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Posted to by Pratik Fegade via TVM Discuss <> on 2020/05/20 15:52:48 UTC

[TVM Discuss] [Application] Applying compute_at on scans

Hi all,

I have a simple computation as follows

m = 100
n = 256
X = te.placeholder((m, n), name="X")
s_state = te.placeholder((m, n))
s_init = te.placeholder((1, n))
s_update = te.compute((m, n), lambda t, i: s_state[t-1, i] + X[t, i], name = 'update')
s_scan = te.scan(s_init, s_update, s_state, inputs=[X], name = 'scan')
c_out = te.compute((n,), lambda i: s_scan[m - 1, i] * 17)

s = te.create_schedule(c_out.op)
s[s_scan].compute_at(s[c_out], s[c_out].op.axis[0])
s[c_out].bind(s[c_out].op.axis[0], te.thread_axis('threadIdx.x'))

print(tvm.lower(s, [X, c_out], simple_mode=True))

This generates the following IR on lowering

primfn(X_1: handle, compute_1: handle) -> ()
  attr = {"tir.noalias": True, "global_symbol": "main"}
  buffers = {X: Buffer(X_2: handle, float32, [100, 256], []),
             compute: Buffer(compute_2: handle, float32, [256], [])}
  buffer_map = {compute_1: compute, X_1: X} {
  attr [IterVar(threadIdx.x: int32, (nullptr), "ThreadIndex", "threadIdx.x")] "thread_extent" = 256;
  attr [scan: handle] "storage_scope" = "local";
  allocate(scan, float32, [100]) {
    for (scan.idx: int32, 0, 99) {
      for (i: int32, 0, 256) {
        scan[(((scan.idx + i) + 1) - threadIdx.x)] = ((float32*)scan[((scan.idx + i) - threadIdx.x)]) + (float32*)X_2[(((scan.idx*256) + i) + 256)]))
    compute_2[threadIdx.x] = ((float32*)scan[99])*17f32)

I don't understand why the inner i-loop in the scan operation is generated. This seemingly results in redundant recomputations. In this case, shouldn't i be bound to threadIdx.x? If this is the intended bahvior of compute_at, is there another way to generate IR similar to the following for the same computation?

primfn(X_1: handle, compute_1: handle) -> ()
  attr = {"tir.noalias": True, "global_symbol": "main"}
  buffers = {X: Buffer(X_2: handle, float32, [100, 256], []),
             compute: Buffer(compute_2: handle, float32, [256], [])}
  buffer_map = {compute_1: compute, X_1: X} {
  attr [IterVar(threadIdx.x: int32, (nullptr), "ThreadIndex", "threadIdx.x")] "thread_extent" = 256;
  attr [scan: handle] "storage_scope" = "local";
  allocate(scan, float32, [1]) {
    for (scan.idx: int32, 0, 99) {
        scan[(scan.idx + 1)] = ((float32*)scan[scan.idx]) + (float32*)X_2[((scan.idx*256) + threadIdx.x)]))
    compute_2[threadIdx.x] = ((float32*)scan[99])*17f32)

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