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Posted to by Ellis Teer <> on 2001/01/02 06:22:26 UTC

sample batch script documentation error

I was going through the document...

...using the examples scripts provided and found what I believe is a minor

Section 4.4 under the build.bat

rem Identify the custom class path components we need
set CP=%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib\ant.jar;%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib\servlet.jar
set CP=%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib\jaxp.jar;%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib\parser.jar
set CP=%CP%;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar

should instead read (extra %CP%)...

rem Identify the custom class path components we need
set CP=%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib\ant.jar;%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib\servlet.jar
set CP=%CP%;%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib\jaxp.jar;%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib\parser.jar
set CP=%CP%;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar

...leads to a class definition not found error.

-Ellis Teer

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