().get(0)
-          .getName());
+      assertEquals("c_Location", schema.getComplexTypes().get(0).getName());
-  public void testBaseType() throws XMLStreamException,
-      EntityProviderException {
+  public void testBaseType() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
     int i = 0;
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xmlWithBaseType);
@@ -280,12 +133,10 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
       assertEquals(NAMESPACE, schema.getNamespace());
       assertEquals(2, schema.getEntityTypes().size());
       assertEquals("Employee", schema.getEntityTypes().get(0).getName());
-      for (PropertyRef propertyRef : schema.getEntityTypes().get(0)
-          .getKey().getKeys()) {
+      for (PropertyRef propertyRef : schema.getEntityTypes().get(0).getKey().getKeys()) {
         assertEquals("EmployeeId", propertyRef.getName());
-      for (Property property : schema.getEntityTypes().get(0)
-          .getProperties()) {
+      for (Property property : schema.getEntityTypes().get(0).getProperties()) {
         assertEquals(propertyNames[i], property.getName());
@@ -294,29 +145,9 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
-  public void testComplexTypeWithBaseType() throws XMLStreamException,
-      EntityProviderException {
-    final String xml = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">"
-        + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">"
-        + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" Alias=\"RS\"  xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0]
-        + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[2]
-        + "\" Type=\"RefScenario.c_Location\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<ComplexType Name=\"c_BaseType_for_Location\" Abstract=\"true\">"
-        + "<Property Name=\"Country\" Type=\"Edm.String\"/>"
-        + "</ComplexType>"
-        + "<ComplexType Name=\"c_Location\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.c_BaseType_for_Location\">"
-        + "</ComplexType>"
-        + "<ComplexType Name=\"c_Other_Location\" BaseType=\"RS.c_BaseType_for_Location\">"
-        + "</ComplexType>"
-        + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices>"
-        + "</edmx:Edmx>";
+  public void testComplexTypeWithBaseType() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
+    final String xml = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" Alias=\"RS\"  xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[2] + "\" Type=\"RefScenario.c_Location\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "</EntityType>" + "<ComplexType Name=\"c_BaseType_for_Location\" Abstract=\"true\">" + "<Property Name=\"Country\" Type=\"Edm.String\"/>" + "</ComplexType>" + "<ComplexType Name=\"c_Location\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.c_BaseType_for_Location\">" + "</ComplexType>" + "<ComplexType Name=\"c_Other_Location\" BaseType=\"RS.c_BaseType_for_Location\">" + "</ComplexType>" + "</Schema>"
+        + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xml);
     DataServices result = parser.readMetadata(reader, true);
@@ -328,14 +159,12 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
           assertEquals("c_BaseType_for_Location", complexType.getBaseType().getName());
           assertEquals("RefScenario", complexType.getBaseType().getNamespace());
-        }
-        else if ("c_Other_Location".equals(complexType.getName())) {
+        } else if ("c_Other_Location".equals(complexType.getName())) {
           assertEquals("c_BaseType_for_Location", complexType.getBaseType().getName());
           assertEquals("RS", complexType.getBaseType().getNamespace());
-        }
-        else if ("c_BaseType_for_Location".equals(complexType.getName())) {
+        } else if ("c_BaseType_for_Location".equals(complexType.getName())) {
         } else {
@@ -347,62 +176,23 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
   @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
-  public void testComplexTypeWithInvalidBaseType() throws XMLStreamException,
-      EntityProviderException {
-    final String xml = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">"
-        + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\""
-        + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0]
-        + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[2]
-        + "\" Type=\"RefScenario.c_Location\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<ComplexType Name=\"c_BaseType_for_Location\" Abstract=\"true\">"
-        + "<Property Name=\"Country\" Type=\"Edm.String\"/>"
-        + "</ComplexType>"
-        + "<ComplexType Name=\"c_Location\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\">"
-        + "</ComplexType>"
-        + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices>"
-        + "</edmx:Edmx>";
+  public void testComplexTypeWithInvalidBaseType() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
+    final String xml = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[2] + "\" Type=\"RefScenario.c_Location\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "</EntityType>" + "<ComplexType Name=\"c_BaseType_for_Location\" Abstract=\"true\">" + "<Property Name=\"Country\" Type=\"Edm.String\"/>" + "</ComplexType>" + "<ComplexType Name=\"c_Location\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\">" + "</ComplexType>" + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xml);
     parser.readMetadata(reader, true);
   @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
-  public void testComplexTypeWithInvalidBaseType2() throws XMLStreamException,
-      EntityProviderException {
-    final String xml = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">"
-        + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\""
-        + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0]
-        + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[2]
-        + "\" Type=\"RefScenario.c_Location\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<ComplexType Name=\"c_BaseType_for_Location\" Abstract=\"true\">"
-        + "<Property Name=\"Country\" Type=\"Edm.String\"/>"
-        + "</ComplexType>"
-        + "<ComplexType Name=\"c_Location\" BaseType=\"c_BaseType_for_Location\">"
-        + "</ComplexType>"
-        + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices>"
-        + "</edmx:Edmx>";
+  public void testComplexTypeWithInvalidBaseType2() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
+    final String xml = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[2] + "\" Type=\"RefScenario.c_Location\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "</EntityType>" + "<ComplexType Name=\"c_BaseType_for_Location\" Abstract=\"true\">" + "<Property Name=\"Country\" Type=\"Edm.String\"/>" + "</ComplexType>" + "<ComplexType Name=\"c_Location\" BaseType=\"c_BaseType_for_Location\">" + "</ComplexType>" + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xml);
     parser.readMetadata(reader, true);
-  public void testAssociation() throws XMLStreamException,
-      EntityProviderException {
+  public void testAssociation() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xmlWithAssociation);
     DataServices result = parser.readMetadata(reader, true);
@@ -410,35 +200,27 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
     for (Schema schema : result.getSchemas()) {
       for (EntityType entityType : schema.getEntityTypes()) {
         if ("Manager".equals(entityType.getName())) {
-          assertEquals("RefScenario", entityType.getBaseType()
-              .getNamespace());
+          assertEquals("RefScenario", entityType.getBaseType().getNamespace());
           assertEquals("Employee", entityType.getBaseType().getName());
-          for (NavigationProperty navProperty : entityType
-              .getNavigationProperties()) {
+          for (NavigationProperty navProperty : entityType.getNavigationProperties()) {
             assertEquals("r_Manager", navProperty.getFromRole());
             assertEquals("r_Employees", navProperty.getToRole());
-            assertEquals("RefScenario", navProperty
-                .getRelationship().getNamespace());
-            assertEquals(ASSOCIATION, navProperty.getRelationship()
-                .getName());
+            assertEquals("RefScenario", navProperty.getRelationship().getNamespace());
+            assertEquals(ASSOCIATION, navProperty.getRelationship().getName());
         if ("Employee".equals(entityType.getName())) {
-          for (NavigationProperty navProperty : entityType
-              .getNavigationProperties()) {
+          for (NavigationProperty navProperty : entityType.getNavigationProperties()) {
             assertEquals("r_Employees", navProperty.getFromRole());
-            assertEquals("RefScenario", navProperty
-                .getRelationship().getNamespace());
-            assertEquals(ASSOCIATION, navProperty.getRelationship()
-                .getName());
+            assertEquals("RefScenario", navProperty.getRelationship().getNamespace());
+            assertEquals(ASSOCIATION, navProperty.getRelationship().getName());
       for (Association association : schema.getAssociations()) {
         AssociationEnd end;
         assertEquals(ASSOCIATION, association.getName());
-        if ("Employee"
-            .equals(association.getEnd1().getType().getName())) {
+        if ("Employee".equals(association.getEnd1().getType().getName())) {
           end = association.getEnd1();
         } else {
           end = association.getEnd2();
@@ -451,8 +233,7 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
-  public void testTwoSchemas() throws XMLStreamException,
-      EntityProviderException {
+  public void testTwoSchemas() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
     int i = 0;
     String schemasNs[] = { NAMESPACE, NAMESPACE2 };
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
@@ -469,8 +250,7 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
-  public void testProperties() throws EntityProviderException,
-      XMLStreamException {
+  public void testProperties() throws EntityProviderException, XMLStreamException {
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xmlWithTwoSchemas);
     DataServices result = parser.readMetadata(reader, true);
@@ -489,43 +269,26 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
           for (Property property : entityType.getProperties()) {
             SimpleProperty sProperty = (SimpleProperty) property;
             if ("Id".equals(property.getName())) {
-              assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, property.getFacets()
-                  .isNullable());
-              assertEquals(EdmConcurrencyMode.Fixed, property
-                  .getFacets().getConcurrencyMode());
-              assertEquals(new Integer(MAX_LENGTH), property
-                  .getFacets().getMaxLength());
+              assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, property.getFacets().isNullable());
+              assertEquals(EdmConcurrencyMode.Fixed, property.getFacets().getConcurrencyMode());
+              assertEquals(new Integer(MAX_LENGTH), property.getFacets().getMaxLength());
-              assertEquals(EdmSimpleTypeKind.Int32,
-                  sProperty.getType());
+              assertEquals(EdmSimpleTypeKind.Int32, sProperty.getType());
             if ("Name".equals(property.getName())) {
-              assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, property.getFacets()
-                  .isUnicode());
-              assertEquals(DEFAULT_VALUE, property.getFacets()
-                  .getDefaultValue());
-              assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, property.getFacets()
-                  .isFixedLength());
-              assertEquals(EdmSimpleTypeKind.String,
-                  sProperty.getType());
+              assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, property.getFacets().isUnicode());
+              assertEquals(DEFAULT_VALUE, property.getFacets().getDefaultValue());
+              assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, property.getFacets().isFixedLength());
+              assertEquals(EdmSimpleTypeKind.String, sProperty.getType());
             if ("Содержание".equals(property.getName())) {
-              assertEquals(FC_TARGET_PATH, property
-                  .getCustomizableFeedMappings()
-                  .getFcTargetPath());
-              assertEquals(FC_NS_URI, property
-                  .getCustomizableFeedMappings().getFcNsUri());
-              assertEquals(FC_NS_PREFIX, property
-                  .getCustomizableFeedMappings()
-                  .getFcNsPrefix());
-              assertEquals(FC_KEEP_IN_CONTENT, property
-                  .getCustomizableFeedMappings()
-                  .isFcKeepInContent());
-              assertEquals(EdmContentKind.text, property
-                  .getCustomizableFeedMappings()
-                  .getFcContentKind());
+              assertEquals(FC_TARGET_PATH, property.getCustomizableFeedMappings().getFcTargetPath());
+              assertEquals(FC_NS_URI, property.getCustomizableFeedMappings().getFcNsUri());
+              assertEquals(FC_NS_PREFIX, property.getCustomizableFeedMappings().getFcNsPrefix());
+              assertEquals(FC_KEEP_IN_CONTENT, property.getCustomizableFeedMappings().isFcKeepInContent());
+              assertEquals(EdmContentKind.text, property.getCustomizableFeedMappings().getFcContentKind());
             if ("BinaryData".equals(property.getName())) {
               assertEquals(MIME_TYPE, property.getMimeType());
@@ -537,34 +300,8 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
-  public void testEntitySet() throws XMLStreamException,
-      EntityProviderException {
-    final String xmWithEntityContainer = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06
-        + "\">"
-        + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08
-        + "\">"
-        + "<Schema Namespace=\""
-        + NAMESPACE
-        + "\" xmlns=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09
-        + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\""
-        + propertyNames[0]
-        + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "<Property Name=\""
-        + propertyNames[1]
-        + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" m:FC_TargetPath=\"SyndicationTitle\"/>"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">"
-        + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Employee\"/>"
-        + "</EntityContainer>"
-        + "</Schema>"
-        + "</edmx:DataServices>"
-        + "</edmx:Edmx>";
+  public void testEntitySet() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
+    final String xmWithEntityContainer = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[1] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" m:FC_TargetPath=\"SyndicationTitle\"/>" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">" + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Employee\"/>" + "</EntityContainer>" + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xmWithEntityContainer);
     DataServices result = parser.readMetadata(reader, true);
@@ -574,18 +311,15 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
         assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, container.isDefaultEntityContainer());
         for (EntitySet entitySet : container.getEntitySets()) {
           assertEquals("Employees", entitySet.getName());
-          assertEquals("Employee", entitySet.getEntityType()
-              .getName());
-          assertEquals(NAMESPACE, entitySet.getEntityType()
-              .getNamespace());
+          assertEquals("Employee", entitySet.getEntityType().getName());
+          assertEquals(NAMESPACE, entitySet.getEntityType().getNamespace());
-  public void testAssociationSet() throws XMLStreamException,
-      EntityProviderException {
+  public void testAssociationSet() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xmlWithAssociation);
     DataServices result = parser.readMetadata(reader, true);
@@ -611,36 +345,9 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
-  public void testFunctionImport() throws XMLStreamException,
-      EntityProviderException {
-    final String xmWithEntityContainer = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06
-        + "\">"
-        + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08
-        + "\">"
-        + "<Schema Namespace=\""
-        + NAMESPACE
-        + "\" xmlns=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09
-        + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\""
-        + propertyNames[0]
-        + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "<Property Name=\""
-        + propertyNames[1]
-        + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" m:FC_TargetPath=\"SyndicationTitle\"/>"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">"
-        + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Employee\"/>"
-        + "<FunctionImport Name=\"EmployeeSearch\" ReturnType=\"Collection(RefScenario.Employee)\" EntitySet=\"Employees\" m:HttpMethod=\"GET\">"
-        + "<Parameter Name=\"q\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"true\" />"
-        + "</FunctionImport>"
-        + "</EntityContainer>"
-        + "</Schema>"
-        + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
+  public void testFunctionImport() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
+    final String xmWithEntityContainer = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[1] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" m:FC_TargetPath=\"SyndicationTitle\"/>" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">" + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Employee\"/>" + "<FunctionImport Name=\"EmployeeSearch\" ReturnType=\"Collection(RefScenario.Employee)\" EntitySet=\"Employees\" m:HttpMethod=\"GET\">" + "<Parameter Name=\"q\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"true\" />"
+        + "</FunctionImport>" + "</EntityContainer>" + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xmWithEntityContainer);
     DataServices result = parser.readMetadata(reader, true);
@@ -668,26 +375,7 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
   public void testAlias() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
-    final String xml = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06
-        + "\">"
-        + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08
-        + "\">"
-        + "<Schema Namespace=\""
-        + NAMESPACE
-        + "\" Alias=\"RS\"  xmlns=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09
-        + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\""
-        + propertyNames[0]
-        + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RS.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-        + "</EntityType>" + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices>"
-        + "</edmx:Edmx>";
+    final String xml = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" Alias=\"RS\"  xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RS.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "</EntityType>" + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xml);
     DataServices result = parser.readMetadata(reader, true);
@@ -705,97 +393,33 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
   @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
   public void testEntityTypeWithoutKeys() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
-    final String xmlWithoutKeys = "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE
-        + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">" + "<Property Name=\""
-        + propertyNames[0]
-        + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "</EntityType>" + "</Schema>";
+    final String xmlWithoutKeys = "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "</EntityType>" + "</Schema>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xmlWithoutKeys);
     parser.readMetadata(reader, true);
   @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
-  public void testInvalidBaseType() throws XMLStreamException,
-      EntityProviderException {
-    final String xmlWithInvalidBaseType = "<Schema Namespace=\""
-        + NAMESPACE
-        + "\" xmlns=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09
-        + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Manager\" BaseType=\"Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-        + "</EntityType>" + "</Schema>";
+  public void testInvalidBaseType() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
+    final String xmlWithInvalidBaseType = "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Manager\" BaseType=\"Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "</EntityType>" + "</Schema>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xmlWithInvalidBaseType);
     parser.readMetadata(reader, true);
   @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
-  public void testInvalidRole() throws XMLStreamException,
-      EntityProviderException {
-    final String xmlWithInvalidAssociation = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06
-        + "\">"
-        + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08
-        + "\">"
-        + "<Schema Namespace=\""
-        + NAMESPACE
-        + "\" xmlns=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09
-        + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\""
-        + propertyNames[0]
-        + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-        + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"nm_Employees\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"Manager\" ToRole=\"Employees\" />"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<Association Name=\"ManagerEmployees\">"
-        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>"
-        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>"
-        + "</Association>"
-        + "</Schema>"
-        + "</edmx:DataServices>"
-        + "</edmx:Edmx>";
+  public void testInvalidRole() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
+    final String xmlWithInvalidAssociation = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"nm_Employees\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"Manager\" ToRole=\"Employees\" />" + "</EntityType>" + "<Association Name=\"ManagerEmployees\">" + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>" + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>" + "</Association>" + "</Schema>"
+        + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xmlWithInvalidAssociation);
     parser.readMetadata(reader, true);
   @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
-  public void testInvalidRelationship() throws XMLStreamException,
-      EntityProviderException {
-    final String xmlWithInvalidAssociation = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06
-        + "\">"
-        + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08
-        + "\">"
-        + "<Schema Namespace=\""
-        + NAMESPACE
-        + "\" xmlns=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09
-        + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\""
-        + propertyNames[0]
-        + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployee\" FromRole=\"r_Employees\" ToRole=\"r_Manager\" />"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<Association Name=\"ManagerEmployees\">"
-        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>"
-        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>"
-        + "</Association>"
-        + "</Schema>"
-        + "</edmx:DataServices>"
-        + "</edmx:Edmx>";
+  public void testInvalidRelationship() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
+    final String xmlWithInvalidAssociation = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployee\" FromRole=\"r_Employees\" ToRole=\"r_Manager\" />" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "</EntityType>" + "<Association Name=\"ManagerEmployees\">" + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>" + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>" + "</Association>" + "</Schema>"
+        + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xmlWithInvalidAssociation);
     parser.readMetadata(reader, true);
@@ -803,21 +427,7 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
   @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
   public void testMissingRelationship() throws Exception {
-    final String xmlWithInvalidAssociation = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">"
-        + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">"
-        + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" />"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<Association Name=\"ManagerEmployees\">"
-        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>"
-        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>"
-        + "</Association></Schema></edmx:DataServices></edmx:Edmx>";
+    final String xmlWithInvalidAssociation = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" />" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "</EntityType>" + "<Association Name=\"ManagerEmployees\">" + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>" + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>" + "</Association></Schema></edmx:DataServices></edmx:Edmx>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xmlWithInvalidAssociation);
     try {
@@ -833,24 +443,8 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
   @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
   public void testMissingEntityType() throws Exception {
-    final String xmlWithInvalidAssociation = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">"
-        + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">"
-        + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Employees\" ToRole=\"r_Manager\" />"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">"
-        + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" />"
-        + "</EntityContainer>"
-        + "<Association Name=\"ManagerEmployees\">"
-        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>"
-        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>"
-        + "</Association></Schema></edmx:DataServices></edmx:Edmx>";
+    final String xmlWithInvalidAssociation = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Employees\" ToRole=\"r_Manager\" />" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">" + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" />" + "</EntityContainer>" + "<Association Name=\"ManagerEmployees\">"
+        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>" + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>" + "</Association></Schema></edmx:DataServices></edmx:Edmx>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xmlWithInvalidAssociation);
     try {
@@ -866,21 +460,7 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
   @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
   public void testMissingType() throws Exception {
-    final String xmlWithInvalidAssociation = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">"
-        + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">"
-        + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Employees\" ToRole=\"r_Manager\" />"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<Association Name=\"ManagerEmployees\">"
-        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>"
-        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>"
-        + "</Association></Schema></edmx:DataServices></edmx:Edmx>";
+    final String xmlWithInvalidAssociation = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Employees\" ToRole=\"r_Manager\" />" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "</EntityType>" + "<Association Name=\"ManagerEmployees\">" + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>" + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>" + "</Association></Schema></edmx:DataServices></edmx:Edmx>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xmlWithInvalidAssociation);
     try {
@@ -896,21 +476,7 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
   @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
   public void testMissingTypeAtAssociation() throws Exception {
-    final String xmlWithInvalidAssociation = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">"
-        + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">"
-        + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Employees\" ToRole=\"r_Manager\" />"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<Association Name=\"ManagerEmployees\">"
-        + "<End Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>"
-        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>"
-        + "</Association></Schema></edmx:DataServices></edmx:Edmx>";
+    final String xmlWithInvalidAssociation = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Employees\" ToRole=\"r_Manager\" />" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "</EntityType>" + "<Association Name=\"ManagerEmployees\">" + "<End Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>" + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>" + "</Association></Schema></edmx:DataServices></edmx:Edmx>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xmlWithInvalidAssociation);
     try {
@@ -926,21 +492,7 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
   @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
   public void testMissingTypeAtFunctionImport() throws Exception {
-    final String xml = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06
-        + "\">"
-        + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[1] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" m:FC_TargetPath=\"SyndicationTitle\"/>"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">"
-        + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Employee\"/>"
-        + "<FunctionImport Name=\"EmployeeSearch\" ReturnType=\"Collection(RefScenario.Employee)\" EntitySet=\"Employees\" m:HttpMethod=\"GET\">"
-        + "<Parameter Name=\"q\" Nullable=\"true\" />"
-        + "</FunctionImport>"
+    final String xml = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[1] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" m:FC_TargetPath=\"SyndicationTitle\"/>" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">" + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Employee\"/>" + "<FunctionImport Name=\"EmployeeSearch\" ReturnType=\"Collection(RefScenario.Employee)\" EntitySet=\"Employees\" m:HttpMethod=\"GET\">" + "<Parameter Name=\"q\" Nullable=\"true\" />" + "</FunctionImport>"
         + "</EntityContainer></Schema></edmx:DataServices></edmx:Edmx>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xml);
@@ -957,25 +509,9 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
   @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
   public void testMissingAssociation() throws Exception {
-    final String xmlWithAssociation = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">"
-        + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">"
-        + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Employees\" ToRole=\"r_Manager\" />"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">"
-        + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Employee\"/>"
-        + "<AssociationSet Name=\"" + ASSOCIATION
-        //        + "\" Association=\"RefScenario." + ASSOCIATION 
-        + "\">"
-        + "<End EntitySet=\"Employees\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>"
-        + "</AssociationSet>"
-        + "</EntityContainer>"
-        + "</Schema>"
-        + "</edmx:DataServices></edmx:Edmx>";
+    final String xmlWithAssociation = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Employees\" ToRole=\"r_Manager\" />" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">" + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Employee\"/>" + "<AssociationSet Name=\"" + ASSOCIATION
+    //        + "\" Association=\"RefScenario." + ASSOCIATION 
+        + "\">" + "<End EntitySet=\"Employees\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>" + "</AssociationSet>" + "</EntityContainer>" + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices></edmx:Edmx>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xmlWithAssociation);
     try {
@@ -990,51 +526,9 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
   @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
-  public void testInvalidAssociation() throws XMLStreamException,
-      EntityProviderException {
-    final String xmlWithInvalidAssociationSet = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06
-        + "\">"
-        + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08
-        + "\">"
-        + "<Schema Namespace=\""
-        + NAMESPACE
-        + "\" xmlns=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09
-        + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\""
-        + propertyNames[0]
-        + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Employees\" ToRole=\"r_Manager\" />"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-        + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"nm_Employees\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Manager\" ToRole=\"r_Employees\" />"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<Association Name=\""
-        + ASSOCIATION
-        + "\">"
-        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"r_Employees\">"
-        + "<OnDelete Action=\"Cascade\"/>"
-        + "</End>"
-        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>"
-        + "</Association>"
-        + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">"
-        + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Employee\"/>"
-        + "<EntitySet Name=\"Managers\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Manager\"/>"
-        + "<AssociationSet Name=\""
-        + ASSOCIATION
-        + "\" Association=\"RefScenario2."
-        + ASSOCIATION
-        + "\">"
-        + "<End EntitySet=\"Managers\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>"
-        + "<End EntitySet=\"Employees\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>"
-        + "</AssociationSet>"
-        + "</EntityContainer>"
-        + "</Schema>"
-        + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
+  public void testInvalidAssociation() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
+    final String xmlWithInvalidAssociationSet = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Employees\" ToRole=\"r_Manager\" />" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"nm_Employees\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Manager\" ToRole=\"r_Employees\" />" + "</EntityType>" + "<Association Name=\"" + ASSOCIATION + "\">"
+        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"r_Employees\">" + "<OnDelete Action=\"Cascade\"/>" + "</End>" + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>" + "</Association>" + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">" + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Employee\"/>" + "<EntitySet Name=\"Managers\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Manager\"/>" + "<AssociationSet Name=\"" + ASSOCIATION + "\" Association=\"RefScenario2." + ASSOCIATION + "\">" + "<End EntitySet=\"Managers\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>" + "<End EntitySet=\"Employees\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>" + "</AssociationSet>" + "</EntityContainer>" + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xmlWithInvalidAssociationSet);
     parser.readMetadata(reader, true);
@@ -1042,68 +536,11 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
   @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
-  public void testInvalidAssociationEnd() throws XMLStreamException,
-      EntityProviderException {
+  public void testInvalidAssociationEnd() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
     final String employees = "r_Employees";
     final String manager = "r_Manager";
-    final String xmlWithInvalidAssociationSetEnd = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06
-        + "\">"
-        + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08
-        + "\">"
-        + "<Schema Namespace=\""
-        + NAMESPACE
-        + "\" xmlns=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09
-        + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\""
-        + propertyNames[0]
-        + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\""
-        + employees
-        + "\" ToRole=\""
-        + manager
-        + "\" />"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-        + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"nm_Employees\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\""
-        + manager
-        + "\" ToRole=\""
-        + employees
-        + "\" />"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<Association Name=\""
-        + ASSOCIATION
-        + "\">"
-        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\""
-        + employees
-        + "1"
-        + "\"/>"
-        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\""
-        + manager
-        + "\"/>"
-        + "</Association>"
-        + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">"
-        + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Employee\"/>"
-        + "<EntitySet Name=\"Managers\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Manager\"/>"
-        + "<AssociationSet Name=\""
-        + ASSOCIATION
-        + "\" Association=\"RefScenario2."
-        + ASSOCIATION
-        + "\">"
-        + "<End EntitySet=\"Managers\" Role=\""
-        + manager
-        + "\"/>"
-        + "<End EntitySet=\"Employees\" Role=\""
-        + employees
-        + "\"/>"
-        + "</AssociationSet>"
-        + "</EntityContainer>"
-        + "</Schema>"
-        + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
+    final String xmlWithInvalidAssociationSetEnd = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"" + employees + "\" ToRole=\"" + manager + "\" />" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"nm_Employees\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"" + manager + "\" ToRole=\"" + employees + "\" />" + "</EntityType>" + "<Association Name=\"" + ASSOCIATION + "\">"
+        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"" + employees + "1" + "\"/>" + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"" + manager + "\"/>" + "</Association>" + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">" + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Employee\"/>" + "<EntitySet Name=\"Managers\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Manager\"/>" + "<AssociationSet Name=\"" + ASSOCIATION + "\" Association=\"RefScenario2." + ASSOCIATION + "\">" + "<End EntitySet=\"Managers\" Role=\"" + manager + "\"/>" + "<End EntitySet=\"Employees\" Role=\"" + employees + "\"/>" + "</AssociationSet>" + "</EntityContainer>" + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xmlWithInvalidAssociationSetEnd);
     parser.readMetadata(reader, true);
@@ -1111,67 +548,11 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
   @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
-  public void testInvalidAssociationEnd2() throws XMLStreamException,
-      EntityProviderException {
+  public void testInvalidAssociationEnd2() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
     final String employees = "r_Employees";
     final String manager = "r_Manager";
-    final String xmlWithInvalidAssociationSetEnd = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06
-        + "\">"
-        + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08
-        + "\">"
-        + "<Schema Namespace=\""
-        + NAMESPACE
-        + "\" xmlns=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09
-        + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\""
-        + propertyNames[0]
-        + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\""
-        + employees
-        + "\" ToRole=\""
-        + manager
-        + "\" />"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-        + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"nm_Employees\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\""
-        + manager
-        + "\" ToRole=\""
-        + employees
-        + "\" />"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<Association Name=\""
-        + ASSOCIATION
-        + "\">"
-        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\""
-        + employees
-        + "\"/>"
-        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\""
-        + manager
-        + "\"/>"
-        + "</Association>"
-        + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">"
-        + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Employee\"/>"
-        + "<EntitySet Name=\"Managers\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Manager\"/>"
-        + "<AssociationSet Name=\""
-        + ASSOCIATION
-        + "\" Association=\"RefScenario2."
-        + ASSOCIATION
-        + "\">"
-        + "<End EntitySet=\"Managers\" Role=\""
-        + manager
-        + "\"/>"
-        + "<End EntitySet=\"Managers\" Role=\""
-        + manager
-        + "\"/>"
-        + "</AssociationSet>"
-        + "</EntityContainer>"
-        + "</Schema>"
-        + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
+    final String xmlWithInvalidAssociationSetEnd = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"" + employees + "\" ToRole=\"" + manager + "\" />" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"nm_Employees\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"" + manager + "\" ToRole=\"" + employees + "\" />" + "</EntityType>" + "<Association Name=\"" + ASSOCIATION + "\">"
+        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"" + employees + "\"/>" + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"" + manager + "\"/>" + "</Association>" + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">" + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Employee\"/>" + "<EntitySet Name=\"Managers\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Manager\"/>" + "<AssociationSet Name=\"" + ASSOCIATION + "\" Association=\"RefScenario2." + ASSOCIATION + "\">" + "<End EntitySet=\"Managers\" Role=\"" + manager + "\"/>" + "<End EntitySet=\"Managers\" Role=\"" + manager + "\"/>" + "</AssociationSet>" + "</EntityContainer>" + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xmlWithInvalidAssociationSetEnd);
     parser.readMetadata(reader, true);
@@ -1179,34 +560,8 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
   @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
-  public void testInvalidEntitySet() throws XMLStreamException,
-      EntityProviderException {
-    final String xmWithEntityContainer = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06
-        + "\">"
-        + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08
-        + "\">"
-        + "<Schema Namespace=\""
-        + NAMESPACE
-        + "\" xmlns=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09
-        + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\""
-        + propertyNames[0]
-        + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "<Property Name=\""
-        + propertyNames[1]
-        + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" m:FC_TargetPath=\"SyndicationTitle\"/>"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">"
-        + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Mitarbeiter\"/>"
-        + "</EntityContainer>"
-        + "</Schema>"
-        + "</edmx:DataServices>"
-        + "</edmx:Edmx>";
+  public void testInvalidEntitySet() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
+    final String xmWithEntityContainer = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[1] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" m:FC_TargetPath=\"SyndicationTitle\"/>" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">" + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Mitarbeiter\"/>" + "</EntityContainer>" + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xmWithEntityContainer);
     parser.readMetadata(reader, true);
@@ -1215,34 +570,7 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
   public void testEntityTypeInOtherSchema() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
-    final String xmWithEntityContainer = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06
-        + "\">"
-        + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08
-        + "\">"
-        + "<Schema Namespace=\""
-        + NAMESPACE
-        + "\" xmlns=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09
-        + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\""
-        + propertyNames[0]
-        + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">"
-        + "<EntitySet Name=\"Photos\" EntityType=\"" + NAMESPACE2 + ".Photo\"/>"
-        + "</EntityContainer>"
-        + "</Schema>"
-        + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE2 + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Photo\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"Id\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\"Id\" Type=\"Edm.Int32\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "</Schema>"
-        + "</edmx:DataServices>"
+    final String xmWithEntityContainer = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">" + "<EntitySet Name=\"Photos\" EntityType=\"" + NAMESPACE2 + ".Photo\"/>" + "</EntityContainer>" + "</Schema>" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE2 + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Photo\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"Id\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"Id\" Type=\"Edm.Int32\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "</EntityType>" + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices>"
         + "</edmx:Edmx>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xmWithEntityContainer);
@@ -1260,114 +588,12 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
-  public void scenarioTest() throws XMLStreamException,
-      EntityProviderException {
+  public void scenarioTest() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
     final String ASSOCIATION2 = "TeamEmployees";
-    final String xml = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06
-        + "\">"
-        + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08
-        + "\">"
-        + "<Schema Namespace=\""
-        + NAMESPACE
-        + "\" Alias=\"RS\" xmlns=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09
-        + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\""
-        + propertyNames[0]
-        + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "<Property Name=\""
-        + propertyNames[2]
-        + "\" Type=\"RefScenario.c_Location\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Employees\" ToRole=\"r_Manager\" />"
-        + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Team\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.TeamEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Employees\" ToRole=\"r_Team\" />"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
-        + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"nm_Employees\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Manager\" ToRole=\"r_Employees\" />"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<EntityType Name=\"Team\">"
-        + "<Key>"
-        + "<PropertyRef Name=\"Id\"/>"
-        + "</Key>"
-        + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"nt_Employees\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.TeamEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Team\" ToRole=\"r_Employees\" />"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<ComplexType Name=\"c_Location\">"
-        + "<Property Name=\"Country\" Type=\"Edm.String\"/>"
-        + "</ComplexType>"
-        + "<Association Name=\""
-        + ASSOCIATION
-        + "\">"
-        + "<End Type=\"RS.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"r_Employees\">"
-        + "<OnDelete Action=\"Cascade\"/>"
-        + "</End>"
-        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>"
-        + "</Association>"
-        + "<Association Name=\""
-        + ASSOCIATION2
-        + "\">"
-        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>"
-        + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Team\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"r_Team\"/>"
-        + "</Association>"
-        + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">"
-        + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"RS.Employee\"/>"
-        + "<EntitySet Name=\"Managers\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Manager\"/>"
-        + "<EntitySet Name=\"Teams\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Team\"/>"
-        + "<AssociationSet Name=\""
-        + ASSOCIATION
-        + "\" Association=\"RefScenario."
-        + ASSOCIATION
-        + "\">"
-        + "<End EntitySet=\"Managers\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>"
-        + "<End EntitySet=\"Employees\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>"
-        + "</AssociationSet>"
-        + "<AssociationSet Name=\""
-        + ASSOCIATION2
-        + "\" Association=\"RefScenario."
-        + ASSOCIATION2
-        + "\">"
-        + "<End EntitySet=\"Teams\" Role=\"r_Team\"/>"
-        + "<End EntitySet=\"Employees\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>"
-        + "</AssociationSet>"
-        + "</EntityContainer>"
-        + "</Schema>"
-        + "<Schema Namespace=\""
-        + NAMESPACE2
-        + "\" xmlns=\""
-        + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09
-        + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Photo\">"
-        + "<Key>"
-        + "<PropertyRef Name=\"Id\"/>"
-        + "<PropertyRef Name=\"Name\"/>"
-        + "</Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\"Id\" Type=\"Edm.Int32\" Nullable=\"false\" ConcurrencyMode=\"Fixed\" MaxLength=\""
-        + MAX_LENGTH
-        + "\"/>"
-        + "<Property Name=\"Name\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Unicode=\"true\" DefaultValue=\""
-        + DEFAULT_VALUE
-        + "\" FixedLength=\"false\"/>"
-        + "<Property Name=\"BinaryData\" Type=\"Edm.Binary\" m:MimeType=\""
-        + MIME_TYPE
-        + "\"/>"
-        + "<Property Name=\"Содержание\" Type=\"Edm.String\" m:FC_TargetPath=\""
-        + FC_TARGET_PATH
-        + "\" m:FC_NsUri=\""
-        + FC_NS_URI
-        + "\""
-        + " m:FC_NsPrefix=\""
-        + FC_NS_PREFIX
-        + "\" m:FC_KeepInContent=\""
-        + "\" m:FC_ContentKind=\"text\" >"
-        + "</Property>"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">"
-        + "<EntitySet Name=\"Photos\" EntityType=\"RefScenario2.Photo\"/>"
-        + "</EntityContainer>" + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices>"
-        + "</edmx:Edmx>";
+    final String xml = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" Alias=\"RS\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[0] + "\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<Property Name=\"" + propertyNames[2] + "\" Type=\"RefScenario.c_Location\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Manager\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Employees\" ToRole=\"r_Manager\" />" + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"ne_Team\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.TeamEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Employees\" ToRole=\"r_Team\" />" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityType Name=\"Manager\" BaseType=\"RefScenario.Employee\" m:HasStream=\"true\">"
+        + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"nm_Employees\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.ManagerEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Manager\" ToRole=\"r_Employees\" />" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityType Name=\"Team\">" + "<Key>" + "<PropertyRef Name=\"Id\"/>" + "</Key>" + "<NavigationProperty Name=\"nt_Employees\" Relationship=\"RefScenario.TeamEmployees\" FromRole=\"r_Team\" ToRole=\"r_Employees\" />" + "</EntityType>" + "<ComplexType Name=\"c_Location\">" + "<Property Name=\"Country\" Type=\"Edm.String\"/>" + "</ComplexType>" + "<Association Name=\"" + ASSOCIATION + "\">" + "<End Type=\"RS.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"r_Employees\">" + "<OnDelete Action=\"Cascade\"/>" + "</End>" + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Manager\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>" + "</Association>" + "<Association Name=\"" + ASSOCIATION2 + "\">" + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Employee\" Multiplicity=\"*\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>" + "<End Type=\"RefScenario.Team\" Multiplicity=\"1\" Role=\"r_Team\"/>" + "</Association>"
+        + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">" + "<EntitySet Name=\"Employees\" EntityType=\"RS.Employee\"/>" + "<EntitySet Name=\"Managers\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Manager\"/>" + "<EntitySet Name=\"Teams\" EntityType=\"RefScenario.Team\"/>" + "<AssociationSet Name=\"" + ASSOCIATION + "\" Association=\"RefScenario." + ASSOCIATION + "\">" + "<End EntitySet=\"Managers\" Role=\"r_Manager\"/>" + "<End EntitySet=\"Employees\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>" + "</AssociationSet>" + "<AssociationSet Name=\"" + ASSOCIATION2 + "\" Association=\"RefScenario." + ASSOCIATION2 + "\">" + "<End EntitySet=\"Teams\" Role=\"r_Team\"/>" + "<End EntitySet=\"Employees\" Role=\"r_Employees\"/>" + "</AssociationSet>" + "</EntityContainer>" + "</Schema>" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE2 + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Photo\">" + "<Key>" + "<PropertyRef Name=\"Id\"/>" + "<PropertyRef Name=\"Name\"/>" + "</Key>"
+        + "<Property Name=\"Id\" Type=\"Edm.Int32\" Nullable=\"false\" ConcurrencyMode=\"Fixed\" MaxLength=\"" + MAX_LENGTH + "\"/>" + "<Property Name=\"Name\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Unicode=\"true\" DefaultValue=\"" + DEFAULT_VALUE + "\" FixedLength=\"false\"/>" + "<Property Name=\"BinaryData\" Type=\"Edm.Binary\" m:MimeType=\"" + MIME_TYPE + "\"/>" + "<Property Name=\"Содержание\" Type=\"Edm.String\" m:FC_TargetPath=\"" + FC_TARGET_PATH + "\" m:FC_NsUri=\"" + FC_NS_URI + "\"" + " m:FC_NsPrefix=\"" + FC_NS_PREFIX + "\" m:FC_KeepInContent=\"" + FC_KEEP_IN_CONTENT + "\" m:FC_ContentKind=\"text\" >" + "</Property>" + "</EntityType>" + "<EntityContainer Name=\"Container1\" m:IsDefaultEntityContainer=\"true\">" + "<EntitySet Name=\"Photos\" EntityType=\"RefScenario2.Photo\"/>" + "</EntityContainer>" + "</Schema>" + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "</edmx:Edmx>";
     EdmParser parser = new EdmParser();
     XMLStreamReader reader = createStreamReader(xml);
     DataServices result = parser.readMetadata(reader, true);
@@ -1406,23 +632,8 @@ public class EdmParserTest {
   public void testAnnotations() throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
-    final String xmlWithAnnotations = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">"
-        + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">"
-        + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">"
-        + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\" prefix1:href=\"\" xmlns:prefix1=\"namespaceForAnno\">"
-        + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>"
-        + "<Property Name=\"EmployeeId\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>"
-        + "<Property Name=\"EmployeeName\" Type=\"Edm.String\" m:FC_TargetPath=\"SyndicationTitle\" annoPrefix:annoName=\"annoText\" xmlns:annoPrefix=\"http://annoNamespace\">"
-        + "<propertyAnnoElement>text</propertyAnnoElement>"
-        + "<propertyAnnoElement2 />"
-        + "</Property>"
-        + "</EntityType>"
-        + "<schemaElementTest1>"
-        + "<prefix:schemaElementTest2 xmlns:prefix=\"namespace\">text3"
-        + "</prefix:schemaElementTest2>"
-        + "<schemaElementTest3 rel=\"self\" pre:href=\"\" xmlns:pre=\"namespaceForAnno\">text4</schemaElementTest3>"
-        + " </schemaElementTest1>"
-        + "</Schema>"
+    final String xmlWithAnnotations = "<edmx:Edmx Version=\"1.0\" xmlns:edmx=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDMX_2007_06 + "\">" + "<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion=\"2.0\" xmlns:m=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08 + "\">" + "<Schema Namespace=\"" + NAMESPACE + "\" xmlns=\"" + Edm.NAMESPACE_EDM_2008_09 + "\">" + "<EntityType Name= \"Employee\" prefix1:href=\"\" xmlns:prefix1=\"namespaceForAnno\">" + "<Key><PropertyRef Name=\"EmployeeId\"/></Key>" + "<Property Name=\"EmployeeId\" Type=\"Edm.String\" Nullable=\"false\"/>" + "<Property Name=\"EmployeeName\" Type=\"Edm.String\" m:FC_TargetPath=\"SyndicationTitle\" annoPrefix:annoName=\"annoText\" xmlns:annoPrefix=\"http://annoNamespace\">" + "<propertyAnnoElement>text</propertyAnnoElement>" + "<propertyAnnoElement2 />" + "</Property>" + "</EntityType>" + "<schemaElementTest1>" + "<prefix:schemaElementTest2 xmlns:prefix=\"namespace\">text3" + "</prefix:schemaElementTest2>"
+        + "<schemaElementTest3 rel=\"self\" pre:href=\"\" xmlns:pre=\"namespaceForAnno\">text4</schemaElementTest3>" + " </schemaElementTest1>" + "</Schema>"
         + "</edmx:DataServices>" + "