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svn commit: r1778816 [4/5] - in /zeppelin/site/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT: ./ assets/themes/zeppelin/img/docs-img/ development/ displaysystem/ install/ interpreter/ manual/ quickstart/ rest-api/ security/ storage/

Modified: zeppelin/site/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/search_data.json
--- zeppelin/site/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/search_data.json (original)
+++ zeppelin/site/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/search_data.json Sat Jan 14 18:40:57 2017
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     "/development/writingzeppelinapplication.html": {
       "title": "Writing a new Application(Experimental)",
-      "content"  : "<!--Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.-->Writing a new Application (Experimental)What is Apache Zeppelin ApplicationApache Zeppelin Application is a package that runs on Interpreter process and displays it's output inside of the notebook. While application runs on Interpreter process, it's able to access resources provided by Interpreter through ResourcePool. Output is always rendered by AngularDisplaySystem. Therefore application provides all the possibli
 ties of making interactive graphical application that uses data and processing power of any Interpreter.Make your own ApplicationWriting Application means extending org.apache.zeppelin.helium.Application. You can use your favorite IDE and language while Java class files are packaged into jar. Application class looks like/** * Constructor. Invoked when application is loaded */public Application(ApplicationContext context);/** * Invoked when there're (possible) updates in required resource set. * i.e. invoked after application load and after paragraph finishes. */public abstract void run(ResourceSet args);/** * Invoked before application unload. * Application is automatically unloaded with paragraph/notebook removal */public abstract void unload();You can check example applications under ./zeppelin-examples directory.Development modeIn the development mode, you can run your Application in your IDE as a normal java application and see the result inside of Zeppelin can run Zeppelin Application in development mode.// entry point for development modepublic static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {  // add resources for development mode  LocalResourcePool pool = new LocalResourcePool("dev");  pool.put("date", new Date());  // run application in devlopment mode with given resource  // in this case, Clock.class.getName() will be the application class name    ZeppelinApplicationDevServer devServer = new ZeppelinApplicationDevServer(    Clock.class.getName(), pool.getAll());  // start development mode  devServer.start();  devServer.join();}In the Zeppelin notebook, run %dev run will connect to application running in development mode.Package filePackage file is a json file that provides information about the application.Json file contains the following information{  name : "[organization].[name]",  description : "Descrip
 tion",  artifact : "groupId:artifactId:version",  className : "",  resources : [    ["", ""],    ["", ""]  ],  icon : "<i class="icon"></i>"}nameName is a string in [group].[name] format.[group] and [name] allow only [A-Za-z0-9_].Group is normally the name of an organization who creates this application.descriptionA short description about the applicationartifactLocation of the jar artifact."groupId:artifactId:version" will load artifact from maven repository.If jar exists in the local filesystem, absolute/relative can be used.e.g.When artifact exists in Maven repositoryartifact: "org.apache.zeppelin:zeppelin-examples:0.6.0"When artifact exists in the l
 ocal filesystemartifact: "zeppelin-example/target/zeppelin-example-0.6.0.jar"classNameEntry point. Class that extends org.apache.zeppelin.helium.ApplicationresourcesTwo dimensional array that defines required resources by name or by className. Helium Application launcher will compare resources in the ResourcePool with the information in this field and suggest application only when all required resources are available in the ResourcePool.Resouce name is a string which will be compared with the name of objects in the ResourcePool. className is a string with ":" prepended, which will be compared with className of the objects in the ResourcePool.Application may require two or more resources. Required resources can be listed inside of the json array. For example, if the application requires object "name1", "name2" and "className1" type of object to run, resources field can beresources: [  [ &quo
 t;name1", "name2", ":className1", ...]]If Application can handle alternative combination of required resources, alternative set can be listed as below.resources: [  [ "name", ":className"],  [ "altName", ":altClassName1"],  ...]Easier way to understand this scheme isresources: [   [ 'resource' AND 'resource' AND ... ] OR   [ 'resource' AND 'resource' AND ... ] OR   ...]iconIcon to be used on the application button. String in this field will be rendered as a HTML tag.e.g.icon: "<i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i>"",
+      "content"  : "<!--Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.-->Writing a new Application (Experimental)What is Apache Zeppelin ApplicationApache Zeppelin Application is a package that runs on Interpreter process and displays it's output inside of the notebook. While application runs on Interpreter process, it's able to access resources provided by Interpreter through ResourcePool. Output is always rendered by AngularDisplaySystem. Therefore application provides all the possibli
 ties of making interactive graphical application that uses data and processing power of any Interpreter.Make your own ApplicationWriting Application means extending org.apache.zeppelin.helium.Application. You can use your favorite IDE and language while Java class files are packaged into jar. Application class looks like/** * Constructor. Invoked when application is loaded */public Application(ApplicationContext context);/** * Invoked when there're (possible) updates in required resource set. * i.e. invoked after application load and after paragraph finishes. */public abstract void run(ResourceSet args);/** * Invoked before application unload. * Application is automatically unloaded with paragraph/notebook removal */public abstract void unload();You can check example applications under ./zeppelin-examples directory.Development modeIn the development mode, you can run your Application in your IDE as a normal java application and see the result inside of Zeppelin
 apache.zeppelin.helium.ZeppelinApplicationDevServer can run Zeppelin Application in development mode.// entry point for development modepublic static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {  // add resources for development mode  LocalResourcePool pool = new LocalResourcePool("dev");  pool.put("date", new Date());  // run application in devlopment mode with given resource  // in this case, Clock.class.getName() will be the application class name    org.apache.zeppelin.helium.ZeppelinApplicationDevServer devServer = new org.apache.zeppelin.helium.ZeppelinApplicationDevServer(    Clock.class.getName(), pool.getAll());  // start development mode  devServer.start();  devServer.join();}In the Zeppelin notebook, run %dev run will connect to application running in development mode.Package filePackage file is a json file that provides information about the application.Json file contains the following information{  name : "[organization].[name
 ]",  description : "Description",  artifact : "groupId:artifactId:version",  className : "",  resources : [    ["", ""],    ["", ""]  ],  icon : "<i class="icon"></i>"}nameName is a string in [group].[name] format.[group] and [name] allow only [A-Za-z0-9_].Group is normally the name of an organization who creates this application.descriptionA short description about the applicationartifactLocation of the jar artifact."groupId:artifactId:version" will load artifact from maven repository.If jar exists in the local filesystem, absolute/relative can be used.e.g.When artifact exists in Maven repositoryartifact: "org.apache.zeppelin:zeppelin-examples
 :0.6.0"When artifact exists in the local filesystemartifact: "zeppelin-example/target/zeppelin-example-0.6.0.jar"classNameEntry point. Class that extends org.apache.zeppelin.helium.ApplicationresourcesTwo dimensional array that defines required resources by name or by className. Helium Application launcher will compare resources in the ResourcePool with the information in this field and suggest application only when all required resources are available in the ResourcePool.Resouce name is a string which will be compared with the name of objects in the ResourcePool. className is a string with ":" prepended, which will be compared with className of the objects in the ResourcePool.Application may require two or more resources. Required resources can be listed inside of the json array. For example, if the application requires object "name1", "name2" and "className1" type of object to run, r
 esources field can beresources: [  [ "name1", "name2", ":className1", ...]]If Application can handle alternative combination of required resources, alternative set can be listed as below.resources: [  [ "name", ":className"],  [ "altName", ":altClassName1"],  ...]Easier way to understand this scheme isresources: [   [ 'resource' AND 'resource' AND ... ] OR   [ 'resource' AND 'resource' AND ... ] OR   ...]iconIcon to be used on the application button. String in this field will be rendered as a HTML tag.e.g.icon: "<i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i>"",
       "url": " /development/writingzeppelinapplication.html",
       "group": "development",
       "excerpt": "Apache Zeppelin Application is a package that runs on Interpreter process and displays it's output inside of the notebook. Make your own Application in Apache Zeppelin is quite easy."
@@ -47,6 +47,17 @@
+    "/development/writingzeppelinvisualization.html": {
+      "title": "Writing a new Visualization(Experimental)",
+      "content"  : "<!--Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.-->Writing a new Visualization (Experimental)What is Apache Zeppelin VisualizationApache Zeppelin Visualization is a pluggable package that can be loaded/unloaded on runtime through Helium framework in Zeppelin. A Visualization is a javascript npm package and user can use them just like any other built-in visualization in notebook.How it works1. Load Helium package files from registryZeppelin needs to know what Visualization packages 
 are available. Zeppelin searches Helium package file from local registry (by default helium/ directory) by default.Helium package file provides informations like name, artifact, and so on. It's similar to package.json in npm package.Here's an example helium/zeppelin-example-horizontalbar.json{  "type" : "VISUALIZATION",  "name" : "zeppelin_horizontalbar",  "description" : "Horizontal Bar chart (example)",  "artifact" : "./zeppelin-examples/zeppelin-example-horizontalbar",  "license" : "Apache-2.0",  "icon" : "<i class='fa fa-bar-chart rotate90flipX'></i>"}Check Create helium package file section to learn about it.2. Enable packagesOnce Zeppelin loads Helium package files from local registry, available packages a
 re displayed in Helium menu.Click 'enable' button.3. Create and load visualization bundle on the flyOnce a Visualization package is enabled, HeliumVisualizationFactory creates a js bundle. The js bundle is served by helium/visualization/load rest api endpoint.4. Run visualizationZeppelin shows additional button for loaded Visualizations.User can use just like any other built-in visualizations.Write new Visualization1. Create a npm packageCreate a package.json in your new Visualization directory. Normally, you can add any dependencies in package.json however Zeppelin Visualization package only allows two dependencies: zeppelin-vis and zeppelin-tabledata.Here's an example{  "name": "zeppelin_horizontalbar",  "description" : "Horizontal Bar chart",  "version": "1.0.0",  "main": "horizontalbar",  "author&quot
 ;: "",  "license": "Apache-2.0",  "dependencies": {    "zeppelin-tabledata": "*",    "zeppelin-vis": "*"  }}2. Create your own visualizationTo create your own visualization, you need to create a js file and import Visualization class from zeppelin-vis package and extend the class. zeppelin-tabledata package provides some useful transformations, like pivot, you can use in your visualization. (you can create your own transformation, too).Visualization class, there're several methods that you need to override and implement. Here's simple visualization that just prints Hello world.import Visualization from 'zeppelin-vis'import PassthroughTransformation from 'zeppelin-tabledata/passthrough'export default class helloworld extends Visualization {  constructor(targetEl, config) {    super(targetEl, con
 fig)    this.passthrough = new PassthroughTransformation(config);  }  render(tableData) {    this.targetEl.html('Hello world!')  }  getTransformation() {    return this.passthrough  }}To learn more about Visualization class, check visualization.js.You can check complete visualization package example here.Zeppelin's built-in visualization uses the same API, so you can check built-in visualizations as additional examples.3. Create Helium package fileHelium Package file is a json file that provides information about the application.Json file contains the following information{  "type" : "VISUALIZATION",  "name" : "zeppelin_horizontalbar",  "description" : "Horizontal Bar chart (example)",  "license" : "Apache-2.0",  "artifact" : "./zeppelin-examples/zeppelin-example-horizontalbar",  &a
 mp;quot;icon" : "<i class='fa fa-bar-chart rotate90flipX'></i>"}typeWhen you're creating a visualization, 'type' should be 'VISUALIZATION'.Check application type if you're interested in the other types of package.nameName of visualization. Should be unique. Allows [A-Za-z90-9_].descriptionA short description about visualization.artifactLocation of the visualization npm package. Support npm package with version or local filesystem path.e.g.When artifact exists in npm repositoryartifact: "my-visualiztion@1.0.0"When artifact exists in local file systemartifact: "/path/to/my/visualization"licenseLicense information.e.g.license: "Apache-2.0"iconIcon to be used in visualization select button. String in this field will be rendered as a HTML tag.e.g.icon: "<i class='fa fa-coffee'>&a
 mp;lt;/i>"4. Run in dev modePlace your Helium package file in local registry (ZEPPELIN_HOME/helium).Run Zeppelin. And then run zeppelin-web in visualization dev zeppelin-webyarn run visdevYou can browse localhost:9000. Everytime refresh your browser, Zeppelin will rebuild your visualization and reload changes.",
+      "url": " /development/writingzeppelinvisualization.html",
+      "group": "development",
+      "excerpt": "Apache Zeppelin Application is a package that runs on Interpreter process and displays it's output inside of the notebook. Make your own Application in Apache Zeppelin is quite easy."
+    }
+    ,
     "/displaysystem/back-end-angular.html": {
       "title": "Back-end Angular API in Apache Zeppelin",
       "content"  : "<!--Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.-->Back-end Angular API in Apache ZeppelinOverviewAngular display system treats output as a view template for AngularJS.It compiles templates and displays them inside of Apache Zeppelin. Zeppelin provides a gateway between your interpreter and your compiled AngularJS view templates.Therefore, you can not only update scope variables from your interpreter but also watch them in the interpreter, which is JVM process.Basic UsagePrint Angu
 larJS viewTo use angular display system, you should start with %angular.Since name is not defined, Hello will display Hello.Please Note: Display system is backend independent.Bind / Unbind VariablesThrough ZeppelinContext, you can bind / unbind variables to AngularJS view. Currently, it only works in Spark Interpreter ( scala ).// bind my 'object' as angular scope variable 'name' in current notebook.z.angularBind(String name, Object object)// bind my 'object' as angular scope variable 'name' in all notebooks related to current interpreter.z.angularBindGlobal(String name, Object object)// unbind angular scope variable 'name' in current notebook.z.angularUnbind(String name)// unbind angular scope variable 'name' in all notebooks related to current interpreter.z.angularUnbindGlobal(String name)Using the above example, let's bind world variable to name. Then you can see AngularJs view
  is immediately updated.Watch / Unwatch VariablesThrough ZeppelinContext, you can watch / unwatch variables in AngularJs view. Currently, it only works in Spark Interpreter ( scala ).// register for angular scope variable 'name' (notebook)z.angularWatch(String name, (before, after) => { ... })// unregister watcher for angular variable 'name' (notebook)z.angularUnwatch(String name)// register for angular scope variable 'name' (global)z.angularWatchGlobal(String name, (before, after) => { ... })// unregister watcher for angular variable 'name' (global)z.angularUnwatchGlobal(String name)Let's make a button. When it is clicked, the value of run will be increased 1 by 1.z.angularBind("run", 0) will initialize run to zero. And then, it will be also applied to run in z.angularWatch().When the button is clicked, you'll see both run and numWatched are incremented by 1.Let's
  make it Simpler and more IntuitiveIn this section, we will introduce a simpler and more intuitive way of using Angular Display System in Zeppelin.Here are some usages.Import// In notebook scopeimport org.apache.zeppelin.display.angular.notebookscope._import AngularElem._// In paragraph scopeimport org.apache.zeppelin.display.angular.paragraphscope._import AngularElem._Display Element// automatically convert to string and print with %angular display system directive in front.<div><div>.displayEvent Handler// on click<div></div>.onClick(() => {   my callback routine}).display// on change<div></div>.onChange(() => {  my callback routine}).display// arbitrary event<div></div>.onEvent("ng-click", () => {  my callback routine}).displayBind Model// bind model<div></div>.model("myModel").display/
 / bind model with initial value<div></div>.model("myModel", initialValue).displayInteract with Model// read modelAngularModel("myModel")()// update modelAngularModel("myModel", "newValue")Example: Basic UsageUsing the above basic usages, you can apply them like below examples.Display Elements<div style="color:blue">  <h4>Hello Angular Display System</h4></div>.displayOnClick Event<div class="btn btn-success">  Click me</div>.onClick{() =>  // callback for button click}.displayBind Model  <div>{{{{myModel}}}}</div>.model("myModel", "Initial Value").displayInteract With Model// read the valueAngularModel("myModel")()// update the valueAngularModel("myModel", &
 quot;New value")Example: String ConverterUsing below example, you can convert the lowercase string to uppercase.// clear previously created angular object.AngularElem.disassociateval button = <div class="btn btn-success btn-sm">Convert</div>.onClick{() =>  val inputString = AngularModel("input")().toString  AngularModel("title", inputString.toUpperCase)}<div>  { <h4> {{{{title}}}}</h4>.model("title", "Please type text to convert uppercase") }   Your text { <input type="text"></input>.model("input", "") }  {button}</div>.display",
@@ -105,7 +116,7 @@
     "/install/configuration.html": {
       "title": "Apache Zeppelin Configuration",
-      "content"  : "<!--Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.-->Apache Zeppelin ConfigurationZeppelin PropertiesThere are two locations you can configure Apache Zeppelin.Environment variables can be defined conf/ for Windows). Java properties can ba defined in conf/zeppelin-site.xml.If both are defined, then the environment variables will take priority.    zeppelin-site.xml    Default value    Description        ZEPPELIN_PORT    zeppelin.
 server.port    8080    Zeppelin server port        ZEPPELIN_SSL_PORT    zeppelin.server.ssl.port    8443    Zeppelin Server ssl port (used when ssl environment/property is set to true)        ZEPPELIN_MEM    N/A    -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m    JVM mem options        ZEPPELIN_INTP_MEM    N/A    ZEPPELIN_MEM    JVM mem options for interpreter process        ZEPPELIN_JAVA_OPTS    N/A        JVM options        ZEPPELIN_ALLOWED_ORIGINS    *    Enables a way to specify a ',' separated list of allowed origins for REST and websockets.  e.g. http://localhost:8080           N/A    zeppelin.anonymous.allowed    true    The anonymous user is allowed by default.        ZEPPELIN_SERVER_CONTEXT_PATH    zeppelin.server.context.path    /    Context path of the web application        ZEPPELIN_SSL    zeppelin.ssl    false            ZEPPELIN_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH    zeppelin.ssl.client.auth    false            ZEPPELIN_SSL_KEYSTORE_PATH    zeppelin.ssl.keystor
 e.path    keystore            ZEPPELIN_SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE    zeppelin.ssl.keystore.type    JKS            ZEPPELIN_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD    zeppelin.ssl.keystore.password                ZEPPELIN_SSL_KEY_MANAGER_PASSWORD    zeppelin.ssl.key.manager.password                ZEPPELIN_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH    zeppelin.ssl.truststore.path                ZEPPELIN_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE    zeppelin.ssl.truststore.type                ZEPPELIN_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD    zeppelin.ssl.truststore.password                ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_HOMESCREEN    zeppelin.notebook.homescreen        Display note IDs on the Apache Zeppelin homescreen e.g. 2A94M5J1Z        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_HOMESCREEN_HIDE    zeppelin.notebook.homescreen.hide    false    Hide the note ID set by ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_HOMESCREEN on the Apache Zeppelin homescreen. For the further information, please read Customize your Zeppelin homepage.        ZEPPELIN_WAR_TEMPDIR    zeppelin.war.tempdir    webapps    Location of the jetty temporary direc
 tory        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_DIR    zeppelin.notebook.dir    notebook    The root directory where notebook directories are saved        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_S3_BUCKET    zeppelin.notebook.s3.bucket    zeppelin    S3 Bucket where notebook files will be saved        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_S3_USER    zeppelin.notebook.s3.user    user    User name of an S3 buckete.g. bucket/user/notebook/2A94M5J1Z/note.json        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_S3_ENDPOINT    zeppelin.notebook.s3.endpoint    Endpoint for the bucket        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_S3_KMS_KEY_ID    zeppelin.notebook.s3.kmsKeyID        AWS KMS Key ID to use for encrypting data in S3 (optional)        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_S3_EMP    zeppelin.notebook.s3.encryptionMaterialsProvider        Class name of a custom S3 encryption materials provider implementation to use for encrypting data in S3 (optional)        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_AZURE_CONNECTION_STRING        The Azure storage account connection
  stringe.g. DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<accountName>;AccountKey=<accountKey>        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_AZURE_SHARE    zeppelin    Azure Share where the notebook files will be saved        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_AZURE_USER    user    Optional user name of an Azure file sharee.g. share/user/notebook/2A94M5J1Z/note.json        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_STORAGE    org.apache.zeppelin.notebook.repo.VFSNotebookRepo    Comma separated list of notebook storage locations        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_ONE_WAY_SYNC    false    If there are multiple notebook storage locations, should we treat the first one as the only source of truth?        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_PUBLIC    zeppelin.notebook.public    true    Make notebook public (set only owners) by default when created/imported. If set to false will add user to readers and writers as well, making 
 it private and invisible to other users unless permissions are granted.        ZEPPELIN_INTERPRETERS    zeppelin.interpreters      org.apache.zeppelin.spark.SparkInterpreter,org.apache.zeppelin.spark.PySparkInterpreter,org.apache.zeppelin.spark.SparkSqlInterpreter,org.apache.zeppelin.spark.DepInterpreter,org.apache.zeppelin.markdown.Markdown,,    ...              Comma separated interpreter configurations [Class]       NOTE: This property is deprecated since Zeppelin-0.6.0 and will not be supported from Zeppelin-0.7.0.            ZEPPELIN_INTERPRETER_DIR    zeppelin.interpreter.dir    interpreter    Interpreter directory        ZEPPELIN_WEBSOCKET_MAX_TEXT_MESSAGE_SIZE    zeppelin.websocket.max.text.message.size    1024000    Size (in characters) of the maximum text message that can be received by websocket.  SSL ConfigurationEnabling SSL requires a few configuration changes. First, you need to create certificates and then update necessary co
 nfigurations to enable server side SSL and/or client side certificate authentication.Creating and configuring the CertificatesInformation how about to generate certificates and a keystore can be found here.A condensed example can be found in the top answer to this StackOverflow post.The keystore holds the private key and certificate on the server end. The trustore holds the trusted client certificates. Be sure that the path and password for these two stores are correctly configured in the password fields below. They can be obfuscated using the Jetty password tool. After Maven pulls in all the dependency to build Zeppelin, one of the Jetty jars contain the Password tool. Invoke this command from the Zeppelin home build directory with the appropriate version, user, and -cp ./zeppelin-server/target/lib/jetty-all-server-<version>.jar <user> <password>If you are using a self-signed, a certifi
 cate signed by an untrusted CA, or if client authentication is enabled, then the client must have a browser create exceptions for both the normal HTTPS port and WebSocket port. This can by done by trying to establish an HTTPS connection to both ports in a browser (e.g. if the ports are 443 and 8443, then visit and This step can be skipped if the server certificate is signed by a trusted CA and client auth is disabled.Configuring server side SSLThe following properties needs to be updated in the zeppelin-site.xml in order to enable server side SSL.<property>  <name>zeppelin.server.ssl.port</name>  <value>8443</value>  <description>Server ssl port. (used when ssl property is set to true)</description></property><property>  <name>zeppelin.ssl</name>  <value>true</valu
 e>  <description>Should SSL be used by the servers?</description></property><property>  <name>zeppelin.ssl.keystore.path</name>  <value>keystore</value>  <description>Path to keystore relative to Zeppelin configuration directory</description></property><property>  <name>zeppelin.ssl.keystore.type</name>  <value>JKS</value>  <description>The format of the given keystore (e.g. JKS or PKCS12)</description></property><property>  <name>zeppelin.ssl.keystore.password</name>  <value>change me</value>  <description>Keystore password. Can be obfuscated by the Jetty Password tool</description></property><pro
 perty>  <name>zeppelin.ssl.key.manager.password</name>  <value>change me</value>  <description>Key Manager password. Defaults to keystore password. Can be obfuscated.</description></property>Enabling client side certificate authenticationThe following properties needs to be updated in the zeppelin-site.xml in order to enable client side certificate authentication.<property>  <name>zeppelin.server.ssl.port</name>  <value>8443</value>  <description>Server ssl port. (used when ssl property is set to true)</description></property><property>  <name>zeppelin.ssl.client.auth</name>  <value>true</value>  <description>Should client authentication be used for SSL connections?</description&a
 mp;gt;</property><property>  <name>zeppelin.ssl.truststore.path</name>  <value>truststore</value>  <description>Path to truststore relative to Zeppelin configuration directory. Defaults to the keystore path</description></property><property>  <name>zeppelin.ssl.truststore.type</name>  <value>JKS</value>  <description>The format of the given truststore (e.g. JKS or PKCS12). Defaults to the same type as the keystore type</description></property><property>  <name>zeppelin.ssl.truststore.password</name>  <value>change me</value>  <description>Truststore password. Can be obfuscated by the Jetty Password tool. Defaults to the keystore password</description>&a
 mp;lt;/property>Obfuscating Passwords using the Jetty Password ToolSecurity best practices advise to not use plain text passwords and Jetty provides a password tool to help obfuscating the passwords used to access the KeyStore and TrustStore.The Password tool documentation can be found here.After using the tool:java -cp $ZEPPELIN_HOME/zeppelin-server/target/lib/jetty-util-9.2.15.v20160210.jar           password2016-12-15 10:46:47.931:INFO::main: Logging initialized @101mspasswordOBF:1v2j1uum1xtv1zej1zer1xtn1uvk1v1vMD5:5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99update your configuration with the obfuscated password :<property>  <name>zeppelin.ssl.keystore.password</name>  <value>OBF:1v2j1uum1xtv1zej1zer1xtn1uvk1v1v</value>  <description>Keystore password. Can be obfuscated by the Jetty Password tool</description></property>Note:
  After updating these configurations, Zeppelin server needs to be restarted.",
+      "content"  : "<!--Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.-->Apache Zeppelin ConfigurationZeppelin PropertiesThere are two locations you can configure Apache Zeppelin.Environment variables can be defined conf/ for Windows). Java properties can ba defined in conf/zeppelin-site.xml.If both are defined, then the environment variables will take priority.    zeppelin-site.xml    Default value    Description        ZEPPELIN_PORT    zeppelin.
 server.port    8080    Zeppelin server port        ZEPPELIN_SSL_PORT    zeppelin.server.ssl.port    8443    Zeppelin Server ssl port (used when ssl environment/property is set to true)        ZEPPELIN_MEM    N/A    -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m    JVM mem options        ZEPPELIN_INTP_MEM    N/A    ZEPPELIN_MEM    JVM mem options for interpreter process        ZEPPELIN_JAVA_OPTS    N/A        JVM options        ZEPPELIN_ALLOWED_ORIGINS    *    Enables a way to specify a ',' separated list of allowed origins for REST and websockets.  e.g. http://localhost:8080           N/A    zeppelin.anonymous.allowed    true    The anonymous user is allowed by default.        ZEPPELIN_SERVER_CONTEXT_PATH    zeppelin.server.context.path    /    Context path of the web application        ZEPPELIN_SSL    zeppelin.ssl    false            ZEPPELIN_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH    zeppelin.ssl.client.auth    false            ZEPPELIN_SSL_KEYSTORE_PATH    zeppelin.ssl.keystor
 e.path    keystore            ZEPPELIN_SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE    zeppelin.ssl.keystore.type    JKS            ZEPPELIN_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD    zeppelin.ssl.keystore.password                ZEPPELIN_SSL_KEY_MANAGER_PASSWORD    zeppelin.ssl.key.manager.password                ZEPPELIN_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH    zeppelin.ssl.truststore.path                ZEPPELIN_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE    zeppelin.ssl.truststore.type                ZEPPELIN_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD    zeppelin.ssl.truststore.password                ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_HOMESCREEN    zeppelin.notebook.homescreen        Display note IDs on the Apache Zeppelin homescreen e.g. 2A94M5J1Z        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_HOMESCREEN_HIDE    zeppelin.notebook.homescreen.hide    false    Hide the note ID set by ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_HOMESCREEN on the Apache Zeppelin homescreen. For the further information, please read Customize your Zeppelin homepage.        ZEPPELIN_WAR_TEMPDIR    zeppelin.war.tempdir    webapps    Location of the jetty temporary direc
 tory        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_DIR    zeppelin.notebook.dir    notebook    The root directory where notebook directories are saved        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_S3_BUCKET    zeppelin.notebook.s3.bucket    zeppelin    S3 Bucket where notebook files will be saved        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_S3_USER    zeppelin.notebook.s3.user    user    User name of an S3 buckete.g. bucket/user/notebook/2A94M5J1Z/note.json        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_S3_ENDPOINT    zeppelin.notebook.s3.endpoint    Endpoint for the bucket        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_S3_KMS_KEY_ID    zeppelin.notebook.s3.kmsKeyID        AWS KMS Key ID to use for encrypting data in S3 (optional)        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_S3_EMP    zeppelin.notebook.s3.encryptionMaterialsProvider        Class name of a custom S3 encryption materials provider implementation to use for encrypting data in S3 (optional)        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_AZURE_CONNECTION_STRING        The Azure storage account connection
  stringe.g. DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<accountName>;AccountKey=<accountKey>        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_AZURE_SHARE    zeppelin    Azure Share where the notebook files will be saved        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_AZURE_USER    user    Optional user name of an Azure file sharee.g. share/user/notebook/2A94M5J1Z/note.json        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_STORAGE    org.apache.zeppelin.notebook.repo.GitNotebookRepo    Comma separated list of notebook storage locations        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_ONE_WAY_SYNC    false    If there are multiple notebook storage locations, should we treat the first one as the only source of truth?        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_PUBLIC    zeppelin.notebook.public    true    Make notebook public (set only owners) by default when created/imported. If set to false will add user to readers and writers as well, making 
 it private and invisible to other users unless permissions are granted.        ZEPPELIN_INTERPRETERS    zeppelin.interpreters      org.apache.zeppelin.spark.SparkInterpreter,org.apache.zeppelin.spark.PySparkInterpreter,org.apache.zeppelin.spark.SparkSqlInterpreter,org.apache.zeppelin.spark.DepInterpreter,org.apache.zeppelin.markdown.Markdown,,    ...              Comma separated interpreter configurations [Class]       NOTE: This property is deprecated since Zeppelin-0.6.0 and will not be supported from Zeppelin-0.7.0.            ZEPPELIN_INTERPRETER_DIR    zeppelin.interpreter.dir    interpreter    Interpreter directory        ZEPPELIN_WEBSOCKET_MAX_TEXT_MESSAGE_SIZE    zeppelin.websocket.max.text.message.size    1024000    Size (in characters) of the maximum text message that can be received by websocket.  SSL ConfigurationEnabling SSL requires a few configuration changes. First, you need to create certificates and then update necessary co
 nfigurations to enable server side SSL and/or client side certificate authentication.Creating and configuring the CertificatesInformation how about to generate certificates and a keystore can be found here.A condensed example can be found in the top answer to this StackOverflow post.The keystore holds the private key and certificate on the server end. The trustore holds the trusted client certificates. Be sure that the path and password for these two stores are correctly configured in the password fields below. They can be obfuscated using the Jetty password tool. After Maven pulls in all the dependency to build Zeppelin, one of the Jetty jars contain the Password tool. Invoke this command from the Zeppelin home build directory with the appropriate version, user, and -cp ./zeppelin-server/target/lib/jetty-all-server-<version>.jar <user> <password>If you are using a self-signed, a certifi
 cate signed by an untrusted CA, or if client authentication is enabled, then the client must have a browser create exceptions for both the normal HTTPS port and WebSocket port. This can by done by trying to establish an HTTPS connection to both ports in a browser (e.g. if the ports are 443 and 8443, then visit and This step can be skipped if the server certificate is signed by a trusted CA and client auth is disabled.Configuring server side SSLThe following properties needs to be updated in the zeppelin-site.xml in order to enable server side SSL.<property>  <name>zeppelin.server.ssl.port</name>  <value>8443</value>  <description>Server ssl port. (used when ssl property is set to true)</description></property><property>  <name>zeppelin.ssl</name>  <value>true</valu
 e>  <description>Should SSL be used by the servers?</description></property><property>  <name>zeppelin.ssl.keystore.path</name>  <value>keystore</value>  <description>Path to keystore relative to Zeppelin configuration directory</description></property><property>  <name>zeppelin.ssl.keystore.type</name>  <value>JKS</value>  <description>The format of the given keystore (e.g. JKS or PKCS12)</description></property><property>  <name>zeppelin.ssl.keystore.password</name>  <value>change me</value>  <description>Keystore password. Can be obfuscated by the Jetty Password tool</description></property><pro
 perty>  <name>zeppelin.ssl.key.manager.password</name>  <value>change me</value>  <description>Key Manager password. Defaults to keystore password. Can be obfuscated.</description></property>Enabling client side certificate authenticationThe following properties needs to be updated in the zeppelin-site.xml in order to enable client side certificate authentication.<property>  <name>zeppelin.server.ssl.port</name>  <value>8443</value>  <description>Server ssl port. (used when ssl property is set to true)</description></property><property>  <name>zeppelin.ssl.client.auth</name>  <value>true</value>  <description>Should client authentication be used for SSL connections?</description&a
 mp;gt;</property><property>  <name>zeppelin.ssl.truststore.path</name>  <value>truststore</value>  <description>Path to truststore relative to Zeppelin configuration directory. Defaults to the keystore path</description></property><property>  <name>zeppelin.ssl.truststore.type</name>  <value>JKS</value>  <description>The format of the given truststore (e.g. JKS or PKCS12). Defaults to the same type as the keystore type</description></property><property>  <name>zeppelin.ssl.truststore.password</name>  <value>change me</value>  <description>Truststore password. Can be obfuscated by the Jetty Password tool. Defaults to the keystore password</description>&a
 mp;lt;/property>Obfuscating Passwords using the Jetty Password ToolSecurity best practices advise to not use plain text passwords and Jetty provides a password tool to help obfuscating the passwords used to access the KeyStore and TrustStore.The Password tool documentation can be found here.After using the tool:java -cp $ZEPPELIN_HOME/zeppelin-server/target/lib/jetty-util-9.2.15.v20160210.jar           password2016-12-15 10:46:47.931:INFO::main: Logging initialized @101mspasswordOBF:1v2j1uum1xtv1zej1zer1xtn1uvk1v1vMD5:5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99update your configuration with the obfuscated password :<property>  <name>zeppelin.ssl.keystore.password</name>  <value>OBF:1v2j1uum1xtv1zej1zer1xtn1uvk1v1v</value>  <description>Keystore password. Can be obfuscated by the Jetty Password tool</description></property>Note:
  After updating these configurations, Zeppelin server needs to be restarted.",
       "url": " /install/configuration.html",
       "group": "install",
       "excerpt": "This page will guide you to configure Apache Zeppelin using either environment variables or Java properties. Also, you can configure SSL for Zeppelin."
@@ -149,7 +160,7 @@
     "/install/upgrade.html": {
       "title": "Manual Zeppelin version upgrade procedure",
-      "content"  : "<!--Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.-->Manual upgrade procedure for ZeppelinBasically, newer version of Zeppelin works with previous version notebook directory and configurations.So, copying notebook and conf directory should be enough.InstructionsStop Zeppelinbin/ stopCopy your notebook and conf directory into a backup directoryDownload newer version of Zeppelin and Install. See Install page.Copy backup notebook and conf directory into newer version o
 f Zeppelin notebook and conf directoryStart Zeppelinbin/ startMigration GuideUpgrading from Zeppelin 0.6 to 0.7From 0.7, we don't use ZEPPELIN_JAVA_OPTS as default value of ZEPPELIN_INTP_JAVA_OPTS and also the same for ZEPPELIN_MEM/ZEPPELIN_INTP_MEM. If user want to configure the jvm opts of interpreter process, please set ZEPPELIN_INTP_JAVA_OPTS and ZEPPELIN_INTP_MEM explicitly. If you don't set ZEPPELIN_INTP_MEM, Zeppelin will set it to -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m by default.Mapping from %jdbc(prefix) to %prefix is no longer available. Instead, you can use %[interpreter alias] with multiple interpreter setttings on GUI.Usage of ZEPPELIN_PORT is not supported in ssl mode. Instead use ZEPPELIN_SSL_PORT to configure the ssl port. Value from ZEPPELIN_PORT is used only when ZEPPELIN_SSL is set to false.The support on Spark 1.1.x to 1.3.x is deprecated.From 0.7, we uses pegdown as the markdown.parser.type option for the %md interpreter. Ren
 dered markdown might be different from what you expectedFrom 0.7 note.json format has been changed to support multiple outputs in a paragraph. Zeppelin will automatically convert old format to new format. 0.6 or lower version can read new note.json format but output will not be displayed. For the detail, see ZEPPELIN-212 and pullrequest.",
+      "content"  : "<!--Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.-->Manual upgrade procedure for ZeppelinBasically, newer version of Zeppelin works with previous version notebook directory and configurations.So, copying notebook and conf directory should be enough.InstructionsStop Zeppelinbin/ stopCopy your notebook and conf directory into a backup directoryDownload newer version of Zeppelin and Install. See Install page.Copy backup notebook and conf directory into newer version o
 f Zeppelin notebook and conf directoryStart Zeppelinbin/ startMigration GuideUpgrading from Zeppelin 0.6 to 0.7From 0.7, we don't use ZEPPELIN_JAVA_OPTS as default value of ZEPPELIN_INTP_JAVA_OPTS and also the same for ZEPPELIN_MEM/ZEPPELIN_INTP_MEM. If user want to configure the jvm opts of interpreter process, please set ZEPPELIN_INTP_JAVA_OPTS and ZEPPELIN_INTP_MEM explicitly. If you don't set ZEPPELIN_INTP_MEM, Zeppelin will set it to -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m by default.Mapping from %jdbc(prefix) to %prefix is no longer available. Instead, you can use %[interpreter alias] with multiple interpreter setttings on GUI.Usage of ZEPPELIN_PORT is not supported in ssl mode. Instead use ZEPPELIN_SSL_PORT to configure the ssl port. Value from ZEPPELIN_PORT is used only when ZEPPELIN_SSL is set to false.The support on Spark 1.1.x to 1.3.x is deprecated.From 0.7, we uses pegdown as the markdown.parser.type option for the %md interpreter. Ren
 dered markdown might be different from what you expectedFrom 0.7 note.json format has been changed to support multiple outputs in a paragraph. Zeppelin will automatically convert old format to new format. 0.6 or lower version can read new note.json format but output will not be displayed. For the detail, see ZEPPELIN-212 and pull request.From 0.7 note storage layer will utilize GitNotebookRepo by default instead of VFSNotebookRepo storage layer, which is an extension of latter one with versioning capabilities on top of it.",
       "url": " /install/upgrade.html",
       "group": "install",
       "excerpt": "This document will guide you through a procedure of manual upgrade your Apache Zeppelin instance to a newer version. Apache Zeppelin keeps backward compatibility for the notebook file format."
@@ -237,7 +248,7 @@
     "/interpreter/flink.html": {
       "title": "Flink Interpreter for Apache Zeppelin",
-      "content"  : "<!--Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.-->Flink interpreter for Apache ZeppelinOverviewApache Flink is an open source platform for distributed stream and batch data processing. Flink’s core is a streaming dataflow engine that provides data distribution, communication, and fault tolerance for distributed computations over data streams. Flink also builds batch processing on top of the streaming engine, overlaying native iteration support, managed memory, and program opt
 imization.How to start local Flink cluster, to test the interpreterZeppelin comes with pre-configured flink-local interpreter, which starts Flink in a local mode on your machine, so you do not need to install anything.How to configure interpreter to point to Flink clusterAt the "Interpreters" menu, you have to create a new Flink interpreter and provide next properties:      property    value    Description        host    local    host name of running JobManager. 'local' runs flink in local mode (default)        port    6123    port of running JobManager  For more information about Flink configuration, you can find it here.How to test it's workingIn example, by using the Zeppelin notebook is from Till Rohrmann's presentation Interactive data analysis with Apache Flink for Apache Flink Meetup.%shrm 10.txt.utf-8wget class WordCount(word: String, frequency: Int)val bible:DataSet[String] = be
 nv.readTextFile("10.txt.utf-8")val partialCounts: DataSet[WordCount] = bible.flatMap{    line =>        """bw+b""".r.findAllIn(line).map(word => WordCount(word, 1))//        line.split(" ").map(word => WordCount(word, 1))}val wordCounts = partialCounts.groupBy("word").reduce{    (left, right) => WordCount(left.word, left.frequency + right.frequency)}val result10 = wordCounts.first(10).collect()",
+      "content"  : "<!--Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.-->Flink interpreter for Apache ZeppelinOverviewApache Flink is an open source platform for distributed stream and batch data processing. Flink’s core is a streaming dataflow engine that provides data distribution, communication, and fault tolerance for distributed computations over data streams. Flink also builds batch processing on top of the streaming engine, overlaying native iteration support, managed memory, and program opt
 imization.How to start local Flink cluster, to test the interpreterZeppelin comes with pre-configured flink-local interpreter, which starts Flink in a local mode on your machine, so you do not need to install anything.How to configure interpreter to point to Flink clusterAt the "Interpreters" menu, you have to create a new Flink interpreter and provide next properties:      property    value    Description        host    local    host name of running JobManager. 'local' runs flink in local mode (default)        port    6123    port of running JobManager  For more information about Flink configuration, you can find it here.How to test it's workingYou can find an example of Flink usage in the Zeppelin Tutorial folder or try the following word count example, by using the Zeppelin notebook from Till Rohrmann's presentation Interactive data analysis with Apache Flink for Apache Flink Meetup.%shrm 10.txt.utf-8wget
 0.txt.utf-8%flinkcase class WordCount(word: String, frequency: Int)val bible:DataSet[String] = benv.readTextFile("10.txt.utf-8")val partialCounts: DataSet[WordCount] = bible.flatMap{    line =>        """bw+b""".r.findAllIn(line).map(word => WordCount(word, 1))//        line.split(" ").map(word => WordCount(word, 1))}val wordCounts = partialCounts.groupBy("word").reduce{    (left, right) => WordCount(left.word, left.frequency + right.frequency)}val result10 = wordCounts.first(10).collect()",
       "url": " /interpreter/flink.html",
       "group": "interpreter",
       "excerpt": "Apache Flink is an open source platform for distributed stream and batch data processing."
@@ -369,7 +380,7 @@
     "/interpreter/pig.html": {
       "title": "Pig Interpreter for Apache Zeppelin",
-      "content"  : "Pig Interpreter for Apache ZeppelinOverviewApache Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled with infrastructure for evaluating these programs. The salient property of Pig programs is that their structure is amenable to substantial parallelization, which in turns enables them to handle very large data sets.Supported interpreter type%pig.script (default)All the pig script can run in this type of interpreter, and display type is plain text.%pig.queryAlmost the same as %pig.script. The only difference is that you don't need to add alias in the last statement. And the display type is table.   Supported runtime modeLocalMapReduceTez  (Only Tez 0.7 is supported)How to useHow to setup PigLocal ModeNothing needs to be done for local modeMapReduce ModeHADOOP_CONF_DIR needs to be specified in ZEPPELIN_HOME/conf/ ModeHADOOP_CONF_DIR and TEZ_CONF_DIR needs to
  be specified in ZEPPELIN_HOME/conf/ to configure interpreterAt the Interpreters menu, you have to create a new Pig interpreter. Pig interpreter has below properties by default.            Property        Default        Description                zeppelin.pig.execType        mapreduce        Execution mode for pig runtime. local | mapreduce | tez                 zeppelin.pig.includeJobStats        false        whether display jobStats info in %pig.script                zeppelin.pig.maxResult        1000        max row number displayed in %pig.query      Examplepig%pigraw_data = load 'dataset/sf_crime/train.csv' using PigStorage(',') as (Dates,Category,Descript,DayOfWeek,PdDistrict,Resolution,Address,X,Y);b = group raw_data all;c = foreach b generate COUNT($1);dump c;pig.query%pig.queryb = foreach raw_data generate Category;c = group b by Category;foreach c generate group as category, COUNT($1) as count;Data is shared between %pig an
 d %pig.query, so that you can do some common work in %pig, and do different kinds of query based on the data of %pig.",
+      "content"  : "Pig Interpreter for Apache ZeppelinOverviewApache Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled with infrastructure for evaluating these programs. The salient property of Pig programs is that their structure is amenable to substantial parallelization, which in turns enables them to handle very large data sets.Supported interpreter type%pig.script (default)All the pig script can run in this type of interpreter, and display type is plain text.%pig.queryAlmost the same as %pig.script. The only difference is that you don't need to add alias in the last statement. And the display type is table.   Supported runtime modeLocalMapReduceTez_Local (Only Tez 0.7 is supported)Tez  (Only Tez 0.7 is supported)How to useHow to setup PigLocal ModeNothing needs to be done for local modeMapReduce ModeHADOOP_CONF_DIR needs to be specified in ZEPPELIN_HOME/conf/ Local Mo
 deNothing needs to be done for tez local modeTez ModeHADOOP_CONF_DIR and TEZ_CONF_DIR needs to be specified in ZEPPELIN_HOME/conf/ to configure interpreterAt the Interpreters menu, you have to create a new Pig interpreter. Pig interpreter has below properties by default.            Property        Default        Description                zeppelin.pig.execType        mapreduce        Execution mode for pig runtime. local | mapreduce | tez_local | tez                 zeppelin.pig.includeJobStats        false        whether display jobStats info in %pig.script                zeppelin.pig.maxResult        1000        max row number displayed in %pig.query      Examplepig%pigraw_data = load 'dataset/sf_crime/train.csv' using PigStorage(',') as (Dates,Category,Descript,DayOfWeek,PdDistrict,Resolution,Address,X,Y);b = group raw_data all;c = foreach b generate COUNT($1);dump c;pig.query%pig.queryb = foreach raw_data generate Category;c = g
 roup b by Category;foreach c generate group as category, COUNT($1) as count;Data is shared between %pig and %pig.query, so that you can do some common work in %pig, and do different kinds of query based on the data of %pig. Besides, we recommend you to specify alias explicitly so that the visualization can display the column name correctly. Here, we name COUNT($1) as count, if you don't do this,then we will name it using position, here we will use col_1 to represent COUNT($1) if you don't specify alias for it. There's one pig tutorial note in zeppelin for your reference.",
       "url": " /interpreter/pig.html",
       "group": "manual",
       "excerpt": "Apache Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled with infrastructure for evaluating these programs."
@@ -545,7 +556,7 @@
     "/manual/userimpersonation.html": {
       "title": "Run zeppelin interpreter process as web front end user",
-      "content"  : "<!--Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.-->Run zeppelin interpreter process as web front end userEnable shiro auth in shiro.ini[users]user1 = password1, role1user2 = password2, role2Enable password-less ssh for the user you want to impersonate (say user1).adduser user1#ssh-keygen (optional if you don't already have generated ssh-key.ssh user1@localhost mkdir -p .sshcat ~/.ssh/ | ssh user1@localhost 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys&#39
 ;Alternatively instead of password-less, user can override ZEPPELINIMPERSONATECMD in zeppelin-env.shexport ZEPPELIN_IMPERSONATE_CMD='sudo -H -u ${ZEPPELIN_IMPERSONATE_USER} bash -c 'Start zeppelin server.            Screenshot                                        Go to interpreter setting page, and enable "User Impersonate" in any of the interpreter (in my example its shell interpreter)Test with a simple paragraph%shwhoami",
+      "content"  : "<!--Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.-->Run zeppelin interpreter process as web front end userEnable shiro auth in shiro.ini[users]user1 = password1, role1user2 = password2, role2Enable password-less ssh for the user you want to impersonate (say user1).adduser user1#ssh-keygen (optional if you don't already have generated ssh-key.ssh user1@localhost mkdir -p .sshcat ~/.ssh/ | ssh user1@localhost 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys&#39
 ;Alternatively instead of password-less, user can override ZEPPELINIMPERSONATECMD in zeppelin-env.shexport ZEPPELIN_IMPERSONATE_CMD='sudo -H -u ${ZEPPELIN_IMPERSONATE_USER} bash -c 'Start zeppelin server.            Screenshot                                    Go to interpreter setting page, and enable "User Impersonate" in any of the interpreter (in my example its shell interpreter)Test with a simple paragraph%shwhoamiNote that usage of "User Impersonate" option will enable Spark interpreter to use --proxy-user option with current user by default. If you want to disable --proxy-user option, then refer to ZEPPELIN_IMPERSONATE_SPARK_PROXY_USER variable in conf/",
       "url": " /manual/userimpersonation.html",
       "group": "manual",
       "excerpt": "Set up zeppelin interpreter process as web front end user."
@@ -610,6 +621,17 @@
+    "/rest-api/rest-helium.html": {
+      "title": "Apache Zeppelin Helium REST API",
+      "content"  : "<!--Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.-->Apache Zeppelin Helium REST APIOverviewApache Zeppelin provides several REST APIs for interaction and remote activation of zeppelin functionality.All REST APIs are available starting with the following endpoint http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api. Note that Apache Zeppelin REST APIs receive or return JSON objects, it is recommended for you to install some JSON viewers such as JSONView.If you work with Apache Zeppelin and f
 ind a need for an additional REST API, please file an issue or send us an email.Helium REST API ListList of all available helium packages              Description      This GET method returns all the available helium packages in configured registries.              URL      http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/helium/all              Success code      200              Fail code       500               Sample JSON response              {  "status": "OK",  "message": "",  "body": {    "zeppelin.clock": [      {        "registry": "local",        "pkg": {          "type": "APPLICATION",          "name": "zeppelin.clock",          "description": "Clock (example)",          "artifact": "ze
 ppelin-examples/zeppelin-example-clock/target/zeppelin-example-clock-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar",          "className": "",          "resources": [            [              ":java.util.Date"            ]          ],          "icon": "icon"        },        "enabled": false      }    ],    "zeppelin-bubblechart": [      {        "registry": "local",        "pkg": {          "type": "VISUALIZATION",          "name": "zeppelin-bubblechart",          "description": "Animated bubble chart",          "artifact": "./../helium/zeppelin-bubble",          "icon": "icon"        
 },        "enabled": true      },      {        "registry": "local",        "pkg": {          "type": "VISUALIZATION",          "name": "zeppelin-bubblechart",          "description": "Animated bubble chart",          "artifact": "zeppelin-bubblechart@0.0.2",          "icon": "icon"        },        "enabled": false      }    ],    "zeppelinhorizontalbar": [      {        "registry": "local",        "pkg": {          "type": "VISUALIZATION",          "name": "zeppelinhorizontalbar",          "description": "Horizontal Bar chart (example)",  
         "artifact": "./zeppelin-examples/zeppelin-example-horizontalbar",          "icon": "icon"        },        "enabled": true      }    ]  }}                    Suggest Helium application              Description      This GET method returns suggested helium application for the paragraph.              URL      http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/helium/suggest/[Note ID]/[Paragraph ID]              Success code      200              Fail code              404 on note or paragraph not exists         500                    Sample JSON response              {  "status": "OK",  "message": "",  "body": {    "available": [      {        "registry": "local",        "pkg": {          "type": "APPLICATION
 ",          "name": "zeppelin.clock",          "description": "Clock (example)",          "artifact": "zeppelin-examples/zeppelin-example-clock/target/zeppelin-example-clock-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar",          "className": "",          "resources": [            [              ":java.util.Date"            ]          ],          "icon": "icon"        },        "enabled": true      }    ]  }}                    Load helium Application on a paragraph              Description      This GET method returns a helium Application id on success.              URL      http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/helium/load/[Note ID]/[Paragraph ID]              Success code      200              Fail code               
  404 on note or paragraph not exists           500 for any other errors                    Sample JSON response              {  "status": "OK",  "message": "",  "body": "app2C5FYRZ1E-20170108-0404492068241472zeppelin_clock"}                    Load bundled visualization script              Description      This GET method returns bundled helium visualization javascript. When refresh=true (optional) is provided, Zeppelin rebuild bundle. otherwise, provided from cache              URL      http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/helium/visualizations/load[?refresh=true]              Success code      200 reponse body is executable javascript              Fail code                200 reponse body is error message string starts with ERROR:            Enable package              Description      This POST method enables a helium package. Needs artifact name in input payload   
            URL      http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/helium/enable/[Package Name]              Success code      200              Fail code       500               Sample input              zeppelin-examples/zeppelin-example-clock/target/zeppelin-example-clock-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar                            Sample JSON response              {"status":"OK"}                    Disable package              Description      This POST method disables a helium package.              URL      http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/helium/disable/[Package Name]              Success code      200               Fail code       500               Sample JSON response              {"status":"OK"}            Get visualization display order              Description      This GET method returns display order of enabled visualization packages.              URL      http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/heli
 um/visualizationOrder              Success code      200               Fail code       500               Sample JSON response              {"status":"OK","body":["zeppelin_horizontalbar","zeppelin-bubblechart"]}            Set visualization display order              Description      This POST method sets visualization packages display order.              URL      http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/helium/visualizationOrder              Success code      200               Fail code       500               Sample JSON input              ["zeppelin-bubblechart", "zeppelin_horizontalbar"]                    Sample JSON response              {"status":"OK"}            ",
+      "url": " /rest-api/rest-helium.html",
+      "group": "rest-api",
+      "excerpt": "This page contains Apache Zeppelin Helium REST API information."
+    }
+    ,
     "/rest-api/rest-interpreter.html": {
       "title": "Apache Zeppelin Interpreter REST API",

[... 20 lines stripped ...]
Modified: zeppelin/site/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/security/authentication.html
--- zeppelin/site/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/security/authentication.html (original)
+++ zeppelin/site/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/security/authentication.html Sat Jan 14 18:40:57 2017
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-api/rest-notebook.html">Notebook API</a></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-api/rest-configuration.html">Configuration API</a></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-api/rest-credential.html">Credential API</a></li>
+                <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-api/rest-helium.html">Helium API</a></li>
                 <li role="separator" class="divider"></li>
                 <li class="title"><span><b>Security</b><span></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/security/shiroauthentication.html">Shiro Authentication</a></li>                
@@ -165,7 +166,8 @@
                 <li role="separator" class="divider"></li>
                 <li class="title"><span><b>Contibute</b><span></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/writingzeppelininterpreter.html">Writing Zeppelin Interpreter</a></li>
-                <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/writingzeppelinapplication.html">Writing Zeppelin Application (Experimental)</a></li>                
+                <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/writingzeppelinvisualization.html">Writing Zeppelin Visualization (Experimental)</a></li>
+                <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/writingzeppelinapplication.html">Writing Zeppelin Application (Experimental)</a></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/howtocontribute.html">How to contribute (code)</a></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/howtocontributewebsite.html">How to contribute (website)</a></li>

Modified: zeppelin/site/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/security/datasource_authorization.html
--- zeppelin/site/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/security/datasource_authorization.html (original)
+++ zeppelin/site/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/security/datasource_authorization.html Sat Jan 14 18:40:57 2017
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-api/rest-notebook.html">Notebook API</a></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-api/rest-configuration.html">Configuration API</a></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-api/rest-credential.html">Credential API</a></li>
+                <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-api/rest-helium.html">Helium API</a></li>
                 <li role="separator" class="divider"></li>
                 <li class="title"><span><b>Security</b><span></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/security/shiroauthentication.html">Shiro Authentication</a></li>                
@@ -165,7 +166,8 @@
                 <li role="separator" class="divider"></li>
                 <li class="title"><span><b>Contibute</b><span></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/writingzeppelininterpreter.html">Writing Zeppelin Interpreter</a></li>
-                <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/writingzeppelinapplication.html">Writing Zeppelin Application (Experimental)</a></li>                
+                <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/writingzeppelinvisualization.html">Writing Zeppelin Visualization (Experimental)</a></li>
+                <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/writingzeppelinapplication.html">Writing Zeppelin Application (Experimental)</a></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/howtocontribute.html">How to contribute (code)</a></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/howtocontributewebsite.html">How to contribute (website)</a></li>

Modified: zeppelin/site/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/security/notebook_authorization.html
--- zeppelin/site/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/security/notebook_authorization.html (original)
+++ zeppelin/site/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/security/notebook_authorization.html Sat Jan 14 18:40:57 2017
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-api/rest-notebook.html">Notebook API</a></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-api/rest-configuration.html">Configuration API</a></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-api/rest-credential.html">Credential API</a></li>
+                <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-api/rest-helium.html">Helium API</a></li>
                 <li role="separator" class="divider"></li>
                 <li class="title"><span><b>Security</b><span></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/security/shiroauthentication.html">Shiro Authentication</a></li>                
@@ -165,7 +166,8 @@
                 <li role="separator" class="divider"></li>
                 <li class="title"><span><b>Contibute</b><span></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/writingzeppelininterpreter.html">Writing Zeppelin Interpreter</a></li>
-                <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/writingzeppelinapplication.html">Writing Zeppelin Application (Experimental)</a></li>                
+                <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/writingzeppelinvisualization.html">Writing Zeppelin Visualization (Experimental)</a></li>
+                <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/writingzeppelinapplication.html">Writing Zeppelin Application (Experimental)</a></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/howtocontribute.html">How to contribute (code)</a></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/howtocontributewebsite.html">How to contribute (website)</a></li>

Modified: zeppelin/site/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/security/shiroauthentication.html
--- zeppelin/site/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/security/shiroauthentication.html (original)
+++ zeppelin/site/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/security/shiroauthentication.html Sat Jan 14 18:40:57 2017
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-api/rest-notebook.html">Notebook API</a></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-api/rest-configuration.html">Configuration API</a></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-api/rest-credential.html">Credential API</a></li>
+                <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-api/rest-helium.html">Helium API</a></li>
                 <li role="separator" class="divider"></li>
                 <li class="title"><span><b>Security</b><span></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/security/shiroauthentication.html">Shiro Authentication</a></li>                
@@ -165,7 +166,8 @@
                 <li role="separator" class="divider"></li>
                 <li class="title"><span><b>Contibute</b><span></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/writingzeppelininterpreter.html">Writing Zeppelin Interpreter</a></li>
-                <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/writingzeppelinapplication.html">Writing Zeppelin Application (Experimental)</a></li>                
+                <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/writingzeppelinvisualization.html">Writing Zeppelin Visualization (Experimental)</a></li>
+                <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/writingzeppelinapplication.html">Writing Zeppelin Application (Experimental)</a></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/howtocontribute.html">How to contribute (code)</a></li>
                 <li><a href="/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/development/howtocontributewebsite.html">How to contribute (website)</a></li>

Modified: zeppelin/site/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/sitemap.txt
--- zeppelin/site/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/sitemap.txt (original)
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