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Posted to by on 2013/06/14 19:30:48 UTC

[19/83] [abbrv] [partial] start of lazy loading: axe all vendored-in libs
diff --git a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/packager-utils.js b/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/packager-utils.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5acad8e..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/packager-utils.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-var testData = require("./test-data"),
-    utils = require(testData.libPath + "/packager-utils"),
-    fs = require("fs"),
-    path = require("path"),
-    asciiFile = path.resolve("bin/test/cordova/unit/data/ascii_text.txt"),
-    utf8File = path.resolve("bin/test/cordova/unit/data/utf8_text.txt"),
-    ucs2beFile = path.resolve("bin/test/cordova/unit/data/ucs2be_text.txt"),
-    ucs2leFile = path.resolve("bin/test/cordova/unit/data/ucs2le_text.txt"),
-    helloWorld = "Hello World";
-describe("Encoded Buffer data to String", function () {
-    it("Ascii text to String", function () {
-        // Read text file encoded in ascii
-        var fileData = fs.readFileSync(asciiFile);
-        expect(utils.bufferToString(fileData)).toEqual(helloWorld);
-    });
-    it("Utf8 text to String", function () {
-        // Read text file encoded in utf8
-        var fileData = fs.readFileSync(utf8File);
-        expect(utils.bufferToString(fileData)).toEqual(helloWorld);
-    });
-    it("Ucs2BE text to String", function () {
-        // Read text file encoded in 2 byte Unicode big endian
-        var fileData = fs.readFileSync(ucs2beFile);
-        expect(utils.bufferToString(fileData)).toEqual(helloWorld);
-    });
-    it("Ucs2LE text to String", function () {
-        // Read text file encoded in 2 byte Unicode little endian
-        var fileData = fs.readFileSync(ucs2leFile);
-        expect(utils.bufferToString(fileData)).toEqual(helloWorld);
-    });
-describe("property wrapper", function () {
-    it("wraps a property of an object in an array", function () {
-        var obj = {
-            prop: "value"
-        };
-        utils.wrapPropertyInArray(obj, "prop");
-        expect(obj.prop[0]).toEqual("value");
-    });
-    it("does not wrap an array object in an array", function () {
-        var obj = {
-            prop: ["value"]
-        };
-        utils.wrapPropertyInArray(obj, "prop");
-        expect(obj.prop[0][0]).not.toEqual("value");
-        expect(obj.prop[0]).toEqual("value");
-    });
-    it("does not wrap a property that doesn't esist in the object", function () {
-        var obj = {
-            prop: "value"
-        };
-        utils.wrapPropertyInArray(obj, "secondValue");
-        expect(obj.secondValue).not.toBeDefined();
-    });
diff --git a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/packager-validator.js b/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/packager-validator.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b6ecf4c..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/packager-validator.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-var srcPath = __dirname + "/../../../../../templates/project/cordova/lib/",
-    testData = require("./test-data"),
-    testUtilities = require("./test-utilities"),
-    localize = require(srcPath + "localize"),
-    logger = require(srcPath + "logger"),
-    packagerValidator = require(srcPath + "packager-validator"),
-    fs = require("fs"),
-    cmd,
-    extManager = {
-        getExtensionBasenameByFeatureId: function (featureId) {
-            if (featureId && featureId.indexOf("blackberry.") >= 0) {
-                return featureId.substring(featureId.indexOf(".") + 1);
-            } else {
-                return null;
-            }
-        }
-    };
-describe("Packager Validator", function () {
-    it("throws an exception when -g set and keys were not found", function () {
-        var session = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.session),
-            configObj = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.config);
-        //setup signing parameters
-        session.keystore = undefined;
-        session.storepass = "myPassword";
-        expect(function () {
-            packagerValidator.validateSession(session, configObj);
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_MISSING_SIGNING_KEY_FILE", "author.p12"));
-    });
-    it("throws an exception when --buildId set and keys were not found", function () {
-        var session = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.session),
-            configObj = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.config);
-        //setup signing parameters
-        session.keystore = undefined;
-        session.buildId = "100";
-        expect(function () {
-            packagerValidator.validateSession(session, configObj);
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_MISSING_SIGNING_KEY_FILE", "author.p12"));
-    });
-    it("throws an exception when -g set and barsigner.csk was not found", function () {
-        var session = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.session),
-            configObj = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.config);
-        //setup signing parameters
-        session.keystore = "c:/author.p12";
-        session.keystoreCsk = undefined;
-        session.storepass = "myPassword";
-        expect(function () {
-            packagerValidator.validateSession(session, configObj);
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_MISSING_SIGNING_KEY_FILE", "barsigner.csk"));
-    });
-    it("throws an exception when --buildId set and barsigner.csk was not found", function () {
-        var session = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.session),
-            configObj = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.config);
-        //setup signing parameters
-        session.keystore = "c:/author.p12";
-        session.keystoreCsk = undefined;
-        session.buildId = "100";
-        expect(function () {
-            packagerValidator.validateSession(session, configObj);
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_MISSING_SIGNING_KEY_FILE", "barsigner.csk"));
-    });
-    it("throws an exception when -g set and barsigner.db was not found", function () {
-        var session = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.session),
-            configObj = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.config);
-        //setup signing parameters
-        session.keystore = "c:/author.p12";
-        session.keystoreCsk = "c:/barsigner.csk";
-        session.keystoreDb = undefined;
-        session.storepass = "myPassword";
-        expect(function () {
-            packagerValidator.validateSession(session, configObj);
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_MISSING_SIGNING_KEY_FILE", "barsigner.db"));
-    });
-    it("throws an exception when --buildId set and barsigner.db was not found", function () {
-        var session = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.session),
-            configObj = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.config);
-        //setup signing parameters
-        session.keystore = "c:/author.p12";
-        session.keystoreCsk = "c:/barsigner.csk";
-        session.keystoreDb = undefined;
-        session.buildId = "100";
-        expect(function () {
-            packagerValidator.validateSession(session, configObj);
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_MISSING_SIGNING_KEY_FILE", "barsigner.db"));
-    });
-    it("generated a warning when Build ID is set in config and keys were not found", function () {
-        var session = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.session),
-            configObj = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.config);
-        //Mock the logger
-        spyOn(logger, "warn");
-        //setup signing parameters
-        session.keystore = undefined;
-        session.buildId = undefined;
-        configObj.buildId = "100";
-        packagerValidator.validateSession(session, configObj);
-        expect(logger.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(localize.translate("WARNING_MISSING_SIGNING_KEY_FILE", "author.p12"));
-    });
-    it("generated a warning when Build ID is set in config and barsigner.csk was not found", function () {
-        var session = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.session),
-            configObj = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.config);
-        //Mock the logger
-        spyOn(logger, "warn");
-        //setup signing parameters
-        session.keystore = "c:/author.p12";
-        session.keystoreCsk = undefined;
-        session.buildId = undefined;
-        configObj.buildId = "100";
-        packagerValidator.validateSession(session, configObj);
-        expect(logger.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(localize.translate("WARNING_MISSING_SIGNING_KEY_FILE", "barsigner.csk"));
-    });
-    it("generated a warning when Build ID is set in config and barsigner.db was not found", function () {
-        var session = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.session),
-            configObj = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.config);
-        //Mock the logger
-        spyOn(logger, "warn");
-        //setup signing parameters
-        session.keystore = "c:/author.p12";
-        session.keystoreCsk = "c:/barsigner.csk";
-        session.keystoreDb = undefined;
-        session.buildId = undefined;
-        configObj.buildId = "100";
-        packagerValidator.validateSession(session, configObj);
-        expect(logger.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(localize.translate("WARNING_MISSING_SIGNING_KEY_FILE", "barsigner.db"));
-    });
-    it("throws an exception when appdesc was not found", function () {
-        var session = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.session),
-            configObj = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.config);
-        //setup appdesc which is not existing
-        session.buildId = undefined;
-        configObj.buildId = undefined;
-        session.appdesc = "c:/bardescriptor.xml";
-        expect(function () {
-            packagerValidator.validateSession(session, configObj);
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_APPDESC_NOT_FOUND", "c:/bardescriptor.xml"));
-    });
-    it("throws an exception when a password [-g] was set with no buildId", function () {
-        var session = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.session),
-            configObj = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.config);
-        //setup signing parameters
-        session.keystore = "c:/author.p12";
-        session.keystoreCsk = "c:/barsigner.csk";
-        session.keystoreDb = "c:/barsigner.db";
-        session.storepass = "myPassword";
-        configObj.buildId = undefined;
-        expect(function () {
-            packagerValidator.validateSession(session, configObj);
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_MISSING_SIGNING_BUILDID"));
-    });
-    it("throws an exception when --buildId was set with no password [-g]", function () {
-        var session = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.session),
-            configObj = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.config);
-        //setup signing parameters
-        session.keystore = "c:/author.p12";
-        session.keystoreCsk = "c:/barsigner.csk";
-        session.keystoreDb = "c:/barsigner.db";
-        session.storepass = undefined;
-        session.buildId = "100";
-        expect(function () {
-            packagerValidator.validateSession(session, configObj);
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_MISSING_SIGNING_PASSWORD"));
-    });
-    it("generates a warning when the config contains a build id and no password was provided[-g]", function () {
-        var session = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.session),
-            configObj = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.config);
-        //setup signing parameters
-        session.keystore = "c:/author.p12";
-        session.storepass = undefined;
-        session.buildId = undefined;
-        configObj.buildId = "100";
-        //Mock the logger
-        spyOn(logger, "warn");
-        packagerValidator.validateSession(session, configObj);
-        expect(logger.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(localize.translate("WARNING_SIGNING_PASSWORD_EXPECTED"));
-    });
-describe("Packager Validator: validateConfig", function () {
-    it("does not remove APIs that do exist from features whitelist", function () {
-        var session = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.session),
-            configObj = {
-                accessList: [{
-                    features: [{
-                        id: "blackberry.identity",
-                        required: true,
-                        version: ""
-                    }, {
-                        version: "",
-                        required: true,
-                        id: "blackberry.event"
-                    }],
-                    uri: "WIDGET_LOCAL",
-                    allowSubDomain: true
-                }]
-            };
-        spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function () {
-            //since both of these APIs exist, existsSync would return true
-            return true;
-        });
-        packagerValidator.validateConfig(session, configObj, extManager);
-        expect(configObj.accessList[0].features.length).toEqual(2);
-    });
-    it("does not crash if user whitelists a feature with no id", function () {
-        var session = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.session),
-        configObj = {
-            accessList: [{
-                features: [{
-                    id: "blackberry.identity",
-                    required: true,
-                    version: ""
-                }, {
-                    version: "",
-                    required: true,
-                }],
-                uri: "WIDGET_LOCAL",
-                allowSubDomain: true
-            }]
-        };
-        spyOn(logger, "warn");
-        spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function () {
-            //since both of these APIs exist, existsSync would return true
-            return true;
-        });
-        expect(function () {
-            packagerValidator.validateConfig(session, configObj, extManager);
-        }).not.toThrow();
-    });
diff --git a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/session.js b/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/session.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bbf6eb3..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/session.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-var session = require(__dirname + "/../../../../../templates/project/cordova/lib/session"),
-    localize = require(__dirname + "/../../../../../templates/project/cordova/lib/localize"),
-    testUtils = require("./test-utilities"),
-    path = require("path"),
-    fs = require("fs"),
-    wrench = require("wrench"),
-    zipLocation = __dirname + "/../../config.xml";
-describe("Session", function () {
-    beforeEach(function () {
-        //Do not create the source folder
-        spyOn(wrench, "mkdirSyncRecursive");
-    });
-    it("sets the source directory correctly when specified [-s C:/sampleApp/mySource]", function () {
-        testUtils.mockResolve(path);
-        var data = {
-            args: [ 'C:/sampleApp/' ],
-            output: 'C:/sampleApp/bin',
-            source: 'C:/sampleApp/mySource'//equivalent to [-s C:/sampleApp/mySource]
-        },
-        result = session.initialize(data);
-        expect(result.sourceDir).toEqual(path.normalize("C:/sampleApp/mySource/src"));
-    });
-    it("sets the source directory correctly when unspecified [-s] and output path set [-o]", function () {
-        testUtils.mockResolve(path);
-        var data = {
-            args: [ 'C:/sampleApp/' ],
-            output: 'C:/sampleApp/bin',
-            source: true//equivalent to [-s]
-        },
-        result = session.initialize(data);
-        //src folder should be created in output directory
-        expect(result.sourceDir).toEqual(path.normalize("C:/sampleApp/bin/src"));
-    });
-    it("sets the source directory correctly when unspecified [-s] and no output path is set", function () {
-        testUtils.mockResolve(path);
-        var data = {
-            args: [ zipLocation ],
-            source: true//equivalent to [-s]
-        },
-        result = session.initialize(data);
-        //src folder should be created in output directory
-        expect(result.sourceDir).toEqual(path.join(path.dirname(zipLocation), "src"));
-    });
-    it("sets the password when specified using -g", function () {
-        var data = {
-            args: [ 'C:/sampleApp/' ],
-            output: 'C:/sampleApp/bin',
-            source: 'C:/sampleApp/mySource',//equivalent to [-s C:/sampleApp/mySource]
-            password: 'myPassword'
-        },
-        result = session.initialize(data);
-        expect(result.storepass).toEqual('myPassword');
-    });
-    it("does not set the password when not a string", function () {
-        //Commander somtimes improperly sets password to a function, when no value provided
-        var data = {
-            args: [ 'C:/sampleApp/' ],
-            output: 'C:/sampleApp/bin',
-            source: 'C:/sampleApp/mySource',//equivalent to [-s C:/sampleApp/mySource]
-            password: function () {}
-        },
-        result = session.initialize(data);
-        expect(result.storepass).toBeUndefined();
-    });
-    it("sets the buildId when specified [-buildId]", function () {
-        var data = {
-            args: [ 'C:/sampleApp/' ],
-            output: 'C:/sampleApp/bin',
-            source: 'C:/sampleApp/mySource',//equivalent to [-s C:/sampleApp/mySource]
-            buildId: '100'
-        },
-        result = session.initialize(data);
-        expect(result.buildId).toEqual('100');
-    });
-    it("sets the appdesc correctly when specified [--appdesc C:/path/bardescriptor.xml]", function () {
-        testUtils.mockResolve(path);
-        var data = {
-            args: [ 'C:/sampleApp/' ],
-            appdesc: 'C:/path/bardescriptor.xml' //equivalent to [--appdesc C:/path/bardescriptor.xml]
-        },
-        result = session.initialize(data);
-        expect(result.appdesc).toEqual(path.normalize("C:/path/bardescriptor.xml"));
-    });
-    it("sets the appdesc correctly when not specified", function () {
-        testUtils.mockResolve(path);
-        var data = {
-            args: [ 'C:/sampleApp/' ]
-        },
-        result = session.initialize(data);
-        expect(result.appdesc).toBeUndefined();
-    });
-    it("sets the output directory correctly when specified with a relative path [-o myOutput]", function () {
-        var bbwpDir = __dirname + "/../../../../../../",
-        data = {
-            args: [ 'C:/sampleApp/' ],
-            output: 'myOutput',
-        },
-        result = session.initialize(data);
-        //output should be set to bbwp location + outputFolder
-        expect(result.outputDir).toEqual(path.normalize(path.join(bbwpDir, "myOutput")));
-    });
-    describe("get params", function () {
-        beforeEach(function () {
-            delete require.cache[require.resolve(__dirname + "/../../../../../templates/project/cordova/lib/session")];
-            session = require(__dirname + "/../../../../../templates/project/cordova/lib/session");
-        });
-        it("get params from external file", function () {
-            var data = {
-                    args: [ 'C:/sampleApp/' ],
-                    params: "params.json"
-                },
-                result;
-            spyOn(path, "resolve").andReturn("bin/test/cordova/unit/params.json");
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andReturn(true);
-            result = session.initialize(data);
-            expect(result.getParams("blackberry-signer")).toEqual({
-                "-proxyhost": "",
-                "-proxyport": "80"
-            });
-        });
-        it("get params from non-existent file should throw error", function () {
-            var data = {
-                    args: [ 'C:/sampleApp/' ],
-                    params: "blah.json"
-                },
-                result;
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andReturn(false);
-            result = session.initialize(data);
-            expect(function () {
-                result.getParams("blackberry-signer");
-            }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_PARAMS_FILE_NOT_FOUND", path.resolve("blah.json")));
-        });
-        it("get params from bad JSON file should throw error", function () {
-            var data = {
-                    args: [ 'C:/sampleApp/' ],
-                    params: "params-bad.json"
-                },
-                result;
-            spyOn(path, "resolve").andReturn("test/params-bad.json");
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andReturn(true);
-            result = session.initialize(data);
-            expect(function () {
-                result.getParams("blackberry-signer");
-            }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_PARAMS_FILE_ERROR", path.resolve("blah.json")));
-        });
-    });
-    describe("when setting the log level", function () {
-        var logger = require(__dirname + "/../../../../../templates/project/cordova/lib/logger");
-        beforeEach(function () {
-            spyOn(logger, "level");
-        });
-        it("defaults to verbose with no args", function () {
-            session.initialize({args: []});
-            expect(logger.level).toHaveBeenCalledWith("verbose");
-        });
-        it("sets level to verbose", function () {
-            session.initialize({args: [], loglevel: 'verbose'});
-            expect(logger.level).toHaveBeenCalledWith("verbose");
-        });
-        it("sets level to warn", function () {
-            session.initialize({args: [], loglevel: 'warn'});
-            expect(logger.level).toHaveBeenCalledWith("warn");
-        });
-        it("sets level to error", function () {
-            session.initialize({args: [], loglevel: 'error'});
-            expect(logger.level).toHaveBeenCalledWith("error");
-        });
-    });
diff --git a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/signing-helper.js b/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/signing-helper.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ad91726..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/signing-helper.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-var testData = require('./test-data'),
-    signingHelper = require(testData.libPath + '/signing-helper'),
-    localize = require(testData.libPath + '/localize'),
-    pkgrUtils = require(testData.libPath + "/packager-utils"),
-    conf = require(testData.libPath + "/conf"),
-    path = require('path'),
-    fs = require('fs'),
-    os = require('os'),
-    childProcess = require("child_process"),
-    properties = {
-        homepath: "",
-        homedrive: ""
-    },
-    session;
-describe("signing-helper", function () {
-    describe("on windows", function () {
-        beforeEach(function () {
-            /* Preserve the value of the HOMEPATH and HOMEDRIVE environment
-             * variables if they are defined. If they are not defined, mark
-             * variable for deletion after the test.*/
-            if (typeof process.env.HOMEPATH === 'undefined') {
-                properties.homepath = "delete";
-            } else {
-                properties.homepath = process.env.HOMEPATH;
-            }
-            if (typeof process.env.HOMEDRIVE === 'undefined') {
-                properties.homedrive = "delete";
-            } else {
-                properties.homedrive = process.env.HOMEDRIVE;
-            }
-            spyOn(os, "type").andReturn("windows");
-        });
-        afterEach(function () {
-            /* Restore the value of the HOMEPATH and HOMEDRIVE environment
-             * variables if they are defined. If they are not defined, delete
-             * the property if it was defined in the test.*/
-            if (typeof process.env.HOMEPATH === 'string') {
-                if (properties.homepath === 'delete') {
-                    delete process.env.HOMEPATH;
-                } else {
-                    process.env.HOMEPATH = properties.homepath;
-                }
-            }
-            if (typeof process.env.HOMEDRIVE === 'string') {
-                if (properties.homedrive === 'delete') {
-                    delete process.env.HOMEDRIVE;
-                } else {
-                    process.env.HOMEDRIVE = properties.homedrive;
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        it("can find keys in Local Settings", function () {
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function (path) {
-                return path.indexOf("\\Local Settings") !== -1;
-            });
-            var result = signingHelper.getKeyStorePath();
-            expect(result).toContain("\\Local Settings");
-        });
-        it("can find barsigner.csk in Local Settings", function () {
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function (path) {
-                return path.indexOf("\\Local Settings") !== -1;
-            });
-            var result = signingHelper.getCskPath();
-            expect(result).toContain("\\Local Settings");
-        });
-        it("can find barsigner.db in Local Settings", function () {
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function (path) {
-                return path.indexOf("\\Local Settings") !== -1;
-            });
-            var result = signingHelper.getDbPath();
-            expect(result).toContain("\\Local Settings");
-        });
-        it("can find keys in AppData", function () {
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function (path) {
-                return path.indexOf("\\AppData") !== -1;
-            });
-            var result = signingHelper.getKeyStorePath();
-            expect(result).toContain("\\AppData");
-        });
-        it("can find barsigner.csk in AppData", function () {
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function (path) {
-                return path.indexOf("\\AppData") !== -1;
-            });
-            var result = signingHelper.getCskPath();
-            expect(result).toContain("\\AppData");
-        });
-        it("can find barsigner.db in AppData", function () {
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function (path) {
-                return path.indexOf("\\AppData") !== -1;
-            });
-            var result = signingHelper.getDbPath();
-            expect(result).toContain("\\AppData");
-        });
-        it("can find keys in home path", function () {
-            process.env.HOMEPATH = "\\Users\\user";
-            process.env.HOMEDRIVE = "C:";
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function (p) {
-                return p.indexOf("\\Users\\user") !== -1;
-            });
-            var result = signingHelper.getKeyStorePath();
-            expect(result).toContain("\\Users\\user");
-        });
-        it("can find keys on C drive", function () {
-            process.env.HOMEPATH = "\\Users\\user";
-            process.env.HOMEDRIVE = "C:";
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function (p) {
-                return p.indexOf("C:") !== -1;
-            });
-            var result = signingHelper.getKeyStorePath();
-            expect(result).toContain("C:");
-        });
-        it("can find keys on a drive other than C", function () {
-            process.env.HOMEPATH = "\\Users\\user";
-            process.env.HOMEDRIVE = "D:";
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function (path) {
-                return path.indexOf("D:") !== -1;
-            });
-            var result = signingHelper.getKeyStorePath();
-            expect(result).toContain("D:");
-        });
-        it("can find barsigner.csk on a drive other than C", function () {
-            process.env.HOMEPATH = "\\Users\\user";
-            process.env.HOMEDRIVE = "D:";
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function (path) {
-                return path.indexOf("D:") !== -1;
-            });
-            var result = signingHelper.getCskPath();
-            expect(result).toContain("D:");
-        });
-        it("can find barsigner.db on a drive other than C", function () {
-            process.env.HOMEPATH = "\\Users\\user";
-            process.env.HOMEDRIVE = "D:";
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function (path) {
-                return path.indexOf("D:") !== -1;
-            });
-            var result = signingHelper.getDbPath();
-            expect(result).toContain("D:");
-        });
-        it("can find keys in Local Settings on the correct drive", function () {
-            process.env.HOMEPATH = "\\Users\\user";
-            process.env.HOMEDRIVE = "C:";
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function (path) {
-                return path.indexOf("C:") !== -1 &&
-                        path.indexOf("\\Local Settings") !== -1;
-            });
-            var result = signingHelper.getKeyStorePath();
-            expect(result).toContain("C:");
-            expect(result).toContain("\\Local Settings");
-        });
-        it("can find barsigner.csk in Local Settings on the correct drive", function () {
-            process.env.HOMEPATH = "\\Users\\user";
-            process.env.HOMEDRIVE = "D:";
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function (path) {
-                return path.indexOf("D:") !== -1 &&
-                        path.indexOf("\\Local Settings") !== -1;
-            });
-            var result = signingHelper.getCskPath();
-            expect(result).toContain("D:");
-            expect(result).toContain("\\Local Settings");
-        });
-        it("can find barsigner.db in Local Settings on the correct drive", function () {
-            process.env.HOMEPATH = "\\Users\\user";
-            process.env.HOMEDRIVE = "D:";
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function (path) {
-                return path.indexOf("D:") !== -1 &&
-                        path.indexOf("\\Local Settings") !== -1;
-            });
-            var result = signingHelper.getDbPath();
-            expect(result).toContain("D:");
-            expect(result).toContain("\\Local Settings");
-        });
-        it("can find keys in AppData on the correct drive", function () {
-            process.env.HOMEPATH = "\\Users\\user";
-            process.env.HOMEDRIVE = "C:";
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function (path) {
-                return path.indexOf("C:") !== -1 &&
-                        path.indexOf("\\AppData") !== -1;
-            });
-            var result = signingHelper.getKeyStorePath();
-            expect(result).toContain("C:");
-            expect(result).toContain("\\AppData");
-        });
-        it("can find barsigner.csk in AppData on the correct drive", function () {
-            process.env.HOMEPATH = "\\Users\\user";
-            process.env.HOMEDRIVE = "D:";
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function (path) {
-                return path.indexOf("D:") !== -1 &&
-                        path.indexOf("\\AppData") !== -1;
-            });
-            var result = signingHelper.getCskPath();
-            expect(result).toContain("D:");
-            expect(result).toContain("\\AppData");
-        });
-        it("can find barsigner.db in AppData on the correct drive", function () {
-            process.env.HOMEPATH = "\\Users\\user";
-            process.env.HOMEDRIVE = "D:";
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function (path) {
-                return path.indexOf("D:") !== -1 &&
-                        path.indexOf("\\AppData") !== -1;
-            });
-            var result = signingHelper.getDbPath();
-            expect(result).toContain("D:");
-            expect(result).toContain("\\AppData");
-        });
-        it("returns undefined when keys cannot be found", function () {
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andReturn(false);
-            var result = signingHelper.getKeyStorePath();
-            expect(result).toBeUndefined();
-        });
-        it("returns undefined when barsigner.csk cannot be found", function () {
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andReturn(false);
-            var result = signingHelper.getCskPath();
-            expect(result).toBeUndefined();
-        });
-        it("returns undefined when barsigner.db cannot be found", function () {
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andReturn(false);
-            var result = signingHelper.getDbPath();
-            expect(result).toBeUndefined();
-        });
-    });
-    describe("on mac", function () {
-        beforeEach(function () {
-            spyOn(os, "type").andReturn("darwin");
-        });
-        it("can find keys in the Library folder", function () {
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function (path) {
-                return path.indexOf("/Library/Research In Motion/") !== -1;
-            });
-            var result = signingHelper.getKeyStorePath();
-            expect(result).toContain("/Library/Research In Motion/");
-        });
-        it("can find barsigner.csk in the Library folder", function () {
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function (path) {
-                return path.indexOf("/Library/Research In Motion/") !== -1;
-            });
-            var result = signingHelper.getCskPath();
-            expect(result).toContain("/Library/Research In Motion/");
-        });
-        it("can find barsigner.db in the Library folder", function () {
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function (path) {
-                return path.indexOf("/Library/Research In Motion/") !== -1;
-            });
-            var result = signingHelper.getDbPath();
-            expect(result).toContain("/Library/Research In Motion/");
-        });
-        it("returns undefined when keys cannot be found", function () {
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andReturn(false);
-            var result = signingHelper.getKeyStorePath();
-            expect(result).toBeUndefined();
-        });
-        it("returns undefined when barsigner.csk cannot be found", function () {
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andReturn(false);
-            var result = signingHelper.getCskPath();
-            expect(result).toBeUndefined();
-        });
-        it("returns undefined when barsigner.db cannot be found", function () {
-            spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andReturn(false);
-            var result = signingHelper.getDbPath();
-            expect(result).toBeUndefined();
-        });
-    });
-    describe("Exec blackberry-signer", function () {
-        var stdoutOn = jasmine.createSpy("stdout on"),
-            stderrOn = jasmine.createSpy("stderr on");
-        beforeEach(function () {
-            session = testData.session;
-            session.keystore = "/blah/author.p12";
-            session.storepass = "123";
-            session.barPath = path.normalize("c:/%s/" + "");
-            spyOn(childProcess, "spawn").andReturn({
-                stdout: {
-                    on: stdoutOn
-                },
-                stderr: {
-                    on: stderrOn
-                },
-                on: jasmine.createSpy("on").andCallFake(function (event, callback) {
-                    if (callback && typeof callback === "function") {
-                        callback(0);
-                    }
-                })
-            });
-        });
-        it("exec blackberry-signer without extra params", function () {
-            var callback = jasmine.createSpy("callback"),
-                cmd = "blackberry-signer" + (pkgrUtils.isWindows() ? ".bat" : "");
-            if (!pkgrUtils.isWindows()) {
-                cmd = path.normalize(conf.DEPENDENCIES_TOOLS + "/bin/") + cmd;
-            }
-            session.getParams = jasmine.createSpy("session getParams").andReturn(null);
-            signingHelper.execSigner(session, "device", callback);
-            expect(childProcess.spawn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(cmd, ["-keystore", session.keystore, "-storepass", session.storepass, path.resolve("c:/device/")], jasmine.any(Object));
-            expect(stdoutOn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("data", pkgrUtils.handleProcessOutput);
-            expect(stderrOn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("data", pkgrUtils.handleProcessOutput);
-            expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0);
-        });
-        it("exec blackberry-signer with extra params", function () {
-            var callback = jasmine.createSpy("callback"),
-                cmd = "blackberry-signer" + (pkgrUtils.isWindows() ? ".bat" : "");
-            if (!pkgrUtils.isWindows()) {
-                cmd = path.normalize(conf.DEPENDENCIES_TOOLS + "/bin/") + cmd;
-            }
-            session.getParams = jasmine.createSpy("session getParams").andReturn({
-                "-proxyhost": "",
-                "-proxyport": "80"
-            });
-            signingHelper.execSigner(session, "device", callback);
-            expect(childProcess.spawn.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toBe(cmd);
-            expect(childProcess.spawn.mostRecentCall.args[1]).toContain("-keystore");
-            expect(childProcess.spawn.mostRecentCall.args[1]).toContain(session.keystore);
-            expect(childProcess.spawn.mostRecentCall.args[1]).toContain("-storepass");
-            expect(childProcess.spawn.mostRecentCall.args[1]).toContain(session.storepass);
-            expect(childProcess.spawn.mostRecentCall.args[1]).toContain("-proxyport");
-            expect(childProcess.spawn.mostRecentCall.args[1]).toContain("80");
-            expect(childProcess.spawn.mostRecentCall.args[1]).toContain("-proxyhost");
-            expect(childProcess.spawn.mostRecentCall.args[1]).toContain("");
-            expect(childProcess.spawn.mostRecentCall.args[1]).toContain(path.resolve("c:/device/"));
-            expect(childProcess.spawn.mostRecentCall.args[1].length).toBe(9);
-            expect(stdoutOn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("data", pkgrUtils.handleProcessOutput);
-            expect(stderrOn).toHaveBeenCalledWith("data", pkgrUtils.handleProcessOutput);
-            expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0);
-        });
-    });
diff --git a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/test-data.js b/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/test-data.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 11ec335..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/test-data.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-var path = require("path"),
-    outputDir = path.resolve("../packager.test"),
-    libPath = __dirname + "/../../../../../templates/project/cordova/lib/",
-    barConf = require(libPath + "/bar-conf"),
-    configPath = path.resolve("test") + "/config.xml";
-module.exports = {
-    libPath: libPath,
-    configPath: configPath,
-    session: {
-        "barPath": outputDir + "/%s/" + "",
-        "outputDir": outputDir,
-        "sourceDir": path.resolve(outputDir + "/src"),
-        "sourcePaths": {
-            "ROOT": path.resolve(outputDir + "/src"),
-            "CHROME": path.normalize(path.resolve(outputDir + "/src") + barConf.CHROME),
-            "LIB": path.normalize(path.resolve(outputDir + "/src") + barConf.LIB),
-            "UI": path.normalize(path.resolve(outputDir + "/src") + barConf.UI),
-            "EXT": path.normalize(path.resolve(outputDir + "/src") + barConf.EXT),
-            "PLUGINS": path.normalize(path.resolve(outputDir + "/src") + barConf.PLUGINS),
-            "JNEXT_PLUGINS": path.normalize(path.resolve(outputDir + "/src") + barConf.JNEXT_PLUGINS)
-        },
-        "archivePath": path.resolve("bin/test/cordova/unit/"),
-        "conf": require(path.resolve(libPath + "/conf")),
-        "targets": ["simulator"],
-        isSigningRequired: function () {
-            return false;
-        },
-        getParams: function () {
-            return null;
-        }
-    },
-    config: {
-        "id": 'Demo',
-        "name": { 'default': 'Demo' },
-        "version": '1.0.0',
-        "author": 'Research In Motion Ltd.',
-        "description": { 'default': 'This is a test!' },
-        "image": 'test.png',
-        "autoOrientation": true,
-        "theme": "default"
-    },
-    accessList: [{
-        uri: "",
-        allowSubDomain: false,
-        features: [{
-            id: "",
-            required: true,
-            version: "1.0.0"
-        }, {
-            id: "blackberry.system",
-            required:  true,
-            version: "1.0.0"
-        }]
-    }, {
-        uri: "WIDGET_LOCAL",
-        allowSubDomain: false,
-        features: [{
-            id: "blackberry.system",
-            required: true,
-            version: "1.0.0"
-        }]
-    }],
-    xml2jsConfig: {
-        "@": {
-            "xmlns": "",
-            "xmlns:rim": "",
-            "version": "1.0.0",
-            "id": "myID",
-            "rim:header" : "RIM-Widget:rim/widget",
-            "rim:userAgent" : "A Test-User-Agent/(Blackberry-Agent)"
-        },
-        "name": "Demo",
-        "content": {
-            "@": {
-                "src": "local:///startPage.html"
-            }
-        },
-        "author": "Research In Motion Ltd.",
-        "license": {
-            "#": "Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); #you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. #You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # #Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software #distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, #WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. #See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.",
-            "@": {
-                "href": ""
-            }
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/test-utilities.js b/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/test-utilities.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f0dbf9..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/test-utilities.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-var xml2js = require("xml2js");
-function getObjectByProperty(array, propertyName, propertyValue) {
-    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
-        if (propertyValue === array[i][propertyName]) {
-            return array[i];
-        }
-    }
-module.exports = {
-    getAccessListForUri: function (accessListArray, uriValue) {
-        return getObjectByProperty(accessListArray, "uri", uriValue);
-    },
-    getFeatureByID: function (featureArray, featureID) {
-        return getObjectByProperty(featureArray, "id", featureID);
-    },
-    mockResolve: function (path) {
-        //Mock resolve because of a weird issue where resolve would return an 
-        //invalid path on Mac if it cannot find the directory (c:/ doesnt exist on mac)
-        spyOn(path, "resolve").andCallFake(function (to) {
-            if (arguments.length === 2) {
-                //Handle optional from attribute
-                return path.normalize(path.join(arguments[0], arguments[1]));
-            } else {
-                return path.normalize(to);
-            }
-        });
-    },
-    cloneObj: function (obj) {
-        var newObj = (obj instanceof Array) ? [] : {}, i;
-        for (i in obj) {
-            if (i === 'clone') continue;
-            if (obj[i] && typeof obj[i] === "object") {
-                newObj[i] = this.cloneObj(obj[i]);
-            } else {
-                newObj[i] = obj[i];
-            }
-        }
-        return newObj;
-    },
-    mockParsing: function (data, error) {
-        spyOn(xml2js, "Parser").andReturn({
-            parseString: function (fileData, callback) {
-                //call callback with no error and altered xml2jsConfig data
-                callback(error, data);
-            }
-        });
-    }
-describe("test-utilities", function () {
-    var testUtilities = require("./test-utilities");
-    it("can clone objects using cloneObj", function () {
-        var obj = {
-                A: "A",
-                B: "B",
-                C: { 
-                    CA: "CA",
-                    CB: "CB",
-                    CC: {
-                        CCA: "CCA"
-                    }
-                }
-            },
-            clonedObj = testUtilities.cloneObj(obj);
-        //not the same object
-        expect(clonedObj).not.toBe(obj);
-        //has the same data
-        expect(clonedObj).toEqual(obj);
-    });
diff --git a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/ b/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8859a66..0000000
Binary files a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/Accelerometer/index.js b/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/Accelerometer/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1819ba7..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/Accelerometer/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright 2013 Research In Motion Limited.
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-* You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the License.
-describe("Accelerometer", function () {
-    var _apiDir = __dirname + "./../../../../plugins/Accelerometer/src/blackberry10/",
-        index,
-        callback,
-        result = {
-            ok: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            error: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            noResult: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            callbackOk: jasmine.createSpy()
-        },
-        motion = {
-            timestamp: 0,
-            accelerationIncludingGravity: {
-                x: 0,
-                y: 0,
-                z: 0
-            }
-        };
-    beforeEach(function () {
-        index = require(_apiDir + "index");
-        GLOBAL.window = {
-            removeEventListener: jasmine.createSpy("removeEventListener spy"),
-            addEventListener: jasmine.createSpy("addEventListener spy").andCallFake(function (evt, cb) {
-                callback = cb;
-            })
-        };
-        GLOBAL.PluginResult = function () {
-            return result;
-        };
-    });
-    afterEach(function () {
-        index = null;
-        delete GLOBAL.window;
-        delete GLOBAL.PluginResult;
-    });
-    describe("start", function () {
-        it("calls noResult and keeps callbacks", function () {
-            index.start();
-            expect(window.addEventListener).toHaveBeenCalled();
-            expect(result.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true);
-        });
-        it("callback calls ok and keeps callbacks", function () {
-            callback(motion);
-            expect(result.callbackOk).toHaveBeenCalled();
-        });
-        it("does not call error if already started", function () {
-            index.start();
-            expect(window.removeEventListener).toHaveBeenCalled();
-            expect(window.addEventListener).toHaveBeenCalled();
-            expect(result.error).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-        });
-    });
-    describe("stop", function () {
-        it("calls result ok", function () {
-            index.stop();
-            expect(window.removeEventListener).toHaveBeenCalled();
-            expect(result.ok).toHaveBeenCalledWith("removed");
-        });
-    });
diff --git a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/Battery/index.js b/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/Battery/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ff82a21..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/Battery/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright 2013 Research In Motion Limited.
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-* You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the License.
-describe("Battery", function () {
-    var _apiDir = __dirname + "./../../../../plugins/Battery/src/blackberry10/",
-        index,
-        callback,
-        mockPluginResult = {
-            ok: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            error: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            noResult: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            callbackOk: jasmine.createSpy()
-        },
-        noop = function () {},
-        args,
-        env = {
-            webview: {
-                id: 42
-            }
-        };
-    beforeEach(function () {
-        GLOBAL.window = {
-            qnx: {
-                webplatform: {
-                    device: {
-                        addEventListener: jasmine.createSpy("webplatform.device.addEventListener").andCallFake(function (evt, cb) {
-                            callback = cb;
-                        }),
-                        removeEventListener: jasmine.createSpy("webplatform.device.removeEventListener")
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        };
-        GLOBAL.PluginResult = function () {
-            return mockPluginResult;
-        };
-        index = require(_apiDir + "index");
-    });
-    afterEach(function () {
-        delete GLOBAL.window;
-        delete GLOBAL.PluginResult;
-        delete require.cache[require.resolve(_apiDir + "index")];
-    });
-    describe("start", function () {
-        it("calls noResult and keeps callbacks", function () {
-            index.start(noop, noop, args, env);
-            expect(window.qnx.webplatform.device.removeEventListener).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-            expect(window.qnx.webplatform.device.addEventListener).toHaveBeenCalled();
-            expect(mockPluginResult.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true);
-            expect(mockPluginResult.error).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-        });
-        it("callback calls ok and keeps callbacks", function () {
-            callback("OK");
-            expect(mockPluginResult.callbackOk).toHaveBeenCalledWith("OK", true);
-            expect(mockPluginResult.error).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-        });
-        it("does not call error if already started", function () {
-            index.start(noop, noop, args, env);
-            window.qnx.webplatform.device.addEventListener.reset();
-            mockPluginResult.noResult.reset();
-            index.start(noop, noop, args, env);
-            expect(window.qnx.webplatform.device.removeEventListener).toHaveBeenCalled();
-            expect(window.qnx.webplatform.device.addEventListener).toHaveBeenCalled();
-            expect(mockPluginResult.error).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-            expect(mockPluginResult.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true);
-        });
-    });
-    describe("stop", function () {
-        it("calls noResult and does not keep callbacks", function () {
-            index.start(noop, noop, args, env);
-            window.qnx.webplatform.device.removeEventListener.reset();
-            index.stop(noop, noop, args, env);
-            expect(window.qnx.webplatform.device.removeEventListener).toHaveBeenCalled();
-            expect(mockPluginResult.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(false);
-        });
-    });
diff --git a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/Camera/index.js b/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/Camera/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dcee33..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/Camera/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright 2013 Research In Motion Limited.
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-* You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the License.
-describe("Camera", function () {
-    var _apiDir = __dirname + "./../../../../plugins/Camera/src/blackberry10/",
-        index,
-        mockDone,
-        mockCancel,
-        mockError,
-        mockedEnv = {
-            response: {
-                send: jasmine.createSpy()
-            },
-            webview: {
-                executeJavaScript: jasmine.createSpy()
-            }
-        },
-        PictureSourceType = {
-            PHOTOLIBRARY : 0,    // Choose image from picture library (same as SAVEDPHOTOALBUM for Android)
-            CAMERA : 1,          // Take picture from camera
-            SAVEDPHOTOALBUM : 2  // Choose image from picture library (same as PHOTOLIBRARY for Android)
-        },
-        DestinationType = {
-            DATA_URL: 0,         // Return base64 encoded string
-            FILE_URI: 1,         // Return file uri (content://media/external/images/media/2 for Android)
-            NATIVE_URI: 2        // Return native uri (eg. asset-library://... for iOS)
-        },
-        readFail,
-    function mockOpen(options, done, cancel, invoked) {
-        if (!mockError) {
-            invoked();
-        }
-        if (mockDone) {
-            done(mockDone.path);
-        } else if (mockCancel) {
-            cancel(mockCancel.reason);
-        } else if (mockError) {
-            invoked(mockError.error);
-        }
-    }
-    beforeEach(function () {
-        index = require(_apiDir + "index");
-        mockedEnv.response.send.reset();
-        mockedEnv.webview.executeJavaScript.reset();
-    });
-    afterEach(function () {
-        index = null;
-        mockDone = null;
-        mockCancel = null;
-        mockError = null;
-        readFail = false;
-    });
-    describe("takePicture", function () {
-        beforeEach(function () {
-            GLOBAL.window = {
-                qnx: {
-                    webplatform: {
-                        getApplication: function () {
-                            return {
-                                cards: {
-                                    camera: {
-                                        open: jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake(mockOpen)
-                                    },
-                                    filePicker: {
-                                        open: jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake(mockOpen)
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            };
-                        },
-                        getController: function () {
-                            return {
-                                setFileSystemSandbox: true
-                            };
-                        }
-                    }
-                },
-                webkitRequestFileSystem: jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake(function (type, size, success, error) {
-                    success({
-                        root: {
-                            getFile: jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake(function (path, options, success, error) {
-                                if (readFail) {
-                                    error({
-                                        code: -1
-                                    });
-                                } else {
-                                    success({
-                                        file: jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake(function (cb) {
-                                            cb();
-                                        })
-                                    });
-                                }
-                            })
-                        }
-                    });
-                })
-            };
-            GLOBAL.FileReader = function () {
-                return {
-                    onloadend: jasmine.createSpy(),
-                    readAsDataURL: jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake(function (file) {
-                        this.onloadend.apply({
-                            result: "data:image/jpeg;base64," + mockBase64Data
-                        });
-                    })
-                };
-            };
-            GLOBAL.FileError = {
-                NOT_FOUND_ERR: 1,
-                NOT_READABLE_ERR: 4,
-                PATH_EXISTS_ERR: 12,
-                TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR: 11
-            };
-            GLOBAL.PluginResult = function (args, env) {};
-            GLOBAL.PluginResult.prototype.callbackOk = jasmine.createSpy();
-            GLOBAL.PluginResult.prototype.callbackError = jasmine.createSpy();
-            GLOBAL.PluginResult.prototype.noResult = jasmine.createSpy();
-        });
-        afterEach(function () {
-            delete GLOBAL.window;
-            delete GLOBAL.FileReader;
-            delete GLOBAL.PluginResult;
-        });
-        it("calls PluginResult.callbackOk if invoke camera is successful and image doesn't need encoding", function () {
-            mockDone = {
-                path: "/foo/bar/abc.jpg"
-            };
-            index.takePicture(undefined, undefined, {
-                "1": DestinationType.FILE_URI.toString(),
-                "2": PictureSourceType.CAMERA.toString(),
-                callbackId: "123"
-            }, mockedEnv);
-            expect(PluginResult.prototype.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true);
-            expect(PluginResult.prototype.callbackOk).toHaveBeenCalledWith("file://" + mockDone.path, false);
-        });
-        it("calls PluginResult.callbackOk if invoke camera and base64 encode image is successful", function () {
-            mockDone = {
-                path: "/foo/bar/abc.jpg"
-            };
-            index.takePicture(undefined, undefined, {
-                "1": DestinationType.DATA_URL.toString(),
-                "2": PictureSourceType.CAMERA.toString(),
-                callbackId: "123"
-            }, mockedEnv);
-            expect(PluginResult.prototype.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true);
-            expect(PluginResult.prototype.callbackOk).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockBase64Data, false);
-        });
-        it("calls PluginResult.callbackError if invoke camera is successful but base64 encode image failed", function () {
-            mockDone = {
-                path: "/foo/bar/abc.jpg"
-            };
-            readFail = true;
-            index.takePicture(undefined, undefined, {
-                "1": DestinationType.DATA_URL.toString(),
-                "2": PictureSourceType.CAMERA.toString(),
-                callbackId: "123"
-            }, mockedEnv);
-            expect(PluginResult.prototype.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true);
-            expect(PluginResult.prototype.callbackError).toHaveBeenCalledWith("An error occured: Unknown Error", false);
-        });
-        it("calls PluginResult.callbackError if invoke camera is cancelled by user", function () {
-            mockCancel = {
-                reason: "done"
-            };
-            index.takePicture(undefined, undefined, {
-                "1": DestinationType.FILE_URI.toString(),
-                "2": PictureSourceType.CAMERA.toString(),
-                callbackId: "123"
-            }, mockedEnv);
-            expect(PluginResult.prototype.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true);
-            expect(PluginResult.prototype.callbackError).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockCancel.reason, false);
-        });
-        it("calls PluginResult.callbackError if invoke camera encounters error", function () {
-            mockError = {
-                error: "Camera error"
-            };
-            index.takePicture(undefined, undefined, {
-                "1": DestinationType.FILE_URI.toString(),
-                "2": PictureSourceType.CAMERA.toString(),
-                callbackId: "123"
-            }, mockedEnv);
-            expect(PluginResult.prototype.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true);
-            expect(PluginResult.prototype.callbackError).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockError.error, false);
-        });
-        it("calls PluginResult.callbackOk if invoke file picker is successful and image doesn't need encoding", function () {
-            mockDone = {
-                path: "/foo/bar/abc.jpg"
-            };
-            index.takePicture(undefined, undefined, {
-                "1": DestinationType.FILE_URI.toString(),
-                "2": PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY.toString(),
-                callbackId: "123"
-            }, mockedEnv);
-            expect(PluginResult.prototype.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true);
-            expect(PluginResult.prototype.callbackOk).toHaveBeenCalledWith("file://" + mockDone.path, false);
-        });
-        it("calls PluginResult.callbackOk if invoke file picker and base64 encode image is successful", function () {
-            mockDone = {
-                path: "/foo/bar/abc.jpg"
-            };
-            index.takePicture(undefined, undefined, {
-                "1": DestinationType.DATA_URL.toString(),
-                "2": PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY.toString(),
-                callbackId: "123"
-            }, mockedEnv);
-            expect(PluginResult.prototype.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true);
-            expect(PluginResult.prototype.callbackOk).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockBase64Data, false);
-        });
-        it("calls PluginResult.callbackError if invoke file picker is successful but base64 encode image failed", function () {
-            mockDone = {
-                path: "/foo/bar/abc.jpg"
-            };
-            readFail = true;
-            index.takePicture(undefined, undefined, {
-                "1": DestinationType.DATA_URL.toString(),
-                "2": PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY.toString(),
-                callbackId: "123"
-            }, mockedEnv);
-            expect(PluginResult.prototype.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true);
-            expect(PluginResult.prototype.callbackError).toHaveBeenCalledWith("An error occured: Unknown Error", false);
-        });
-        it("calls PluginResult.callbackError if invoke file picker is cancelled by user", function () {
-            mockCancel = {
-                reason: "cancel"
-            };
-            index.takePicture(undefined, undefined, {
-                "1": DestinationType.DATA_URL.toString(),
-                "2": PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY.toString(),
-                callbackId: "123"
-            }, mockedEnv);
-            expect(PluginResult.prototype.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true);
-            expect(PluginResult.prototype.callbackError).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockCancel.reason, false);
-        });
-        it("calls PluginResult.callbackError if invoke file picker encounters error", function () {
-            mockError = {
-                error: "File picker error"
-            };
-            index.takePicture(undefined, undefined, {
-                "1": DestinationType.DATA_URL.toString(),
-                "2": PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY.toString(),
-                callbackId: "123"
-            }, mockedEnv);
-            expect(PluginResult.prototype.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true);
-            expect(PluginResult.prototype.callbackError).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockError.error, false);
-        });
-    });
diff --git a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/Contacts/index.js b/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/Contacts/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a14d89b..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/Contacts/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2013 Research In Motion Limited.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-describe("Contacts", function () {
-    var _apiDir = __dirname + "./../../../templates/project/plugins/Contacts/src/blackberry10/",
-        index,
-        ContactError = require(_apiDir + "ContactError"),
-        ContactFindOptions = require(_apiDir + "ContactFindOptions"),
-        result = {
-            noResult: jasmine.createSpy("PluginResult.noResult"),
-            error: jasmine.createSpy("PluginResult.error"),
-            ok: jasmine.createSpy("PluginResult.ok"),
-            callbackError: jasmine.createSpy("PluginResult.callbackError"),
-            callbackOk: jasmine.createSpy("PluginResult.callbackOk"),
-            callbackId: "Contacts12345"
-        };
-    beforeEach(function () {
-        GLOBAL.JNEXT = {
-            require: jasmine.createSpy("JNEXT.require").andCallFake(function () {
-                return true;
-            }),
-            createObject: jasmine.createSpy("JNEXT.createObject").andCallFake(function () {
-                return 123;
-            }),
-            invoke: jasmine.createSpy("JNEXT.invoke").andCallFake(function () {
-                return JSON.stringify({
-                    _success: true,
-                    contact: { id: "123" }
-                });
-            }),
-            registerEvents: jasmine.createSpy("JNEXT.regsiterEvents")
-        };
-        GLOBAL.PluginResult = function () {
-            return result;
-        };
-        index = require(_apiDir + "index");
-        GLOBAL.window = {
-            parseInt: jasmine.createSpy("window.parseInt"),
-            isNaN: jasmine.createSpy("window.isNaN")
-        };
-    });
-    afterEach(function () {
-        index = null;
-        delete GLOBAL.JNEXT;
-        delete GLOBAL.window;
-        delete GLOBAL.PluginResult;
-    });
-    describe("", function () {
-        it("correctly parses args to pass down to native (with filter)", function () {
-            var findOptions = new ContactFindOptions("test"),
-                args = {
-                   "0": encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(["phoneNumbers", "emails"])),
-                   "1": encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(findOptions)),
-                   "callbackId": encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify("Contacts12345"))
-                },
-                jnextArgs = {
-                    "_eventId": "Contacts12345",
-                    "fields": ["phoneNumbers", "emails"],
-                    "options": {
-                        "filter": [
-                            { "fieldValue": "test" }
-                        ]
-                    }
-            };
-   () {}, function () {}, args, {});
-            expect(JNEXT.invoke).toHaveBeenCalledWith(123, 'find ' + JSON.stringify(jnextArgs));
-            expect(result.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true);
-        });
-        it("correctly parses args to pass down to native (with no filter)", function () {
-            var findOptions = new ContactFindOptions(),
-                args = {
-                   "0": encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(["phoneNumbers", "emails"])),
-                   "1": encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(findOptions)),
-                   "callbackId": encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify("Contacts12345"))
-                },
-                jnextArgs = {
-                    "_eventId": "Contacts12345",
-                    "fields": ["phoneNumbers", "emails"],
-                    "options": {
-                        "filter": []
-                    }
-            };
-   () {}, function () {}, args, {});
-            expect(JNEXT.invoke).toHaveBeenCalledWith(123, 'find ' + JSON.stringify(jnextArgs));
-            expect(result.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true);
-        });
-    });
-    describe("", function () {
-        it("calls JNEXT save with the correct param if contactId provided", function () {
-            var contactProps = {
-                    "id": "123"
-                },
-                args = {
-                    "0": encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(contactProps)),
-                    "callbackId": encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify("Contacts12345"))
-            };
-            window.parseInt.andCallFake(function () {
-                return 123;
-            });
-   () {}, function () {}, args, {});
-            expect(JNEXT.invoke).toHaveBeenCalledWith(123, 'save ' + JSON.stringify({"id": 123, "_eventId": "Contacts12345"}));
-            expect(result.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true);
-        });
-        it("properly converts birthdays for native", function () {
-            var contactProps = {
-                    birthday: 1367259069028,
-                },
-                args = {
-                    "0": encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(contactProps)),
-                    "callbackId": encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify("Contacts12345"))
-                },
-                processedArgs = {
-                    "birthday": "Mon Apr 29 2013",
-                    "_eventId": "Contacts12345"
-            };
-   () {}, function () {}, args, {});
-            expect(JNEXT.invoke).toHaveBeenCalledWith(123, 'save ' + JSON.stringify(processedArgs));
-            expect(result.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true);
-        });
-        it("processes emails contactFeild array", function () {
-            var contactProps = {
-                    "emails": [
-                        { "value": "" },
-                        { "type" : "home", "value": "" }
-                    ]
-                },
-                args = {
-                    "0": encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(contactProps)),
-                    "callbackId": encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify("Contacts12345"))
-                },
-                processedArgs = {
-                    "emails": [
-                        { "type": "home", "value": "" },
-                        { "type": "home", "value": "" },
-                    ],
-                    "_eventId": "Contacts12345"
-            };
-   () {}, function () {}, args, {});
-            expect(JNEXT.invoke).toHaveBeenCalledWith(123, 'save ' + JSON.stringify(processedArgs));
-            expect(result.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true);
-        });
-    });
-    describe("index.remove", function () {
-        it("calls JNEXT remove with the correct params for valid contactId", function () {
-            var args = {
-                "0": encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(123)),
-                "callbackId": encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify("Contacts12345"))
-            };
-            window.parseInt.andCallFake(function () {
-                return 123;
-            });
-            index.remove(function () {}, function () {}, args, {});
-            expect(JNEXT.invoke).toHaveBeenCalledWith(123, 'remove ' + JSON.stringify({"contactId": 123, "_eventId": "Contacts12345"}));
-            expect(result.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true);
-        });
-        it("calls callbackError if invalid ID", function () {
-            var args = {
-                "0": encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify("asdfas")),
-                "callbackId": encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify("Contacts12345"))
-            };
-            window.isNaN.andCallFake(function() {
-                return true;
-            });
-            index.remove(function () {}, function () {}, args, {});
-            expect(result.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith(ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR);
-            expect(result.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(false);
-        });
-    });
diff --git a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/Device/index.js b/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/Device/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c5fb29..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/Device/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright 2013 Research In Motion Limited.
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-* You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the License.
-describe("Device", function () {
-    var _apiDir = __dirname + "./../../../../plugins/Device/src/blackberry10/",
-        index,
-        result = {
-            ok: jasmine.createSpy()
-        };
-    beforeEach(function () {
-        index = require(_apiDir + "index");
-    });
-    afterEach(function () {
-        index = null;
-    });
-    describe("getDeviceInfo", function () {
-        beforeEach(function () {
-            GLOBAL.window = {
-                qnx: {
-                    webplatform: {
-                        device: {
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            };
-            GLOBAL.PluginResult = function () {
-                return result;
-            };
-        });
-        afterEach(function () {
-            delete GLOBAL.window;
-            delete GLOBAL.PluginResult;
-        });
-        it("calls ok with the Device info", function () {
-            var mockedDevice = {
-                scmBundle: "",
-                modelName: "q10",
-                devicePin: (new Date()).getTime()
-            };
-            result.ok = jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake(function (deviceInfo) {
-                expect(deviceInfo.platform).toEqual("blackberry10");
-                expect(deviceInfo.version).toEqual(mockedDevice.scmBundle);
-                expect(deviceInfo.model).toEqual(mockedDevice.modelName);
-                expect(;
-                expect(deviceInfo.uuid).toEqual(mockedDevice.devicePin);
-                expect(deviceInfo.cordova).toBeDefined();
-            });
-            window.qnx.webplatform.device = mockedDevice;
-            index.getDeviceInfo();
-            expect(result.ok).toHaveBeenCalled();
-        });
-    });
diff --git a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/Logger/index.js b/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/Logger/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cec4556..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/Logger/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright 2013 Research In Motion Limited.
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-* You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the License.
-describe("Logger", function () {
-    var _apiDir = __dirname + "./../../../../plugins/Logger/src/blackberry10/",
-        index,
-        result = {
-            noResult: jasmine.createSpy("noResult")
-        };
-    beforeEach(function () {
-        index = require(_apiDir + "index");
-    });
-    afterEach(function () {
-        index = null;
-    });
-    describe("logLevel", function () {
-        beforeEach(function () {
-            spyOn(console, "log");
-            GLOBAL.PluginResult = function () {
-                return result;
-            };
-        });
-        afterEach(function () {
-            delete GLOBAL.PluginResult;
-        });
-        it("calls console.log", function () {
-            index.logLevel(function () {}, function () {}, ["%22ERROR%22", "%22message%22"]);
-            expect(console.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith("ERROR: message");
-            expect(result.noResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith(false);
-        });
-    });
diff --git a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/NetworkStatus/index.js b/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/NetworkStatus/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ac87390..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/NetworkStatus/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright 2013 Research In Motion Limited.
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-* You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the License.
-describe("NetworkStatus", function () {
-    var _apiDir = __dirname + "./../../../../plugins/NetworkStatus/src/blackberry10/",
-        index,
-        result = {
-            ok: jasmine.createSpy(),
-            error: jasmine.createSpy()
-        };
-    beforeEach(function () {
-        index = require(_apiDir + "index");
-    });
-    afterEach(function () {
-        index = null;
-    });
-    describe("getConnectionInfo", function () {
-        beforeEach(function () {
-            GLOBAL.window = {
-                qnx: {
-                    webplatform: {
-                        device: {
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            };
-            GLOBAL.PluginResult = function () {
-                return result;
-            };
-        });
-        afterEach(function () {
-            delete GLOBAL.window;
-            delete GLOBAL.PluginResult;
-        });
-        function testConnection(expectedResult, mockedType, mockedTechnology) {
-            var mockedDevice = {
-                activeConnection: {
-                    type: mockedType,
-                    technology: mockedTechnology
-                }
-            };
-            if (mockedType) {
-                window.qnx.webplatform.device = mockedDevice;
-            }
-            index.getConnectionInfo();
-            expect(result.ok).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedResult);
-            expect(result.error).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-        }
-        it("calls success with a wired connection", function () {
-            testConnection("ethernet", "wired");
-        });
-        it("calls success with a wifi connection", function () {
-            testConnection("wifi", "wifi");
-        });
-        it("calls success with no connection", function () {
-            testConnection("none", "none");
-        });
-        it("calls success with a cellular edge connection", function () {
-            testConnection("2g", "cellular", "edge");
-        });
-        it("calls success with a cellular gsm connection", function () {
-            testConnection("2g", "cellular", "gsm");
-        });
-        it("calls success with a cellular evdo connection", function () {
-            testConnection("3g", "cellular", "evdo");
-        });
-        it("calls success with a cellular umts connection", function () {
-            testConnection("3g", "cellular", "umts");
-        });
-        it("calls success with a lte connection", function () {
-            testConnection("4g", "cellular", "lte");
-        });
-        it("calls success with a cellular connection", function () {
-            testConnection("cellular", "cellular");
-        });
-        it("defaults to none if no connection is found", function () {
-            testConnection("none");
-        });
-        it("defaults to unknown if connection type doesn't exist", function () {
-            testConnection("unknown", "fakeConnectionType");
-        });
-    });
diff --git a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/Notification/index.js b/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/Notification/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d10e25..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/plugins/Notification/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright 2013 Research In Motion Limited.
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-* You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the License.
-function mockAndTestDialog(htmlmessage, title, dialogType, buttonLabel) {
-    GLOBAL.qnx = {
-        webplatform: {
-            getWebViews: function () {
-                var webviews = [{}, {},
-                    {//overlayWebview
-                        dialog: {
-                            show: function(messageObj, callback) {
-                                expect(messageObj.title).toEqual(title);
-                                expect(messageObj.htmlmessage).toEqual(htmlmessage);
-                                expect(messageObj.dialogType).toEqual(dialogType);
-                                expect(messageObj.optionalButtons).toEqual(buttonLabel);
-                                expect(typeof callback).toEqual("function");
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }];
-                return webviews;
-            }
-        }
-    };
-describe("Notification", function () {
-    var _apiDir = __dirname + "./../../../../plugins/Notification/src/blackberry10/",
-    index,
-    success = function() {},
-    fail = function() {},
-    result = {
-        error: jasmine.createSpy(),
-        noResult: jasmine.createSpy()
-    },
-    args = {
-        0: "%22Dialog%20message.%22",
-        1: "%22Dialog%20Title%22",
-        2: "%22Continue%22"
-    };
-    beforeEach(function () {
-        index = require(_apiDir + "index");
-        GLOBAL.PluginResult = function () {
-            return result;
-        };
-    });
-    afterEach(function () {
-        delete require.cache[require.resolve(_apiDir + "index")];
-        delete GLOBAL.qnx;
-        delete GLOBAL.PluginResult;
-    });
-    describe("alert", function () {
-        it("fails with invalid number of args", function () {
-            index.alert(success, fail, {}, {});
-            expect(result.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Notification action - alert arguments not found.");
-        });
-        it("calls with correct params", function () {
-            mockAndTestDialog("Dialog message.", "Dialog Title", "CustomAsk", ["Continue"]);
-            index.alert(success, fail, args, {});
-            expect(result.noResult).toHaveBeenCalled();
-        });
-    });
-    describe("confirm", function () {
-        it("fails with invalid number of args", function () {
-            index.confirm(success, fail, {}, {});
-            expect(result.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Notification action - confirm arguments not found.");
-        });
-        it("calls with correct params", function () {
-            mockAndTestDialog("Dialog message.", "Dialog Title", "CustomAsk", ["Continue"]);
-            index.confirm(success, fail, args, {});
-            expect(result.noResult).toHaveBeenCalled();
-        });
-        it("calls with correct params [deprecated buttonArg]", function () {
-            var args = {
-                0: "%22Dialog%20message.%22",
-                1: "%22Dialog%20Title%22",
-                2: "%22Continue,Cancel%22"
-            };
-            mockAndTestDialog("Dialog message.", "Dialog Title", "CustomAsk", ["Continue", "Cancel"]);
-            index.confirm(success, fail, args, {});
-            expect(result.noResult).toHaveBeenCalled();
-        });
-    });
-    describe("prompt", function () {
-        it("fails with invalid number of args", function () {
-            index.prompt(success, fail, {}, {});
-            expect(result.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Notification action - prompt arguments not found.");
-        });
-        it("calls with correct params", function () {
-            mockAndTestDialog("Dialog message.", "Dialog Title", "JavaScriptPrompt", ["Continue"]);
-            index.prompt(success, fail, args, {});
-            expect(result.noResult).toHaveBeenCalled();
-        });
-    });