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[WIKI-UPDATE] ApacheModProxy PierFumagalli HowTos People Wed Feb 5 17:00:06 2003

Page:, version: 2 on Wed Feb  5 15:58:02 2003 by PierFumagalli

- now _stable_ and much more performing than the "old" 1.3.
?     ^      ^

+ now ''stable'' and much more performing than the "old" 1.3.
?     ^^      ^^

+ {{{
+ }}}
- As Stefano, I had several headaches trying to connect Apache and [name your
?                                                                  ^

+ As Stefano, I had several headaches trying to connect Apache and (name your
?                                                                  ^

- Servlet container of choice]. Mod_JK (JK2) doesn't work for me, mod_webapp
?                            ^

+ Servlet container of choice). Mod_JK (JK2) doesn't work for me, mod_webapp
?                            ^

- Connecting Cocoon is _simple_: all you have to do is configure your servlet
+ Connecting Cocoon is __simple__: all you have to do is configure your servlet
?                       +      +

+ {{{
+ }}}
- That's _IT_. It runs, and it runs smoothly.
+ That's __IT__. It runs, and it runs smoothly.
?         +  +

- Now, Apache is _definitely_ faster than any Java based servlet container in
+ Now, Apache is __definitely__ faster than any Java based servlet container in
?                 +          +

- uses a kernel-based function called "sendfile", that makes its performances
?                                     ^        ^

+ uses a kernel-based function called {{sendfile}}, that makes its performances
?                                     ^^        ^^

- everything beginning with "/static/" straight out of my web-application,
?                           ^        ^

+ everything beginning with {{/static/}} straight out of my web-application,
?                           ^^        ^^

+ {{{
+ }}}
+ !!Letting Apache to handle error pages
+ Whenever we want Apache to handle error messages in a consistent way
+ (basically overwriting what Cocoon writes as a body in error pages), we can
+ do that by simply adding a few lines to the configurations we used before:
+     # Make sure that Apache processes the headers coming back from the proxy
+     # requests. This will enable also the evaluation of HTTP status codes.
+     ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8000/
+     # Tell mod_mod proxy that it should not send back the body-content of
+     # error pages, but be fascist and use its local error pages if the
+     # remote HTTP stack is sending an HTTP 4xx or 5xx status code.
+     ProxyErrorOverride On
+     # For each individual error we want to handle, let's specify what file
+     # we want to use. Note that all files must be available through a
+     # locally accessible directory (as our /static/), and they can even be
+     # SSI files (SHTML files).
+     ErrorDocument 404 /static/notfound.shtml
+     ErrorDocument 500 /static/error.shtml
+     ErrorDocument 502 /static/unavailable.shtml
+ This is how it can be done, so that (for example, as suggested by Jeremy),
+ one can configure Cocoon to dump full-stack-traces on the staging server,
+ (or from an interface available only to the internal network), while
+ displaying nicely formatted error messages to our client.
+ ----
+ !!Preserving the Host header through a proxy
+ In some cases, it is quite important to preserve the "Host" header
+ throughout the proxied request.
+ For example, to be able to deal with multiple virtual hosts on the backend
+ servlet container, the proxied request  MUST include the original Host name
+ requested by our client. Apache allows us to pass this value through using
+ the ProxyPreserveHost directive:
+     # Make sure that the virtual host name is passed through to the
+     # backend servlet container for virtual host support.
+     ProxyPreserveHost On
+ ----
+ !!Putting it all together
+ Linking together all the different pieces we've analyzed before, now, we can
+ attempt to write up a do-it-all fragment of our httpd.conf file:
+     #######################################################################
+     # GLOBAL CONFIGURATIONS                                               #
+     #######################################################################
+     # Make sure that my document root points to the root of the web
+     # application (where the WEB-INF is located, for instance).
+     DocumentRoot /export/webapps/cocoon
+     # Make sure that Server Side Includes are processed and sent
+     # to the client with mime-type as text/html
+     AddType text/html .shtml
+     AddOutputFilter Includes .shtml
+     # Make sure that our SHTMLs are processed in the static
+     # directory
+     <Directory "/export/webapps/cocoon">
+         Options +IncludesNoExec
+     </Directory>
+     #######################################################################
+     # ERROR PAGES CONFIGURATION                                           #
+     #######################################################################
+     # If mod_proxy cannot connect to the servlet container, we want
+     # to display a nice static page saying the reason. This is a
+     # SHTML page (using the Server-Side-Includes filter)
+     ErrorDocument 502 /static/unavailable.shtml
+     # For each individual error we want to handle, let's specify what file
+     # we want to use. Note that all files must be available through a
+     # locally accessible directory (as our /static/), and they can even be
+     # SSI files (SHTML files).
+     ErrorDocument 404 /static/notfound.shtml
+     ErrorDocument 500 /static/error.shtml
+     #######################################################################
+     # MOD_PROXY CONFIGURATIONS                                            #
+     #######################################################################
+     # Make sure that if the servlet container specifies a "Location" HTTP
+     # header during redirection starting with "http://localhost:8080/", we
+     # can handle it and return to our client the effective (not real)
+     # location we want to redirect them to. This is _essential_ to handle
+     # also the error returned by the backend servlet container.
+     ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/
+     # Make sure that the virtual host name is passed through to the
+     # backend servlet container for virtual host support.
+     ProxyPreserveHost On
+     # Tell mod_mod proxy that it should not send back the body-content of
+     # error pages, but be fascist and use its local error pages if the
+     # remote HTTP stack is sending an HTTP 4xx or 5xx status code.
+     ProxyErrorOverride On
+     #######################################################################
+     # MOD_REWRITE CONFIGURATIONS                                          #
+     #######################################################################
+     # The nastiness begins, let's fire up the "rewrite engine"
+     RewriteEngine On
+     # Everything that starts with "/static" or "/static/" is served straight
+     # through: no redirection, no proxying, no nothing, and the [L] flag
+     # implies that if this rule is matched, no other matching must be
+     # performed
+     RewriteRule "^/static/?(.*)" "$0" [L]
+     # Everything that starts with a NON-CASE-SENSITIVE match (the NC flag)
+     # of "/WEB-INF" or "/WEB-INF/" is forbidden (the F flag). And again,
+     # this is the last rule (the L flag), nothing will be processed by the
+     # rewrite engine if this rule is matched
+     RewriteRule "^/WEB-INF/?(.*)" "$0" [L,F,NC]
+     # Everything ending in ".gif", ".jpg" or ".jpeg" will be served again
+     # directly by Apache, no need to bother the servlet container. As above
+     # this is the last rule as specified by the [L] flag at the end
+     RewriteRule "^/(.*)\.gif$" "$0" [L]
+     RewriteRule "^/(.*)\.(jpg|jpeg)$" "$0" [L]
+     # Everything else not matched above needs to go to the servlet container
+     # via HTTP listening on port 8080. The [P] flag (which is required)
+     # implies that our requests will be handled by mod_proxy.
+     RewriteRule "^/(.*)" "http://localhost:8080/$1" [P]
+ And that's all... You can roughly copy and paste this example in a
+ <VirtualHost> section of your httpd.conf (obviously after having applied the
+ appropriate modification), and go...
+ ----

Page:, version: 1 on Wed Feb  5 15:43:07 2003 by PierFumagalli

New page created:
+ I am just a wicked kid loving [Apache|], [MacOS/X|].
+ Oh, yes, and I also wrote the very first implementation of [Cocoon 2.0|], but it was only a big collection of bugs at the time...

Page:, version: 59 on Wed Feb  5 15:46:25 2003 by PierFumagalli

- * __[Using Apache's mod_proxy with Cocoon|]__ -- A very nice description of how to configure Apache mod_proxy as a front-end to Cocoon by [Pier Fumagalli|PierFumagalli].
?                                                                                                                        ----------

+ * __[Using Apache's mod_proxy with Cocoon|]__ -- A description of how to configure Apache mod_proxy as a front-end to Cocoon by [Pier Fumagalli|PierFumagalli] ([Wiki Version|ApacheModProxy]).
?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Page:, version: 90 on Wed Feb  5 15:37:23 2003 by PierFumagalli

+ * [Pier Fumagalli|PierFumagalli] -- Wicked kid.