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Posted to by Apache Hudson Server <> on 2011/01/04 01:59:46 UTC

Build failed in Hudson: Tuscany-2x-deploy » Apache Tuscany SCA Implementation Project (2.x) #38

See <$tuscany-sca/38/>

<===[HUDSON REMOTING CAPACITY]===>channel started
   Executing Maven:  -B -f <$tuscany-sca/ws/pom.xml> clean deploy -Phudson-deploy -DbuildZips=true -DskipTests=true
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Reactor build order: 
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Implementation Project (2.x)
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Implementation Modules
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Monitor
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Extensibility
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Assembly Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Assembly Model XSD Files
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Common XML
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA API
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Common Java
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Contribution Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA XSD Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Assembly XML Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Atom Feed Binding Extension
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Core SPI
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA WSDL Interface Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Interface Java Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Core Runtime
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Web JavaScript
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Atom Feed Binding JavaScript using Dojo
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Data API
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA DataBinding Framework
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Common HTTP
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA HTTP Servlet Host Extension Point
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Node API
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA DataBinding for JAXB
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Model Builders
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Deployment
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Binding SCA Runtime
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Interface Java For JAXWS
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Core/DataBinding Integration
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA WS Binding Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Implementation Java Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Implementation Java Runtime
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Web Service binding WSDL Generator
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Node Implementation
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Jetty Servlet Host Extension
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Abdera Atom Feed Binding Extension
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Comet Binding Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Core Runtime POM
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA JAXWS-based WS Binding Extension
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA JAXWS RI based WS Binding Extension
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Client Impl
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Domain Node
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Web Implementation Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Webapp Host
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Web Implementation Runtime
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Launcher
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Shell
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Apache Wink JAX-RS Integration
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Policy Security Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA CORBA Host Extension Point
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA CORBA Binding Extension
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA EJB Binding Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA HTTP Binding Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA JMS Binding Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA JSONP Binding Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA JSON-RPC Binding Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA REST Binding Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA RMI Binding Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA BPEL Implementation Extension
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA JAX-RS Implementation Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Python Implementation Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Script Implementation Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Spring Implementation Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Widget Implementation Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Base Runtime POM
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Comet Binding Runtime
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA EJB Binding Runtime
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Data Binding for JSON
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA HTTP Binding Runtime
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA JMS Binding Runtime
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA JSONP Binding Runtime
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA JSON-RPC Binding JavaScript using Dojo
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA JSON-RPC Binding Runtime
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA REST Feed Binding JavaScript using Dojo
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Interface Java For JAX_RS
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA REST Binding Runtime
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA RMI Host Extension Point
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA RMI Binding Extension
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Data Binding for Axiom
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Data Binding for JAXB-AXIOM
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Axis2-1.5-based WS Binding Runtime
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Resource Import/Export Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Data Binding for SDO
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Data Binding for SDO/AXIOM
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA EndPoint Registry using Hazelcast
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Tomcat Tribes Based EndPoint Registry
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Extensibility for Eclipse Equinox
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA BPEL ODE Implementation Extension
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA JAX-RS Implementation Runtime
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Python Implementation Extension
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Script Implementation Extension
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Spring Implementation Runtime Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Spring Implementation WebApp Integration
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Spring Implementation Runtime Stub
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Spring Implementation Runtime Tie
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Web Implementation Client
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Widget Implementation Runtime
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Web JavaScript for DOJO
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Widget Implementation Runtime (Dojo)
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA MyFaces JSF Integration
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Node Launcher
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Node Equinox OSGi Launcher
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Policy WS-Policy Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Extension Policy Logging Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Transaction Policy Model
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Transaction Policy Runtime
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Transaction Policy Runtime (Geronimo)
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Stripes Web Framework Integration
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA AOP-based Logging and Tracing
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Contribution OSGi Bundle
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA OSGi Implementation Extension
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA OSGi Implementation Extension Runtime
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA OSGi Node Implementation
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA JSE built-in CORBA Host
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA JEE environment CORBA Host
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA CORBA Binding Runtime
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Transient Name Server CORBA Host
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Base Runtime Jar
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA OSGi Runtime POM
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Samples
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Getting Started Sample Contributions
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Samples - Getting Started - helloworld-contribution
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample include Composite Contribution
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample Callback API Contribution
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample SCA Scopes Contribution
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample Helloworld
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Learning More Sample Contributions
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample binding.jms
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample binding.jms HelloWorld WebApp
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample binding.rmi
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample binding.rmi Calculator Reference Contribution
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample binding.rmi Calculator Service Contribution
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample Calculator Contribution
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample Calculator Contribution
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample binding.jsonrpc
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample binding.jsonrpc Calculator Contribution
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample binding.jsonrpc Calculator WebApp
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Implementation BPEL Samples
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample implementation.bpel HelloWorld Contribution
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample implementation.bpel Helloworld WebApp
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Implementation Composite Samples
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample implementation.composite Helloworld Contribution
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample implemenation.composite Helloworld WS Contribution
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample Calculator Contribution
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample implementation.script
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample implementation.script Calculator Contribution
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Implementation Spring Samples
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample implemenation.spring HelloWorld Contribution
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample implementation.spring Helloworld WebApp
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Distributed OSGI Statically Configured Samples
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample OSGi Remote Services Calculator
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample OSGi Remote Services Calculator Operations
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample Web Applications
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample implemenation.web Helloworld JAX-RS WebApp
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample implemenation.web Helloworld Javascript Client WebApp
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample implemenation.web Helloworld JSF WebApp
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample implementation.web Helloworld Servlet WebApp
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample implementation.web Helloworld Stripes WebApp
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Distributed OSGI Samples
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample OSGi Remote Services Dynamic Calculator
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample OSGi Remote Services Dynamic Calculator Operations
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA SCAClient Samples
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample SCA Client Helloworld
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample SCA Client Calculator
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Samples for Synchronous/Asynchronous invocation
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample Calculator Async Contribution
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Running Tuscany Samples
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample Launcher Embedded JSE
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample Launcher Embedded OSGi
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample Maven OSGI JUnit Calculator OSGi
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample Maven OSGi JUnit Calculator REST OSGi
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Maven OSGI Junit plugin Samples
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample Maven Junit
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample Maven JUnit Calculator Contribution
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample Launcher Shell
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany Sample Applications
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample Logging Scribe
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample Getting Started Online Store
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample Getting Started Online Store as WebApp
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Extending Tuscany Samples
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample Binding Extension
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA Sample Implementation Extension
[INFO]   Apache Tuscany SCA All-in-one Distribution
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Apache Tuscany SCA Implementation Project (2.x)
[INFO]    task-segment: [clean, deploy]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [clean:clean {execution: default-clean}]
[INFO] Deleting <$tuscany-sca/ws/target>
[INFO] [enforcer:enforce {execution: enforce-plugin-versions}]
[INFO] Setting property: classpath.resource.loader.class => 'org.codehaus.plexus.velocity.ContextClassLoaderResourceLoader'.
[INFO] Setting property: velocimacro.messages.on => 'false'.
[INFO] Setting property: resource.loader => 'classpath'.
[INFO] Setting property: resource.manager.logwhenfound => 'false'.
[INFO] [remote-resources:process {execution: default}]
[INFO] [site:attach-descriptor {execution: default-attach-descriptor}]
[INFO] [install:install {execution: default-install}]
[INFO] Installing <$tuscany-sca/ws/pom.xml> to /home/hudson/.m2/repository/org/apache/tuscany/sca/tuscany-sca/2.0-SNAPSHOT/tuscany-sca-2.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] [deploy:deploy {execution: default-deploy}]
[INFO] Retrieving previous build number from apache.snapshots.https
[HUDSON] Archiving disabled - not archiving <$tuscany-sca/ws/pom.xml>
[HUDSON] Archiving disabled - not archiving /home/hudson/.m2/repository/org/apache/tuscany/sca/tuscany-sca/2.0-SNAPSHOT/tuscany-sca-2.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Error deploying artifact: Failed to transfer file: Return code is: 502

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 30 minutes 28 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Mon Jan 03 16:59:45 PST 2011
[INFO] Final Memory: 38M/693M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hudson build is back to normal : Tuscany-2x-deploy » Apache Tuscany SCA Implementation Project (2.x) #39

Posted by Apache Hudson Server <>.
See <$tuscany-sca/39/>