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[10/50] [abbrv] tinkerpop git commit: Added some more appendix items to recipes

Added some more appendix items to recipes


Branch: refs/heads/TINKERPOP-1565
Commit: 79a246851493e4f5a39644a9e86d828b39db0b2c
Parents: 6971e64
Author: Stephen Mallette <>
Authored: Tue Jan 10 12:13:59 2017 -0500
Committer: Stephen Mallette <>
Committed: Tue Jan 10 12:13:59 2017 -0500

 docs/src/recipes/appendix.asciidoc | 87 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 87 insertions(+)
diff --git a/docs/src/recipes/appendix.asciidoc b/docs/src/recipes/appendix.asciidoc
index 369d049..6f9fb2c 100644
--- a/docs/src/recipes/appendix.asciidoc
+++ b/docs/src/recipes/appendix.asciidoc
@@ -136,4 +136,91 @@ g.V().values("age").fold(1, mult) // multiply all ages
 g.V().values("age").map(union(identity(), constant(-1)).sum()) // subtract 1
 g.V().values("age").map(union(identity(), identity()).sum()) // multiply by 2 (simple)
 g.V().values("age").map(union(identity(), constant(2)).fold(1, mult)) // multiply by 2 (generally useful for multiplications by n):
+_Dropping a vertex, as well as the vertices related to that dropped vertex that are connected by a "knows" edge in the
+"modern" graph_
+_For the specified graph, find all neighbor vertices connected to "A" as filtered by datetime, those neighbor vertices
+that don't have datetime vertices, and those neighbor vertices that have the label "dimon"._
+g.addV().property("name", "A").as("a").
+  addV().property("name", "B").as("b").
+  addV().property("name", "C").as("c").
+  addV().property("name", "D").as("d").
+  addV().property("name", "E").as("e").
+  addV("dimon").property("name", "F").as("f").
+  addV().property("name", "G").as("g").property("date", 20160818).
+  addV().property("name", "H").as("h").property("date", 20160817).
+  addE("rel").from("a").to("b").
+  addE("rel").from("a").to("c").
+  addE("rel").from("a").to("d").
+  addE("rel").from("a").to("e").
+  addE("rel").from("c").to("f").
+  addE("occured_at").from("d").to("g").
+  addE("occured_at").from("e").to("h").iterate()
+// D and E have a valid datetime
+g.V().has("name", "A").out("rel").
+  union(where(out("occured_at").has("date", gte(20160817))),
+        __.not(outE("occured_at")).coalesce(out().hasLabel("dimon"), identity())).
+  valueMap()
+// only E has a valid date
+g.V().has("name", "A").out("rel").
+  union(where(out("occured_at").has("date", lte(20160817))),
+        __.not(outE("occured_at")).coalesce(out().hasLabel("dimon"), identity())).
+  valueMap()
+// only D has a valid date
+g.V().has("name", "A").out("rel").
+  union(where(out("occured_at").has("date", gt(20160817))),
+        __.not(outE("occured_at")).coalesce(out().hasLabel("dimon"), identity())).
+  valueMap()
+// neither D nor E have a valid date
+g.V().has("name", "A").out("rel").
+  union(where(out("occured_at").has("date", lt(20160817))),
+        __.not(outE("occured_at")).coalesce(out().hasLabel("dimon"), identity())).
+  valueMap()
+_Use element labels in a `select`._
+  both().
+  map(group().by(label).by(unfold())).as("b").
+  select("a","b").
+  map(union(project("a").by(select("a")), select("b")).
+  unfold().
+  group().
+    by(select(keys)).
+    by(select(values)))
+  both().
+  map(group().by(label).by(unfold())).as("b").
+  select("a","b").
+  group().
+    by(select("a")).
+    by(select("b").
+         group().
+           by(select(keys)).
+           by(select(values).fold())).
+    unfold().
+    map(union(select(keys).project("a").by(), select(values)).
+    unfold().
+    group().
+      by(select(keys).unfold()).
+      by(select(values).unfold().unfold().fold()))
\ No newline at end of file