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+                            <h2 id="concepts">Concepts</h2>
+<p>This page is meant to introduce you to some of the concepts inherent to 
+the Apache Mynewt Operating System, and <em>Newt</em> the tool that stitches a 
+project built on Apache Mynewt together.</p>
+<h3 id="project">Project</h3>
+<p>The project is the base directory of your embedded software tree.  It is a 
+workspace that contains a logical collection of source code, for one or 
+more of your applications.  A project consists of the following items:</p>
+<li>Project Definition: defines project level dependencies, and parameters
+    (located in <code>project.yml</code>)</li>
+<p><a href="#package">Packages</a> are described in detail in the section below.  </p>
+<p>Here is an example project definition file from the default Apache Mynewt 
+project: </p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ more project.yml 
+&lt;snip&gt; &quot;my_project&quot;
+    - apache-mynewt-core
+# Use github&#39;s distribution mechanism for core ASF libraries.
+# This provides mirroring automatically for us.
+    type: github
+    vers: 0-latest
+    user: apache
+    repo: incubator-mynewt-core
+<p>A couple of things to note in the project definition:</p>
+<p><code>project.repositories</code>: Defines the remote repositories that this project
+relies upon.</p>
+<p><code>repository.apache-mynewt-core</code>: Defines the repository information for 
+the <code>apache-mynewt-core</code> repository.</p>
+<p>Repositories are versioned collections of packages.  </p>
+<p>Projects can rely on remote repositories for functionality, and the newt tool 
+will resolve those remote repositories, and download the correct version into 
+your local source tree.  Newly fetched repositories are put in the <code>repos</code>
+directory of your project, and can be referenced throughout the system by using
+the <code>@</code> specifier.  </p>
+<p>By default, the <code>@apache-mynewt-core</code> repository is included in every 
+project.  Apache Mynewt Core contains all the base functionality of the Apache 
+Mynewt Operating System, including the Real Time Kernel, Bluetooth Networking 
+Stack, Flash File System, Console, Shell and Bootloader.</p>
+<p><em>NOTE:</em> Any project can be converted into a repository by providing it with a 
+<code>repository.yml</code> file and putting it up onto Github.  More information
+about repositories can be found in the Newt documentation.</p>
+<h3 id="package">Package</h3>
+<p>A package is a collection items that form a fundamental unit in the Mynewt 
+Operating System.  Packages can be:</p>
+<li>Compiler definitions</li>
+<p>A package is identified by having a <code>pkg.yml</code> file in it's base 
+directory.  Here is a sample <code>pkg.yml</code> file for the blinky applicaton:</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ more pkg.yml 
+&lt;snip&gt; apps/blinky
+pkg.type: app
+pkg.description: Basic example application which blinks an LED. &quot;Apache Mynewt &lt;;&quot;
+pkg.homepage: &quot;;
+    - &quot;@apache-mynewt-core/libs/os&quot;
+    - &quot;@apache-mynewt-core/hw/hal&quot;
+    - &quot;@apache-mynewt-core/libs/console/full&quot;
+<p>Packages have a few features worth noting:</p>
+<li>Dependencies: Packages can rely upon other packages, and when they do
+    they will inherit their functionality (header files, library definitions, etc.)</li>
+<li>APIs: Packages can export named APIs, and they can require that certain 
+    APIs be present, in order to compile.</li>
+<li>Features: Packages can operate differently depending on what named features are 
+    present in the system.  Packages can also export features to the rest of the 
+    Mynewt system.</li>
+<p>Everything that newt knows about within a project's directory is a package.  This 
+makes it very clean and easy to write re-usable components, which can describe their 
+Dependencies and APIs to the rest of the system.</p>
+<h3 id="target">Target</h3>
+<p>A target in Apache Mynewt is very similar to a target in <em>make</em>.  It is the collection
+of parameters that must be passed to Newt in order to generate a reproducible build.  A 
+target represents the top of the build tree, and any packages or parameters specified at 
+the target level, cascade down to all dependencies.</p>
+<p>Targets are also packages, and are stored in the <code>targets/</code> directory at the base 
+of your project.  Most targets consist of: </p>
+<li><code>app</code>: The application to build.</li>
+<li><code>bsp</code>: The board support package to combine with that application</li>
+<li><code>build_profile</code>: Either <code>debug</code> or <code>optimized</code>. </li>
+<p>Targets can also have additional items specified, including: </p>
+<li><code>cflags</code>: Any additional compiler flags you might want to specify to the build.</li>
+<li><code>features</code>: Any system level features you want to enable.</li>
+<p>In order to create and manipulate targets, the <em>newt</em> tool offers a set of helper commands,
+you can find more information about these by issuing:</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">$ newt target
+  newt target [flags]
+  newt target [command]
+Available Commands: 
+  show        View target configuration variables
+  set         Set target configuration variable
+  create      Create a target
+  delete      Delete target
+  copy        Copy target
+  vars        Show variable names
+  -h, --help=false: help for target
+Global Flags:
+  -l, --loglevel=&quot;WARN&quot;: Log level, defaults to WARN.
+  -o, --outfile=&quot;&quot;: Filename to tee log output to
+  -q, --quiet=false: Be quiet; only display error output.
+  -s, --silent=false: Be silent; don&#39;t output anything.
+  -v, --verbose=false: Enable verbose output when executing commands.
+Additional help topics:
+Use &quot;newt help [command]&quot; for more information about a command.
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+                            <h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
+<h3 id="welcome-to-apache-mynewt">Welcome to Apache Mynewt</h3>
+<p>Apache Mynewt is an operating system that makes it easy to develop
+applications for microcontroller environments where power and cost 
+are driving factors. Examples of these devices are connected locks, 
+lights, and wearables.</p>
+<p>Microcontroller environments have a number of characteristics that 
+makes the operating system requirements for them unique: </p>
+<p>Low memory footprint: memory on these systems range from 
+8-16KB (on the low end) to 16MB (on the high end).</p>
+<p>Reduced code size: code often runs out of flash, and total available code size ranges from 64-128KB to 16-32MB.</p>
+<p>Low processing speed: processor speeds vary from 10-12MHz to 160-200MHz.  </p>
+<p>Low power operation: devices operate in mostly sleeping mode, in order to conserve
+battery power and maximize power usage.</p>
+<p>As more and more devices get connected, these interconnected devices perform complex tasks. To
+perform these tasks, you need low-level operational functionality built into the operating system.
+Typically, connected devices built with these microcontrollers perform a myriad of functions: </p>
+<p>Networking Stacks: Bluetooth Low Energy and Thread</p>
+<p>Peripherals: PWM to drive motors, ADCs to measure sensor data, and RTCs
+to keep time.</p>
+<p>Scheduled Processing: actions must happen on a calendared or periodic basis.</p>
+<p>Apache Mynewt accomplishes all the above easily, by providing a complete
+operating system for constrained devices, including:</p>
+<p>A fully open-source Bluetooth Low Energy stack with both Host and 
+Controller implementations. </p>
+<p>A pre-emptive, multi-tasking Real Time operating system kernel</p>
+<p>A Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) that abstracts the MCU's 
+peripheral functions, allowing developers to easily write cross-platform
+<h3 id="newt">Newt</h3>
+<p>In order to provide all this functionality, and operate in an 
+extremely low resource environment, Mynewt provides a very fine-grained source 
+package management and build system tool, called <em>newt</em>. </p>
+<p>You can install and build <em>newt</em> for <a href="../..//newt/install/newt_linux/">Linux</a> or <a href="../../newt/install/newt_mac/">Mac</a>. </p>
+<h3 id="newt-manager">Newt Manager</h3>
+<p>In order to enable a user to communicate with remote instances of Mynewt OS and query, configure, and operate them, Mynewt provides an application tool called Newt Manager or <code>newtmgr</code>.</p>
+<p>You can install and build <em>newtmgr</em> from source code on <a href="../../newtmgr/installing/">Linux or Mac</a>. </p>
+<h3 id="build-your-first-mynewt-app-with-newt">Build your first Mynewt App with Newt</h3>
+<p>With the introductions out of the way, now is a good time to <a href="../../get_started/get_started/">get set up and 
+started</a> with your first Mynewt application.</p>
+<p>Happy Hacking!</p>
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+                            <h1 id="baselibc">Baselibc</h1>
+<p>Baselibc is a very simple libc for embedded systems geared primarily for 32-bit microcontrollers in the 10-100kB memory range. The library of basic system calls and facilities compiles to less than 5kB total on Cortex-M3, and much less if some functions aren't used.</p>
+<p>The code is based on klibc and tinyprintf modules, and licensed under the BSD license.</p>
+<p>Baselibc comes from</p>
+<h3 id="description">Description</h3>
+<p>Mynewt OS can utilize libc which comes with compiler (e.g. newlib bundled with some binary distributions of arm-none-eabi-gcc). However, you may choose to replace the libc with baselibc for a reduced image size. Baselibc optimizes for size rather than performance, which is usually a more important goal in embedded environments.</p>
+<h3 id="how-to-switch-to-baselibc">How to switch to baselibc</h3>
+<p>In order to switch from using libc to using baselibc you have to add the baselibc pkg as a dependency in the project pkg. Specifying this dependency ensures that the linker first looks for the functions in baselibc before falling back to libc while creating the executable. For example, project <code>boot</code> uses baselibc. Its project description file <code>boot.yml</code> looks like the following:</p>
+ boot
+   project.identities: bootloader
+   project.pkgs:
+       - libs/os
+       - libs/bootutil
+       - libs/nffs
+       - libs/console/stub
+       - libs/util
+       - libs/baselibc</code></p>
+<h3 id="list-of-functions">List of Functions</h3>
+<p>Documentation for libc functions is available from multiple places. One example are the on-line manual pages at <a href="#"></a>.</p>
+<p>baselibc supports most libc functionality; malloc(), printf-family, string handling, and conversion routines.</p>
+<p>There is some functionality which is not available, e.g. support for floating point numbers, and limited support for 'long long'.</p>
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