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Posted to by Stefan Eissing <> on 2015/07/24 14:23:48 UTC

Protocols directive, NEW

In best programmers' tradition, I just made a large commit just before my vacation...In good Apache tradition, however, I ran all regression tests with it. So, hopefully this works for you as well, otherwise, please just revert the commit and curse my name.

CAVEAT: this commit changes mod_ssl and core_config structures. A "make clean" is recommended. As the core API was extended, you might also have to delete installed header files.

The new directive "Protocols" is implemented for server and vhosts. Example

  Protocols http/1.1 h2             #supports HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 (when over TLS) and prefers to talk HTTP/1.

  Protocols h2 spdy/3.1 http/1.1    #HTTP/2 is preferred over spdy with HTTP/1.1 coming last.

When no "Protocols" are specified, all protocols implemented in the server can be negotiated. Protocols from a base server are additive. The ALPN negotiated now calls the new core APIs which can be found in http_protocol.h (seemed the most suitable place).

Registration is done in three hooks. An implementation can be seen in h2_switch.c

- Directive documentation (My excuse is that it will change after feedback+discussion anyway)
- Ordering directive - not sure if we need it. I will ask the browser implementors on the HTTP workshop on Monday what their requirements are

- Is the default for "Protocols" what we want?
- Is the additive nature of "Protocols" what we want?
- Is this the right abstraction? I tried to make it general enough that other mechanisms may use the same API and other protocols find it easy to register. Nevertheless, once cannot foresee the future and what requirements come up. My overall impression is that the code is smaller and cleaner now. mod_h2's pre-connection hook with registration became unnecessary.



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