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Posted to by on 2002/09/16 14:16:17 UTC

Tomcat 4.1.10 and JBuilder 5.0


I've been trying to get Tomcat 4.1.10 to work with JBuilder 5.0 Enterprise.
I haven't tried to implement an OpenTool interface. Instead, I've run the
"org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap" as an application, putting all the
Tomcat jar files on the classpath and passing in the server.xml with the
-config parameter.

However, when I build my code, I get the following error with JSP pages.

"LaunchExe.jsp": Error #: 454 : class
jsp_0002fFlexView_0002fLaunchExe_0002ejsp_jsp should be declared abstract;
it does not define method getIncludes() in class

Looking in the source for HttpJspBase, I see the following:

     * Get the list of compile time included files used
     * by the JSP file.
     * Overridden by generated JSP java source files.
     * @return List compile time includes
    public abstract List getIncludes();

Therefore I'm concluding that the JSP compiler the JBuilder 5.0 uses isn't
putting the getIncludes() method ih the Java output, and therefore the Java
compiler flags the error above.
I also conclude that I need to force JBuilder to use the JSP compiler from
Tomcat 4.1.10.

Does anyone have any information on how to do this? Do I have to implement
an OpenTool interface for Tomcat 4.1.10 in order to do this? If so, does
anyone know if anyone has already done this before I try? I can't find
anything anywhere about it if they have.



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