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Posted to by Misty Linville <> on 2018/07/10 17:06:57 UTC

HBase quarterly report Apr - June 2018


HBase submits a report to the ASF board once a quarter, to inform the board
about project health. I'm sending the report to the user@ and dev@ mailing
lists because you are the project, and for transparency. If you have any
questions about the report or the running of the project, you can pose them
to me or any other PMC member or committer, or send an email to, which every PMC member subscribes to.



Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of
rows with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware.

hbase-thirdparty is a set of internal artifacts used by the project to
mitigate the impact of our dependency choices on the wider ecosystem.


Board-only information removed from public report.


HBase 1.4.4 was released on April 30 2018.

HBase 2.0.0 was released on April 30 2018.

HBASE was released on June 12 2018.

HBase was released on June 13 2018.

HBase 2.0.1 was released on June 20 2018.

HBase 1.4.5 was released on June 20, 2018.

The "stable" pointer for downstream users is now HBase


HBaseCon US took place at Joseph McEnery Convention Center in San Jose, CA,
on June 18, 2018, simultaneous with PhoenixCon 2018. There were 180
attendees including 27 women. 120 of these attendees were there
specifically for HBaseCon. Some relevant quotes from the post-event
- "I appreciate all talks, especially those showing unexpected use-cases or
developments in the community."
- "20 minute sessions are great since folks from the community can share
short stories of their experience using HBase."
- "Focus on technical context was refreshing"
Thanks again to Josh Elser and his team at Hortonworks for organizing and
facilitating HBaseCon.

An HBase meet-up took place in Beijing on June 6th in preparation for
HBaseCon Asia 2018. Around 100 people attended in person, and the event was
live-streamed to over 10,000 audience members. Several PMC members were in
attendance. Three remote presenters recorded videos to be shown at the

The second annual HBaseCon Asia is being held in Beijing, China, on Aug.
17, 2018. The event will be hosted by Alibaba, sponsored by Didi, Huawei,
and Xiaomi. Admission will be free to attendees. The call for papers closed
June 30, and resulted in 28 submissions, currently under review. Thanks to
Yu Li for coordinating the event.

HBase 2.0 was released on May 4, 2018, followed up HBase 2.0.1 on June 20.
The HBase 2.0.x line represents the work of over four years and includes
new features, improvements, and bug fixes encompassing 4623 JIRAs. Some of
the new features include the compacting memstore, a rewrite of the
assignment manager, quotas, big performance improvements to the bucket
cache, lots of stability improvements, and much better test coverage.
Thanks to Michael Stack for shepherding this release into the world.

CVE-2018-8025 was addressed by releasing HBase,, 1.4.5, and
2.0.1. For more information about this vulnerability, see
To report an HBase vulnerability, send an email to
so that we can investigate and address the vulnerability in a responsible

In total, HBase had 6 releases over this quarter.

Francis Liu agreed to step up as a PMC member on Tue Apr 10 2018.

Two contributors became committers during this reporting period:
- Guangxu Cheng was added as a committer on Thu May 31 2018
- Reid Chan was added as a committer on Mon Jun 25 2018

Thanks to the new committers and PMC members for agreeing to take on more
responsibilities in the project.


The dev@ mailing list saw a slight increase in subscribers over the last
quarter, and a 35% decrease in traffic, consistent with the summer quarter.

The user@ mailing list saw a a slight decline in subscribers, and a 13%
decrease in traffic, consistent with the summer quarter.

75 committers (+2 from last quarter)
42 PMC members (+1 from last quarter)
497 JIRA tickets created (down from 664 last quarter)
428 JIRA tickets closed/resolved (down from 651 last quarter)