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Posted to by on 2013/05/26 18:57:35 UTC

[10/28] Refactored MesosTest/MesosClusterTest into a generic fixture for launching in-memory Mesos clusters and updated all tests appropriately.
diff --git a/src/tests/utils.hpp b/src/tests/utils.hpp
index 60e4678..3b80933 100644
--- a/src/tests/utils.hpp
+++ b/src/tests/utils.hpp
@@ -19,76 +19,16 @@
 #ifndef __TESTS_UTILS_HPP__
 #define __TESTS_UTILS_HPP__
-#include <unistd.h> // For usleep.
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <gmock/gmock.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <map>
 #include <string>
-#include <mesos/executor.hpp>
-#include <mesos/scheduler.hpp>
-#include <process/future.hpp>
-#include <process/gmock.hpp>
-#include <process/gtest.hpp>
-#include <process/http.hpp>
-#include <process/process.hpp>
-#include <stout/duration.hpp>
-#include <stout/gtest.hpp>
-#include <stout/lambda.hpp>
-#include <stout/nothing.hpp>
 #include <stout/option.hpp>
-#include <stout/os.hpp>
-#include <stout/path.hpp>
-#include <stout/stringify.hpp>
-#include <stout/try.hpp>
-#include <stout/uuid.hpp>
-#include "common/resources.hpp"
-#include "common/type_utils.hpp"
-#ifdef __linux__
-#include "linux/cgroups.hpp"
-#include "logging/logging.hpp"
-#include "master/allocator.hpp"
-#include "master/drf_sorter.hpp"
-#include "master/hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp"
-#include "master/master.hpp"
-#include "messages/messages.hpp"
-#ifdef __linux__
-#include "slave/cgroups_isolator.hpp"
-#include "slave/isolator.hpp"
-#include "slave/reaper.hpp"
-#include "slave/slave.hpp"
-#include "slave/state.hpp"
-#include "tests/cluster.hpp"
-#include "tests/environment.hpp"
-#include "tests/flags.hpp"
-#include "tests/isolator.hpp"
 namespace mesos {
 namespace internal {
 namespace tests {
-#ifdef __linux__
-// Cgroups hierarchy used by the cgroups related tests.
-const static std::string TEST_CGROUPS_HIERARCHY = "/tmp/mesos_test_cgroup";
-// Name of the root cgroup used by the cgroups related tests.
-const static std::string TEST_CGROUPS_ROOT = "mesos_test";
 // Test fixture for creating a temporary directory for each test.
 class TemporaryDirectoryTest : public ::testing::Test
@@ -101,671 +41,6 @@ private:
   Option<std::string> sandbox;
-// Test fixture to setup mesos configuration for tests.
-// This fixture creates a new temporary working directory for each test and
-// deletes it when a test finishes. It also supports setting slave resources.
-// TODO(vinod): Make this fixture more generic to provide a basic set of
-// setup abstractions for tests.
-class MesosTest : public ::testing::Test
-  virtual void SetUp()
-  {
-    // Create a temporary directory for the test.
-    Try<std::string> directory = environment->mkdtemp();
-    CHECK(directory.isSome())
-      << "Failed to create temporary directory: " << directory.error();
-    slaveFlags.work_dir = directory.get();
-    slaveFlags.launcher_dir = path::join(tests::flags.build_dir, "src");
-    // For locating
-    os::setenv("MESOS_SOURCE_DIR", tests::flags.source_dir);
-    setSlaveResources("cpus:2;mem:1024;disk:1024;ports:[31000-32000]");
-  }
-  virtual void TearDown()
-  {
-    os::rmdir(slaveFlags.work_dir);
-    os::unsetenv("MESOS_SOURCE_DIR");
-  }
-  void setSlaveResources(const std::string& resources)
-  {
-    slaveFlags.resources = Option<std::string>::some(resources);
-  }
-  slave::Flags slaveFlags;
-class MesosClusterTest : public ::testing::Test
-  virtual void SetUp()
-  {
-    // Create a temporary directory for the test.
-    Try<std::string> directory = environment->mkdtemp();
-    CHECK(directory.isSome())
-      << "Failed to create temporary directory: " << directory.error();
-    cluster.slaves.flags.work_dir = directory.get();
-    cluster.slaves.flags.launcher_dir =
-      path::join(tests::flags.build_dir, "src");
-    // For locating
-    os::setenv("MESOS_SOURCE_DIR", tests::flags.source_dir);
-    cluster.slaves.flags.resources =
-      Option<std::string>("cpus:2;mem:1024;disk:1024;ports:[31000-32000]");
-  }
-  virtual void TearDown()
-  {
-    os::rmdir(cluster.slaves.flags.work_dir);
-    os::unsetenv("MESOS_SOURCE_DIR");
-  }
-  Cluster cluster;
-template <typename T>
-class IsolatorTest : public MesosTest
-#ifdef __linux__
-template <>
-class IsolatorTest<slave::CgroupsIsolator> : public MesosTest
-  static void SetUpTestCase()
-  {
-    // Clean up the testing hierarchy, in case it wasn't cleaned up
-    // properly from previous tests.
-  }
-  static void TearDownTestCase()
-  {
-  }
-  virtual void SetUp()
-  {
-    const std::string subsystems = "cpu,cpuacct,memory,freezer";
-    Result<std::string> hierarchy_ = cgroups::hierarchy(subsystems);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(hierarchy_.isError());
-    if (hierarchy_.isNone()) {
-      // Try to mount a hierarchy for testing.
-      ASSERT_SOME(cgroups::mount(TEST_CGROUPS_HIERARCHY, subsystems))
-        << "-------------------------------------------------------------\n"
-        << "We cannot run any cgroups tests that require\n"
-        << "a hierarchy with subsystems '" << subsystems << "'\n"
-        << "because we failed to find an existing hierarchy\n"
-        << "or create a new one. You can either remove all existing\n"
-        << "hierarchies, or disable this test case\n"
-        << "(i.e., --gtest_filter=-"
-        << ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()
-             ->current_test_info()
-             ->test_case_name() << ".*).\n"
-        << "-------------------------------------------------------------";
-      hierarchy = TEST_CGROUPS_HIERARCHY;
-    } else {
-      hierarchy = hierarchy_.get();
-    }
-    MesosTest::SetUp();
-    // Set slave's cgroup flags.
-    slaveFlags.cgroups_hierarchy = hierarchy;
-    slaveFlags.cgroups_root = TEST_CGROUPS_ROOT;
-  }
-  virtual void TearDown()
-  {
-    MesosTest::TearDown();
-    Try<bool> exists = cgroups::exists(hierarchy, TEST_CGROUPS_ROOT);
-    ASSERT_SOME(exists);
-    if (exists.get()) {
-     AWAIT_READY(cgroups::destroy(hierarchy, TEST_CGROUPS_ROOT));
-    }
-  }
-  std::string hierarchy;
-// Macros to get/create (default) ExecutorInfos and FrameworkInfos.
-#define DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_INFO                                           \
-      ({ ExecutorInfo executor;                                         \
-        executor.mutable_executor_id()->set_value("default");           \
-        executor.mutable_command()->set_value("exit 1");                \
-        executor; })
-#define CREATE_EXECUTOR_INFO(executorId, command)                       \
-      ({ ExecutorInfo executor;                                         \
-        executor.mutable_executor_id()->MergeFrom(executorId);          \
-        executor.mutable_command()->set_value(command);                 \
-        executor; })
-#define DEFAULT_FRAMEWORK_INFO                                          \
-     ({ FrameworkInfo framework;                                        \
-        framework.set_name("default");                                  \
-        framework; })
-#define DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_ID						\
-      DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_INFO.executor_id()
-inline TaskInfo createTask(
-    const Offer& offer,
-    const std::string& command,
-    const std::string& name = "test-task",
-    const std::string& id = UUID::random().toString())
-  TaskInfo task;
-  task.set_name(name);
-  task.mutable_task_id()->set_value(id);
-  task.mutable_slave_id()->MergeFrom(offer.slave_id());
-  task.mutable_resources()->MergeFrom(offer.resources());
-  task.mutable_command()->set_value(command);
-  return task;
-// Definition of a mock Scheduler to be used in tests with gmock.
-class MockScheduler : public Scheduler
-  MOCK_METHOD3(registered, void(SchedulerDriver*,
-                                const FrameworkID&,
-                                const MasterInfo&));
-  MOCK_METHOD2(reregistered, void(SchedulerDriver*, const MasterInfo&));
-  MOCK_METHOD1(disconnected, void(SchedulerDriver*));
-  MOCK_METHOD2(resourceOffers, void(SchedulerDriver*,
-                                    const std::vector<Offer>&));
-  MOCK_METHOD2(offerRescinded, void(SchedulerDriver*, const OfferID&));
-  MOCK_METHOD2(statusUpdate, void(SchedulerDriver*, const TaskStatus&));
-  MOCK_METHOD4(frameworkMessage, void(SchedulerDriver*,
-                                      const ExecutorID&,
-                                      const SlaveID&,
-                                      const std::string&));
-  MOCK_METHOD2(slaveLost, void(SchedulerDriver*, const SlaveID&));
-  MOCK_METHOD4(executorLost, void(SchedulerDriver*,
-                                  const ExecutorID&,
-                                  const SlaveID&,
-                                  int));
-  MOCK_METHOD2(error, void(SchedulerDriver*, const std::string&));
-// For use with a MockScheduler, for example:
-// EXPECT_CALL(sched, resourceOffers(_, _))
-//   .WillOnce(LaunchTasks(TASKS, CPUS, MEM));
-// Launches up to TASKS no-op tasks, if possible,
-// each with CPUS cpus and MEM memory.
-ACTION_P3(LaunchTasks, tasks, cpus, mem)
-  SchedulerDriver* driver = arg0;
-  std::vector<Offer> offers = arg1;
-  int numTasks = tasks;
-  int launched = 0;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < offers.size(); i++) {
-    const Offer& offer = offers[i];
-    double offeredCpus = 0;
-    double offeredMem = 0;
-    for (int j = 0; j < offer.resources_size(); j++) {
-      const Resource& resource = offer.resources(j);
-      if ( == "cpus" &&
-          resource.type() == Value::SCALAR) {
-        offeredCpus = resource.scalar().value();
-      } else if ( == "mem" &&
-                 resource.type() == Value::SCALAR) {
-        offeredMem = resource.scalar().value();
-      }
-    }
-    int nextTaskId = 0;
-    std::vector<TaskInfo> tasks;
-    while (offeredCpus >= cpus && offeredMem >= mem && launched < numTasks) {
-      TaskInfo task;
-      task.set_name("TestTask");
-      task.mutable_task_id()->set_value(stringify(nextTaskId++));
-      task.mutable_slave_id()->MergeFrom(offer.slave_id());
-      ExecutorInfo executor;
-      executor.mutable_executor_id()->set_value("default");
-      executor.mutable_command()->set_value(":");
-      task.mutable_executor()->MergeFrom(executor);
-      Resource* resource;
-      resource = task.add_resources();
-      resource->set_name("cpus");
-      resource->set_type(Value::SCALAR);
-      resource->mutable_scalar()->set_value(cpus);
-      resource = task.add_resources();
-      resource->set_name("mem");
-      resource->set_type(Value::SCALAR);
-      resource->mutable_scalar()->set_value(mem);
-      tasks.push_back(task);
-      launched++;
-      offeredCpus -= cpus;
-      offeredMem -= mem;
-    }
-    driver->launchTasks(, tasks);
-  }
-// Like LaunchTasks, but decline the entire offer and
-// don't launch any tasks.
-  SchedulerDriver* driver = arg0;
-  std::vector<Offer> offers = arg1;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < offers.size(); i++) {
-    driver->declineOffer(offers[i].id());
-  }
-// Definition of a mock Executor to be used in tests with gmock.
-class MockExecutor : public Executor
-  MOCK_METHOD4(registered, void(ExecutorDriver*,
-                                const ExecutorInfo&,
-                                const FrameworkInfo&,
-                                const SlaveInfo&));
-  MOCK_METHOD2(reregistered, void(ExecutorDriver*, const SlaveInfo&));
-  MOCK_METHOD1(disconnected, void(ExecutorDriver*));
-  MOCK_METHOD2(launchTask, void(ExecutorDriver*, const TaskInfo&));
-  MOCK_METHOD2(killTask, void(ExecutorDriver*, const TaskID&));
-  MOCK_METHOD2(frameworkMessage, void(ExecutorDriver*, const std::string&));
-  MOCK_METHOD1(shutdown, void(ExecutorDriver*));
-  MOCK_METHOD2(error, void(ExecutorDriver*, const std::string&));
-class MockProcessListener : public slave::ProcessExitedListener
-  MOCK_METHOD2(processExited, void(pid_t, int));
-template <typename T = master::AllocatorProcess>
-class MockAllocatorProcess : public master::AllocatorProcess
-  MockAllocatorProcess()
-  {
-    // Spawn the underlying allocator process.
-    process::spawn(real);
-    using ::testing::_;
-    ON_CALL(*this, initialize(_, _))
-      .WillByDefault(InvokeInitialize(this));
-    ON_CALL(*this, frameworkAdded(_, _, _))
-      .WillByDefault(InvokeFrameworkAdded(this));
-    ON_CALL(*this, frameworkRemoved(_))
-      .WillByDefault(InvokeFrameworkRemoved(this));
-    ON_CALL(*this, frameworkActivated(_, _))
-      .WillByDefault(InvokeFrameworkActivated(this));
-    ON_CALL(*this, frameworkDeactivated(_))
-      .WillByDefault(InvokeFrameworkDeactivated(this));
-    ON_CALL(*this, slaveAdded(_, _, _))
-      .WillByDefault(InvokeSlaveAdded(this));
-    ON_CALL(*this, slaveRemoved(_))
-      .WillByDefault(InvokeSlaveRemoved(this));
-    ON_CALL(*this, updateWhitelist(_))
-      .WillByDefault(InvokeUpdateWhitelist(this));
-    ON_CALL(*this, resourcesRequested(_, _))
-      .WillByDefault(InvokeResourcesRequested(this));
-    ON_CALL(*this, resourcesUnused(_, _, _, _))
-      .WillByDefault(InvokeResourcesUnused(this));
-    ON_CALL(*this, resourcesRecovered(_, _, _))
-      .WillByDefault(InvokeResourcesRecovered(this));
-    ON_CALL(*this, offersRevived(_))
-      .WillByDefault(InvokeOffersRevived(this));
-  }
-  ~MockAllocatorProcess()
-  {
-    process::terminate(real);
-    process::wait(real);
-  }
-  MOCK_METHOD2(initialize, void(const master::Flags&,
-                                const process::PID<master::Master>&));
-  MOCK_METHOD3(frameworkAdded, void(const FrameworkID&,
-                                    const FrameworkInfo&,
-                                    const Resources&));
-  MOCK_METHOD1(frameworkRemoved, void(const FrameworkID&));
-  MOCK_METHOD2(frameworkActivated, void(const FrameworkID&,
-                                        const FrameworkInfo&));
-  MOCK_METHOD1(frameworkDeactivated, void(const FrameworkID&));
-  MOCK_METHOD3(slaveAdded, void(const SlaveID&,
-                                const SlaveInfo&,
-                                const hashmap<FrameworkID, Resources>&));
-  MOCK_METHOD1(slaveRemoved, void(const SlaveID&));
-  MOCK_METHOD1(updateWhitelist, void(const Option<hashset<std::string> >&));
-  MOCK_METHOD2(resourcesRequested, void(const FrameworkID&,
-                                        const std::vector<Request>&));
-  MOCK_METHOD4(resourcesUnused, void(const FrameworkID&,
-                                     const SlaveID&,
-                                     const Resources&,
-                                     const Option<Filters>& filters));
-  MOCK_METHOD3(resourcesRecovered, void(const FrameworkID&,
-                                        const SlaveID&,
-                                        const Resources&));
-  MOCK_METHOD1(offersRevived, void(const FrameworkID&));
-  T real;
-typedef ::testing::Types<master::HierarchicalDRFAllocatorProcess>
-// The following actions make up for the fact that DoDefault
-// cannot be used inside a DoAll, for example:
-// EXPECT_CALL(allocator, frameworkAdded(_, _, _))
-//   .WillOnce(DoAll(InvokeFrameworkAdded(&allocator),
-//                   FutureSatisfy(&frameworkAdded)));
-ACTION_P(InvokeInitialize, allocator)
-  process::dispatch(
-      allocator->real,
-      &master::AllocatorProcess::initialize,
-      arg0,
-      arg1);
-ACTION_P(InvokeFrameworkAdded, allocator)
-  process::dispatch(
-      allocator->real,
-      &master::AllocatorProcess::frameworkAdded,
-      arg0,
-      arg1,
-      arg2);
-ACTION_P(InvokeFrameworkRemoved, allocator)
-  process::dispatch(
-      allocator->real,
-      &master::AllocatorProcess::frameworkRemoved, arg0);
-ACTION_P(InvokeFrameworkActivated, allocator)
-  process::dispatch(
-      allocator->real,
-      &master::AllocatorProcess::frameworkActivated,
-      arg0,
-      arg1);
-ACTION_P(InvokeFrameworkDeactivated, allocator)
-  process::dispatch(
-      allocator->real,
-      &master::AllocatorProcess::frameworkDeactivated,
-      arg0);
-ACTION_P(InvokeSlaveAdded, allocator)
-  process::dispatch(
-      allocator->real,
-      &master::AllocatorProcess::slaveAdded,
-      arg0,
-      arg1,
-      arg2);
-ACTION_P(InvokeSlaveRemoved, allocator)
-  process::dispatch(
-      allocator->real,
-      &master::AllocatorProcess::slaveRemoved,
-      arg0);
-ACTION_P(InvokeUpdateWhitelist, allocator)
-  process::dispatch(
-      allocator->real,
-      &master::AllocatorProcess::updateWhitelist,
-      arg0);
-ACTION_P(InvokeResourcesRequested, allocator)
-  process::dispatch(
-      allocator->real,
-      &master::AllocatorProcess::resourcesRequested,
-      arg0,
-      arg1);
-ACTION_P(InvokeResourcesUnused, allocator)
-  process::dispatch(
-      allocator->real,
-      &master::AllocatorProcess::resourcesUnused,
-      arg0,
-      arg1,
-      arg2,
-      arg3);
-ACTION_P2(InvokeUnusedWithFilters, allocator, timeout)
-  Filters filters;
-  filters.set_refuse_seconds(timeout);
-  process::dispatch(
-      allocator->real,
-      &master::AllocatorProcess::resourcesUnused,
-      arg0,
-      arg1,
-      arg2,
-      filters);
-ACTION_P(InvokeResourcesRecovered, allocator)
-  process::dispatch(
-      allocator->real,
-      &master::AllocatorProcess::resourcesRecovered,
-      arg0,
-      arg1,
-      arg2);
-ACTION_P(InvokeOffersRevived, allocator)
-  process::dispatch(
-      allocator->real,
-      &master::AllocatorProcess::offersRevived,
-      arg0);
-class OfferEqMatcher
-  : public ::testing::MatcherInterface<const std::vector<Offer>& >
-  OfferEqMatcher(int _cpus, int _mem)
-    : cpus(_cpus), mem(_mem) {}
-  virtual bool MatchAndExplain(const std::vector<Offer>& offers,
-			       ::testing::MatchResultListener* listener) const
-  {
-    double totalCpus = 0;
-    double totalMem = 0;
-    foreach (const Offer& offer, offers) {
-      foreach (const Resource& resource, offer.resources()) {
-	if ( == "cpus") {
-	  totalCpus += resource.scalar().value();
-	} else if ( == "mem") {
-	  totalMem += resource.scalar().value();
-	}
-      }
-    }
-    bool matches = totalCpus == cpus && totalMem == mem;
-    if (!matches) {
-      *listener << totalCpus << " cpus and " << totalMem << "mem";
-    }
-    return matches;
-  }
-  virtual void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const
-  {
-    *os << "contains " << cpus << " cpus and " << mem << " mem";
-  }
-  virtual void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const
-  {
-    *os << "does not contain " << cpus << " cpus and "  << mem << " mem";
-  }
-  int cpus;
-  int mem;
-inline const ::testing::Matcher<const std::vector<Offer>& > OfferEq(int cpus, int mem)
-  return MakeMatcher(new OfferEqMatcher(cpus, mem));
-// Definition of the SendStatusUpdateFromTask action to be used with gmock.
-ACTION_P(SendStatusUpdateFromTask, state)
-  TaskStatus status;
-  status.mutable_task_id()->MergeFrom(arg1.task_id());
-  status.set_state(state);
-  arg0->sendStatusUpdate(status);
-// Definition of the SendStatusUpdateFromTaskID action to be used with gmock.
-ACTION_P(SendStatusUpdateFromTaskID, state)
-  TaskStatus status;
-  status.mutable_task_id()->MergeFrom(arg1);
-  status.set_state(state);
-  arg0->sendStatusUpdate(status);
-#define FUTURE_PROTOBUF(message, from, to)              \
-  FutureProtobuf(message, from, to)
-#define DROP_PROTOBUF(message, from, to)              \
-  FutureProtobuf(message, from, to, true)
-#define DROP_PROTOBUFS(message, from, to)              \
-  DropProtobufs(message, from, to)
-// Forward declaration.
-template <typename T>
-T _FutureProtobuf(const process::Message& message);
-template <typename T, typename From, typename To>
-process::Future<T> FutureProtobuf(T t, From from, To to, bool drop = false)
-  // Help debugging by adding some "type constraints".
-  { google::protobuf::Message* m = &t; (void) m; }
-  return process::FutureMessage(testing::Eq(t.GetTypeName()), from, to, drop)
-    .then(lambda::bind(&_FutureProtobuf<T>, lambda::_1));
-template <typename T>
-T _FutureProtobuf(const process::Message& message)
-  T t;
-  t.ParseFromString(message.body);
-  return t;
-template <typename T, typename From, typename To>
-void DropProtobufs(T t, From from, To to)
-  // Help debugging by adding some "type constraints".
-  { google::protobuf::Message* m = &t; (void) m; }
-  process::DropMessages(testing::Eq(t.GetTypeName()), from, to);
 } // namespace tests {
 } // namespace internal {
 } // namespace mesos {
diff --git a/src/tests/zookeeper.cpp b/src/tests/zookeeper.cpp
index 3d11209..237d54c 100644
--- a/src/tests/zookeeper.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/zookeeper.cpp
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 #include "logging/logging.hpp"
-#include "tests/utils.hpp"
+#include "tests/flags.hpp"
 #include "tests/zookeeper.hpp"
 #include "tests/zookeeper_test_server.hpp"
diff --git a/src/tests/zookeeper.hpp b/src/tests/zookeeper.hpp
index 17e0886..1bc38c2 100644
--- a/src/tests/zookeeper.hpp
+++ b/src/tests/zookeeper.hpp
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
 #include <stout/duration.hpp>
-#include "tests/utils.hpp"
 #include "tests/zookeeper_test_server.hpp"
 namespace mesos {
@@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ inline ::testing::AssertionResult AssertZKGet(
 // the variable 'server'. This test fixture ensures the server is
 // started before each test and shutdown after it so that each test is
 // presented with a ZooKeeper ensemble with no data or watches.
-class ZooKeeperTest : public MesosTest
+class ZooKeeperTest : public ::testing::Test
   // A watcher that is useful to install in a ZooKeeper client for
@@ -116,17 +115,18 @@ public:
     pthread_cond_t cond;
-  ZooKeeperTest() : server(new ZooKeeperTestServer()) {}
-  virtual ~ZooKeeperTest() { delete server; }
   static void SetUpTestCase();
+  ZooKeeperTest() : server(new ZooKeeperTestServer()) {}
+  virtual ~ZooKeeperTest() { delete server; }
   virtual void SetUp();
   // A very long session timeout that simulates no timeout for test cases.
   static const Duration NO_TIMEOUT;
+  // TODO(benh): Share the same ZooKeeperTestServer across all tests?
   ZooKeeperTestServer* server;
diff --git a/src/tests/zookeeper_tests.cpp b/src/tests/zookeeper_tests.cpp
index 27a6048..77a5ab2 100644
--- a/src/tests/zookeeper_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/zookeeper_tests.cpp
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@
 #include <stout/strings.hpp>
-#include "tests/utils.hpp"
+#include "zookeeper/authentication.hpp"
 #include "tests/zookeeper.hpp"
 using namespace mesos::internal;
diff --git a/src/zookeeper/authentication.hpp b/src/zookeeper/authentication.hpp
index fb0e3ca..7b6b767 100644
--- a/src/zookeeper/authentication.hpp
+++ b/src/zookeeper/authentication.hpp
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 #include <string>
+#include "logging/logging.hpp"
 namespace zookeeper {
 struct Authentication
@@ -13,7 +15,11 @@ struct Authentication
       const std::string& _scheme,
       const std::string& _credentials)
     : scheme(_scheme),
-      credentials(_credentials) {}
+      credentials(_credentials)
+  {
+    // TODO(benh): Fix output operator below once this changes.
+    CHECK_EQ(scheme, "digest") << "Unsupported authentication scheme";
+  }
   const std::string scheme;
   const std::string credentials;
@@ -28,6 +34,17 @@ extern const ACL_vector EVERYONE_READ_CREATOR_ALL;
 // we're the the only authenticated user to mutate our nodes.
+inline std::ostream& operator << (
+    std::ostream& stream,
+    const Authentication& authentication)
+  // TODO(benh): Fix this once we support more than just 'digest'.
+  CHECK_EQ(authentication.scheme, "digest");
+  return stream << authentication.credentials;
 } // namespace zookeeper {
diff --git a/src/zookeeper/url.hpp b/src/zookeeper/url.hpp
index b297a16..11f2bdd 100644
--- a/src/zookeeper/url.hpp
+++ b/src/zookeeper/url.hpp
@@ -108,6 +108,15 @@ inline Try<URL> URL::parse(const std::string& url)
+inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& stream, const URL& url)
+  stream << "zk://";
+  if (url.authentication.isSome()) {
+    stream << url.authentication.get() << "@";
+  }
+  return stream << url.servers << url.path;
 } // namespace zookeeper {
 #endif // __ZOOKEEPER_URL_HPP__