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cvs commit: ws-axis/c/docs buildPages.xml extractPages.xml

prestonf    2005/06/30 06:21:01

  Added:       c/docs   buildPages.xml extractPages.xml
  This cures AXISCPP-714
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  ws-axis/c/docs/buildPages.xml
  Index: buildPages.xml
  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <!--                                                                    -->
  <!--  Module Name: %W%                                                  -->
  <!--                                                                    -->
  <!--  Description:                                                      -->
  <!--                                                                    -->
  <!--  IBM Confidential                                                  -->
  <!--                                                                    -->
  <!--  OCO Source Materials                                              -->
  <!--                                                                    -->
  <!--  5724-M08                                                          -->
  <!--  (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005                                -->
  <!--                                                                    -->
  <!--  The source code for this program is not published or other-       -->
  <!--  wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has      -->
  <!--  been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office.                    -->
  <!--                                                                    -->
  <!--                                                                    -->
  <!--  Version: %Z% %W% %I% %E% %U%                                      -->
  <!--                                                                    -->
  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <project name="Build the Axis web pages" default="help" basedir="../../site">
  Before running this script, the following prereqisties are required:-
  * The environment variable JAVA_HOME has been set.
  * The environment variable FORREST_HOME has been set (this also assumes that
    FORREST has also been downloaded and built and that FORREST_HOME/bin has
    been added to the path environment variable).
  * Logged onto CVS using putty or some other SSH connection (If you have not,
    or your connection has timed out, you will get the following error:-
    "connect to localhost:2401 failed: No connection could be made because the
    target machine actively refused it.").
  * This script will not work unless the ws-axis/site directory already exists.
    If ws-axis/site does not exist, run the extractPages.xml script using the
    same parameters as this script.
  Command Line Syntax
  ant -f buildPages.xml -DuserId=[User Id used to logon to current CVS session] -Dpassword=[password for CVS user Id] [Target Name]
  ant -f buildPages.xml -DuserId=bloggsf -Dpassword=Pa5sw6rd extractSite
  ant -f buildPages.xml -DuserId=bloggsj -Dpassword=P4s5w0rd buildSite
  <!-- * Include environment variables and the ant extensions in 'antcontrib'.
   <property name="env" value="env" environment="env"/>
   <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"/>
  <!-- * Read the version number from ws-axis/c/build/ file.
   <property file="${basedir}/../c/build/"/>
  <!-- * Set the script property values.
   <property name="" value="${basedir}/../.."/>
   <property name="ws-site.dir.upload"   value="${basedir}/../../ws-site/targets/axis"/>
   <property name="ws-site.packageName"  value="ws-site"/>
   <property name=""    value="${basedir}/../.."/>
   <property name="site.dir.upload"      value="${basedir}/src"/>
   <property name="site.packageName"     value="ws-axis/site"/>
   <property name="dollar"               value="$"/>
   <property name="myJava.home"          value="${dollar}{env.JAVA_HOME}"/>
   <property name="forrest.home"         value="${dollar}{env.FORREST_HOME}"/>
   <property name="commit.message"       value="&quot;Pages updated for release ${version}&quot;"/>
   <property name="default.userId"       value="${dollar}{userId}"/>
   <property name="default.password"     value="${dollar}{password}"/>
  <!-- * Check if ws-axis/site/build.xml exists.  If it does not, then only
       * 'extractSite'can be run as 'buildSite' requires functions that are only
       * available in this script.
   <if> <available file="build.xml" property="Options" value="extractSite buildSite"/>
     <import file="build.xml"/>
     <property name="Options" value="extractSite buildSite"/>
     <echo message="Warning: build.xml not found - Can only run 'extractSite' target."/>
     <property name="Options" value="extractSite"/>
  <!-- ******************************************************************************************************************
       * This is the default target.  It describes how to get project help.                                             *
   <target name="help">
    <echo message="For help, type 'ant -f buildPages.xml -projecthelp'"/>
  <!-- ******************************************************************************************************************
       * Extract all of the files required to build the AXIS web site pages from CVS.  Unfortunately, you have extract  *
       * the complete ws-site project which takes about 55 minutes to download.                                         *
   <target name="extractSite" description="Extract ws-axis/site and ws-site from CVS">
    <if> <equals arg1="${userId}" arg2="${default.userId}"/>
      <echo message="Error: userId has not been defined."/>
      <if> <equals arg1="${password}" arg2="${default.password}"/>
        <echo message="Warning: password has not been defined."/>
        <cvspass cvsroot=":ssh:${userId}" password="${password}"/>
      <delete dir="${}/${site.packageName}"/>
      <echo message="Warning: ${site.packageName} will take between 5 and 10 minutes to extract from CVS!"/>
      <echo message="About to download ${site.packageName} to ${}"/>
      <cvs cvsRoot=":ssh:${userId}"
      <delete dir="${}/${ws-site.packageName}"/>
      <echo message="Warning: ${ws-site.packageName} will take between 50 and 70 minutes to extract from CVS!"/>
      <echo message="About to download ${ws-site.packageName} to ${}"/>
      <cvs cvsRoot=":ssh:${userId}"
  <!-- ******************************************************************************************************************
       * This target assumes that the ws-site and site have been extracted from CVS and you have made whatever updates  *
       * are required to the ihtml pages.                                                                               *
       * The prereqs for running this script are as follows:-                                                           *
       * 1. build.xml exists in ws-axis/site.                                                                           *
       * 2. The environment variable JAVA_HOME has been set.                                                            *
       * 3. The environment variable FORREST_HOME has been set (this also assumes that FORREST has also been downloaded *
       *    and built and that FORREST_HOME/bin has been added to the path environment variable.                        *
   <target name="buildSite" description="Builds the documentation.  Should be used after 'extractSite' to build the AXIS documentation.">
    <if> <contains string="${Options}" substring="buildSite" casesensitive="false"/>
      <if> <equals arg1="${env.JAVA_HOME}" arg2="${myJava.home}"/>
        <echo message="The environment variable JAVA_HOME has not been set."/>
        <if> <equals arg1="${env.FORREST_HOME}" arg2="${forrest.home}"/>
          <echo message="The environment variable FORREST_HOME has not been set."/>
          <for list="${env.Path}" param="path" delimiter=";">
            <if> <contains string="@{path}" substring="${env.FORREST_HOME}" casesensitive="false"/>
              <property name="FoundForrestHomeInPath" value="true"/>
          <if> <equals arg1="${FoundForrestHomeInPath}" arg2="true"/>
            <antcall target="build-C-site-only">
            <echo message="FORREST_HOME was not found in the path environment varable."/>
      <echo message="Error: There is no valid download available [${Options} substring=buildSite]."/>
  <!-- ******************************************************************************************************************
       * Once the site has been built, it needs to be put back into CVS.  There are two directory structures that need  *
       * to be returned, these are:-                                                                                    *
       * 1. ws-axis/site/src and                                                                                        *
       * 2. ws-site/targets/axis                                                                                         *
   <target name="returnSiteToCVS" description="Copy the built pages (from previously running 'buildSite') back to CVS">
    <if> <equals arg1="${userId}" arg2="${default.userId}"/>
      <echo message="Error: userId has not been defined."/>
      <if> <equals arg1="${password}" arg2="${default.password}"/>
        <echo message="Warning: password has not been defined."/>
        <cvspass cvsroot=":ssh:${userId}" password="${password}"/>
      <echo message="About to upload ${site.dir.upload} back to ${site.packageName}."/>
      <echo message="Commit message is: ${commit.message}"/>
      <cvs cvsRoot=":ssh:${userId}"
           command="update -P"
      <cvs cvsRoot=":ssh:${userId}"
           command="commit -m ${commit.message}"
      <echo message="About to upload ${ws-site.dir.upload} back to ${ws-site.packageName}"/>
      <cvs cvsRoot=":ssh:${userId}"
           command="update -P"
      <cvs cvsRoot=":ssh:${userId}"
           command="commit -m ${commit.message}"
  1.1                  ws-axis/c/docs/extractPages.xml
  Index: extractPages.xml
  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <!--                                                                    -->
  <!--  Module Name: %W%                                                  -->
  <!--                                                                    -->
  <!--  Description:                                                      -->
  <!--                                                                    -->
  <!--  IBM Confidential                                                  -->
  <!--                                                                    -->
  <!--  OCO Source Materials                                              -->
  <!--                                                                    -->
  <!--  5724-M08                                                          -->
  <!--  (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005                                -->
  <!--                                                                    -->
  <!--  The source code for this program is not published or other-       -->
  <!--  wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has      -->
  <!--  been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office.                    -->
  <!--                                                                    -->
  <!--                                                                    -->
  <!--  Version: %Z% %W% %I% %E% %U%                                      -->
  <!--                                                                    -->
  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <project name="Extract the Axis web pages" default="extractSite" basedir="../..">
  Before running this script, the following prereqisties are required:-
  * The environment variable JAVA_HOME has been set.
  * The environment variable FORREST_HOME has been set (this also assumes that
    FORREST has also been downloaded and built and that FORREST_HOME/bin has
    been added to the path environment variable).
  * Logged onto CVS using putty or some other SSH connection (If you have not,
    or your connection has timed out, you will get the following error:-
    "connect to localhost:2401 failed: No connection could be made because the
    target machine actively refused it.").
  Command Line Syntax
  ant -f extractPages.xml -DuserId=[User Id used to logon to current CVS session] -Dpassword=[User Id's CVS password]
  ant -f extractPages.xml -DuserId=bloggsf -Dpassword=Pa5sw6rd
   <property name="" value="${basedir}/.."/>
   <property name="ws-site.packageName"  value="ws-site"/>
   <property name=""    value="${basedir}/.."/>
   <property name="site.packageName"     value="ws-axis/site"/>
   <property name="dollar"               value="$"/>
   <property name="default.userId"       value="${dollar}{userId}"/>
   <property name="default.password"     value="${dollar}{password}"/>
  <!-- ******************************************************************************************************************
       * Extract all of the files required to build the AXIS web site pages from CVS.  Unfortunately, you have extract  *
       * the complete ws-site project which takes about 40 minutes to download.                                         *
   <target name="extractSite" description="Extract ws-axis/site and ws-site from CVS">
    <if> <equals arg1="${userId}" arg2="${default.userId}"/>
      <echo message="Error: userId has not been defined."/>
      <if> <equals arg1="${password}" arg2="${default.password}"/>
        <echo message="Warning: password has not been defined."/>
        <cvspass cvsroot=":ssh:${userId}" password="${password}"/>
      <delete dir="${}/${site.packageName}"/>
      <echo message="Warning: ${site.packageName} will take about 2 minutes to extract from CVS!"/>
      <echo message="                                    ==="/>
      <echo message="About to download ${site.packageName} to ${}"/>
      <cvs cvsRoot=":ssh:${userId}"
      <delete dir="${}/${ws-site.packageName}"/>
      <echo message="Warning: ${ws-site.packageName} will take about 40 minutes to extract from CVS!"/>
      <echo message="                               ===="/>
      <echo message="About to download ${ws-site.packageName} to ${}"/>
      <cvs cvsRoot=":ssh:${userId}"