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[12/17] incubator-hawq git commit: HAWQ-100. Code Cleanup: gpmapreduce.
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/data/raw.txt b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/data/raw.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e8682b2..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/data/raw.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1408 +0,0 @@
-This is a file that is intented to test how map reduce handles raw text data.
-It includes a number of characters designed to make things more difficult
-for external tables.
-	This line has a tab in it - the default delimiter
-	Letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKMLNOPQRSTUVWXYZ  (clar)
-	Numbers: 0123456789. +-*/=                                   (clar)
-	Punctuation: `~!@#$%^&*()_-=+\|'";:,<.>/?                      (clar)
-	Symbols: æ≤≥π¥ƒ©ç®¬÷≠«åø´¨ˆ∂˙†˜ß–Ω√∑µ∫≈˚∆œ…                    (clar)
-	Symbols2: `⁄€‹›fifl‡°·‚”’»±¿Ò‰Ç˝ÏÁ∏˘¯ÆÅØ´¨ˆÎÓˇ˜Í—¸◊„Âı˛ÔŒÚ      (clar)
-Next line is empty:
-Here's a list from html
-€  	   	&euro;
-  	&#32;
-! 	&#33; 	 
-" 	&#34; 	&quot;
-# 	&#35; 	 
-$ 	&#36; 	 
-% 	&#37; 	 
-& 	&#38; 	&amp;
-' 	&#39; 	 
-( 	&#40; 	 
-) 	&#41; 	 
-* 	&#42; 	 
-+ 	&#43; 	 
-, 	&#44; 	 
-- 	&#45; 	 
-. 	&#46; 	 
-/ 	&#47; 	 
-0 	&#48; 	 
-1 	&#49; 	 
-2 	&#50; 	 
-3 	&#51; 	 
-4 	&#52; 	 
-5 	&#53; 	 
-6 	&#54; 	 
-7 	&#55; 	 
-8 	&#56; 	 
-9 	&#57; 	 
-: 	&#58; 	 
-; 	&#59; 	 
-< 	&#60; 	&lt;
-= 	&#61; 	 
-> 	&#62; 	&gt;
-? 	&#63; 	 
-@ 	&#64; 	 
-A 	&#65; 	 
-B 	&#66; 	 
-C 	&#67; 	 
-D 	&#68; 	 
-E 	&#69; 	 
-F 	&#70; 	 
-G 	&#71; 	 
-H 	&#72; 	 
-I 	&#73; 	 
-J 	&#74; 	 
-K 	&#75; 	 
-L 	&#76; 	 
-M 	&#77; 	 
-N 	&#78; 	 
-O 	&#79; 	 
-P 	&#80; 	 
-Q 	&#81; 	 
-R 	&#82; 	 
-S 	&#83; 	 
-T 	&#84; 	 
-U 	&#85; 	 
-V 	&#86; 	 
-W 	&#87; 	 
-X 	&#88; 	 
-Y 	&#89; 	 
-Z 	&#90; 	 
-[ 	&#91; 	 
-\ 	&#92; 	 
-] 	&#93; 	 
-^ 	&#94; 	 
-_ 	&#95; 	 
-` 	&#96; 	 
-a 	&#97; 	 
-b 	&#98; 	 
-c 	&#99; 	 
-d 	&#100; 	 
-e 	&#101; 	 
-f 	&#102; 	 
-g 	&#103; 	 
-h 	&#104; 	 
-i 	&#105; 	 
-j 	&#106; 	 
-k 	&#107; 	 
-l 	&#108; 	 
-m 	&#109; 	 
-n 	&#110; 	 
-o 	&#111; 	 
-p 	&#112; 	 
-q 	&#113; 	 
-r 	&#114; 	 
-s 	&#115; 	 
-t 	&#116; 	 
-u 	&#117; 	 
-v 	&#118; 	 
-w 	&#119; 	 
-x 	&#120; 	 
-y 	&#121; 	 
-z 	&#122; 	 
-{ 	&#123; 	 
-| 	&#124; 	 
-} 	&#125; 	 
-~ 	&#126; 	 
- 	&#160; 	&nbsp;
-¡ 	&#161; 	&iexcl;
-¢ 	&#162; 	&cent;
-£ 	&#163; 	&pound;
-¤ 	&#164; 	&curren;
-¥ 	&#165; 	&yen;
-¦ 	&#166; 	&brvbar;
-§ 	&#167; 	&sect;
-¨ 	&#168; 	&uml;
-© 	&#169; 	&copy;
-ª 	&#170; 	&ordf;
-« 	&#171; 	 
-¬ 	&#172; 	&not;
-­ 	&#173; 	&shy;
-® 	&#174; 	&reg;
-¯ 	&#175; 	&macr;
-° 	&#176; 	&deg;
-± 	&#177; 	&plusmn;
-² 	&#178; 	&sup2;
-³ 	&#179; 	&sup3;
-´ 	&#180; 	&acute;
-µ 	&#181; 	&micro;
-¶ 	&#182; 	&para;
-· 	&#183; 	&middot;
-¸ 	&#184; 	&cedil;
-¹ 	&#185; 	&sup1;
-º 	&#186; 	&ordm;
-» 	&#187; 	&raquo;
-¼ 	&#188; 	&frac14;
-½ 	&#189; 	&frac12;
-¾ 	&#190; 	&frac34;
-¿ 	&#191; 	&iquest;
-À 	&#192; 	&Agrave;
-Á 	&#193; 	&Aacute;
-Â 	&#194; 	Â
-Ã 	&#195; 	&Atilde;
-Ä 	&#196; 	&Auml;
-Å 	&#197 	&Aring;
-Æ 	&#198; 	&AElig;
-Ç 	&#199; 	&Ccedil;
-È 	&#200; 	&Egrave;
-É 	&#201; 	&Eacute;
-Ê 	&#202; 	&Ecirc;
-Ë 	&#203; 	Ë
-Ì 	&#204; 	&Igrave;
-Í 	&#205; 	&Iacute;
-Î 	&#206; 	&Icirc;
-Ï 	&#207; 	&Iuml;
-Ð 	&#208; 	&ETH;
-Ñ 	&#209; 	&Ntilde;
-Ò 	&#210; 	&Ograve;
-Ó 	&#211; 	&Oacute;
-Ô 	&#212; 	&Ocirc;
-Õ 	&#213; 	&Otilde;
-Ö 	&#214; 	&Ouml;
-× 	&#215; 	&times;
-Ø 	&#216; 	&Oslash;
-Ù 	&#217; 	&Ugrave;
-Ú 	&#218; 	&Uacute;
-Û 	&#219; 	&Ucirc;
-Ü 	&#220; 	&Uuml;
-Ý 	&#221; 	&Yacute;
-Þ 	&#222; 	&THORN;
-ß 	&#223; 	&szlig;
-à 	&#224; 	&agrave;
-á 	&#225; 	&aacute;
-â 	&#226; 	&acirc;
-ã 	&#227; 	&atilde;
-ä 	&#228; 	&auml;
-å 	&#229; 	&aring;
-æ 	&#230; 	&aelig;
-ç 	&#231; 	&ccedil;
-è 	&#232; 	&egrave;
-é 	&#233; 	&eacute;
-ê 	&#234; 	&ecirc;
-ë 	&#235; 	&euml;
-ì 	&#236; 	&igrave;
-í 	&#237 	&iacute;
-î 	&#238; 	&icirc;
-ï 	&#239; 	&iuml;
-ð 	&#240; 	&eth;
-ñ 	&#241; 	&ntilde;
-ò 	&#242; 	&ograve;
-ó 	&#243; 	&oacute;
-ô 	&#244; 	&ocirc;
-õ 	&#245; 	&otilde;
-ö 	&#246; 	&ouml;
-÷ 	&#247; 	&divide;
-ø 	&#248; 	&oslash;
-ù 	&#249; 	&ugrave;
-ú 	&#250; 	&uacute;
-û 	&#251; 	&ucirc;
-ü 	&#252; 	&uuml;
-ý 	&#253; 	&yacute;
-þ 	&#254; 	&thorn;
-ÿ 	&#255; 	 
-Ā 	&#256; 	 
-ā 	&#257; 	 
-Ă 	&#258; 	 
-ă 	&#259; 	 
-Ą 	&#260; 	 
-ą 	&#261; 	 
-Ć 	&#262; 	 
-ć 	&#263; 	 
-Ĉ 	&#264; 	 
-ĉ 	&#265; 	 
-Ċ 	&#266; 	 
-ċ 	&#267; 	 
-Č 	&#268; 	 
-č 	&#269; 	 
-Ď 	&#270; 	 
-ď 	&#271; 	 
-Đ 	&#272; 	 
-đ 	&#273; 	 
-Ē 	&#274; 	 
-ē 	&#275; 	 
-Ĕ 	&#276; 	 
-ĕ 	&#277 	 
-Ė 	&#278; 	 
-ė 	&#279; 	 
-Ę 	&#280; 	 
-ę 	&#281; 	 
-Ě 	&#282; 	 
-ě 	&#283; 	 
-Ĝ 	&#284; 	 
-ĝ 	&#285; 	 
-Ğ 	&#286; 	 
-ğ 	&#287; 	 
-Ġ 	&#288; 	 
-ġ 	&#289; 	 
-Ģ 	&#290; 	 
-ģ 	&#291; 	 
-Ĥ 	&#292; 	 
-ĥ 	&#293; 	 
-Ħ 	&#294; 	 
-ħ 	&#295; 	 
-Ĩ 	&#296; 	 
-ĩ 	&#297; 	 
-Ī 	&#298; 	 
-ī 	&#299; 	 
-Ĭ 	&#300; 	 
-ĭ 	&#301; 	 
-Į 	&#302; 	 
-į 	&#303; 	 
-İ 	&#304; 	 
-ı 	&#305; 	 
-IJ 	&#306; 	 
-ij 	&#307; 	 
-Ĵ 	&#308; 	 
-ĵ 	&#309; 	 
-Ķ 	&#310; 	 
-ķ 	&#311; 	 
-ĸ 	&#312; 	 
-Ĺ 	&#313; 	 
-ĺ 	&#314; 	 
-Ļ 	&#315; 	 
-ļ 	&#316; 	 
-Ľ 	&#317 	 
-ľ 	&#318; 	 
-Ŀ 	&#319; 	 
-ŀ 	&#320; 	 
-Ł 	&#321; 	 
-ł 	&#322; 	 
-Ń 	&#323; 	 
-ń 	&#324; 	 
-Ņ 	&#325; 	 
-ņ 	&#326; 	 
-Ň 	&#327; 	 
-ň 	&#328; 	 
-ʼn 	&#329; 	 
-Ŋ 	&#330; 	 
-ŋ 	&#331; 	 
-Ō 	&#332; 	 
-ō 	&#333; 	 
-Ŏ 	&#334; 	 
-ŏ 	&#335; 	 
-Ő 	&#336; 	 
-ő 	&#337; 	 
-Π	&#338; 	 
-œ 	&#339; 	 
-Ŕ 	&#340; 	 
-ŕ 	&#341; 	 
-Ŗ 	&#342; 	 
-ŗ 	&#343; 	 
-Ř 	&#344; 	 
-ř 	&#345; 	 
-Ś 	&#346; 	 
-ś 	&#347; 	 
-Ŝ 	&#348; 	 
-ŝ 	&#349; 	 
-Ş 	&#350; 	 
-ş 	&#351; 	 
-Š 	&#352; 	 
-š 	&#353; 	 
-Ţ 	&#354; 	 
-ţ 	&#355; 	 
-Ť 	&#356; 	 
-ť 	&#357 	 
-Ŧ 	&#358; 	 
-ŧ 	&#359; 	 
-Ũ 	&#360; 	 
-ũ 	&#361; 	 
-Ū 	&#362; 	 
-ū 	&#363; 	 
-Ŭ 	&#364; 	 
-ŭ 	&#365; 	 
-Ů 	&#366; 	 
-ů 	&#367; 	 
-Ű 	&#368; 	 
-ű 	&#369; 	 
-Ų 	&#370; 	 
-ų 	&#371; 	 
-Ŵ 	&#372; 	 
-ŵ 	&#373; 	 
-Ŷ 	&#374; 	 
-ŷ 	&#375; 	 
-Ÿ 	&#376; 	 
-Ź 	&#377; 	 
-ź 	&#378; 	 
-Ż 	&#379; 	 
-ż 	&#380; 	 
-Ž 	&#381; 	 
-ž 	&#382; 	 
-ſ 	&#383; 	 
-Ŕ 	&#340; 	 
-ŕ 	&#341; 	 
-Ŗ 	&#342; 	 
-ŗ 	&#343; 	 
-Ř 	&#344; 	 
-ř 	&#345; 	 
-Ś 	&#346; 	 
-ś 	&#347; 	 
-Ŝ 	&#348; 	 
-ŝ 	&#349; 	 
-Ş 	&#350; 	 
-ş 	&#351; 	 
-Š 	&#352; 	 
-š 	&#353; 	 
-Ţ 	&#354; 	 
-ţ 	&#355; 	 
-Ť 	&#356; 	 
-ť 	&#577; 	 
-Ŧ 	&#358; 	 
-ŧ 	&#359; 	 
-Ũ 	&#360; 	 
-ũ 	&#361; 	 
-Ū 	&#362; 	 
-ū 	&#363; 	 
-Ŭ 	&#364; 	 
-ŭ 	&#365; 	 
-Ů 	&#366; 	 
-ů 	&#367; 	 
-Ű 	&#368; 	 
-ű 	&#369; 	 
-Ų 	&#370; 	 
-ų 	&#371; 	 
-Ŵ 	&#372; 	 
-ŵ 	&#373; 	 
-Ŷ 	&#374; 	 
-ŷ 	&#375; 	 
-Ÿ 	&#376; 	 
-Ź 	&#377 	 
-ź 	&#378; 	 
-Ż 	&#379; 	 
-ż 	&#380; 	 
-Ž 	&#381; 	 
-ž 	&#382; 	 
-ſ 	&#383;
-Korean Alphabet
-	12593	ㄱ	
-	12596	ㄴ	
-	12599	ㄷ	
-	12601	ㄹ	
-	12609	ㅁ	
-	12610	ㅂ	
-	12613	ㅅ	
-	12673	ㆁ	
-	12616	ㅈ	
-	12618	ㅊ	         (clar)
-	12619	ㅋ	
-	12620	ㅌ	
-	12621	ㅍ	
-	12622	ㅎ	
-	12623	ㅏ	         (clar)
-	12625	ㅑ	
-	12627	ㅓ	
-	12629	ㅕ	
-	12631	ㅗ	
-	12635	ㅛ	
-	12636	ㅜ	
-	12640	ㅠ	
-	12641	ㅡ	
-	12643	ㅣ	
-Some Japanese Kanji
-一 	one 	ichi, itsu 	hito-tsu
-二 	two 	ni, ji 	futa-tsu
-三 	three 	san  	mit-tsu
-四 	four 	shi or yon 	yot-tsu
-五 	five 	go 	itsu-tsu
-六 	six 	roku 	mut-tsu
-七 	seven 	shichi 	nana-tsu
-八 	eight 	hachi 	yat-tsu
-九 	nine 	ku or kyū 	kokono-tsu
-十 	ten 	jū 	tō
-百 	hundred 	hyaku 	momo
-千 	thousand 	sen 	chi
-上 	top 	jō 	ue
-下 	below 	ka or ge 	shita
-左 	left 	sa 	hidari
-右 	right 	u or yū 	migi
-中 	inside, middle 	chū 	naka              (clar)
-大 	large 	dai 	ō-kii
-小 	small 	shō 	chii-sai
-月 	month; moon 	gatsu or getsu 	tsuki
-日 	day; sun 	nichi 	hi
-年 	year 	nen 	toshi
-早 	early 	sō 	haya-i
-木 	tree 	moku 	ki
-林 	woods 	rin 	hayashi
-山 	mountain 	san 	yama
-川 	river 	sen 	kawa
-土 	soil 	do 	tsuchi
-空 	sky 	kū 	sora
-田 	rice paddy 	den 	ta
-天 	heaven; sky 	ten 	ama
-生 	life 	sei 	i-kiru
-花 	flower 	ka 	hana
-草 	grass 	sō 	kusa
-虫 	insect 	chū 	mushi
-犬 	dog 	ken 	inu
-人 	person 	jin or nin 	hito
-名 	name 	mei or myō 	na
-女 	female 	jo or nyo 	on'na
-男 	male 	dan 	otoko
-子 	child 	shi or su 	ko
-目 	eye 	moku 	me
-耳 	ear 	ji or jō 	mimi
-口 	mouth 	kō 	kuchi
-手 	hand 	shu 	te
-足 	foot or leg 	soku 	ashi
-見 	see 	ken 	mi-ru
-音 	sound 	on 	ne or oto
-力 	power 	riki or ryoku 	chikara             (clar)
-気 	spirit 	ki 	iki
-円 	circle; yen 	en 	maru
-入 	enter 	nyū 	hai-ru or i-ru
-出 	exit 	shutsu 	de-ru
-立 	stand up 	ritsu 	ta-tsu
-休 	rest 	kyū 	yasu-mu
-先 	previous 	sen 	saki
-夕 	evening 	seki 	yū
-本 	book 	hon 	moto
-文 	writing 	bun or mon 	fumi
-字 	character 	ji
-学 	study 	gaku 	mana-bu
-校 	school 	kō
-村 	village 	son 	mura
-町 	town 	chō 	machi
-森 	forest 	shin 	mori
-正 	correct 	sei 	tada-shii
-水 	water 	sui 	mizu
-火 	fire 	ka 	hi
-玉 	ball 	gyoku 	tama
-王 	king 	ō
-石 	stone 	seki 	ishi
-竹 	bamboo 	chiku 	take
-糸 	thread 	shi 	ito
-貝 	shellfish 		kai
-車 	wheeled vehicle 	sha 	kuruma
-金 	gold 	kin 	kane
-雨 	rain 	u 	ame
-赤 	red 	seki 	aka
-青 	blue 	sei 	ao
-白 	white 	haku 	shiro
-数 	number 	sū 	kazu
-多 	many,much 	ta 	ō-i
-少 	a few, a little 	shō 	suku-nai,suko-shi
-万 	ten thousand 	man 	yorozu
-半 	half 	han 	naka-ba
-形 	shape 	kei 	katachi
-太 	fat 	ta 	futo-i
-細 	thin 	sai 	hoso-i
-広 	wide 	kō 	hiro-i
-長 	long 	chō 	naga-i
-点 	point 	ten
-丸 	circle 	gan 	maru
-交 	mix 	kō 	maji-waru
-光 	light 	kō 	hikari
-角 	angle,corner 	kaku 	kado,tsuno,sumi
-計 	measure 	kei 	haka-ru
-直 	straight,correct 	choku,jiki 	tada-chi,nao-su
-線 	line 	sen
-矢 	arrow 	shi 	ya
-弱 	weak 	jaku 	yowa-i
-強 	strong 	kyō 	tsuyo-i
-高 	tall or high 	kō 	taka-i
-同 	same 	dō 	ona-ji
-親 	parent 	shin 	oya
-母 	mother 	bo 	haha,kaa
-父 	father 	fu 	chichi,tou
-姉 	older sister 	shi 	ane
-兄 	older brother 	kei 	ani
-弟 	younger brother 	tei 	otouto
-妹 	younger sister 	mai 	imōto
-自 	oneself 	ji or shi 	mizuka-ra
-友 	friend 	yū 	tomo
-体 	body 	tai 	karada
-毛 	hair 	mō 	ke
-頭 	head 	tō 	atama
-顔 	face 	gan 	kao
-首 	neck 	shu 	kubi
-心 	heart 	shin 	kokoro
-時 	time 	ji 	toki
-曜 	weekday 	yō
-朝 	morning 	chō 	asa
-昼 	daytime 	chū 	hiru
-夜 	night 	ya 	yoru
-分 	minute; understand 	fun,bun 	wa-karu
-週 	week  	shū
-春 	spring 	shun 	haru
-夏 	summer 	ka 	natsu
-秋 	autumn 	shū 	aki
-冬 	winter 	tō 	fuyu
-今 	now 	kon 	ima
-新 	new 	shin 	atara-shii
-古 	old 	ko 	furu-i
-間 	interval 	kan,ken 	ma,aida
-方 	direction 	hō 	kata
-北 	north 	hoku 	kita
-南 	south 	nan 	minami
-東 	east 	tō 	higashi,azuma
-西 	west 	sei or sai 	nishi
-遠 	far  	en 	tō-i
-近 	near 	kin 	chika-i
-前 	in front 	zen 	mae
-後 	behind 	go,kou 	nochi,ushi-ro,ato
-内 	inside 	nai 	uchi
-外 	outside 	gai or ge 	soto,hoka,hazu-su
-場 	place 	jō 	ba
-地 	ground 	chi or ji
-国 	country 	koku 	kuni
-園 	garden 	en 	sono
-谷 	valley 	koku 	tani
-野 	field 	ya 	no
-原 	field, origin 	gen 	hara
-里 	village 	ri 	sato
-市 	city 	shi 	ichi
-京 	capital 	kyō or kei
-風 	wind 	fū 	kaze
-雪 	snow 	setsu 	yuki
-雲 	cloud 	un 	kumo
-池 	pond 	chi 	ike
-海 	sea 	kai 	umi
-岩 	rock 	gan 	iwa
-星 	star 	sei 	hoshi
-室 	room 	shitsu 	muro
-戸 	door 	ko 	to or be
-家 	house 	ka or ke 	ie
-寺 	Buddhist temple 	ji 	tera
-通 	pass through 	tsū 	tō-ru
-門 	gates 	mon 	kado
-道 	road 	dō 	michi
-話 	talk 	wa 	hanashi
-言 	say 	gen,gon 	i-u,koto
-答 	answer 	tō 	kota-eru
-声 	voice 	sei 	koe
-聞 	hear 	bun or mon 	ki-ku
-語 	language 	go 	kata-ru
-読 	read 	doku 	yo-mu
-書 	write 	sho 	ka-ku
-記 	write down 	ki 	shiru-su
-紙 	paper  	shi 	kami
-画 	picture 	ga or kaku
-絵 	picture 	kai 	e
-図 	drawing 	zu 	haka-ru
-工 	craft 	kō or ku
-教 	teach 	kyō 	oshi-eru
-晴 	fine 	sei 	hare
-思 	think 	shi 	omo-u
-考 	think about 	kō 	kanga-eru
-知 	know 	chi 	shi-ru
-才 	ability 	sai,zai 	wazukani,zae
-理 	reason 	ri 	kotowari
-算 	calculate 	san
-作 	make 	saku 	tsuku-ru
-元 	origin 	gen or gan 	moto
-食 	eat,meal 	shoku 	ta-beru,ku-u
-肉 	meat 	niku
-馬 	horse 	ba 	uma or ma
-牛 	cow 	gyū 	ushi
-魚 	fish 	gyo 	uo or sakana
-鳥 	bird 	chō 	tori
-羽 	feather 	u 	ha or hane
-鳴 	chirp 	mei 	na-ku
-麦 	wheat 	baku 	mugi
-米 	rice 	bei or mai 	kome
-茶 	tea 	cha or sa
-色 	colour 	shoku 	iro
-黄 	yellow 	ō 	ki
-黒 	black 	koku 	kuro
-来 	come 	rai 	ku-ru
-行 	go 	kō or gyō 	i-ku,yu-ku,okonau
-帰 	return home 	ki 	kae-ru
-歩 	walk 	ho 	aru-ku,ayu-mu
-走 	run 	sō 	hashi-ru
-止 	stop 	shi 	to-maru
-活 	active 	katsu 	i-kiru
-店 	store 	ten 	mise
-買 	buy 	bai 	ka-u
-売 	sell 	bai 	u-ru
-午 	noon, 	go 	uma
-汽 	steam 	ki
-弓 	bow 	kyū 	yumi
-回 	-times, to revolve 	kai
-会 	association 	kai 	e
-組 	association, team 	so 	kumi
-船 	ship 	sen 	fune
-明 	bright 	mei 	aka-rui
-社 	company 	sha 	yashiro
-切 	cut 	setsu 	ki-ru
-電 	electricity 	den
-毎 	every 	mai
-合 	fit 	gō 	a-u
-当 	hit 	tō 	a-taru
-台 	base 	dai or tai
-楽 	pleasure 	raku 	tano-shii
-公 	public 	kou 	ōyake
-引 	pull 	in 	hi-ku
-科 	section 	ka
-歌 	song 	ka 	uta
-刀 	sword 	tō 	katana
-番 	number 	ban
-用 	use 	yō 	mochi-iru
-何 	what 	ka 	nani or nan
-丁 	pair 	chō
-世 	world 	sei or se 	yo
-両 	both 	ryō
-主 	master 	shu 	nushi or omo
-乗 	ride 	jō 	no-ru
-予 	in advance 	yo 	
-事 	abstract thing 	ji 	koto
-仕 	serve 	shi 	tsuka-eru
-他 	other 	ta 	hoka
-代 	substitute 	dai or tai 	kawa-ru or yo
-住 	dwell 	jū 	su-mu
-使 	use 	shi 	tsuka-u
-係 	person in charge 	kei 	kakari or kaka-ru
-倍 	double 	bai
-全 	whole 	zen 	matta-ku
-具 	tool 	gu
-写 	copy 	sha 	utsu-su
-列 	row 	retsu
-助 	help 	jo 	tasu-keru
-勉 	diligence 	ben
-動 	move 	dō 	ugo-ku
-勝 	win 	shō 	ka-tsu
-化 	disguise 	ka 	ba-keru
-区 	ward 	ku
-医 	doctor 	i
-去 	leave 	kyo or ko 	sa-ru
-反 	anti- 	han 	so-ru
-取 	take 	shu 	to-ru
-受 	receive 	ju 	u-keru
-号 	number 	gō
-向 	face(v.) 	kō 	mu-kau
-君 	you 	kun 	kimi
-味 	flavor 	mi 	aji or aji-wau
-命 	life 	mei 	inochi
-和 	peace, sum 	wa
-品 	article 	hin 	shina
-員 	member 	in
-商 	commerce 	shō
-問 	question 	mon 	to-u or ton
-坂 	slope 		saka
-央 	center 	ō
-始 	begin 	shi 	haji-meru
-委 	committee 	i
-守 	protect 	shu 	mamo-ru
-安 	cheap 	an 	yasu-i
-定 	fix 	tei or jō 	sada-meru
-実 	fruit or content 	jitsu 	mi or mino-ru
-客 	guest 	kyaku
-宮 	Shinto shrine or prince(princess) 	kyū 	miya
-宿 	inn 	shuku 	yado or yado-ru
-寒 	cold 	kan 	samu-i
-対 	opposite 	tai
-局 	office 	kyoku
-屋 	premise 	oku 	ya
-岸 	shore 	gan 	kishi
-島 	island 	tō 	shima
-州 	state 	shū
-帳 	account book 	chō
-平 	flat 	hei or byō 	tai-ra or hira
-幸 	happiness 	kō 	saiwa-i or shiawa-se
-度 	degrees 	do
-庫 	warehouse 	ko
-庭 	garden 	tei 	niwa
-式 	style 	shiki
-役 	role 	yaku
-待 	wait 	tai 	ma-tsu
-急 	hurry 	kyū 	iso-gu
-息 	breath 	soku 	iki
-悪 	bad 	aku 	waru-i
-悲 	sad 	hi 	kana-shii
-想 	thought 	sō
-意 	idea 	i
-感 	feel 	kan
-所 	place 	sho 	tokoro
-打 	hit 	da 	u-tsu
-投 	throw 	tō 	na-geru
-拾 	pick up 		hiro-u
-持 	hold 	ji 	mo-tsu
-指 	finger 	shi 	yubi or sa-su
-放 	release 	hō 	hana-su
-整 	put in order 	sei 	totono-eru
-旅 	trip 	ryo 	tabi
-族 	tribe 	zoku
-昔 	long ago 		mukashi
-昭 	clear 	shō
-暑 	hot 	sho 	atsu-i
-暗 	dark 	an 	kura-i
-曲 	sheet music / crooked 	kyoku 	ma-garu
-有 	be 	yū 	a-ru
-服 	clothes 	fuku
-期 	period of time 	ki
-板 	board 	han or ban 	ita
-柱 	pillar 	chū 	hashira
-根 	root 	kon 	ne
-植 	plant 	shoku 	u-eru
-業 	business 	gyō
-様 	appearance or Mr(Mrs,Ms) 	yō 	sama
-横 	side 	ō 	yoko
-橋 	bridge 	kyō 	hashi
-次 	next 	ji 	tsugi or tsu-gu
-歯 	tooth 	shi 	ha
-死 	death 	shi 	shi-nu
-氷 	ice 	hyō 	kōri
-決 	decide 	ketsu 	ki-meru
-油 	oil 	yu 	abura
-波 	wave 	ha 	nami
-注 	pour 	chū 	soso-gu
-泳 	swim 	ei 	oyo-gu
-洋 	ocean, western 	yō
-流 	stream 	ryū 	naga-reru
-消 	extinguish 	shō 	ki-eru or ke-su
-深 	deep 	shin 	fuka-i
-温 	warm 	on 	atata-kai
-港 	harbor 	kō 	minato
-湖 	lake 	ko 	mizūmi
-湯 	hot water 	tō 	yu
-漢 	China 	kan
-炭 	charcoal 	tan 	sumi
-物 	thing 	butsu or motsu 	mono
-球 	ball 	kyū 	tama
-由 	reason 	yū or yu  	yoshi
-申 	say 		mō-su
-界 	world 	kai
-畑 	agricultural field 		hata or hatake
-病 	sick 	byō 	yamai
-発 	departure 	hatsu
-登 	climb 	tō or to 	nobo-ru
-皮 	skin 	hi 	kawa
-皿 	dish 		sara
-相 	mutual 	sō 	ai
-県 	prefecture 	ken
-真 	true 	shin 	ma
-着 	wear or arrive 	chaku 	ki-ru or tsu-ku
-短 	short 	tan 	mijika-i
-研 	sharpen 	ken 	to-gu
-礼 	thanks 	rei
-神 	god(s) 	shin or jin 	kami
-祭 	festival 	sai 	matsu-ri
-福 	luck 	fuku
-秒 	second 	byō
-究 	research 	kyū
-章 	chapter 	shō
-童 	juvenile 	dō
-笛 	whistle 	teki 	fue
-第 	ordinal number prefix 	dai
-筆 	writing brush 	hitsu 	fude
-等 	class 	tō 	hito-shii
-箱 	box 		hako
-級 	rank 	kyū
-終 	end 	shū 	o-waru
-緑 	green 	ryoku 	midori
-練 	practice 	ren 	ne-ru
-羊 	sheep 	yō 	hitsuji
-美 	beauty 	bi 	utsuku-shii
-習 	learn 	shū 	nara-u
-者 	someone 	sha 	mono
-育 	nurture 	iku 	soda-tsu
-苦 	suffer 	ku 	kuru-shii or niga-i
-荷 	luggage 	ka 	ni
-落 	fall 	raku 	o-chiru
-葉 	leaf 	yō 	ha
-薬 	medicine 	yaku 	kusuri
-血 	blood 	ketsu 	chi
-表 	list or surface 	hyō 	omote or arawa-su
-詩 	poem 	shi
-調 	investigate 	chō 	shira-beru
-談 	discuss 	dan
-豆 	beans 	tō or zu 	mame
-負 	lose 	fu 	ma-keru or o-u
-起 	wake up 	ki 	o-kiru
-路 	road 	ro 	ji
-身 	body 	shin 	mi
-転 	revolve 	ten 	koro-bu
-軽 	light 	kei 	karu-i
-農 	farming 	nō
-返 	return 	hen 	kae-su
-追 	follow 	tsui 	o-u
-送 	send 	sō 	oku-ru
-速 	fast 	soku 	haya-i
-進 	advance 	shin 	susu-mu
-遊 	play 	yū 	aso-bu
-運 	carry 	un 	hako-bu
-部 	part 	bu
-都 	metropolis 	to or tsu 	miyako
-配 	distribute 	hai 	kuba-ru
-酒 	rice wine 	shu 	sake or saka
-重 	heavy 	jū or chō 	omo-i or kasa-neru
-鉄 	iron 	tetsu
-銀 	silver 	gin
-開 	open 	kai 	hira-ku or a-ku
-院 	institution 	in
-陽 	sunshine 	yō
-階 	floor of a building 	kai
-集 	collect 	shū 	atsu-maru
-面 	face 	men  	omo-te or tsura
-題 	topic 	dai
-飲 	drink 	in 	no-mu
-館 	public building 	kan
-駅 	station 	eki
-鼻 	nose 	bi 	hana
-不 	not 	fu or bu
-争 	conflict 	sō 	araso-u
-付 	attach 	fu 	tsu-ku
-令 	orders 	rei
-以 	since 	i
-仲 	go-between 		naka
-伝 	transmit 	den 	tsuta-eru
-位 	rank 	i 	kurai
-低 	low 	tei 	hiku-i
-例 	example 	rei 	tato-eru
-便 	convenience 	ben or bin 	tayo-ri
-信 	trust 	shin
-倉 	storage 	sō 	kura
-候 	climate 	kō
-借 	borrow 	shaku 	ka-riru
-停 	halt 	tei
-健 	healthy 	ken
-側 	side 	soku 	kawa
-働 	work 	dō 	hatara-ku
-億 	hundred million 	oku
-兆 	portent or trillion 	chō 	kiza-shi
-児 	child 	ji
-共 	together 	kyō 	tomo
-兵 	soldier 	hei or hyō 	tsuwamono
-典 	code 	ten
-冷 	cool 	rei 	tsume-tai or hi-eru or sa-meru
-初 	first 	sho 	hatsu or haji-me
-別 	separate 	betsu 	waka-reru
-利 	profit 	ri
-刷 	printing 	satsu 	su-ru
-副 	vice- 	fuku
-功 	achievement 	kō
-加 	add 	ka 	kuwa-eru
-努 	toil 	do 	tsuto-meru
-労 	labor 	rō 	negira-u
-勇 	courage 	yū 	isa-mu
-包 	wrap 	hō 	tsutsu-mu
-卒 	graduate 	sotsu
-協 	cooperation 	kyō
-単 	simple 	tan
-博 	Dr. 	haku
-印 	mark 	in 	shirushi
-参 	participate 	san 	mai-ru
-史 	history 	shi
-司 	director 	shi
-各 	each 	kaku
-告 	tell 	koku 	tsu-geru
-周 	circumference 	shū 	mawa-ri
-唱 	chant 	shō 	tona-eru
-喜 	rejoice 	ki 	yoroko-bu
-器 	container 	ki 	utsuwa
-囲 	surround 	i 	kako-u
-固 	harden 	ko 	kata-maru
-型 	model 	kei 	kata
-堂 	public chamber 	dō
-塩 	salt 	en 	shio
-士 	gentleman 	shi
-変 	change 	hen 	ka-waru
-夫 	husband 	fu fuu bu 	otto
-失 	lose 	shitsu 	ushina-u
-好 	like 	kō 	su-ku or kono-mu
-季 	seasons 	ki
-孫 	grandchild 	son 	mago
-完 	perfect 	kan
-官 	government official 	kan
-害 	harm 	gai
-察 	guess 	satsu
-巣 	nest 	sō 	su
-差 	distinction 	sa
-希 	hope 	ki 	mare
-席 	seat 	seki
-帯 	sash 	tai 	obi
-底 	bottom 	tei 	soko
-府 	urban prefecture 	fu
-康 	ease 	kō
-建 	build 	ken 	ta-teru
-径 	diameter 	kei
-徒 	junior 	to
-得 	acquire 	toku 	e-ru
-必 	without fail 	hitsu 	kanara-zu
-念 	thought 	nen
-愛 	love  	ai
-成 	become 	sei 	na-ru
-戦 	war 	sen 	ikusa or tataka-u
-折 	fold 	setsu 	o-ru
-挙 	raise 	kyo 	a-geru
-改 	reformation 	kai 	arata-meru
-救 	salvation 	kyū 	suku-u
-敗 	failure 	hai 	yabu-reru
-散 	scatter 	san 	chi-ru
-料 	fee 	ryō
-旗 	national flag 	hata
-昨 	previous 	saku
-景 	scenery 	kei
-最 	most 	sai 	mo or motto-mo
-望 	hope 	bō 	nozo-mu
-未 	un- 	mi 	ima-da
-末 	end 	matsu 	sue
-札 	tag 	satsu 	huda
-材 	lumber 	zai
-束 	bundle 	soku 	taba or tsuka
-松 	pine 	shō 	matsu
-果 	fruit, accomplish 	ka 	ha-tasu
-栄 	prosperity 	ei 	saka-eru
-案 	plan 	an
-梅 	apricot 	bai 	ume
-械 	contraption 	kai
-極 	poles 	kyoku 	kiwa-meru
-標 	signpost 	hyō
-機 	machine 	ki
-欠 	lack 	ketsu 	ka-keru
-歴 	curriculum 	reki
-残 	remainder 	zan 	noko-ru
-殺 	kill 	satsu 	koro-su
-毒 	poison 	doku
-氏 	family name 	shi 	uji
-民 	people 	min 	tami
-求 	request 	kyū 	moto-mu
-治 	govern 	chi 	osa-meru
-法 	method 	hō
-泣 	cry 	kyū 	na-ku
-浅 	shallow 	sen 	asa-i
-浴 	bathe 	yoku 	abi-ru
-清 	pure 	sei 	kiyo-raka
-満 	full 	man 	mi-chiru
-漁 	fishing 	ryō 	asa-ru
-灯 	lamp 	tō 	tomo-su
-無 	nothing 	mu 	na-i
-然 	so 	zen 	shika-shi
-焼 	bake 	shō 	ya-ku
-照 	illuminate 	shō 	te-rasu
-熱 	heat 	netsu 	atsu-i
-牧 	breed 	boku 	maki
-特 	special 	toku
-産 	give birth 	san 	u-mu
-的 	target 	teki 	mato
-省 	government ministry 	sho or sei 	habu-ku
-祝 	celebrate 	shuku 	iwa-u
-票 	ballot 	hyō
-種 	kind or seed 	shu 	tane or kusa
-積 	accumulate 	seki 	tsu-mu
-競 	emulate 	kyō 	kiso-u
-笑 	laugh 	shō 	wara-u
-管 	pipe 	kan 	kuda
-節 	node 	setsu 	fushi
-粉 	flour 	fun 	ko or kona
-紀 	chronicle 	ki
-約 	promise 	yaku
-結 	tie 	ketsu 	musu-bu or yu-u
-給 	salary 	kyū 	tama-u
-続 	continue 	zoku 	tsudu-ku
-置 	put 	chi 	o-ku
-老 	old man 	rō 	o-iru
-胃 	stomach 	i
-脈 	vein 	myaku
-腸 	intestines 	chō
-臣 	retainer 	shin
-航 	cruise 	kō
-良 	good 	ryō 	yo-i
-芸 	art 	gei
-芽 	bud 	ga 	me
-英 	England 	ei
-菜 	vegetable 	sai 	na
-街 	city 	gai 	machi
-衣 	clothes 	i
-要 	need 	yō 	i-ru
-覚 	memorize 	kaku 	obo-eru or sa-meru
-観 	observe 	kan 	mi-ru
-訓 	instruction 	kun
-試 	test 	shi 	kokoromi-ru
-説 	theory 	setsu 	to-ku
-課 	section 	ka
-議 	deliberation 	gi
-象 	elephant 	zō or shō 	
-貨 	freight 	ka
-貯 	savings 	cho 	ta-meru
-費 	expense 	hi 	tsui-yasu
-賞 	prize 	shō
-軍 	army 	gun
-輪 	wheel 	rin 	wa
-辞 	resign 	ji 	ya-meru
-辺 	environs 	hen 	ata-ri
-連 	take along 	ren 	tsu-reru or tsura-neru
-達 	attain 	tachi
-選 	choose 	sen 	era-bu
-郡 	county 	gun
-量 	quantity 	ryō
-録 	record 	roku
-鏡 	mirror 	kyō 	kagami
-関 	related 	kan
-陸 	land 	riku
-隊 	group 	tai
-静 	quiet 	sei 	shizu-ka
-順 	obey 	jun
-願 	request 	gan 	nega-u
-類 	sort 	rui
-飛 	fly 	hi 	to-bu
-飯 	meal 	han 	meshi
-養 	foster 	yō 	yashina-u
-験 	test 	ken
-久 	long time 	kyū 	hisa
-仏 	Buddha 	hutsu or butsu 	hotoke
-仮 	sham 	ka or ke 	kari
-件 	affair 	ken
-任 	responsibility 	nin 	maka-seru
-似 	becoming 	ji 	ni-ru
-余 	too much 	yo 	ama-ru
-価 	value 	ka 	atai
-保 	preserve 	ho 	tamo-tsu
-修 	discipline 	shū 	osa-meru
-俵 	straw bag 	hyō 	tawara
-個 	individual 	ko
-備 	provide 	bi 	sona-eru
-像 	statue 	zō
-再 	again 	sai 	futata-bi
-刊 	publish 	kan
-判 	judge 	han 	waka-ru
-制 	control 	sei
-券 	ticket 	ken
-則 	rule 	soku 	notto-ru
-効 	effect 	kō
-務 	duty 	mu 	tsuto-meru
-勢 	power 	sei 	ikio-i
-厚 	thick 	kō 	atsu-i
-句 	phrase 	ku
-可 	possible 	ka
-営 	manage 	ei 	itona-mu
-因 	cause 	in 	yo-ru
-団 	group 	dan
-圧 	pressure 	atsu
-在 	exist 	zai 	a-ru
-均 	level 	kin
-基 	foundation 	ki 	moto-duku
-報 	report 	hō 	muku-iru
-境 	boundary 	kyō 	sakai
-墓 	grave 	bo 	haka
-増 	increase 	zō 	ma-su or fu-eru
-夢 	dream 	mu 	yume
-妻 	wife 	sai 	tsuma
-婦 	lady 	fu
-容 	contain 	yō
-寄 	approach 	ki 	yo-ru
-富 	rich 	fu 	tomi
-導 	guide 	dō 	michibi-ku
-居 	reside 	kyo 	i-ru
-属 	belong 	zoku
-布 	linen 	fu 	nuno
-師 	expert 	shi
-常 	normal 	jō 	tsune
-幹 	tree-trunk 	kan 	miki
-序 	preface 	jo
-弁 	valve 	ben
-張 	stretch 	chō 	ha-ru
-往 	journey 	ō
-復 	repeating 	fuku
-徳 	virtue 	toku
-志 	intention 	shi 	kokorozashi
-応 	respond 	ō
-快 	cheerful 	kai 	kokoroyo-i
-性 	gender 	sei or shō 	saga
-恩 	grace 	on
-情 	feelings 	jō 	nasa-ke
-態 	condition 	tai
-慣 	accustomed 	kan 	na-reru
-承 	acquiesce 	shō 	uketamawa-ru
-技 	skill 	gi 	waza
-招 	beckon 	shō 	mane-ku
-授 	instruct 	ju 	sazu-keru
-採 	pick 	sai 	to-ru
-接 	contact 	setsu
-提 	present 	tei 	sa-geru
-損 	loss 	son 	soko-neru
-支 	branch 	shi 	sasa-eru
-政 	politics 	sei 	matsurigoto
-故 	circumstances 	ko 	yue
-敵 	enemy 	teki 	kataki
-断 	cut off 	dan 	ta-tsu
-旧 	old times 	kyū
-易 	easy 	eki 	yasa-shii
-暴 	outburst 	bō 	aba-ku
-条 	clause 	jō
-枝 	branch 	shi 	eda
-査 	investigate 	sa
-格 	status 	kaku
-桜 	cherry 	ō 	sakura
-検 	examine 	ken
-構 	construct 	kō 	kama-eru
-武 	military 	bu
-比 	compare 	hi 	kura-beru
-永 	eternity 	ei 	naga-i
-河 	river 	ga 	kawa
-液 	fluid 	eki
-混 	mix 	kon 	maza-ru
-減 	decrease 	gen 	he-ru
-測 	fathom 	soku 	haka-ru
-準 	standard 	jun
-演 	perform 	en
-潔 	undefiled 	ketsu 	isagiyo-i
-災 	disaster 	sai 	wazawa-i
-燃 	burn 	nen 	mo-eru
-版 	printing block 	han
-犯 	crime 	han 	oka-su
-状 	form 	jō
-独 	alone 	doku 	hito-ri
-率 	rate 	ritsu 	hikii-ru
-現 	appear 	gen 	arawa-reru
-留 	detain 	ryū ru 	todo-maru
-略 	abbreviation 	ryaku
-益 	benefit 	eki
-眼 	eyeball 	gan 	me
-破 	rend 	ha 	yabu-ru
-確 	certain 	kaku 	tashi-ka
-示 	indicate 	shi 	shime-su
-祖 	ancestor 	so
-禁 	prohibition 	kin
-移 	shift 	i 	utsu-ru
-程 	extent 	tei 	hodo
-税 	tax 	zei
-築 	fabricate 	chiku 	kizu-ku
-精 	refined 	sei
-素 	elementary 	su 	moto
-経 	manage 	kei 	he-ru
-統 	unite 	tō 	su-beru
-絶 	discontinue 	zetsu 	ta-tsu
-綿 	cotton 	men 	wata
-総 	whole 	sō
-編 	compile 	hen 	a-mu
-績 	exploits 	seki
-織 	weave 	shiki 	o-ru
-罪 	guilt 	zai 	tsumi
-群 	flock 	gun 	mu-reru
-義 	righteousness 	gi
-耕 	till 	kō 	tagaya-su
-職 	employment 	shoku
-肥 	fertilizer 	hi 	ko-yasu
-能 	ability 	nō
-興 	entertain 	kyō 	oko-su
-舌 	tongue 	zetsu 	shita
-舎 	cottage 	sha
-術 	art 	jutsu 	sube
-衛 	defense 	ei
-製 	manufacture 	sei
-複 	duplicate 	fuku
-規 	rule 	ki
-解 	untie 	ge or kai 	to-ku
-設 	establish 	setsu 	mouke-ru
-許 	permit 	kyo 	yuru-su
-証 	evidence 	shō
-評 	evaluate 	hyō
-講 	lecture 	kō
-謝 	apologize 	sha 	ayama-ru
-識 	discriminating 	shiki
-護 	safeguard 	go 	mamo-ru
-豊 	bountiful 	hō 	yuta-ka
-財 	wealth 	zai
-貧 	poor 	hin 	mazushi-i
-責 	blame 	seki 	se-meru
-貸 	lend 	tai 	ka-su
-貿 	trade 	bō
-賀 	congratulations 	ga
-資 	resources 	shi
-賛 	approve 	san
-質 	quality 	shitsu
-輸 	transport 	yu
-述 	mention 	jutsu 	no-beru
-迷 	astray 	mei 	mayo-u
-退 	retreat 	tai 	shirizo-ku
-逆 	inverted 	gyaku 	sakara-u
-造 	create 	zō 	tsuku-ru
-過 	go beyond 	ka 	ayama-chi
-適 	suitable 	teki
-酸 	acid 	san
-鉱 	mineral 	kō
-銅 	copper 	dō
-銭 	coin 	sen 	zeni
-防 	prevent 	bō 	fuse-gu
-限 	limit 	gen 	kagi-ru
-険 	precipitous 	ken
-際 	occasion 	sai 	kiwa
-雑 	miscellaneous 	zatsu
-非 	negative 	hi 	ara-zu
-預 	deposit 	yo 	azu-keru
-領 	territory 	ryō
-額 	amount 	gaku 	hitai
-飼 	domesticate 	shi 	ka-u
-並 	row 	hei 	nami or nara-bu
-乱 	riot 	ran 	mida-reru
-乳 	milk 	nyū 	chichi
-亡 	deceased 	bō 	na-kunaru
-仁 	kindness 	jin
-供 	offer 	kyō or ku 	tomo
-俳 	actor 	hai
-値 	value 	chi 	atai
-傷 	wound 	shō 	kizu
-優 	superior 	yū 	yasa-shii
-党 	political party 	tō
-冊 	counter for books 	satsu
-処 	dispose 	sho
-刻 	engrave 	koku 	kiza-mu
-割 	divide 	katsu 	wa-ru
-創 	create 	sō 	tsuku-ru
-劇 	drama 	geki
-勤 	diligence 	kin 	tsuto-meru
-危 	dangerous 	ki 	aya-ui
-卵 	egg 	ran 	tamago
-厳 	strict 	gen 	kibi-shii
-収 	take in 	shū 	osa-meru
-后 	queen 	gō 	kisaki
-否 	negate 	hi 	ina or iya
-吸 	suck 	kyū 	su-u
-呼 	call 	ko 	yo-bu
-善 	good 	zen 	yo-i
-困 	become distressed 	kon 	koma-ru
-垂 	droop 	choku 	ta-reru
-城 	castle 	jō 	shiro
-域 	range 	iki
-奏 	play music 	sō 	kana-deru
-奮 	stirred up 	hun 	huru-u
-姿 	shape 	shi 	sugata
-存 	suppose 	son
-孝 	filial piety 	kō
-宅 	home 	taku 	ie
-宇 	eaves 	u
-宗 	religion 	shū 	sō
-宙 	mid-air 	chū
-宝 	treasure 	hō 	takara
-宣 	proclaim 	sen 	notama-u
-密 	secrecy 	mitsu
-寸 	measurement 	sun
-専 	specialty 	sen 	moppa-ra
-射 	shoot 	sha 	i-ru
-将 	leader 	shō
-尊 	revered 	son
-就 	concerning 	shū 	tsu-ku
-尺 	measure of length 	shaku
-届 	deliver 	todo-ku
-展 	expand 	ten
-層 	stratum 	sō
-己 	self 	ko 	onore
-巻 	scroll 	kan 	ma-ku
-幕 	curtain 	baku 	maku
-干 	dry 	kan 	ho-su
-幼 	infancy 	yō 	osana-i
-庁 	government office 	chō
-座 	sit 	za 	suwa-ru
-延 	prolong 	en 	no-basu
-律 	rhythm 	ritsu
-従 	obey 	jū 	shitaga-u
-忘 	forget 	bō 	wasu-reru
-忠 	loyalty 	chū
-憲 	constitution 	ken
-我 	ego 	ga 	ware
-批 	criticism 	hi
-担 	shouldering 	tan 	nina-u
-拝 	worship 	hai 	oga-mu
-拡 	broaden 	kaku 	hiro-geru
-捨 	throw away 	sha 	su-teru
-探 	grope 	tan 	saga-su
-推 	infer 	sui
-揮 	command 	ki
-操 	maneuver 	sō 	ayatsu-ru
-敬 	respect 	kei 	uyama-u
-映 	reflect 	ei 	utsu-ru
-晩 	nightfall 	ban
-暖 	warmth 	dan 	atata-kai
-暮 	livelihood 	bo 	ku-rasu
-朗 	melodious 	rō 	hoga-raka
-机 	desk 	ki 	tsukue
-枚 	sheet of... 	mai
-染 	dye 	sen 	so-meru
-株 	stocks 	kabu
-棒 	rod 	bō
-模 	imitation 	mo
-権 	rights 	ken
-樹 	trees 	ju 	ki
-欲 	longing 	yoku 	ho-shii
-段 	steps 	dan
-沿 	run alongside 	en 	so-u
-泉 	fountain 	sen 	izumi
-洗 	wash 	sen 	ara-u
-派 	sect 	ha
-済 	settle 	sai 	su-mu
-源 	origin 	gen 	minamoto
-潮 	tide 	cho 	shio
-激 	violent 	geki 	hage-shii
-灰 	ashes 	hai
-熟 	ripen 	juku 	u-reru
-片 	one-sided 	hen 	kata
-班 	group 	han
-異 	uncommon 	i 	koto-naru
-疑 	doubt 	gi 	utaga-u
-痛 	pain 	tsū 	ita-i
-皇 	emperor 	kō 	ō
-盛 	prosper 	sei 	mo-ru
-盟 	alliance 	mei
-看 	watch over 	kan
-砂 	sand 	sa or sha 	suna
-磁 	magnet 	ji
-私 	me 	shi 	watakushi or watashi
-秘 	secret 	hi
-穀 	cereal 	koku
-穴 	hole 	ketsu 	ana
-窓 	window 	sō 	mado
-筋 	muscle 	kin 	suji
-策 	scheme 	saku
-簡 	simplicity 	kan
-糖 	sugar 	tō
-系 	lineage 	kei
-紅 	deep red 	kō 	beni or kurenai
-納 	settlement 	nō 	osa-meru
-純 	genuine 	jun
-絹 	silk 	ken 	kinu
-縦 	vertical 	ju 	tate
-縮 	shrink 	shuku 	chidi-mu
-署 	government office 	sho
-翌 	the following 	yoku
-聖 	holy 	sei
-肺 	lung 	hai
-背 	back 	hai 	se
-胸 	bosom 	kyō 	mune
-脳 	brain 	nō
-腹 	abdomen 	fuku 	hara
-臓 	entrails 	zō
-臨 	lookover 	rin 	nozo-mu
-至 	climax 	shi 	ita-ru
-若 	young 	jaku 	waka-i
-著 	renowned 	cho
-蒸 	steam 	jō 	mu-su
-蔵 	warehouse 	zō 	kura
-蚕 	silkworm 	kaiko
-衆 	masses 	shū
-裁 	judge 	sai 	saba-ku
-装 	attire 	sō or shō 	yosoo-u
-裏 	back 	ri 	ura
-補 	supplement 	ho 	ogina-u
-視 	look at 	shi 	mi-ru
-覧 	perusal 	ran
-討 	chastise 	tō 	u-tsu
-訪 	visit 	hō 	otozu-reru
-訳 	translate 	yaku 	wake
-詞 	poetry 	shi 	kotoba
-誌 	document 	shi
-認 	recognize 	nin 	mito-meru
-誕 	born 	tan
-誠 	sincerity 	sei 	makoto
-誤 	mistake 	go 	ayama-ru
-論 	theory 	ron
-諸 	everything 	sho 	moro
-警 	guard against 	kei
-貴 	precious 	ki
-賃 	fare 	chin
-遺 	bequeath 	i
-郵 	mail 	yū
-郷 	home town 	kyō 	gō
-針 	needle 	shin 	hari
-鋼 	steel 	kō 	hagane
-閉 	closed 	hei 	shi-meru
-閣 	tall 	kaku
-降 	descend 	kō 	o-riru
-陛 	majesty 	hei
-除 	exclude 	jo 	nozo-ku
-障 	hurt 	shō 	sawa-ru
-難 	difficult 	nan 	muzuka-shii
-革 	leather 	kaku 	kawa
-頂 	place on the head 	chō 	itada-ku
-骨 	bone 	kotsu 	hone
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/data/smalldoc.txt b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/data/smalldoc.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ce82e7c..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/data/smalldoc.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-hello world 
-this tests the hello world of map reduce word count 
-because of that we want some words to occur 
-more than once words like hello 
-so hello world hello lets do that count thing
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/data/www.small.dat b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/data/www.small.dat
deleted file mode 100644
index bc3b8a5..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/data/www.small.dat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/data/xml.dat b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/data/xml.dat
deleted file mode 100644
index 0528d5a..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/data/xml.dat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-  1 | <list><item>2</item><item>3</item><item>5</item></list>
-  2 | <list/>
-  3 | <list><item>8</item><item>9</item><item>100</item><item>5</item></list>
-  4 | <list/>
-  5 | <list><item>8</item></list>
-  6 | <list/>
-  7 | <list/>
-  8 | <list/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/DEFAULT.err b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/DEFAULT.err
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fda072..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/DEFAULT.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
--- start_matchsubs
--- m/mapreduce_\d+/
--- s/mapreduce_\d+/mapreduce_DUMMY/
--- m/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/
--- s/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/\(file:line\)/
--- m|file://([^/]*)/|
--- s|file://([^/]*)/|file://HOSTNAME/|
--- end_matchsubs
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/DEFAULT.out b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/DEFAULT.out
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/access_frequency.1 b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/access_frequency.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f42fca..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/access_frequency.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/access_frequency.err b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/access_frequency.err
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e2d63d..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/access_frequency.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
--- start_matchsubs
--- m/mapreduce_\d+/
--- s/mapreduce_\d+/mapreduce_DUMMY/
--- m/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/
--- s/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/\(file:line\)/
--- m|file://([^/]*)/|
--- s|file://([^/]*)/|file://HOSTNAME/|
--- end_matchsubs
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/access_frequency.out b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/access_frequency.out
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/bad.err b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/bad.err
deleted file mode 100644
index 061ee31..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/bad.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
--- start_matchsubs
--- m/mapreduce_\d+/
--- s/mapreduce_\d+/mapreduce_DUMMY/
--- m/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/
--- s/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/\(file:line\)/
--- m|file://([^/]*)/|
--- s|file://([^/]*)/|file://HOSTNAME/|
--- end_matchsubs
-Error: Greenplum MapReduce document must begin with a YAML MAPPING, at line 8
-Error: DOCUMENT: Missing VERSION, at line 4
-Error: Greenplum MapReduce document must begin with a YAML MAPPING, at line 16
-Error: DOCUMENT: Missing VERSION, at line 11
-Error: Invalid Document Attribute, at line 17
-Error: Invalid Document Attribute, at line 18
-Error: Invalid Document Attribute, at line 19
-Error: Invalid Document Attribute, at line 20
-Error: Invalid Document Attribute, at line 21
-Error: Invalid Document Attribute, at line 22
-Error: Invalid Document Attribute, at line 23
-Error: DOCUMENT: Missing VERSION, at line 16
-Error: Invalid VERSION format, at line 29
-Error: PORT must be an integer value, at line 33
-Error: DEFINE must be a YAML LIST, at line 34
-Error: EXECUTE must be a YAML LIST, at line 35
-Error: DOCUMENT: Missing VERSION, at line 28
-Error: VERSION must be a scalar value, at line 41
-Error: DATABASE must be a scalar value, at line 42
-Error: USER must be a scalar value, at line 43
-Error: HOST must be a scalar value, at line 44
-Error: PORT must be an integer value, at line 45
-Error: Scalar value 'list' found in DEFINE, at line 46
-Error: Scalar value 'list' found in EXECUTE, at line 47
-Error: DOCUMENT: Missing VERSION, at line 40
-Error: VERSION must be a scalar value, at line 51
-Error: DATABASE must be a scalar value, at line 52
-Error: USER must be a scalar value, at line 53
-Error: HOST must be a scalar value, at line 54
-Error: PORT must be an integer value, at line 55
-Error: DEFINE must be a YAML LIST, at line 56
-Error: EXECUTE must be a YAML LIST, at line 57
-Error: DOCUMENT: Missing VERSION, at line 50
-Error: List element found in DEFINE, at line 62
-Error: List element found in EXECUTE, at line 63
-Error: INPUT must contain a YAML MAPPING, at line 69
-Error: INPUT: Missing NAME, at line 69
-Error: INPUT: Missing FILE, GPFDIST, TABLE, QUERY, or EXEC, at line 69
-Error: OUTPUT must contain a YAML MAPPING, at line 70
-Error: OUTPUT: Missing NAME, at line 70
-Error: OUTPUT: Missing FILE or TABLE, at line 70
-Error: FUNCTION must contain a YAML MAPPING, at line 71
-Error: MAP: Missing NAME, at line 71
-Error: REDUCE must contain a YAML MAPPING, at line 72
-Error: REDUCE: Missing NAME, at line 72
-Error: REDUCE: Missing TRANSITION, at line 72
-Error: FUNCTION must contain a YAML MAPPING, at line 73
-Error: TRANSITION: Missing NAME, at line 73
-Error: FUNCTION must contain a YAML MAPPING, at line 74
-Error: CONSOLIDATE: Missing NAME, at line 74
-Error: FUNCTION must contain a YAML MAPPING, at line 75
-Error: FINALIZE: Missing NAME, at line 75
-Error: TASK must contain a YAML MAPPING, at line 76
-Error: TASK: Missing NAME, at line 76
-Error: TASK: Missing SOURCE, at line 76
-Error: RUN must contain a YAML MAPPING, at line 78
-Error: RUN: Missing SOURCE, at line 78
-Error: INPUT must contain a YAML MAPPING, at line 85
-Error: INPUT: Missing NAME, at line 85
-Error: INPUT: Missing FILE, GPFDIST, TABLE, QUERY, or EXEC, at line 85
-Error: OUTPUT must contain a YAML MAPPING, at line 86
-Error: OUTPUT: Missing NAME, at line 86
-Error: OUTPUT: Missing FILE or TABLE, at line 86
-Error: FUNCTION must contain a YAML MAPPING, at line 87
-Error: MAP: Missing NAME, at line 87
-Error: REDUCE must contain a YAML MAPPING, at line 88
-Error: REDUCE: Missing NAME, at line 88
-Error: REDUCE: Missing TRANSITION, at line 88
-Error: FUNCTION must contain a YAML MAPPING, at line 89
-Error: TRANSITION: Missing NAME, at line 89
-Error: FUNCTION must contain a YAML MAPPING, at line 90
-Error: CONSOLIDATE: Missing NAME, at line 90
-Error: FUNCTION must contain a YAML MAPPING, at line 91
-Error: FINALIZE: Missing NAME, at line 91
-Error: TASK must contain a YAML MAPPING, at line 92
-Error: TASK: Missing NAME, at line 92
-Error: TASK: Missing SOURCE, at line 92
-Error: RUN must contain a YAML MAPPING, at line 94
-Error: RUN: Missing SOURCE, at line 94
-Error: Invalid DEFINE Attribute, at line 100
-Error: 'id' is not a valid DEFINE element, at line 101
-Error: '100' is not a valid DEFINE element, at line 102
-Error: '' is not a valid DEFINE element, at line 103
-Error: 'a string' is not a valid DEFINE element, at line 104
-Error: YAML LIST element found in DEFINE, at line 105
-Error: YAML MAPPING element found in DEFINE, at line 106
-Error: Invalid EXECUTE Attribute, at line 108
-Error: 'id' is not a valid EXECUTE element, at line 109
-Error: '100' is not a valid EXECUTE element, at line 110
-Error: '' is not a valid EXECUTE element, at line 111
-Error: 'a string' is not a valid EXECUTE element, at line 112
-Error: YAML LIST element found in EXECUTE, at line 113
-Error: YAML MAPPING element found in EXECUTE, at line 114
-Error: Invalid INPUT Attribute, at line 121
-Error: id is not a valid INPUT attribute, at line 122
-Error: 100 is not a valid INPUT attribute, at line 123
-Error: is not a valid INPUT attribute, at line 124
-Error: a string is not a valid INPUT attribute, at line 125
-Error: YAML LIST element found in INPUT, at line 126
-Error: YAML MAPPING element found in INPUT, at line 127
-Error: INPUT: Missing NAME, at line 120
-Error: INPUT: Missing FILE, GPFDIST, TABLE, QUERY, or EXEC, at line 120
-Error: Invalid OUTPUT Attribute, at line 129
-Error: id is not a valid OUTPUT attribute, at line 130
-Error: 100 is not a valid OUTPUT attribute, at line 131
-Error: is not a valid OUTPUT attribute, at line 132
-Error: a string is not a valid OUTPUT attribute, at line 133
-Error: YAML LIST element found in OUTPUT, at line 134
-Error: YAML MAPPING element found in OUTPUT, at line 135
-Error: OUTPUT: Missing NAME, at line 128
-Error: OUTPUT: Missing FILE or TABLE, at line 128
-Error: Invalid FUNCTION Attribute, at line 137
-Error: id is not a valid FUNCTION attribute, at line 138
-Error: 100 is not a valid FUNCTION attribute, at line 139
-Error: is not a valid FUNCTION attribute, at line 140
-Error: a string is not a valid FUNCTION attribute, at line 141
-Error: YAML LIST element found in FUNCTION, at line 142
-Error: YAML MAPPING element found in FUNCTION, at line 143
-Error: MAP: Missing NAME, at line 136
-Error: Invalid REDUCE Attribute, at line 145
-Error: id is not a valid REDUCER attribute, at line 146
-Error: 100 is not a valid REDUCER attribute, at line 147
-Error: is not a valid REDUCER attribute, at line 148
-Error: a string is not a valid REDUCER attribute, at line 149
-Error: YAML LIST element found in REDUCE, at line 150
-Error: YAML MAPPING element found in REDUCE, at line 151
-Error: REDUCE: Missing NAME, at line 144
-Error: REDUCE: Missing TRANSITION, at line 144
-Error: Invalid FUNCTION Attribute, at line 153
-Error: id is not a valid FUNCTION attribute, at line 154
-Error: 100 is not a valid FUNCTION attribute, at line 155
-Error: is not a valid FUNCTION attribute, at line 156
-Error: a string is not a valid FUNCTION attribute, at line 157
-Error: YAML LIST element found in FUNCTION, at line 158
-Error: YAML MAPPING element found in FUNCTION, at line 159
-Error: TRANSITION: Missing NAME, at line 152
-Error: Invalid FUNCTION Attribute, at line 161
-Error: id is not a valid FUNCTION attribute, at line 162
-Error: 100 is not a valid FUNCTION attribute, at line 163
-Error: is not a valid FUNCTION attribute, at line 164
-Error: a string is not a valid FUNCTION attribute, at line 165
-Error: YAML LIST element found in FUNCTION, at line 166
-Error: YAML MAPPING element found in FUNCTION, at line 167
-Error: CONSOLIDATE: Missing NAME, at line 160
-Error: Invalid FUNCTION Attribute, at line 169
-Error: id is not a valid FUNCTION attribute, at line 170
-Error: 100 is not a valid FUNCTION attribute, at line 171
-Error: is not a valid FUNCTION attribute, at line 172
-Error: a string is not a valid FUNCTION attribute, at line 173
-Error: YAML LIST element found in FUNCTION, at line 174
-Error: YAML MAPPING element found in FUNCTION, at line 175
-Error: FINALIZE: Missing NAME, at line 168
-Error: Invalid TASK Attribute, at line 177
-Error: id is not a valid TASK attribute, at line 178
-Error: 100 is not a valid TASK attribute, at line 179
-Error: is not a valid TASK attribute, at line 180
-Error: a string is not a valid TASK attribute, at line 181
-Error: YAML LIST element found in TASK, at line 182
-Error: YAML MAPPING element found in TASK, at line 183
-Error: TASK: Missing NAME, at line 176
-Error: TASK: Missing SOURCE, at line 176
-Error: Invalid RUN Attribute, at line 186
-Error: id is not a valid RUN attribute, at line 187
-Error: 100 is not a valid RUN attribute, at line 188
-Error: is not a valid RUN attribute, at line 189
-Error: a string is not a valid RUN attribute, at line 190
-Error: YAML LIST element found in RUN, at line 191
-Error: YAML MAPPING element found in RUN, at line 192
-Error: RUN: Missing SOURCE, at line 185
-Error: INPUT: Invalid NAME, at line 201
-Error: INPUT: Invalid NAME, at line 204
-Error: INPUT: Invalid NAME, at line 207
-Error: INPUT: Invalid NAME, at line 210
-Error: INPUT: Invalid NAME, at line 213
-Error: INPUT 'input_columns_empty': Invalid COLUMNS, at line 220
-Error: INPUT 'input_columns_mapping': Invalid COLUMNS, at line 224
-Error: INPUT 'input_table_empty': Invalid TABLE, at line 229
-Error: INPUT 'input_table_empty': Invalid TABLE, at line 229
-Error: INPUT 'input_table_string': Invalid TABLE, at line 232
-Error: INPUT 'input_table_string': Invalid TABLE, at line 232
-Error: INPUT 'input_table_number': Invalid TABLE, at line 235
-Error: INPUT 'input_table_number': Invalid TABLE, at line 235
-Error: INPUT 'input_table_list': Invalid TABLE, at line 238
-Error: INPUT 'input_table_list': Invalid TABLE, at line 238
-Error: INPUT 'input_table_mapping': Invalid TABLE, at line 241
-Error: INPUT 'input_table_mapping': Invalid TABLE, at line 241
-Error: INPUT 'input_file_empty': Invalid FILE, at line 246
-Error: INPUT 'input_file_mapping': Invalid FILE, at line 249
-Error: INPUT 'input_query_empty': Invalid QUERY, at line 254
-Error: INPUT 'input_query_list': Invalid QUERY, at line 257
-Error: INPUT 'input_query_mapping': Invalid QUERY, at line 260
-Error: INPUT 'input_exec_empty': Invalid EXEC, at line 265
-Error: INPUT 'input_exec_list': Invalid EXEC, at line 268
-Error: INPUT 'input_exec_mapping': Invalid EXEC, at line 271
-Error: INPUT 'input_gpfdist_empty': Invalid GPFDIST, at line 276
-Error: INPUT 'input_gpfdist_mapping': Invalid GPFDIST, at line 279
-Error: INPUT 'input_format_empty': Duplicate FORMAT, at line 285
-Error: INPUT 'input_format_list': Duplicate FORMAT, at line 289
-Error: INPUT 'input_format_mapping': Duplicate FORMAT, at line 293
-Error: INPUT 'input_delimiter_empty': Invalid DELIMITER, at line 299
-Error: INPUT 'input_delimiter_list': Invalid DELIMITER, at line 303
-Error: INPUT 'input_delimiter_mapping': Invalid DELIMITER, at line 307
-Error: INPUT 'input_null_empty': Invalid NULL, at line 313
-Error: INPUT 'input_null_list': Invalid NULL, at line 317
-Error: INPUT 'input_null_mapping': Invalid NULL, at line 321
-Error: INPUT 'input_quote_empty': Invalid QUOTE, at line 327
-Error: INPUT 'input_quote_list': Invalid QUOTE, at line 331
-Error: INPUT 'input_quote_mapping': Invalid QUOTE, at line 335
-Error: INPUT 'input_escape_empty': Invalid ESCAPE, at line 341
-Error: INPUT 'input_escape_list': Invalid ESCAPE, at line 345
-Error: INPUT 'input_escape_mapping': Invalid ESCAPE, at line 349
-Error: INPUT 'input_encoding_empty': Invalid ENCODING, at line 355
-Error: INPUT 'input_encoding_list': Invalid ENCODING, at line 359
-Error: INPUT 'input_encoding_mapping': Invalid ENCODING, at line 363
-Error: INPUT 'input_error_limit_empty': Invalid ERROR_LIMIT, at line 369
-Error: INPUT 'input_error_limit_empty': Invalid ERROR_LIMIT, at line 373
-Error: INPUT 'input_error_limit_list': Invalid ERROR_LIMIT, at line 377
-Error: INPUT 'input_error_limit_mapping': Invalid ERROR_LIMIT, at line 381
-Error: OUTPUT: Invalid NAME, at line 385
-Error: OUTPUT: Invalid NAME, at line 388
-Error: OUTPUT: Invalid NAME, at line 391
-Error: OUTPUT: Invalid NAME, at line 394
-Error: OUTPUT: Invalid NAME, at line 397
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_table_empty': Invalid TABLE, at line 403
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_table_empty': Invalid TABLE, at line 403
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_table_string': Invalid TABLE, at line 406
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_table_string': Invalid TABLE, at line 406
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_table_number': Invalid TABLE, at line 409
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_table_number': Invalid TABLE, at line 409
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_table_list': Invalid TABLE, at line 412
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_table_list': Invalid TABLE, at line 412
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_table_mapping': Invalid TABLE, at line 415
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_table_mapping': Invalid TABLE, at line 415
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_file_empty': Invalid FILE, at line 420
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_file_mapping': Invalid FILE, at line 429
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_file_list': Invalid FILE, at line 432
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_format_empty': Duplicate FORMAT, at line 438
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_format_mapping': Duplicate FORMAT, at line 442
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_format_list': Duplicate FORMAT, at line 446
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_delimiter_empty': Invalid DELIMITER, at line 452
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_delimiter_mapping': Invalid DELIMITER, at line 456
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_delimiter_list': Invalid DELIMITER, at line 460
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_mode_empty': Invalid MODE, at line 466
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_mode_mapping': Invalid MODE, at line 470
-Error: OUTPUT 'output_mode_list': Invalid MODE, at line 474
-Error: MAP: Invalid NAME, at line 478
-Error: MAP: Invalid NAME, at line 482
-Error: MAP: Invalid NAME, at line 486
-Error: MAP: Invalid NAME, at line 490
-Error: MAP: Invalid NAME, at line 494
-Error: MAP 'map_language_empty': Invalid LANGUAGE, at line 501
-Error: MAP 'map_language_mapping': Invalid LANGUAGE, at line 505
-Error: MAP 'map_language_list': Invalid LANGUAGE, at line 509
-Error: MAP 'map_function_empty': Invalid FUNCTION, at line 516
-Error: MAP 'map_function_mapping': Invalid FUNCTION, at line 520
-Error: MAP 'map_function_list': Invalid FUNCTION, at line 524
-Error: MAP 'map_mode_empty': Invalid MODE, at line 531
-Error: MAP 'map_mode_mapping': Invalid MODE, at line 536
-Error: MAP 'map_mode_list': Invalid MODE, at line 541
-Error: MAP 'map_parameters_empty': Invalid PARAMETERS, at line 565
-Error: MAP 'map_parameters_mapping': Invalid PARAMETERS, at line 570
-Error: MAP 'map_returns_empty': Invalid RETURNS, at line 577
-Error: MAP 'map_returns_mapping': Invalid RETURNS, at line 582
-Error: TRANSITION: Invalid NAME, at line 586
-Error: TRANSITION: Invalid NAME, at line 590
-Error: TRANSITION: Invalid NAME, at line 594
-Error: TRANSITION: Invalid NAME, at line 598
-Error: TRANSITION: Invalid NAME, at line 602
-Error: TRANSITION 'transition_language_empty': Invalid LANGUAGE, at line 609
-Error: TRANSITION 'transition_language_mapping': Invalid LANGUAGE, at line 613
-Error: TRANSITION 'transition_language_list': Invalid LANGUAGE, at line 617
-Error: TRANSITION 'transition_function_empty': Invalid FUNCTION, at line 624
-Error: TRANSITION 'transition_function_mapping': Invalid FUNCTION, at line 628
-Error: TRANSITION 'transition_function_list': Invalid FUNCTION, at line 632
-Error: TRANSITION 'transition_mode_empty': Invalid MODE, at line 639
-Error: TRANSITION 'transition_mode_mapping': Invalid MODE, at line 644
-Error: TRANSITION 'transition_mode_list': Invalid MODE, at line 649
-Error: TRANSITION 'transition_parameters_empty': Invalid PARAMETERS, at line 673
-Error: TRANSITION 'transition_parameters_mapping': Invalid PARAMETERS, at line 678
-Error: TRANSITION 'transition_insufficient_parameters': requires at least 2 input parameters [state, arg1, ...], at line 679
-Error: TRANSITION 'transition_returns_empty': Invalid RETURNS, at line 690
-Error: TRANSITION 'transition_returns_mapping': Invalid RETURNS, at line 695
-Error: TRANSITION 'transition_returns_extra_values': requires exactly one output parameter [state], at line 696
-Error: CONSOLIDATE: Invalid NAME, at line 704
-Error: CONSOLIDATE: Invalid NAME, at line 708
-Error: CONSOLIDATE: Invalid NAME, at line 712
-Error: CONSOLIDATE: Invalid NAME, at line 716
-Error: CONSOLIDATE: Invalid NAME, at line 720
-Error: CONSOLIDATE 'consolidate_language_empty': Invalid LANGUAGE, at line 727
-Error: CONSOLIDATE 'consolidate_language_mapping': Invalid LANGUAGE, at line 731
-Error: CONSOLIDATE 'consolidate_language_list': Invalid LANGUAGE, at line 735
-Error: CONSOLIDATE 'consolidate_function_empty': Invalid FUNCTION, at line 742
-Error: CONSOLIDATE 'consolidate_function_mapping': Invalid FUNCTION, at line 746
-Error: CONSOLIDATE 'consolidate_function_list': Invalid FUNCTION, at line 750
-Error: CONSOLIDATE 'consolidate_mode_empty': Invalid MODE, at line 757
-Error: CONSOLIDATE 'consolidate_mode_mapping': Invalid MODE, at line 762
-Error: CONSOLIDATE 'consolidate_mode_list': Invalid MODE, at line 767
-Error: CONSOLIDATE 'consolidate_parameters_empty': Invalid PARAMETERS, at line 791
-Error: CONSOLIDATE 'consolidate_parameters_mapping': Invalid PARAMETERS, at line 796
-Error: CONSOLIDATE 'consolidate_parameters_insufficient': requires exactly 2 input parameters [state1, state2], at line 797
-Error: CONSOLIDATE 'consolidate_parameters_extra': requires exactly 2 input parameters [state1, state2], at line 802
-Error: CONSOLIDATE 'consolidate_returns_empty': Invalid RETURNS, at line 813
-Error: CONSOLIDATE 'consolidate_returns_mapping': Invalid RETURNS, at line 818
-Error: CONSOLIDATE 'consolidate_returns_extra': requires exactly one output parameter [state], at line 819
-Error: FINALIZE: Invalid NAME, at line 827
-Error: FINALIZE: Invalid NAME, at line 831
-Error: FINALIZE: Invalid NAME, at line 835
-Error: FINALIZE: Invalid NAME, at line 839
-Error: FINALIZE: Invalid NAME, at line 843
-Error: FINALIZE 'finalize_language_empty': Invalid LANGUAGE, at line 850
-Error: FINALIZE 'finalize_language_mapping': Invalid LANGUAGE, at line 854
-Error: FINALIZE 'finalize_language_list': Invalid LANGUAGE, at line 858
-Error: FINALIZE 'finalize_function_empty': Invalid FUNCTION, at line 865
-Error: FINALIZE 'finalize_function_mapping': Invalid FUNCTION, at line 869
-Error: FINALIZE 'finalize_function_list': Invalid FUNCTION, at line 873
-Error: FINALIZE 'finalize_mode_empty': Invalid MODE, at line 880
-Error: FINALIZE 'finalize_mode_mapping': Invalid MODE, at line 885
-Error: FINALIZE 'finalize_mode_list': Invalid MODE, at line 890
-Error: FINALIZE 'finalize_parameters_empty': Invalid PARAMETERS, at line 914
-Error: FINALIZE 'finalize_parameters_mapping': Invalid PARAMETERS, at line 919
-Error: FINALIZE 'finalize_parameters_extra': requires exactly 1 input parameter [state], at line 920
-Error: FINALIZE 'finalize_returns_empty': Invalid RETURNS, at line 931
-Error: FINALIZE 'finalize_returns_mapping': Invalid RETURNS, at line 936
-Error: parse failure
-gpmapreduce retcode=0
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/bad.out b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/bad.out
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/badflow.err b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/badflow.err
deleted file mode 100644
index cb224cf..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/badflow.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
--- start_matchsubs
--- m/mapreduce_\d+/
--- s/mapreduce_\d+/mapreduce_DUMMY/
--- m/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/
--- s/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/\(file:line\)/
--- m|file://([^/]*)/|
--- s|file://([^/]*)/|file://HOSTNAME/|
--- end_matchsubs
-Error: INPUT: Invalid NAME, at line 27
-Error: INPUT: Invalid NAME, at line 34
-Error: INPUT: Invalid NAME, at line 41
-Error: INPUT: Invalid NAME, at line 47
-Error: INPUT: Invalid NAME, at line 55
-Error: mapping is not a valid INPUT attribute, at line 56
-Error: INPUT: Invalid NAME, at line 66
-Error: Multiple objects in one list element, at line 67
-Error: INPUT: Invalid NAME, at line 76
-Error: Invalid Document Attribute, at line 77
-Error: DOCUMENT: Missing VERSION, at line 5
-Error: INPUT: Invalid NAME, at line 92
-Error: YAML syntax error - did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping, at line 93
-Error: DOCUMENT: Missing VERSION, at line 79
-Error: parse failure
-gpmapreduce retcode=0
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/badflow.out b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/badflow.out
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/badplperl.err b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/badplperl.err
deleted file mode 100644
index fc9804b..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/badplperl.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
--- start_matchsubs
--- m/mapreduce_\d+/
--- s/mapreduce_\d+/mapreduce_DUMMY/
--- m/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/
--- s/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/\(file:line\)/
--- m|file://([^/]*)/|
--- s|file://([^/]*)/|file://HOSTNAME/|
--- end_matchsubs
-ERROR:  creation of Perl function failed
-DETAIL:  'require' trapped by operation mask at line 10.
-Error: Object creation Failure
-ERROR:  Perl function "mapreduce_30882_badpl_map" failed (plperl.c:1199)  (seg1 slice1 maple.local:60001 pid=30884) (cdbdisp.c:1457)
-	 badplmap: die die die at line 27.
-	 External table mapreduce_30882_indirectory, line 1 of file://maple.local/views/dev-full/main/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/data/access_log2: ""
-Error: Execution Failure
-gpmapreduce retcode=0
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/badplperl.out b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/badplperl.out
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/badplpython.err b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/badplpython.err
deleted file mode 100644
index 4369f90..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/badplpython.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
--- start_matchsubs
--- m/mapreduce_\d+/
--- s/mapreduce_\d+/mapreduce_DUMMY/
--- m/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/
--- s/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/\(file:line\)/
--- m|file://([^/]*)/|
--- s|file://([^/]*)/|file://HOSTNAME/|
--- end_matchsubs
-ERROR:  PL/Python: could not compile function "mapreduce_30962_badpy_map" (plpython.c:3170)  (seg0 slice1 maple.local:60000 pid=30963) (cdbdisp.c:1457)
-	 <type 'exceptions.SyntaxError'>: EOL while scanning string literal (mapreduce_30962_badpy_map, line 14)
-	 External table mapreduce_30962_indirectory, line 1 of file://maple.local/views/dev-full/main/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/data/access_log: ""
-Error: Execution Failure
-ERROR:  PL/Python: PL/Python function "mapreduce_30967_badpy_map" failed (plpython.c:3170)  (seg0 slice1 maple.local:60000 pid=30968) (cdbdisp.c:1457)
-	 <type 'exceptions.Exception'>: error at runtime (mapreduce_30967_badpy_map, line 1)
-	 External table mapreduce_30967_indirectory, line 1 of file://maple.local/views/dev-full/main/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/data/access_log: ""
-Error: Execution Failure
-gpmapreduce retcode=0
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/badplpython.out b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/badplpython.out
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/badref.err b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/badref.err
deleted file mode 100644
index 71d64e3..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/badref.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
--- start_matchsubs
--- m/mapreduce_\d+/
--- s/mapreduce_\d+/mapreduce_DUMMY/
--- m/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/
--- s/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/\(file:line\)/
--- m|file://([^/]*)/|
--- s|file://([^/]*)/|file://HOSTNAME/|
--- end_matchsubs
-ERROR:  Could not assign a segment database for "file://invalidhost/path/to/file". There isn't a valid primary segment database on host "invalidhost"
-Error: Execution Failure
-ERROR:  could not translate host name "invalidhost", port "8080" to address: nodename nor servname provided, or not known (cdbutil.c:757)  (seg0 slice1 maple.local:60000 pid=31050) (cdbdisp.c:1457)
-Error: Execution Failure
-NOTICE:  gfile stat /dev/null/badfile failure: Not a directory  (seg0 slice1 maple.local:60000 pid=31056)
-NOTICE:  fstream unable to open file /dev/null/badfile  (seg0 slice1 maple.local:60000 pid=31056)
-ERROR:  could not open "file://maple.local/dev/null/badfile" for reading: 404 file not found  (seg0 slice1 maple.local:60000 pid=31056)
-Error: Execution Failure
-NOTICE:  gfile stat /badfile failure: No such file or directory  (seg0 slice1 maple.local:60000 pid=31059)
-NOTICE:  fstream unable to open file /badfile  (seg0 slice1 maple.local:60000 pid=31059)
-ERROR:  could not open "file://maple.local/badfile" for reading: 404 file not found  (seg0 slice1 maple.local:60000 pid=31059)
-Error: Execution Failure
-ERROR:  external table mapreduce_31061_input_bad_exec command ended with error. sh: /dev/null: Permission denied  (seg0 slice1 maple.local:60000 pid=31062)
-DETAIL:  Command: execute:/dev/null
-Error: Execution Failure
-Error: INPUT 'input_bad_table': Table 'invalid_table' not found, at line 56
-Error: Object creation Failure
-Error: RUN 'mapreduce_31071_run_1': SOURCE 'map_not_input' is neither an INPUT nor a TASK, at line 70
-Error: Object Resolution Failure
-Error: RUN 'mapreduce_31072_run_1': TARGET 'map_not_output' is not defined in document, at line 83
-Error: Object Resolution Failure
-Error: TRANSITION 'invalid_transition': No such function, at line 90
-Error: Object creation Failure
-Error: CONSOLIDATE 'invalid_consolidate': No such function, at line 97
-Error: Object creation Failure
-Error: FINALIZE 'invalid_finalize': No such function, at line 105
-Error: Object creation Failure
-Error: TRANSITION 'generate_series': Ambiguous function, supply a function prototype for disambiguation, at line 113
-Error: Object creation Failure
-Error: TASK 'badref_task': SOURCE 'invalid_input' not found in document, at line 120
-Error: Object Resolution Failure
-Error: MAP 'invalid_map': No such function, at line 131
-Error: Object creation Failure
-Error: RUN 'mapreduce_31079_run_1': SOURCE 'invalid_input' not found in document, at line 142
-Error: Object Resolution Failure
-Error: RUN 'mapreduce_31080_run_1': TARGET 'invalid_output' is not defined in document, at line 152
-Error: Object Resolution Failure
-gpmapreduce retcode=0
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/badref.out b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/badref.out
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.1 b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.1
deleted file mode 100644
index df07f92..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.2 b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.2
deleted file mode 100644
index df07f92..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.3 b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.3
deleted file mode 100644
index df07f92..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.4 b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.4
deleted file mode 100644
index df07f92..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.5 b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.5
deleted file mode 100644
index df07f92..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.5
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.6 b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.6
deleted file mode 100644
index df07f92..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.6
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.err b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.err
deleted file mode 100644
index 96ea2f5..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
--- start_matchsubs
--- m/mapreduce_\d+/
--- s/mapreduce_\d+/mapreduce_DUMMY/
--- m/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/
--- s/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/\(file:line\)/
--- m|file://([^/]*)/|
--- s|file://([^/]*)/|file://HOSTNAME/|
--- end_matchsubs
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.init.out b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.init.out
deleted file mode 100644
index 7daf0cc..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.init.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.out b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_1.out
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_function.err b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_function.err
deleted file mode 100644
index 153d799..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_function.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
--- start_matchsubs
--- m/mapreduce_\d+/
--- s/mapreduce_\d+/mapreduce_DUMMY/
--- m/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/
--- s/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/\(file:line\)/
--- end_matchsubs
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_function.out b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_function.out
deleted file mode 100644
index 76c25b2..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_function.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
- -3|   -1
- -3|    0
- -3|    1
- -2|   -1
- -2|    0
- -2|    1
- -1|   -1
- -1|    0
- -1|    1
-  0|   -1
-  0|    0
-  0|    1
-  1|   -1
-  1|    0
-  1|    1
-  2|   -1
-  2|    0
-  2|    1
-  3|   -1
-  3|    0
-  3|    1
-(21 rows)
-  0|hello world-1
-  0|hello world0 
-  0|hello world1 
-  1|hello world-1
-  1|hello world-1
-  1|hello world0 
-  1|hello world0 
-  1|hello world1 
-  1|hello world1 
-  2|hello world-1
-  2|hello world-1
-  2|hello world0 
-  2|hello world0 
-  2|hello world1 
-  2|hello world1 
-  3|hello world-1
-  3|hello world-1
-  3|hello world0 
-  3|hello world0 
-  3|hello world1 
-  3|hello world1 
-(21 rows)
-               key
-  0.54030230586814
-  0.54030230586814
-  0.54030230586814
-  0.54030230586814
-  0.54030230586814
-  0.54030230586814
-                 1
-                 1
-                 1
-(21 rows)
-   12
-   12
-   12
-   12
-   12
-   12
-   12
-   12
-   12
-   12
-   12
-   12
-   12
-   12
-   13
-   13
-   13
-   13
-   13
-   13
-   13
-(21 rows)
-ello world-1 
-ello world-1 
-ello world0  
-ello world0  
-ello world1  
-ello world1  
-hello world-1
-hello world-1
-hello world-1
-hello world0 
-hello world0 
-hello world0 
-hello world1 
-hello world1 
-hello world1 
-llo world-1  
-llo world-1  
-llo world0   
-llo world0   
-llo world1   
-llo world1   
-(21 rows)
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_reducer.err b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_reducer.err
deleted file mode 100644
index 1425df1..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_reducer.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
--- start_matchsubs
--- m/mapreduce_\d+/
--- s/mapreduce_\d+/mapreduce_DUMMY/
--- m/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/
--- s/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/\(file:line\)/
--- end_matchsubs
-Error: REDUCE 'SUM': Missing TRANSITION, at line 144
-WARNING: unset parameter - SUM(value => NULL)
-ERROR:  function sum(unknown) is not unique
-LINE 2: SELECT x, y, SUM(NULL) as value
-                     ^
-HINT:  Could not choose a best candidate function. You may need to add explicit type casts.
-Error: Object creation Failure
-WARNING: unset parameter - COUNT(value => NULL)
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_reducer.out b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_reducer.out
deleted file mode 100644
index 45688cd..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/builtin_reducer.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-1|0|    0
-1|1|    0
-1|2|    0
-2|0|    0
-2|1|    0
-2|2|    0
-3|0|    0
-3|1|    0
-3|2|    0
-4|0|    0
-4|1|    0
-4|2|    0
-5|0|    0
-5|1|    0
-5|2|    0
-(15 rows)
-  1|    3
-  2|    3
-  3|    3
-  4|    3
-  5|    3
-(5 rows)
-  1|    0
-  2|    0
-  3|    0
-  4|    0
-  5|    0
-(5 rows)
-  1|    2
-  2|    2
-  3|    2
-  4|    2
-  5|    2
-(5 rows)
-  1|    3
-  2|    3
-  3|    3
-  4|    3
-  5|    3
-(5 rows)
-  1|    1
-  2|    1
-  3|    1
-  4|    1
-  5|    1
-(5 rows)
-key|                 value
-  1|1.00000000000000000000
-  2|1.00000000000000000000
-  3|1.00000000000000000000
-  4|1.00000000000000000000
-  5|1.00000000000000000000
-(5 rows)
-1|    3
-2|    3
-3|    3
-4|    3
-5|    3
-(5 rows)
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/c_function.1 b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/c_function.1
deleted file mode 100644
index df07f92..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/c_function.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/c_function.2 b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/c_function.2
deleted file mode 100644
index df07f92..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/c_function.2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/c_function.3 b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/c_function.3
deleted file mode 100644
index df07f92..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/c_function.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/c_function.4 b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/c_function.4
deleted file mode 100644
index df07f92..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/c_function.4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/c_function.err b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/c_function.err
deleted file mode 100644
index ca796ec..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/c_function.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
--- start_matchsubs
--- m/mapreduce_\d+/
--- s/mapreduce_\d+/mapreduce_DUMMY/
--- m/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/
--- s/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/\(file:line\)/
--- m|file://([^/]*)/|
--- s|file://([^/]*)/|file://HOSTNAME/|
--- end_matchsubs
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/c_function.out b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/c_function.out
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/columns.1 b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/columns.1
deleted file mode 100644
index f0abf9b..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/columns.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/columns.err b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/columns.err
deleted file mode 100644
index f6f53d2..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/columns.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
--- start_matchsubs
--- m/mapreduce_\d+/
--- s/mapreduce_\d+/mapreduce_DUMMY/
--- m/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/
--- s/\(\w+.\w+:[0-9]+\)$/\(file:line\)/
--- m|file://([^/]*)/|
--- s|file://([^/]*)/|file://HOSTNAME/|
--- end_matchsubs
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/columns.out b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/columns.out
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/graph.1 b/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/graph.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c919e4..0000000
--- a/src/bin/gpmapreduce/test/expected/graph.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@