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Posted to by Pavel Vodenski <> on 2012/10/12 20:56:27 UTC

Grid: 'lean' parameter not bound to GridColumns?

Hi Tapestry Users,

Does GridColumns respect the 'lean' parameter? In 'lean' mode, a Grid
should not add property ids as CSS classes on cells. For example:

        <t:grid source="gridModels" add="someProperty" row="gridModel"

Should render a grid wherein the 'someProperty' cells, including the column
header, do *not *have the CSS class 'someProperty.' At least, that's how I
understand the 'lean' parameter. Unfortunately, I still see 'someProperty'
as a CSS class on header cells--albeit not on row cells.

Here is how Grid exposes GridColumns and GridRows parameters (from

    @Component(parameters =
    { "index=inherit:columnIndex", "lean=inherit:lean",
"overrides=overrides", "zone=zone" })
    private GridColumns columns;

    @Component(parameters =
    { "columnIndex=inherit:columnIndex", "rowsPerPage=rowsPerPage",
"currentPage=currentPage", "row=row",
            "overrides=overrides" }, publishParameters =
    private GridRows rows;

Is this working as intended? Is it possible at all to suppress the property
id CSS classes on Grid th elements? How?

Thank you,
- P