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Posted to by Ronald Van de Kuil <> on 2008/07/17 16:23:30 UTC

JMS in combination with authentication

Hello JMeter users,

I have figured out how to send JMS messages to IBM MQSeries. We can send 
messages to a queue manager which is not secured with a user and a 

The trick is easy:
- use the com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory class as initial 
context factory with a url to the JNDI repository;
- use IBM JMSAdmin tool to create a JNDI mapping between your JMS world 
and the MQ world in your JNDI repository;

We are trying to take it a step further by sending a message to a 
queuemanager that has a user and a password set.

Unfortunatly we have been struggling with getting it to work for a two 
days now after having tried various approaches.

I can see in the source of jmeter that all calls to the queue connection 
factory are of the type:

public QueueConnection createQueueConnection() throws JMSException

Am I right that I will have to modify the code of jmeter to get it to 
supply the user and password. Like as in:

public QueueConnection createQueueConnection(String userName, String 
password) throws JMSException

Can anyone advise me on what to do next?

Thanx / Met Vriendelijke Groet,
Ronald van de Kuil

Stuck in the past somewhere in the future? NO WAY!!!

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