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Posted to by David N Bertoni/Cambridge/IBM <> on 2002/10/19 01:34:29 UTC

Interim Xalan-C++ build imminent

Hi all,

I'm working on an interim build of Xalan-C++ to be made available from the
web site.  This will be something like the Xerces "nightly" build, except,
of course, it doesn't happen every night ;-)

I'm going to try to make sure there's a build every weekend when there have
been major code changes.  Otherwise, there's likely to be a build every
other weekend.  These builds will always have the latest code in them, so
they may or may not be appropriate for production.  The idea is that people
will download them, bang on them, and report back their experiences.

Hopefully, this will help make the releases more stable, and will allow for
faster dissemination of bugs fixes.  The only other difference between
these releases and the major releases is the weekly builds will not contain
any documentation, and therefore, will not contain any documentation
