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Posted to by Alex Karasulu <> on 2008/03/23 06:31:04 UTC

[ApacheDS] Documentation on Partition Design w/ Cursors

I'm going to try to finish off the Cursor implementation for the
JdbmPartition in my private branch in the couple weeks before ApacheCon.
Incidentally this work will not be included in the 1.5.2 release we're
planning.  I hope to incorporate these changes into 1.5.3.

I had started this work a couple weeks ago, and found enough time this
weekend to document what will hopefully be the end result.  The
documentation shows exactly how the JdbmPartition is designed.  It also
shows how optimized search operations are conducted on Partitions
implementing the indexing scheme used by any BTree based Partition.  Here's
the doco:

I'd love feedback from others if they have the time or interest to read over
this material.  My technical writing skills are pretty shabby so I hope I
don't confuse people.  If so, I will correct this ASAP as people find parts
of the document difficult to understand.  This part of the server is
probably the most critical and complex part, and it's perhaps the last area
where we had a complete lack of documentation.  For these reasons I really
want to make this documentation as easy to read and understand as possible.
