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svn commit: r530182 - /db/derby/code/trunk/java/testing/org/apache/derbyTesting/functionTests/util/

Author: fuzzylogic
Date: Wed Apr 18 15:11:27 2007
New Revision: 530182

DERBY-2151: Add utility to aid in converting .sql tests to JUnit.

Patch originally contributed by A B <> with additional
modifications and comments by me.

    db/derby/code/trunk/java/testing/org/apache/derbyTesting/functionTests/util/   (with props)

Added: db/derby/code/trunk/java/testing/org/apache/derbyTesting/functionTests/util/
--- db/derby/code/trunk/java/testing/org/apache/derbyTesting/functionTests/util/ (added)
+++ db/derby/code/trunk/java/testing/org/apache/derbyTesting/functionTests/util/ Wed Apr 18 15:11:27 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,1260 @@
+package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import java.util.StringTokenizer;
+ * Convert a SQL script to a JUnit test.
+ * 
+ * Usage: java org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.SQLToJUnit <embedded_sql_out_file>
+ */
+public class SQLToJUnit
+    // Default left margin is 8 spaces.
+    private static final int DEFAULT_LEFT_MARGIN = 8;
+    private static String leftMargin;
+    private static final String IJ_COMMENT = "--";
+    private static final String IJ_WARNING = "ij warning";
+    private static final String JAVA_COMMENT = "//";
+    private static final String RS_META_OBJECT_NAME = "rsmd";
+    private static final String RS_OBJECT_NAME = "rs";
+    private static final String CSTMT_OBJECT_NAME = "cSt";
+    private static final String PSTMT_OBJECT_NAME = "pSt";
+    private static final String SQL_WARN_OBJECT_NAME = "sqlWarn";
+    private static String IJ_PROMPT = "ij>";
+    private static String CONN_OBJECT_NAME = "conn";
+    private static String STMT_OBJECT_NAME = "st";
+    private static String USER_NAME = "";
+    private static String getWarningLogic;
+    // DDL statements for which we will NOT generate row count assertions.
+    private static final String [] DDL_NO_RC_COMMANDS =
+    {
+        "create", "drop", "alter", "insert", "rename", "grant ", "set schema",
+        "revoke", "lock table"
+    };
+    // DDL statements for which we WILL generate row count assertions.
+    private static final String [] DDL_RC_COMMANDS =
+    {
+        "update", "delete", "declare"
+    };
+    // SQL statements that return a result set.
+    private static final String [] QUERY_COMMANDS =
+    {
+        "select", "values"
+    };
+    // IJ-only (non-SQL) commands
+    private static final String [] IJ_COMMANDS =
+    {
+    	"show", "describe"
+    };
+    /* Positive numbers (and zero) indicate that we need to
+     * generate some kind of JDBC call and (potentially)
+     * assert something (result set, row count, etc.); negative
+     * numbers represent a "result" from executing some
+     * statement--ex. error, warning, row count, etc.
+     */
+    private static int EXEC_QUERY = 0;
+    private static int EXEC_DDL_NO_ROW_COUNT = 1;
+    private static int EXEC_DDL_WITH_ROW_COUNT = 2;
+    private static int PREPARE = 3;
+    private static int P_EXECUTE = 4;
+    private static int CALL_STMT = 5;
+    private static int COMMENT = 6;
+    private static int AUTOCOMMIT = 7;
+    private static int COMMIT = 8;
+    private static int ROLLBACK = 9;
+    private static int SET_SCHEMA = 10;
+    private static int REMOVE = 11;
+    private static int GRANT = 12;
+    private static int GET_CURSOR = 13;
+    private static int CURSOR_NEXT = 14;
+    private static int CURSOR_CLOSE = 15;
+    private static int CONNECT = 16;
+    private static int SET_CONNECTION = 17;
+    private static int REVOKE = 18;
+    private static int IJ_COMMAND = 19;
+    private static int ROW_COUNT = -1;
+    private static int BLANK_LINE = -3;
+    private static int SQL_ERROR = -4;
+    private static int SQL_WARNING = -5;
+    private static int IWARNING = -7;
+    /* Note that the result set produced by execution of a
+     * QUERY_COMMAND falls into the category of "UNKNOWN
+     * LINE" because there is no fixed "prefix" that matches
+     * the start of all result sets.
+     */
+    private static int UNKNOWN_LINE = -999;
+    // Maximum length of a line to print to the JUnit output
+    // (with some exceptions).
+    private static int LINE_LENGTH = 60;
+    private int prevLineType;
+    private String jTestName;
+    private BufferedReader ijScript;
+    private BufferedWriter junit;
+    // tmpBuf is used as a pushback buffer to store lines in case we
+    // go too far reading in result set lines.
+    private StringBuffer tmpBuf;
+    // used to skip commands in runtime statistics calls across calls to getNextIjCommand
+    private boolean gotRuntimeStatistics = false;
+    private int numIgnored = 0;
+    private int numUnconverted = 0;
+    /* This is set if connect .. user .. as statements are found in
+     * the test to decide if we should alter our search patterns to
+     * account for ij's multiple connection behavior. The hashtable
+     * is used to store the user and connection names.
+     */
+    private boolean multipleUserConnections = false;
+    private Properties userConnections = new Properties();
+    private int usersConnected;
+    private int anonymousCount = 0;
+    public static void main(String [] args)
+    {
+        try {
+            (new SQLToJUnit()).convert(args);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            System.out.println("OOPS, top-level error:");
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Convert .sql test output to JUnit JDBC code.
+     * 
+     * This keeps two lines/blocks of output at a time in currLineType
+     * and nextLineType so that the result of statement executions can be
+     * handled along with the executing statement, for example to generate
+     * the necessary asserts for errors or resultsets.
+     */
+    public void convert(String [] args) throws Exception
+    {
+        if (args.length < 1)
+        {
+            System.out.println("\n  Usage:  java SQLToJUnit <embedded_sql_out_file>\n");
+            return;
+        }
+        if (!loadIJScript(args[0]))
+            return;
+        writePrologue();
+        tmpBuf = new StringBuffer();
+        try {
+            leftMargin = "";
+            for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_LEFT_MARGIN; i++)
+                leftMargin += " ";
+            writeJUnitEOL();
+            int nextLineType;
+            boolean writeCurrLine;
+            boolean done = false;
+            StringBuffer currLine = new StringBuffer();
+            StringBuffer nextLine = new StringBuffer();
+            StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
+            while (!done && getNextIjCommand(str))
+            {
+                nextLineType = getLineType(str);
+                // if the next line is a set connection, make the switch to
+                // the object names before the next line after is read.
+                //
+                // TODO: not sure this is the exactly right place for this,
+                //       some comments are recorded with their ij prompt intact.
+                if (nextLineType == SET_CONNECTION)
+                {
+                	CONN_OBJECT_NAME = str.substring(str.indexOf("set connection ") + 15, str.length());
+                	STMT_OBJECT_NAME = "st_" + CONN_OBJECT_NAME;
+            	    IJ_PROMPT = "ij(" + CONN_OBJECT_NAME.toUpperCase()+ ")>";
+                	USER_NAME = (String)userConnections.getProperty(CONN_OBJECT_NAME);
+                	junit.write("// set connection " + CONN_OBJECT_NAME);
+                	writeJUnitEOL();
+                }
+                // Ignore IJ-specific warnings for now.
+                while (ignorableLine(nextLineType))
+                {
+                    if (nextLineType != BLANK_LINE)
+                    {
+                        junit.write("[**:: IGNORED ::**] ");
+                        junit.write(str.toString().trim());
+                        writeJUnitEOL();
+                        writeJUnitEOL();
+                        numIgnored++;
+                    }
+                    str.delete(0, str.length());
+                    if (!getNextIjCommand(str))
+                    {
+                        done = true;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    nextLineType = getLineType(str);
+                }
+                writeCurrLine = true;
+                // Condense multiple comment lines into uniform
+                // blocks of Java comments.
+                if (nextLineType == COMMENT)
+                {
+                    if (prevLineType == COMMENT)
+                    {
+                        nextLine.append(strip(str, IJ_COMMENT));
+                        writeCurrLine = false;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        nextLine.append(str.toString().trim());
+                        writeCurrLine = (currLine.length() > 0);
+                    }
+                }
+                if (writeCurrLine && ((nextLineType != SQL_ERROR)
+                    || (prevLineType != SQL_ERROR)))
+                {
+                    if (nextLineType != COMMENT)
+                        nextLine.append(str);
+                    writeJavaLine(currLine, nextLine);
+                    if (nextLine.length() == 0)
+                        writeJUnitEOL();
+                }
+                // Clear out the lines that have been processed and shuffle
+                // the buffers to prepare for the next incoming line.
+                // NOTE: prevLineType should maybe be named currLineType?
+                prevLineType = nextLineType;
+                str.delete(0, str.length());
+                currLine.append(nextLine.toString());
+                nextLine.delete(0, nextLine.length());
+            }
+            if (currLine.length() > 0)
+                writeJavaLine(currLine, nextLine);
+            // TODO: need cleanup for multiple connections
+            writeJUnitEOL();
+            junit.write("getConnection().rollback();");
+            writeJUnitEOL();
+            junit.write("st.close();");
+            junit.write("\n    }\n}");
+            System.out.println("\n  ==> Ignored " + numIgnored + " lines and left " +
+                numUnconverted + " lines unconverted.\n  ==> Output is in '" +
+                jTestName + ".junit'.\n\nDone.\n");
+            junit.flush();
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            // If something went wrong flush the junit output so that
+            // user can see whereabouts the problem occurred.
+            if (junit != null)
+                junit.flush();
+            throw e;
+        }
+    }
+    private boolean loadIJScript(String fName)
+        throws Exception
+    {
+        try {
+            ijScript = new BufferedReader(
+                new InputStreamReader(
+                    new FileInputStream(fName)));
+            if (fName.endsWith(".out"))
+                jTestName = fName.substring(0, fName.indexOf("."));
+            else
+                jTestName = fName;
+            jTestName = jTestName.replaceAll("[.]", "_");
+            junit = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(jTestName + ".junit"));
+        } catch (IOException ioe) {
+            System.out.println("-=- Could not find IJ master: '" +
+                fName + "'");
+            return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    private void writeJavaLine(StringBuffer lineToWrite,
+        StringBuffer followupLine) throws Exception
+    {
+        if ((lineToWrite == null) || (lineToWrite.length() == 0))
+            return;
+        boolean writeEOL = true;
+        strip(lineToWrite, IJ_PROMPT);
+        if (prevLineType == COMMENT)
+        {
+            strip(lineToWrite, IJ_COMMENT);
+            junit.write(JAVA_COMMENT);
+            writeMaxLenLine(lineToWrite, JAVA_COMMENT + " ", null);
+            writeJUnitEOL();
+        }
+        else if (prevLineType == IJ_COMMAND)
+        {
+            junit.write("[**:: UNCONVERTED ::**] ");
+            junit.write(lineToWrite.toString());
+            writeJUnitEOL();
+            numUnconverted++;
+        }
+        else if (prevLineType >= 0)
+            writeJDBCCode(lineToWrite, followupLine);    
+        else if (prevLineType == SQL_WARNING)
+        {
+            writeAssertWarning(lineToWrite);
+            writeJUnitEOL();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            String str = lineToWrite.toString();
+            if (str.trim().length() > 0)
+            {
+                junit.write("[**:: UNCONVERTED ::**] ");
+                junit.write(str);
+                writeJUnitEOL();
+                numUnconverted++;
+            }
+            else
+                writeEOL = false;
+        }
+        if (writeEOL)
+            writeJUnitEOL();
+        lineToWrite.delete(0, lineToWrite.length());
+        return;
+    }
+    private void writeJDBCCode(StringBuffer stmt,
+        StringBuffer result) throws Exception
+    {
+        int resultType = getLineType(result);
+        boolean success = (resultType != SQL_ERROR);
+        String indent = "";
+        if (!success)
+            indent = "    ";
+        if (prevLineType == EXEC_QUERY)
+        {
+            if (success)
+            {
+                junit.write("rs = ");
+                junit.write(STMT_OBJECT_NAME);
+                junit.write(".executeQuery(");
+                writeJUnitEOL();
+                writeQuotedLine(stmt, indent);
+                writeJUnitEOL();
+                writeAssertResultSet(result);
+            }
+            else
+                writeFailStatement(stmt, null, result, false);
+        }
+        else if ((prevLineType == EXEC_DDL_WITH_ROW_COUNT) 
+            || (prevLineType == EXEC_DDL_NO_ROW_COUNT))
+        {
+            if (success)
+            {
+                if ((resultType == ROW_COUNT) &&
+                    (prevLineType == EXEC_DDL_WITH_ROW_COUNT))
+                {
+                    writeAssertDDLCount(stmt, result, STMT_OBJECT_NAME);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    junit.write(STMT_OBJECT_NAME);
+                    junit.write(".executeUpdate(");
+                    writeJUnitEOL();
+                    writeQuotedLine(stmt, indent);
+                    result.delete(0, result.length());
+                }
+            }
+            else
+                writeFailStatement(stmt, null, result, false);
+        }
+        else if (prevLineType == PREPARE)
+        {
+            stmt.delete(0, stmt.indexOf("'") + 1);
+            stmt.delete(stmt.lastIndexOf("'"), stmt.length());
+            if (success)
+            {
+                junit.write(indent);
+                junit.write(PSTMT_OBJECT_NAME);
+                junit.write(" = ");
+                junit.write("prepareStatement(");
+                writeJUnitEOL();
+                writeQuotedLine(stmt, indent);
+                writeJUnitEOL();
+            }
+            else
+                writeFailStatement(stmt, null, result, true);
+        }
+        else if (prevLineType == P_EXECUTE)
+        {
+            // Bind the parameters.
+            if (stmt.indexOf("'") != -1)
+            {
+                stmt.delete(0, stmt.indexOf("'") + 1);
+                stmt.delete(stmt.lastIndexOf("'"), stmt.length());
+                junit.write(RS_OBJECT_NAME);
+                junit.write(" = ");
+                junit.write(STMT_OBJECT_NAME);
+                junit.write(".executeQuery(");
+                writeJUnitEOL();
+                collapseQuotes(stmt, '\'');
+                writeQuotedLine(stmt, indent);
+                writeJUnitEOL();
+                writeJUnitEOL();
+                junit.write(RS_OBJECT_NAME);
+                junit.write(".next();");
+                writeJUnitEOL();
+                junit.write(RS_META_OBJECT_NAME);
+                junit.write(" = ");
+                junit.write(RS_OBJECT_NAME);
+                junit.write(".getMetaData();");
+                writeJUnitEOL();
+                junit.write("for (int i = 1; i <= ");
+                junit.write(RS_META_OBJECT_NAME);
+                junit.write(".getColumnCount(); i++)");
+                writeJUnitEOL();
+                junit.write("    ");
+                junit.write(PSTMT_OBJECT_NAME);
+                junit.write(".setObject(i, ");
+                junit.write(RS_OBJECT_NAME);
+                junit.write(".getObject(i));");
+                writeJUnitEOL();
+                writeJUnitEOL();
+            }
+            // Now execute.
+            if (success)
+            {
+                if (resultType == ROW_COUNT)
+                    writeAssertDDLCount(null, result, PSTMT_OBJECT_NAME);
+                else
+                {
+                    junit.write("rs = ");
+                    junit.write(PSTMT_OBJECT_NAME);
+                    junit.write(".executeQuery();");
+                    writeAssertResultSet(result);
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                writeFailStatement(null, PSTMT_OBJECT_NAME,
+                    result, false);
+            }
+        }
+        else if (prevLineType == CALL_STMT)
+        {
+            junit.write(CSTMT_OBJECT_NAME);
+            junit.write(" = prepareCall(");
+            writeJUnitEOL();
+            writeQuotedLine(stmt, "");
+            if (success) {
+            	writeJUnitEOL();
+                writeAssertDDLCount(null, result, CSTMT_OBJECT_NAME);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                writeJUnitEOL();
+                writeFailStatement(null, CSTMT_OBJECT_NAME,
+                    result, false);
+            }
+        }
+        else if (prevLineType == AUTOCOMMIT)
+        {
+            junit.write(CONN_OBJECT_NAME + ".setAutoCommit(");
+            junit.write(stmt.indexOf(" off") == -1 ? "true" : "false");
+            junit.write(");");
+            writeJUnitEOL();
+        }
+        else if (prevLineType == COMMIT)
+            junit.write(CONN_OBJECT_NAME + ".commit();");
+        else if (prevLineType == ROLLBACK)
+        {
+            junit.write(CONN_OBJECT_NAME + ".rollback();");
+            writeJUnitEOL();
+        }
+        else if (prevLineType == GET_CURSOR)
+            writeGetCursor(stmt, indent);
+        else if (prevLineType == CURSOR_NEXT)
+        {
+            junit.write(stmt.substring(stmt.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1));
+            junit.write(".next();");
+            writeJUnitEOL();
+        }
+        else if (prevLineType == CURSOR_CLOSE)
+        {
+            String cName = stmt.substring(stmt.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1).trim();
+            junit.write(cName);
+            junit.write(".close();");
+            writeJUnitEOL();
+            junit.write("ps_");
+            junit.write(cName);
+            junit.write(".close();");
+            writeJUnitEOL();
+        } else if (prevLineType == CONNECT)
+        {
+        	multipleUserConnections = true;
+        	int userpos = 0;
+        	boolean anonymous = false;
+        	if (stmt.indexOf("user=") > 0) {
+        		userpos = stmt.indexOf("user=") + 4;
+        		if (stmt.indexOf(" as ") < 0) {
+        			anonymous = true;
+        		}
+        	} else
+        	{
+        		userpos = stmt.indexOf("'", stmt.indexOf("user") + 1);
+        	}
+            if (anonymous) {
+            	CONN_OBJECT_NAME = "CONNECTION" + anonymousCount;
+            	anonymousCount++;
+            } else {
+            	int connpos = stmt.indexOf(" as ");
+            	CONN_OBJECT_NAME = stmt.substring(connpos + 4, stmt.length());
+            }
+        	USER_NAME = stmt.substring(userpos + 1, stmt.indexOf("'", userpos + 1));
+        	if (userConnections.get(USER_NAME) == null) {
+        		junit.write("Connection ");
+        		junit.write(CONN_OBJECT_NAME);
+        		junit.write(" = openUserConnection(\"");
+        		junit.write(USER_NAME);
+        		junit.write("\");");
+        		writeJUnitEOL();
+        		junit.write("Statement ");
+        		junit.write(STMT_OBJECT_NAME);
+        		junit.write(" = ");
+        		junit.write(CONN_OBJECT_NAME);
+        		junit.write(".createStatement();");
+        		writeJUnitEOL();
+        	}
+        	userConnections.setProperty(CONN_OBJECT_NAME, USER_NAME);
+        	usersConnected++;
+        	if (usersConnected > 1)
+        	    IJ_PROMPT = "ij(" + CONN_OBJECT_NAME.toUpperCase()+ ")>";
+        } 
+    }
+    private void writeFailStatement(StringBuffer stmt,
+        String stmtName, StringBuffer result, boolean compileTime)
+        throws Exception
+    {
+        String sqlState = extractSQLState(result);
+        if (compileTime)
+            junit.write("assertCompileError(\"");
+        else
+            junit.write("assertStatementError(\"");
+        junit.write(sqlState);
+        junit.write("\", ");
+        if (stmt != null)
+        {
+            if (!compileTime)
+            {
+                junit.write(STMT_OBJECT_NAME);
+                junit.write(",");
+            }
+            writeJUnitEOL();
+            writeQuotedLine(stmt, "");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            junit.write(stmtName);
+            junit.write(");");
+        }
+    }
+    private void writeAssertDDLCount(StringBuffer stmt,
+        StringBuffer ddlCount, String stmtName)
+        throws Exception
+    {
+        junit.write("assertUpdateCount(");
+        junit.write(stmtName);
+        junit.write(", ");
+        junit.write(extractRowCount(ddlCount));
+        if (stmt != null)
+        {
+            junit.write(",");
+            writeJUnitEOL();
+            writeQuotedLine(stmt, "");
+        }
+        else
+            junit.write(");");
+    }
+    private String extractRowCount(StringBuffer sBuf)
+        throws Exception
+    {
+        int lineType = getLineType(sBuf);
+        if (lineType != ROW_COUNT)
+        {
+            System.out.println("OOPS, tried to extract row count from " + sBuf);
+            return "";
+        }
+        String rowCount = sBuf.substring(0, sBuf.indexOf(" ")).trim();
+        sBuf.delete(0, sBuf.length());
+        return rowCount;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Write JDBC code for an ij statement of the form:
+     *
+     *   get cursor c1 as 'select * from t1' 
+     */
+    private void writeGetCursor(StringBuffer stmt, String indent)
+        throws Exception
+    {
+        int pos_1 = stmt.indexOf("cursor") + 7;
+        if (pos_1 < 0) 
+        	pos_1 = stmt.indexOf("CURSOR") + 7;
+        int pos_2 = stmt.indexOf(" as ");
+        if (pos_2 < 0) 
+        	pos_2 = stmt.indexOf(" AS ");
+        String cName = stmt.substring(pos_1, pos_2).trim();
+        junit.write("PreparedStatement ps_");
+        junit.write(cName);
+        junit.write(" = prepareStatement(");
+        writeJUnitEOL();
+        stmt.delete(0, stmt.indexOf("'") + 1);
+        stmt.delete(stmt.lastIndexOf("'"), stmt.length());
+        collapseQuotes(stmt, '\'');
+        writeQuotedLine(stmt, indent);
+        writeJUnitEOL();
+        writeJUnitEOL();
+        junit.write("ResultSet ");
+        junit.write(cName);
+        junit.write(" = ps_");
+        junit.write(cName);
+        junit.write(".executeQuery();");
+        writeJUnitEOL();
+    }
+    private void writeMaxLenLine(StringBuffer aLine,
+        String prefix, String suffix) throws Exception
+    {
+        if (aLine.length() <= LINE_LENGTH)
+        {
+            junit.write(aLine.toString());
+            return;
+        }
+        int prefixLen = (prefix == null) ? 0 : prefix.length();
+        int suffixLen = (suffix == null) ? 0 : suffix.length();
+        String s;
+        int pos = -1;
+        boolean firstLine = true;
+        while (aLine.length() > 0)
+        {
+            if (!firstLine)
+            {
+                writeJUnitEOL();
+                if (prefixLen > 0)
+                    junit.write(prefix);
+            }
+            pos = aLine.indexOf("\n");
+            if (pos != -1)
+            {
+                writeMaxLenLine(new StringBuffer(aLine.substring(0, pos)),
+                    prefix, suffix);
+                pos++;
+            }
+            else if (aLine.length() <= LINE_LENGTH)
+            {
+                junit.write(aLine.toString());
+                pos = aLine.length();
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                s = aLine.toString().substring(
+                    0, LINE_LENGTH - prefixLen - suffixLen);
+                pos = s.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1;
+                if (pos == 0)
+                    pos = s.length();
+                junit.write(s.substring(0, pos));
+            }
+            aLine.delete(0, pos);
+            if ((suffixLen > 0) && (aLine.length() > 0))
+                junit.write(suffix);
+            firstLine = false;
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    private void escapeQuotes(StringBuffer aLine)
+    {
+        if ((aLine == null) || (aLine.length() == 0))
+            return;
+        int len = aLine.length();
+        for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+        {
+            if (aLine.charAt(i) == '"')
+                aLine.replace(i, i+1, "\\\"");
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    private void collapseQuotes(StringBuffer aLine, char quote)
+    {
+        if ((aLine == null) || (aLine.length() == 0))
+            return;
+        int len = aLine.length();
+        for (int i = len - 1; i >= 1; i--)
+        {
+            if ((aLine.charAt(i) == quote) &&
+                (aLine.charAt(i-1) == quote))
+            {
+                aLine.deleteCharAt(i);
+                i--;
+            }
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    private String strip(String str, String toStrip)
+    {
+        if ((toStrip == null) || (toStrip.length() == 0))
+            return str;
+        if (!str.trim().startsWith(toStrip))
+            return str;
+        return str.substring(
+            str.indexOf(toStrip) + toStrip.length()).trim();
+    }
+    private StringBuffer strip(StringBuffer sBuf, String toStrip)
+    {
+        if ((toStrip == null) || (toStrip.length() == 0))
+            return sBuf;
+        if (sBuf.length() == 0)
+            return sBuf;
+        // Move past the beginning whitespace, if any.
+        int pos = 0;
+        while (Character.isWhitespace(sBuf.charAt(pos)))
+            pos++;
+        int len = toStrip.length();
+        boolean okayToStrip = true;
+        for (int i = 0; (i < len) && okayToStrip; i++)
+        {
+            if (sBuf.charAt(pos+i) != toStrip.charAt(i))
+                okayToStrip = false;
+        }
+        if (okayToStrip)
+            sBuf.delete(0, pos + len);
+        return sBuf;
+    }
+    private int getLineType(StringBuffer sBuf)
+    {
+        return getLineType(sBuf.toString());
+    }
+    private int getLineType(String str)
+    {
+        str = strip(str, IJ_PROMPT).toLowerCase().trim();
+        if (str.length() == 0)
+            return BLANK_LINE;
+        else if (str.startsWith(IJ_WARNING))
+            return IWARNING;
+        else if (str.startsWith(IJ_COMMENT))
+            return COMMENT;
+        else if (str.startsWith("error"))
+            return SQL_ERROR;
+        else if (str.startsWith("warning"))
+            return SQL_WARNING;
+        else if (isIjCommand(str))
+        	return IJ_COMMAND;
+        else if (isQueryStatement(str))
+            return EXEC_QUERY;
+        else if (isDDLWithRowCount(str))
+            return EXEC_DDL_WITH_ROW_COUNT;
+        else if (isDDLNoRowCount(str))
+            return EXEC_DDL_NO_ROW_COUNT;
+        else if (str.startsWith("prepare"))
+            return PREPARE;
+        else if (str.startsWith("execute"))
+            return P_EXECUTE;
+        else if (str.startsWith("call "))
+            return CALL_STMT;
+        else if (Character.isDigit(str.charAt(0)))
+        {
+            int pos = str.indexOf(" ");
+            if ((pos > 0) && str.substring(pos).trim().startsWith("row"))
+                return ROW_COUNT;
+            return UNKNOWN_LINE;
+        }
+        else if (str.startsWith("autocommit"))
+            return AUTOCOMMIT;
+        else if (str.startsWith("commit"))
+            return COMMIT;
+        else if (str.startsWith("rollback"))
+            return ROLLBACK;
+        else if (str.startsWith("set schema"))
+            return SET_SCHEMA;
+        else if (str.startsWith("grant "))
+            return GRANT;
+        else if (str.startsWith("revoke"))
+            return REVOKE;
+        else if (str.startsWith("remove"))
+            return REMOVE;
+        else if (str.startsWith("get cursor"))
+            return GET_CURSOR;
+        else if (str.startsWith("next "))
+            return CURSOR_NEXT;
+        else if (str.startsWith("close"))
+            return CURSOR_CLOSE;
+        else if (str.startsWith("connect"))
+        	return CONNECT;
+        else if (str.startsWith("set connection"))
+        	return SET_CONNECTION;
+        else
+            return UNKNOWN_LINE;
+    }
+    /* Note: the next four methods could probably be condensed into one
+     * method: e.g. void isMember(String[], String)
+     */
+    private boolean isDDLWithRowCount(String str)
+    {
+        for (int i = 0; i < DDL_RC_COMMANDS.length; i++)
+        {
+            if (str.startsWith(DDL_RC_COMMANDS[i]))
+                return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    private boolean isDDLNoRowCount(String str)
+    {
+        for (int i = 0; i < DDL_NO_RC_COMMANDS.length; i++)
+        {
+            if (str.startsWith(DDL_NO_RC_COMMANDS[i]))
+                return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    private boolean isQueryStatement(String str)
+    {
+        for (int i = 0; i < QUERY_COMMANDS.length; i++)
+        {
+            if (str.startsWith(QUERY_COMMANDS[i]))
+                return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    private boolean isIjCommand(String str)
+    {
+        for (int i = 0; i < IJ_COMMANDS.length; i++)
+        {
+            if (str.startsWith(IJ_COMMANDS[i]))
+                return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    private void writeAssertResultSet(StringBuffer rsAsText)
+        throws Exception
+    {
+        while ((rsAsText.length() > 0) &&
+            Character.isWhitespace(rsAsText.charAt(0)))
+        {
+            rsAsText.deleteCharAt(0);
+        }
+        BufferedReader rsReader =
+            new BufferedReader(
+                new StringReader(rsAsText.toString()));
+        int rowCount = 0;
+        int colCount = 0;
+        boolean wroteDecl = false;
+        StringBuffer sBuf = new StringBuffer();
+        StringTokenizer tkzr = null;
+        for (String row = rsReader.readLine(); row != null;
+            row = rsReader.readLine(), rowCount++)
+        {
+            // Second row is just "underlining" of the column names,
+            // so skip it.
+            if ((rowCount == 1) || (getLineType(row) == ROW_COUNT))
+                continue;
+            // First row is column names.
+            if (rowCount == 0)
+            {
+                writeJUnitEOL();
+                junit.write("expColNames = new String [] {");
+            }
+            else if (!wroteDecl)
+            {
+                writeJUnitEOL();
+                junit.write("expRS = new String [][]");
+                writeJUnitEOL();
+                junit.write("{");
+                wroteDecl = true;
+            }
+            if (rowCount > 2)
+                junit.write(",");
+            colCount = 0;
+            tkzr = new StringTokenizer(row, "|");
+            if (rowCount > 0)
+            {
+                writeJUnitEOL();
+                junit.write("    {");
+            }
+            while (tkzr.hasMoreTokens())
+            {
+                sBuf.append(tkzr.nextToken().trim());
+                escapeQuotes(sBuf);
+                if (colCount > 0)
+                    junit.write(", ");
+                if (sBuf.toString().equals("NULL"))
+                    junit.write("null");
+                else
+                {
+                    junit.write("\"");
+                    writeMaxLenLine(sBuf, "        + \"", "\"");
+                    junit.write("\"");
+                }
+                colCount++;
+                sBuf.delete(0, sBuf.length());
+            }
+            junit.write("}");
+            if (rowCount == 0)
+            {
+                junit.write(";");
+                writeJUnitEOL();
+                junit.write("JDBC.assertColumnNames(rs, expColNames);");
+                writeJUnitEOL();
+            }
+        }
+        // Row count of 2 means we had an empty result set.
+        if (rowCount == 2)
+            junit.write("JDBC.assertDrainResults(rs, 0);");
+        else
+        {
+            writeJUnitEOL();
+            junit.write("};");
+            writeJUnitEOL();
+            writeJUnitEOL();
+            junit.write("JDBC.assertFullResultSet(rs, expRS, true);");
+        }
+        rsAsText.delete(0, rsAsText.length());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Extract out the SQLSTATE.  Messages are of the
+     * form "ERROR <SQLSTATE>: ..." or "WARNING <SQLSTATE>: ...".
+     * or "ERROR ... SQLSTATE <SQLSTATE>"
+     */
+    private String extractSQLState(StringBuffer errString)
+        throws Exception
+    {
+    	String sqlState;
+    	if (errString.indexOf("SQLSTATE") > 0)
+    	{
+    		sqlState = errString.delete(0, errString.indexOf(" ", errString.indexOf("SQLSTATE")) + 1).toString().substring(0,5);
+    		errString.delete(0, 6);
+    	} else {
+            sqlState =
+                errString.substring(
+                    errString.indexOf(" ") + 1, errString.indexOf(":"));
+            errString.delete(0, errString.length());	
+    	}
+        return sqlState;
+    }
+    private void writeAssertSQLState(String sqlState,
+        String objName) throws Exception
+    {
+        junit.write("assertSQLState(\"");
+        junit.write(sqlState);
+        junit.write("\", ");
+        junit.write(objName);
+        junit.write(");");
+        return;
+    }
+    private void writeAssertWarning(StringBuffer warnString)
+        throws Exception
+    {
+        String indent = "    ";
+        if (getWarningLogic == null)
+        {
+            getWarningLogic = 
+                "if (usingEmbedded())\n" + leftMargin + "{\n" +
+                leftMargin + indent + "if ((" + SQL_WARN_OBJECT_NAME +
+                " == null) && (" + STMT_OBJECT_NAME + " != null))\n"
+                + leftMargin + indent + indent + SQL_WARN_OBJECT_NAME
+                + " = " + STMT_OBJECT_NAME + ".getWarnings();\n" +
+                leftMargin + indent + "if (" + SQL_WARN_OBJECT_NAME +
+                " == null)\n" + leftMargin + indent + indent +
+                SQL_WARN_OBJECT_NAME + " = " + 
+                (multipleUserConnections ? CONN_OBJECT_NAME : "getConnection()")
+                + ".getWarnings();\n" + leftMargin;
+        }
+        junit.write(getWarningLogic);
+        junit.write(indent);
+        junit.write("assertNotNull(\"Expected warning but found none\", ");
+        junit.write(SQL_WARN_OBJECT_NAME);
+        junit.write(");");
+        writeJUnitEOL();
+        junit.write(indent);
+        writeAssertSQLState(
+            extractSQLState(warnString), SQL_WARN_OBJECT_NAME);
+        writeJUnitEOL();
+        junit.write(indent);
+        junit.write("sqlWarn = null;");
+        writeJUnitEOL();
+        junit.write("}");
+    }
+    private void writeQuotedLine(StringBuffer line, String indent)
+        throws Exception
+    {
+        junit.write(indent);
+        junit.write("    \"");
+        escapeQuotes(line);
+        writeMaxLenLine(line, indent + "    + \"", "\"");
+        junit.write("\");");
+    }
+    private void writeJUnitEOL()
+        throws IOException
+    {
+        junit.write("\n");
+        junit.write(leftMargin);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return one ij command, or if it's a result set, return the entire result set
+     * in the StringBuffer.
+     */
+    private boolean getNextIjCommand(StringBuffer aLine)
+        throws IOException
+    {
+        int c = 0;
+        boolean done = false;
+        StringBuffer targetBuf = aLine;
+        String nextline = null;
+        boolean insideRS = false;
+        boolean gotFirstComment = false;
+        boolean gotCommand = false;
+        boolean readFromTmpBuf = false;
+        if (tmpBuf.length() > 0)
+        {
+        	// get pushed back command 
+            nextline = tmpBuf.toString();
+            tmpBuf.delete(0, tmpBuf.length());
+            readFromTmpBuf = true;
+        }
+        while(!done)
+        {
+        	if (!readFromTmpBuf) {
+            	nextline = ijScript.readLine();	
+        	} else {
+        		readFromTmpBuf = false;
+        	}
+        	int linetype;
+        	if (nextline == null) {
+        		c = -1;
+        		break;
+        	} else {
+        		nextline = nextline.trim();
+        		linetype = getLineType(nextline);
+        		// multiple lines of SQL comments will be condensed in convert().
+        		// If we are inside a result set, allow the first line of a command
+        		// to be pushed back, otherwise Once we are accumulating lines for a command,
+        		// don't stop until we find a semicolon.
+        		if (!insideRS) 
+        			gotCommand = gotCommand || (linetype > -1 && linetype != COMMENT);
+        	}
+            if (!insideRS && (nextline.charAt(nextline.length() - 1) == ';'))
+        	{
+                // most likely a single-line command, chomp the semicolon and return
+  			    targetBuf.append(nextline.substring(0, nextline.length() - 1));
+  			    // if we're getting runtime statistics, skip the next command inside a 
+  			    // result set, it will be the command that we're getting RS for.
+  			    if (nextline.indexOf("GET_RUNTIMESTATISTICS()") > 0)
+  			    	gotRuntimeStatistics = true;
+  			    break;
+        	} else {
+        		// unknown lines are assumed to be a part of a command if we got one previously.
+        		// otherwise, must be part of a result set.
+        		if (!gotCommand) {
+        			// must be part of a result set
+        			if (linetype == UNKNOWN_LINE || (linetype == COMMENT && !gotFirstComment && insideRS)) {
+            			insideRS = true;
+            			if (linetype == COMMENT) gotFirstComment = true;
+      			        targetBuf.append(nextline);
+      			        targetBuf.append("\n");
+      			        continue;
+        			}
+        	    }
+        		if (insideRS) {
+        			if (linetype > -1) {
+            			// got a command, comment or query. Result
+            			// set is over and we went one line too far, hold it for
+            			// the next call.
+                        // put the first command found into the resulset if this is a
+        				// RuntimeStatistics resultset.
+            			if (gotRuntimeStatistics) {
+            				gotRuntimeStatistics = false;
+              			    targetBuf.append(nextline);
+              			    targetBuf.append("\n");
+            				continue;
+            			}
+            			tmpBuf.append(nextline);
+            			break;
+            		} else {
+            			// got a row count or error, return it with the result set.
+          			    targetBuf.append(nextline);
+          			    break;
+            		}
+        		}  else {
+      			    targetBuf.append(nextline);
+      			    if (gotCommand)
+            			// multi-line command or comment, keep going till
+            			// we get a semicolon
+      			    	continue;
+      			    else
+      			    	// single line warning or error, finished
+      			    	break;
+        		}
+        	}
+        }
+        return (c != -1);
+    }
+    private boolean haveNonCommand(String aLine)
+    {
+        int lType = getLineType(aLine);
+        return ((lType < 0) || (lType == COMMENT));
+    }
+    private boolean ignorableLine(int lineType)
+    {
+        return (lineType == IWARNING)
+            || (lineType == BLANK_LINE);
+    }
+    /* TODO: It would be nice to automatically write the prologue to
+     *       contain the proper sqlAuthorizationDecorator if we have
+     *       multiple connections in the test, but this would require
+     *       rethinking how the output is written, since the prologue
+     *       could not be constructed until the rest of the output has
+     *       been processed.
+     */
+    private void writePrologue() throws IOException
+    {
+        final String prologueText =
+            "\npublic final class IJToJUnitTest extends BaseJDBCTestCase {\n\n" + 
+            "    /**\n" +
+            "     * Public constructor required for running test as standalone JUnit.\n" +
+            "     */\n" +
+            "    public IJToJUnitTest(String name)\n" +
+            "    {\n" +
+            "        super(name);\n" +
+            "    }\n\n" +
+            "    public static Test suite()\n" +
+            "    {\n" +
+            "        TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(\"IJToJUnitTest Test\");\n" +
+            "        suite.addTest(TestConfiguration.defaultSuite(IJToJUnitTest.class));\n" +
+            "        return suite;\n" +
+            "    }\n\n" +
+            "    public void test_IJToJUnitTest() throws Exception\n" +
+            "    {\n" +
+            "        ResultSet rs = null;\n" +
+            "        ResultSetMetaData rsmd;\n" +
+            "        SQLWarning sqlWarn = null;\n\n" +
+            "        PreparedStatement pSt;\n" +
+            "        CallableStatement cSt;\n" +
+            "        Statement st = createStatement();\n\n" +
+            "        String [][] expRS;\n" +
+            "        String [] expColNames;\n\n";
+        junit.write(prologueText.replaceAll("IJToJUnitTest", jTestName));
+    }

Propchange: db/derby/code/trunk/java/testing/org/apache/derbyTesting/functionTests/util/
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: db/derby/code/trunk/java/testing/org/apache/derbyTesting/functionTests/util/
    svn:executable = *