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Posted to by Matt Spaulding <> on 2013/02/27 19:53:58 UTC

Using classifiers with the install task


I'm trying to use the ant install task to install a module with a
classifier. When pulling the module in as a dependency, I use the following
in my ivy.xml:

    <dependency org="net.sf.json-lib" name="json-lib" rev="2.2.2"
        transitive="false" force="true">
        <artifact name="json-lib" type="jar" ext="jar"

And this works fine for dependency retrieval, but what is the equivalent
when using the install task? I know the install task does not understand
the artifact tag. Also, I've tried the following which does not work either:

<ivy:install organisation="net.sf.json-lib" module="json-lib"
revision="2.2.2" m:classifier="jdk15" from="${from.repo}" to="${to.repo}"/>

Any help is appreciated!
