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[40/51] [partial] incubator-systemml git commit: [SYSTEMML-482] [SYSTEMML-480] Adding a Git attributes file to enfore Unix-styled line endings, and normalizing all of the line endings.
diff --git a/scripts/algorithms/stratstats.dml b/scripts/algorithms/stratstats.dml
index fc846f3..2b7425d 100644
--- a/scripts/algorithms/stratstats.dml
+++ b/scripts/algorithms/stratstats.dml
@@ -1,396 +1,396 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# X     String  ---     Location to read matrix X that has all 1-st covariates
-# Y     String  " "     Location to read matrix Y that has all 2-nd covariates
-#                       the default value " " means "use X in place of Y"
-# S     String  " "     Location to read matrix S that has the stratum column
-#                       the default value " " means "use X in place of S"
-# Xcid  String  " "     Location to read the 1-st covariate X-column indices
-#                       the default value " " means "use columns 1 : ncol(X)"
-# Ycid  String  " "     Location to read the 2-nd covariate Y-column indices
-#                       the default value " " means "use columns 1 : ncol(Y)"
-# Scid  Int      1      Column index of the stratum column in S
-# O     String  ---     Location to store the output matrix (see below)
-# fmt   String "text"   Matrix output format, usually "text" or "csv"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Note: the stratum column must contain small positive integers; all fractional
-# values are rounded; strata with ID <= 0 or NaN are treated as missing.
-# One row per each distinct pair (1st covariate, 2nd covariate)
-# 40 columns containing the following information:
-#     Col 01: 1st covariate X-column number
-#     Col 02: 1st covariate global presence count
-#     Col 03: 1st covariate global mean
-#     Col 04: 1st covariate global standard deviation
-#     Col 05: 1st covariate stratified standard deviation
-#     Col 06: R-squared, 1st covariate vs. strata
-#     Col 07: adjusted R-squared, 1st covariate vs. strata
-#     Col 08: P-value, 1st covariate vs. strata
-#     Col 09-10: Reserved
-#     Col 11: 2nd covariate Y-column number
-#     Col 12: 2nd covariate global presence count
-#     Col 13: 2nd covariate global mean
-#     Col 14: 2nd covariate global standard deviation
-#     Col 15: 2nd covariate stratified standard deviation
-#     Col 16: R-squared, 2nd covariate vs. strata
-#     Col 17: adjusted R-squared, 2nd covariate vs. strata
-#     Col 18: P-value, 2nd covariate vs. strata
-#     Col 19-20: Reserved
-#     Col 21: Global 1st & 2nd covariate presence count
-#     Col 22: Global regression slope (2nd vs. 1st covariate)
-#     Col 23: Global regression slope standard deviation
-#     Col 24: Global correlation = +/- sqrt(R-squared)
-#     Col 25: Global residual standard deviation
-#     Col 26: Global R-squared
-#     Col 27: Global adjusted R-squared
-#     Col 28: Global P-value for hypothesis "slope = 0"
-#     Col 29-30: Reserved
-#     Col 31: Stratified 1st & 2nd covariate presence count
-#     Col 32: Stratified regression slope (2nd vs. 1st covariate)
-#     Col 33: Stratified regression slope standard deviation
-#     Col 34: Stratified correlation = +/- sqrt(R-squared)
-#     Col 35: Stratified residual standard deviation
-#     Col 36: Stratified R-squared
-#     Col 37: Stratified adjusted R-squared
-#     Col 38: Stratified P-value for hypothesis "slope = 0"
-#     Col 39: Number of strata with at least two counted points
-#     Col 40: Reserved
-# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f stratstats.dml -nvargs X=INPUT_DIR/X.mtx Xcid=INPUT_DIR/Xcid.mtx
-#     Y=INPUT_DIR/Y.mtx Ycid=INPUT_DIR/Ycid.mtx S=INPUT_DIR/S.mtx Scid=1 O=OUTPUT_DIR/Out.mtx fmt=csv
-# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f stratstats.dml -nvargs X=INPUT_DIR/Data.mtx Xcid=INPUT_DIR/Xcid.mtx
-#     Ycid=INPUT_DIR/Ycid.mtx Scid=1 O=OUTPUT_DIR/Out.mtx
-fileX = $X;
-fileY = ifdef ($Y, " ");
-fileS = ifdef ($S, " ");
-fileO = $O;
-fmtO  = ifdef ($fmt, "text");
-fileXcid = ifdef ($Xcid, " ");
-fileYcid = ifdef ($Ycid, " ");
-stratum_column_id = ifdef ($Scid, 1);
-print ("Reading the input matrices...");
-XwithNaNs = read (fileX);
-if (fileY != " ") {
-    YwithNaNs = read (fileY);
-} else {
-    YwithNaNs = XwithNaNs;
-if (fileS != " ") {
-    SwithNaNsFull = read (fileS);
-    SwithNaNs = SwithNaNsFull [, stratum_column_id];
-} else {
-    SwithNaNs = XwithNaNs [, stratum_column_id];
-if (fileXcid != " ") {
-    Xcols = read (fileXcid);
-} else {
-    Xcols = t(seq (1, ncol (XwithNaNs), 1));
-if (fileYcid != " ") {
-    Ycols = read (fileYcid);
-} else {
-    Ycols = t(seq (1, ncol (YwithNaNs), 1));
-tXcols = t(Xcols);
-tYcols = t(Ycols);
-num_records  = nrow (XwithNaNs);
-num_attrs    = ncol (XwithNaNs);
-num_attrs_X  = ncol (Xcols);
-num_attrs_Y  = ncol (Ycols);
-num_attrs_XY = num_attrs_X * num_attrs_Y;
-print ("Preparing the covariates...");
-XnoNaNs = replace (target = XwithNaNs, pattern = 0.0/0.0, replacement = 0);
-YnoNaNs = replace (target = YwithNaNs, pattern = 0.0/0.0, replacement = 0);
-XNaNmask = ppred (XwithNaNs, XwithNaNs, "==");
-YNaNmask = ppred (YwithNaNs, YwithNaNs, "==");
-one_to_num_attrs_X = seq (1, num_attrs_X, 1);
-one_to_num_attrs_Y = seq (1, num_attrs_Y, 1);
-ProjX = matrix (0, rows = num_attrs, cols = num_attrs_X);
-ProjY = matrix (0, rows = num_attrs, cols = num_attrs_Y);
-ProjX_ctable = table (tXcols, one_to_num_attrs_X);
-ProjX [1 : nrow (ProjX_ctable), ] = ProjX_ctable;
-ProjY_ctable = table (tYcols, one_to_num_attrs_Y);
-ProjY [1 : nrow (ProjY_ctable), ] = ProjY_ctable;
-X = XnoNaNs %*% ProjX;
-Y = YnoNaNs %*% ProjY;
-X_mask = XNaNmask %*% ProjX;
-Y_mask = YNaNmask %*% ProjY;
-print ("Preparing the strata...");
-SnoNaNs = replace (target = SwithNaNs, pattern = 0.0/0.0, replacement = 0);
-S = round (SnoNaNs) * ppred (SnoNaNs, 0.0, ">");
-Proj_good_stratumID = diag (ppred (S, 0.0, ">"));
-Proj_good_stratumID = removeEmpty (target = Proj_good_stratumID, margin = "rows");
-vector_of_good_stratumIDs = Proj_good_stratumID %*% S;
-vector_of_good_stratumIDs = vector_of_good_stratumIDs + (1 - min (vector_of_good_stratumIDs));
-num_records_with_good_stratumID = nrow (Proj_good_stratumID);
-one_to_num_records_with_good_stratumID = seq (1, num_records_with_good_stratumID, 1);
-# Create a group-by summation matrix for records over stratum IDs
-# "with_empty" means with stratum IDs that never occur in records
-num_strata_with_empty = max (vector_of_good_stratumIDs);
-StrataSummator_with_empty = table (vector_of_good_stratumIDs, one_to_num_records_with_good_stratumID);
-StrataSummator = removeEmpty (target = StrataSummator_with_empty, margin = "rows");
-StrataSummator = StrataSummator %*% Proj_good_stratumID;
-num_strata = nrow (StrataSummator);
-num_empty_strata = num_strata_with_empty - num_strata;
-print ("There are " + num_strata + " nonempty strata and " + num_empty_strata + " empty but positive-ID strata.");
-print ("Computing the global single-variate statistics...");
-cnt_X_global = colSums (X_mask);
-cnt_Y_global = colSums (Y_mask);
-avg_X_global = colSums (X) / cnt_X_global;
-avg_Y_global = colSums (Y) / cnt_Y_global;
-var_sumX_global = colSums (X * X) - cnt_X_global * (avg_X_global * avg_X_global);
-var_sumY_global = colSums (Y * Y) - cnt_Y_global * (avg_Y_global * avg_Y_global);
-                 sqrt_failsafe_input_1 = var_sumX_global / (cnt_X_global - 1);
-stdev_X_global = sqrt_failsafe (sqrt_failsafe_input_1);
-                 sqrt_failsafe_input_2 = var_sumY_global / (cnt_Y_global - 1);
-stdev_Y_global = sqrt_failsafe (sqrt_failsafe_input_2);
-print ("Computing the stratified single-variate statistics...");
-# Compute per-stratum statistics, prevent div-0 for locally empty (due to NaNs in X or Y) strata
-Cnt_X_per_stratum = StrataSummator %*% X_mask;
-Cnt_Y_per_stratum = StrataSummator %*% Y_mask;
-Is_none_X_per_stratum = ppred (Cnt_X_per_stratum, 0, "==");
-Is_none_Y_per_stratum = ppred (Cnt_Y_per_stratum, 0, "==");
-One_over_cnt_X_per_stratum = (1 - Is_none_X_per_stratum) / (Cnt_X_per_stratum + Is_none_X_per_stratum);
-One_over_cnt_Y_per_stratum = (1 - Is_none_Y_per_stratum) / (Cnt_Y_per_stratum + Is_none_Y_per_stratum);
-num_X_nonempty_strata = num_strata - colSums (Is_none_X_per_stratum);
-num_Y_nonempty_strata = num_strata - colSums (Is_none_Y_per_stratum);
-Sum_X_per_stratum  = StrataSummator %*% X;
-Sum_Y_per_stratum  = StrataSummator %*% Y;
-# Recompute some global statistics to exclude bad stratum-ID records
-cnt_X_with_good_stratumID = colSums (Cnt_X_per_stratum);
-cnt_Y_with_good_stratumID = colSums (Cnt_Y_per_stratum);
-sum_X_with_good_stratumID = colSums (Sum_X_per_stratum);
-sum_Y_with_good_stratumID = colSums (Sum_Y_per_stratum);
-var_sumX_with_good_stratumID = colSums (StrataSummator %*% (X * X)) - (sum_X_with_good_stratumID * sum_X_with_good_stratumID) / cnt_X_with_good_stratumID;
-var_sumY_with_good_stratumID = colSums (StrataSummator %*% (Y * Y)) - (sum_Y_with_good_stratumID * sum_Y_with_good_stratumID) / cnt_Y_with_good_stratumID;
-# Compute the stratified statistics
-var_sumX_stratified   = colSums (StrataSummator %*% (X * X)) - colSums (One_over_cnt_X_per_stratum * Sum_X_per_stratum * Sum_X_per_stratum);
-var_sumY_stratified   = colSums (StrataSummator %*% (Y * Y)) - colSums (One_over_cnt_Y_per_stratum * Sum_Y_per_stratum * Sum_Y_per_stratum);
-                        sqrt_failsafe_input_3 = var_sumX_stratified / (cnt_X_with_good_stratumID - num_X_nonempty_strata);
-stdev_X_stratified    = sqrt_failsafe (sqrt_failsafe_input_3);
-                        sqrt_failsafe_input_4 = var_sumY_stratified / (cnt_Y_with_good_stratumID - num_Y_nonempty_strata);
-stdev_Y_stratified    = sqrt_failsafe (sqrt_failsafe_input_4);
-r_sqr_X_vs_strata     = 1 - var_sumX_stratified / var_sumX_with_good_stratumID;
-r_sqr_Y_vs_strata     = 1 - var_sumY_stratified / var_sumY_with_good_stratumID;
-adj_r_sqr_X_vs_strata = 1 - (var_sumX_stratified / (cnt_X_with_good_stratumID - num_X_nonempty_strata)) / (var_sumX_with_good_stratumID / (cnt_X_with_good_stratumID - 1));
-adj_r_sqr_Y_vs_strata = 1 - (var_sumY_stratified / (cnt_Y_with_good_stratumID - num_Y_nonempty_strata)) / (var_sumY_with_good_stratumID / (cnt_Y_with_good_stratumID - 1));
-fStat_X_vs_strata     = ((var_sumX_with_good_stratumID - var_sumX_stratified) / (num_X_nonempty_strata - 1)) / (var_sumX_stratified / (cnt_X_with_good_stratumID - num_X_nonempty_strata));
-fStat_Y_vs_strata     = ((var_sumY_with_good_stratumID - var_sumY_stratified) / (num_Y_nonempty_strata - 1)) / (var_sumY_stratified / (cnt_Y_with_good_stratumID - num_Y_nonempty_strata));
-p_val_X_vs_strata     = fStat_tailprob (fStat_X_vs_strata, num_X_nonempty_strata - 1, cnt_X_with_good_stratumID - num_X_nonempty_strata);
-p_val_Y_vs_strata     = fStat_tailprob (fStat_Y_vs_strata, num_Y_nonempty_strata - 1, cnt_Y_with_good_stratumID - num_Y_nonempty_strata);
-print ("Computing the global bivariate statistics...");
-# Compute the aggregate X vs. Y statistics and map them into proper positions
-cnt_XY_rectangle       = t(X_mask) %*% Y_mask;
-sum_X_forXY_rectangle  = t(X)      %*% Y_mask;
-sum_XX_forXY_rectangle = t(X * X)  %*% Y_mask;
-sum_Y_forXY_rectangle  = t(X_mask) %*% Y;
-sum_YY_forXY_rectangle = t(X_mask) %*% (Y * Y);
-sum_XY_rectangle       = t(X)      %*% Y;
-cnt_XY_global       = matrix (cnt_XY_rectangle,       rows = 1, cols = num_attrs_XY, byrow = TRUE);
-sum_X_forXY_global  = matrix (sum_X_forXY_rectangle,  rows = 1, cols = num_attrs_XY, byrow = TRUE);
-sum_XX_forXY_global = matrix (sum_XX_forXY_rectangle, rows = 1, cols = num_attrs_XY, byrow = TRUE);
-sum_Y_forXY_global  = matrix (sum_Y_forXY_rectangle,  rows = 1, cols = num_attrs_XY, byrow = TRUE);
-sum_YY_forXY_global = matrix (sum_YY_forXY_rectangle, rows = 1, cols = num_attrs_XY, byrow = TRUE);
-sum_XY_global       = matrix (sum_XY_rectangle,       rows = 1, cols = num_attrs_XY, byrow = TRUE);
-ones_XY = matrix (1.0, rows = 1, cols = num_attrs_XY);
-# Compute the global bivariate statistics for output
-cov_sumX_sumY_global    = sum_XY_global - sum_X_forXY_global * sum_Y_forXY_global / cnt_XY_global;
-var_sumX_forXY_global   = sum_XX_forXY_global - sum_X_forXY_global * sum_X_forXY_global / cnt_XY_global;
-var_sumY_forXY_global   = sum_YY_forXY_global - sum_Y_forXY_global * sum_Y_forXY_global / cnt_XY_global;
-slope_XY_global         = cov_sumX_sumY_global / var_sumX_forXY_global;
-                                                 sqrt_failsafe_input_5 = var_sumX_forXY_global * var_sumY_forXY_global;
-                                                 sqrt_failsafe_output_5 = sqrt_failsafe (sqrt_failsafe_input_5);
-corr_XY_global          = cov_sumX_sumY_global / sqrt_failsafe_output_5;
-r_sqr_X_vs_Y_global     = cov_sumX_sumY_global * cov_sumX_sumY_global / (var_sumX_forXY_global * var_sumY_forXY_global);
-adj_r_sqr_X_vs_Y_global = 1 - (1 - r_sqr_X_vs_Y_global) * (cnt_XY_global - 1) / (cnt_XY_global - 2);
-                          sqrt_failsafe_input_6 = (1 - r_sqr_X_vs_Y_global) * var_sumY_forXY_global / var_sumX_forXY_global / (cnt_XY_global - 2)
-stdev_slope_XY_global   = sqrt_failsafe (sqrt_failsafe_input_6);
-                          sqrt_failsafe_input_7 = (1 - r_sqr_X_vs_Y_global) * var_sumY_forXY_global / (cnt_XY_global - 2)
-stdev_errY_vs_X_global  = sqrt_failsafe (sqrt_failsafe_input_7);
-fStat_Y_vs_X_global     = (cnt_XY_global - 2) * r_sqr_X_vs_Y_global / (1 - r_sqr_X_vs_Y_global);
-p_val_Y_vs_X_global     = fStat_tailprob (fStat_Y_vs_X_global, ones_XY, cnt_XY_global - 2);
-print ("Computing the stratified bivariate statistics...");
-# Create projections to "intermingle" X and Y into attribute pairs
-Proj_X_to_XY = matrix (0.0, rows = num_attrs_X, cols = num_attrs_XY);
-Proj_Y_to_XY = matrix (0.0, rows = num_attrs_Y, cols = num_attrs_XY);
-ones_Y_col   = matrix (1.0, rows = num_attrs_Y, cols = 1);
-for (i in 1:num_attrs_X) {
-    start_cid = (i - 1) * num_attrs_Y + 1;
-    end_cid = i * num_attrs_Y;
-    Proj_X_to_XY [i, start_cid:end_cid] = t(ones_Y_col);
-    Proj_Y_to_XY [ , start_cid:end_cid] = diag (ones_Y_col);
-# Compute per-stratum statistics, prevent div-0 for locally empty (due to NaNs in X or Y) strata
-Cnt_XY_per_stratum       = StrataSummator %*% (( X_mask %*% Proj_X_to_XY) * ( Y_mask %*% Proj_Y_to_XY));
-Sum_X_forXY_per_stratum  = StrataSummator %*% (( X      %*% Proj_X_to_XY) * ( Y_mask %*% Proj_Y_to_XY));
-Sum_XX_forXY_per_stratum = StrataSummator %*% (((X * X) %*% Proj_X_to_XY) * ( Y_mask %*% Proj_Y_to_XY));
-Sum_Y_forXY_per_stratum  = StrataSummator %*% (( X_mask %*% Proj_X_to_XY) * ( Y      %*% Proj_Y_to_XY));
-Sum_YY_forXY_per_stratum = StrataSummator %*% (( X_mask %*% Proj_X_to_XY) * ((Y * Y) %*% Proj_Y_to_XY));
-Sum_XY_per_stratum       = StrataSummator %*% (( X      %*% Proj_X_to_XY) * ( Y      %*% Proj_Y_to_XY));
-Is_none_XY_per_stratum = ppred (Cnt_XY_per_stratum, 0, "==");
-One_over_cnt_XY_per_stratum = (1 - Is_none_XY_per_stratum) / (Cnt_XY_per_stratum + Is_none_XY_per_stratum);
-num_XY_nonempty_strata = num_strata - colSums (Is_none_XY_per_stratum);
-# Recompute some global aggregate X vs. Y statistics to exclude bad stratum-ID records
-cnt_XY_with_good_stratumID = colSums (Cnt_XY_per_stratum);
-sum_XX_forXY_with_good_stratumID = colSums (Sum_XX_forXY_per_stratum);
-sum_YY_forXY_with_good_stratumID = colSums (Sum_YY_forXY_per_stratum);
-sum_XY_with_good_stratumID = colSums (Sum_XY_per_stratum);
-# Compute the stratified bivariate statistics
-var_sumX_forXY_stratified = sum_XX_forXY_with_good_stratumID - colSums (Sum_X_forXY_per_stratum * Sum_X_forXY_per_stratum * One_over_cnt_XY_per_stratum);
-var_sumY_forXY_stratified = sum_YY_forXY_with_good_stratumID - colSums (Sum_Y_forXY_per_stratum * Sum_Y_forXY_per_stratum * One_over_cnt_XY_per_stratum);
-cov_sumX_sumY_stratified  = sum_XY_with_good_stratumID       - colSums (Sum_X_forXY_per_stratum * Sum_Y_forXY_per_stratum * One_over_cnt_XY_per_stratum);
-slope_XY_stratified     = cov_sumX_sumY_stratified / var_sumX_forXY_stratified;
-                                                     sqrt_failsafe_input_8 = var_sumX_forXY_stratified * var_sumY_forXY_stratified;
-                                                     sqrt_failsafe_output_8 = sqrt_failsafe (sqrt_failsafe_input_8);
-corr_XY_stratified      = cov_sumX_sumY_stratified / sqrt_failsafe_output_8;
-r_sqr_X_vs_Y_stratified = (cov_sumX_sumY_stratified ^ 2) / (var_sumX_forXY_stratified * var_sumY_forXY_stratified);
-temp_X_vs_Y_stratified  = (1 - r_sqr_X_vs_Y_stratified) / (cnt_XY_with_good_stratumID - num_XY_nonempty_strata - 1)
-adj_r_sqr_X_vs_Y_stratified = 1 - temp_X_vs_Y_stratified * (cnt_XY_with_good_stratumID - num_XY_nonempty_strata);
-                              sqrt_failsafe_input_9  = temp_X_vs_Y_stratified * var_sumY_forXY_stratified;
-stdev_errY_vs_X_stratified  = sqrt_failsafe (sqrt_failsafe_input_9);
-                              sqrt_failsafe_input_10 = sqrt_failsafe_input_9  / var_sumX_forXY_stratified;
-stdev_slope_XY_stratified   = sqrt_failsafe (sqrt_failsafe_input_10);
-fStat_Y_vs_X_stratified = (cnt_XY_with_good_stratumID - num_XY_nonempty_strata - 1) * r_sqr_X_vs_Y_stratified / (1 - r_sqr_X_vs_Y_stratified);
-p_val_Y_vs_X_stratified = fStat_tailprob (fStat_Y_vs_X_stratified, ones_XY, cnt_XY_with_good_stratumID - num_XY_nonempty_strata - 1);
-print ("Preparing the output matrix...");
-OutMtx = matrix (0.0, rows = 40, cols = num_attrs_XY);
-OutMtx [ 1, ] = Xcols                 %*% Proj_X_to_XY;  # 1st covariate column number
-OutMtx [ 2, ] = cnt_X_global          %*% Proj_X_to_XY;  # 1st covariate global presence count
-OutMtx [ 3, ] = avg_X_global          %*% Proj_X_to_XY;  # 1st covariate global mean
-OutMtx [ 4, ] = stdev_X_global        %*% Proj_X_to_XY;  # 1st covariate global standard deviation
-OutMtx [ 5, ] = stdev_X_stratified    %*% Proj_X_to_XY;  # 1st covariate stratified standard deviation
-OutMtx [ 6, ] = r_sqr_X_vs_strata     %*% Proj_X_to_XY;  # R-squared, 1st covariate vs. strata
-OutMtx [ 7, ] = adj_r_sqr_X_vs_strata %*% Proj_X_to_XY;  # adjusted R-squared, 1st covariate vs. strata
-OutMtx [ 8, ] = p_val_X_vs_strata     %*% Proj_X_to_XY;  # P-value, 1st covariate vs. strata
-OutMtx [11, ] = Ycols                 %*% Proj_Y_to_XY;  # 2nd covariate column number
-OutMtx [12, ] = cnt_Y_global          %*% Proj_Y_to_XY;  # 2nd covariate global presence count
-OutMtx [13, ] = avg_Y_global          %*% Proj_Y_to_XY;  # 2nd covariate global mean
-OutMtx [14, ] = stdev_Y_global        %*% Proj_Y_to_XY;  # 2nd covariate global standard deviation
-OutMtx [15, ] = stdev_Y_stratified    %*% Proj_Y_to_XY;  # 2nd covariate stratified standard deviation
-OutMtx [16, ] = r_sqr_Y_vs_strata     %*% Proj_Y_to_XY;  # R-squared, 2nd covariate vs. strata
-OutMtx [17, ] = adj_r_sqr_Y_vs_strata %*% Proj_Y_to_XY;  # adjusted R-squared, 2nd covariate vs. strata
-OutMtx [18, ] = p_val_Y_vs_strata     %*% Proj_Y_to_XY;  # P-value, 2nd covariate vs. strata
-OutMtx [21, ] = cnt_XY_global;               # Global 1st & 2nd covariate presence count
-OutMtx [22, ] = slope_XY_global;             # Global regression slope (2nd vs. 1st covariate)
-OutMtx [23, ] = stdev_slope_XY_global;       # Global regression slope standard deviation
-OutMtx [24, ] = corr_XY_global;              # Global correlation = +/- sqrt(R-squared)
-OutMtx [25, ] = stdev_errY_vs_X_global;      # Global residual standard deviation
-OutMtx [26, ] = r_sqr_X_vs_Y_global;         # Global R-squared
-OutMtx [27, ] = adj_r_sqr_X_vs_Y_global;     # Global adjusted R-squared
-OutMtx [28, ] = p_val_Y_vs_X_global;         # Global P-value for hypothesis "slope = 0"
-OutMtx [31, ] = cnt_XY_with_good_stratumID;  # Stratified 1st & 2nd covariate presence count
-OutMtx [32, ] = slope_XY_stratified;         # Stratified regression slope (2nd vs. 1st covariate)
-OutMtx [33, ] = stdev_slope_XY_stratified;   # Stratified regression slope standard deviation
-OutMtx [34, ] = corr_XY_stratified;          # Stratified correlation = +/- sqrt(R-squared)
-OutMtx [35, ] = stdev_errY_vs_X_stratified;  # Stratified residual standard deviation
-OutMtx [36, ] = r_sqr_X_vs_Y_stratified;     # Stratified R-squared
-OutMtx [37, ] = adj_r_sqr_X_vs_Y_stratified; # Stratified adjusted R-squared
-OutMtx [38, ] = p_val_Y_vs_X_stratified;     # Stratified P-value for hypothesis "slope = 0"
-OutMtx [39, ] = colSums (ppred (Cnt_XY_per_stratum, 2, ">="));  # Number of strata with at least two counted points
-OutMtx = t(OutMtx);
-print ("Writing the output matrix...");
-write (OutMtx, fileO, format=fmtO);
-fStat_tailprob = function (Matrix[double] fStat, Matrix[double] df_1, Matrix[double] df_2) return (Matrix[double] tailprob)
-    tailprob = fStat;
-    for (i in 1:nrow(fStat)) {
-      for (j in 1:ncol(fStat)) {
-        q = castAsScalar (fStat [i, j]);
-        d1 = castAsScalar (df_1 [i, j]);
-        d2 = castAsScalar (df_2 [i, j]);
-        if (d1 >= 1 & d2 >= 1 & q >= 0.0) {
-            tailprob  [i, j] = pf(target = q, df1 = d1, df2 = d2, lower.tail=FALSE);
-        } else {
-            tailprob  [i, j] = 0/0;
-        }
-    } }
-sqrt_failsafe = function (Matrix[double] input_A) return (Matrix[double] output_A)
-    mask_A = ppred (input_A, 0.0, ">=");
-    prep_A = input_A * mask_A;
-    mask_A = mask_A * ppred (prep_A, prep_A, "==");
-    prep_A = replace (target = prep_A, pattern = 0.0/0.0, replacement = 0);
-    output_A = sqrt (prep_A) / mask_A;
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# X     String  ---     Location to read matrix X that has all 1-st covariates
+# Y     String  " "     Location to read matrix Y that has all 2-nd covariates
+#                       the default value " " means "use X in place of Y"
+# S     String  " "     Location to read matrix S that has the stratum column
+#                       the default value " " means "use X in place of S"
+# Xcid  String  " "     Location to read the 1-st covariate X-column indices
+#                       the default value " " means "use columns 1 : ncol(X)"
+# Ycid  String  " "     Location to read the 2-nd covariate Y-column indices
+#                       the default value " " means "use columns 1 : ncol(Y)"
+# Scid  Int      1      Column index of the stratum column in S
+# O     String  ---     Location to store the output matrix (see below)
+# fmt   String "text"   Matrix output format, usually "text" or "csv"
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Note: the stratum column must contain small positive integers; all fractional
+# values are rounded; strata with ID <= 0 or NaN are treated as missing.
+# One row per each distinct pair (1st covariate, 2nd covariate)
+# 40 columns containing the following information:
+#     Col 01: 1st covariate X-column number
+#     Col 02: 1st covariate global presence count
+#     Col 03: 1st covariate global mean
+#     Col 04: 1st covariate global standard deviation
+#     Col 05: 1st covariate stratified standard deviation
+#     Col 06: R-squared, 1st covariate vs. strata
+#     Col 07: adjusted R-squared, 1st covariate vs. strata
+#     Col 08: P-value, 1st covariate vs. strata
+#     Col 09-10: Reserved
+#     Col 11: 2nd covariate Y-column number
+#     Col 12: 2nd covariate global presence count
+#     Col 13: 2nd covariate global mean
+#     Col 14: 2nd covariate global standard deviation
+#     Col 15: 2nd covariate stratified standard deviation
+#     Col 16: R-squared, 2nd covariate vs. strata
+#     Col 17: adjusted R-squared, 2nd covariate vs. strata
+#     Col 18: P-value, 2nd covariate vs. strata
+#     Col 19-20: Reserved
+#     Col 21: Global 1st & 2nd covariate presence count
+#     Col 22: Global regression slope (2nd vs. 1st covariate)
+#     Col 23: Global regression slope standard deviation
+#     Col 24: Global correlation = +/- sqrt(R-squared)
+#     Col 25: Global residual standard deviation
+#     Col 26: Global R-squared
+#     Col 27: Global adjusted R-squared
+#     Col 28: Global P-value for hypothesis "slope = 0"
+#     Col 29-30: Reserved
+#     Col 31: Stratified 1st & 2nd covariate presence count
+#     Col 32: Stratified regression slope (2nd vs. 1st covariate)
+#     Col 33: Stratified regression slope standard deviation
+#     Col 34: Stratified correlation = +/- sqrt(R-squared)
+#     Col 35: Stratified residual standard deviation
+#     Col 36: Stratified R-squared
+#     Col 37: Stratified adjusted R-squared
+#     Col 38: Stratified P-value for hypothesis "slope = 0"
+#     Col 39: Number of strata with at least two counted points
+#     Col 40: Reserved
+# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f stratstats.dml -nvargs X=INPUT_DIR/X.mtx Xcid=INPUT_DIR/Xcid.mtx
+#     Y=INPUT_DIR/Y.mtx Ycid=INPUT_DIR/Ycid.mtx S=INPUT_DIR/S.mtx Scid=1 O=OUTPUT_DIR/Out.mtx fmt=csv
+# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f stratstats.dml -nvargs X=INPUT_DIR/Data.mtx Xcid=INPUT_DIR/Xcid.mtx
+#     Ycid=INPUT_DIR/Ycid.mtx Scid=1 O=OUTPUT_DIR/Out.mtx
+fileX = $X;
+fileY = ifdef ($Y, " ");
+fileS = ifdef ($S, " ");
+fileO = $O;
+fmtO  = ifdef ($fmt, "text");
+fileXcid = ifdef ($Xcid, " ");
+fileYcid = ifdef ($Ycid, " ");
+stratum_column_id = ifdef ($Scid, 1);
+print ("Reading the input matrices...");
+XwithNaNs = read (fileX);
+if (fileY != " ") {
+    YwithNaNs = read (fileY);
+} else {
+    YwithNaNs = XwithNaNs;
+if (fileS != " ") {
+    SwithNaNsFull = read (fileS);
+    SwithNaNs = SwithNaNsFull [, stratum_column_id];
+} else {
+    SwithNaNs = XwithNaNs [, stratum_column_id];
+if (fileXcid != " ") {
+    Xcols = read (fileXcid);
+} else {
+    Xcols = t(seq (1, ncol (XwithNaNs), 1));
+if (fileYcid != " ") {
+    Ycols = read (fileYcid);
+} else {
+    Ycols = t(seq (1, ncol (YwithNaNs), 1));
+tXcols = t(Xcols);
+tYcols = t(Ycols);
+num_records  = nrow (XwithNaNs);
+num_attrs    = ncol (XwithNaNs);
+num_attrs_X  = ncol (Xcols);
+num_attrs_Y  = ncol (Ycols);
+num_attrs_XY = num_attrs_X * num_attrs_Y;
+print ("Preparing the covariates...");
+XnoNaNs = replace (target = XwithNaNs, pattern = 0.0/0.0, replacement = 0);
+YnoNaNs = replace (target = YwithNaNs, pattern = 0.0/0.0, replacement = 0);
+XNaNmask = ppred (XwithNaNs, XwithNaNs, "==");
+YNaNmask = ppred (YwithNaNs, YwithNaNs, "==");
+one_to_num_attrs_X = seq (1, num_attrs_X, 1);
+one_to_num_attrs_Y = seq (1, num_attrs_Y, 1);
+ProjX = matrix (0, rows = num_attrs, cols = num_attrs_X);
+ProjY = matrix (0, rows = num_attrs, cols = num_attrs_Y);
+ProjX_ctable = table (tXcols, one_to_num_attrs_X);
+ProjX [1 : nrow (ProjX_ctable), ] = ProjX_ctable;
+ProjY_ctable = table (tYcols, one_to_num_attrs_Y);
+ProjY [1 : nrow (ProjY_ctable), ] = ProjY_ctable;
+X = XnoNaNs %*% ProjX;
+Y = YnoNaNs %*% ProjY;
+X_mask = XNaNmask %*% ProjX;
+Y_mask = YNaNmask %*% ProjY;
+print ("Preparing the strata...");
+SnoNaNs = replace (target = SwithNaNs, pattern = 0.0/0.0, replacement = 0);
+S = round (SnoNaNs) * ppred (SnoNaNs, 0.0, ">");
+Proj_good_stratumID = diag (ppred (S, 0.0, ">"));
+Proj_good_stratumID = removeEmpty (target = Proj_good_stratumID, margin = "rows");
+vector_of_good_stratumIDs = Proj_good_stratumID %*% S;
+vector_of_good_stratumIDs = vector_of_good_stratumIDs + (1 - min (vector_of_good_stratumIDs));
+num_records_with_good_stratumID = nrow (Proj_good_stratumID);
+one_to_num_records_with_good_stratumID = seq (1, num_records_with_good_stratumID, 1);
+# Create a group-by summation matrix for records over stratum IDs
+# "with_empty" means with stratum IDs that never occur in records
+num_strata_with_empty = max (vector_of_good_stratumIDs);
+StrataSummator_with_empty = table (vector_of_good_stratumIDs, one_to_num_records_with_good_stratumID);
+StrataSummator = removeEmpty (target = StrataSummator_with_empty, margin = "rows");
+StrataSummator = StrataSummator %*% Proj_good_stratumID;
+num_strata = nrow (StrataSummator);
+num_empty_strata = num_strata_with_empty - num_strata;
+print ("There are " + num_strata + " nonempty strata and " + num_empty_strata + " empty but positive-ID strata.");
+print ("Computing the global single-variate statistics...");
+cnt_X_global = colSums (X_mask);
+cnt_Y_global = colSums (Y_mask);
+avg_X_global = colSums (X) / cnt_X_global;
+avg_Y_global = colSums (Y) / cnt_Y_global;
+var_sumX_global = colSums (X * X) - cnt_X_global * (avg_X_global * avg_X_global);
+var_sumY_global = colSums (Y * Y) - cnt_Y_global * (avg_Y_global * avg_Y_global);
+                 sqrt_failsafe_input_1 = var_sumX_global / (cnt_X_global - 1);
+stdev_X_global = sqrt_failsafe (sqrt_failsafe_input_1);
+                 sqrt_failsafe_input_2 = var_sumY_global / (cnt_Y_global - 1);
+stdev_Y_global = sqrt_failsafe (sqrt_failsafe_input_2);
+print ("Computing the stratified single-variate statistics...");
+# Compute per-stratum statistics, prevent div-0 for locally empty (due to NaNs in X or Y) strata
+Cnt_X_per_stratum = StrataSummator %*% X_mask;
+Cnt_Y_per_stratum = StrataSummator %*% Y_mask;
+Is_none_X_per_stratum = ppred (Cnt_X_per_stratum, 0, "==");
+Is_none_Y_per_stratum = ppred (Cnt_Y_per_stratum, 0, "==");
+One_over_cnt_X_per_stratum = (1 - Is_none_X_per_stratum) / (Cnt_X_per_stratum + Is_none_X_per_stratum);
+One_over_cnt_Y_per_stratum = (1 - Is_none_Y_per_stratum) / (Cnt_Y_per_stratum + Is_none_Y_per_stratum);
+num_X_nonempty_strata = num_strata - colSums (Is_none_X_per_stratum);
+num_Y_nonempty_strata = num_strata - colSums (Is_none_Y_per_stratum);
+Sum_X_per_stratum  = StrataSummator %*% X;
+Sum_Y_per_stratum  = StrataSummator %*% Y;
+# Recompute some global statistics to exclude bad stratum-ID records
+cnt_X_with_good_stratumID = colSums (Cnt_X_per_stratum);
+cnt_Y_with_good_stratumID = colSums (Cnt_Y_per_stratum);
+sum_X_with_good_stratumID = colSums (Sum_X_per_stratum);
+sum_Y_with_good_stratumID = colSums (Sum_Y_per_stratum);
+var_sumX_with_good_stratumID = colSums (StrataSummator %*% (X * X)) - (sum_X_with_good_stratumID * sum_X_with_good_stratumID) / cnt_X_with_good_stratumID;
+var_sumY_with_good_stratumID = colSums (StrataSummator %*% (Y * Y)) - (sum_Y_with_good_stratumID * sum_Y_with_good_stratumID) / cnt_Y_with_good_stratumID;
+# Compute the stratified statistics
+var_sumX_stratified   = colSums (StrataSummator %*% (X * X)) - colSums (One_over_cnt_X_per_stratum * Sum_X_per_stratum * Sum_X_per_stratum);
+var_sumY_stratified   = colSums (StrataSummator %*% (Y * Y)) - colSums (One_over_cnt_Y_per_stratum * Sum_Y_per_stratum * Sum_Y_per_stratum);
+                        sqrt_failsafe_input_3 = var_sumX_stratified / (cnt_X_with_good_stratumID - num_X_nonempty_strata);
+stdev_X_stratified    = sqrt_failsafe (sqrt_failsafe_input_3);
+                        sqrt_failsafe_input_4 = var_sumY_stratified / (cnt_Y_with_good_stratumID - num_Y_nonempty_strata);
+stdev_Y_stratified    = sqrt_failsafe (sqrt_failsafe_input_4);
+r_sqr_X_vs_strata     = 1 - var_sumX_stratified / var_sumX_with_good_stratumID;
+r_sqr_Y_vs_strata     = 1 - var_sumY_stratified / var_sumY_with_good_stratumID;
+adj_r_sqr_X_vs_strata = 1 - (var_sumX_stratified / (cnt_X_with_good_stratumID - num_X_nonempty_strata)) / (var_sumX_with_good_stratumID / (cnt_X_with_good_stratumID - 1));
+adj_r_sqr_Y_vs_strata = 1 - (var_sumY_stratified / (cnt_Y_with_good_stratumID - num_Y_nonempty_strata)) / (var_sumY_with_good_stratumID / (cnt_Y_with_good_stratumID - 1));
+fStat_X_vs_strata     = ((var_sumX_with_good_stratumID - var_sumX_stratified) / (num_X_nonempty_strata - 1)) / (var_sumX_stratified / (cnt_X_with_good_stratumID - num_X_nonempty_strata));
+fStat_Y_vs_strata     = ((var_sumY_with_good_stratumID - var_sumY_stratified) / (num_Y_nonempty_strata - 1)) / (var_sumY_stratified / (cnt_Y_with_good_stratumID - num_Y_nonempty_strata));
+p_val_X_vs_strata     = fStat_tailprob (fStat_X_vs_strata, num_X_nonempty_strata - 1, cnt_X_with_good_stratumID - num_X_nonempty_strata);
+p_val_Y_vs_strata     = fStat_tailprob (fStat_Y_vs_strata, num_Y_nonempty_strata - 1, cnt_Y_with_good_stratumID - num_Y_nonempty_strata);
+print ("Computing the global bivariate statistics...");
+# Compute the aggregate X vs. Y statistics and map them into proper positions
+cnt_XY_rectangle       = t(X_mask) %*% Y_mask;
+sum_X_forXY_rectangle  = t(X)      %*% Y_mask;
+sum_XX_forXY_rectangle = t(X * X)  %*% Y_mask;
+sum_Y_forXY_rectangle  = t(X_mask) %*% Y;
+sum_YY_forXY_rectangle = t(X_mask) %*% (Y * Y);
+sum_XY_rectangle       = t(X)      %*% Y;
+cnt_XY_global       = matrix (cnt_XY_rectangle,       rows = 1, cols = num_attrs_XY, byrow = TRUE);
+sum_X_forXY_global  = matrix (sum_X_forXY_rectangle,  rows = 1, cols = num_attrs_XY, byrow = TRUE);
+sum_XX_forXY_global = matrix (sum_XX_forXY_rectangle, rows = 1, cols = num_attrs_XY, byrow = TRUE);
+sum_Y_forXY_global  = matrix (sum_Y_forXY_rectangle,  rows = 1, cols = num_attrs_XY, byrow = TRUE);
+sum_YY_forXY_global = matrix (sum_YY_forXY_rectangle, rows = 1, cols = num_attrs_XY, byrow = TRUE);
+sum_XY_global       = matrix (sum_XY_rectangle,       rows = 1, cols = num_attrs_XY, byrow = TRUE);
+ones_XY = matrix (1.0, rows = 1, cols = num_attrs_XY);
+# Compute the global bivariate statistics for output
+cov_sumX_sumY_global    = sum_XY_global - sum_X_forXY_global * sum_Y_forXY_global / cnt_XY_global;
+var_sumX_forXY_global   = sum_XX_forXY_global - sum_X_forXY_global * sum_X_forXY_global / cnt_XY_global;
+var_sumY_forXY_global   = sum_YY_forXY_global - sum_Y_forXY_global * sum_Y_forXY_global / cnt_XY_global;
+slope_XY_global         = cov_sumX_sumY_global / var_sumX_forXY_global;
+                                                 sqrt_failsafe_input_5 = var_sumX_forXY_global * var_sumY_forXY_global;
+                                                 sqrt_failsafe_output_5 = sqrt_failsafe (sqrt_failsafe_input_5);
+corr_XY_global          = cov_sumX_sumY_global / sqrt_failsafe_output_5;
+r_sqr_X_vs_Y_global     = cov_sumX_sumY_global * cov_sumX_sumY_global / (var_sumX_forXY_global * var_sumY_forXY_global);
+adj_r_sqr_X_vs_Y_global = 1 - (1 - r_sqr_X_vs_Y_global) * (cnt_XY_global - 1) / (cnt_XY_global - 2);
+                          sqrt_failsafe_input_6 = (1 - r_sqr_X_vs_Y_global) * var_sumY_forXY_global / var_sumX_forXY_global / (cnt_XY_global - 2)
+stdev_slope_XY_global   = sqrt_failsafe (sqrt_failsafe_input_6);
+                          sqrt_failsafe_input_7 = (1 - r_sqr_X_vs_Y_global) * var_sumY_forXY_global / (cnt_XY_global - 2)
+stdev_errY_vs_X_global  = sqrt_failsafe (sqrt_failsafe_input_7);
+fStat_Y_vs_X_global     = (cnt_XY_global - 2) * r_sqr_X_vs_Y_global / (1 - r_sqr_X_vs_Y_global);
+p_val_Y_vs_X_global     = fStat_tailprob (fStat_Y_vs_X_global, ones_XY, cnt_XY_global - 2);
+print ("Computing the stratified bivariate statistics...");
+# Create projections to "intermingle" X and Y into attribute pairs
+Proj_X_to_XY = matrix (0.0, rows = num_attrs_X, cols = num_attrs_XY);
+Proj_Y_to_XY = matrix (0.0, rows = num_attrs_Y, cols = num_attrs_XY);
+ones_Y_col   = matrix (1.0, rows = num_attrs_Y, cols = 1);
+for (i in 1:num_attrs_X) {
+    start_cid = (i - 1) * num_attrs_Y + 1;
+    end_cid = i * num_attrs_Y;
+    Proj_X_to_XY [i, start_cid:end_cid] = t(ones_Y_col);
+    Proj_Y_to_XY [ , start_cid:end_cid] = diag (ones_Y_col);
+# Compute per-stratum statistics, prevent div-0 for locally empty (due to NaNs in X or Y) strata
+Cnt_XY_per_stratum       = StrataSummator %*% (( X_mask %*% Proj_X_to_XY) * ( Y_mask %*% Proj_Y_to_XY));
+Sum_X_forXY_per_stratum  = StrataSummator %*% (( X      %*% Proj_X_to_XY) * ( Y_mask %*% Proj_Y_to_XY));
+Sum_XX_forXY_per_stratum = StrataSummator %*% (((X * X) %*% Proj_X_to_XY) * ( Y_mask %*% Proj_Y_to_XY));
+Sum_Y_forXY_per_stratum  = StrataSummator %*% (( X_mask %*% Proj_X_to_XY) * ( Y      %*% Proj_Y_to_XY));
+Sum_YY_forXY_per_stratum = StrataSummator %*% (( X_mask %*% Proj_X_to_XY) * ((Y * Y) %*% Proj_Y_to_XY));
+Sum_XY_per_stratum       = StrataSummator %*% (( X      %*% Proj_X_to_XY) * ( Y      %*% Proj_Y_to_XY));
+Is_none_XY_per_stratum = ppred (Cnt_XY_per_stratum, 0, "==");
+One_over_cnt_XY_per_stratum = (1 - Is_none_XY_per_stratum) / (Cnt_XY_per_stratum + Is_none_XY_per_stratum);
+num_XY_nonempty_strata = num_strata - colSums (Is_none_XY_per_stratum);
+# Recompute some global aggregate X vs. Y statistics to exclude bad stratum-ID records
+cnt_XY_with_good_stratumID = colSums (Cnt_XY_per_stratum);
+sum_XX_forXY_with_good_stratumID = colSums (Sum_XX_forXY_per_stratum);
+sum_YY_forXY_with_good_stratumID = colSums (Sum_YY_forXY_per_stratum);
+sum_XY_with_good_stratumID = colSums (Sum_XY_per_stratum);
+# Compute the stratified bivariate statistics
+var_sumX_forXY_stratified = sum_XX_forXY_with_good_stratumID - colSums (Sum_X_forXY_per_stratum * Sum_X_forXY_per_stratum * One_over_cnt_XY_per_stratum);
+var_sumY_forXY_stratified = sum_YY_forXY_with_good_stratumID - colSums (Sum_Y_forXY_per_stratum * Sum_Y_forXY_per_stratum * One_over_cnt_XY_per_stratum);
+cov_sumX_sumY_stratified  = sum_XY_with_good_stratumID       - colSums (Sum_X_forXY_per_stratum * Sum_Y_forXY_per_stratum * One_over_cnt_XY_per_stratum);
+slope_XY_stratified     = cov_sumX_sumY_stratified / var_sumX_forXY_stratified;
+                                                     sqrt_failsafe_input_8 = var_sumX_forXY_stratified * var_sumY_forXY_stratified;
+                                                     sqrt_failsafe_output_8 = sqrt_failsafe (sqrt_failsafe_input_8);
+corr_XY_stratified      = cov_sumX_sumY_stratified / sqrt_failsafe_output_8;
+r_sqr_X_vs_Y_stratified = (cov_sumX_sumY_stratified ^ 2) / (var_sumX_forXY_stratified * var_sumY_forXY_stratified);
+temp_X_vs_Y_stratified  = (1 - r_sqr_X_vs_Y_stratified) / (cnt_XY_with_good_stratumID - num_XY_nonempty_strata - 1)
+adj_r_sqr_X_vs_Y_stratified = 1 - temp_X_vs_Y_stratified * (cnt_XY_with_good_stratumID - num_XY_nonempty_strata);
+                              sqrt_failsafe_input_9  = temp_X_vs_Y_stratified * var_sumY_forXY_stratified;
+stdev_errY_vs_X_stratified  = sqrt_failsafe (sqrt_failsafe_input_9);
+                              sqrt_failsafe_input_10 = sqrt_failsafe_input_9  / var_sumX_forXY_stratified;
+stdev_slope_XY_stratified   = sqrt_failsafe (sqrt_failsafe_input_10);
+fStat_Y_vs_X_stratified = (cnt_XY_with_good_stratumID - num_XY_nonempty_strata - 1) * r_sqr_X_vs_Y_stratified / (1 - r_sqr_X_vs_Y_stratified);
+p_val_Y_vs_X_stratified = fStat_tailprob (fStat_Y_vs_X_stratified, ones_XY, cnt_XY_with_good_stratumID - num_XY_nonempty_strata - 1);
+print ("Preparing the output matrix...");
+OutMtx = matrix (0.0, rows = 40, cols = num_attrs_XY);
+OutMtx [ 1, ] = Xcols                 %*% Proj_X_to_XY;  # 1st covariate column number
+OutMtx [ 2, ] = cnt_X_global          %*% Proj_X_to_XY;  # 1st covariate global presence count
+OutMtx [ 3, ] = avg_X_global          %*% Proj_X_to_XY;  # 1st covariate global mean
+OutMtx [ 4, ] = stdev_X_global        %*% Proj_X_to_XY;  # 1st covariate global standard deviation
+OutMtx [ 5, ] = stdev_X_stratified    %*% Proj_X_to_XY;  # 1st covariate stratified standard deviation
+OutMtx [ 6, ] = r_sqr_X_vs_strata     %*% Proj_X_to_XY;  # R-squared, 1st covariate vs. strata
+OutMtx [ 7, ] = adj_r_sqr_X_vs_strata %*% Proj_X_to_XY;  # adjusted R-squared, 1st covariate vs. strata
+OutMtx [ 8, ] = p_val_X_vs_strata     %*% Proj_X_to_XY;  # P-value, 1st covariate vs. strata
+OutMtx [11, ] = Ycols                 %*% Proj_Y_to_XY;  # 2nd covariate column number
+OutMtx [12, ] = cnt_Y_global          %*% Proj_Y_to_XY;  # 2nd covariate global presence count
+OutMtx [13, ] = avg_Y_global          %*% Proj_Y_to_XY;  # 2nd covariate global mean
+OutMtx [14, ] = stdev_Y_global        %*% Proj_Y_to_XY;  # 2nd covariate global standard deviation
+OutMtx [15, ] = stdev_Y_stratified    %*% Proj_Y_to_XY;  # 2nd covariate stratified standard deviation
+OutMtx [16, ] = r_sqr_Y_vs_strata     %*% Proj_Y_to_XY;  # R-squared, 2nd covariate vs. strata
+OutMtx [17, ] = adj_r_sqr_Y_vs_strata %*% Proj_Y_to_XY;  # adjusted R-squared, 2nd covariate vs. strata
+OutMtx [18, ] = p_val_Y_vs_strata     %*% Proj_Y_to_XY;  # P-value, 2nd covariate vs. strata
+OutMtx [21, ] = cnt_XY_global;               # Global 1st & 2nd covariate presence count
+OutMtx [22, ] = slope_XY_global;             # Global regression slope (2nd vs. 1st covariate)
+OutMtx [23, ] = stdev_slope_XY_global;       # Global regression slope standard deviation
+OutMtx [24, ] = corr_XY_global;              # Global correlation = +/- sqrt(R-squared)
+OutMtx [25, ] = stdev_errY_vs_X_global;      # Global residual standard deviation
+OutMtx [26, ] = r_sqr_X_vs_Y_global;         # Global R-squared
+OutMtx [27, ] = adj_r_sqr_X_vs_Y_global;     # Global adjusted R-squared
+OutMtx [28, ] = p_val_Y_vs_X_global;         # Global P-value for hypothesis "slope = 0"
+OutMtx [31, ] = cnt_XY_with_good_stratumID;  # Stratified 1st & 2nd covariate presence count
+OutMtx [32, ] = slope_XY_stratified;         # Stratified regression slope (2nd vs. 1st covariate)
+OutMtx [33, ] = stdev_slope_XY_stratified;   # Stratified regression slope standard deviation
+OutMtx [34, ] = corr_XY_stratified;          # Stratified correlation = +/- sqrt(R-squared)
+OutMtx [35, ] = stdev_errY_vs_X_stratified;  # Stratified residual standard deviation
+OutMtx [36, ] = r_sqr_X_vs_Y_stratified;     # Stratified R-squared
+OutMtx [37, ] = adj_r_sqr_X_vs_Y_stratified; # Stratified adjusted R-squared
+OutMtx [38, ] = p_val_Y_vs_X_stratified;     # Stratified P-value for hypothesis "slope = 0"
+OutMtx [39, ] = colSums (ppred (Cnt_XY_per_stratum, 2, ">="));  # Number of strata with at least two counted points
+OutMtx = t(OutMtx);
+print ("Writing the output matrix...");
+write (OutMtx, fileO, format=fmtO);
+fStat_tailprob = function (Matrix[double] fStat, Matrix[double] df_1, Matrix[double] df_2) return (Matrix[double] tailprob)
+    tailprob = fStat;
+    for (i in 1:nrow(fStat)) {
+      for (j in 1:ncol(fStat)) {
+        q = castAsScalar (fStat [i, j]);
+        d1 = castAsScalar (df_1 [i, j]);
+        d2 = castAsScalar (df_2 [i, j]);
+        if (d1 >= 1 & d2 >= 1 & q >= 0.0) {
+            tailprob  [i, j] = pf(target = q, df1 = d1, df2 = d2, lower.tail=FALSE);
+        } else {
+            tailprob  [i, j] = 0/0;
+        }
+    } }
+sqrt_failsafe = function (Matrix[double] input_A) return (Matrix[double] output_A)
+    mask_A = ppred (input_A, 0.0, ">=");
+    prep_A = input_A * mask_A;
+    mask_A = mask_A * ppred (prep_A, prep_A, "==");
+    prep_A = replace (target = prep_A, pattern = 0.0/0.0, replacement = 0);
+    output_A = sqrt (prep_A) / mask_A;
diff --git a/scripts/datagen/genCorrelatedData.dml b/scripts/datagen/genCorrelatedData.dml
index e81583b..d3289ce 100644
--- a/scripts/datagen/genCorrelatedData.dml
+++ b/scripts/datagen/genCorrelatedData.dml
@@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# generates random correlated data
-# can generate any number of variables/columns
-# used to test univariate stats computation
-# by systemml
-# $1 is number of variables/columns
-# $2 is number of samples to create
-# $3 is the location to write out the covariance mat
-# $4 is the location to write out the generated data
-dims = $1
-numSamples = $2
-U = Rand(rows=dims, cols=dims, min=-1.0, max=1.0, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
-denoms = sqrt(colSums(U*U))
-parfor(i in 1:dims){
-	U[i,] = U[i,] / denoms
-C = t(U)%*%U
-write(C, $3, format="binary")
-R = Rand(rows=numSamples, cols=dims, pdf="normal", seed=0)
-Rc = R%*%U
-write(Rc, $4, format="binary")
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# generates random correlated data
+# can generate any number of variables/columns
+# used to test univariate stats computation
+# by systemml
+# $1 is number of variables/columns
+# $2 is number of samples to create
+# $3 is the location to write out the covariance mat
+# $4 is the location to write out the generated data
+dims = $1
+numSamples = $2
+U = Rand(rows=dims, cols=dims, min=-1.0, max=1.0, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
+denoms = sqrt(colSums(U*U))
+parfor(i in 1:dims){
+	U[i,] = U[i,] / denoms
+C = t(U)%*%U
+write(C, $3, format="binary")
+R = Rand(rows=numSamples, cols=dims, pdf="normal", seed=0)
+Rc = R%*%U
+write(Rc, $4, format="binary")
diff --git a/scripts/datagen/genRandData4ChisquaredTest.dml b/scripts/datagen/genRandData4ChisquaredTest.dml
index 42db9dd..e25adf2 100644
--- a/scripts/datagen/genRandData4ChisquaredTest.dml
+++ b/scripts/datagen/genRandData4ChisquaredTest.dml
@@ -1,87 +1,87 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# generates a two column matrix of categorical
-# variables
-# used to test systemml's chi-squared bivariate stat
-# computation
-# $1 is number of samples to generate
-# $2 is number of categories for 1st categorical variable
-# $3 is number of categories for 2nd categorical variable
-# $4 is the file to write out the chi-squared statistic to
-# $5 is the file to write out the generated data to
-numSamples = $1
-numCategories1 = $2
-numCategories2 = $3
-o = Rand(rows=numCategories1, cols=numCategories2, min=0.0, max=1.0, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
-o = o / sum(o)
-probs1 = rowSums(o)
-probs1 = probs1 / sum(probs1)
-probs2 = colSums(o)
-probs2 = probs2 / sum(probs2)
-e = probs1 %*% probs2
-chisquared = sum((o-e)^2/e)
-write(chisquared, $4, format="binary")
-oCDF = Rand(rows=numCategories1, cols=numCategories2, min=0.0, max=0.0, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
-for(i in 1:numCategories1){
-	for(j in 1:numCategories2){
-		if(i==1 & j==1){
-			oCDF[i,j] = o[1,1]
-		}
-		if(i != 1 & j == 1){
-			oCDF[i,j] = oCDF[i-1,numCategories2] + o[i,j]
-		}
-		if(j > 1){
-			oCDF[i,j] = oCDF[i,j-1] + o[i,j]
-		}
-	}
-one = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, min=1.0, max=1.0, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
-data = Rand(rows=numSamples, cols=2, min=0.0, max=0.0, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
-parfor(s in 1:numSamples){
-	r_mat = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, min=0.0, max=1.0, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
-	r = castAsScalar(r_mat)
-	cat1 = -1
-	cat2 = -1
-	continue = 1
-	for(i in 1:numCategories1){
-		for(j in 1:numCategories2){
-			cdf = castAsScalar(oCDF[i,j])
-			if(continue == 1 & r <= cdf){
-				cat1 = i
-				cat2 = j
-				continue = 0
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	data[s,1] = cat1*one
-	data[s,2] = cat2*one
-write(data, $5, format="binary")
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# generates a two column matrix of categorical
+# variables
+# used to test systemml's chi-squared bivariate stat
+# computation
+# $1 is number of samples to generate
+# $2 is number of categories for 1st categorical variable
+# $3 is number of categories for 2nd categorical variable
+# $4 is the file to write out the chi-squared statistic to
+# $5 is the file to write out the generated data to
+numSamples = $1
+numCategories1 = $2
+numCategories2 = $3
+o = Rand(rows=numCategories1, cols=numCategories2, min=0.0, max=1.0, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
+o = o / sum(o)
+probs1 = rowSums(o)
+probs1 = probs1 / sum(probs1)
+probs2 = colSums(o)
+probs2 = probs2 / sum(probs2)
+e = probs1 %*% probs2
+chisquared = sum((o-e)^2/e)
+write(chisquared, $4, format="binary")
+oCDF = Rand(rows=numCategories1, cols=numCategories2, min=0.0, max=0.0, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
+for(i in 1:numCategories1){
+	for(j in 1:numCategories2){
+		if(i==1 & j==1){
+			oCDF[i,j] = o[1,1]
+		}
+		if(i != 1 & j == 1){
+			oCDF[i,j] = oCDF[i-1,numCategories2] + o[i,j]
+		}
+		if(j > 1){
+			oCDF[i,j] = oCDF[i,j-1] + o[i,j]
+		}
+	}
+one = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, min=1.0, max=1.0, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
+data = Rand(rows=numSamples, cols=2, min=0.0, max=0.0, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
+parfor(s in 1:numSamples){
+	r_mat = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, min=0.0, max=1.0, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
+	r = castAsScalar(r_mat)
+	cat1 = -1
+	cat2 = -1
+	continue = 1
+	for(i in 1:numCategories1){
+		for(j in 1:numCategories2){
+			cdf = castAsScalar(oCDF[i,j])
+			if(continue == 1 & r <= cdf){
+				cat1 = i
+				cat2 = j
+				continue = 0
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	data[s,1] = cat1*one
+	data[s,2] = cat2*one
+write(data, $5, format="binary")
diff --git a/scripts/datagen/genRandData4DecisionTree1.dml b/scripts/datagen/genRandData4DecisionTree1.dml
index 3ef9067..b679783 100644
--- a/scripts/datagen/genRandData4DecisionTree1.dml
+++ b/scripts/datagen/genRandData4DecisionTree1.dml
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-XCatFile = $XCat;
-YFile = $Y;
-num_records = $num_records;
-num_cat_features = $num_cat;
-num_class = $num_class;
-num_distinct = $num_distinct;
-sparsity = $sp;
-# generate class labels
-Y = floor (rand (rows = num_records, cols = 1, min = 1, max = num_class + 0.99999999999999)); 
-Y_bin = table (seq (1, num_records), Y); 
-write (Y_bin, YFile);
-# generate categorical features
-X_cat = floor (rand (rows = num_records, cols = num_cat_features, min = 1, max = num_distinct + 0.99999999999999, sparsity = sparsity));
-write (X_cat, XCatFile, format = "csv");
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+XCatFile = $XCat;
+YFile = $Y;
+num_records = $num_records;
+num_cat_features = $num_cat;
+num_class = $num_class;
+num_distinct = $num_distinct;
+sparsity = $sp;
+# generate class labels
+Y = floor (rand (rows = num_records, cols = 1, min = 1, max = num_class + 0.99999999999999)); 
+Y_bin = table (seq (1, num_records), Y); 
+write (Y_bin, YFile);
+# generate categorical features
+X_cat = floor (rand (rows = num_records, cols = num_cat_features, min = 1, max = num_distinct + 0.99999999999999, sparsity = sparsity));
+write (X_cat, XCatFile, format = "csv");
diff --git a/scripts/datagen/genRandData4DecisionTree2.dml b/scripts/datagen/genRandData4DecisionTree2.dml
index 85d3ad0..cc8341c 100644
--- a/scripts/datagen/genRandData4DecisionTree2.dml
+++ b/scripts/datagen/genRandData4DecisionTree2.dml
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-transformPath = $tPath;
-transformSpec = $tSpec;
-XCatFile = $XCat;
-XFile = $X;
-num_records = $num_records;
-num_scale_features = $num_scale;
-sparsity = $sp;
-fmt = $fmt;
-# generate scale features
-X_scale = rand (rows = num_records, cols = num_scale_features, min = 0, max = 10, sparsity = sparsity); 
-# transform categorical features
-XCF = read (XCatFile);
-X_cat_transformed = transform (target = XCF, transformSpec = transformSpec, transformPath = transformPath);
-X = append (X_scale, X_cat_transformed);
-write (X, XFile, format = fmt);
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+transformPath = $tPath;
+transformSpec = $tSpec;
+XCatFile = $XCat;
+XFile = $X;
+num_records = $num_records;
+num_scale_features = $num_scale;
+sparsity = $sp;
+fmt = $fmt;
+# generate scale features
+X_scale = rand (rows = num_records, cols = num_scale_features, min = 0, max = 10, sparsity = sparsity); 
+# transform categorical features
+XCF = read (XCatFile);
+X_cat_transformed = transform (target = XCF, transformSpec = transformSpec, transformPath = transformPath);
+X = append (X_scale, X_cat_transformed);
+write (X, XFile, format = fmt);
diff --git a/scripts/datagen/genRandData4FTest.dml b/scripts/datagen/genRandData4FTest.dml
index 91e7c50..bdd33b9 100644
--- a/scripts/datagen/genRandData4FTest.dml
+++ b/scripts/datagen/genRandData4FTest.dml
@@ -1,95 +1,95 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# generates random data for F-test
-# $1 is number of groups (some of 
-#		which may share a gaussian)
-# $2 is number of actual groups 
-# $3 is number of points
-# $4 is mean of the gaussian means
-# $5 is mean of the gaussian std. deviations
-# $6 is file to store computed f-statistic
-# $7 is file to store generated data
-numGroups = $1
-numActualGroups = $2
-numSamples = $3
-meanOfMeans = $4
-meanOfStddevs = $5
-cntProbs = Rand(rows=numGroups, cols=1, min=0.0, max=1.0, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
-cntProbs = cntProbs/sum(cntProbs)
-cntArr = round(cntProbs * numSamples)
-last_cnt = cntArr[numGroups,1]
-cntArr[numGroups,1] = numSamples - (sum(cntArr) - last_cnt)
-permut = Rand(rows=numActualGroups, cols=numGroups, min=0.0, max=0.0, pdf="uniform")
-ones = Rand(rows=numActualGroups, cols=1, min=1.0, max=1.0, pdf="uniform")
-permut[,1:numActualGroups] = diag(ones)
-one = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, min=1.0, max=1.0, pdf="uniform")
-copy_start_index = numActualGroups+1
-parfor(i in copy_start_index:numGroups){
-	r = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, min=1.0, max=numActualGroups, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
-	j = castAsScalar(round(r))
-	permut[j,i] = one
-means_std = Rand(rows=numActualGroups, cols=1, pdf="normal", seed=0)
-abs_means = means_std + meanOfMeans
-means = t(t(abs_means) %*% permut)
-stddevs_std = Rand(rows=numActualGroups, cols=1, pdf="normal", seed=0)
-abs_stddevs = stddevs_std + meanOfStddevs
-stddevs = t(t(abs_stddevs) %*% permut)
-overall_mean = sum(means*cntArr)/numSamples
-explained_variance = sum(cntArr * (means - overall_mean)^2) / (numGroups-1.0)
-unexplained_variance = sum(cntArr * stddevs^2) / (numSamples - numGroups)
-f = explained_variance / unexplained_variance
-write(f, $6, format="binary")
-cntCDFs = cntProbs
-for(i in 2:numGroups){
-	cntCDFs[i,1] = cntCDFs[i-1,1] + cntProbs[i,1]
-data = Rand(rows=numSamples, cols=1, min=0.0, max=0.0, pdf="uniform")
-parfor(i in 1:numSamples){
-	r_mat = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, min=0.0, max=1.0, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
-	r1 = castAsScalar(r_mat)
-	g = -1
-	continue = 1
-	for(k in 1:numGroups){
-		cdf = castAsScalar(cntCDFs[k,1])
-		if(continue==1 & r1<=cdf){
-			g = k
-			continue=0
-		}	
-	}
-	point = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, pdf="normal", seed=0)
-	data[i,1] = point*stddevs[g,1] + means[g,1]
-write(data, $7, format="binary")
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# generates random data for F-test
+# $1 is number of groups (some of 
+#		which may share a gaussian)
+# $2 is number of actual groups 
+# $3 is number of points
+# $4 is mean of the gaussian means
+# $5 is mean of the gaussian std. deviations
+# $6 is file to store computed f-statistic
+# $7 is file to store generated data
+numGroups = $1
+numActualGroups = $2
+numSamples = $3
+meanOfMeans = $4
+meanOfStddevs = $5
+cntProbs = Rand(rows=numGroups, cols=1, min=0.0, max=1.0, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
+cntProbs = cntProbs/sum(cntProbs)
+cntArr = round(cntProbs * numSamples)
+last_cnt = cntArr[numGroups,1]
+cntArr[numGroups,1] = numSamples - (sum(cntArr) - last_cnt)
+permut = Rand(rows=numActualGroups, cols=numGroups, min=0.0, max=0.0, pdf="uniform")
+ones = Rand(rows=numActualGroups, cols=1, min=1.0, max=1.0, pdf="uniform")
+permut[,1:numActualGroups] = diag(ones)
+one = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, min=1.0, max=1.0, pdf="uniform")
+copy_start_index = numActualGroups+1
+parfor(i in copy_start_index:numGroups){
+	r = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, min=1.0, max=numActualGroups, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
+	j = castAsScalar(round(r))
+	permut[j,i] = one
+means_std = Rand(rows=numActualGroups, cols=1, pdf="normal", seed=0)
+abs_means = means_std + meanOfMeans
+means = t(t(abs_means) %*% permut)
+stddevs_std = Rand(rows=numActualGroups, cols=1, pdf="normal", seed=0)
+abs_stddevs = stddevs_std + meanOfStddevs
+stddevs = t(t(abs_stddevs) %*% permut)
+overall_mean = sum(means*cntArr)/numSamples
+explained_variance = sum(cntArr * (means - overall_mean)^2) / (numGroups-1.0)
+unexplained_variance = sum(cntArr * stddevs^2) / (numSamples - numGroups)
+f = explained_variance / unexplained_variance
+write(f, $6, format="binary")
+cntCDFs = cntProbs
+for(i in 2:numGroups){
+	cntCDFs[i,1] = cntCDFs[i-1,1] + cntProbs[i,1]
+data = Rand(rows=numSamples, cols=1, min=0.0, max=0.0, pdf="uniform")
+parfor(i in 1:numSamples){
+	r_mat = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, min=0.0, max=1.0, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
+	r1 = castAsScalar(r_mat)
+	g = -1
+	continue = 1
+	for(k in 1:numGroups){
+		cdf = castAsScalar(cntCDFs[k,1])
+		if(continue==1 & r1<=cdf){
+			g = k
+			continue=0
+		}	
+	}
+	point = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, pdf="normal", seed=0)
+	data[i,1] = point*stddevs[g,1] + means[g,1]
+write(data, $7, format="binary")
diff --git a/scripts/datagen/genRandData4Kmeans.dml b/scripts/datagen/genRandData4Kmeans.dml
index 7abcee4..fe50ac5 100644
--- a/scripts/datagen/genRandData4Kmeans.dml
+++ b/scripts/datagen/genRandData4Kmeans.dml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# Generates random Gaussian-mixture data to test k-Means clustering algorithms
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# nr    Int     ---     Number of records
-# nf    Int     ---     Number of features
-# nc    Int     ---     Number of clusters
-# dc    Double  --- of cluster "centroid" features from zero mean
-# dr    Double  --- of the 1-st feature in a record within cluster
-# fbf   Double  ---     Feature bias factor: Stdev(last) / Stdev(1-st) feature
-# cbf   Double  ---     Cluster bias factor: Prob[1-st clus] / Prob[k-th clus]
-# X     String  ---     Location to write matrix X with generated data records
-# C     String  ---     Location to write cluster "centroids" (Gaussian means)
-# Y     String  ---     Location to write assignment of records to cluster ids
-# YbyC  String  ---     Location to write rec-cluster assigns by min-dist to C
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Example:
-# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f genRandData4Kmeans.dml -nvargs nr=100000 nf=100
-#     nc=10 dc=10.0 dr=1.0 fbf=100.0 cbf=100.0 X=X.mtx C=C.mtx Y=Y.mtx YbyC=YbyC.mtx
-num_records   = $nr;
-num_features  = $nf;
-num_centroids = $nc;
-dist_per_feature_centroids = $dc;
-dist_per_feature_first_record = $dr;
-feature_bias_factor = $fbf;
-cluster_bias_factor = $cbf;
-fileX    = ifdef ($X, "X");
-fileC    = ifdef ($C, "C");
-fileY    = ifdef ($Y, "Y");
-fileYbyC = ifdef ($YbyC, "YbyC");
-fmt      = ifdef ($fmt, "text");
-print ("Generating cluster distribution (mixture) centroids...");
-C = Rand (rows = num_centroids, cols = num_features, pdf = "normal");
-C = C * dist_per_feature_centroids;
-print ("Generating record-to-cluster assignments...");
-# Y is a multinomial in {1, ..., num_centroids} with 1 being more likely
-# than "num_centroids" by the factor of "cluster_bias_factor"
-rnd = Rand (rows = num_records, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 1.0, pdf = "uniform");
-if (cluster_bias_factor == 1.0) {
-    Y = round (0.5 + rnd * num_centroids);
-} else {
-    rnd_scaled = rnd * (1 - cluster_bias_factor ^ (- num_centroids / (num_centroids - 1)));
-    Y = round (0.5 - (num_centroids - 1) * log (1 - rnd_scaled) / log (cluster_bias_factor));
-print ("Generating within-cluster random shifts...");
-X_shift = Rand (rows = num_records, cols = num_features, pdf = "normal");
-feature_factors = dist_per_feature_first_record * 
-    exp ((seq (1, num_features) - 1) / (num_features - 1) * log (feature_bias_factor));
-X_shift = X_shift %*% diag (feature_factors);
-print ("Generating records by shifting from centroids..."); 
-Y_bitmap_raw = table (seq (1, num_records), Y);
-Y_bitmap = matrix (0, rows = num_records, cols = num_centroids);
-Y_bitmap [, 1 : ncol (Y_bitmap_raw)] = Y_bitmap_raw;
-X = Y_bitmap %*% C + X_shift;
-print ("Computing record-to-cluster assignments by minimum centroid distance...");
-D = t(t(-2 * (X %*% t(C))) + rowSums (C ^ 2));
-P = ppred (D, rowMins (D), "<=");
-aggr_P = t(cumsum (t(P)));
-Y_by_C = rowSums (ppred (aggr_P, 0, "==")) + 1;
-print ("Computing useful statistics...");
-sumXsq = sum (X ^ 2);
-default_wcss  = sumXsq - sum (colSums (X) ^ 2) / num_records;
-attained_wcss = sumXsq + sum (rowMins (D));
-print ("Default (single-cluster) WCSS = " + default_wcss);
-print (num_centroids + "-cluster WCSS attained by the mixture centroids = " + attained_wcss);
-print ("Writing out the resulting dataset...");
-write (X, fileX, format = fmt);
-write (C, fileC, format = fmt);
-write (Y, fileY, format = fmt);
-write (Y_by_C, fileYbyC, format = fmt);
-print ("Please run the scoring script to compare " + fileY + " with " + fileYbyC); 
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# Generates random Gaussian-mixture data to test k-Means clustering algorithms
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# nr    Int     ---     Number of records
+# nf    Int     ---     Number of features
+# nc    Int     ---     Number of clusters
+# dc    Double  --- of cluster "centroid" features from zero mean
+# dr    Double  --- of the 1-st feature in a record within cluster
+# fbf   Double  ---     Feature bias factor: Stdev(last) / Stdev(1-st) feature
+# cbf   Double  ---     Cluster bias factor: Prob[1-st clus] / Prob[k-th clus]
+# X     String  ---     Location to write matrix X with generated data records
+# C     String  ---     Location to write cluster "centroids" (Gaussian means)
+# Y     String  ---     Location to write assignment of records to cluster ids
+# YbyC  String  ---     Location to write rec-cluster assigns by min-dist to C
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Example:
+# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f genRandData4Kmeans.dml -nvargs nr=100000 nf=100
+#     nc=10 dc=10.0 dr=1.0 fbf=100.0 cbf=100.0 X=X.mtx C=C.mtx Y=Y.mtx YbyC=YbyC.mtx
+num_records   = $nr;
+num_features  = $nf;
+num_centroids = $nc;
+dist_per_feature_centroids = $dc;
+dist_per_feature_first_record = $dr;
+feature_bias_factor = $fbf;
+cluster_bias_factor = $cbf;
+fileX    = ifdef ($X, "X");
+fileC    = ifdef ($C, "C");
+fileY    = ifdef ($Y, "Y");
+fileYbyC = ifdef ($YbyC, "YbyC");
+fmt      = ifdef ($fmt, "text");
+print ("Generating cluster distribution (mixture) centroids...");
+C = Rand (rows = num_centroids, cols = num_features, pdf = "normal");
+C = C * dist_per_feature_centroids;
+print ("Generating record-to-cluster assignments...");
+# Y is a multinomial in {1, ..., num_centroids} with 1 being more likely
+# than "num_centroids" by the factor of "cluster_bias_factor"
+rnd = Rand (rows = num_records, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 1.0, pdf = "uniform");
+if (cluster_bias_factor == 1.0) {
+    Y = round (0.5 + rnd * num_centroids);
+} else {
+    rnd_scaled = rnd * (1 - cluster_bias_factor ^ (- num_centroids / (num_centroids - 1)));
+    Y = round (0.5 - (num_centroids - 1) * log (1 - rnd_scaled) / log (cluster_bias_factor));
+print ("Generating within-cluster random shifts...");
+X_shift = Rand (rows = num_records, cols = num_features, pdf = "normal");
+feature_factors = dist_per_feature_first_record * 
+    exp ((seq (1, num_features) - 1) / (num_features - 1) * log (feature_bias_factor));
+X_shift = X_shift %*% diag (feature_factors);
+print ("Generating records by shifting from centroids..."); 
+Y_bitmap_raw = table (seq (1, num_records), Y);
+Y_bitmap = matrix (0, rows = num_records, cols = num_centroids);
+Y_bitmap [, 1 : ncol (Y_bitmap_raw)] = Y_bitmap_raw;
+X = Y_bitmap %*% C + X_shift;
+print ("Computing record-to-cluster assignments by minimum centroid distance...");
+D = t(t(-2 * (X %*% t(C))) + rowSums (C ^ 2));
+P = ppred (D, rowMins (D), "<=");
+aggr_P = t(cumsum (t(P)));
+Y_by_C = rowSums (ppred (aggr_P, 0, "==")) + 1;
+print ("Computing useful statistics...");
+sumXsq = sum (X ^ 2);
+default_wcss  = sumXsq - sum (colSums (X) ^ 2) / num_records;
+attained_wcss = sumXsq + sum (rowMins (D));
+print ("Default (single-cluster) WCSS = " + default_wcss);
+print (num_centroids + "-cluster WCSS attained by the mixture centroids = " + attained_wcss);
+print ("Writing out the resulting dataset...");
+write (X, fileX, format = fmt);
+write (C, fileC, format = fmt);
+write (Y, fileY, format = fmt);
+write (Y_by_C, fileYbyC, format = fmt);
+print ("Please run the scoring script to compare " + fileY + " with " + fileYbyC); 
diff --git a/scripts/datagen/genRandData4LinearRegression.dml b/scripts/datagen/genRandData4LinearRegression.dml
index f0d214e..b257804 100644
--- a/scripts/datagen/genRandData4LinearRegression.dml
+++ b/scripts/datagen/genRandData4LinearRegression.dml
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# generates data to test linear regression
-# $1 is number of samples
-# $2 is number of features (independent variables)
-# $3 is maximum feature value (absolute value)
-# $4 is maximum weight (absolute value)
-# $5 is location to store generated weights
-# $6 is location to store generated data
-# $7 is location to store generated labels
-# $8 is 0/1. 0 suppresses noise, 1 will add noise to Y
-# $9 is b, 0 disables intercept
-# $10 controls sparsity in the generated data
-# $11 output format
-numSamples = $1
-numFeatures = $2
-maxFeatureValue = $3
-maxWeight = $4
-addNoise = $8
-b = $9
-fmt = $11
-X = Rand(rows=numSamples, cols=numFeatures, min=-1, max=1, pdf="uniform", seed=0, sparsity=$10)
-w = Rand(rows=numFeatures, cols=1, min=-1, max=1, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
-X = X * maxFeatureValue
-w = w * maxWeight
-Y = X %*% w
-if(b!=0) {
-	b_mat = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, min=b, max=b, pdf="uniform")
-	w =  t(append(t(w), b_mat))
-	Y = Y + b
-noise = Rand(rows=numSamples, cols=1, pdf="normal", seed=0)
-Y = Y + addNoise*noise
-write(w, $5, format=fmt)
-write(X, $6, format=fmt)
-write(Y, $7, format=fmt)
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# generates data to test linear regression
+# $1 is number of samples
+# $2 is number of features (independent variables)
+# $3 is maximum feature value (absolute value)
+# $4 is maximum weight (absolute value)
+# $5 is location to store generated weights
+# $6 is location to store generated data
+# $7 is location to store generated labels
+# $8 is 0/1. 0 suppresses noise, 1 will add noise to Y
+# $9 is b, 0 disables intercept
+# $10 controls sparsity in the generated data
+# $11 output format
+numSamples = $1
+numFeatures = $2
+maxFeatureValue = $3
+maxWeight = $4
+addNoise = $8
+b = $9
+fmt = $11
+X = Rand(rows=numSamples, cols=numFeatures, min=-1, max=1, pdf="uniform", seed=0, sparsity=$10)
+w = Rand(rows=numFeatures, cols=1, min=-1, max=1, pdf="uniform", seed=0)
+X = X * maxFeatureValue
+w = w * maxWeight
+Y = X %*% w
+if(b!=0) {
+	b_mat = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, min=b, max=b, pdf="uniform")
+	w =  t(append(t(w), b_mat))
+	Y = Y + b
+noise = Rand(rows=numSamples, cols=1, pdf="normal", seed=0)
+Y = Y + addNoise*noise
+write(w, $5, format=fmt)
+write(X, $6, format=fmt)
+write(Y, $7, format=fmt)