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Posted to by Markus Dahm <> on 2005/02/06 07:10:57 UTC

Re: BCEL future


I 'd be glad if there would some more activity in the future, since I 
still have ideas
to add yet not enough time to realize currently. There are important changes
however like 1.5 support that should be added asap.

I also have a problem with the Apache org, because my main contact
was Jason van Zyl which I haven't been able
to contact for quite a while.

There have been requests e.g. for new volunteer developers which I couldn't

Anyway I think the current version of BCEL is pretty stable yet lacks some
new ideas. There are also some comparable projects on the net now with
some interesting new features.


Henri Yandell wrote:

>aka scheme to resurrect BCEL activity. This email is cc'd to addresses
>found for Enver and Markus, but chances are they're not active
>addresses anymore.
>I asked the PMC list for volunteers to assist with getting things
>restarted here. Conor MacNeil (already a BCEL committer), Simon
>Kitching and Henning Schmiedehausen all stepped forward. Simon's asked
>to be able to commit, so I'll grant him karma in a bit.
>In a separate thread I'll nominate Dave Brosius for committership so
>he can start applying patches, and another to give Torsten Curdt karma
>so he can commit too. It'll take a while to get through the usual
>CLA/fax stuff for Dave, but I'm sure things will move anyway.
>I'd like to suggest some topics for thought:
>How much code has changed since the last release?
>How many bugs are out there?
>How many have patches?
>What should the next version be? I assume it should be a minor release
>of some kind with bugs/patches dealt with.
>Are there major plans? (1.5 support?)
>When should the SVN migration happen?
>Should a Wiki exist?
>Torsten also suggested:
>come up with junit testcases
>get rid of the static repository approach?
>BCEL's a blackbox to me, so I'll try not to get too involved in any
>technical discussions and just offer help on infra/pmc bits.

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