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Posted to by on 2011/02/22 15:56:09 UTC

svn commit: r1073371 [16/28] - in /incubator/easyant/core/trunk: ./ bin/ example/build-configurations/ example/build-configurations/src/main/java/org/apache/easyant/example/ example/build-configurations/src/test/java/org/apache/easyant/example/ example...

Modified: incubator/easyant/core/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/easyant/core/report/
--- incubator/easyant/core/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/easyant/core/report/ (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/core/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/easyant/core/report/ Tue Feb 22 15:55:55 2011
@@ -52,533 +52,533 @@ import org.apache.ivy.util.XMLHelper;
 public class XMLEasyAntReportWriter {
-	static final String REPORT_ENCODING = "UTF-8";
-	private boolean displaySubProperties;
+    static final String REPORT_ENCODING = "UTF-8";
+    private boolean displaySubProperties;
-	public void output(ConfigurationResolveReport report, OutputStream stream,
-			EasyAntReport easyAntReport) {
-		output(report, new String[] { report.getConfiguration() }, stream,
-				easyAntReport);
-	}
-	public void output(ConfigurationResolveReport report, String[] confs,
-			OutputStream stream, EasyAntReport easyAntReport) {
-		OutputStreamWriter encodedOutStream;
-		try {
-			encodedOutStream = new OutputStreamWriter(stream, REPORT_ENCODING);
-		} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
-			throw new RuntimeException(REPORT_ENCODING
-					+ " is not known on your jvm", e);
-		}
-		PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(encodedOutStream));
-		ModuleRevisionId mrid = report.getModuleDescriptor()
-				.getModuleRevisionId();
-		// out.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>");
-		out.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" + REPORT_ENCODING
-				+ "\"?>");
-		out
-				.println("<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"easyant-report.xsl\"?>");
-		out.println("<ivy-report version=\"1.0\">");
-		out.println("\t<info");
-		out.println("\t\torganisation=\""
-				+ XMLHelper.escape(mrid.getOrganisation()) + "\"");
-		out.println("\t\tmodule=\"" + XMLHelper.escape(mrid.getName()) + "\"");
-		out.println("\t\trevision=\"" + XMLHelper.escape(mrid.getRevision())
-				+ "\"");
-		if (mrid.getBranch() != null) {
-			out.println("\t\tbranch=\"" + XMLHelper.escape(mrid.getBranch())
-					+ "\"");
-		}
-		Map extraAttributes = mrid.getExtraAttributes();
-		for (Iterator it = extraAttributes.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
-			Map.Entry entry = (Entry);
-			out.println("\t\textra-" + entry.getKey() + "=\""
-					+ XMLHelper.escape(entry.getValue().toString()) + "\"");
-		}
-		out.println("\t\tconf=\"" + XMLHelper.escape(report.getConfiguration())
-				+ "\"");
-		out.println("\t\tconfs=\""
-				+ XMLHelper.escape(StringUtils.join(confs, ", ")) + "\"");
-		out.println("\t\tdate=\"" + Ivy.DATE_FORMAT.format(report.getDate())
-				+ "\"/>");
-		out.println("\t<dependencies>");
-		// create a list of ModuleRevisionIds indicating the position for each
-		// dependency
-		List dependencies = new ArrayList(report.getModuleRevisionIds());
-		for (Iterator iter = report.getModuleIds().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
-			ModuleId mid = (ModuleId);
-			out.println("\t\t<module organisation=\""
-					+ XMLHelper.escape(mid.getOrganisation()) + "\""
-					+ " name=\"" + XMLHelper.escape(mid.getName()) + "\" >");
-			for (Iterator it2 = report.getNodes(mid).iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
-				IvyNode dep = (IvyNode);
-				ouputRevision(report, out, dependencies, dep, easyAntReport);
-			}
-			out.println("\t\t</module>");
-		}
-		out.println("\t</dependencies>");
-		out.println("</ivy-report>");
-		out.flush();
-	}
-	private void ouputRevision(ConfigurationResolveReport report,
-			PrintWriter out, List dependencies, IvyNode dep,
-			EasyAntReport easyAntReport) {
-		Map extraAttributes;
-		ModuleDescriptor md = null;
-		if (dep.getModuleRevision() != null) {
-			md = dep.getModuleRevision().getDescriptor();
-		}
-		StringBuffer details = new StringBuffer();
-		if (dep.isLoaded()) {
-			details.append(" status=\"");
-			details.append(XMLHelper.escape(dep.getDescriptor().getStatus()));
-			details.append("\" pubdate=\"");
-			details.append(Ivy.DATE_FORMAT
-					.format(new Date(dep.getPublication())));
-			details.append("\" resolver=\"");
-			details.append(XMLHelper.escape(dep.getModuleRevision()
-					.getResolver().getName()));
-			details.append("\" artresolver=\"");
-			details.append(XMLHelper.escape(dep.getModuleRevision()
-					.getArtifactResolver().getName()));
-			details.append("\"");
-		}
-		if (dep.isEvicted(report.getConfiguration())) {
-			EvictionData ed = dep.getEvictedData(report.getConfiguration());
-			if (ed.getConflictManager() != null) {
-				details.append(" evicted=\"").append(
-						XMLHelper.escape(ed.getConflictManager().toString()))
-						.append("\"");
-			} else {
-				details.append(" evicted=\"transitive\"");
-			}
-			details.append(" evicted-reason=\"").append(
-					XMLHelper.escape(ed.getDetail() == null ? "" : ed
-							.getDetail())).append("\"");
-		}
-		if (dep.hasProblem()) {
-			details.append(" error=\"").append(
-					XMLHelper.escape(dep.getProblem().getMessage())).append(
-					"\"");
-		}
-		if (md != null && md.getHomePage() != null) {
-			details.append(" homepage=\"").append(
-					XMLHelper.escape(md.getHomePage())).append("\"");
-		}
-		extraAttributes = md != null ? md.getExtraAttributes() : dep
-				.getResolvedId().getExtraAttributes();
-		for (Iterator iterator = extraAttributes.keySet().iterator(); iterator
-				.hasNext();) {
-			String attName = (String);
-			details.append(" extra-").append(attName).append("=\"").append(
-					XMLHelper.escape(extraAttributes.get(attName).toString()))
-					.append("\"");
-		}
-		String defaultValue = dep.getDescriptor() != null ? " default=\""
-				+ dep.getDescriptor().isDefault() + "\"" : "";
-		int position = dependencies.indexOf(dep.getResolvedId());
-		out.println("\t\t\t<revision name=\""
-				+ XMLHelper.escape(dep.getResolvedId().getRevision())
-				+ "\""
-				+ (dep.getResolvedId().getBranch() == null ? "" : " branch=\""
-						+ XMLHelper.escape(dep.getResolvedId().getBranch())
-						+ "\"") + details + " downloaded=\""
-				+ dep.isDownloaded() + "\"" + " searched=\"" + dep.isSearched()
-				+ "\"" + defaultValue + " conf=\""
-				+ toString(dep.getConfigurations(report.getConfiguration()))
-				+ "\"" + " position=\"" + position + "\">");
-		if (md != null) {
-			License[] licenses = md.getLicenses();
-			for (int i = 0; i < licenses.length; i++) {
-				String lurl;
-				if (licenses[i].getUrl() != null) {
-					lurl = " url=\"" + XMLHelper.escape(licenses[i].getUrl())
-							+ "\"";
-				} else {
-					lurl = "";
-				}
-				out.println("\t\t\t\t<license name=\""
-						+ XMLHelper.escape(licenses[i].getName()) + "\"" + lurl
-						+ "/>");
-			}
-		}
-		if (md != null && md.getDescription() != null) {
-			out.println("\t\t\t\t<description>" + md.getDescription()
-					+ "\t\t\t\t</description>");
-		}
-		outputMetadataArtifact(out, dep);
-		outputEvictionInformation(report, out, dep);
-		outputCallers(report, out, dep);
-		outputArtifacts(report, out, dep);
-		outputEasyAntModuleInfos(report, out, dep, easyAntReport);
-		out.println("\t\t\t</revision>");
-	}
-	private void outputEasyAntModuleInfos(ConfigurationResolveReport report,
-			PrintWriter out, IvyNode dep, EasyAntReport easyAntReport) {
-		out.println("\t\t\t\t<easyant>");
-		// targets
-		outputTargets(report, out, dep, easyAntReport);
-		outputPhases(report, out, dep, easyAntReport);
-		outputImportedModules(report, out, dep, easyAntReport);
-		outputParameters(report, out, dep, easyAntReport);
-		outputProperties(report, out, dep, easyAntReport);
-		out.println("\t\t\t\t</easyant>");
-	}
-	private void outputProperties(ConfigurationResolveReport report,
-			PrintWriter out, IvyNode dep, EasyAntReport easyAntReport) {
-		out.println("\t\t\t\t\t<properties>");
-		Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> properties;
-		if (displaySubProperties)  {
-			properties = easyAntReport.getAvailableProperties();
-		} else {
-			properties = easyAntReport.getPropertyDescriptors();
-		}
-		for (Entry<String, PropertyDescriptor> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
-			PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = entry.getValue();
-			StringBuffer param= new StringBuffer();
-			param.append("\t\t\t\t\t\t<property name=\"");
-			param.append(propertyDescriptor.getName());
-			param.append("\"");
-			if (propertyDescriptor.getDescription() != null) {
-				param.append(" description=\"");
-				param.append(propertyDescriptor.getDescription());
-				param.append("\"");
-			}
-			param.append(" required=\"");
-			param.append(propertyDescriptor.isRequired());
-			param.append("\"");
-			if (propertyDescriptor.getDefaultValue() != null) {
-				param.append(" default=\"");
-				param.append(propertyDescriptor.getDefaultValue());
-				param.append("\"");
-			}
-			if (propertyDescriptor.getValue() != null ) {
-				param.append(" value=\"");
-				param.append(propertyDescriptor.getValue());
-				param.append("\"");
-			}
-			param.append("/>");
-			out.println(param.toString());
-		}
-		out.println("\t\t\t\t\t</properties>");
-	}
-	private void outputParameters(ConfigurationResolveReport report,
-			PrintWriter out, IvyNode dep, EasyAntReport easyAntReport) {
-		out.println("\t\t\t\t\t<parameters>");
-		for (ParameterReport paramReport : easyAntReport.getParameterReports()) {
-			StringBuffer param = new StringBuffer();
-			if (ParameterType.PHASE.equals(paramReport.getType())) {
-				param.append("\t\t\t\t\t\t<phase name=\"");
-				param.append(paramReport.getName());
-				param.append("\"");
-				if (paramReport.getDescription() != null) {
-					param.append(" description=\"");
-					param.append(paramReport.getDescription());
-					param.append("\"");
-				}
-				param.append("/>");
-			} else if (ParameterType.PATH.equals(paramReport.getType())) {
-				param.append("\t\t\t\t\t\t<path name=\"");
-				param.append(paramReport.getName());
-				param.append("\"");
-				if (paramReport.getDescription() != null) {
-					param.append(" description=\"");
-					param.append(paramReport.getDescription());
-					param.append("\"");
-				}
-				if (paramReport.isRequired()) {
-					param.append(" required=\"");
-					param.append(paramReport.isRequired());
-					param.append("\"");
-				}
-				param.append("/>");
-			}
-			out.println(param);
-		}
-		out.println("\t\t\t\t\t</parameters>");
-	}
-	private void outputImportedModules(ConfigurationResolveReport report,
-			PrintWriter out, IvyNode dep, EasyAntReport easyAntReport) {
-		out.println("\t\t\t\t\t<imports>");
-		for (ImportedModuleReport importedModuleReport : easyAntReport.getImportedModuleReports()) {
-			StringBuffer importedModule = new StringBuffer();
-			try {
-				ModuleRevisionId mrid = ModuleRevisionId
-						.parse(importedModuleReport.getModuleMrid());
-				importedModule.append("\t\t\t\t\t\t<import organisation=\"")
-						.append(mrid.getOrganisation()).append("\" name=\"")
-						.append(mrid.getName()).append("\" revision=\"")
-						.append(mrid.getRevision()).append("\" type=\"")
-						.append(importedModuleReport.getType()).append("\"");
-			} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
-				Message.debug("Unable to parse "
-						+ importedModuleReport.getModuleMrid());
-				importedModule.append("\t\t\t\t\t\t<import organisation=\"")
-						.append(importedModuleReport.getModuleMrid()).append(
-								"\" name=\"").append("null").append(
-								"\" revision=\"").append("null").append(
-								"\" type=\"").append(
-								importedModuleReport.getType()).append("\"");
-			}
-			importedModule.append(" mandatory=\"");
-			importedModule.append(importedModuleReport.isMandatory());
-			importedModule.append("\"");
-			if (importedModuleReport.getAs() != null) {
-				importedModule.append(" as=\"");
-				importedModule.append(importedModuleReport.getAs());
-				importedModule.append("\"");
-			}
-			importedModule.append(">");
-			out.println(importedModule.toString());
-			if (importedModuleReport.getEasyantReport() != null) {
-				outputEasyAntModuleInfos(report, out, dep, importedModuleReport
-						.getEasyantReport());
-			}
-			out.println("\t\t\t\t\t\t</import>");
-		}
-		out.println("\t\t\t\t\t</imports>");
-	}
-	private void outputPhases(ConfigurationResolveReport report,
-			PrintWriter out, IvyNode dep, EasyAntReport easyAntReport) {
-		out.println("\t\t\t\t\t<phases>");
-		for (PhaseReport phaseReport : easyAntReport.getPhaseReports()) {
-			StringBuffer phase = new StringBuffer();
-			phase.append("\t\t\t\t\t\t<phase name=\"").append(
-					phaseReport.getName()).append("\"");
-			if (phaseReport.getDescription() != null) {
-				phase.append(" description=\"");
-				phase.append(phaseReport.getDescription());
-				phase.append("\"");
-			}
-			if (phaseReport.getDepends() != null) {
-				phase.append(" depends=\"");
-				phase.append(phaseReport.getDepends());
-				phase.append("\"");
-			}
-			phase.append("/>");
-			out.println(phase.toString());
-		}
-		out.println("\t\t\t\t\t</phases>");
-	}
-	private void outputTargets(ConfigurationResolveReport report,
-			PrintWriter out, IvyNode dep, EasyAntReport easyAntReport) {
-		out.println("\t\t\t\t\t<targets>");
-		for (TargetReport targetReport : easyAntReport.getTargetReports()) {
-			StringBuffer target = new StringBuffer();
-			target.append("\t\t\t\t\t\t<target name=\"").append(
-					targetReport.getName()).append("\"");
-			if (targetReport.getDescription() != null) {
-				target.append(" description=\"");
-				target.append(targetReport.getDescription());
-				target.append("\"");
-			}
-			if (targetReport.getDepends() != null) {
-				target.append(" depends=\"");
-				target.append(targetReport.getDepends());
-				target.append("\"");
-			}
-			if (targetReport.getIfCase() != null) {
-				target.append(" if=\"");
-				target.append(targetReport.getIfCase());
-				target.append("\"");
-			}
-			if (targetReport.getPhase() != null) {
-				target.append(" phase=\"");
-				target.append(targetReport.getPhase());
-				target.append("\"");
-			}
-			if (targetReport.getUnlessCase() != null) {
-				target.append(" unless=\"");
-				target.append(targetReport.getUnlessCase());
-				target.append("\"");
-			}
-			target.append("/>");
-			out.println(target.toString());
-		}
-		out.println("\t\t\t\t\t</targets>");
-	}
-	private void outputEvictionInformation(ConfigurationResolveReport report,
-			PrintWriter out, IvyNode dep) {
-		if (dep.isEvicted(report.getConfiguration())) {
-			EvictionData ed = dep.getEvictedData(report.getConfiguration());
-			Collection selected = ed.getSelected();
-			if (selected != null) {
-				for (Iterator it3 = selected.iterator(); it3.hasNext();) {
-					IvyNode sel = (IvyNode);
-					out.println("\t\t\t\t<evicted-by rev=\""
-							+ XMLHelper.escape(sel.getResolvedId()
-									.getRevision()) + "\"/>");
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	private void outputMetadataArtifact(PrintWriter out, IvyNode dep) {
-		if (dep.getModuleRevision() != null) {
-			MetadataArtifactDownloadReport madr = dep.getModuleRevision()
-					.getReport();
-			out.print("\t\t\t\t<metadata-artifact");
-			out.print(" status=\""
-					+ XMLHelper.escape(madr.getDownloadStatus().toString())
-					+ "\"");
-			out.print(" details=\""
-					+ XMLHelper.escape(madr.getDownloadDetails()) + "\"");
-			out.print(" size=\"" + madr.getSize() + "\"");
-			out.print(" time=\"" + madr.getDownloadTimeMillis() + "\"");
-			if (madr.getLocalFile() != null) {
-				out.print(" location=\""
-						+ XMLHelper.escape(madr.getLocalFile()
-								.getAbsolutePath()) + "\"");
-			}
-			out.print(" searched=\"" + madr.isSearched() + "\"");
-			if (madr.getOriginalLocalFile() != null) {
-				out.print(" original-local-location=\""
-						+ XMLHelper.escape(madr.getOriginalLocalFile()
-								.getAbsolutePath()) + "\"");
-			}
-			ArtifactOrigin origin = madr.getArtifactOrigin();
-			if (origin != null) {
-				out.print(" origin-is-local=\""
-						+ String.valueOf(origin.isLocal()) + "\"");
-				out.print(" origin-location=\""
-						+ XMLHelper.escape(origin.getLocation()) + "\"");
-			}
-			out.println("/>");
-		}
-	}
-	private void outputCallers(ConfigurationResolveReport report,
-			PrintWriter out, IvyNode dep) {
-		Caller[] callers = dep.getCallers(report.getConfiguration());
-		for (int i = 0; i < callers.length; i++) {
-			StringBuffer callerDetails = new StringBuffer();
-			Map callerExtraAttributes = callers[i].getDependencyDescriptor()
-					.getExtraAttributes();
-			for (Iterator iterator = callerExtraAttributes.keySet().iterator(); iterator
-					.hasNext();) {
-				String attName = (String);
-				callerDetails.append(" extra-").append(attName).append("=\"")
-						.append(
-								XMLHelper.escape(callerExtraAttributes.get(
-										attName).toString())).append("\"");
-			}
-			out.println("\t\t\t\t<caller organisation=\""
-					+ XMLHelper.escape(callers[i].getModuleRevisionId()
-							.getOrganisation())
-					+ "\""
-					+ " name=\""
-					+ XMLHelper.escape(callers[i].getModuleRevisionId()
-							.getName())
-					+ "\""
-					+ " conf=\""
-					+ XMLHelper.escape(toString(callers[i]
-							.getCallerConfigurations()))
-					+ "\""
-					+ " rev=\""
-					+ XMLHelper.escape(callers[i].getAskedDependencyId(
-							dep.getData()).getRevision())
-					+ "\""
-					+ " rev-constraint-default=\""
-					+ XMLHelper.escape(callers[i].getDependencyDescriptor()
-							.getDependencyRevisionId().getRevision())
-					+ "\""
-					+ " rev-constraint-dynamic=\""
-					+ XMLHelper.escape(callers[i].getDependencyDescriptor()
-							.getDynamicConstraintDependencyRevisionId()
-							.getRevision())
-					+ "\""
-					+ " callerrev=\""
-					+ XMLHelper.escape(callers[i].getModuleRevisionId()
-							.getRevision()) + "\"" + callerDetails + "/>");
-		}
-	}
-	private void outputArtifacts(ConfigurationResolveReport report,
-			PrintWriter out, IvyNode dep) {
-		Map extraAttributes;
-		ArtifactDownloadReport[] adr = report.getDownloadReports(dep
-				.getResolvedId());
-		out.println("\t\t\t\t<artifacts>");
-		for (int i = 0; i < adr.length; i++) {
-			out.print("\t\t\t\t\t<artifact name=\""
-					+ XMLHelper.escape(adr[i].getName()) + "\" type=\""
-					+ XMLHelper.escape(adr[i].getType()) + "\" ext=\""
-					+ XMLHelper.escape(adr[i].getExt()) + "\"");
-			extraAttributes = adr[i].getArtifact().getExtraAttributes();
-			for (Iterator iterator = extraAttributes.keySet().iterator(); iterator
-					.hasNext();) {
-				String attName = (String);
-				out.print(" extra-"
-						+ attName
-						+ "=\""
-						+ XMLHelper.escape(extraAttributes.get(attName)
-								.toString()) + "\"");
-			}
-			out.print(" status=\""
-					+ XMLHelper.escape(adr[i].getDownloadStatus().toString())
-					+ "\"");
-			out.print(" details=\""
-					+ XMLHelper.escape(adr[i].getDownloadDetails()) + "\"");
-			out.print(" size=\"" + adr[i].getSize() + "\"");
-			out.print(" time=\"" + adr[i].getDownloadTimeMillis() + "\"");
-			if (adr[i].getLocalFile() != null) {
-				out.print(" location=\""
-						+ XMLHelper.escape(adr[i].getLocalFile()
-								.getAbsolutePath()) + "\"");
-			}
-			ArtifactOrigin origin = adr[i].getArtifactOrigin();
-			if (origin != null) {
-				out.println(">");
-				out.println("\t\t\t\t\t\t<origin-location is-local=\""
-						+ String.valueOf(origin.isLocal()) + "\""
-						+ " location=\""
-						+ XMLHelper.escape(origin.getLocation()) + "\"/>");
-				out.println("\t\t\t\t\t</artifact>");
-			} else {
-				out.println("/>");
-			}
-		}
-		out.println("\t\t\t\t</artifacts>");
-	}
-	private String toString(String[] strs) {
-		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-		for (int i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) {
-			buf.append(strs[i]);
-			if (i + 1 < strs.length) {
-				buf.append(", ");
-			}
-		}
-		return XMLHelper.escape(buf.toString());
-	}
-	public void setDisplaySubProperties(boolean displaySubProperties) {
-		this.displaySubProperties= displaySubProperties;
-	}
+    public void output(ConfigurationResolveReport report, OutputStream stream,
+            EasyAntReport easyAntReport) {
+        output(report, new String[] { report.getConfiguration() }, stream,
+                easyAntReport);
+    }
+    public void output(ConfigurationResolveReport report, String[] confs,
+            OutputStream stream, EasyAntReport easyAntReport) {
+        OutputStreamWriter encodedOutStream;
+        try {
+            encodedOutStream = new OutputStreamWriter(stream, REPORT_ENCODING);
+        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
+            throw new RuntimeException(REPORT_ENCODING
+                    + " is not known on your jvm", e);
+        }
+        PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(encodedOutStream));
+        ModuleRevisionId mrid = report.getModuleDescriptor()
+                .getModuleRevisionId();
+        // out.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>");
+        out.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" + REPORT_ENCODING
+                + "\"?>");
+        out
+                .println("<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"easyant-report.xsl\"?>");
+        out.println("<ivy-report version=\"1.0\">");
+        out.println("    <info");
+        out.println("        organisation=\""
+                + XMLHelper.escape(mrid.getOrganisation()) + "\"");
+        out.println("        module=\"" + XMLHelper.escape(mrid.getName()) + "\"");
+        out.println("        revision=\"" + XMLHelper.escape(mrid.getRevision())
+                + "\"");
+        if (mrid.getBranch() != null) {
+            out.println("        branch=\"" + XMLHelper.escape(mrid.getBranch())
+                    + "\"");
+        }
+        Map extraAttributes = mrid.getExtraAttributes();
+        for (Iterator it = extraAttributes.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
+            Map.Entry entry = (Entry);
+            out.println("        extra-" + entry.getKey() + "=\""
+                    + XMLHelper.escape(entry.getValue().toString()) + "\"");
+        }
+        out.println("        conf=\"" + XMLHelper.escape(report.getConfiguration())
+                + "\"");
+        out.println("        confs=\""
+                + XMLHelper.escape(StringUtils.join(confs, ", ")) + "\"");
+        out.println("        date=\"" + Ivy.DATE_FORMAT.format(report.getDate())
+                + "\"/>");
+        out.println("    <dependencies>");
+        // create a list of ModuleRevisionIds indicating the position for each
+        // dependency
+        List dependencies = new ArrayList(report.getModuleRevisionIds());
+        for (Iterator iter = report.getModuleIds().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+            ModuleId mid = (ModuleId);
+            out.println("        <module organisation=\""
+                    + XMLHelper.escape(mid.getOrganisation()) + "\""
+                    + " name=\"" + XMLHelper.escape(mid.getName()) + "\" >");
+            for (Iterator it2 = report.getNodes(mid).iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
+                IvyNode dep = (IvyNode);
+                ouputRevision(report, out, dependencies, dep, easyAntReport);
+            }
+            out.println("        </module>");
+        }
+        out.println("    </dependencies>");
+        out.println("</ivy-report>");
+        out.flush();
+    }
+    private void ouputRevision(ConfigurationResolveReport report,
+            PrintWriter out, List dependencies, IvyNode dep,
+            EasyAntReport easyAntReport) {
+        Map extraAttributes;
+        ModuleDescriptor md = null;
+        if (dep.getModuleRevision() != null) {
+            md = dep.getModuleRevision().getDescriptor();
+        }
+        StringBuffer details = new StringBuffer();
+        if (dep.isLoaded()) {
+            details.append(" status=\"");
+            details.append(XMLHelper.escape(dep.getDescriptor().getStatus()));
+            details.append("\" pubdate=\"");
+            details.append(Ivy.DATE_FORMAT
+                    .format(new Date(dep.getPublication())));
+            details.append("\" resolver=\"");
+            details.append(XMLHelper.escape(dep.getModuleRevision()
+                    .getResolver().getName()));
+            details.append("\" artresolver=\"");
+            details.append(XMLHelper.escape(dep.getModuleRevision()
+                    .getArtifactResolver().getName()));
+            details.append("\"");
+        }
+        if (dep.isEvicted(report.getConfiguration())) {
+            EvictionData ed = dep.getEvictedData(report.getConfiguration());
+            if (ed.getConflictManager() != null) {
+                details.append(" evicted=\"").append(
+                        XMLHelper.escape(ed.getConflictManager().toString()))
+                        .append("\"");
+            } else {
+                details.append(" evicted=\"transitive\"");
+            }
+            details.append(" evicted-reason=\"").append(
+                    XMLHelper.escape(ed.getDetail() == null ? "" : ed
+                            .getDetail())).append("\"");
+        }
+        if (dep.hasProblem()) {
+            details.append(" error=\"").append(
+                    XMLHelper.escape(dep.getProblem().getMessage())).append(
+                    "\"");
+        }
+        if (md != null && md.getHomePage() != null) {
+            details.append(" homepage=\"").append(
+                    XMLHelper.escape(md.getHomePage())).append("\"");
+        }
+        extraAttributes = md != null ? md.getExtraAttributes() : dep
+                .getResolvedId().getExtraAttributes();
+        for (Iterator iterator = extraAttributes.keySet().iterator(); iterator
+                .hasNext();) {
+            String attName = (String);
+            details.append(" extra-").append(attName).append("=\"").append(
+                    XMLHelper.escape(extraAttributes.get(attName).toString()))
+                    .append("\"");
+        }
+        String defaultValue = dep.getDescriptor() != null ? " default=\""
+                + dep.getDescriptor().isDefault() + "\"" : "";
+        int position = dependencies.indexOf(dep.getResolvedId());
+        out.println("            <revision name=\""
+                + XMLHelper.escape(dep.getResolvedId().getRevision())
+                + "\""
+                + (dep.getResolvedId().getBranch() == null ? "" : " branch=\""
+                        + XMLHelper.escape(dep.getResolvedId().getBranch())
+                        + "\"") + details + " downloaded=\""
+                + dep.isDownloaded() + "\"" + " searched=\"" + dep.isSearched()
+                + "\"" + defaultValue + " conf=\""
+                + toString(dep.getConfigurations(report.getConfiguration()))
+                + "\"" + " position=\"" + position + "\">");
+        if (md != null) {
+            License[] licenses = md.getLicenses();
+            for (int i = 0; i < licenses.length; i++) {
+                String lurl;
+                if (licenses[i].getUrl() != null) {
+                    lurl = " url=\"" + XMLHelper.escape(licenses[i].getUrl())
+                            + "\"";
+                } else {
+                    lurl = "";
+                }
+                out.println("                <license name=\""
+                        + XMLHelper.escape(licenses[i].getName()) + "\"" + lurl
+                        + "/>");
+            }
+        }
+        if (md != null && md.getDescription() != null) {
+            out.println("                <description>" + md.getDescription()
+                    + "                </description>");
+        }
+        outputMetadataArtifact(out, dep);
+        outputEvictionInformation(report, out, dep);
+        outputCallers(report, out, dep);
+        outputArtifacts(report, out, dep);
+        outputEasyAntModuleInfos(report, out, dep, easyAntReport);
+        out.println("            </revision>");
+    }
+    private void outputEasyAntModuleInfos(ConfigurationResolveReport report,
+            PrintWriter out, IvyNode dep, EasyAntReport easyAntReport) {
+        out.println("                <easyant>");
+        // targets
+        outputTargets(report, out, dep, easyAntReport);
+        outputPhases(report, out, dep, easyAntReport);
+        outputImportedModules(report, out, dep, easyAntReport);
+        outputParameters(report, out, dep, easyAntReport);
+        outputProperties(report, out, dep, easyAntReport);
+        out.println("                </easyant>");
+    }
+    private void outputProperties(ConfigurationResolveReport report,
+            PrintWriter out, IvyNode dep, EasyAntReport easyAntReport) {
+        out.println("                    <properties>");
+        Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> properties;
+        if (displaySubProperties)  {
+            properties = easyAntReport.getAvailableProperties();
+        } else {
+            properties = easyAntReport.getPropertyDescriptors();
+        }
+        for (Entry<String, PropertyDescriptor> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
+            PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = entry.getValue();
+            StringBuffer param= new StringBuffer();
+            param.append("                        <property name=\"");
+            param.append(propertyDescriptor.getName());
+            param.append("\"");
+            if (propertyDescriptor.getDescription() != null) {
+                param.append(" description=\"");
+                param.append(propertyDescriptor.getDescription());
+                param.append("\"");
+            }
+            param.append(" required=\"");
+            param.append(propertyDescriptor.isRequired());
+            param.append("\"");
+            if (propertyDescriptor.getDefaultValue() != null) {
+                param.append(" default=\"");
+                param.append(propertyDescriptor.getDefaultValue());
+                param.append("\"");
+            }
+            if (propertyDescriptor.getValue() != null ) {
+                param.append(" value=\"");
+                param.append(propertyDescriptor.getValue());
+                param.append("\"");
+            }
+            param.append("/>");
+            out.println(param.toString());
+        }
+        out.println("                    </properties>");
+    }
+    private void outputParameters(ConfigurationResolveReport report,
+            PrintWriter out, IvyNode dep, EasyAntReport easyAntReport) {
+        out.println("                    <parameters>");
+        for (ParameterReport paramReport : easyAntReport.getParameterReports()) {
+            StringBuffer param = new StringBuffer();
+            if (ParameterType.PHASE.equals(paramReport.getType())) {
+                param.append("                        <phase name=\"");
+                param.append(paramReport.getName());
+                param.append("\"");
+                if (paramReport.getDescription() != null) {
+                    param.append(" description=\"");
+                    param.append(paramReport.getDescription());
+                    param.append("\"");
+                }
+                param.append("/>");
+            } else if (ParameterType.PATH.equals(paramReport.getType())) {
+                param.append("                        <path name=\"");
+                param.append(paramReport.getName());
+                param.append("\"");
+                if (paramReport.getDescription() != null) {
+                    param.append(" description=\"");
+                    param.append(paramReport.getDescription());
+                    param.append("\"");
+                }
+                if (paramReport.isRequired()) {
+                    param.append(" required=\"");
+                    param.append(paramReport.isRequired());
+                    param.append("\"");
+                }
+                param.append("/>");
+            }
+            out.println(param);
+        }
+        out.println("                    </parameters>");
+    }
+    private void outputImportedModules(ConfigurationResolveReport report,
+            PrintWriter out, IvyNode dep, EasyAntReport easyAntReport) {
+        out.println("                    <imports>");
+        for (ImportedModuleReport importedModuleReport : easyAntReport.getImportedModuleReports()) {
+            StringBuffer importedModule = new StringBuffer();
+            try {
+                ModuleRevisionId mrid = ModuleRevisionId
+                        .parse(importedModuleReport.getModuleMrid());
+                importedModule.append("                        <import organisation=\"")
+                        .append(mrid.getOrganisation()).append("\" name=\"")
+                        .append(mrid.getName()).append("\" revision=\"")
+                        .append(mrid.getRevision()).append("\" type=\"")
+                        .append(importedModuleReport.getType()).append("\"");
+            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                Message.debug("Unable to parse "
+                        + importedModuleReport.getModuleMrid());
+                importedModule.append("                        <import organisation=\"")
+                        .append(importedModuleReport.getModuleMrid()).append(
+                                "\" name=\"").append("null").append(
+                                "\" revision=\"").append("null").append(
+                                "\" type=\"").append(
+                                importedModuleReport.getType()).append("\"");
+            }
+            importedModule.append(" mandatory=\"");
+            importedModule.append(importedModuleReport.isMandatory());
+            importedModule.append("\"");
+            if (importedModuleReport.getAs() != null) {
+                importedModule.append(" as=\"");
+                importedModule.append(importedModuleReport.getAs());
+                importedModule.append("\"");
+            }
+            importedModule.append(">");
+            out.println(importedModule.toString());
+            if (importedModuleReport.getEasyantReport() != null) {
+                outputEasyAntModuleInfos(report, out, dep, importedModuleReport
+                        .getEasyantReport());
+            }
+            out.println("                        </import>");
+        }
+        out.println("                    </imports>");
+    }
+    private void outputPhases(ConfigurationResolveReport report,
+            PrintWriter out, IvyNode dep, EasyAntReport easyAntReport) {
+        out.println("                    <phases>");
+        for (PhaseReport phaseReport : easyAntReport.getPhaseReports()) {
+            StringBuffer phase = new StringBuffer();
+            phase.append("                        <phase name=\"").append(
+                    phaseReport.getName()).append("\"");
+            if (phaseReport.getDescription() != null) {
+                phase.append(" description=\"");
+                phase.append(phaseReport.getDescription());
+                phase.append("\"");
+            }
+            if (phaseReport.getDepends() != null) {
+                phase.append(" depends=\"");
+                phase.append(phaseReport.getDepends());
+                phase.append("\"");
+            }
+            phase.append("/>");
+            out.println(phase.toString());
+        }
+        out.println("                    </phases>");
+    }
+    private void outputTargets(ConfigurationResolveReport report,
+            PrintWriter out, IvyNode dep, EasyAntReport easyAntReport) {
+        out.println("                    <targets>");
+        for (TargetReport targetReport : easyAntReport.getTargetReports()) {
+            StringBuffer target = new StringBuffer();
+            target.append("                        <target name=\"").append(
+                    targetReport.getName()).append("\"");
+            if (targetReport.getDescription() != null) {
+                target.append(" description=\"");
+                target.append(targetReport.getDescription());
+                target.append("\"");
+            }
+            if (targetReport.getDepends() != null) {
+                target.append(" depends=\"");
+                target.append(targetReport.getDepends());
+                target.append("\"");
+            }
+            if (targetReport.getIfCase() != null) {
+                target.append(" if=\"");
+                target.append(targetReport.getIfCase());
+                target.append("\"");
+            }
+            if (targetReport.getPhase() != null) {
+                target.append(" phase=\"");
+                target.append(targetReport.getPhase());
+                target.append("\"");
+            }
+            if (targetReport.getUnlessCase() != null) {
+                target.append(" unless=\"");
+                target.append(targetReport.getUnlessCase());
+                target.append("\"");
+            }
+            target.append("/>");
+            out.println(target.toString());
+        }
+        out.println("                    </targets>");
+    }
+    private void outputEvictionInformation(ConfigurationResolveReport report,
+            PrintWriter out, IvyNode dep) {
+        if (dep.isEvicted(report.getConfiguration())) {
+            EvictionData ed = dep.getEvictedData(report.getConfiguration());
+            Collection selected = ed.getSelected();
+            if (selected != null) {
+                for (Iterator it3 = selected.iterator(); it3.hasNext();) {
+                    IvyNode sel = (IvyNode);
+                    out.println("                <evicted-by rev=\""
+                            + XMLHelper.escape(sel.getResolvedId()
+                                    .getRevision()) + "\"/>");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private void outputMetadataArtifact(PrintWriter out, IvyNode dep) {
+        if (dep.getModuleRevision() != null) {
+            MetadataArtifactDownloadReport madr = dep.getModuleRevision()
+                    .getReport();
+            out.print("                <metadata-artifact");
+            out.print(" status=\""
+                    + XMLHelper.escape(madr.getDownloadStatus().toString())
+                    + "\"");
+            out.print(" details=\""
+                    + XMLHelper.escape(madr.getDownloadDetails()) + "\"");
+            out.print(" size=\"" + madr.getSize() + "\"");
+            out.print(" time=\"" + madr.getDownloadTimeMillis() + "\"");
+            if (madr.getLocalFile() != null) {
+                out.print(" location=\""
+                        + XMLHelper.escape(madr.getLocalFile()
+                                .getAbsolutePath()) + "\"");
+            }
+            out.print(" searched=\"" + madr.isSearched() + "\"");
+            if (madr.getOriginalLocalFile() != null) {
+                out.print(" original-local-location=\""
+                        + XMLHelper.escape(madr.getOriginalLocalFile()
+                                .getAbsolutePath()) + "\"");
+            }
+            ArtifactOrigin origin = madr.getArtifactOrigin();
+            if (origin != null) {
+                out.print(" origin-is-local=\""
+                        + String.valueOf(origin.isLocal()) + "\"");
+                out.print(" origin-location=\""
+                        + XMLHelper.escape(origin.getLocation()) + "\"");
+            }
+            out.println("/>");
+        }
+    }
+    private void outputCallers(ConfigurationResolveReport report,
+            PrintWriter out, IvyNode dep) {
+        Caller[] callers = dep.getCallers(report.getConfiguration());
+        for (int i = 0; i < callers.length; i++) {
+            StringBuffer callerDetails = new StringBuffer();
+            Map callerExtraAttributes = callers[i].getDependencyDescriptor()
+                    .getExtraAttributes();
+            for (Iterator iterator = callerExtraAttributes.keySet().iterator(); iterator
+                    .hasNext();) {
+                String attName = (String);
+                callerDetails.append(" extra-").append(attName).append("=\"")
+                        .append(
+                                XMLHelper.escape(callerExtraAttributes.get(
+                                        attName).toString())).append("\"");
+            }
+            out.println("                <caller organisation=\""
+                    + XMLHelper.escape(callers[i].getModuleRevisionId()
+                            .getOrganisation())
+                    + "\""
+                    + " name=\""
+                    + XMLHelper.escape(callers[i].getModuleRevisionId()
+                            .getName())
+                    + "\""
+                    + " conf=\""
+                    + XMLHelper.escape(toString(callers[i]
+                            .getCallerConfigurations()))
+                    + "\""
+                    + " rev=\""
+                    + XMLHelper.escape(callers[i].getAskedDependencyId(
+                            dep.getData()).getRevision())
+                    + "\""
+                    + " rev-constraint-default=\""
+                    + XMLHelper.escape(callers[i].getDependencyDescriptor()
+                            .getDependencyRevisionId().getRevision())
+                    + "\""
+                    + " rev-constraint-dynamic=\""
+                    + XMLHelper.escape(callers[i].getDependencyDescriptor()
+                            .getDynamicConstraintDependencyRevisionId()
+                            .getRevision())
+                    + "\""
+                    + " callerrev=\""
+                    + XMLHelper.escape(callers[i].getModuleRevisionId()
+                            .getRevision()) + "\"" + callerDetails + "/>");
+        }
+    }
+    private void outputArtifacts(ConfigurationResolveReport report,
+            PrintWriter out, IvyNode dep) {
+        Map extraAttributes;
+        ArtifactDownloadReport[] adr = report.getDownloadReports(dep
+                .getResolvedId());
+        out.println("                <artifacts>");
+        for (int i = 0; i < adr.length; i++) {
+            out.print("                    <artifact name=\""
+                    + XMLHelper.escape(adr[i].getName()) + "\" type=\""
+                    + XMLHelper.escape(adr[i].getType()) + "\" ext=\""
+                    + XMLHelper.escape(adr[i].getExt()) + "\"");
+            extraAttributes = adr[i].getArtifact().getExtraAttributes();
+            for (Iterator iterator = extraAttributes.keySet().iterator(); iterator
+                    .hasNext();) {
+                String attName = (String);
+                out.print(" extra-"
+                        + attName
+                        + "=\""
+                        + XMLHelper.escape(extraAttributes.get(attName)
+                                .toString()) + "\"");
+            }
+            out.print(" status=\""
+                    + XMLHelper.escape(adr[i].getDownloadStatus().toString())
+                    + "\"");
+            out.print(" details=\""
+                    + XMLHelper.escape(adr[i].getDownloadDetails()) + "\"");
+            out.print(" size=\"" + adr[i].getSize() + "\"");
+            out.print(" time=\"" + adr[i].getDownloadTimeMillis() + "\"");
+            if (adr[i].getLocalFile() != null) {
+                out.print(" location=\""
+                        + XMLHelper.escape(adr[i].getLocalFile()
+                                .getAbsolutePath()) + "\"");
+            }
+            ArtifactOrigin origin = adr[i].getArtifactOrigin();
+            if (origin != null) {
+                out.println(">");
+                out.println("                        <origin-location is-local=\""
+                        + String.valueOf(origin.isLocal()) + "\""
+                        + " location=\""
+                        + XMLHelper.escape(origin.getLocation()) + "\"/>");
+                out.println("                    </artifact>");
+            } else {
+                out.println("/>");
+            }
+        }
+        out.println("                </artifacts>");
+    }
+    private String toString(String[] strs) {
+        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
+        for (int i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) {
+            buf.append(strs[i]);
+            if (i + 1 < strs.length) {
+                buf.append(", ");
+            }
+        }
+        return XMLHelper.escape(buf.toString());
+    }
+    public void setDisplaySubProperties(boolean displaySubProperties) {
+        this.displaySubProperties= displaySubProperties;
+    }

Modified: incubator/easyant/core/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/easyant/core/report/
--- incubator/easyant/core/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/easyant/core/report/ (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/core/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/easyant/core/report/ Tue Feb 22 15:55:55 2011
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import org.apache.ivy.util.Message;
  * resolution cache.
 public class XmlEasyAntReportOutputter {
     public static final String CONSOLE = "console";
     public static final String XML = "xml";
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public class XmlEasyAntReportOutputter {
     public void output(ConfigurationResolveReport report, String resolveId, 
             String[] confs, ResolutionCacheManager cacheMgr, EasyAntReport easyAntReport , boolean displaySubProperties) 
             throws IOException {
-    	writer.setDisplaySubProperties(displaySubProperties);
+        writer.setDisplaySubProperties(displaySubProperties);
         File reportFile = cacheMgr.getConfigurationResolveReportInCache(
             resolveId, report.getConfiguration());
         File reportParentDir = reportFile.getParentFile();
@@ -82,4 +82,3 @@ public class XmlEasyAntReportOutputter {

Modified: incubator/easyant/core/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/easyant/core/services/
--- incubator/easyant/core/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/easyant/core/services/ (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/core/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/easyant/core/services/ Tue Feb 22 15:55:55 2011
@@ -25,163 +25,163 @@ import
 public interface PluginService {
-	/**
-	 * Generate an easyantReport for a given moduleRevisionID
-	 * 
-	 * @param moduleRevisionId
-	 *            a given moduleRevisionID
-	 * @return an easyantReport an easyantReport
-	 * @throws Exception
-	 */
-	EasyAntReport getPluginInfo(ModuleRevisionId moduleRevisionId)
-			throws Exception;
-	/**
-	 * Generate an easyantReport for a given string representing a plugin
-	 * moduleRevisionID mrid should be with the following format :
-	 * organisation#moduleName;revision If no organisation is specified, this
-	 * method will use the default one, then you could use the shorter form like
-	 * myPlugin;0.1
-	 * 
-	 * @param moduleRevisionId
-	 *            a given moduleRevisionID
-	 * @return an easyantReport an easyantReport
-	 * @throws Exception
-	 */
-	EasyAntReport getPluginInfo(String moduleRevisionId) throws Exception;
-	/**
-	 * Generate an easyantReport for a given string representing a buildtype
-	 * moduleRevisionID mrid should be with the following format :
-	 * organisation#moduleName;revision If no organisation is specified, this
-	 * method will use the default one, then you could use the shorter form like
-	 * myPlugin;0.1
-	 * 
-	 * @param moduleRevisionId
-	 *            a given moduleRevisionID
-	 * @return an easyantReport an easyantReport
-	 * @throws Exception
-	 */
-	EasyAntReport getBuildTypeInfo(String moduleRevisionId) throws Exception;
-	/**
-	 * Generate an easyantReport for a given moduleRevisionID
-	 * 
-	 * @param moduleRevisionId
-	 *            a given moduleRevisionID
-	 * @param conf
-	 *            a configuration name
-	 * @return an easyantReport an easyantReport
-	 * @throws Exception
-	 */
-	EasyAntReport getPluginInfo(ModuleRevisionId moduleRevisionId, String conf)
-			throws Exception;
-	/**
-	 * Return an array of moduleRevisionId that match with given criteria.
-	 * Equivalent to {@link #search(String, String, String, String, String, String)
-	 *   search(organisation, moduleName, null, null, PatternMatcher.EXACT_OR_REGEXP, null)}
-	 * 
-	 * @param organisation
-	 *            the organisation name
-	 * @param moduleName
-	 *            the module name
-	 * @return an array of moduleRevisionId
-	 * @throws Exception
-	 * @see org.apache.ivy.plugins.matcher.PatternMatcher
-	 */
-	ModuleRevisionId[] search(String organisation, String moduleName)
-			throws Exception;
-	/**
-	 * Return an array of moduleRevisionId that match with given criteria.  Null values are unconstrained
-	 * (any value is matched).
-	 * 
-	 * @param organisation
-	 *            the organisation name as it appears in the module descriptor
-	 * @param moduleName
-	 *            the module name as it appears in the module descriptor
-	 * @param revision
-	 *            the revision as it appears in the module descriptor
-	 * @param branch
-	 *            the branch as it appears in the module descriptor
-	 * @param matcher
-	 *            an Ivy pattern matcher types, see {@link org.apache.ivy.plugins.matcher.PatternMatcher}
+    /**
+     * Generate an easyantReport for a given moduleRevisionID
+     * 
+     * @param moduleRevisionId
+     *            a given moduleRevisionID
+     * @return an easyantReport an easyantReport
+     * @throws Exception
+     */
+    EasyAntReport getPluginInfo(ModuleRevisionId moduleRevisionId)
+            throws Exception;
+    /**
+     * Generate an easyantReport for a given string representing a plugin
+     * moduleRevisionID mrid should be with the following format :
+     * organisation#moduleName;revision If no organisation is specified, this
+     * method will use the default one, then you could use the shorter form like
+     * myPlugin;0.1
+     * 
+     * @param moduleRevisionId
+     *            a given moduleRevisionID
+     * @return an easyantReport an easyantReport
+     * @throws Exception
+     */
+    EasyAntReport getPluginInfo(String moduleRevisionId) throws Exception;
+    /**
+     * Generate an easyantReport for a given string representing a buildtype
+     * moduleRevisionID mrid should be with the following format :
+     * organisation#moduleName;revision If no organisation is specified, this
+     * method will use the default one, then you could use the shorter form like
+     * myPlugin;0.1
+     * 
+     * @param moduleRevisionId
+     *            a given moduleRevisionID
+     * @return an easyantReport an easyantReport
+     * @throws Exception
+     */
+    EasyAntReport getBuildTypeInfo(String moduleRevisionId) throws Exception;
+    /**
+     * Generate an easyantReport for a given moduleRevisionID
+     * 
+     * @param moduleRevisionId
+     *            a given moduleRevisionID
+     * @param conf
+     *            a configuration name
+     * @return an easyantReport an easyantReport
+     * @throws Exception
+     */
+    EasyAntReport getPluginInfo(ModuleRevisionId moduleRevisionId, String conf)
+            throws Exception;
+    /**
+     * Return an array of moduleRevisionId that match with given criteria.
+     * Equivalent to {@link #search(String, String, String, String, String, String)
+     *   search(organisation, moduleName, null, null, PatternMatcher.EXACT_OR_REGEXP, null)}
+     * 
+     * @param organisation
+     *            the organisation name
+     * @param moduleName
+     *            the module name
+     * @return an array of moduleRevisionId
+     * @throws Exception
+     * @see org.apache.ivy.plugins.matcher.PatternMatcher
+     */
+    ModuleRevisionId[] search(String organisation, String moduleName)
+            throws Exception;
+    /**
+     * Return an array of moduleRevisionId that match with given criteria.  Null values are unconstrained
+     * (any value is matched).
+     * 
+     * @param organisation
+     *            the organisation name as it appears in the module descriptor
+     * @param moduleName
+     *            the module name as it appears in the module descriptor
+     * @param revision
+     *            the revision as it appears in the module descriptor
+     * @param branch
+     *            the branch as it appears in the module descriptor
+     * @param matcher
+     *            an Ivy pattern matcher types, see {@link org.apache.ivy.plugins.matcher.PatternMatcher}
      * @param resolver
-	 *            the name of the Ivy resolver.  null matches the default resolver; "*" searches all resolvers.
-	 * @return an array of matching moduleRevisionId
-	 * @throws Exception
-	 */
-	ModuleRevisionId[] search(String organisation, String moduleName,
-			String revision, String branch, String matcher, String resolver) throws Exception;
-	/**
-	 * Generate an easyantReport for a given moduleDescriptor. Using this report
-	 * you should have all properties / plugins / targets loaded in your module
-	 * descriptor
-	 * 
-	 * @param moduleDescriptor
-	 *            a file that represent the module descriptor
-	 * @return an easyantReport for a given moduleDescriptor
-	 * @throws Exception
-	 */
-	EasyAntReport generateEasyAntReport(File moduleDescriptor) throws Exception;
-	/**
-	 * Return the EasyAnt model containing all data of the module described in
-	 * given file.
-	 * 
-	 * @param moduleDescriptor
-	 *            a file that represent the module descriptor
-	 * @return an EasyAnt module descriptor
-	 * @throws Exception
-	 */
-	EasyAntModuleDescriptor getEasyAntModuleDescriptor(File moduleDescriptor)
-			throws Exception;
-	/**
-	 * Return an array of string representing the fully qualified named matching
-	 * with given criterias
-	 * 
-	 * @param organisation
-	 *            the organisation name
-	 * @param moduleName
-	 *            the module name
-	 * @return an array of moduleRevisionId
-	 * @throws Exception
-	 */
-	String[] searchModule(String organisation, String moduleName)
-			throws Exception;
-	/**
-	 * Return the description of a module descriptor 
-	 * Useful for IDE's integration
-	 * @param mrid the module revision id to check
-	 * @return a string representing the description of the module descriptor
-	 */
-	String getDescription(ModuleRevisionId mrid);
-	/**
-	 * Return the description of a module descriptor 
-	 * Useful for IDE's integration
-	 * The module revision id parameter should be with the following format 
-	 * organisation#moduleName;revision 
-	 * If no organisation is specified, this method will use the default one, 
-	 * then you could use the shorter form like myPlugin;0.1
-	 * @param moduleRevisionId a string representing a buildtype
-	 * @return a string representing the description of the module descriptor
-	 */
-	String getPluginDescription(String moduleRevisionId);
-	/**
-	 * Return the description of a module descriptor 
-	 * Useful for IDE's integration
-	 * The module revision id parameter should be with the following format 
-	 * organisation#moduleName;revision 
-	 * If no organisation is specified, this method will use the default one, 
-	 * then you could use the shorter form like myBuildType;0.1
-	 * @param moduleRevisionId a string representing a buildtype 
-	 * @return a string representing the description of the module descriptor
-	 */
-	public String getBuildTypeDescription(String moduleRevisionId);
+     *            the name of the Ivy resolver.  null matches the default resolver; "*" searches all resolvers.
+     * @return an array of matching moduleRevisionId
+     * @throws Exception
+     */
+    ModuleRevisionId[] search(String organisation, String moduleName,
+            String revision, String branch, String matcher, String resolver) throws Exception;
+    /**
+     * Generate an easyantReport for a given moduleDescriptor. Using this report
+     * you should have all properties / plugins / targets loaded in your module
+     * descriptor
+     * 
+     * @param moduleDescriptor
+     *            a file that represent the module descriptor
+     * @return an easyantReport for a given moduleDescriptor
+     * @throws Exception
+     */
+    EasyAntReport generateEasyAntReport(File moduleDescriptor) throws Exception;
+    /**
+     * Return the EasyAnt model containing all data of the module described in
+     * given file.
+     * 
+     * @param moduleDescriptor
+     *            a file that represent the module descriptor
+     * @return an EasyAnt module descriptor
+     * @throws Exception
+     */
+    EasyAntModuleDescriptor getEasyAntModuleDescriptor(File moduleDescriptor)
+            throws Exception;
+    /**
+     * Return an array of string representing the fully qualified named matching
+     * with given criterias
+     * 
+     * @param organisation
+     *            the organisation name
+     * @param moduleName
+     *            the module name
+     * @return an array of moduleRevisionId
+     * @throws Exception
+     */
+    String[] searchModule(String organisation, String moduleName)
+            throws Exception;
+    /**
+     * Return the description of a module descriptor 
+     * Useful for IDE's integration
+     * @param mrid the module revision id to check
+     * @return a string representing the description of the module descriptor
+     */
+    String getDescription(ModuleRevisionId mrid);
+    /**
+     * Return the description of a module descriptor 
+     * Useful for IDE's integration
+     * The module revision id parameter should be with the following format 
+     * organisation#moduleName;revision 
+     * If no organisation is specified, this method will use the default one, 
+     * then you could use the shorter form like myPlugin;0.1
+     * @param moduleRevisionId a string representing a buildtype
+     * @return a string representing the description of the module descriptor
+     */
+    String getPluginDescription(String moduleRevisionId);
+    /**
+     * Return the description of a module descriptor 
+     * Useful for IDE's integration
+     * The module revision id parameter should be with the following format 
+     * organisation#moduleName;revision 
+     * If no organisation is specified, this method will use the default one, 
+     * then you could use the shorter form like myBuildType;0.1
+     * @param moduleRevisionId a string representing a buildtype 
+     * @return a string representing the description of the module descriptor
+     */
+    public String getBuildTypeDescription(String moduleRevisionId);

Modified: incubator/easyant/core/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/easyant/core/services/impl/
--- incubator/easyant/core/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/easyant/core/services/impl/ (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/core/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/easyant/core/services/impl/ Tue Feb 22 15:55:55 2011
@@ -45,239 +45,239 @@ import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
 public class DefaultPluginServiceImpl implements PluginService {
-	private final EasyAntModuleDescriptorParser parser;
+    private final EasyAntModuleDescriptorParser parser;
-	private final Ivy ivyInstance;
+    private final Ivy ivyInstance;
-	/**
-	 * This is the default constructor, the IvyContext should be the IvyContext
-	 * configured to the easyant ivy instance
-	 * @param ivyInstance the easyant ivy instance
-	 */
-	public DefaultPluginServiceImpl(final Ivy ivyInstance) {
-		this(ivyInstance, new DefaultEasyAntXmlModuleDescriptorParser());
-	}
-	/**
-	 * A custom constructor if you want to specify your own parser /
-	 * configuration service, you should use this constructor
-	 * the IvyContext should be the IvyContext
-	 * configured to the easyant ivy instance
-	 * @param ivyInstance the easyant ivy instance
-	 * @param parser
-	 *            a valid easyantModuleDescriptor
-	 */
-	public DefaultPluginServiceImpl(final Ivy ivyInstance,
-			EasyAntModuleDescriptorParser parser) {
-		this.ivyInstance = ivyInstance;
-		if (parser == null) {
-			throw new IllegalArgumentException(
-					"You must set a valid easyant module descriptor parser");
-		}
-		this.parser = parser;
-		ModuleDescriptorParserRegistry.getInstance().addParser(parser);
-	}
-	public EasyAntReport getPluginInfo(ModuleRevisionId moduleRevisionId,
-			String conf) throws Exception {
-		try {
-			IvyContext.pushNewContext().setIvy(ivyInstance);
-			EasyAntReport eaReport = EasyAntReportModuleParser.parseEasyAntModule(
-					moduleRevisionId, conf);
-			IvyContext.popContext();
-			return eaReport;
-		} catch (SAXException e) {
-			throw new Exception("Impossible to parse " + moduleRevisionId, e);
-		}
-	}
-	public EasyAntReport getPluginInfo(ModuleRevisionId moduleRevisionId)
-			throws Exception {
-		return getPluginInfo(moduleRevisionId, "default");
-	}
-	public EasyAntReport getPluginInfo(String moduleRevisionId)
-			throws Exception {
-		String mrid = moduleRevisionId;
-		if (!mrid.matches(".*#.*")) {
-			Message.debug("No organisation specified for plugin " + mrid
-					+ " using the default one");
-			mrid = EasyAntConstants.EASYANT_PLUGIN_ORGANISATION + "#" + mrid;
-		}
-		ModuleRevisionId module = ModuleRevisionId.parse(mrid);
-		return getPluginInfo(module);
-	}
-	public EasyAntReport getBuildTypeInfo(String moduleRevisionId)
-			throws Exception {
-		String mrid = moduleRevisionId;
-		if (!mrid.matches(".*#.*")) {
-			Message.debug("No organisation specified for buildtype " + mrid
-					+ " using the default one");
-			mrid = EasyAntConstants.EASYANT_BUILDTYPES_ORGANISATION + "#"
-					+ mrid;
-		}
-		ModuleRevisionId module = ModuleRevisionId.parse(mrid);
-		return getPluginInfo(module);
-	}
-	public EasyAntModuleDescriptor getEasyAntModuleDescriptor(
-			File moduleDescriptor) throws Exception {
-		if (moduleDescriptor == null)
-			throw new Exception("moduleDescriptor cannot be null");
-		if (!moduleDescriptor.exists()) {
-			throw new Exception(
-					"imposible to find the specified module descriptor"
-							+ moduleDescriptor.getAbsolutePath());
-		}
-		IvyContext.pushNewContext().setIvy(ivyInstance);
-		// First we need to parse the specified file to retrieve all the easyant
-		// stuff
-		parser.parseDescriptor(ivyInstance.getSettings(),
-				moduleDescriptor.toURL(), new URLResource(moduleDescriptor
-						.toURL()), true);
-		EasyAntModuleDescriptor md = parser.getEasyAntModuleDescriptor();
-		IvyContext.popContext();
-		return md;
-	}
-	public EasyAntReport generateEasyAntReport(File moduleDescriptor)
-			throws Exception {
-		EasyAntReport eaReport = new EasyAntReport();
-		try {
-			EasyAntModuleDescriptor md = getEasyAntModuleDescriptor(moduleDescriptor);
-			// Then we can Store properties
-			for (Iterator<PropertyDescriptor> iterator = md.getProperties()
-					.values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
-				PropertyDescriptor property =;
-				eaReport.addPropertyDescriptor(property.getName(), property);
-			}
-			// Store infos on the buildtype
-			if (md.getBuildType() != null) {
-				ImportedModuleReport buildType = new ImportedModuleReport();
-				buildType.setModuleMrid(md.getBuildType());
-				buildType.setEasyantReport(getPluginInfo(ModuleRevisionId
-						.parse(md.getBuildType())));
-				eaReport.addImportedModuleReport(buildType);
-				// Store infos on plugins
-				for (Iterator iterator = md.getPlugins().iterator(); iterator
-						.hasNext();) {
-					PluginDescriptor plugin = (PluginDescriptor) iterator
-							.next();
-					ImportedModuleReport pluginReport = new ImportedModuleReport();
-					pluginReport.setModuleMrid(plugin.getMrid());
-					pluginReport.setAs(plugin.getAs());
-					pluginReport.setType(plugin.getMode());
-					pluginReport
-							.setEasyantReport(getPluginInfo(ModuleRevisionId
-									.parse(plugin.getMrid())));
-					eaReport.addImportedModuleReport(pluginReport);
-				}
-			}
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			throw new Exception("problem while parsing Ivy module file: "
-					+ e.getMessage(), e);
-		}
-		return eaReport;
-	}
-	public ModuleRevisionId[] search(String organisation, String moduleName,
-			String revision, String branch, String matcher, String resolver) throws Exception {
-		IvySettings settings = ivyInstance.getSettings();
-		if (moduleName == null && PatternMatcher.EXACT.equals(matcher)) {
-			throw new Exception(
-					"no module name provided for ivy repository graph task: "
-							+ "It can either be set explicitely via the attribute 'module' or "
-							+ "via 'ivy.module' property or a prior call to <resolve/>");
-		} else if (moduleName == null && !PatternMatcher.EXACT.equals(matcher)) {
-			moduleName = PatternMatcher.ANY_EXPRESSION;
-		}
-		ModuleRevisionId mrid = ModuleRevisionId.newInstance(organisation,
-				moduleName, revision);
-		ModuleRevisionId criteria = null;
-		if ((revision == null) || settings.getVersionMatcher().isDynamic(mrid)) {
-			criteria = new ModuleRevisionId(new ModuleId(organisation,
-					moduleName), branch, "*");
-		} else {
-			criteria = new ModuleRevisionId(new ModuleId(organisation,
-					moduleName), branch, revision);
-		}
-		PatternMatcher patternMatcher = settings.getMatcher(matcher);
-		if ("*".equals(resolver)) {
-			//search in all resolvers.  this can be quite slow for complex repository configurations
-			//with ChainResolvers, since resolvers in chains will be searched multiple times.
-			return ivyInstance.listModules(criteria, patternMatcher);
-		} else {
-			//limit search to the specified resolver.
-			DependencyResolver dependencyResolver =
-					resolver == null ? settings.getDefaultResolver()
-									 : settings.getResolver(resolver);
-			if (dependencyResolver == null) {
-				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown dependency resolver for search: " + resolver);
-			}
-			ivyInstance.pushContext();
-			try {
-				return ivyInstance.getSearchEngine().listModules(dependencyResolver, criteria, patternMatcher);
-			} finally {
-				ivyInstance.popContext();
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	public ModuleRevisionId[] search(String organisation, String moduleName)
-			throws Exception {
-		return search(organisation, moduleName, null, null,
-				PatternMatcher.EXACT_OR_REGEXP, null);
-	}
-	public String[] searchModule(String organisation, String moduleName)
-			throws Exception {
-		ModuleRevisionId[] mrids = search(organisation, moduleName);
-		String[] result = new String[mrids.length];
-		for (int i = 0; i < mrids.length; i++) {
-			result[i] = mrids[i].toString();
-		}
-		return result;
-	}
-	public String getDescription(ModuleRevisionId mrid) {
-		ResolvedModuleRevision rmr = ivyInstance.findModule(mrid);
-		return rmr.getDescriptor().getDescription();
-	}
-	public String getPluginDescription(String moduleRevisionId) {
-		String mrid = moduleRevisionId;
-		if (!mrid.matches(".*#.*")) {
-			Message.debug("No organisation specified for plugin " + mrid
-					+ " using the default one");
-			mrid = EasyAntConstants.EASYANT_PLUGIN_ORGANISATION + "#" + mrid;
-		}
-		ModuleRevisionId module = ModuleRevisionId.parse(mrid);
-		return getDescription(module);
-	}
-	public String getBuildTypeDescription(String moduleRevisionId) {
-		String mrid = moduleRevisionId;
-		if (!mrid.matches(".*#.*")) {
-			Message.debug("No organisation specified for buildtype " + mrid
-					+ " using the default one");
-			mrid = EasyAntConstants.EASYANT_BUILDTYPES_ORGANISATION + "#" + mrid;
-		}
-		ModuleRevisionId module = ModuleRevisionId.parse(mrid);
+    /**
+     * This is the default constructor, the IvyContext should be the IvyContext
+     * configured to the easyant ivy instance
+     * @param ivyInstance the easyant ivy instance
+     */
+    public DefaultPluginServiceImpl(final Ivy ivyInstance) {
+        this(ivyInstance, new DefaultEasyAntXmlModuleDescriptorParser());
+    }
+    /**
+     * A custom constructor if you want to specify your own parser /
+     * configuration service, you should use this constructor
+     * the IvyContext should be the IvyContext
+     * configured to the easyant ivy instance
+     * @param ivyInstance the easyant ivy instance
+     * @param parser
+     *            a valid easyantModuleDescriptor
+     */
+    public DefaultPluginServiceImpl(final Ivy ivyInstance,
+            EasyAntModuleDescriptorParser parser) {
+        this.ivyInstance = ivyInstance;
+        if (parser == null) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+                    "You must set a valid easyant module descriptor parser");
+        }
+        this.parser = parser;
+        ModuleDescriptorParserRegistry.getInstance().addParser(parser);
+    }
+    public EasyAntReport getPluginInfo(ModuleRevisionId moduleRevisionId,
+            String conf) throws Exception {
+        try {
+            IvyContext.pushNewContext().setIvy(ivyInstance);
+            EasyAntReport eaReport = EasyAntReportModuleParser.parseEasyAntModule(
+                    moduleRevisionId, conf);
+            IvyContext.popContext();
+            return eaReport;
+        } catch (SAXException e) {
+            throw new Exception("Impossible to parse " + moduleRevisionId, e);
+        }
+    }
+    public EasyAntReport getPluginInfo(ModuleRevisionId moduleRevisionId)
+            throws Exception {
+        return getPluginInfo(moduleRevisionId, "default");
+    }
+    public EasyAntReport getPluginInfo(String moduleRevisionId)
+            throws Exception {
+        String mrid = moduleRevisionId;
+        if (!mrid.matches(".*#.*")) {
+            Message.debug("No organisation specified for plugin " + mrid
+                    + " using the default one");
+            mrid = EasyAntConstants.EASYANT_PLUGIN_ORGANISATION + "#" + mrid;
+        }
+        ModuleRevisionId module = ModuleRevisionId.parse(mrid);
+        return getPluginInfo(module);
+    }
+    public EasyAntReport getBuildTypeInfo(String moduleRevisionId)
+            throws Exception {
+        String mrid = moduleRevisionId;
+        if (!mrid.matches(".*#.*")) {
+            Message.debug("No organisation specified for buildtype " + mrid
+                    + " using the default one");
+            mrid = EasyAntConstants.EASYANT_BUILDTYPES_ORGANISATION + "#"
+                    + mrid;
+        }
+        ModuleRevisionId module = ModuleRevisionId.parse(mrid);
+        return getPluginInfo(module);
+    }
+    public EasyAntModuleDescriptor getEasyAntModuleDescriptor(
+            File moduleDescriptor) throws Exception {
+        if (moduleDescriptor == null)
+            throw new Exception("moduleDescriptor cannot be null");
+        if (!moduleDescriptor.exists()) {
+            throw new Exception(
+                    "imposible to find the specified module descriptor"
+                            + moduleDescriptor.getAbsolutePath());
+        }
+        IvyContext.pushNewContext().setIvy(ivyInstance);
+        // First we need to parse the specified file to retrieve all the easyant
+        // stuff
+        parser.parseDescriptor(ivyInstance.getSettings(),
+                moduleDescriptor.toURL(), new URLResource(moduleDescriptor
+                        .toURL()), true);
+        EasyAntModuleDescriptor md = parser.getEasyAntModuleDescriptor();
+        IvyContext.popContext();
+        return md;
+    }
+    public EasyAntReport generateEasyAntReport(File moduleDescriptor)
+            throws Exception {
+        EasyAntReport eaReport = new EasyAntReport();
+        try {
+            EasyAntModuleDescriptor md = getEasyAntModuleDescriptor(moduleDescriptor);
+            // Then we can Store properties
+            for (Iterator<PropertyDescriptor> iterator = md.getProperties()
+                    .values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+                PropertyDescriptor property =;
+                eaReport.addPropertyDescriptor(property.getName(), property);
+            }
+            // Store infos on the buildtype
+            if (md.getBuildType() != null) {
+                ImportedModuleReport buildType = new ImportedModuleReport();
+                buildType.setModuleMrid(md.getBuildType());
+                buildType.setEasyantReport(getPluginInfo(ModuleRevisionId
+                        .parse(md.getBuildType())));
+                eaReport.addImportedModuleReport(buildType);
+                // Store infos on plugins
+                for (Iterator iterator = md.getPlugins().iterator(); iterator
+                        .hasNext();) {
+                    PluginDescriptor plugin = (PluginDescriptor) iterator
+                            .next();
+                    ImportedModuleReport pluginReport = new ImportedModuleReport();
+                    pluginReport.setModuleMrid(plugin.getMrid());
+                    pluginReport.setAs(plugin.getAs());
+                    pluginReport.setType(plugin.getMode());
+                    pluginReport
+                            .setEasyantReport(getPluginInfo(ModuleRevisionId
+                                    .parse(plugin.getMrid())));
+                    eaReport.addImportedModuleReport(pluginReport);
+                }
+            }
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            throw new Exception("problem while parsing Ivy module file: "
+                    + e.getMessage(), e);
+        }
+        return eaReport;
+    }
+    public ModuleRevisionId[] search(String organisation, String moduleName,
+            String revision, String branch, String matcher, String resolver) throws Exception {
+        IvySettings settings = ivyInstance.getSettings();
+        if (moduleName == null && PatternMatcher.EXACT.equals(matcher)) {
+            throw new Exception(
+                    "no module name provided for ivy repository graph task: "
+                            + "It can either be set explicitely via the attribute 'module' or "
+                            + "via 'ivy.module' property or a prior call to <resolve/>");
+        } else if (moduleName == null && !PatternMatcher.EXACT.equals(matcher)) {
+            moduleName = PatternMatcher.ANY_EXPRESSION;
+        }
+        ModuleRevisionId mrid = ModuleRevisionId.newInstance(organisation,
+                moduleName, revision);
+        ModuleRevisionId criteria = null;
+        if ((revision == null) || settings.getVersionMatcher().isDynamic(mrid)) {
+            criteria = new ModuleRevisionId(new ModuleId(organisation,
+                    moduleName), branch, "*");
+        } else {
+            criteria = new ModuleRevisionId(new ModuleId(organisation,
+                    moduleName), branch, revision);
+        }
+        PatternMatcher patternMatcher = settings.getMatcher(matcher);
+        if ("*".equals(resolver)) {
+            //search in all resolvers.  this can be quite slow for complex repository configurations
+            //with ChainResolvers, since resolvers in chains will be searched multiple times.
+            return ivyInstance.listModules(criteria, patternMatcher);
+        } else {
+            //limit search to the specified resolver.
+            DependencyResolver dependencyResolver =
+                    resolver == null ? settings.getDefaultResolver()
+                                     : settings.getResolver(resolver);
+            if (dependencyResolver == null) {
+                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown dependency resolver for search: " + resolver);
+            }
+            ivyInstance.pushContext();
+            try {
+                return ivyInstance.getSearchEngine().listModules(dependencyResolver, criteria, patternMatcher);
+            } finally {
+                ivyInstance.popContext();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    public ModuleRevisionId[] search(String organisation, String moduleName)
+            throws Exception {
+        return search(organisation, moduleName, null, null,
+                PatternMatcher.EXACT_OR_REGEXP, null);
+    }
+    public String[] searchModule(String organisation, String moduleName)
+            throws Exception {
+        ModuleRevisionId[] mrids = search(organisation, moduleName);
+        String[] result = new String[mrids.length];
+        for (int i = 0; i < mrids.length; i++) {
+            result[i] = mrids[i].toString();
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    public String getDescription(ModuleRevisionId mrid) {
+        ResolvedModuleRevision rmr = ivyInstance.findModule(mrid);
+        return rmr.getDescriptor().getDescription();
+    }
+    public String getPluginDescription(String moduleRevisionId) {
+        String mrid = moduleRevisionId;
+        if (!mrid.matches(".*#.*")) {
+            Message.debug("No organisation specified for plugin " + mrid
+                    + " using the default one");
+            mrid = EasyAntConstants.EASYANT_PLUGIN_ORGANISATION + "#" + mrid;
+        }
+        ModuleRevisionId module = ModuleRevisionId.parse(mrid);
+        return getDescription(module);
+    }
+    public String getBuildTypeDescription(String moduleRevisionId) {
+        String mrid = moduleRevisionId;
+        if (!mrid.matches(".*#.*")) {
+            Message.debug("No organisation specified for buildtype " + mrid
+                    + " using the default one");
+            mrid = EasyAntConstants.EASYANT_BUILDTYPES_ORGANISATION + "#" + mrid;
+        }
+        ModuleRevisionId module = ModuleRevisionId.parse(mrid);
-		return getDescription(module);
-	}
+        return getDescription(module);
+    }

Modified: incubator/easyant/core/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/easyant/man/
--- incubator/easyant/core/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/easyant/man/ (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/core/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/easyant/man/ Tue Feb 22 15:55:55 2011
@@ -30,61 +30,60 @@ import;
  * supplied search name and returns result for each of these sequentially. 
 public class Describe implements ManCommand {
-	private String target;
-	// convenient string constants
-	private static final String TAB = "\t";
-	private static final String NONE = "NONE";
-	public void addParam(String param) {
- = param;
-	}
+    private String target;
+    // convenient string constants
+    private static final String NONE = "NONE";
+    public void addParam(String param) {
+ = param;
+    }
-	public void execute(EasyAntReport earep, Project project) {
-		String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator");
-		if(target == null || target.length() == 0) {
-			throw new IllegalArgumentException("No parameter specified for -describe parameter.");
-		}
-		project.log(lineSep + "--- Available references for: " + target +
-				" in current project: " + project.getName() + " ---" + lineSep);
-		PhaseReport phaseRep = earep.getPhaseReport(target, true);
-		if(phaseRep != null) {
-			project.log(TAB + "Phase: " + target);
-			project.log(TAB + TAB + "Description: " + (phaseRep.getDescription() == null ? NONE : phaseRep.getDescription()));
-			project.log(TAB + TAB + "Depends: " + (phaseRep.getDepends() == null ? NONE : phaseRep.getDepends()));
-			project.log(lineSep + TAB + TAB + "For information on targets attached to this phase, run:");
-			project.log(TAB + TAB + "easyant -listTargets " + target);
-		} else {
-			project.log(TAB + "No Phase found for name: " + target);
-		}
-		TargetReport targetRep = earep.getTargetReport(target, true);
-		if(targetRep != null) {
-			project.log(TAB + "Target: " + target);
-			project.log(TAB + TAB + "Phase: " + (targetRep.getPhase() == null ? NONE : targetRep.getPhase()));
-			project.log(TAB + TAB + "Description: " + (targetRep.getDescription() == null ? NONE : targetRep.getDescription()));
-			project.log(TAB + TAB + "Depends: " + (targetRep.getDepends() == null ? NONE : targetRep.getDepends()));
-			project.log(TAB + TAB + "IF: " + (targetRep.getIfCase() == null ? NONE : targetRep.getIfCase()));
-			project.log(TAB + TAB + "UNLESS: " + (targetRep.getUnlessCase() == null ? NONE : targetRep.getUnlessCase()));
-		} else {
-			project.log(TAB + "No Target found for name: " + target);
-		}
-		PropertyDescriptor prop = earep.getAvailableProperties().get(target);
-		if(prop != null) {
-			project.log(TAB + "Property: " + target);
-			project.log(TAB + TAB + "Description: " + (prop.getDescription() == null ? NONE : prop.getDescription()));
-			String defaultValue = prop.getDefaultValue() == null ? NONE : prop.getDefaultValue();
-			project.log(TAB + TAB + "Default: " + defaultValue);
-			project.log(TAB + TAB + "Required: " + prop.isRequired());
-			String currentValue = prop.getValue() == null ? defaultValue : prop.getValue();
-			project.log(TAB + TAB + "Current value: " + currentValue);
-		} else {
-			project.log(TAB + "No Property found for name: " + target);
-		}
-		project.log(lineSep + "--- End Of (Describe) ---");
-	}
+    public void execute(EasyAntReport earep, Project project) {
+        String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator");
+        if(target == null || target.length() == 0) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No parameter specified for -describe parameter.");
+        }
+        project.log(lineSep + "--- Available references for: " + target +
+                " in current project: " + project.getName() + " ---" + lineSep);
+        PhaseReport phaseRep = earep.getPhaseReport(target, true);
+        if(phaseRep != null) {
+            project.log("\tPhase: " + target);
+            project.log("\t\tDescription: " + (phaseRep.getDescription() == null ? NONE : phaseRep.getDescription()));
+            project.log("\t\tDepends: " + (phaseRep.getDepends() == null ? NONE : phaseRep.getDepends()));
+            project.log(lineSep + "\t\tFor information on targets attached to this phase, run:");
+            project.log("\t\teasyant -listTargets " + target);
+        } else {
+            project.log("\tNo Phase found for name: " + target);
+        }
+        TargetReport targetRep = earep.getTargetReport(target, true);
+        if(targetRep != null) {
+            project.log("\tTarget: " + target);
+            project.log("\t\tPhase: " + (targetRep.getPhase() == null ? NONE : targetRep.getPhase()));
+            project.log("\t\tDescription: " + (targetRep.getDescription() == null ? NONE : targetRep.getDescription()));
+            project.log("\t\tDepends: " + (targetRep.getDepends() == null ? NONE : targetRep.getDepends()));
+            project.log("\t\tIF: " + (targetRep.getIfCase() == null ? NONE : targetRep.getIfCase()));
+            project.log("\t\tUNLESS: " + (targetRep.getUnlessCase() == null ? NONE : targetRep.getUnlessCase()));
+        } else {
+            project.log("\tNo Target found for name: " + target);
+        }
+        PropertyDescriptor prop = earep.getAvailableProperties().get(target);
+        if(prop != null) {
+            project.log("\tProperty: " + target);
+            project.log("\t\tDescription: " + (prop.getDescription() == null ? NONE : prop.getDescription()));
+            String defaultValue = prop.getDefaultValue() == null ? NONE : prop.getDefaultValue();
+            project.log("\t\tDefault: " + defaultValue);
+            project.log("\t\tRequired: " + prop.isRequired());
+            String currentValue = prop.getValue() == null ? defaultValue : prop.getValue();
+            project.log("\t\tCurrent value: " + currentValue);
+        } else {
+            project.log("\tNo Property found for name: " + target);
+        }
+        project.log(lineSep + "--- End Of (Describe) ---");
+    }

Modified: incubator/easyant/core/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/easyant/man/
--- incubator/easyant/core/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/easyant/man/ (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/core/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/easyant/man/ Tue Feb 22 15:55:55 2011
@@ -30,24 +30,22 @@ import;
  * Supports the -listPhases switch.
 public class ListPhases implements ManCommand {
-	// convenient string constant for formatting
-	private static String TAB = "\t";
-	public void addParam(String param) {
-		// this command does not make use of params
-	}
+    public void addParam(String param) {
+        // this command does not make use of params
+    }
-	public void execute(EasyAntReport earep, Project project) {
-		String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator");
-		project.log(lineSep + "--- Available Phases for current project: " + project.getName() + " ---" + lineSep);
-		List<PhaseReport> phases = earep.getAvailablePhases();
-		for(int i = 0; i<phases.size(); i++) {
-			project.log(TAB + phases.get(i).getName());
-		}
-		project.log(lineSep + lineSep + "For more information on a Phase, run:" + lineSep + "\t easyant -describe <PHASE>");
-		project.log(lineSep + "--- End Of (Phases Listing) ---");
-	}
+    public void execute(EasyAntReport earep, Project project) {
+        String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator");
+        project.log(lineSep + "--- Available Phases for current project: " + project.getName() + " ---" + lineSep);
+        List<PhaseReport> phases = earep.getAvailablePhases();
+        for(int i = 0; i<phases.size(); i++) {
+            project.log("\t" + phases.get(i).getName());
+        }
+        project.log(lineSep + lineSep + "For more information on a Phase, run:" + lineSep + "\t easyant -describe <PHASE>");
+        project.log(lineSep + "--- End Of (Phases Listing) ---");
+    }