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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2021/04/06 16:33:32 UTC

[GitHub] [airflow] jackemuk-es opened a new issue #15231: New version of docutils breaks Dockerfile for tag 2.0.1 (branch v2-0-stable)

jackemuk-es opened a new issue #15231:

   **Apache Airflow version**:
   **Kubernetes version (if you are using kubernetes)** (use `kubectl version`):
   - **Cloud provider or hardware configuration**: aws, t3.medium
   - **OS** (e.g. from /etc/os-release): Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (Focal Fossa)
   - **Kernel** (e.g. `uname -a`): Linux ip-10-0-2-6 5.4.0-1041-aws #43-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 19 22:06:16 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
   **What happened**:
   Building custom airflow image was working before docutils==0.17 was released on April 3rd, 2021 using the docker-compose file from
   $> docker-compose build
   Building airflow-init
   Step 1/153 : ARG AIRFLOW_VERSION="2.0.0.dev0"
   Step 2/153 : ...
   Step 84/153 : RUN if [[ ${INSTALL_FROM_PYPI} == "true" ]]; then         bash /scripts/docker/;     fi;     if [[ ${INSTALL_FROM_DOCKER_CONTEXT_FILES} == "true" ]]; then         bash /scripts/docker/;     fi;     if [[ -n "${ADDITIONAL_PYTHON_DEPS}" ]]; then         bash /scripts/docker/;     fi;     find /root/.local/ -name '*.pyc' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -r || true ;     find /root/.local/ -type d -name '__pycache__' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -r || true
    ---> Running in c2bceecda1cd
   + [[ true == \t\r\u\e ]]
   + bash /scripts/docker/
   Installing collected packages: pytz, Babel, idna, dnspython, email-validator, itsdangerous, MarkupSafe, Jinja2, Werkzeug, click, Flask, Flask-Login, colorama, SQLAlchemy, defusedxml, python3-openid, Flask-OpenID, WTForms, Flask-WTF, six, python-dateutil, marshmallow, marshmallow-sqlalchemy, pyrsistent, attrs, jsonschema, marshmallow-enum, PyYAML, apispec, prison, Flask-SQLAlchemy, PyJWT, Flask-JWT-Extended, Flask-Babel, SQLAlchemy-Utils, Flask-AppBuilder, Flask-Caching, Mako, Markdown, pycparser, cffi, PyNaCl, Pygments, SQLAlchemy-JSONField, sphinxcontrib-qthelp, sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml, sphinxcontrib-applehelp, docutils, sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp, pyparsing, packaging, imagesize, alabaster, sphinxcontrib-jsmath, snowballstemmer, sphinxcontrib-devhelp, urllib3, chardet, certifi, requests, Sphinx, Unidecode, cryptography, adal, multidict, yarl, typing-extensions, async-timeout, aiohttp, python-editor, alembic, vine, amqp, textwrap3, ansiwrap, graphviz, importlib-resources, iso86
 01, lazy-object-proxy, text-unidecode, python-slugify, python-nvd3, unicodecsv, apache-airflow-providers-ftp, tenacity, lockfile, python-daemon, marshmallow-oneofschema, tabulate, colorlog, psutil, numpy, pandas, argcomplete, termcolor, apache-airflow-providers-sqlite, dill, apache-airflow-providers-imap, zipp, importlib-metadata, pytzdata, pendulum, commonmark, rich, cached-property, setproctitle, cattrs, apache-airflow-providers-http, gunicorn, natsort, croniter, isodate, openapi-schema-validator, openapi-spec-validator, clickclick, inflection, swagger-ui-bundle, connexion, jmespath, botocore, s3transfer, boto3, watchtower, tornado, kombu, billiard, celery, prometheus-client, humanize, flower, apache-airflow-providers-celery, sphinxcontrib-dotnetdomain, wrapt, astroid, sphinxcontrib-golangdomain, sphinx-autoapi, pyenchant, sphinxcontrib-spelling, sphinx-airflow-theme, sphinx-rtd-theme, sphinx-argparse, sphinx-jinja, sphinx-copybutton, sphinxcontrib-httpdomain, sphinxcontrib-redoc,
  websocket-client, docker-pycreds, docker, apache-airflow-providers-docker, elasticsearch, elasticsearch-dbapi, elasticsearch-dsl, apache-airflow-providers-elasticsearch, grpcio, httplib2, pyasn1, pyasn1-modules, rsa, cachetools, google-auth, google-auth-httplib2, apache-airflow-providers-grpc, hvac, apache-airflow-providers-hashicorp, oauthlib, requests-oauthlib, requests-toolbelt, pbr, jira, apache-airflow-providers-jira, kubernetes, apache-airflow-providers-cncf-kubernetes, apache-airflow-providers-openfaas, apache-airflow-providers-opsgenie, cx-Oracle, apache-airflow-providers-oracle, pdpyras, apache-airflow-providers-pagerduty, mypy-extensions, toml, typed-ast, appdirs, regex, pathspec, black, tqdm, nest-asyncio, async-generator, ipython-genutils, traitlets, jupyter-core, pyzmq, jupyter-client, nbformat, nbclient, entrypoints, fsspec, google-auth-oauthlib, ujson, decorator, gcsfs, pyarrow, azure-datalake-store, msrest, azure-core, azure-storage-blob, papermill, parso, jedi, wcw
 idth, prompt-toolkit, backcall, ptyprocess, pexpect, pickleshare, ipython, nteract-scrapbook, apache-airflow-providers-papermill, psycopg2-binary, apache-airflow-providers-postgres, redis, apache-airflow-providers-redis, bcrypt, paramiko, pysftp, sshtunnel, apache-airflow-providers-ssh, apache-airflow-providers-sftp, slack-sdk, apache-airflow-providers-slack, slackclient, apache-airflow, apache-airflow-providers-amazon
   ERROR: After October 2020 you may experience errors when installing or updating packages. This is because pip will change the way that it resolves dependency conflicts.
   We recommend you use --use-feature=2020-resolver to test your packages with the new resolver before it becomes the default.
   sphinx-rtd-theme 0.5.2 requires docutils<0.17, but you'll have docutils 0.17 which is incompatible.
   apache-airflow 2.0.1 requires flask-appbuilder~=3.1.1, but you'll have flask-appbuilder 3.2.1 which is incompatible.
   Successfully installed Babel-2.9.0 Flask-1.1.2...
   sphinx-rtd-theme 0.5.2 has requirement docutils<0.17, but you have docutils 0.17.
   ERROR: Service 'airflow-init' failed to build : The command '/bin/bash -o pipefail -e -u -x -c if [[ ${INSTALL_FROM_PYPI} == "true" ]]; then         bash /scripts/docker/;     fi;     if [[ ${INSTALL_FROM_DOCKER_CONTEXT_FILES} == "true" ]]; then         bash /scripts/docker/;     fi;     if [[ -n "${ADDITIONAL_PYTHON_DEPS}" ]]; then         bash /scripts/docker/;     fi;     find /root/.local/ -name '*.pyc' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -r || true ;     find /root/.local/ -type d -name '__pycache__' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -r || true' returned a non-zero code: 1
   **What you expected to happen**:
   docker-compose build should build without a hitch, and did so before docutils==0.17 was released.
   **How to reproduce it**:
   Assuming you have docker and docker-compose installed:
   1. wget
   2. git clone -b v2-0-stable
   3. Edit docker-compose.yml and make sure the airflow-init target looks like this:
         context: ./airflow
           PYTHON_BASE_IMAGE: "python:3.8-slim-buster"
           AIRFLOW_VERSION: "2.0.1"
           AIRFLOW_EXTRAS: "celery,doc,docker,postgres,redis,amazon,elasticsearch,ftp,grpc,hashicorp,http,jira,kubernetes,openfaas,opsgenie,oracle,pagerduty,papermill,sftp,slack"
           AIRFLOW_SOURCES_FROM: "./airflow"
           AIRFLOW_SOURCES_TO: "/opt/airflow"
           INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT: "false"
       image: test/airflow:2.0.1
       <<: *airflow-common
       command: version
         <<: *airflow-common-env
         _AIRFLOW_DB_UPGRADE: 'true'
         _AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_CREATE: 'true'
   4. docker-compose build
   **Anything else we need to know**:
   It seems that since docutils was updated to 0.17 on April 3rd, 2021, the building of a custom airflow image broke.
   This breaks every time trying to build the airflow docker image. 
   The complete output from docker-compose build is attached. 

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[GitHub] [airflow] potiuk closed issue #15231: New version of docutils breaks Dockerfile for tag 2.0.1 (branch v2-0-stable)

Posted by GitBox <>.
potiuk closed issue #15231:


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[GitHub] [airflow] potiuk commented on issue #15231: New version of docutils breaks Dockerfile for tag 2.0.1 (branch v2-0-stable)

Posted by GitBox <>.
potiuk commented on issue #15231:

   Can you please add  `AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_REFERENCE: constraints-2.0.1` build arg and see if this fixes the problem? If so, I will shortly for 2.0.2 so that you would not have to do it.

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[GitHub] [airflow] potiuk commented on issue #15231: New version of docutils breaks Dockerfile for tag 2.0.1 (branch v2-0-stable)

Posted by GitBox <>.
potiuk commented on issue #15231:

   I just verified that `AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_REFERENCE: constraints-2.0.1`  fixes it. 
   It's already fixed in 2.0.2 so when we release 2.0.2, you will be able to remove it.
   Closing this one as we have both - mitigation and permanent solution in place.

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[GitHub] [airflow] jackemuk-es commented on issue #15231: New version of docutils breaks Dockerfile for tag 2.0.1 (branch v2-0-stable)

Posted by GitBox <>.
jackemuk-es commented on issue #15231:

   The issue is with the doc extra being installed, removing it from the AIRFLOW_EXTRAS produces the docker image. 
   Changing the extras line in the docker-compose file to:  
       AIRFLOW_EXTRAS: "doc"
   produces the same results with docutils. 
   sphinx-rtd-theme 0.5.2 has requirement docutils<0.17, but you have docutils 0.17.
   ERROR: Service 'airflow-init' failed to build : The command '/bin/bash -o pipefail -e -u -x -c if [[ ${INSTALL_FROM_PYPI} == "true" ]]; then         bash /scripts/docker/;     fi;     if [[ ${INSTALL_FROM_DOCKER_CONTEXT_FILES} == "true" ]]; then         bash /scripts/docker/;     fi;     if [[ -n "${ADDITIONAL_PYTHON_DEPS}" ]]; then         bash /scripts/docker/;     fi;     find /root/.local/ -name '*.pyc' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -r || true ;     find /root/.local/ -type d -name '__pycache__' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -r || true' returned a non-zero code: 1
   gjackemuk@iad-devops-airflow-dev (, devops): ~/_github/git-airflow-bug$ vi docker-compose.yaml

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[GitHub] [airflow] boring-cyborg[bot] commented on issue #15231: New version of docutils breaks Dockerfile for tag 2.0.1 (branch v2-0-stable)

Posted by GitBox <>.
boring-cyborg[bot] commented on issue #15231:

   Thanks for opening your first issue here! Be sure to follow the issue template!

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[GitHub] [airflow] jackemuk-es commented on issue #15231: New version of docutils breaks Dockerfile for tag 2.0.1 (branch v2-0-stable)

Posted by GitBox <>.
jackemuk-es commented on issue #15231:

   > I just verified that adding `AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_REFERENCE: constraints-2.0.1` fixes it.
   > It's already fixed in 2.0.2 so when we release 2.0.2, you will be able to remove it.
   > Closing this one as we have both - mitigation and permanent solution in place.
   Thanks! I did verify that does indeed work. 

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[GitHub] [airflow] potiuk edited a comment on issue #15231: New version of docutils breaks Dockerfile for tag 2.0.1 (branch v2-0-stable)

Posted by GitBox <>.
potiuk edited a comment on issue #15231:

   I just verified that adding `AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_REFERENCE: constraints-2.0.1`  fixes it. 
   It's already fixed in 2.0.2 so when we release 2.0.2, you will be able to remove it.
   Closing this one as we have both - mitigation and permanent solution in place.

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