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[35/42] incubator-trafodion git commit: Updated the Command Interface Guide to use the standard PDF template.
diff --git a/docs/command_interface/src/asciidoc/_chapters/commands.adoc b/docs/command_interface/src/asciidoc/_chapters/commands.adoc
index 0e3abaf..24bc7e4 100644
--- a/docs/command_interface/src/asciidoc/_chapters/commands.adoc
+++ b/docs/command_interface/src/asciidoc/_chapters/commands.adoc
@@ -20,157 +20,158 @@
 = Commands
 TrafCI supports these commands in the command-line interface or in script files that you run from the command-line interface.
 | Commmand             | Description                                                                                                 | Documentation
-| `@`                  | Runs the SQL statements and interface commands contained in a specified script file.                        | <<cmd_at_sign, @ Command>>
-| `/`                  | Runs the previously executed SQL statement.                                                                 | <<cmd_slash, / Command>>
-| `ALIAS`              | Maps a string to any interface or SQL command.                                                              | <<cmd_alias, ALIAS Command>>
-| `CLEAR`              | Clears the command console so that only the prompt appears at the top of the screen.                        | <<cmd_clear, CLEAR Command>>
-| `CONNECT`            | Creates a new connection to the Trafodion database from a current or existing TrafCI session.               | <<cmd_connect, CONNECT Command>>
-| `DELAY`              | Allows the TrafCI session to be in sleep mode for the specified interval.                                   | <<cmd_delay, DELAY Command>>
-| `DISCONNECT`         | Terminates the connection to the Trafodion database.                                                        | <<cmd_disconnect, DISCONNECT Command>>
-| `ENV`                | Displays attributes of the current TrafCI session.                                                          | <<cmd_env, ENV Command>>
-| `EXIT`               | Disconnects from and exits the command-line interface.                                                      | <<cmd_exit, EXIT Command>>
-| `FC`                 | Edits and reexecutes a previous command. This command is restricted to the command-line
+| @                    | Runs the SQL statements and interface commands contained in a specified script file.                        | <<cmd_at_sign, @ Command>>
+| /                    | Runs the previously executed SQL statement.                                                                 | <<cmd_slash, / Command>>
+| ALIAS                | Maps a string to any interface or SQL command.                                                              | <<cmd_alias, ALIAS Command>>
+| CLEAR                | Clears the command console so that only the prompt appears at the top of the screen.                        | <<cmd_clear, CLEAR Command>>
+| CONNECT              | Creates a new connection to the Trafodion database from a current or existing TrafCI session.               | <<cmd_connect, CONNECT Command>>
+| DELAY                | Allows the TrafCI session to be in sleep mode for the specified interval.                                   | <<cmd_delay, DELAY Command>>
+| DISCONNECT           | Terminates the connection to the Trafodion database.                                                        | <<cmd_disconnect, DISCONNECT Command>>
+| ENV                  | Displays attributes of the current TrafCI session.                                                          | <<cmd_env, ENV Command>>
+| EXIT                 | Disconnects from and exits the command-line interface.                                                      | <<cmd_exit, EXIT Command>>
+| FC                   | Edits and reexecutes a previous command. This command is restricted to the command-line
 interface and is disallowed in script files.                                                                                         | <<cmd_fc, FC Command>>
-| `GET STATISTICS`     | Returns formatted statistics for the last executed SQL statement.                                           | <<cmd_get_statistics, GET STATISTICS Command>>
-| `GOTO`               | Jumps to a point the command history specified by the <<cmd_label, LABEL Command>>.                         | <<cmd_goto, GOTO Command>>
-| `HELP`               | Displays help text for the interface commands.                                                              | <<cmd_help, HELP Command>>
-| `HISTORY`            | Displays recently executed commands.                                                                        | <<cmd_history, HISTORY Command>>
-| `IF..THEN`           | Allows the conditional execution of actions specified within the `IF...THEN` conditional statement.         | <<cmd_if_then, IF..THEN Command>>
-| `LABEL`              | Marks a point in the command history that you can jump to by using the <<cmd_goto, GOTO Command>>.          | <<cmd_label, LABEL Command>>
-| `LOCALHOST`          | Executes client machine commands.                                                                           | <<cmd_localhost, LOCALHOST Command>>
-| `LOG`                | Logs commands and output from TrafCI to a log file.                                                         | <<cmd_log, LOG Command>>
-| `OBEY`               | Runs the SQL statements and interface commands contained in a specified script file.                        | <<cmd_obey, OBEY Command>>
-| `PRUN`               | Runs script files in parallel.                                                                              | <<cmd_prun, PRUN Command>>
-| `QUIT`               | Disconnects from and exits TrafCI.                                                                          | <<cmd_quit, QUIT Command>>
-| `RECONNECT`          | Creates a new connection to the Trafodion database using the login credentials of the last
+| GET STATISTICS       | Returns formatted statistics for the last executed SQL statement.                                           | <<cmd_get_statistics, GET STATISTICS Command>>
+| GOTO                 | Jumps to a point the command history specified by the <<cmd_label, LABEL Command>>.                         | <<cmd_goto, GOTO Command>>
+| HELP                 | Displays help text for the interface commands.                                                              | <<cmd_help, HELP Command>>
+| HISTORY              | Displays recently executed commands.                                                                        | <<cmd_history, HISTORY Command>>
+| IF&8230;THEN         | Allows the conditional execution of actions specified within the `IF&#8230;THEN` conditional statement.     | <<cmd_if_then, IF&#8230;THEN Command>>
+| LABEL                | Marks a point in the command history that you can jump to by using the <<cmd_goto, GOTO Command>>.          | <<cmd_label, LABEL Command>>
+| LOCALHOST            | Executes client machine commands.                                                                           | <<cmd_localhost, LOCALHOST Command>>
+| LOG                  | Logs commands and output from TrafCI to a log file.                                                         | <<cmd_log, LOG Command>>
+| OBEY                 | Runs the SQL statements and interface commands contained in a specified script file.                        | <<cmd_obey, OBEY Command>>
+| PRUN                 | Runs script files in parallel.                                                                              | <<cmd_prun, PRUN Command>>
+| QUIT                 | Disconnects from and exits TrafCI.                                                                          | <<cmd_quit, QUIT Command>>
+| RECONNECT            | Creates a new connection to the Trafodion database using the login credentials of the last
 successful connection.                                                                                                               | <<cmd_reconnect, RECONNECT Command>>
-| `REPEAT`             | Reexecutes a command.                                                                                       | <<cmd_repeat, REPEAT Command>>
-| `RESET LASTERROR`    | Resets the last error code to `0`.                                                                          | <<cmd_reset_lasterror, RESET LASTERROR Command>>
-| `RESET PARAM`        | Clears all parameter values or a specified parameter value in the current session.                          | <<cmd_reset_param, RESET PARAM Command>>
-| `RUN`                | Runs the previously executed SQL statement.                                                                 | <<cmd_run, RUN Command>>
-| `SAVEHIST`           | Saves the session history in a user-specified file.                                                         | <<cmd_savehist, SAVEHIST Command>>
-| `SESSION`            | Displays attributes of the current TrafCI session.                                                          | <<cmd_session, SESSION Command>>
-| `SET COLSEP`         | Sets the column separator and allows you to control the formatting of the result displayed for SQL queries. | <<cmd_set_colsep, SET COLSEP Command>>
-| `SET FETCHSIZE`      | Changes the default fetchsize used by JDBC.                                                                 | <<cmd_set_fetchsize, SET FETCHSIZE Command>>
-| `SET HISTOPT`        | Sets the history option and controls how commands are added to the history buffer.                          | <<cmd_set_histopt, SET HISTOPT Command>>
-| `SET IDLETIMEOUT`    | Sets the idle timeout value for the current session.                                                        | <<cmd_set_idletimeout, SET IDLETIMEOUT>>
-| `SET LIST_COUNT`     | Sets the maximum number of rows to be returned by `SELECT` statements that are executed after this command. | <<cmd_set_list_count, SET LIST_COUNT Command>>
-| `SET MARKUP`         | Sets the markup format and controls how results are displayed by TrafCI.                                    | <<cmd_set_markup, SET MARKUP Command>>
-| `SET PARAM`          | Sets a parameter value in the current session.                                                              | <<cmd_set_param, SET PARAM Command>>
-| `SET PROMPT`         | Sets the prompt of the current session to a specified string or to a session variable.                      | <<cmd_set_prompt, SET PROMPT Command>>
-| `SET SQLPROMPT`      | Sets the SQL prompt of the current session to a specified string. The default is `SQL`.                     | <<cmd_set_sqlprompt, SET SQLPROMPT Command>> 
-| `SET SQLTERMINATOR`  | Sets the SQL statement terminator of the current session to a specified string.
+| REPEAT               | Reexecutes a command.                                                                                       | <<cmd_repeat, REPEAT Command>>
+| RESET LASTERROR      | Resets the last error code to `0`.                                                                          | <<cmd_reset_lasterror, RESET LASTERROR Command>>
+| RESET PARAM          | Clears all parameter values or a specified parameter value in the current session.                          | <<cmd_reset_param, RESET PARAM Command>>
+| RUN                  | Runs the previously executed SQL statement.                                                                 | <<cmd_run, RUN Command>>
+| SAVEHIST             | Saves the session history in a user-specified file.                                                         | <<cmd_savehist, SAVEHIST Command>>
+| SESSION              | Displays attributes of the current TrafCI session.                                                          | <<cmd_session, SESSION Command>>
+| SET COLSEP           | Sets the column separator and allows you to control the formatting of the result displayed for SQL queries. | <<cmd_set_colsep, SET COLSEP Command>>
+| SET FETCHSIZE        | Changes the default fetchsize used by JDBC.                                                                 | <<cmd_set_fetchsize, SET FETCHSIZE Command>>
+| SET HISTOPT          | Sets the history option and controls how commands are added to the history buffer.                          | <<cmd_set_histopt, SET HISTOPT Command>>
+| SET IDLETIMEOUT      | Sets the idle timeout value for the current session.                                                        | <<cmd_set_idletimeout, SET IDLETIMEOUT>>
+| SET LIST_COUNT       | Sets the maximum number of rows to be returned by `SELECT` statements that are executed after this command. | <<cmd_set_list_count, SET LIST_COUNT Command>>
+| SET MARKUP           | Sets the markup format and controls how results are displayed by TrafCI.                                    | <<cmd_set_markup, SET MARKUP Command>>
+| SET PARAM            | Sets a parameter value in the current session.                                                              | <<cmd_set_param, SET PARAM Command>>
+| SET PROMPT           | Sets the prompt of the current session to a specified string or to a session variable.                      | <<cmd_set_prompt, SET PROMPT Command>>
+| SET SQLPROMPT        | Sets the SQL prompt of the current session to a specified string. The default is `SQL`.                     | <<cmd_set_sqlprompt, SET SQLPROMPT Command>> 
+| SET SQLTERMINATOR    | Sets the SQL statement terminator of the current session to a specified string.
 The default is a semicolon (`;`).                                                                                                    | <<cmd_set_sqlterminator, SET SQLTERMINATOR Command>>
-| `SET STATISTICS`     | Automatically retrieves the statistics information for a query being executed.                              | <<cmd_set_statistics, SET STATISTICS Command>>
-| `SET TIME`           | Causes the local time of the client workstation to be displayed as part of the interface prompt.            | <<cmd_set_time, SET TIME Command>>
-| `SET TIMING`         | Causes the elapsed time to be displayed after each SQL statement executes.                                  | <<cmd_set_timing, SET TIMING Command>>
-| `SHOW ACTIVITYCOUNT` | Functions as an alias of <<cmd_show_reccount, SHOW RECCOUNT Command>>.                                      | <<cmd_show_activitycount, SHOW ACTIVITYCOUNT Command>>
-| `SHOW ALIAS`         | Displays all or a set of aliases available in the current TrafCI session.                                   | <<cmd_show_alias, SHOW ALIAS Command>>
-| `SHOW ALIASES`       | Displays all the aliases available in the current TrafCI session.                                           | <<cmd_show_aliases, SHOW ALIASES Command>>
-| `SHOW CATALOG`       | Displays the current catalog of the TrafCI session.                                                         | <<cmd_show_catalog, SHOW CATALOG Command>>
-| `SHOW COLSEP`        | Displays the value of the column separator for the current TrafCI session.                                  | <<cmd_show_colsep, SHOW COLSEP Command>>
-| `SHOW ERRORCODE`     | Functions as an alias for the <<cmd_show_lasterror, SHOW LASTERROR Command>>.                               | <<cmd_show_errorcode, SHOW ERRORCODE Command>>
-| `SHOW FETCHSIZE`     | Displays the fetch size value for the current TrafCI session.                                               | <<cmd_show_fetchsize, SHOW FETCHSIZE Command>>
-| `SHOW HISTOPT`       | Displays the value that has been set for the history option of the current setting.                         | <<cmd_show_histopt, SHOW HISTOPT Command>>
-| `SHOW IDLETIMEOUT`   | Displays the idle timeout value of the current session.                                                     | <<cmd_show_idletimeout, SHOW IDLETIMEOUT Command>>
-| `SHOW LASTERROR`     | Displays the last error of the statement that was executed.                                                 | <<cmd_show_lasterror, SHOW LASTERROR Command>>
-| `SHOW LIST_COUNT`    | Displays the maximum number of rows to be returned by `SELECT` statements in the current session.           | <<cmd_show_list_count, SHOW LIST_COUNT Command>>
-| `SHOW MARKUP`        | Displays the value that has been set for the markup option for the current TrafCI session.                  | <<cmd_show_markup, SHOW MARKUP Command>>
-| `SHOW PARAM`         | isplays the parameters that are set in the current session.                                                 | <<cmd_show_param, SHOW PARAM Command>>
-| `SHOW PREPARED`      | Displays the prepared statements in the current TrafCI session.                                             | <<cmd_show_prepared, SHOW PREPARED Command>>
-| `SHOW RECCOUNT`      | Displays the record count of the previous executed SQL statement.                                           | <<cmd_show_reccount, SHOW RECCOUNT Command>>
-| `SHOW REMOTEPROCESS` | Displays the process name of the DCS server that is handling the current connection.                        | <<cmd_show_remoteprocess, SHOW REMOTEPROCESS Command>>
-| `SHOW SCHEMA`        | Displays the current schema of the TrafCI session.                                                          | <<cmd_show_schema, SHOW SCHEMA Command>>
-| `SHOW SESSION`       | Displays attributes of the current TrafCI session.                                                          | <<cmd_show_session, SHOW SESSION Command>>
-| `SHOW SQLPROMPT`     | Displays the value of the SQL prompt for the current session.                                               | <<cmd_show_sqlprompt, SHOW SQLPROMPT Command>>
-| `SHOW SQLTERMINATOR` | Displays the SQL statement terminator of the current session.                                               | <<cmd_show_sqlterminator, SHOW SQLTERMINATOR Command>>
-| `SHOW STATISTICS`    | Displays if statistics has been enabled or disabled for the current session.                                | <<cmd_show_statistics, SHOW STATISTICS Command>>
-| `SHOW TIME`          | Displays the setting for the local time in the SQL prompt.                                                  | <<cmd_show_time, SHOW TIME Command>>
-| `SHOW TIMING`        | Displays the setting for the elapsed time.                                                                  | <<cmd_show_timing, SHOW TIMING Command>>
-| `SPOOL`              | Logs commands and output from TrafCI to a log file.                                                         | <<cmd_spool, SPOOL Command>>
-| `VERSION`            | Displays the build versions of the platform, database connectivity services, JDBC Type 4 Driver, and TrafCI.| <<cmd_version, VERSION Command>>
+| SET STATISTICS       | Automatically retrieves the statistics information for a query being executed.                              | <<cmd_set_statistics, SET STATISTICS Command>>
+| SET TIME             | Causes the local time of the client workstation to be displayed as part of the interface prompt.            | <<cmd_set_time, SET TIME Command>>
+| SET TIMING           | Causes the elapsed time to be displayed after each SQL statement executes.                                  | <<cmd_set_timing, SET TIMING Command>>
+| SHOW ACTIVITYCOUNT   | Functions as an alias of <<cmd_show_reccount, SHOW RECCOUNT Command>>.                                      | <<cmd_show_activitycount, SHOW ACTIVITYCOUNT Command>>
+| SHOW ALIAS           | Displays all or a set of aliases available in the current TrafCI session.                                   | <<cmd_show_alias, SHOW ALIAS Command>>
+| SHOW ALIASES         | Displays all the aliases available in the current TrafCI session.                                           | <<cmd_show_aliases, SHOW ALIASES Command>>
+| SHOW CATALOG         | Displays the current catalog of the TrafCI session.                                                         | <<cmd_show_catalog, SHOW CATALOG Command>>
+| SHOW COLSEP          | Displays the value of the column separator for the current TrafCI session.                                  | <<cmd_show_colsep, SHOW COLSEP Command>>
+| SHOW ERRORCODE       | Functions as an alias for the <<cmd_show_lasterror, SHOW LASTERROR Command>>.                               | <<cmd_show_errorcode, SHOW ERRORCODE Command>>
+| SHOW FETCHSIZE       | Displays the fetch size value for the current TrafCI session.                                               | <<cmd_show_fetchsize, SHOW FETCHSIZE Command>>
+| SHOW HISTOPT         | Displays the value that has been set for the history option of the current setting.                         | <<cmd_show_histopt, SHOW HISTOPT Command>>
+| SHOW IDLETIMEOUT     | Displays the idle timeout value of the current session.                                                     | <<cmd_show_idletimeout, SHOW IDLETIMEOUT Command>>
+| SHOW LASTERROR       | Displays the last error of the statement that was executed.                                                 | <<cmd_show_lasterror, SHOW LASTERROR Command>>
+| SHOW LIST_COUNT      | Displays the maximum number of rows to be returned by `SELECT` statements in the current session.           | <<cmd_show_list_count, SHOW LIST_COUNT Command>>
+| SHOW MARKUP          | Displays the value that has been set for the markup option for the current TrafCI session.                  | <<cmd_show_markup, SHOW MARKUP Command>>
+| SHOW PARAM           | isplays the parameters that are set in the current session.                                                 | <<cmd_show_param, SHOW PARAM Command>>
+| SHOW PREPARED        | Displays the prepared statements in the current TrafCI session.                                             | <<cmd_show_prepared, SHOW PREPARED Command>>
+| SHOW RECCOUNT        | Displays the record count of the previous executed SQL statement.                                           | <<cmd_show_reccount, SHOW RECCOUNT Command>>
+| SHOW REMOTEPROCESS   | Displays the process name of the DCS server that is handling the current connection.                        | <<cmd_show_remoteprocess, SHOW REMOTEPROCESS Command>>
+| SHOW SCHEMA          | Displays the current schema of the TrafCI session.                                                          | <<cmd_show_schema, SHOW SCHEMA Command>>
+| SHOW SESSION         | Displays attributes of the current TrafCI session.                                                          | <<cmd_show_session, SHOW SESSION Command>>
+| SHOW SQLPROMPT       | Displays the value of the SQL prompt for the current session.                                               | <<cmd_show_sqlprompt, SHOW SQLPROMPT Command>>
+| SHOW SQLTERMINATOR   | Displays the SQL statement terminator of the current session.                                               | <<cmd_show_sqlterminator, SHOW SQLTERMINATOR Command>>
+| SHOW STATISTICS      | Displays if statistics has been enabled or disabled for the current session.                                | <<cmd_show_statistics, SHOW STATISTICS Command>>
+| SHOW TIME            | Displays the setting for the local time in the SQL prompt.                                                  | <<cmd_show_time, SHOW TIME Command>>
+| SHOW TIMING          | Displays the setting for the elapsed time.                                                                  | <<cmd_show_timing, SHOW TIMING Command>>
+| SPOOL                | Logs commands and output from TrafCI to a log file.                                                         | <<cmd_spool, SPOOL Command>>
+| VERSION              | Displays the build versions of the platform, database connectivity services, JDBC Type 4 Driver, and TrafCI.| <<cmd_version, VERSION Command>>
-== `@` Command
+== @ Command
 The `@` command executes the SQL statements and interface commands contained in a specified script file. The `@` command is
 executed the same as the `OBEY` command. For more information on syntax and considerations, <<cmd_obey, OBEY Command>>.
 === Syntax
-*@{script-file | wild-card-pattern} [(section-name)]*
+@{script-file | wild-card-pattern} [(section-name)]
+* `_script-file_`
 is the name of an ASCII text file that contains SQL statements, interface commands, and comments. If the script file exists outside the
 local directory where you launch TrafCI (by default, the `bin` directory) specify the full directory path of the script file.
+* `_wild-card-pattern_`
 is a character string used to search for script files with names that match the character string. `_wild-card-pattern_` matches a string,
 depending on the operating system for case-sensitivity, unless you enclose it within double quotes. To look for similar values, specify
 only part of the characters of `_wild-card-pattern_` combined with these wild-card characters:
-| `*` | Use an asterisk (`&#42;`) to indicate zero or more characters of any type. For example, `*art*` matches `SMART`, `ARTIFICIAL`, and `PARTICULAR`.
+| `*` | Use an asterisk (`*`) to indicate zero or more characters of any type. For example, `*art*` matches `SMART`, `ARTIFICIAL`, and `PARTICULAR`.
 | `?` | Use a question mark (`?`) to indicate any single character. For example, `boo?` matches `BOOK` and `BOOT` but not `BOO` or `BOOTS`.
+* `(_section-name_)`
 is the name of a section within the `_script-file_` to execute. If you specify `_section-name_`, the `@` command executes the commands between
 the header line for the specified section and the header line for the next section (or the end of the script file).
 If you omit `_section-name_`, the `@` command executes the entire script file. For more information, <<script_section_headers, Section Headers>>.
 === Considerations
 * You must enter the command on one line. The command does not require an SQL terminator.
 * Space is disallowed between the `@` sign and the first character of the script name.
 * For additional considerations, see the <<cmd_obey, OBEY Command>>.
 === Examples
 * This `@` command runs the script file from the local directory (the same directory where you are running TrafCI):
+SQL> @ddl.sql
 * This `@` command runs the script file in the specified directory on aWindows workstation:
+ SQL> @c:\my_files\ddl.sql
 * This `@` command runs the script file in the specified directory on a Linux or UNIX workstation:
+SQL> @./my_files/ddl.sql
-== `/` Command
+== / Command
 The `/` command executes the previously executed SQL statement. This command does not repeat an interface command.
 === Syntax
 === Considerations
@@ -181,49 +182,49 @@ The `/` command executes the previously executed SQL statement. This command doe
 This `/` command executes the previously executed `SELECT` statement:
-`SQL>`*select count(&#42;) from persnl.employee;*
+SQL> SELECT COUNT() FROM persnl.employee;
 --- 1 row(s) selected.
 --- 1 row(s) selected.
-== `ALIAS` Command
+== ALIAS Command
 The `ALIAS` command allows you to map a string to any interface or SQL command. The syntax of the interface or SQL command
 is checked only when the mapped string is executed. This command replaces only the first token of a command string, which allows
 the rest of the tokens to be treated as parameters.
 === Syntax
-*ALIAS _value_ AS _command_ _SQL-terminator_*
+ALIAS value AS command SQL-terminator
+* `_value_`
 is a case-insensitive string without spaces. `_Value_` cannot be a command.
+* `_command_`
 is an command or SQL command.
+* `_SQL-terminator_`
 is the default terminator (`;`) or a string value defined for the statement terminator by the
 <<cmd_set_sqlterminator, SET SQLTERMINATOR Command>>. For moreinformation, see
 <<interactive_set_show_terminator, Set and Show the SQL Terminator>>.
@@ -234,55 +235,55 @@ is the default terminator (`;`) or a string value defined for the statement term
 * The `ALIAS` command lasts only for the duration of the session.
 * An alias on an alias is not supported.
 === Examples
 * This command creates an alias named `.OS` to perform the `LOCALHOST (LH)` command:
 * This command executes the new `ALIAS` with the `ls` option:
-`SQL>`*.OS ls*
+SQL> .OS ls
+ trafci.cmd
 * This command creates an alias named `.GOTO` to perform the `GOTO` command:
-`SQL>`*.GOTO mylabel*
+SQL> .GOTO mylabel
 The `GOTO` statement executed, ignoring all commands until a `'LABEL MYLABEL'` command is encountered.
 * This command creates an alias named USE to perform the `SET SCHEMA` operation, uses the alias to set the schema to
 `TRAFODION.USR`, and checks the current schema to verify that the alias worked correctly:
-== `CLEAR` Command
+== CLEAR Command
 The `CLEAR` command clears the interface window so that only the prompt appears at the top of the window. `CLEAR` does not clear the log file or
 reset the settings of the session.
 === Syntax
 === Considerations
@@ -293,50 +294,50 @@ reset the settings of the session.
 This CLEAR command clears the interface window:
 After the CLEAR command executes, the interface window appears with only the prompt showing:
-== `CONNECT` Command
+== CONNECT Command
 The `CONNECT` command creates a new connection to the database from the current or existing TrafCI session.
 === Syntax
-*CONNECT [_username_ [_/password_][_@hostname_]]*
+CONNECT [ username [ /password ][@hostname]]
+* `_username_`
 specifies the user name for logging in to the database platform.
-* If the user name is not specified, then TrafCI prompts for the user name.
-* If the user name contains spaces or special characters, such as a period (`.`), hyphen (`-`), or underscore (`_`),
+** If the user name is not specified, then TrafCI prompts for the user name.
+** If the user name contains spaces or special characters, such as a period (`.`), hyphen (`-`), or underscore (`_`),
 then put the name within double quotes. For example: *"sq.user-1"*.
+* `_/password_`
 specifies the password of the user for logging in to the database platform.
-* If the password is not specified, then TrafCI prompts for the password.
-* If the password contains spaces or special characters, such as `@` or a single quote (`'`), then put the password
+** If the password is not specified, then TrafCI prompts for the password.
+** If the password contains spaces or special characters, such as `@` or a single quote (`'`), then put the password
 within double quotes. For example: *"Tr@f0d!0n"*.
+* `_@hostname_`
 specifies the host name or IP address of the database platform to which you want the client to connect.
-* If the hostname is not specified, then the value is automatically used from the current TrafCI session.
-* If TrafCI was invoked with the `-noconnect` launch parameter, then you are prompted for a `_hostname_` value.
+** If the hostname is not specified, then the value is automatically used from the current TrafCI session.
+** If TrafCI was invoked with the `-noconnect` launch parameter, then you are prompted for a `_hostname_` value.
 === Considerations
@@ -348,59 +349,55 @@ specifies the host name or IP address of the database platform to which you want
 * This command creates a new connection to the Trafodion database from the current or existing TrafCI session:
 User Name: user1
 Connected to Trafodion
 * This command creates a new connection to the Trafodion database from the current or existing TrafCI session:
-`SQL>`*connect user1/password*
+SQL> CONNECT user1/password
 Connected to Trafodion
 * This command creates a new connection to the Trafodion database from the current or existing TrafCI session:
-`SQL>`*connect user1/password@host0101*
+SQL> CONNECT user1/password@host0101
 Connected to Trafodion
 * This command creates a new connection to the Trafodion database from the current or existing TrafCI session:
-`SQL>`*connect user2*
 Connected to Trafodion
-== `DELAY` Command
+== DELAY Command
 The `DELAY` command allows the TrafCI session to be in sleep mode for the specified interval.
 === Syntax
-*DELAY _time_ [sec[ond][s] | min[ute][s]]*
+DELAY time [sec[ond][s] | min[ute][s]]
+* `_time_`
 is an integer.
 === Considerations
@@ -414,37 +411,37 @@ The unit is seconds for `trafci.maxDelayLimit`.
 * This DELAY command puts the TrafCI session to sleep for 5 seconds before executing the next command:
-`SQL>`*delay 5 secs* +
-`SQL>`*show views*
+SQL> DELAY 5 secs
 * This DELAY command puts TrafCI session to sleep for 5 minutes before executing the next command, which is to exit the session:
-`SQL>`*delay 5 mins* +
-`SQL>` *exit*
+SQL> DELAY 5 mins 
-== `DISCONNECT` Command
+== DISCONNECT Command
 The `DISCONNECT` command terminates the connection from the database, not from TrafCI.
 === Syntax
-*DISCONNECT [WITH][_status_][IF {_condition_}]*
+DISCONNECT [WITH] [status] [IF {condition}]
+* _status_
 is any 1-byte integer. `_status_` is a shell return value, and the range of allowable values is platform dependent.
-is the same as the condition parameter defined for the <<cmd_if_then, IF...THEN Command>>. See <<cmd_conditional_parameters, Condition Parameter>>.
+* _condition_
+is the same as the condition parameter defined for the <<cmd_if_then, IF&8230;THEN Command>>. See <<cmd_conditional_parameters, Condition Parameter>>.
 === Considerations
@@ -470,25 +467,25 @@ is the same as the condition parameter defined for the <<cmd_if_then, IF...THEN
 This command terminates the connection to the Trafodion database. You can connect to the Trafodion database by using the `CONNECT`
 and `RECONNECT` commands:
 Session Disconnected. Please connect to the database by using
 connect/reconnect command.
-== `ENV` Command
+== ENV Command
 `ENV` displays attributes of the current TrafCI session. You can also use the `SESSION` and `SHOW SESSION` commands to perform the same function.
 === Syntax
 === Considerations
@@ -528,9 +525,9 @@ For more information, <<trafci_login, Log In to Database Platform>>.
 * This `ENV` command displays the attributes of the current session:
 COLSEP           " "
 HISTOPT          DEFAULT [No expansion of script files] 
 IDLETIMEOUT      0 min(s) [Never Expires]
@@ -546,16 +543,16 @@ STATISTICS       OFF
 TIME             OFF
 TIMING           OFF
 USER             user1
 * This `ENV` command shows the effect of setting various session attributes:
-`4:16:43 PM >`*env*
+4:16:43 PM > ENV
 COLSEP           " "
 HISTOPT          DEFAULT [No expansion of script files] 
 IDLETIMEOUT      30 min(s)
@@ -570,13 +567,13 @@ STATISTICS       OFF
 TIME             OFF
 TIMING           OFF
 USER             user1
+4:16:49 PM >
-`4:16:49 PM >`
-== `EXIT` Command
+== EXIT Command
 The `EXIT` command disconnects from and exits TrafCI. `EXIT` can return a status code.
 If no status code is specified, then `0` (zero) is returned by default. In addition, a conditional statement
@@ -585,18 +582,17 @@ can be appended to the command.
 === Syntax
-*EXIT [WITH] [_status_] [IF {_condition_}]*
+EXIT [WITH] [status] [IF {condition}]
+* `_status_`
 is any 1-byte integer. `_status_` is a shell return value, and the range of allowable values is platform dependent.
-is the same as the condition parameter defined for the <<cmd_if_then, IF...THEN Command>>.
+* `_condition_`
+is the same as the condition parameter defined for the <<cmd_if_then, IF&8230;THEN Command>>.
 See <<cmd_conditional_parameter, Condition Parameter>>.
 === Considerations
@@ -607,48 +603,48 @@ You must enter the command on one line. The command does not require an SQL term
 * This command disconnects from and exits TrafCI, which disappears from the screen:
 * In a script file, the conditional exit command causes the script file to quit running and disconnect from
 and exit TrafCI when the previously run command returns error code `4082`:
-*log c:\errorCode.log* +
-*select &#42; from employee;*
-*exit if errorcode=4082*
-*log off*
+LOG c:\errorCode.log 
+SELECT * FROM employee;
+EXIT IF errorcode=4082
 These results are logged when error code 4082 occurs:
-`SQL>`*select &#42; from employee;*
+SQL> SELECT * FROM employee;
 **** ERROR[4082] Table, view or stored procedure TRAFODION.USR.EMPLOYEE does not exist or is inaccessible.
+SQL> EXIT IF errorcode=4082
-`SQL>`*exit if errorcode=4082*
 * The following two examples are equivalent:
-`SQL>`*EXIT -1 IF LASTERROR <> 0* +
 * This example exits TrafCI if the last error code is equal to `4082`:
-`SQL>`*EXIT WITH 82 IF LASTERROR == 4082* +
-`SQL>`*EXIT* -- default status is 0
+SQL> EXIT -- default status is 0
-== `FC` Command
+== FC Command
 The `FC` command allows you to edit and reissue a command in the history buffer of an TrafCI session.
 You can display the commands in the history buffer by using the `HISTORY` command. For information about the history
@@ -656,21 +652,22 @@ buffer, see the <<cmd_history,HISTORY Command>>.
 === Syntax
-*FC [_text_ | _[-]number_]*
+FC [text | [-]number]
+* `_text_`
 is the beginning text of a command in the history buffer. Case is not significant in matching the text to a command.
+* `[-]_number_`
 is either a positive integer that is the ordinal number of a command in the history buffer or a negative integer that indicates the position of
 a command relative to the most recent command.
 Without text or number, `FC` retrieves the most recent command.
 === Considerations
 * You must enter the command on one line. The command does not require an SQL terminator.
@@ -682,10 +679,10 @@ the line below the displayed command line:
 | Edit Command      | Description
 | `D`               | Deletes the character immediately above the letter `D`. Repeat to delete more characters.
-| `I_characters_`   | Inserts characters in front of the character immediately above the letter `I`.
-| `R_characters_`   | Replaces existing characters one-for-one with characters, beginning with the character immediately above the letter `R`.
-| `_characters_`    | Replaces existing characters one-for-one with characters, beginning with the first character immediately above characters.
-`_characters_` must begin with a nonblank character.
+| `I`_characters_   | Inserts characters in front of the character immediately above the letter `I`.
+| `R`_characters_   | Replaces existing characters one-for-one with characters, beginning with the character immediately above the letter `R`.
+| _characters_    | Replaces existing characters one-for-one with characters, beginning with the first character immediately above characters.
+_`characters`_ must begin with a nonblank character.
 To specify more than one editing command on a line, separate the editing commands with a double slash (`//`). The end of a line terminates an
@@ -700,99 +697,89 @@ To terminate a command without saving changes to the command, use the double sla
 * Reexecute the most recent command that begins with SH:
-SQL> fc sh
-SQL> show schema 
 Pressing *Enter* executes the `SHOW SCHEMA` command and displays the current schema, `PERSNL`:
-SQL>fc sh
-SQL>show schema
 * Correct an SQL statement that you entered incorrectly by using the delete (`D`) editing command:
-SQL>select * from persnl.employee;
+SQL> SELECT * FROM persnl.employee;
-**** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before:
-selecct * from persnl.employee;
+*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before:
+SELECCT * FROM persnl.employee;
-SQL>selecct * from persnl.employee;
-....    d
-SQL>select * from persnl.employee;
+SQL> SELECCT * FROM persnl.employee;
+....     d
+SQL>SELECT * FROM persnl.employee;
 Pressing *Enter* executes the corrected `SELECT` statement.
 * Correct an SQL statement that you entered incorrectly by using more than one editing command:
-SQL>selt * fromm persnl.employee;
+SQL> SELT * FROMM persnl.employee;
-**** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before:
-selt * fromm persnl.employee;
+*** ERROR[15001] A syntax error occurred at or before:
+SELT * FROMM persnl.employee;
-SQL>selt * fromm persnl.employee;
-....   iec//  d
-SQL>select * from persnl.employee;
+SQL> SELT *  FROMM persnl.employee;
+....    iEX//   d
+SQL> SELECT * FROM persnl.employee;
 Pressing *Enter* executes the corrected `SELECT` statement.
 * Modify a previously executed statement by replacing a value in the `WHERE` clause with another value:
-SQL>select first_name, last_name
-&#43;>from persnl.employee
-&#43;>where jobcode=111;
+SQL> SELECT first_name, last_name
++> FROM persnl.employee
++> WHERE jobcode=111;
 --- 0 row(s) selected.
-SQL>select first_name, last_name
+SQL> SELECT first_name, last_name
-SQL>from persnl.employee
+SQL> FROM persnl.employee
-SQL>where jobcode=111;
-                  450
+SQL> WHERE jobcode=111;
+                   450
-SQL>where jobcode=450;
+SQL> WHERE jobcode=450;
 Pressing Enter lists the first and last names of all of the employees whose job code is `450`.
 * Modify a previously executed statement by replacing a column name in the select list with another column name:
-SQL>select first_name, last_name
-&#43;>from persnl.employee
-&#43;>where jobcode=450;
+SQL> SELECT first_name, last_name
++> FROM persnl.employee
++> WHERE jobcode=450;
 --------------- --------------------
@@ -804,23 +791,23 @@ THOMAS          SPINNER
 --- 5 row(s) selected.
-SQL>select first_name, last_name
-....       R   empnum,
-SQL>select     empnum, last_name
+SQL> SELECT first_name, last_name
+....        R   empnum,
+SQL> SELECT     empnum, last_name
-SQL>from persnl.employee
+SQL> FROM persnl.employee
-SQL>where jobcode=450;
+SQL> WHERE jobcode=450;
 Pressing *Enter* lists the employee number and last names of all employees whose job code is `450`:
 ------ --------------------
@@ -832,54 +819,35 @@ EMPNUM LAST_NAME
 --- 5 row(s) selected.
-== `GET STATISTICS` Command
 The GET STATISTICS command returns formatted statistics for the last executed SQL statement.
 === Syntax
-=== Description of Returned Values:
-`_Records Accessed_`
-number of rows returned by disk process to `EID` (Executor In Disk process).
-`_Records Used_`
-number of rows returned by `EID` after selection.
-`_Disk IOs_`
-number of actual disk IOs done by disk process.
-`_Message Count_`
-number of messages sent/received between filesystem and disk process.
-`_Message Bytes_`
-number of message bytes sent/received between filesystem and disk process.
-`_Lock Escl_`
-number of lock escalations.
-`_Lock Wait_`
-number of lock waits.
-`_Disk Process Busy Time_`
+=== Description of Returned Values
-cpu time for disk process processes for the specified table.
+| Value                  | Description
+| Records Accessed       | Number of rows returned by disk process to `EID` (Executor In Disk process).
+| Records Used           | Number of rows returned by `EID` after selection.
+| Disk IOs               | Number of actual disk IOs done by disk process.
+| Message Count          | Number of messages sent/received between filesystem and disk process.
+| Message Bytes          | Number of message bytes sent/received between filesystem and disk process.
+| Lock Escl              | Number of lock escalations.
+| Lock Wait              | Number of lock waits.
+| Disk Process Busy Time | CPU time for disk process processes for the specified table.
 === Considerations
@@ -888,9 +856,9 @@ The command requires an SQL terminator.
 === Examples
-`SQL>`*select &#42; from job;*
 ------- ------------------
 100     MANAGER
@@ -906,9 +874,9 @@ JOBCODE JOBDESC
 --- 11 row(s) selected.
-`SQL>`*get statistics;*
 Start Time         21:45:34.082329
 End Time           21:45:34.300265
 Elapsed Time       00:00:00.217936
@@ -922,11 +890,10 @@ TRAFODION.TOI.JOB         2            2       0       4 15232     0    0     36
 --- SQL operation complete.
-== `GOTO` Command
+== GOTO Command
 The GOTO command allows you to jump to a designated point in the command history. The point in the command history is designated
 by a `LABEL` command. All commands executed after a `GOTO` statement are ignored until the specified label is set. To set a label,
@@ -934,12 +901,12 @@ use the <<cmd_label, LABEL Command>>.
 === Syntax
-*GOTO {_label_}*
+GOTO {label}
+* `_label_`
 is a string of characters without quotes and spaces, or a quoted string.
 === Considerations
@@ -951,28 +918,28 @@ is a string of characters without quotes and spaces, or a quoted string.
 These examples show the use of the `GOTO` and `LABEL` commands:
-`SQL>`*GOTO ViewManagers* +
-`SQL>`*SELECT &#42; FROM Employees;* <- _skipped_ +
-`SQL>`*SHOW RECCOUNT;* <- _skipped_ +
-`SQL>`*LABEL ViewManagers* +
-`SQL>`*SELECT &#42; FROM Managers;* +
-`SQL>`*GOTO "View Customers"* +
-`SQL>`*SELECT &#42; FROM Invoices;* <- _skipped_ +
-`SQL>`*LABEL "View Customers"* +
-`SQL>`*SELECT &#42; FROM Customers;*
+SQL> GOTO ViewManagers
+SQL> SELECT  FROM Employees; -- skipped
+SQL> SHOW RECCOUNT;          -- skipped
+SQL> LABEL ViewManagers
+SQL> SELECT  FROM Managers;
+SQL> GOTO "View Customers"
+SQL> SELECT  FROM Invoices;  -- skipped
+SQL> LABEL "View Customers"
+SQL> SELECT  FROM Customers;
-== `HELP` Command
+== HELP Command
 The HELP command displays help text for the commands. See <<commands, Commands>> for a descriptions of the commands.
 == Syntax
-*HELP [_command-name_]*
+HELP [command-name]
@@ -986,47 +953,48 @@ is the name of a command.
 You must enter the command on one line. The command does not require an SQL terminator.
 === Examples
 * This `HELP` command lists all the interface commands that are supported:
 * This `HELP` command lists all the `SET` commands that are supported:
-`SQL>`*help set*
 * This `HELP` command lists all the `SHOW` commands that are supported:
-`SQL>`*help show*
 * This `HELP` command shows help text for `SET IDLETIMEOUT`:
-`SQL>`*help set idletimeout*
-== `HISTORY` Command
+== HISTORY Command
 The `HISTORY` command displays recently executed commands, identifying each command by a number that you can use
 to reexecute or edit the command.
 === Syntax
-*HISTORY [_number_]*
+HISTORY [number]
+* `_number_`
 is the number of commands to display. The default number is `10`. The maximum number is `100`.
 === Considerations
@@ -1040,136 +1008,137 @@ is the number of commands to display. The default number is `10`. The maximum nu
 Display the three most recent commands and use `FC` to redisplay one:
-`SQL>`*history 3*
-14> set schema sales;
-15> show tables
-16> show views
-`SQL>`*fc 14*
-SQL>set schema sales
+SQL> FC 14
 Now you can use the edit capabilities of `FC` to modify and execute a different `SET SCHEMA` statement.
-== `IF...THEN` Command
+== IF&#8230;THEN Command
-`IF...THEN` statements allow for the conditional execution of actions. If the condition is met, the action
+`IF&#8230;THEN` statements allow for the conditional execution of actions. If the condition is met, the action
 is executed; otherwise, no action is taken.
 === Syntax
-*IF {_condition_} THEN {_action_} {_SQL-terminator_}*
+IF {condition} THEN {action} {SQL-terminator}
-==== `_condition_`
+* `_condition_`
 The condition parameter (`_condition_`) is a Boolean statement structured as follows:
+( {variable-name | value} {operator} {variable-name | value}
-*( {_variable-name_ | _value_} {_operator_} {_variable-name_ | _value_ }*
+* `_variable-name_`
 is one of:
+| [%]any ENV variable | any SQL parameter
-*| [%]_any ENV variable_ | _any SQL parameter_* +
+* `_value_`
 is any integer or a quoted string, where the quoted string is any non-quote character. `\` is the optional escape character.
+* `_operator_`
 is one of:
-| Operator                     | Meaning
-| `==` \| `=`                  | equal to
-| `<>` \| `!=` \| `~=` \| `^=` | not equal to
-| `>`                          | greater than
-| `>=`                         | greater than or equal to
-| `<`                          | less than
-| `<=`                         | less than or equal to
+| Operator                   | Meaning
+| == \| =                    | equal to
+| <> \| != \| ~= \| ^=       | not equal to
+| >                          | greater than
+| >=                         | greater than or equal to
+| <                          | less than
+| <&#61;                     | less than or equal to
-==== `_action_`
+* `_action_`
 The action parameter (`_action_`) is any interface or SQL command.
-==== `_SQL Terminator_`
+* `_SQL Terminator_`
 The SQL terminator (`_SQL-terminator_`) is the default terminator (`;`) or a string value defined for the statement
 terminator by the <<cmd_set_sqlterminator, SET SQLTERMINATOR Command>>.
 See <<interactive_set_show_terminator, Set and Show the SQL Terminator>>.
 === Considerations
-* `IF...THEN` is itself an action. Thus, nested `IF...THEN` statements are allowed.
+* `IF&#8230;THEN` is itself an action. Thus, nested `IF&#8230;THEN` statements are allowed.
 * An action must end with the SQL terminator, even if the action is an interface command.
 === Examples
-These commands show multiple examples of `IF...THEN` statements:
-`SQL>`*INVOKE Employees* +
-`SQL>`*-- ERROR 4082 means the table does not exist* +
-`SQL>`*IF ERRORCODE != 4082 THEN GOTO BeginPrepare* +
-`SQL>`*LABEL BeginPrepare SQL> PREPARE empSelect FROM* +
-`&#43;>` *SELECT * FROM* +
-`&#43;>` *Employees* +
-`&#43;>` *WHERE SSN=?empSSN;* +
-`SQL>`*IF USER == "alice" THEN SET PARAM ?empSSN 987654321;* +
-`SQL>`*IF %USER == "bob" THEN SET PARAM ?empSSN 123456789;* +
-`SQL>`*execute empSelect* +
-`SQL>`*IF USER == "alice" THEN* +
-`&#43;>` *IF ACTIVITYCOUNT == 0 THEN GOTO insertAlice;* +
-`SQL>`*IF USER == "bob" THEN IF ACTIVITYCOUNT == 0 THEN GOTO insertBob;* +
-`SQL>`*EXIT* +
-`SQL>`*LABEL insertAlice* +
-`SQL>`*INSERT INTO Employees(SSN, FName, LName) VALUES(987654321, 'Alice', 'Smith');* +
-`SQL>`*EXIT* +
-`SQL>`*LABEL insertBob* +
-`SQL>`*INSERT INTO Employees(SSN, FName, LName) VALUES(123456789, 'Bob', 'Smith');* +
+These commands show multiple examples of `IF&#8230;THEN` statements:
+SQL> INVOKE employees
+SQL> -- ERROR 4082 means the table does not exist
+SQL> IF ERRORCODE != 4082 THEN GOTO BeginPrepare
+SQL> LABEL beginprepare
++> employees
++> WHERE SSN=?empssn;
+SQL> IF user == "alice" THEN SET PARAM ?empssn 987654321;
+SQL> IF %user == "bob" THEN SET PARAM ?empssn 123456789;
+SQL> EXECUTE empselect
+SQL> IF user == "alice" THEN
++> IF activitycount == 0 THEN GOTO insertalice;
+SQL> IF user == "bob" THEN IF activitycount == 0 THEN GOTO insertbob;
+SQL> LABEL insertalice
+SQL> INSERT INTO employees(ssn, fname, lname) VALUES(987654321, 'Alice', 'Smith');
+SQL> LABEL insertbob
+SQL> INSERT INTO employees(ssn, fname, lname) VALUES(123456789, 'Bob', 'Smith');
-== `LABEL` Command
+== LABEL Command
 The LABEL command marks a point in the command history that you can jump to by using the `GOTO` command.
 For more information, see the <<cmd_goto, GOTO Command>>.
 === Syntax
-*LABEL {_label_}*
+LABEL {label}
+* `_label_`
 is a string of characters without quotes and spaces, or a quoted string.
 === Considerations
@@ -1178,29 +1147,29 @@ You must enter the command on one line.
 === Examples
-*This command creates a label using a string of characters:
+* This command creates a label using a string of characters:
-`SQL>`*LABEL MyNewLabel*
+SQL> LABEL MyNewLabel
 * This command creates a label using a quoted string:
-`SQL>`*LABEL "Trafodion Label"*
+SQL> LABEL "Trafodion Label"
-== `LOCALHOST` Command
+== LOCALHOST Command
 The `LOCALHOST` command allows you to execute client machine commands.
 === Syntax
-*LOCALHOST | LH <_client m/c commands_>*
+LOCALHOST | LH <client M/C commands>
 === Considerations
@@ -1214,9 +1183,9 @@ The `LOCALHOST` command allows you to execute client machine commands.
 * If you are using a Windows system, dir lists the contents of the directory name. Similarly, if you are on a UNIX system you enter
 `LOCALHOST LS` to display the contents of the folder.
 Volume in drive C is E-Client
 Volume Serial Number is DC4F-5B3B
@@ -1232,17 +1201,16 @@ Interface\bin 05/11/2105 01:17 PM <DIR>
 05/16/2105 09:47 AM      3,003
           6 Files(s) 19,491 bytes
           2 Dir (s) 57,686,646,784 bytes free
+SQL> LH mkdir c:\trafci -- Will create a directory c:\trafci on your local machine.
-`SQL>`*LH mkdir c:\trafci* <- _Will create a directory c:\trafci on your local machine_
 * This command displays the elapsed time information because the `SET TIMING` command is set to `ON`:
-`SQL>`*set timing on* +
- +
-`SQL>`*localhost ls*
@@ -1251,56 +1219,58 @@
 Elapsed :00:00:00.078
-== `LOG` Command
+== LOG Command
 The `LOG` command logs the entered commands and their output from TrafCI to a log file.
 If this is an obey script file, then the command text from the obey script file is shown on the console.
 === Syntax
-     *| log-file [CLEAR, QUIET, CMDTEXT {ON | OFF}]* +
-     *| OFF }*
+    | log-file [CLEAR, QUIET, CMDTEXT {ON | OFF}]
+    | OFF
+    }
+* `ON`
 starts the logging process and records information in the `sqlspool.lst` file in the `bin` directory.
+* `CLEAR`
 instructs TrafCI to clear the contents of the sqlspool.lst file before logging new information to the file.
+* `QUIET`
 specifies that the command text is displayed on the screen, but the results of the command are written only to the log file and not to the screen.
 specifies that the command text and the log header are displayed in the log file.
 specifies that the command text and the log header are not displayed in the log file.
+* `_log-file_`
 is the name of a log file into which TrafCI records the entered commands and their output. If you want the log file to exist outside the local
 directory where you launch TrafCI (by default, the `bin` directory), specify the full directory path of the log file. The log file does not
 need to exist, but the specified directory must exist before you execute the `LOG` command.
-`_log-file_ CLEAR`
+* `_log-file_ CLEAR`
 instructs TrafCI to clear the contents of the specified `_log-file_` before logging new information to the file.
+* `OFF`
 stops the logging process.
 === Considerations
@@ -1308,52 +1278,53 @@ stops the logging process.
 * You must enter the command on one line. The command does not require an SQL terminator.
 * Use a unique name for each log file to avoid writing information from different TrafCI sessions into the same log file.
 === Examples
 * This command starts the logging process and records information to the `sqlspool.lst` file in the `bin` directory:
-`SQL>`*log on*
 * This command starts the logging process and appends new information to an existing log file, `persnl_updates.log`,
 in the local directory (the same directory where you are running TrafCI):
-`SQL>`*log persnl_updates.log*
+SQL> LOG persnl_updates.log
 * This command starts the logging process and appends new information to a log file,
 `sales_updates.log`, in the specified directory on a Windows workstation:
-`SQL>`*log c:\log_files\sales_updates.log*
+SQL> LOG c:\log_files\sales_updates.log
 * This command starts the logging process and appends new information to a log file,
 `sales_updates.log`, in the specified directory on a Linux or UNIX workstation:
-`SQL>`*log ./log_files/sales_updates.log*
+SQL> LOG ./log_files/sales_updates.log
 * This command starts the logging process and clears existing information from the log file before
 logging new information to the file:
-`SQL>`*log persnl_ddl.log clear*
+SQL> LOG persnl_ddl.log CLEAR
 * This command start the logging process, clears existing information from the log file, and specifies
 that the command text and log header is not displayed in the log file:
-`SQL>`*log c:\temp\a.txt clear, cmdtext off* +
-`SQL>`*(select * from trafodion.toi.job* +
+SQL> LOG c:\temp\a.txt clear, CMDTEXT OFF
+SQL> (SELECT * FROM trafodion.toi.job
 ------- ------------------
 100     MANAGER
@@ -1367,11 +1338,11 @@ JOBCODE JOBDESC
 --- 10 row(s) selected.
-`SQL>`*log off*
+SQL> log off
 Output of c:\temp\a.txt
 ------- ------------------
 100     MANAGER
@@ -1386,20 +1357,19 @@ JOBCODE JOBDESC
 --- 10 row(s) selected
 * This command start the logging process, clears existing information from the log file, specifies that no output appears on the console
 window, and the quiet option is enabled:
-`SQL>`*log c:\temp\b.txt clear, cmdtext off, quiet* +
-`SQL>`*select &#42;* +
-`&#43;>` *from trafodion.toi.job;* +
-`SQL>`*log off*
++> FROM trafodion.toi.job; +
 Output of c:\temp\b.txt
 ------- ------------------
 100     MANAGER
@@ -1414,19 +1384,18 @@ JOBCODE JOBDESC
 --- 10 row(s) selected
 This command stops the logging process:
-`SQL>`*log off*
 For more information, see <<interactive_log_output, Log Output>>.
-== `OBEY` Command
+== OBEY Command
 The `OBEY` command executes the SQL statements and interface commands of a specified script file or an
 entire directory. This command accepts a single filename or a filename with a wild-card pattern specified.
 Executing the `OBEY` command without optional parameters prompts you to enter a filename. If a filename is
@@ -1434,25 +1403,25 @@ not specified, then `*.sql` is used.
 === Syntax
-*OBEY { _script-file_ | _wild-card-pattern_ } [ _(section-name)_ ]*
+OBEY {script-file | wild-card-pattern} [(section-name)]
+* `_script-file_`
 is the name of an ASCII text file that contains SQL statements, interface commands, and comments. If the script file
 exists outside the local directory where you launch TrafCI (by default, the `bin` directory), specify the full directory
 path of the script file.
+* `_wild-card-pattern_`
 is a character string used to search for script files with names that match the character string. `_wild-card-pattern_`
 matches a string, depending on the operating system for case-sensitivity, unless you enclose it within double quotes.
 To look for similar values, specify only part of the characters of `_wild-card-pattern_` combined with these
 wild-card characters:
+* `(_section-name_)`
 is the name of a section within the `_script-file_` to execute. If you specify `_section-name_`, the `OBEY` command
 executes the commands between the header line for the specified section and the header line for the next section
 (or the end of the script file). If you omit `_section-name_`, the `OBEY` command executes the entire script file.
@@ -1466,185 +1435,183 @@ For more information, see <<script_section_headers, Section Headers>>.
 * You can execute this command in a script file.
 * Before putting dependent SQL statements across multiple files, consider the order of the file execution. If a directory
 is not passed to the `OBEY` command, the file or wild card is assumed to be in the current working directory.
-* If the (`&#42;`) is issued in the `OBEY` command, all files are executed in the current directory. Some of the files in
+* If the (`*`) is issued in the `OBEY` command, all files are executed in the current directory. Some of the files in
 the directory could be binary files. The `OBEY` command tries to read those binary files and junk or invalid characters are
 displayed on the console. For example, this command causes invalid characters to be displayed on the console:
-`SQL>`*obey C:\trafci\bin\**
+SQL> OBEY C:\trafci\bin\
 * `OBEY` detects recursive obey files (for example, an SQL file that calls OBEY on itself) and prevents infinite loops using
 a max depth environment variable. If no variable is passed to the JVM, the default depth is set to `10`. To change this depth
 (for example to a value of `20`), pass a Java environment variable as follows:
 === Examples
 * This `OBEY` command runs the script file from the local directory (the same directory where you are running TrafCI):
-`SQL>`*obey ddl.sql*
+SQL> OBEY ddl.sql
 * This `OBEY` command runs the script file in the specified directory on Windows.
-`SQL>`*obey c:\my_files\ddl.sql*
+SQL> OBEY c:\my_files\ddl.sql
 * This `OBEY` command runs the script file in the specified directory on a Linux or UNIX workstation:
-`SQL>`*obey ./my_files/ddl.sql*
+SQL> OBEY ./my_files/ddl.sql
 * This sample file contains sections to be used in conjunction with the `OBEY` command:
 ?section droptable
+DROP TABLE course ;
 ?section create
-                    , CNAME VARCHAR(22) NOT NULL
-                    , CDESCP VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL
-                    , CRED INT
-                    , CLABFEE NUMERIC(5,2)
-                    , CDEPT VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL
-                    , primary key (cno)
+                    , cname VARCHAR(22) NOT NULL
+                    , cdescp VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL
+                    , cred INT
+                    , clabfee NUMERIC(5,2)
+                    , cdept VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL
+                    , PRIMARY KEY (cno)
                     ) ;
 ?section insert
+INSERT INTO course VALUES ('C11', 'Intro to CS','for Rookies',3, 100, 'CIS') ;
+INSERT INTO course VALUES ('C22', 'Data Structures','Very Useful',3, 50, 'CIS') ;
+INSERT INTO course VALUES ('C33', 'Discrete Mathematics', 'Absolutely Necessary',3, 0,'CIS') ;
 ?section select
 SELECT * FROM course ;
 ?section delete
-purgedata course;
+PURGEDATA course;
 To run only the commands in section `create`, execute the following:
-`SQL>`*obey C:\Command Interfaces\course.sql (create)*
-SQL>?section create
+SQL> OBEY C:\Command Interfaces\course.sql (create)
+SQL> ?section create
-+> primary key (cno)
++> cno VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL,
++> cname VARCHAR(22) NOT NULL,
++> cdescp VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
++> cred INT,
++> clabfee NUMERIC(5,2),
++> cdept VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL,
++> PRIMARY KEY (cno)
 +>) ;
 --- SQL Operation complete.
 To run only the commands in the `insert` section, execute the following:
-`SQL>`*obey C:\Command Interfaces\course.sql (insert)*
-SQL>?section insert
-+> ('C11', 'INTRO TO CS','FOR ROOKIES',3, 100, 'CIS');
+SQL> OBEY C:\Command Interfaces\course.sql (insert)
+SQL> ?section insert
++> ('C11', 'Intro to CS','For Rookies',3, 100, 'CIS');
 --- 1 row(s) inserted.
-+> ('C22', 'DATA STRUCTURES','VERY USEFUL',3, 50, 'CIS');
++> ('C22', 'Data Structures','Very Useful',3, 50, 'CIS');
 --- 1 row(s) inserted.
++> ('C33', 'Discrete Mathematics', 'Absolutely Necessary',3, 0, 'CIS');
 --- 1 row(s) inserted.
 * This command executes all files with `.sql` extension:
-`SQL>`*OBEY c:\trafci\*.sql;* +
-`SQL>`*OBEY c:\trafci*
+SQL> OBEY c:\trafci\.sql;
+SQL> OBEY c:\trafci
 * This command executes all files beginning with the word `"script"` and contains one character after the word script
 and ends with `.sql` extenstion. For example: `script1.sql`, `script2.sql`, `scriptZ.sqland` so on.
-`SQL>`*OBEY C:\trafci\script?.sql*
+SQL> OBEY C:\trafci\script?.sql
 * This command executes all files that contain the word `"test"`. This includes the files that do not end with `.sql` extension.
-`SQL>`*OBEY C:\trafci\&#42;test&#42;*
+SQL> OBEY C:\trafci\test
 * This command executes all files that begin with the word `"script"` and contains one character after the word `"script"` and
 ends with an extenstion prefixed by a dot. For example: `script1.sql`, `script2.bat`, `scriptZ.txt`, and so on.
-`SQL>`*OBEY C:\trafci\script?.&#42;*
+SQL> OBEY C:\trafci\script?.
 * This command executes all files that have `.txt` extension in the current directory, the directory in which the command interface was launched.
-`SQL>`*OBEY &#42;.txt;*
+SQL> OBEY .txt;
-* This command prompts the user to enter the script filename or a pattern. The default value is `&#42;.sql`.
+* This command prompts the user to enter the script filename or a pattern. The default value is `*.sql`.
-Enter the script filename [*.sql]:
+Enter the script filename [.sql]:
-== `PRUN` Command
+== PRUN Command
 The `PRUN` command runs script files in parallel.
 === Syntax
-*PRUN { -d | -defaults }* +
- +
-*PRUN* +
-*[ { -sd | -scriptsdir } _scripts_directory_ ]* +
-*[ { -e | -extension } _file_directory_ ]* +
-*[ { -ld | -logsdir } _log-directory_ ]* +
-*[ { -o | -overwrite } {y | n}* +
-*[ { -c | -connections } _num ]*
+PRUN { -d | -defaults }
-`-d | -defaults`
+[ { -sd | -scriptsdir } scriptsdirectory ]
+[ { -e  | -extension } filedirectory ]
+[ { -ld | -logsdir } log-directory ]
+[ { -o  | -overwrite } {Y | N}
+[ { -c  | -connections } num ]
+* `-d | -defaults`
 Specify this option to have PRUN use these default settings:
 [cols="30%,70%", options="header"]
 | Parameter             | Default Setting
@@ -1656,29 +1623,29 @@ Specify this option to have PRUN use these default settings:
 | `-c \| -connections`  | `PRUN` uses two connections.
-`{-sd | -scriptsdir} _scripts-directory_`
+* `{-sd | -scriptsdir} _scripts-directory_`
 In this directory, `PRUN` processes every file with the specified file extension. If you do not specify a directory or if you specify an
 invalid directory, an error message occurs, and you are prompted to reenter the directory. Before running `PRUN`, verify that this directory
 contains valid script files.
-`{-e | -extension} _file-extension_`
+* `{-e | -extension} _file-extension_`
 Specify the file extension of the script files. The default is `.sql`.
-`{-ld | -logsdir} _log-directory_`
+* `{-ld | -logsdir} _log-directory_`
 In this directory, `PRUN` creates a log file for each script file by appending the `.log` extension to the name of the script file. If you do
 not specify a log file directory, `PRUN` places the log files in the same directory as the script files.
-`{-o | -overwrite} {y | n}`
+* `{-o | -overwrite} {y | n}`
 If you specify `y`, `PRUN` overwrites the contents of existing log files. By default, `PRUN` keeps the original information in the log files and
 appends new information at the end of each file.
-`{-c | -connections} _num_`
+* `{-c | -connections} _num_`
 Enter a number for the maximum number of connections If you do not specify the maximum number of connections, `PRUN` uses two connections.
 === Considerations
@@ -1701,13 +1668,12 @@ files (for example, `C:\log\error`) and open the `prun.err.log` summary file.
 * To use `PRUN`, enter the `PRUN` command in the TrafCI session:
-Enter * as input to stop the current prun session
+Enter  as input to stop the current prun session
 Enter the scripts directory              : c:\ddl_scripts 
 Enter the script file extension[sql]     :
@@ -1715,21 +1681,17 @@ Enter the logs directory[scripts dir]    : c:\log
 Overwrite the log files (y/n)[n]?        : y 
 Enter the number of connections(2-248)[2]: 3
 After you enter the number of connections, `PRUN` starts to process the script files and displays this status:
 Status: In Progress.......
 After executing all the script files, `PRUN` returns a summary of the operation:
                   PARALLELRUN(PRUN) SUMMARY
@@ -1744,9 +1706,8 @@ After executing all the script files, `PRUN` returns a summary of the operation:
          Total connection failures....................... 0
          Please verify the error log file c:\log\error\prun.err.log
 NOTE: In the `PRUN` summary, the `Total queries processed` is the total number of commands that `PRUN` processes. 
 Those commands can include SQL statements and commands. The total `errors`, `warnings`, and `successes` also 
@@ -1755,10 +1716,10 @@ include commands other than SQL statements.
 * This `PRUN` command initiates a parallel run operation with the `-d` option:
-`SQL>`*prun -d* +
-`SQL>`*prun -scriptsdir ./prun/sql -e sql -ld ./prun/logs -o y -connections 5*
+SQL> PRUN -scriptsdir ./prun/sql -e sql -ld ./prun/logs -o y -connections 5
 PRUN options are -scriptsdir    c:/_trafci/prun
                  -logsdir       c:/_trafci/prun/logs
                  -extension     sql
@@ -1782,51 +1743,50 @@ Status: Complete
 PRUN completed at May 20, 2105 9:33:21 AM
 * PRUN can be started in non-interactive mode using the `-q` parameter of `trafci.cmd` or
 ``, thus requiring no input:
-*trafci.cmd -h 16.123.456.78* +
-*-u user1 -p host1* +
-*-q "prun -sd c:/_trafci/prun -o y -c 3"*
+trafci.cmd -h 16.123.456.78
+-u user1 -p host1
+-q "PRUN -sd c:/_trafci/prun -o y -c 3"
 * `PRUN` can be started in non-interactive mode from an `OBEY` file:
-`SQL>`*obey startPrun.txt* +
-`SQL>`*prun -sd c:/_trafci/prun -ld c:/_trafci/prun/logs -e sql -o y -c 5*
+SQL> OBEY startPrun.txt
+SQL> PRUN -sd c:/_trafci/prun -ld c:/_trafci/prun/logs -e sql -o y -c 5
 PRUN options are -scriptsdir    c:/_trafci/prun
                  -logsdir       c:/_trafci/prun/logs
                  -extension     sql
                  -overwrite     yes
                  -connections   5
 Status: Complete
-== `QUIT` Command
+== QUIT Command
 The `QUIT` command disconnects from and exits TrafCI.
 === Syntax
-*QUIT [WITH] [_status_] [IF {_condition_} ]*
+QUIT [WITH] [status] [IF {condition}]
+* `_status_`
 is any 1-byte integer. `_status_` is a shell return value, and the range of allowable values is platform dependent.
-is the same as the condition parameter defined for the <<cmd_if_then, IF...THEN Command>>.
+* `_condition_`
+is the same as the condition parameter defined for the <<cmd_if_then, IF&#8230;THEN Command>>.
 See <<cmd_conditional_parameters, Condition Parameters>>.
 === Considerations
@@ -1837,41 +1797,42 @@ You must enter the command on one line. The command does not require an SQL term
 * This command disconnects from and exits TrafCI, which disappears from the screen:
 * In a script file, the conditional exit command causes the script file to quit running and disconnect from and
 exit TrafCI when the previously run command returns error code `4082`:
-`SQL>`*log c:\errorCode.log* +
-`SQL>`*select &#42; from employee;* +
-`SQL>`*quit if errorcode=4082* +
-`SQL>`*log off
+SQL> LOG c:\errorCode.log
+SQL> SELECT * FROM employee;
+SQL> QUIT IF errorcode=4082
 These results are logged when error code `4082` occurs:
-`SQL>`*select &#42; from employee;*
+SQL> SELECT * FROM employee;
 **** ERROR[4082] Table, view or stored procedure TRAFODION.USR.EMPLOYEE does not exist or is inaccessible.
+SQL> QUIT IF errorcode=4082
-`SQL>`*quit if errorcode=4082*
-== `RECONNECT` Command
+== RECONNECT Command
 The `RECONNECT` command creates a new connection to the Trafodion database using the login credentials of the last successful connection.
 === Syntax
 === Considerations
@@ -1882,34 +1843,33 @@ If TrafCI was invoked with the `-noconnect` launch parameter, TrafCI prompts you
 === Examples
-This command creates a new connection to the Trafodion database using the login credentials of the last successful connection:
+* This command creates a new connection to the Trafodion database using the login credentials of the last successful connection:
 Connected to Trafodion
-== `REPEAT` Command
+== REPEAT Command
 The `REPEAT` command reexecutes a previous command.
 === Syntax
-*REPEAT [ _text_ | _[-]number_ ]*
+REPEAT [text | [-]number ]
+* `_text_`
 specifies the text of the most recently executed command. The command must have been executed beginning with `_text_`,
 but `_text_` need be only as many characters as necessary to identify the command. TrafCI ignores leading blanks.
+* `[-]_number_`
 is an integer that identifies a command in the history buffer. If number is negative, it indicates the position of the
 command in the history buffer relative to the current command; if number is positive, it is the ordinal number of a
 command in the history buffer.
@@ -1929,67 +1889,67 @@ then TrafCI replaces the SQL terminator in the command with the current SQL term
 * Display the previously executed commands and reexecute the second to the last command:
-1> set idletimeout 0
-2> log on
-3> set schema persnl;
-4> select * from employee;
-5> show tables
-6> select * from dept;
-7> show views
-8> select * from emplist;
-`SQL>` * +
-`SQL>`*repeat -2*
-show views
+2> LOG ON
+3> SET SCHEMA persnl;
+4> SELECT * FROM employee;
+6> SELECT * FROM dept;
+8> SELECT *  FROM emplist;
 * Reexecute the fifth command in the history buffer:
-`SQL>`*repeat 5*
-show tables
 * Reexecute the `SHOW TABLES` command:
-`SQL>`*repeat show*
-show tables
 The `RESET LASTERROR` command resets the last error code to 0.
 === Syntax
 === Considerations
@@ -1999,40 +1959,39 @@ You must enter the command on one line. The command does not require an SQL term
 * This command resets the last error in the current session:
-`SQL>`*select &#42; from emp;*
 **** ERROR[4082]Object TRAFODION.SCH.EMP does not exist or is inaccessible.
-`SQL>`*show lasterror*
-`SQL>`*reset lasterror* +
-`SQL>`*show lasterror*
-== `RESET PARAM` Command
+== RESET PARAM Command
 The RESET PARAM command clears all parameter values or a specified parameter value in the current session.
 === Syntax
-*RESET PARAM [_param-name_]*
+RESET PARAM [param-name]
+* `_param-name_`
 is the name of the parameter for which you specified a value. Parameter names are case-sensitive. For example,
 the parameter `?pn` is not equivalent to the parameter `?PN`. `_param-name_` can be preceded by a
 question mark (`?`), such as `?_param-name_`.
 If you do not specify a parameter name, all of the parameter values in the current session are cleared.
 === Considerations
@@ -2044,24 +2003,24 @@ If you do not specify a parameter name, all of the parameter values in the curre
 * This command clears the setting of the `?sal` (`salary`) parameter, and the `SET PARAM` command resets it to a new value:
-`SQL>`*reset param ?sal* +
-`SQL>`*set param ?sal 80000.00*
+SQL> SET PARAM ?sal 80000.00
 For more information, see <<interactive_reset_parameters,Reset the Parameters>>.
-== `RUN` Command
+== RUN Command
 The `RUN` command executes the previously executed SQL statement. This command does not repeat an interface command.
 === Syntax
 === Considerations
@@ -2072,47 +2031,47 @@ RUN
 * This command executes the previously executed SELECT statement:
-`SQL>`*select count(&#42;) from persnl.employee;*
+SQL> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM persnl.employee;
 --- 1 row(s) selected.
 --- 1 row(s) selected.
-== `SAVEHIST` Command
+== SAVEHIST Command
 The `SAVEHIST` command saves the session history in a user-specified file. The session history consists of a list of the commands that were
 executed in the TrafCI session before the SAVEHIST command.
 === Syntax
-*SAVEHIST _file-name_ [CLEAR]*
+SAVEHIST file-name [CLEAR]
+* `_file-name_`
 is the name of a file into which TrafCI stores the session history. If you want the history file to exist outside the local directory where you
 launch TrafCI (by default, the `bin` directory), specify the full directory path of the history file. The specified directory must exist
 before you execute the `SAVEHIST` command.
+* `CLEAR`
 instructs TrafCI to clear the contents of the specified file before adding the session history to the file.
 === Considerations
@@ -2125,31 +2084,31 @@ instructs TrafCI to clear the contents of the specified file before adding the s
 * This command clears the contents of an existing file named `history.txt` in the local directory (the same directory where you are running TrafCI)
 and saves the session history in the file:
-`SQL>`*savehist history.txt clear* +
+SQL> SAVEHIST history.txt CLEAR
 * This command saves the session history in a file named `hist.txt` in the specified directory on a Windows workstation:
-`SQL>`*savehist c:\log_files\hist.txt* +
+SQL> SAVEHIST c:\log_files\hist.txt
 * This command saves the session history in a file named `hist.txt` in the specified directory on a Linux or UNIX workstation:
-`SQL>`*savehist ./log_files/hist.txt* +
+SQL> SAVEHIST ./log_files/hist.txt
 For more information, see <<interactive_history,Display Executed Commands>>.
-== `SET COLSEP` Command
+== SET COLSEP Command
 The `SET COLSEP` command sets the column separator and allows you to control the formatting of the result displayed for
 SQL queries. The `SET COLSEP` command specifies a delimiter value to use for separating columns in each row of the results.
@@ -2157,9 +2116,9 @@ The default delimiter is " "(white space).
 === Syntax
-*SET COLSEP [_separator_]*
+SET COLSEP [separator]
 === Considerations
@@ -2170,11 +2129,12 @@ The default delimiter is " "(white space).
 * This command specifies the separator as a "`|`"(pipe):
-`SQL>`*set colsep |* +
-`SQL>`*show colsep COLSEP "|"* +
-`SQL>`*select &#42; from employee;*
+SQL> SELECT * FROM employee;
 |    1|ROGER GREEN   |    99|        1|MANAGER
@@ -2185,23 +2145,22 @@ EMPNUM|EMPNAME       |REGNUM|BRANCHNUM|JOB
 --- 5 row(s) selected.
-== `SET FETCHSIZE` Command
 The `SET FETCHSIZE` command allows you to change the default fetchsize used by JDBC. Setting the value to `0` sets the
 fetchsize to the default value used in JDBC.
 === Syntax
-*SET FETCHSIZE _value_*
+* `_value_`
 is an integer representing the fetch size as a number of rows. Zero (`0`) represents the default value of fetch size set in JDBC.
 === Considerations
@@ -2213,24 +2172,23 @@ is an integer representing the fetch size as a number of rows. Zero (`0`) repres
 * This command sets the fetchsize to `1`:
-`SQL>`*SET fetchsize 1* +
-`SQL>`*SHOW fetchsize*
-`SQL>`*select * from stream(t1);*
+SQL> SELECT * FROM stream(t1);
 C1      C2      C3
 ------- ------- -------
 AAA     BBB     CCC
-== `SET HISTOPT` Command
+== SET HISTOPT Command
 The `SET HISTOPT` command sets the history option and controls how commands are added to the history buffer.
 By default, commands within a script file are not added to history. If the history option is set to `ALL`,
@@ -2239,103 +2197,101 @@ then all the commands in the script file are added to the history buffer. If no
 === Syntax
 === Considerations
 You must enter the command on one line.
 === Examples
-This command shows only the obey commands added to the history buffer.
+* This command shows only the obey commands added to the history buffer.
-`SQL>`*show histopt*
 HISTOPT DEFAULT [No expansion of script files]
-`SQL>`*obey e:\scripts\nobey\insert2.sql*
-SQL>?section insert
-SQL>set schema trafodion.sch;
+SQL> OBEY e:\scripts\nobey\insert2.sql
+SQL> ?SECTION insert
+SQL> SET SCHEMA trafodion.sch;
 --- SQL operation complete.
-+> ('C11', 'INTRO TO CS','FOR ROOKIES',3, 100,'CIS');
++> ('C11', 'Intro to CS','For Rookies',3, 100,'CIS');
 --- 1 row(s) inserted.
-+> ('C55', 'COMPUTER ARCH.','VON NEUMANN''S MACH.',3, 100, 'CIS');
++> ('C55', 'Computer Arch.','VON Neumann''S Mach.',3, 100, 'CIS');
 --- 1 row(s) inserted.
-1> show histopt
-2> obey e:\scri