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Posted to by "Gustafson, Vicki" <> on 2002/12/11 18:17:34 UTC

Authentication using HttpClient

Is there a way to specify which authentication scheme you would like the client to use if several schemes are returned in the www-auth header?

I'm performing a simple post using the httpClient.  The server returns a 401 at which point the httpClient tries to authenticate with the server.  The following header is received:

Attempting to parse authenticate header: 'WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate, NTLM, Basic realm="XXXwhateverXXX"

I need to authenticate using Basic, but the Authenticator class will only try the most secure scheme:  NTLM.  Is there a setting or parameter I can set to force the httpClient to use Basic?


// determine the most secure request header to add
Header requestHeader = null;
if (challengeMap.containsKey("ntlm")) {
    String challenge = (String) challengeMap.get("ntlm");
    requestHeader = Authenticator.ntlm(challenge, method, state,
} else if (challengeMap.containsKey("digest")) {
    String challenge = (String) challengeMap.get("digest");
    String realm = parseRealmFromChallenge(challenge);
    requestHeader = Authenticator.digest(realm, method, state,
} else if (challengeMap.containsKey("basic")) {
    String challenge = (String) challengeMap.get("basic");
    String realm = parseRealmFromChallenge(challenge);
    requestHeader = Authenticator.basic(realm, state, responseHeader);
} else if (challengeMap.size() == 0) {
    throw new HttpException("No authentication scheme found in '"
    + authenticateHeader + "'");
} else {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
    "Requested authentication scheme " + challengeMap.keySet()
    + " is unsupported");